
Tooth sensitivity

Recorded live on Facebook/growingsmilesuk for Talking Teeth Thursday, oral health coach LeighGS talks about dentine hypersensitivity. What it is and what you can do about it. Find products to help manage dentine hypersensitivity at

Growing Smiles - helping you to a healthier smile

10 months ago

I think we're on good evening and welcome to talking to you Thursday here we go it's Thursday where does time go other week it's it's the first time you join me welcome I am Lee uh I am oral health coach Growing Smiles um this evening we are going to talk about sensitivity we're getting to that time of the year we're looking for cold drinks um maybe I sometimes think this is more year-round problem because during the winter people who suffer from Fairly marked sensitivity find that they have to
put a scarf around their eyes and generally speaking it's not much fun but we're getting to that stage in the year now that we're looking for a cold drink um maybe some ice cream or a nice Lolly and again are you one of those people that actually go no I will pass so this evening we are gonna talk about denting hypersensitivity in particular and it's really important when we look at sensitivity to actually recognize um what actually is where problems coming from because your teeth can be sensiti
ve for a number of reasons and that's really important to actually remember because it's not um always just down to 1900 but tomorrow is actually gum health day um one of the most common reasons for people having sensitivity is when they've got a little bit of recession sometimes that can occur after gum treatment so I am going to talk about hypersensitivity and we're gonna we're gonna have a little look about what it is and what you can do about it so as you can see if you're one of these peopl
e that finds it if you've something like sweet or something quite cold or even hot drinks and your teeth are going you know you maybe have down 109 sensitivity but fear not there's actually quite a lot you can do about it so what am I actually talking about well I am talking about that let me move my out of the way I am talking about uh dancing so it's the layer underneath your choice once it gets exposed it is it's the connecting link between the outside world and the nerves inside the pulp of
the tooth I didn't mean in the middle of this just to make sure that you're all uh learning something as we go so we're going to look at what is um so you know do you avoid ice cream do you avoid cold drinks and then 10 high percentage everything is actually really difficult for your team to diagnose but please talk to them about it and I think it's one of those things that um we don't talk enough about in clinical practice it's a bit like bad breath again it's not always something that you know
you you bring to attention until the blue wear on your tooth and you're like my tooth is really sensitive um but it can be difficult to diagnose you know if you're not sure what you want to do and you're having pain what you want to do is try and keep track of is there something that sets it off how long does it last um is it something that's been increasing or is it something that's great short sharp disappears when you're finished having your sip of your cold drink so we're going to talk a we
e bit about that but sometimes when you've got particularly if you suffer from sort of chronic sensitivity it's quite good to actually keep a pain die so you can recognize what your triggers are so you can then do something about them so I say it can be quite difficult for um Dental professionals to diagnose but the good news is there are actually quite a lot that can be done about down 10 hypersensitivity night and it it's a step-wise approach so what we're going to look at is um basic what you
can do you know from the get people yourself and then what you need to sort of do as a more and moderate sort of standard care and then what might be done from the point of view enhanced care so people who've got really seriously chronic eight percent certificate and that's a combination of what you can do at home and what you're done with professionals can do for you and you work together to actually manage the condition because it really isn't isn't Pleasant and it's actually a huge quality o
f life issues I know people who will not go out to eat or drink with friends because their teeth are just so hypersensitive and going out in a cold day it's just not going to happen and there's absolutely muffled up so as I say we're going to have a record so you know the definition of dancing hypersensitivity is a short sharp pain which starts rapidly and it stops whenever the stimulus is removed so when you have a drink of water with ice in it and sort this out to off but once you stop it goes
away so that's generally sort of the sort of short definition um it's also The Chronic thing so it goes on and you live with that and you have fluctuate and acute episodes of it so things can get worse for a while and again there can be a number of reasons for that but the bottom line is it's caused because dentine has become exposed and denting is the layer the second layer of your tooth pulls up the bulk of your tooth and if I take this little tooth here take my DIY plaque off there's the gum
and what I'm going to do is I'm going to split this person too so what we're going to do is we're going to look at the tooth that way on so that we can actually recognize the different parts of the truth um you can see the enamel is the white stuff we tend to sort of think the truth that you see in the most the enamel is a hard coping that covers the outside of the toes is a material called cementum that covers the root and then inside all of that the bulk of the tooth is actually made up of De
ntin and the Dentin is made up of little tiny tubules so we're going to look at this a little bit more and in the center here you can see for all the nerves and blood vessels are and that goes out through the root and joins the rest of the nerves and blood supply and your moist in your head so I say we're going to have a look at this in a little bit more detail because I think sometimes understanding so why something's happened well sometimes gives you a bit of motivation to do um something abou
t it and sometimes that can be changing however you don't really want to change that you know how you're eating or drinking so if you're sipping something like a diet drink all day long it might be the motivation because you know what's causing it to actually pop out of color down to me with names only so the bottom line is for dancing hypersensitive the denting has to be exposed so that's the bit of your tooth that tells your brain there's something not right that there's pain going on here so
