
Tier List: Best Language Learning Techniques (more than 20) 👩‍💻🔥

Master a new language fast! Discover the BEST & WORST language learning techniques in this video (in my opinion, of course - feel free to agree or disagree👩‍💻🥰) I'm ranking the most effective methods (immersion, spaced repetition and practice) to the biggest time wasters (maybe apps, too much grammar, you'll find out). What are your favourite language learning methods? And which ones do you dislike? Let me know below ✍🏻 ________________________________________ INSTAGRAM: @englishlemonizi BUSINESS ENQUIRIES: ______________________________________ MY COURSE ABOUT ENGLISH FOUNDATIONS : Learn English with the British Council*: My amazon storefront (all my faves are here)*: ELSA SPEAK discount* (-85% on a lifetime membership or -40% on a one-year membership): ______________________________________ WHO AM I: Hi! I'm Paulina, I'm 26 - I'm a CELTA qualified English Teacher. I am Polish and Italian. My hobbies include education and being an eternal learner and student, listening to metal and rock music and my aim is to become a better adult 💓 Based in Rome, Italy. ______________________________________ This video is NOT sponsored. *Links are affiliate (I only recommend products I genuinely like and use, as you can see on my profiles).


4 days ago

So what are the best and the worst ways to learn  English? let's dive right into it format of the tier list is one of my favourite here on YouTube  because basically you have different sections different tiers so it's a ranking I have selected  some of the most common and the most frequent ways to learn English and languages in general and  I'm going to rank them so I'm going to put them in a specific order according to what I think is  useful or not and this is of course based on my personal ex
perience this is subjective you can of  course disagree with this absolutely but this is something which is really fun to do honestly - so  basically at the top we have essential so in my opinion what's going to be here is super super  important it's a very important feature of the language learning process then we have very  useful so again very important good for our English experience good all right it's okay not  too bad so it's something that can help in some way useless so things that we t
hink give us any  kind of advantage or help us but in my opinion not really so let's start with literature this one in  my opinion depends a lot on the period like what type of literature we're talking about if we're  talking about Old English or we're talking about for example Shakespeare or we're talking about  Romantics so considering what type of learner you are it can be also very challenging this would  probably be better to deepen your knowledge or to find some very specific features of t
he language  and learn more about the culture and the history but yeah I would probably put literature and  poems in good because for the language learning experience per se I would probably use different  materials and this would probably be like more advanced already but literature is beautiful  it's so so beautiful watching TV shows or movies I would love to - let's put it for now to very  useful in my opinion getting this type of input is so so great you have variety different  accents diffe
rent people talking different also paces because people speak in a different  way and you can get different topics and ah, so many possibilities so many possibilities I'm  quite torn between essential and very useful but let's continue and let's see but yeah watching TV  shows again it's not something I would recommend for beginners I would probably recommend this to  people who are in an intermediate kind of level talking with a teacher or a native speaker or  having some kind of 1:1 conversati
on this one honestly I would put it in essential and not  because of the teaching part but because of the exchange part of the dialogue when you speak  with somebody who can give you feedback that's so precious and this happened to me also with Polish  when I moved to Poland I spoke with a friend and she always checked my mistakes she said oh this  is not the way you say it you should say it in another way you should say it like this and not  like that and that was really helpful because I was g
etting constant feedback you have the  opportunity of speaking with somebody and you have to think about what you're going to say  you have to understand the other speaker so it's a very important part of language learning in  general and that's probably the main reason why we learn language - to communicate with another  person. Ha, moving to another country I would say this is very useful I wouldn't say it's necessary  like essential because fun fact I've never been to an English-speaking coun
try before but at the same  time I think that if you move to a country you are kind of I don't want to say forced but you have  probably stronger motivation and motivation is number one when it comes to learning a language  when you are in a specific place where you need to function you need to be a functioning adult  a functioning person even teenagers or children they need to understand the language even to go  grocery shopping or to deal with documents if you move for real like seriously to a
