
Toxicity by System of a down (Drum cover by drummer VAL Kotnik 9 years old)

System of a down drum cover by 9 year old drummer Val Kotnik from Slovenia, Maribor. Val is playing to the drumless song Toxicity by SOAD from the album Toxicity. Val also plays guitar and bass and soon he will record a full cover of the song #toxicity ... 🠗🠗🠗VEČ V INFO 🠗🠗🠗 SLO: Bobnarski video 8 letnega Vala Kotnika iz Maribora. Val je 18. 2. 2023 posnel pesem Toxicity skupine @systemofadown . Val obiskuje Sokijevo bobnarsko šolo, kjer sem tudi jaz eden izmed njegovih bobnarskih učiteljev. Val igra tudi kitaro in bas kitaro in kmalu bo sam posnel celotno pesem Toxicity :) A SI ŽELIŠ POSNETI drum cover, vendar nimaš opreme in ne znaš kako in kaj? PRIDI V MARIBOR, zaigraj pesem, za vse ostalo pa poskrbim jaz. Za več informacij piši na 💲 Support the band and get the album NOW: ♪♪♫ Drum notation: ⚙️ My GEAR: USA: EU: 🎼 SUBSCRIBE/main channel: 💣 SUB to Death & Back metal drum videos: 🎹 INSTAGRAM: 🎬 FACEBOOK Like: 🎬 FACEBOOK Add me: ➡️TIKTOK: ➡️PATREON: ➡️YOUTUBE/kids: ☠ PAYPAL: 1$ for jar of mayonnaise :) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 #SystemOfADown members on album #Toxicity: - Serj Tankian – vocals, keyboards, guitar on "Aerials", piano (as per Shavo Odadjian), string arrangements - Daron Malakian – guitars, sitar, vocals - Shavo Odadjian – bass - John Dolmayan – drums 💿 Full album Toxicity: 1. "Prison Song" 2. "Needles" 3. "Deer Dance" 4. "Jet Pilot" 5. "X" 6. "Chop Suey!" 7. "Bounce"4 8. "Forest" 9. "ATWA" (Air Trees Water Animals) 10. "Science" 11. "Shimmy" 12. "Toxicity" 13. "Psycho" 14. "Aerials" 📀 Discography of System of a Down: 🎧 System of a Down (1998) 🎧 Toxicity (2001) 🎧 Steal This Album! (2002) 🎧 Mezmerize (2005) 🎧 Hypnotize (2005) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ◄ I PROUDLY ENDORSE: - @PaisteChannel - @DCShoes : - DP Cajon: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I'm Bobnar Simon, the drummer from Slovenia. I make drum covers & funny interpretations on drums. Currently, I'm the drummer of band Vulvathrone, and from 2016 a session/live drummer of Melech**h (Nuclear Blast). I also play as one-man band with funny stand up drum shows :) system of a down drum cover,system of a down drums,system of a down toxicity,system of a down drum,val kotnik,system of a down 8 years,8 years old drummer,system of a down drummer,system of a down drumming,toxicity drummer,toxicity drumming,system of a down toxicity drum cover,drummer,toxicity drum cover,toxicity drums,bobnar simon,drum cover,simon skrlec,drum,soad,system of a down,drums,drumming,maribor,bobnar,chop suey,Mitja kotnik, #drumcover, kako posneti drum cover, kako posneti bobne, kako posneti bobnarski video

Simon Skrlec - DRUMMER

3 months ago

Val Kotnik Drum cover of Toxicity from System of a down.