this is my test remember I've just taken this twist apart and this is it's very classically the picture that we we always show people of teeth and it's not the way we see teeth in this cross section so that's the tooth looks like that and what we've done is we've just taken half of the part so we've split it down in the middle and what we're doing is we're looking at this tooth as it's actually cut in half so that's where the gum line is so what you have here as you can see the gum and underneat
h the gum that's the bone and then this is the enamel that covers the crown of the chest it's the hardest substance in the body and you can see where that dovetails into the root of the tooth there it's really really thin and then you've got the bone tissue that comes up with the little cough just at the neck of your teeth so if you actually poke at the neck neck of your teeth you will feel there's a little lip there a little cloth there it's a bit like your cute little it's not a little cough j
ust as where your nail nail goes into your nail bed there there's a little cuff there and that actually protects that connection between the crown and the root of the tooth and the root is covered by a very very thin substance called cement which is very easily worn but we're gonna say we're gonna have a look at this Anatomy because most of us sort of think of of the twist the bit that we see in the mice and it's a bit like the swan thing you know so you've got uh the crying of the twist but act
ually all the actions going on underneath so underneath the crown underneath the enamel you have got all this denting which is a live subject with them the pulp in the middle of it where the nerves and blood vessels are and the connecting fracture to the outside world outside of the enamel once the enamel gets broken down the dentum's exposed and you're going to get some sensitivity and because that is what Lee tells the nerve of the tooth that there's something going on and it's the messenger i
f you want to look at it like that so here we go this is a little bit about what can happen that can Expose denting and probably the most common thing we think of with teeth getting sore is too sticky so here you've got a nice bit of yucky tooth decay going on there and as that actually develop some gold Stein and break stone the enamel so it devsolves in I'm also it can break down an enamel and then as it progresses it gets into the damn thing and because the dentine is much softer it will prog
ress much more rapidly so it can progress quite quickly through uh ganting the further it gets redempting the closer it gets to the heart of the tooth the more pain you're going to have with Twist Again likewise if you've got where acid erosion in your outside tooth surface gets dissolved through acid erosion you don't get Decay because you don't have the bacteria involved actually creating Decay so it's slightly different mechanism but still the acid from acids in your mice that might be gastri
c reflux it might be something you need to drink can erode the tooth surface and can erode it through to the enamel through the enamel to the dental and again then you start going to start to feel it because once the dentine is exposed you're you're you're connecting to the heart of the tooth or the nerves and the blood vessels are so the one of the most common reasons I'm thyroids this is really what we're going to come down to tonight is going to be what happens when you get a little bit of re
cession so this is the gum tissue here so back to our toes that is what we're looking at in this picture so I'm going to take the gum away and then I'm going to split that tooth in half and what you're looking at is what I have here nine the gum tissue starts to recede now and with a lot of reasons why you get some gum recession um but the most common is gum disease and the gums start to recede and astha receives the crying of the tooth remember when I said about this Taylor and getting very ver
y thin not the neck of the truth where it connects to the root of the truth race then get worn very easily the root surface and the Dentin is exposed because you don't have that same thick hard covering on the root surface so you get an exposed down tin as the gun recedes and that's the bit that will then become sensitive so one of the most common side effects of gum treatment is actually that you've got some recession but it's totally manageable so let's have a closer up look again this this is
the the denting here so you've got your enamel on the crying it's the hardest substance in your body harder than bone so you know it's not easily worn away and and then the bulk of the tooth is made up of the Dentin and if you took a little bit of that you can see all these little holes these are little tubules that actually connect from the outside Denton you see all the little lines there are those tubules into where this is the pulp chamber where the nerves and blood vessels live and again l
et's look at an even bigger term so again we're back to my tooth you've split with going in the middle here and we're going to take one small section just at the gum where the neck of the tooth joins into the root of the tooth and you can see how thin the anomal is there now if we have a large thumb you can see there's the gum tissue there just to orientate you this is the exposed down tin at the neck of the twist because there's been a wee bit of recession and what's happened is this root surfa
ce which is made of a Dentin that has become exposed now what you have for the little tubules do you remember I showed them Indigo these are the little tubules on the outside um it sends going through these little tubules that which are fluid filled it sends messages in there that says this is sore where the nerves and the blood facils are on the nerve and tells your brain that goes oh my goodness maybe this is sore and you go usually and you might say worse things than that but not as basically
how it feels and there's a number of theories High denting hypersensitivity actually works but um the most common one is so what we call hydrodynamic Theory but don't get boiled down with that and you can go around if you really want to I can send you links if you used to wish um but what you basically get in this scenario is you get an external stimulus here up there and I'm all on at the damn team I'm just picking calls and sick because it is the most common one that message aspired during th