country in my  opinion it's very very useful and sometimes I wish I could go to an English- speaking country, the  environment, the fact that you are surrounded by the language and in everyday conversation in some  kind of way you get in touch with the language my opinion it's super useful not necessary because  you don't have to you can thanks to the Internet thanks to social media you can get at an extremely  good level you can do so so much with the just the internet so I wouldn't say it's e
ssential but  it's very very very useful at least if you do not isolate if you decide to stay home never  get out just being inside your room for the whole period that's another story that doesn't  even make any sense but I'm talking about a person who is functioning outside their house and  probably has to find a job goes to work etc etc travelling here I would also say that for English  is actually very useful and I'm not saying that English is useful for travelling but travelling  is also use
ful for English and the reason why I say this is because when you start travelling to  communicate with others you definitely need some kind of means some kind of language which could  be a universal one and speaking Italian you can travel in Italy and you can travel maybe to uh  different countries where there could be some tourists there could be some immigrants but if  you travel in general English is so so safe to know chances are that people know something  of English and a lot of my studen
ts say that they want to learn English because of travelling  because they can speak with others they can speak at the airport they can speak with different  people they can speak in the country which they visit so travelling is a good way to actually  practice what you learn it's a good way to also be motivated the next one is listening to podcast in  English again very useful especially if you want to practice the listening skill when you listen  to podcasts it's a lot of spoken language it's
a lot of listening and usually they are not 10  minutes 5 minutes podcasts can be 40 minutes 1 hour an hour and a half 2 hours a lot you get a  ton of listening you can do your house chores you can maybe relax and watch a podcast or listen to  a podcast and do something I would say that this is so good I would say that podcasts are a great  tool and we have reading blogs and Reddit so with reading it's quite interesting and I put blogs  and Reddit and not specific books because with blogs and Re
ddit you get a more realistic language  you don't get the academic language you don't get the Standard English you actually get also the  slang you get people who make mistakes you see how people really write and I would put this also  in very useful and I don't want to say essential but some resources are like demonised because  people say oh you can read from a book you can read from an official page a serious article but  sometimes reading something which is written by not an expert writer a
normal person a normal  person who just wants to share an opinion or ask for a question or start a discussion you see  the real language and once again language is to communicate is for communication so we also need  to understand some things that characterise the English language even if it's not absolutely  correct 100% listening to music uh I could say in my opinion this could actually go into  essential and the reason why I say so maybe I mean I'm probably biased because I love music if  I t
hink about my experience with English music was essential because with music you have the  element of repetition it's something which if you listen to a song you love you love that kind  of activity you don't feel stressed you don't feel like it's a chore don't feel overwhelmed because  it's a moment of peace of relax you can feel at ease and if you read the lyrics and learn maybe  by heart the lyrics and then you sing the song you practice the language you practice idioms  because a lot of idio
ms I have learned when I was a teenager it was thanks to songs you can  practice different sentence expressions phrasal verbs you can practice also slang which again part  of the language in my opinion songs have such a big variety and the possibility of improving your  English with songs in my opinion is huge you have to find the right method you have to find what  suits you what you find best for your personal taste and style of learning but for me music  was essential like my English skyrocke
ted when I started to listen to songs learn them by heart and  also reading the lyrics at the same time learning apps I'm currently trying Elsa and for example  it's very nice I've tried also Drops and that's also quite nice but for my personal experience I  can never stick to it like I can't be very very consistent with it I don't know why I struggle  with consistency with apps because it's easy to to practise but it's also easy to say I'll  do it tomorrow because it's 10 minutes so I'll do it
tomorrow I'll do 20 and then the day after  I'll do 30 and then you just feel so overwhelmed and you don't do it anymore at least that's my  situation and I don't know they're useful and I have learned many Korean words I have practiced  French a lot I keep practising my English I get some ideas also for my teaching session I can't  think of app which really clicked in my language learning journey in my English learning journey I  just can't say ah that was the app I have learned English with th
