
Tonight Show Trivia Night: Kamala Harris, Beyoncé "TEXAS HOLD 'EM" TikTok Dance | The Tonight Show

Jimmy answers trivia questions about the height of the Eiffel Tower and shrinkflation. The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Stream now on Peacock: Subscribe NOW to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: Watch The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 11:35ET/10:35c Get more The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: JIMMY FALLON ON SOCIAL Follow Jimmy: Like Jimmy: Follow Jimmy: Follow Jimmy on TikTok: THE TONIGHT SHOW ON SOCIAL Follow The Tonight Show: Like The Tonight Show: Follow The Tonight Show: The Tonight Show TikTok: Tonight Show Tumblr: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon features hilarious highlights from the show, including comedy sketches, music parodies, celebrity interviews, ridiculous games, and, of course, Jimmy's Thank You Notes and hashtags! You'll also find behind the scenes videos and other great web exclusives. GET MORE NBC NBC YouTube: Like NBC: Follow NBC: NBC Instagram: NBC Tumblr: Tonight Show Trivia Night: Kamala Harris, Beyoncé "TEXAS HOLD 'EM" TikTok Dance | The Tonight Show #FallonTonight #JimmyFallon

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

7 days ago

-Guys, it is Wednesday, and you know what that means. It's "Tonight Show" Trivia Night! -♪ "Tonight Show" Trivia Night ♪ -Ah, this is fun. Higgins, do you want to explain how this works? -Yes, Jimmy. To test your knowledge on a wide variety of topics, I'm gonna be asking you a series of trivia questions, and all you have to do is answer them correctly. -Okay. This is easy. Let's go. Let's do it. -Okay. Ready? First question. What appears only two times a year? ♪♪ -A lunar eclipse. -Ooh! Wrong. [
Buzzer ] Kamala Harris. -Ohh! -Two times a year. -Almost had it. Almost had it. -Okay. Good. Alright. Okay. -Okay? -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Ready? -I'm ready. -Next question. How tall is the Eiffel Tower? How tall is the Eiffel Tower? -I actually know this. 984 feet. [ Buzzer ] -Ooh. Wrong. On Tinder, it's listed as 985 feet. So... [ Applause ] Okay. Next question. Ready? -Mm-hmm. -What is shrinkflation? -No! -When... -Don't. -Don't beat us to the joke. -Don't get ahead of us. [ Laughter ] -When com
panies give you less for the same price. [ Buzzer ] -Wrong. It's when you get out of the pool in February. -Alright, alright. Okay. -That's shrinkflation. -This is interesting. These trivia questions are -- They're harder than I thought. -Oh! Is it? Is it? ♪♪ Swimsuit area! -Okay. Alright. -Alright. You're gonna get this one. -Okay. -Staring directly at this can cause permanent eye damage. What is that? What can you -- Staring directly at this. Permanent eye damage. -The sun? [ Buzzer ] -Ooh. Wr
ong. Any dad attempting the Beyoncé "Texas Hold 'Em" TikTok dance. -[ Muttering ] -You don't wanna... ♪♪ [ Cheers and applause ] Shrinkflation! -I agree. I agree. -Alright. All right. Ready? What is the number one epidemic plaguing all Americans? ♪♪ -Obesity. -Ooh! Wrong. It's buying HOKA shoes. -Oh. That's interesting. -HOKA shoes. -I see a lot of people doing that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Alright. Ready? This is one good for you. What is the worst feeling in the world? -It -- Heartbreak? [ Buzzer ]
-Ooh. No. Wrong. Having an Insta DM being left unread for more than 24 hours. That's a heartbreaker. -That's sad. That is sad. -That hurts. Okay. Ready? -Yeah. -What do people believe exists but no one has ever actually seen? -Bigfoot. -No. Someone who's actually watched "NCIS." [ Laughter ] -It's the number-one -- It's the number one show. -Have you seen it? -I've never seen it. -I love it, though. I love it, though. I do. Alright. Ready? What is considered the greatest love story of all time?
-Romeo and Juliet. -Wrong. Pookie and Jett. You know them. Pookie and Jett. I love watching them on the TikToks, you know. Okay. Ready? This is the final question. Final question. Ready? -Okay. -Who has the biggest caucus? [ Laughter ] -Drake. -Correct! -Okay. There you go. That's all the time we have for Trivia Night. Stick around. We'll be right back with John Cena!



Some of these questions was hard but funny 😂.


This new segment is AWESOME.. make it a permanent please


Permanent eye damage by looking directly at the sun 🌞 from Trisha


Great trivia night jimmys it was so fun.


That was fun 😎😍😘


Jimmy Fallon tonight show trivia night awesomeness job


And all ❤❤❤❤❤


Finally heggans is back so glad that other kiki is not in the show


Fal fal ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Ridiculous segment


To the person reading this, even though I don't know you. I wish you the best of what life has to offer 🙏 😊❤


Second yay❤