ose tubules to the nerve and it goes ouch and that's why basically down 10 hypersensitivity actually works so just moves out of my way in the bottom line is the dance team has to be lost right back to the thing I was saying to you about tooth decay there so when you get tooth decay developing and the most common places for it okay as in the crank it gets that you bite on because they're hard to keep cleaning bacteria can Lodge in there sugar gets lodged in there and basically the sugar um as Fai
r feeds bacteria that cause Decay they actually then fear acids or sugar answers that then start to melt with tooth and they start to break down their animal and what's interesting here you can see how much slower it breaks down than normal compared to the downtown so once it gets through the enamel which is the hardest substance in your body so it does not happen overnight once it gets through the enamel then all of a sudden it can undercut and undermine in the downtime because it's so much sof
ter and it just keeps going until it gets into the cold once gets into the cold that becomes active and that's where you actually end up with really severe pain and you will know about it hopefully before or long before then fighting surface the other planets that's most common for Decay is in between your teeth and this is one of the reasons why your dental team take radiographic x-rays because they are looking at the area that they can't necessarily always see terribly clearly with the neck of
the eye so it gives them an indication so it's another piece of information in their formulating a treatment plan for you as to what is causing the problem and then it helps them actually work out what they're going to do with it because this this can actually not only go it doesn't go just straight in there it can go right the way down here and underneath the gun margin which can make it quite difficult to actually restore but your then team is the connection point from the enamel which is pre
tty much normal feeling to your pulp which is very very effective feeling and your denting and your dental tubules are the connecting through there so you can see here just a bit more and large you can see how that K progresses and you know it's once it gets near the heart of the truth it can get quite nasty quite quickly and if you look here just out of interest can you see these little pointy bits here the way this or these are what are called pulp horns so you can see how Decay on the side of
the tooth can keep progressing quite quickly to involve the pulp and then you're into a different sort of deep treatment if someone don't think very easy to restore very straightforward once it gets under the pulp of the two thoughts when you're talking much more complex treatment root canal treatment that sort of thing so um I say if you're getting sensitivity you want to try and identify what the cause is and do something about it long before it gets to this point and where it can cause like
nasty infection and and that's where you end up with an abscess something like that and again as I say different Ballpark and even with an abscess you still have to resolve the problem in the tooth so first thing you've got to do if you've got Ben 10 sensitivity is work like why is your tooth sounds sort of is it 19 hypersensitivity or is the sensitivity coming from somewhere else you know what actually is causing this sensitivity so let's have a little look at that what's that because you just
sit down or treat them good place to start because um if you've had a feeling it might take a little while for a new filling to settle down particularly if you've you've had a deep feeling because the the pulp has become maybe the tissue The Twist tissue is become inflamed and it will take time to settle um as a tooth fillings are bonded into the actual tooth again you've just worked around it so if you've had some if you've just had a a say a boy lumps in your leg um it's not instantly perfect
it takes time to heal so likewise your teeth take time will recover after dental treatment if you've had gum treatment um and most of this stuff that's done under local Wellness that looks real big number so as the numbness wears off you may feel a bit tender it may feel a bit uncomfortable uh some people get none of it some people get a huge amount of it so it's really difficult to predict we're all different we all have a different levels of Tolerance hopefully your dental team will have given
you some post-operative instructions so either check your unusual form of pain relief and to report after so tender after X number of days so you know if you've had a feeling that you're biting on that can take a little while to settle in and it may be associated with um something if you've been tooth whitening so if you've been bleaching through you've got bleaching trays and your teeth have become really high percentage now I know people who have spent a big advancement a lot of money on havi
ng bleaching trays made they've used them once um they have never used them again because their teeth got so sensitive and what I find so heartbreaking about that is they didn't go back until they're done with him because the first thing your double team would do is either change the type of journal or tell you how to use it slightly differently and or say give yourself a break if you're using it for an hour day use it every other day or if you if it's an overnight treatment just every other nig
ht they will give you mechanisms to do that likewise they can give you either toothpastes or other topical topical pairs to actually help manage that sensitivity so there are ways it means really really important you actually talk to your dental team if you've got sensitivity if you have gone treatment asthma gum shrink Stone which is the way you would want it to after figment because it's become been very inflamed as that Frank sign in a little bit of root surface becomes exposed which is the w
ay you want it because then the gum pocket is reduced but that little area at the neck of the tooth become quite sensitive but again there's things we can do to help manage it so don't suffer in silence speak to your your downloading because they will be able to guide you but first thing you have to have dental treatment recently really really important you know if you have a dental treatment what can you actually do about it so no this is really what I'm currently going to tonight as recession