at so I would say good it's like a  between good and very useful it depends on the app and also on probably your style of learning course  book I probably will shock somebody but I'm going to say that to me a coursebook is essential and  this is especially if I'm talking about starter levels beginner levels also intermediate in some  cases even if sometimes course books are a bit strange some exercises are not probably the most  logical ones and sometimes we miss the practical aspect of the lang
uage learning experience  some exercises are very artificial and they don't feel realistic but at the same time they  give you an infrastructure they give you a kind of guideline and I've talked about this in one  of my videos that I've done recently about how I would learn English if I started today you  have different exercises and some are better some are worse if you were to learn a language  especially at beginner levels without that kind of guideline it would be very difficult  next one le
arning the top thousand words of a language oops I know people will hate me for  this but in my experience I have never never used this technique and whenever I tried I don't  know a thousand feels so overwhelming and usually there are prepositions there are I don't know  conjunctions and in my experience I learn these in a much easier way if I give myself context  and I still encounter these words when I look at a course book if I speak with somebody if I  listen to music I Still encounter thos
e words so no I'm a strong believer in learning from  Context if you have context putting myself through the process of learning the top thousand words  of a language I can't deal with this like I for me it's too much and I would probably never  get to doing it it and I'll probably I would love to make a challenge about this and maybe  with a different language but I can't find it like doesn't relate to my style of learning I  don't know it's it's just very difficult for me if you speak to yours
elf I believe that you are  aware I have practiced for my entire life languages this way so I just walk around the house do my  everyday stuff and in the meantime I try to speak a language and then I notice I miss some parts  I miss vocabulary I don't know how to express an opinion and that's super useful because you  see the gaps in your knowledge and then you can do some research upon it and I've done a video a  demo of me trying to use this technique speaking French it's my most viral video a
nd I was shocked  because it was me being goofy and a bit awkward but a lot of you said that's exactly what I do or  that's exactly my experience is a game changer so at least for me because I can learn so so much  through my lack of knowledge and not knowing how to express something taking a course and  getting a certificate hm I would say that this can be also very useful a certificate again is a  very strong kind of motivator and yeah you get a certificate you have to study but at the same  t
ime some people do it because of the job they want or they have to move to a different country  so maybe yes you learn the language but it's not maybe ideal and some people just study to get the  certificate so this study not only the language but also a system to pass the exam YouTube hi it's  me can I.. I kid you not to me this is essential and that's probably one of the core reasons why I  have this channel this is a great deal of how I have learned English I spent so many afternoons  so many
evenings watching tutorials listening to people and I've always enjoyed watching content  on YouTube I can't stress how important this is because it's not just the moment at school the  three hours a week of lesson that changes your perspective and your English it's the everyday  practice and this never felt stressful this never felt like something I had to do it was in my free  time it was a very pleasant moment of my everyday life and that's why probably I also have this  channel now because
I love doing this YouTube has been a great great source of inspiration also  of learning materials so for me it's essential next one we have flash cards flash cards I would  say they are good I would say good because again I have never been a big fan of flash cards and  they're definitely useful I have seen so many people using an and using flash cards to learn  for me with my English learning experience I've hardly ever used flash cards probably if I went  out to study another language I would
probably use flash cards to try they're like a lukewarm  method for me they're not the best they're not the worst for me they're like okay but yeah I  know a lot of people love flash cards and they're uh learning thanks to flash cards so I find them  valuable but maybe probably it's not my cup of tea cartoons I would say if you're a beginner I would  put it even here but in general I would say that they're very useful and the pacing is different  the style is different but they can be super supe
r helpful to learn a language so I would definitely  definitely uh try to find a cartoon which is nice and they're easier than a TV show so I put them at  the same in the same tier but here I believe that it really depends on the level so I would even say  that for a beginner cartoons are essential like I would probably say it social media again social  media you find English like even no matter how many things you see in your language I always have  something in English now I mean my social med
