
To live life you need problems

if you get everything you want the minute you want it what's the point of living??? jus jake being a wise ol' cutie From the Episode: S5E37 Box Prince I do not own the rights to adventure time or any of the characters, all of Adventure Time belongs to Cartoon Network and Pendleton Ward. Can't turn comments back on because YouTube is fucking stupid


5 years ago

*Jake trying to get a tortilla chip out of his teeth* *video game noises intensify* BMO: Get big, and the chip will fall out of your teeth Jake: Hah! Jake: You think I can stretch out of everything? You're so naive, to live life you need problems BMO: That's stupid Jake: If you get everything you want the minute you want it, what's the point of living? .0.



Jake is the classic example of ,"Take my advice, im not using it.".


“If you get everything you want the minute you want it what’s the point of living?” - A yellow magic dog in a tree-house playing videogames


“If you get everything you want the minute you want it what’s the point of living?” Senior quote


There’s so many times in this show where I see Finn and Jake get into trouble and I always wonder why Jake couldn’t just stretch his way out of situations, but after seeing this I can see why


another moment of adventure time philosophy!!!!!


An important lesson, but a poor example.


this is why the show good


A lot of people say that Jake's a pessimist, but he's honestly more of a realist.


“If you get everything at the minute you want then what’s the point of living” “o o” O


adventure time has wisdom but only for those who stick through it


He's spitting facts though. The key to being happy is always making progress


"That's Stupid!" 😂😂 I love bmo


"Being bad at something is the first step to being pretty good at it"


Adventure Time just got seriously real here 😳


0:09 is nobody going to talk about how the controller’s cord just kinda... cuts off?


He right. I got almost everything in GTA online now and because of that, the game is kinda boring to play because there hardly any goal to score anymore.


Finn and Jake are the perfect example of the difference between maturity and wisdom. Finn lacks meaningful experience, but is quick to identify and seek to solve problems while Jake somehow seems to be bursting with meaningful experience, but lacks the drive to implement it


I like how real Adventure Time can get, like in this scene, where Jake shares some wisdom, but like in reality, we not always follow our own advice


Well people would try and Argue with Jake with this fact by saying “Problems can ruin your Life and Make you depressed, Problems are not needed and they are just nuisances” but that not what Jake saying at all. Jake is basically saying you need Obstacles or Hurdles, Not a Wall that stop your progress. If Human live without Failure or even the potential of Failure, Then we would not progress anymore.If no one got bored, then there would be no Video Games or TV. If no one was Hungry for Food, then there would be no Burger or Drinks. If no one had Flaws, then how would you be you or be different from the person next to you? Yeah Life with no Problems may be a Paradise but We wouldn’t be able to grow or learn and that Basically would be It. We would all probably be outside with no clothes on, being happy, and just talking to each other for the rest of our life. Without Problems, Life would just be Blank. You wouldn’t know what Living really means


"You need to clean your room" "But mom if I clean my room now it's going to get messy again after a week" "After a week it's going to get even worse, lazy dipsh*t"