so when you've got a little bit of recession um what has that been caused by hasn't been caused through gum disease and receding gums has it been any Edge thing getting older getting a bit long on the truth it must have been due to traumatic toothbrushing and this is a bit of a gray area as far as Dentistry is concerned it's not a scientific evidence whether toothbrushing in itself causes gum recession aggressive toothbrush and there's definitely something some people have very very thin um gott
en tissue over certain tastes so what you will often see is the localized bit of recession particularly maybe up canines or on the premolars that maybe sit out at the corners of your mouth and if you are scrubbing like below particularly if you're using a hard toothbrush an abrasive toothpaste or Worse still a tooth powder you may well actually scrub and actually damage that really thin tissue that is sort of that stretch point over those Corner teeth and cause some recession so there is definit
ely something in it um but I say the evidence will be a bit woolly but you can see where actually this has actually got to the point that there's a little bit of wear at the necks of the teeth there and you get these little scooped areas so that if you actually your finger you can actually feel a dip there and some of those can become very marked and when the Dentin is exposed number one you might get some sensitivity to it depends how long or how quickly it's it's happened because some people d
on't get any sensitivity with it but what you might find then over a period of time that you can actually wear because the sensitivity because the denting is so much soft and the enamel of the crying you can actually wear that area at the at the neck of the tooth into almost this like cave like shape and that then can become a problem because I mean I have seen people who have got um twist abrasion toothbrush abrasion of the necks of their teeth and it literally is it's just making their taste a
lmost like an hourglass because it's so depth so be very aware of that so you know you may just need to look at what you're doing is is your home care habits actually having an algorithm packed in your oral health so they're saying it's a bit of a gray area there's no direct relationship as to whether it causes but you know we talk about known decay lesions at the neck of your teeth um but I say we're not 100 sure but it certainly does just an electrically appear to be something in that where bu
t in it in and of itself toothbrushing uh should not and does not cause um cavities at the neck of your teeth together currently to progress and if you listen to me on other occasions when I have talked about um minimal intervention um actually nipping early decay in the buds so when you see white spot in your tooth particularly in small children see if you look through White Spot lesions and that hasn't actually cavity that's what happened actually created a whole those surfaces are healable yo
u can heal early Decay um but the characters once it's cavity and this is one of the reasons why your dental team want to take x-rays because while this doesn't look so big here you can actually see it's actually quite a big hole in underneath that and that's because remember I showed you the the image whereas the Decay through the enamel was really narrow once it put into the denting oh all of a sudden it actually Billows on because the damn thing is so much softer and when the dentist then is
actually trying to get access to that they have to take away all that what they call undermined denting because it's just these little prisms are just all hanging there and would fracture off if they didn't tip out back to clean it and then it dense and I and you dance with him are much more um conservative in how much too healthy tooth structure they will ever remove that actually restore a tooth there was a time they used to have to create a Big Lot locking mechanism because the only material
they were using was gold or amalgams and silver fillings and because once that was hardened if it didn't have a lock and key it would have dropped out no it was Modern materials which um I always joke about it being a little concept but it's not going but they have these bonding materials that literally they're adhesive they stick in there so it can be much more conservative they literally just remove that bit of Decay and then they tap that material in and basically stick it in and that scene t
hat's really important for them when they're finished and that's often like why you may find you you get um what they call rubber bands so they get this rubber put because some of these materials are very sensitive to moisture and that actually helps them create an environment that's going to let them do the best job possible in restoring your choice so autisticate and not only twist Decay but root decay that can be a cause of hypersensitivity so again it's exposing to the surface because it's e
xposing the denting of the neck of your teeth and if your mouth is dry you have frequent sugar attacks in your teeth you will get Decay those are some of the things not used in a fruit control test those are the things that actually will uh increase your risk of tooth decay so tooth decay Rich decay can be problematic and the denting will be sensitive fractures so have you broken a tooth broken a filling have you cracked a tooth again Dentin is exposed well that thing is exposed you're gonna fee
l it and hopefully not a minute this is a really really nasty break here that is that's a really nasty fracture but those sorts of accidents kids things like that have like more bicycles they have accidents with contact Sports and why we can wear most guards and all the rest of it at sometimes the the simplest Salinas that actually can break tastes so um you know there's some things and they are just accidents but you know if you've got if you've had a fracture something like that you'll definit
ely want to speak to a donut too if you've lost a pillow again then team is exposed they don't tend to become sensitive because the damn thing that was over that or the cusp in that point looks actually is the corner of the cusp is actually fracture off so you can see these they're forecasting and the big filling in there this becomes weakened and then it shears off and you've been something hard on how the truth comes away all of a sudden Eventing is exposed ammo and will be very sensitive and
