



3 years ago

Michael I've learned you since you were a child you have a gift you always have if there's an answer to my disease we'll find it I should have died here's ago why am I still here if not to fix this I have a rare blood disease and I'm nothing at a time video this could be my last chance you're up to something what is it that's not exactly label I want to see you get hurt more than you already have this would be a cure at what cost [Music] it's happening I went from time [Music] of increased stren
gth his speed the ability to use echolocation and an overpowering urge to consume blood how far are we allowed to go we'll fix something that's broken until the remedy is worse than the disease Michael Morbius a tired of doing a little book cutting up what's up doc why whatever tree we all have our secrets we just didn't get to yours yet the world is arming faster than we can respond where's ss7 I need a favor brother you're the only one I trust for this the world's moved on commander bond you w
ould double Oh two years so stay in your lane you get in my way I will put a bullet in your knee that works that's what Yugi would get along named Vonda James Bond so you're not dead hello Q I missed you is the most valuable asset this country has if you feel yourself losing control I'm not going to lose control James you gave up everything for her when her secret finds its way out there'll be the death of him what is it you don't know what this is James Bond license to kid history of violence I
could be speaking to my own reflection on the your skills died with your body mine will survive long after I'm gone history isn't kind to men who play God [Music] your instructor is one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced his exploits are legendary what he has to teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death your reputation precedes you after admit I wasn't expecting an invitation back they're called orders maverick [Music] [Applause] good morning aviators t
his is your captain speaking today's exercise is dogfighting two person one oh you've got to be kidding [Music] I used to live my life a quarter mile at a time but things changed poor father now I will always be in your heart little Brian I have a gift for you your daddy gave me this no I'm gonna give it to you it's very special it's for protection from what's coming all right down what's next no matter how fast you walk I am not to be compared to you know not rugs or pasture and barn just caugh
t up to me there's a long time down so we're up against a master thief fasten high-performance driver Oh easy [Music] Jacob is Tom's brother your whole life you pushed yourself to be faster than Donna smarter than down stronger than time but could you kill him because I'm ready if you are [Music] there's nothing more powerful than the love of family you turn that into anger there's nothing more dangerous maybe this is the end but we won't go out together you know I dragged to the death with you
[Music] it's good to work please tell me that's not a pontiac fiero strapped through a rocket engine impressive I no no no that's that's not impressed I came here to take you down a little father that's your mistake this is my world damn they got a magnet plane hold on tell me you're not thinking what I think you're thinking there's no branch oh hell no [Music] hey guys surprise nice Clubhouse this will not be a war of heroes which is all to see this is going to be fun the world burns you have n
o idea of what men are capable of we must do something I know you want to fight but there are other ways of doing your duty you're going to need a suit come on we are the first independent intelligence agency preserving peace and protecting life welcome [Music] like witches that black masses while government's wait for orders our people take action mine's at blood destruction now it's time to short a lot Deb construction my tu [Music] our enemies think we are gentlemen but reputation is what peo
ple think of me character is what you are I'm ready yes [Music] but ready we shall see this is called a parachute it means that one can jump out of a plane safely [Music] [Applause] you Natacha my sister after all this time what brings you home [Applause] I was trying to do something doing any more than just a trained killer you're fooling yourself we're still both trained killers [Music] we have unfinished business [Music] as we [Music] still fits family back together again you got fat smelly w
aterway there's a new world over what else new enemies I'm done running from my past the hell is that guy you [Music] what's the last thing you remember Danny you said we had to route the reason you survived it's because you're a very uncommon girl you're not not anymore do you know a mutants or would anyone like to shared their first time brain I was 13 I thought it was a dream I just lost control Sam I started panicking people got hurt Roberto my girlfriend Liliana I killed 18 men one by [Musi
c] this isn't a hospital it's a cage [Music] it's important we find out your collar so we can help you get better I suppose anything I don't think she wanted me to see I don't think we're here to cut better this place takes your greatest fear and later lived through it until it kills you he's there we can get out of this together [Music] my life hasn't been what you probably think it has we all have our struggles have you ever been in love a long long time ago you so many times yeah all the time
[Music] welcome to the future life is good but it can be better why shouldn't it be all you need is to watch think about finally having everything you always wanted I can say today [Applause] I think I want in return everyone must see [Music] [Applause] I'll need you you know you need to do [Music] nothing good is born from lies and greatness is not what you think [Music] Oh art ah that justice trashcan is just a trash can yeah yeah [Music] so what are you doing out here there is a legend in th
e jungles of the Amazon of a tree that heals or it could change the world but if it gets into the wrong hands he could awaken a great evil I believe that the legend is real dudes man I'm gonna find out you all when I do just imagine the lives that could be saved I've been looking for this tree longer than anybody I've tracked the legend to every village every island nothing you searching for something it can't be found but you've never had the key let's do something that's safe let's go see some
elephants they're all no elephants in the Amazon and I don't even like elephants lady everybody likes elephants know this about the jungle everything that you see wants to kill you and cannon careful [ __ ] smell fear [Music] Oh My Goddess who brings a submarine to the Amazon oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] get it come on I got it I don't got it that was a disaster go away plan [Music] what are you doing here in Somerville anyway honestly my mom won't say it but we're completely broke and me
on this thing that's left in our name this is creepy old farmhouse our grandfather left us in the middle of nowhere why'd you bring me up here entertainment value what is that somehow a town that isn't anywhere near a tectonic plate that has no fault lines no fracking no loud music even is shaking on a daily basis I remember that one summer we died under a table I found this in my living room chiller replica a replica of what a ghost trap there hasn't been a ghost sighting in 30 years New York
in the eighties it's like The Walking Dead your dad never mentioned this to you it's just my mom my grandfather died my mom says we're just here to pick through the Rob loves life when who are you [Music] call it fake [Music] call it lock call it karma [Music] that everything happens for a reason come on darlin it has a gunner seat you [Music] we all believe we've run into the burning building but until we feel that heat we can never know you do you chose to tie instead of giving up your colleag
ues when I test you passed not everybody does welcome to the afterlife to do what I do I need some idea of the threat we face as I understand it we're trying to prevent World War 3 if they all cost something was all I have for you is a word tenant it'll open the right doors some of the wrong ones too you have to start looking at the world in a new way don't try to understand it feel it has it happened yet [Music]
