
Top 5 M. Night Shyamalan Movies

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The Silver Motion

11 months ago

hey guys welcome back to the silver motion as you can see we uh changed um the atmosphere a little bit again or there's gonna be a lot of trial and error it is going to take a while so bear with me we'll be changing things here and there but at the end of it uh I'm just trying to aim um to get you guys the best possible quality and I will continue to learn today the mission is to come up with my top five M Night Shyamalan movies while I was finishing my top five MCU movie video I realized that c
oming up with a few lists of some of my favorite filmmakers actors cinematic universes and such might be a really good way to start the channel That way you get a little bit of each of my favorite things when it comes to movies and at the same time I'll get to read the comments and you know I'll end up learning something about you guys too so at the end of it all I thought it was a really a way for us to get to know each other there are five movies from this director that I am in love with and I
watch as often as I can that's not to say they are the only five movies that I really enjoy from this director some quick honorable mentions of movies I really like from M9 Sherman are the visit if you like a fun creepy found footage flick to watch real quick this one is definitely a good time comes with some great jump scares and messed up surprises another one is Lady in the Water when this movie first came out I feel like I liked it way more than most people I thought it was such a magical a
dventure and I still recommend it but I'll be lying to you if I told you that some of the magic is now gone after many viewings and my last honorable mention will be glass in my opinion one of M Night Shyamalan most underrated movies and he nearly made my top five I still consider this one to be one of his best and I feel it was a bit misunderstood by General audiences alright guys with that's it I think it's time we get to my top five M9 Shyamalan movies here we go number five The Village I hav
e to admit that Nostalgia played a huge role in getting this movie to my top five it is one of those movies that take me back to a good moment in which I truly can recall you know how certain songs do that as well how they can take you to a certain moment in time you might not even remember but a sweet moment nonetheless this movie makes me feel that way when I watch it something else worth mentioning is that another reason this movie got pushed into my top five is the potential of the movie mor
e than the actual delivery of the movie itself I am a true believer that I don't know maybe the script was a little bit rushed and if uh if shemala would have taken a little bit more time to kind of work out the details uh this movie would have truly achieved that Masterpiece level um that in my opinion deserved if there is something M9 Shyamalan used to do very well was to assemble an incredible cast of actors who have the gift to convey endless emotion with very little dialogue I'd say this is
almost a trademark of the director especially when it comes to his main characters I will elaborate a little bit more in uh some of the other movies from this list when it comes to this I'd like to give credit to every single actor that appears in this film because everyone is perfect in my opinion but I absolutely love Bryce Dallas Howard portrayal of Ivy Walker and uh I gotta say it guys I truly think this is one of countless example the proof that we have had incredible powerful women protag
onist in movies for a very long time strong female characters playing a main role isn't a new thing whatsoever and in my honest opinion it is an insult to disregard the many great characters played by amazing actresses that pour their heart and soul into their craft as I mentioned Bryce Dallas Howard plays Ivy Walker a confident Fearless but vulnerable intelligent young woman who happens to be blind but doesn't live that stubborn from going above and beyond what anyone else has ever done in that
Village again I truly don't want to like ramble on uh and go too much into detail for each movie on this list but this one it deserves a little more out of me Joaquin Phoenix hey guys Joaquin Phoenix he he doesn't talk much he doesn't need to but when his character Lucius finally lets it all out in a beautiful exchange with ivy well yeah Joaquin Phoenix guys it's him like what a freaking gift moving on to say that William Hurt kills it without ever trying to call too much attention to himself i
s an understatement what a great actor I just love him in this movie and uh this is another Trend that we will touch later on uh with other movies from this list which is the uh the atmosphere the color palette in the musical score of each movie I will like I said elaborate a little bit more later so moving on I normally like to end on a positive note but in this case I just want to point out real quick that the twist was not used at the right time I truly believe that if the twist would have be
en delivered at the right time and done correctly this would definitely also be remembered as one of the greatest twists in cinema history and last but not least the promotional run for this movie the trailer and just how it was promoted was completely wrong people went in the theater expecting a horror movie a not suspenseful drama which is what we got and for me it was a pleasant surprise but for a lot of people it wasn't now here comes number four split on number four we have split the only r
eason this movie didn't make it higher on my list is because it deals with very dark themes related to abuse and it can be a tough watch and also because in next three movies are just too good even for split it's almost one of those movies that suffer from the bad taste in your mouth syndrome that leaves you thinking about what a great movie you just watched but it's something you might not want to watch again for a while now why didn't this movie fall into that category because James McAvoy del