during the pandemic this is an awful lot of white people wouldn't um the temporary filling materials that nobody could get an official basically to try and actually manage their home their their sensitivity until then the street started again uh Hey like this in between teeth again dancing's exposed all of a sudden you're going to get sensitivity so you know don't always assume it's just a little bit of hypersensitivity make sure you know what the cause is and that's the big thing identify where
the what the cause is they need to work out how to demolish it to swear wait you're saying more and more tooth wear um reflux with acids it's not got the Decay causing bacteria which requires sugars to actually ferment and create the chaos of the actually causes tooth decay this is Norm sugar related acid attack and that can be something you eat it can be something you drink it can be um downstreet reflux so assets coming over your stomach and the smart contents are a bit like about a bit like
um oh battery acid it's really really acidic and you can see these wear facets in the back of people's teeth and around here and that that acid erosion and your teeth will be really sensitive this is a combination of the acid erosion combination with tooth wear so it's erosion and attrition so the enamel softened and then it's robbed on whether it be grinding or whether it be brushing if you brush your immediately after and after the type you're going to wear that tester is because it's softened
through the acid attack so it takes time for your saliva to remineralize and Harden that after and after the time so you definitely do not want to go brushing your teeth immediately after any sort of acid attack and that can be a drink a food condiments uh gaussian reflux and that's one of the reasons why it's so important if you have reflux and speak to your doctor because it's very successfully treated and managed but um again something you need to do fine where's Santa coming from um what sy
mptoms are you getting I often see young people early signs of acid erosion well so I I'll often say to young people when you bait into something cool with your front teeth tingled because a very early development of velocity will be really really difficult pinpoint but if they're getting any sort of tingling there you're starting to get a little bit aware of that possibly early acid erosion is going on here because once the tooth surface is warm really difficult to to actually build up successf
ully because it tends to happen for a gradual period of time and I'll be done but it's a bit more complex to do so it's always better to nipple in the bond so if I get somebody that's got a bit of sensitive and suspicious of acid original I always ask them to keep a diet diary for three or four days including a weekend I'm actually right down what they're putting in their mouth when they're putting in and that can include supplements um you know things like vitamins and then all supplements so y
ou want to know everything that goes into the mouth if your dental team have asked you to do a diet Darren it's to help you it's not a test the more information they get makes us all interesting and again there's a case of our several really shiny and normal this really really glossy looking animal would look lovely but it's actually acid a root and it's a rolled in the tooth surface here it's on the inside so again gunship reflux people uh who have suffered from eating disorders bulimia in part
icular will often have really really marked outside erosion that affects the inside of their upper anterior teeth gastric reflux whatever the reason gastric contents come up it will erode the tooth surface and then conversely then use the acids come from the outside and so instead of get you a bit both ways if you're not careful and you can see the wear here on these should be pointy cusps of the enamel but they have got worn down so back to venting hypersensitivity so we've excluded the other t
hings that it's not it's not Decay it's not too swear you know after the rules and from um you know drinks or gastric reflux it's not um toothbrush abrasion um um what we're talking about is downtime high percentage we're generally related to some sort of gum recession and it's a short sharp pain from these these exposed denim tin Shooters those little tubules and that happens in response to some sort of stimulus often a cold drink and that can't be put down any other form of dental disease or c
ondition so sometimes it's a bit of diagnosis by exclusion but that that's okay long as you get there and then so it's sharp sudden pardon me sharp sudden onset to some sort of stimuli and it is also really well start stimuli is removed and what you must remember is dancing hypersensitive it can be managed and controlled on it it can be nice very well if you know what to do about them let's just say we're going to talk through a stepwise approach to that uh is it the result of traumatic toothbru
shing have you been scrubbing away have you decided you wanted your teeth whiter and you've seen something in the internet that says use a charcoal toothbrush um this powder and you're scrubbing like mad and yes you're getting stains off but you're also going to be wearing the tooth surface so the combination of an abrasive toothpaste and uh hard toothbrush um that action that you're putting a lot of pressure on will actually result in that traumatic um uh dentine exposure and that can get reall
y sound sort of another thing you can say is to say on the corners of your mouth so if you have a look you can see through maybe on your eye test just particularly if you're right-handed you'll have to see it on the left to this corner to your right hand because that's where you tend to put more pressure uh so you see it in certain places and often your dental team will be able to tell if you're right they're left-handed by them but you won't just certainly modify your toothbrushing Technique wh
at you're using and how you're using it and I say don't direct evidence that the toothbrushing is the soil factor of gingival recession but it definitely comes into play there and sometimes it's actually helped just by changing the type of brush or change into an electric toothbrush so what you want to do is look at what your triggers are it is incredibly common to get a denting hypersensitivity um sometimes they say you can get it one one off or you can handle with a chronic condition it can af
fect anywhere from about I mean the studies very widely uh facts anywhere from four to 74 of the population which is pretty much nearly all at some point so look at the things that um actually set your sensitivity off and where you've got exposed down 10 tubules that allows that fluid to move on sounding messages to the pulp the nerves of the tooth that then tells you a brillian that this is sore thermal stimuli is probably one of the most common is most likely to be honest it's often called mor
