
Traditional Wife VS Modern Women

Traditional Wife VS Modern Woman is a wojak meme animation about two women who lead completely different lives. One is more traditional and she focuses more on raising and taking care of the home and well-being of her family, while the other has been constantly grinding for a better future. OTHER CHANNELS: Main: Second: German: Spanish: OTHER SOCIALS: Twitter: Patreon: PayPal: Instagram: Song used in this video: Heartwarming by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist:


10 months ago

6:30 أستيقظ مع زوجي الحبيب. حان الوقت لإعداد الإفطار. 6:30 الاثنين ... لقد نسي السيد سنيفلز أن يوقظني مرة أخرى ، أوه ، لقد نسيت. زوجي غريب الأطوار قليلاً في الصباح لذا أحتاج إلى التأكد من أنه يشعر بتحسن. سيكون من الجيد أن تستيقظ وتناول وجبة الإفطار مع شخص ما. اربط ، قبلة أخرى ، وانطلق للعمل. أحاول معرفة سبب قيام السيد سنيفلز بذلك. أتذكر أنه كان ينظر إلى شيء ما. أنا بحاجة للوصول إلى الجزء السفلي من هذا. أنا أنظف وأمسح وأرى ما يفعله ابننا. بدأت أشعر بالغضب أكثر فأكثر. أين ترقيتي الموعودة ، أين ربي
تي. لماذا أعاني من العمل الإضافي على الإطلاق؟ لا استطيع الانتظار حتى يعود زوجي. فقد سيث بعض الوزن مؤخرًا ، حتى أنه يرتدي قميصًا مكويًا. يجب أن يكون سعيدا معها. فاتني طلقاتي ... دانغ. أوه ، بيجاما جديدة. أوه ، تقرير جديد. حان وقت اللعب. حان الوقت ، أين تقريري؟ زوجي الحبيب سيعود قريبا. لا أطيق الانتظار للعودة إلى شقة فارغة. عودة الأب. ربما يجب أن أستأجر من شخص آخر ، الكثير من الغرف الفارغة. العشاء جاهز. دورداش متأخر. حان وقت العناق. حان الوقت لتغيير البطاريات. أشعر أنه كان يومًا جيدًا. أشعر أن الر
جال قد توقفوا عن الاهتمام بي. غدا يوم آخر. غدا يوم آخر ...... دانغ. انظر ، لهذا السبب يجب عليك ترك وظيفتك. لا تكن سخيفا. أكسب أكثر منك. عزيزتي ، أنت تجني 300 دولار أكثر مني. وما زلنا لم نسدد القرض. لحسن الحظ ، ليس لدينا مثل هذه المشاكل. وهذا هو السبب في أنني أحبك. عندما لا تتوقع شيئًا أكثر من الأساسيات



Is Trad just a new hip? Like, Share & Subscribe so algorithm will work. PS: Just got my electricity bill bros, it's pretty's cruel.


Some want a trad wife without being a trad husband: not how it works.


I will always stand by the idea that only a TRAD husband should ever want a traditional wife


Remember kids, it’s better to be alone than in bad company.


My mom was a trad wife and had to raise 12 children practically alone. She was constantly trying to make her husband show affection, thinking it was her own fault.


The modern world really feels like GTA parody world


Couples have their own problems, but being able to divide labor and rely on another perspective aligned with your own self interest is pretty useful.


Just because your non-trad doesn't mean you have to be alone.


As a mother & housewife I can tell you 100% it isn't like this. You portraited it like it's all love and sunshine. It's alot of work having to do literally everything alone in the house and looking after kids is also not easy at all. My husband just sits in his office the whole day doing basically nothing. We sleep in different beds because he snores extremely. My kids are always waking me up in the night so I barely can get any sleep. The only good thing about it is when you can make your kids happy and make them smile and do something with them. Other than that... it's meh.


Man the father of the twink dude is such a wholesome guy.


I'll never understand why the role of housewife has been denigrated. Yes let's belittle the single most nurturing role in a functioning society...


I was raised in a religious family. Got married at 21, married for 13 years. He told me I didn't need to work. I didn't and loved being at home raising my kids and learning how to cook new meals. That was the best part. Not so great was his God complex. His belief that he owned me. His dismissive, domineering abusive behavior. He was incapable of emotional intimacy or seeing me as an actual human being. I became chronically depressed and medicated. I eventually left him. Got a career, bought my own car, got off antidepressants, and gained a sense of power and independence. Do I hate having to go to work on some days? Yes. Is it a million times better than being married to the wrong person? Also yes. I remarried a man who makes much less than he did but who is my best friend. We adore one another. We financially struggle sometimes but we have love in our home. Don't give up, you are so much more than what you earn or what car you drive.


Love how you showed that the trad couple had a perfect life. This is sooo far from reality from what I've personally seen.


The last part with everyone was a nice and necessary touch to show just the tip of different peoples circumstances


MilleniaThinker's meta-existential horror is BACK, baby.


You presented a sunny idealized version of one lifestyle against another. I'm sure that a lot of parents will watch this and scoff at how easy you've made it look.


My mother was a trad wife and the main thing missing from the traditional wife is the feeling of emptiness and lack of purpose that grows with each day, the thought that all you're there for is to take care of others without ever becoming someone, and only watching your family reach for the stars while you're the one building the ladder staring at the ground.


“All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” ― Leo Tolstoy


Underplayed the fuck outta that “see what our son is doing” 😂😂😂 taking care of a baby is hard work


To be honest I have mixed feelings about this video. I have no problem if a woman wants to be traditional by being a homemaker, getting married, and having kids. I also have no problem if a woman wants to be modern by being single, being childless, and focusing on her career as an independent woman. At the end of the day, women should have their own choice to choose their own life just like men should have their own choice to choose their own life period.