ivers such an impressive performance in this movie that if you find yourself having casual conversation with a friend and you know you're talking about the movie Split and they're like oh I've never watched that movie all of a sudden you find yourself watching the movie again he's playing 23 different personalities and while we get to learn way more about certain ones than others when he goes for it you stop seeing James McAvoy and start to see these other people he's portraying when he plays a
woman I can see her when he plays a child I can see him it is the same actor the same face even the same clothes at times but oh my God he is able to change the whole energy around him in such a drastic way it is a shocking to watch in my honest opinion this was an Oscar worthy performance on the complete opposite side of the spectrum when it comes to how extreme how colorful Hoffland buoyant a performance can be like the Wanda McAvoy delivered uh we have Anya Taylor Joy delivering a subtle dist
ant cold but incredibly powerful performance it's one of those cases in which he almost steals the show without speaking the contrasting similarities between her performance and mcavoy's go hand in hand with the contrasting similarities between the characters played in the movie and I always love parallels like that all right spoilers ahead and uh I just wanted to add that one of the main reasons this movie made it to this list is the ending I remember being at the theater and thinking wait a mi
nute this is music from the movie Unbreakable and just like that we realized this movie this whole thing is in the same universe as Unbreakable pumped to see what was to come next which I kind of mentioned earlier in my honorable mentions the very underrated movie glass with that said guys let's move on to the next one number three the sixth sense I'm pretty sure that some of you might be surprised this movie didn't make it higher on my list since it's the movie that pretty much into the stratos
phere when it comes to directors it is regarded as his best effort as a director and it also always comes up towards if not at the top of best movie twist ever pulled in cinema for those of you who watch the movie after some a-hole spoil the ending for you I am very sorry I'm sure you still enjoy the movie I still do every time I watch it but man that twist how I hate you the first time I still remember how I felt watching it my brain chemistry changing in such a drastic way that I honestly feel
I'm still recovering from that I watched it I know I know it isn't a new movie I could go ahead and talk about the ending but just in case I won't I'll just say go watch this freaking movie if you haven't already as I explained earlier things to be expected from a good m97 movie all of the golden ingredients that make for a perfect movie are present in this one and yes no movie is perfect I guess you can pick anything apart that seems perfect and find imperfections in it Bruce Willis during thi
s time guys he really was on top of the world what a delight to watch this man on screen I am going to leave it at that when it comes to him for now to take a minute to think the cinema gods for Tony Collette in her performance in this movie for new audiences you might think of Tony Collette from her also 10 out of 10 performance in the movie hereditary talking about a bad taste in your mouth movie right there like just let me let me go brush my teeth real quick all right I'm back and I'm ready
to talk about what's considered one-off if not the greatest child actor performances ever seen on screen Haley Joel Osmond absolutely steals the show here and I believe he was 10 or 11 years old during the filming of his movie here's this little 11 year old kid in this movie just acting like a master of his craft at 11 it was just it was insane again uh shimelan had this gift when it came to putting together a solid group of actors and I have to say that the chemistry between Willis and Osmond b
ut men even more between Usman and Colette is just perfect there's one scene in which Osman and Khaled are in a car and they have a talk for those of you who have watched the movie you know exactly which scene I'm talking about could it be any better could it be any more powerful I don't think so I get chills thinking about that scene my only nitpick about this movie is that for some people it might be one of those where you need a little bit of time in between viewings uh mainly because the fir
st time you watch it is so incredible but I truly believe there's something to say about the second time you watch this movie with an entire New Perspective with that said ladies and Gentlemen let's talk about number two signs there are many reasons why this movie made it to number two and many many reasons why these movies are very very special movie one of them being that even though when you really think about it this is one of if not the movie with the most grandiose and biggest theme of not
only all of the movies on this list but possibly in the whole M Night Shyamalan catalog we are talking about aliens here a whole Alien Invasion takes place in this movie and somehow this movie feels so small town kinda movie there is really not a single extravagant action scene here no huge spaceships or explosions I don't mean that in a negative way at all I mean it has a feat of skill from the director keeping something so extreme within the parameters of how a small family deals with such li
fe-changing event must have been so hard to make sprinkle a former Pastor played by Mel Gibson will get to that and boom you got signs I mean Lucas Spielberg's War of the World for example in comparison to this total different way of handling the same subject matter I know I might be repeating myself a little bit here but it is such a trademark from the director to just create these beautiful chemistry between actors there's something to be say about his ability to get the best out of his actors