e so than hot but also cool there that can set people off so you don't want to be considered a skiing holiday if you have got quite severe and 10 hypersensitivity lactose stimuli can also be a problem so again that's the toothbrushing and sometimes people who are using electric toothbrush can find that that actually will affect one or two sites um and I say that's where most electric toothbrushes have par settings and you always start with the lower setting and then work your way up because your
mouth needs to get used to that you might find Cutlery so metal cut around what I used to call out and get that electric shock sort of type thing at the organic shock type thing or of a metal touching that denting because that's your tactile stimulant which stimuli which then can actually set things off likewise you can maybe find if you've got an appliance like an Orthodontic Appliance that's got metal bits on it or a denture that's got little metal clasps that can trigger and again then you a
void it and then that actually causes more plant retention inflammation so you know you've got to look at in the whole complex environment of your mind so you're looking after your whole moist really really well you then have things like evaporation so dehydration so if you must gets really dry um imagine you know when you're the dentists are actually or your downloading blow air on the tooth that makes really dry like dehydrates the treatment also you're like this at all that again can actually
exacerbate down 10 high percent certificate and then what we're talking osmotic stimuli so analogy books but basically things like sugary food and drink where you get this change and pressure in the tubules and through the membranes and what that does is they'll actually trigger sensitivity and the other one we've already mentioned is chemicals or acids and food drink condiments you know or gastric reflux and I say please avoid uh brushing straight after any sort of acidic challenge whether it
be drinking up things like I'll pop wine you know ketchups and pickles not just those things that you think of sort of fizzy drinks and fruit teas people don't often think of fruit tea fruit water so sparkling fruit Waters can also be acidic acidic challenges so it's not just a real acidic sweets things like that that can set them off so this is the basic step to basically avoid denting hypersensitive so there's a basic level of care so what is the deal with sounds the best taste so first thing
you want to do is identify the cause and address that cause now that might be so your dental team it might be through your GP it might be a combination of both but what you want to do is identify where is it coming from then what you want to do is look at what your routine is so what's your diet like are you eating are you sitting with a fizzy sugar-free drink all day that you're sipping constantly you know that is going to cause problems what you want to try and do is keep your eating activitie
s to three maximum four a day and as we always say keep sugary food and acidic Foods too many times only unavoid than they are before bedtime rule applies the same way as it does for a tooth decay and I said you want to limit the acid attack so that your teeth have time to recover in between good high fluoride toothpaste so you can buy over the counter fluoride toothpaste with up to 1450 parts per million of fluoride in them um and say that's what you want to be doing if you've got after if you'
ve got dentine high percent so whatever you want to use a soft toothbrush so um we have or we have um we have a number of them but we have a what do you call a special care a TP Special Care brushwood's extremely softball you have it in here is no more so we've got the TP Special Care um we have this is the cure approach that what's nice about the Velvet one that's got quite a large surface area but really really super soft bristles so really really good to think if you have gone particularly if
you've got where as the next if you're tasting you think it's relating to your toothbrushing habits use a really super soft toothbrush it's the frictional movement that you actually use to break up the biofilm it doesn't need to be hard but like taking some pepper to your skin it doesn't clean your skin any better it just actually makes it really warm sore you know or the analogy I used to always like was a rubber but nobody uses pencils numbers anymore and if you rub really hard to to rub penc
il it you'll actually tear the paper because around gently you get the pencil Mark removed without doing the damage so that's sort of always my analogy as far as using a soft toothbrush goes that will also say between if you've got that really thin gum tissue it will also reduce the risk of you actually wearing of that area as well chewing gum really from the point of view of stimulating the saliva flow because your saliva is the source for past enforcement to remineralize and Harden surfaces so
you know use soft toothbrush look at your diet where's the triggers coming from um by fluoride toothpaste which has got a low abrasiveness you're not your higher breasts if you're toothpastructure to any of the big Browns you will probably be pretty safe because it's it's graded from Newark which is as as hard as water through about 200 and we have a a table on the website on the toothpaste page the toothpasters you can go to the tips if you click on toothpaste you will see what we call around
RDA so a relative abrasiveness chart and you will see the majority big brown toast tests of just hybrasive they are things like tart charcoal toothpaste will be more of this many of them have been reformulated language don't be fooled because the baking powder armor armor baking powder has no been it has been reformulated for years to have a lower breast softness really really stiff to use um things like tooth powders don't be using salt don't be using coal I have heard all sorts of things used
over the years and I think the bigger the particle the more damage it's going to do so um better common sense sometimes it's not all that common and sometimes our short-term name to half cleaner brighter teeth does uh doesn't always rationalize those what's best for us so next step up then so that's your basic level to avoid and prevent basic uh basic down 10 high percent suitability if you've got gun problems address them so effective toothbrushing without doing any harm um interdental brushes