ia of course it's mainly in English but I find so  much content in English everywhere and uh I would I wouldn't say very useful because it really  depends on the person and how you use social media but in general you can learn a great deal  the problem is that a lot of people learn more social media kind of slang and language and also  mistakes and things that in an academic context are not okay and if that's your only source (dogs in the background)  if that's your only source of learning it ca
n be problematic because there needs to be also a  different kind of structure so for me it's a good tool it's a useful tool but it's not the  only thing you need and it also really depends on what kind of use you make of social media  always bulk studying once a week or once a month so you sit and you just study a lot in a moment  like a deep dive a deep focus moment but you do it once a week uh probably I would say not too  bad and I don't put this in useless because if you repeat this kind of
bulk studying you learn  something it's not completely useless but at the same time I believe I'm a strong believer of  learning a little bit every day and maybe you can have in your everyday learning process one day  where you focus a lot that's brilliant that would be essential to me would be very useful but here  if you only study on Mondays two hours of English every Monday it's not bad and absolutely not bad  the problem is that we lack the repetition if your goal is to become very fluent
or very good in  different skills you probably need more you need more practice or it will take you such a long time  I had this problem with French I studied once a week and I studied a lot but it was once a week so  I couldn't retain a lot of information and every week I had to revise what I did the past weeks I  couldn't like internalise the language so I would say not too bad but we can do better we can add  some smaller sessions maybe two or three or four or six times a week and that would
be brilliant  and in fact studying regularly a little bit I put it here for the reason I've just mentioned now  everyday practice super useful if you combine bulk studying maybe a deep dive a deep focus  kind of study one day and all the other days you do like 10 minutes 15 minutes half an hour  learning a hobby or a skill in English I kid you not to me this is essential I have learned how to  do makeup and how to cook and how to do nails and when you learn something through English with  Englis
h it gives you somehow control over the language and at the same time you don't focus  on the language you focus on the skill you're learning and language doesn't become goal number  one it becomes a means to learning something different and for me it was super valuable because  I was watching a tutorial of I don't know makeup brush stroke or I don't know tapping or dusting  off the excess or any kind of vocabulary related to makeup I was learning that vocabulary to  understand the practical ski
ll of doing my makeup and of course the vocabulary you get it's  quite specific but it can truly apply to so many things to so many different fields grammar I have  the section grammar I would say that grammar is not I would say good good because grammar is  important but the problem is if you consider grammar only oftentimes is considered like  the most important aspect and people neglect all that remains and that's not good in my  opinion so I would say grammar is good it's important but there
's so much more than grammar  so much more and then we have group so being in a group and speaking with a group of people  I would put it in a good and again it truly depends on the group there are too many variables  because group lessons are useful if you want to interact with different people you want variety  and the people are at your kind of level but but if you go to a group and you don't understand  anything about what they're saying how they communicate or if the group is even a group 
of friends they have their internal jokes they have their way of communicating they have  some kind of expressions they use it can even be worse because it makes us feel extremely  alienated if the environment is friendly if the language the target language is the level  we need it could even be very useful and yeah that was it I mean I know there are many more  elements that can be discussed these are the most frequent ones that I came across and I just  want to say you can share what you think
about this if you agree with me or you disagree with  me this is this is based on my experience so let me know what's your take on this and I will  see you soon with a new piece of content bye



AAH this video was so fun to make! Do you have more techniques in mind? Let me know ⬇


:O nice video. This kind of content is funny and educative.


Nice video :)) Very useful cause im starting to learn French and im not too experienced with this learning techniques


I totally agree! Maybe I've positioned watching series on "essential" 🤔 but I agree on the rest of the list. Could you do a tier list of the learning apps? I'm curious about your opinion ✨