
Tips to keep your pets looking and feeling their best


First Coast News

2 months ago

the holidays are upon us and we want our pets to be photo ready well let's talk about pet grooming with Dina beam vice president of Resort training and customer service at Pet Paradise Dina thank you so much for joining us today than you for having me wow it's our pleasure so what are some tips for keeping our pets looking their best um the number one thing is keeping them clean brushing them at home before you even go to a groomer to make sure that um you don't have matting and then also um you
know talking to your groomer about what the need for the breed is excellent okay okay so what are some of the health benefits of regularly grooming our pets a lot of people don't understand that um you know when your pet if you have a breed that needs to be trimmed or cut when you let that pet's hair get long or matted that's very painful for a pet and also um making sure that they don't have fleas or ticks because that can irritate the skin right absolutely okay so what is what's grooming diff
erent or like how is grooming different for dogs and even cats with different kind of hair or fur correct so a lot of people have this misconception that I can bathe my dog you know every day just like we do and that's one misconception that it's not true that you need to check with your your groomer regularly bathing a dog is is necessary but also depending on the breed what breeds need to be cut which breeds do not interesting okay so what type of grooming does Pet Paradise offer so we're full
service grooming we have um groomers in all of our Resorts and we offer bath um which we offer two kinds of bath an ultimate bath which is the whole spa treatment which is Bath the ear the ear cleaning Nail clipping and then we have what's called a wash and go if you just have a breed that doesn't have a lot of long hair maybe a lab we have a wash and go which is basically what it sounds like wash and dry and go that would be more for my guys they're the short hair guys yeah I have Victor J Bub
ba chunks and August aka the sandwich SI so uh some pets really don't like having their feet face or ears touched right so are there any tips for making our pets more comfortable yes and especially during the holiday season a lot of people are getting new puppies the number one recommendation is start start at home touch the paws touch the ear touch the pet and then also making that appointment for your groomer and it may just be a nail clip but getting that puppy or that pet used to getting ont
o a table and being touched everywhere that's you know starting young um is very very important well yeah I could attest to that personally because we did not do with Victor right from the start and subsequently my man does not like having his nails trimmed like he's like freaks out about it AB absolutely I mean and that's what starting young is for because when you start older they don't understand what that experience is when they go like what what are you doing to me exactly gotcha okay so if
someone is interested in learning more about pet paradise or New Day Veterinary Care where can they go they can go to pet excellent thank you so very much for joining us today thanks for having us and guys you know if you want to catch this segment again all you have to do is head our website
