
Tier Ranking Activism With A Teen Activist

"It's an incredible energy. It's so electric and so much fun." This video was filmed while practicing social distancing and obeying government orders. BuzzFeed encourages everyone to do the same. Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeed Oz! Jean Hinchliffe's book: GET MORE BUZZFEED AUSTRALIA: It's like BuzzFeed, but down under. We're a bit cooked, not afraid to get deep and sometimes we'll make you crack up. New videos every week!


2 years ago

people think that just sharing something is enough to make change or that they've done their bit i'm going to put that in ctr i can't deal with patronizing adults that suck hey i'm jean i'm 17 and a year 12 student and i'm also a climate activist and an organizer with school strike for climate over the past few years i've been involved in a lot of different forms of activism all mostly pushing for getting the government to change their policy and general attitudes surrounding climate change a bi
g bit of that is in this book i wrote called lead the way which is sort of a collection of stories and anecdotes and tons and tons of practical advice of pretty much all the things i wish i knew when i embarked on this activist journey today i'm going to be ranking a whole bunch of different sorts of activism based on how much i like them and by no means saying which is inherently better it's just which ones i have the most fun with so we're starting off with rallies they're one of the things i'
m most experienced with and they're just sort of such a great culmination of all these people together where you get to hear a bunch of awesome speakers and make lots of noise and totally flutter space the one thing though about it is that my feet get really tired very quickly so i think that a rally is going to go up in the atria next up marches i love them so so much the difference with the march is everyone all together going on this big walk to maybe another location or maybe you just do a b
ig loop this incredible energy and it's so electric and it's so much fun you look back and you feel like there is no end to it and you just have such an amazing feeling the entire time which i feel like a rally doesn't quite get as much though it really depends but because of that i will be putting march up in the s tier we have volunteering with your local organizations and action groups rather than breadth it's all about depth and education and raising leaders which is why volunteering with lo
cal organizations is such a great form of organizing and such a great way of making change in your community so i think because of that i'm going to put an aid here town hall meetings events where you'll have maybe politicians or whatnot meeting with a community and answering questions and having speeches and whatnot and other people within the community might be speaking or asking questions and yeah it's a great sort of community centered event i have more fun with big protesty action things um
i'm not great at sitting through long events so because of that i'm going to put it into the btr so next up we have a picket and it's where generally people will often they'll go on strike holding up banners and signs and sort of chanting about their particular cause and generally they'll be outside a significant location whether that is a company that is against their particular cause anything like that so i think they'll probably go out to because i just don't have quite as much experience wi
th this so i gotta do it to know my overall fun rating so next up we have divestment so divesting essentially is the opposite of investing and it's where people might be pushing a bank to stop investing in fossil fuels so because of that i think it yeah it's just not particularly interesting or fun but it is quite quick and surprisingly easy in my own personal experience with divestment i switched my super provider and that was so easy it took like i don't know how long my mom did it but i know
it took such an insignificant amount of time to do and everyone should do it i'm gonna put that up in b again because it's just yeah i feel like it's quite neutral there's nothing particularly either way about it okay so next we have online events which have obviously become much more frequent during covert and when people can't gather outdoors i think they're really great not just as something that's pandemic friendly but they're really awesome as a more accessible thing because a lot of people
can't physically make it to protest they're definitely a super effective form of action that has made a lot of changes it's awesome in how you can get people from not just all over a country or wherever but also globally to all partake in the one action which i think is quite cool i really love the community i feel at rallies and i love being around people and all the noise and all those sorts of bits of the process which i feel like i don't get quite as much from online events so because of th
at i am going to put it in the seat here next up we have lobbying board members which i think i'm particularly thinking about um shareholder activism which is the one i've been most involved with in this space and the way that works is you buy one single share in a company and then you go with a group to these big annual meetings they have of shareholders you're able to say your thoughts as a shareholder and put pressure on the company from the inside but i will say oh my god are those meetings
boring because of that i'm gonna put that in the detail even though it is very effective it's not for me someone else can do it someone who has patience next up we have legal action i personally haven't been involved in any legal actions but a whole bunch of my friends are in the climate space at the moment what's great about legal action is when it works it sets a precedent and it can change laws that will have massive impacts way beyond just the one particular thing they're fighting for and ye
ah i think because of that i'm going to put it in the atia arts is such a great way to get people from not just knowing about an issue but really relating it to them and letting them see it through a new lens and i think it really does impact people quite deeply because of that arts is used a lot in activism when you're um promoting an event or you make infographics or whatnot there's so many artists who make really great political content which generally gets shared loads on social media i love
the arts and when people tie it with political change i think it's awesome and it's so much fun to be part of yeah that's going to go a posting on social media i think there's a lot of activism happening online at the moment i mean of course with the black lives matter movement you have all these people who have been using their own personal social media as a means to get that change which i think is really cool it can be a really really useful tool when used well i don't know how to use social
media i'm very very bad at it that is going right to the bottom we have lobbying politicians the process of trying to push a politician to change their stance on something or maybe support a particular cause or endorse you or a particular day of action or any of those sorts of things so generally it'll involve meeting with a politician most often your local mp and yeah having a conversation with them and seeing where they stand and explaining your cause and why they should be supporting it it a
ll sounds really great in theory and it can be great but i've had so many crappy experiences i'm gonna put that in setia i can't deal with patronizing adults that suck i will say the times when it is good it is very very good sit-ins or sit-down style protests a sit-in in particular is when you go inside a location and you'll just sit there for as long as possible and occupy that space whether it's parliament house a politician's office a company location that you disagree with to get them to ch
ange their ways it's a very very direct form of action and then a sit-down is pretty similar but generally it means you'll be outside the location itself legally those are much easier to organize and you can get more people involved with i love them they're always so much fun you never know exactly what's going to happen or how things are going to go down which i love in protest it's so up in the air things are really spontaneous i think that a sit-in or a sit-down is going to go up in the s tie
r last and very much not least is the surprise protest and this often will overlap a bit within like sit in and sit down type actions in that you don't tell whoever it is that you're going to show up there or where you're going to occupy that you're going to be there they're pretty difficult to organize because you need to work with a group and make sure everyone's super well versed on what's going to happen but it's awesome again when it just happens and people are really surprised and all of a
sudden you have this protest going on and all the people who are being targeted are sort of shocked by it and don't know how to respond it could take so many turns and it is so much fun to be a part of and it's really a great energy and i feel like so many people are able to get involved in this thing that feels super tangible and real i think that's part of what i like so much about it it feels so so real as you're doing it yeah i thought it'd be more of a bell curve but um yeah just not that
much in the low down tears all sorts of activism is so much fun and it's great seeing how everyone fits in their own spaces because whilst i love the chaoticness of these sorts of marches and last-minute snap actions and surprise protests there's other people who are so effective at lobbying and talking with politicians and all that side of things so yeah it's cool seeing i think this sort of officializes to me how i feel about everything and yeah it's been great i accidentally will comment from
an official account because i might be getting into an argument suddenly yet you have a verified thing next to it