if you're finding those are quite tender go for the super soft ones because again TP do an extra soft endodontal brush which is considerably softer and um the bristles are longer and I actually more and more are finding I'm getting more and more people and using it and if I can if I can move this around a little bit see if I can get this let's let me come out of this a little second before I come back onto that but bear with me one more minute see if I can do this so excuse me as I pull things o
ut of the way but you can see here this is the super soft bristles compared to the regular bristles and these are much much softer likewise when I take this brush which is really really super soft uh compared to I'm just taking a bamboo brush but you can see just that is much so much firmer foreign super soft brush they say you know look at your brushes a hard brush is going to do more wear and and as I say a bit of common sense in there but uh common sense is not always that common so let me sw
itch back into our app let me go back to where I was um here we go there we are back to where I am so yeah right I don't remember obviously sometimes these things like to tell me all about what's going on in the background oh no I have lost where I was so when I onto standard care so we're looking at like what's the different sensitive teeth I have sensitivity um it is driving me wrong to twist what is your next step what your next step up is then going to be over the counter things that are goi
ng to address it so a sensitive toothpaste is really what I'm talking about there and what that the aim of any of these sensitivity treatment is is one of two different ways of actually breaking up that signal from the outside world um the heart of statistic pulp of the twist the nerves and the truth so let's make it if breaking that connection so sometimes they block the pin signals sometimes it's just to cover the Explorers downtown tubules and desensitizing the nerve endings in the downtime t
ubules I'm going to say some of these work a bit in combination some of them work as one particular time so this is why it's quite important if one thing's not working for you try a different brand a different formulation um you want to use this routinely night and morning spit the toothpaste don't don't rinse soda afterwards use it with a soft toothbrush and if if you have got one or two areas that are very localized sensitive but if you had something like common treatment you've got one or two
areas that you know are going to be tender lobbing your finger rub it around rub it in you can do that three or four times in a day but again all these Burns highly recognize different formulations and it is horses and horses if you start using it the chances are your sensitivity is going to come back because what you've done is your back to exposing the tubules the outside world whereas this is constantly just topping up the tubules and protecting them so as I say sensitive toothpaste is long-
term use but there's loads of them over the counter and if you've tried one thing that's not working for me don't dismiss them all because different brands of different formulations and if you've tried one that didn't work for you try another one you may find your dental team has samples and that's a great way of working out what's best for you I have people swear by one brand of colleagues that spread off to wear by one brand I swear by another brand um it's a matter of a step-wise approach try
one thing working for you stick with it stops working for you try something else so there are a number of self-applied agents that you can actually use really effectively and some of them use bioactive glass and then there's a there's a whole different room of things that you can use fluoride in itself will help to harden the surface and protect so you know it's a reminiscing agents just on its own then it's used often in combination and sensitive test formulation toothpaste formulations to get
the other benefits so again Spectrum events to get the maximum bang for your buck this is going into the enhanced pair so you have chronic sensitivity you find you've got fluctuations what else can you use you've tried each step wise you've got to this point and you're going I'm still not getting on top of this this is so causing me problems big impact on my lifestyle um you know you you want to get it under control human nature we want to be comfortable so again there's toothpaste that you can
step up to so the likes of biomen so biomen have in particular very low level of five but very long long Barefoot long-term benefits so connect up to about 12 hours and they describe it as armor for teeth and my experience of biomen over the last something five years what's happened I've been recommend buying them for quite a long time now is this is my next step up with anybody that's chronic sensitivity go for biome and and other things that treatment pays so things like Christmas and mips pl
us so smooth is calcium phosphate basically in a tube which is what your teeth are made of great for anybody who's made carry it dry mouth increasedness with Decay sensitivity if you are bleaching your teeth and you've got hypersensitivity always I always say alternate and use it sensitive toothpaste just as standard while you're addiction but if you've got one or two teeth these are your go-to blob and your finger Rubber and and the thing about it Christmas is it's tacky it's not like um toothp
aste so it's it's a different it thinks it as moisturizer for teeth that's easiest way of doing it and just rub it in leave it if you've got bleaching trays or retainers great way of getting a topical treatment overnight or you know when you you finish bleaching uh very effective you can put it on with budget you can put it on with your finger clean finger preferably you can put it in trays the other thing you might want to add in ASMR threads and generally speaking if you're looking at fluoride
moist when it's alcohol-free um if you're looking at it from the point if you have sensitivity or high Decay risk you want to keep your mouth in a healthy environment and much of the day as possible so what you want to do is use it at a different time of the day unless you're done with him as a bandages specifically to do it otherwise there are other products out there you know you've got the likes of the Dr hassmans which are Xylitol and great product to stock and again it's all about reminera