man one day I'll make a list with my top five favorite actors but let's just say that Mel Gibson is definitely there but yeah guys all of his actors and the way they deliver the material for Shyamalan I don't know man it's almost as if the director tells them like hey dude don't try hard like don't try at all you know be super chill it's not a big deal just you know just do it you know just super calm do it and just it'll be fine and somehow by doing that we get some of the greatest performance
s out there there's lots of intensity in this movie and there are two key elements that truly take it to the next level number one is the musical score by James Newton Howard again we will elaborate a little bit more on him later on I truly don't know how to explain it but I feel like Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix they just they give us so many gifts in this movie without barely opening their mouth something else I want to mention the humor in this movie the first time you watch it you are too
consumed by the suspense of it all but the more you watch it the more you realize certain parts certain lines they're funny as heck for those of you who have watched the movie The be crazy scene the tin foil hats the confession scene Joaquin Phoenix is plaining about nerds who write books about aliens how Mel Gibson gets scared by an alien lag in the cornfield and then by the under the poultry door hand when Joaquin Phoenix see the alien on TV and jumps off his chair and when he mentions like I'
m a miracle man you know when he does the story of why he's a miracle man Joaquin Phoenix um yeah it's it's pretty funny I will go ahead and get my only complaint out of the way I truly believe this film would have benefited by not showing the aliens show the leg yes show the claws let us hear what they sound like and maybe some povs of the aliens but I truly think that showing the alien in this movie was a mistake regardless of design and regardless of the quality of the CGI I truly think this
movie would have been much better if we never got to see them coming back to the family this is a broken family left devastated by the loss of their mother they might be broken but at the same time they are shown to be a single solid unit that cares incredibly about one another and are very much connected the movie makes a few points as showing how much they care about each other and how much they notice when one of them is oddly quiet or acting a bit weird I know when it comes to this movie I'm
mainly talking about scenes like scene by scene type deal but when it comes to signs I truly feel the core of the movie relies on the quality of each scene the scene in which Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix are talking about coincidences and miracles watching TV on the couch the same with M Night Shyamalan as an actor apologizing to Mel Gibson out of all of the times that Chevrolet has appeared in his own movies this is by far my favorite it has to be said I've never seen Mel Gibson be so vulner
able all the way through a movie that's not to say that we've never seen his vulnerable side in other movies I'm just saying that in this particular movie he's not someone you see fighting anyone I'm not saying he portrays a coward I really want to give my point across but if you've watched this movie you know exactly what I'm talking about that dinner scene when they all get to eat their favorite meals I truly think that it's a perfect representation of what I'm trying to explain I will go ahea
d and take a chance with this one and talk about the ending I understand guys if you haven't watched this movie I've already talked about so many scenes that I guess you could say what the heck go ahead and spoil some people really didn't like the twist in this movie because there isn't one or is there at the end of the movie there is a confrontation between the family and one of the aliens before the fight begins there's a moment in which we see a close-up of Mel Gibson's face and he's remember
ing when his wife died and the last words that she said to him which were see [Music] tell me they don't care about it initially the character played by Mel Gibson during the scene that I talked about earlier where he's sitting on the couch talking to Joaquin Phoenix about coincidences versus Miracles he explains that he does not believe in miracles that there is no one out there watching off of them he does not believe in signs but it is in this moment at the very end that he realizes everythin
g comes together in that his wife somehow was sending him a message to the Future for him to believe for him to see signs and for Merrell to swing away now I guess you can call that a Twist or maybe you could just you know call that full circle it's just the character development of uh Reverend Graham gaining back his faith that's pretty much what it is so it's just yeah it's not necessarily A Twist I guess uh I'm going to go ahead and let you guys into a little bit of my personal views here I a
m not a religious person um but I do believe in the possibility of something what that is I do not know I but I do believe there's probably something out there uh whether you want to call that God energy uh I don't know what the source um I truly don't know I don't know what's out there but I do believe in something the only reason I want to bring that up is because whether you are a religious or agnostic or an atheist person I truly believe this scene in how he portrays someone gaining back his
faith is a testament to how incredible M Night Shyamalan can be as a director and Now ladies and gentlemen my favorite M9 Shyamalan movie here we go number one Unbreakable unbreakable is a combination of all of the things that I love about this director and I honestly didn't even have to think twice about this one being right at the top keep in mind both signs and The Sixth Sense are very very special movies and for many of you I'm sure they they score higher than Unbreakable unbreakable is my
