
Thriller house in Plainville gets ready for Halloween night

Dancers will be performing every 10 minutes from 5:30 pm - 8 pm tonight. Be sure to bring a non-perishable food item! For more Local News from WFSB: For more YouTube Content:


1 year ago

foreign much good all right from the amazing decorations to the perfect dance one house in Plainfield has everything you need for Halloween fun today yeah Marcy Jones is live on metacomet road to show us more good morning Marcy how's that little kitty cat doing oh I'm doing so fabulous I'm making a lot of friends and it's easy to when you are standing in the most decorated spot in Plainville for sure maybe even Connecticut possibly even the world what do we think Chris I think so yeah I definite
ly think so all right I am here with the woman of the house Jen I couldn't even get out I'm so excited all right Jen your husband is over there we're not going to show them yet your husband is over there directing everything as per usual now for anybody who's never been here before people are calling ask me where is the address we got to tell them we are located on 62 metacomet Road in Plainville okay and everybody's welcome to come you should bring a little food to donate to the Community Food
Pantry that they come every year this is amazing over the last couple years you guys have donated how much food oh my gosh over 5 000 pounds of food that is wild and people were just donating even whole turkeys last year so please if you come bring some food for this wonderful organization bring a turkey we'll take it anything I love it I'm here with Chris as well from the WYCA she you are insured you got a big job Chris we've got 17 dancers doing the Thriller out here every 10 minutes every 10
minutes from 5 30 to 8 20. wow and you said you know when it's dark and the strobe lights are coming down there's fog I mean there's probably just nothing like it it's it's amazing to see them all against the spotlights and you know the laser beams it's just it's just thrilling starts at five it's thrilling I love it no pun intended okay I'm gonna move down here because I'm sure you're wondering what is it like to live across the street from a house like this well you know they call us eyewitnes
s news for a reason we've got our eyewitnesses right here this is Lou and Nancy the neighbors good morning good morning so what is it like living next to the booty oh it's a lot of fun yeah now I've heard that you guys have kind of gotten in on the action let's show Nancy and Lou's front yard so how did this all start well actually I think it was a year before the pandemic Dan asked if they could put some decorations in our yard we said by all means absolutely right the more the merrier we've go
t kind of a pirate theme going on when you have trick-or-treaters come up and see what's going on did they just get such a kick out of it they really do oh my goodness and it's you know it's a really good clean family fun event I mean some of these things in the yard aren't so clean have you seen the the baby butcher over oh yeah yeah it's a little scary anything that's like really like surprised you over the years how much stuff they keep get bringing out really how big is their basement my goo
dness we got somebody barbecuing rats behind you too well thanks so much okay I'm heading on over we've got uh Dr butcher this morning hello we've got we've powered up the fog machine haven't we we're trying to yes yes okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna join you in in the graveyard right now um oh oh I'm just ruined your fence now each year you add another surprise right we're trying to every year okay well yeah I know it's a big job so I think um we have some other surprises over in this area right we
do we have I'm nervous you're making me nervous I don't wanna it's right behind you oh okay okay okay well this year before the Thriller dancers start this year yeah do we have a special show yeah the Undertaker comes out on a cart rolled out by his Druids okay uh so he he we have a druid and Undertaker over here we have uh Undertaker here and the guy who actually started the whole and the guy who started it all am I allowed to speak to the Undertaker Dylan or no um normally the Undertaker is v
ery quiet oh so you don't talk to the Undertaker The Undertaker talks to you the way that normally The Undertaker has someone talking for him I see that the Undertaker is a Yankees fan tough one right am I right yeah all right so Dylan this is your parents house right yes this is what is it like living here um you know I'm pretty used to it normally everyone asks me how do you live in this house because it's all packed in my basement and right did anybody ever go down to the basement during off
season yeah you know me and my buddies we hang out down there oh my God you know this is like hanging out at a biker bar my gosh look at this smoke yeah so I I basically started the whole Undertaker thing oh nice um it has the Undertaker is my I don't know childhood inspiration wow lots of kids looking up to Mickey and Minnie not you you're looking to metacomet Road come see the Undertaker see the Undertaker this guy right here this is our cue to go Marcia I think I'm gonna have to issue a dense
fog advisory unbelievable I love it I love it there's the Thriller house just one more reminder the bougie house is that 62 metacomet Road in Plainville the dances will be performing every 10 minutes from 5 30 to 8 P.M yeah and please make sure you bring it on perishable food item to donate to the food pantry that's 5 000 pounds of food so incredible