lizing Dr John sweet's Aristotle is anatol um chewing gum with cheesy which is a plastic free chewing gum with Xylitol and lentilastics the same you know so we're the number of products if you find them on the website they're there because we know we've experienced these working so if you're not sure either book a coach sensation or use the live chat function or ultimately we're here to help let's say um get the maximum weight of whatever you're using so as well as that enhanced care you may wel
l actually get professional support to go with that so you've got this is what you're doing at home plus what can be done in a dental surgery for you so they may decide that you would benefit from a prescription away um High fluoride to have pests I'll ask news for people who are having cancer treatment or high Decay risk for a variety of reasons and particularly severe drying mice problems um all the problems people maybe have struggling away but with their oral hygiene that you know them they'
re struggling with their clearing food from their eyes and maybe your digestive biscuits lying along the test for a long time but it's surface is exposure you've got Decay before you knock so enhanced care lost that professional support and that's done first of all you know recognizing as your mother anesthetic so looking at things like um what is aesthetic and there's disclosing agents now that show different levels of the all Platinum alsocial aesthetic pack and the chances are you're done wit
h immuno hygienists that particularly if they're doing something like how to buy from therapy will be used in this triplet gel there are mechanisms for actually testing the pH of your saliva again you might have a very acidic saliva and again that's not doing you any favors of smarter sensitivity goes there's lots of topical applications so they might use these in trays they might be smaller shoes they're they're specific treatments for down 10 100 sensitivity again it's creating that barrier it
's seeing the tubules it's breaking the connection between the outside world and the nerve in the center of your tooth and that that's the bit that's important and so really important to address that you know if it's a cavity so you've got Decay and you know you might need a fine or so you might need a root canal treatment all else feels you know it might you might need to lose the two cells you've got a crack tooth for instance you know incredibly hard to knowledge and the only option they will
be extraction but spleen off did I say talk to your dental team really important you communicate with them because they will know High division so this is a bit of information from the British side of periodontology because it's from Health day tomorrow I sort of have had that sort of recession hypersensitivity thing uh thing going on awake um so you can see where we are coming from so look at things that are erosive look at the high fly toothpaste look at the route of Dentin resins of your too
thpaste and look and see what you can modify or change you know can you change the toothbrush head to a softer hand can you change your toothbrushing and technique sometimes that can be as simple as switching hands or and instead of using a toothbrush to clean your teeth go for some little toothbrushing so that's where you know you literally use a single top to brush and you literally brush like this and do it really nicely in front of the TV mind your own business and then you put toothpaste or
Autism with mips normal afterwards I'm not sure read memorizing but when you're holding your toothbrush in a pan grasp as opposed to Palm grass even if it's an ordinary toothbrush if you actually switch how you hold your toothbrush you'll actually put a lot less pressure on that than you will when you're going like that and part of that is that that Albert formation of change and routine so you actually are not likely to do the same on my arm sugar-free chewing make sure the sugar-free avoid th
e the fruit flavor chewing gums because they're actually quite acidic um but you know your regulars look for the tooth in the corner that is your hint that there's something good in there and that's good for teeth you've got pepper Smith you've got Tuesday which is actually plastic free option we've got a number of sugar-free side at all mints which again can be utilized switch the head in your toothbrush to a soft head don't go brushing your teeth immediately after you've um uh have some sort o
f acid attack no I'm gonna actually put this up in formation but this is a nice place that that is a new leaflet from the British side of periodontologist or basically the gun experts some guys and girls and that's not upset anybody um about managing sensitive teeth um it's got quite a lot of information there it's really useful to actually see what's going on and what you can actually do about it but I say hypersensitivity is very common the important thing as much you're going to do about it a
nd ultimately if you've got a question we're here to help and um hopefully you will find you know something that will work for you and say don't don't give up just because you've got sensitive you have to live with it you don't have to live with it there are ways and means of actually managing sensitivity the important things that actually you talk to people about it and and they say first of all you want to identify why are my take sounds sort of once you've identify the calls then you can actu
ally look at what you need to do to control it and manage it is it the fact that you've got a cavity that needs to be filled is it a fact that you've broken a tooth is it um uh you know uh two surface loss from the point of view of where and your teeth are scrubbing your teeth you know what has caused us down 10 hypersensitively because that then directs or you're going to manage it and control it so say if you're not sure if you do not know what you're looking at these contact us um we're easil
y bones we're here all the time pretty much um but use the live chat function drop us an email all the contact bits are on the website if you're not sure how hard or high abrasive your toothpaste is go and have a look on the on the toothpaste bit of the website I'll put the links up in in the comments box underneath here but also it's not that was my lot for this evening I will be relying on all social media platforms next week I'm not having a face-to-face makes thank goodness I'm sure you say
and until then um look after yourselves look after each other don't forget to brush your teeth before you go to my bed tonight best brushing body spit out don't rinse and I'll see you all soon thanks for joining me bye foreign