favorite superhero movie ever made it truly couldn't feel any more real than it does it makes you believe in its message in the simple concept that if there are people with disorders such as brittle bone syndrome or people with extreme weak immune systems well why can there be some people on the complete opposite side of the spectrum people with bones that are unbreakable people that never get sick it is such a simple and cool concept that the way it was delivered in this movie makes it so real
there's nothing over the top in this movie everything is kept within the realm of what we consider reality in my opinion this movie came out way ahead of its time and I can say without a doubt if this movie would have come out around 2020 like the movie Joker did this would have also been an astronomical box office head and it would have been received much better than it did back then that's not to say it was received badly but let's just say it didn't hit us hard as it had me for example coming
back to this movie being a combo of nothing but gold gold and more gold Bruce Willis this is his Peak this is said in my opinion his best performance it's so freaking real man he's so human in his superhuman self I don't even know how to describe how well he blazed a part of someone who knows there's something special about him but either he doesn't want to believe it he doesn't want to accept it the movie takes us along with them and the reasons why he's been pushing away his gift for so long
and he's just cinematic beauty also we need to talk about Robin Wright who plays his wife Audrey she isn't so much a direct part of The Superficial side of the movie kind of like Bryce Dallas Howard was in the village she's more in the background but as usual in true good old Robin Wright fashion when she's on screen she's very much the core of the scene I mean look at her in Blade Runner 2049 or in Forrest Gump come on she's such an incredible artist and I gotta say man my happiness levels go u
p just by seeing Robin writers on screen it just that's just how it's as simple as that Spencer tree Clark who plays Joseph Dunn the son of the protagonist David Dunn delivers yet another Flawless child performance different but in my opinion in the same league as Haley Joel Osmond in The Sixth Sense I guess Shyamalan really had a gift to get the best out of very young and talented actors there are a couple different scenes that take place in the kitchen with Spencer Treat Clark Bruce Willis and
Robin Wright they are two total different scenes one is turned to 11 when it comes to panic levels the other is very calm it's just this very special dad and son moment but somehow both scenes are just as powerful and compelling now Samuel L Jackson as Elijah price he's just the perfect reminder of having natural Charisma that's what he is if you have it you have it well Mr Jackson has it and he displays the Charisma and superb way with delivering lines in every single movie he's done but there
is something very special about this performance when you think of Samuel Jackson and the characters he plays the last word that comes to mind is weak in this movie he's very weak he's very fragile physically speaking because man the contrast the contrast we get to see between the weakness of his body and the strengthened genius of his mind is such a wonderful gift to us the audience again I have to mention glass in the way that Samuel L Jackson probably kills her in that movie and he truly did
n't miss a beat between his performance in Unbreakable and his performance in the movie glass now I want to take a moment to talk about James Newton Howard in his musical score for this movie I'll say this we are allowed to change our mind and I have to admit that after many many years of having a certain opinion a very strong opinion I have changed my mind when it comes to which one is my favorite musical score of all of the movies I've ever watched for many many years it was the musical score
in the movie Braveheart by James Harner but yeah I have to apologize to Mr Harner because not only do I consider this to be my favorite musical score ever I believe this to be the best superhero music ever made go ahead take two minutes of your time get out of this video and type in Unbreakable music score the orange man just like a couple minutes close your eyes relax and if you do this just come back and let me know in the comments how I made you feel there are just so many reasons why this mo
vie is my favorite from M Night Shyamalan and maybe someday I'll make a more in-depth review of it but for now I'm going to leave it at that have you watched every movie on this list what is your top 5 M9 Sherman movies I really would love to go to the comments and just see your guys's top five and get to know you a little better let's get a conversation going in the comments I truly want to thank you for your support uh right now we're a very very small family and I truly appreciate each and ev
ery single one of you for watching my videos um as always all I ask just hit the like button leave a comment if you can and if you want to share with your friends and family go ahead all right guys I'll see you on the next one



Awesome Jose!


DURING THE SMALL CLIP OF GOOD WILL HUNTING I just noticed the audio didn't come through. He says "People call that imperfections, but that's the good stuff" also during the review of "Signs" when Mel Gibson appears and there's no audio, he is pretending to be a police officer telling the alien "don't throw away your life son" which cracks me up and I hate the audio didn't come through. I apologize, idk what happened during the mixing. I'd love to hear your top 5 and I'm also very interested in suggestions for future videos!


What a great top 5! M. Night Shyamalan is one of the most impressive directors of our time, a true genius and extremely original.


I'm new to channel but you're doing great Brother! Good stuff!


Is like this guy can read my mind....😂