
Trans Woman REACTS to South Park | Board Girls

#Transgender #SouthPark #LGBTQ #RepresentationMatters #TransRights #ReactionVideo #Critique #DiversityInMedia 🌈 Welcome to my channel! In this video, as a transgender woman, I dive into the controversial South Park episode, "Board Girls" Join me as I react and critically analyze the portrayal of transgender themes in this episode. 🎬 🔍 This South Park episode has sparked discussions due to its satirical take on trans woman in sports and other transgender issues. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I'll provide an in-depth critique while examining the accuracy and sensitivity of its representation. 💬 Throughout this reaction and analysis, I'll discuss the impact of media representation on transgender individuals and the broader community. From stereotypes to the implications of comedic portrayal, we'll delve into the complexities and controversies of this episode. 🌟 It's essential to foster understanding and promote positive, respectful portrayals of transgender individuals in media. Join me as we navigate this episode's content, offering insights and discussions aimed at promoting inclusivity and respect for the LGBTQ+ community. 🌈 If you're interested in thought-provoking discussions on transgender representation in media and want to support a channel focused on LGBTQ+ inclusivity, make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell! Let's engage in respectful dialogue and create a space that embraces diversity and acceptance. 📢 Don't forget to like, comment, and share your thoughts on this South Park episode and its portrayal of transgender themes. Your contributions to this conversation are valued and appreciated! Patreon:

Sally Pryde Drag

2 months ago

[Music] oh my God hello You Beautiful People welcome back I've gotten a lot of requests to look at Bor girls South Park so let's get [Music] going the [Music] babies gender neutrality doesn't necessarily mean political correct the idea of political correctness being associated with babies that's a bit of an overgeneralization because people who are not PC tend to be some of the biggest babies there are I'm trans and people come to my comments all the time having full-fledged Tantrums that I show
ed up in their feet like that's my fault yeah who's strong I'm strong who's strong woman I'm a strong woman you're going to smoke the competition I'm going to smoke the competition oh no it's the babies kids kids okay what's the matter oh no I left Disney Plus on and it went to Mulan they don't like Mulan no because Mulan is a female that identifies as male and yet the movie doesn't take the time to address real trans ISU I have yet to meet a single trans person who doesn't like Mulan I'm being
totally serious about this Mulan is actually one of those movies trans people legitimately love because there were actually trans people working on it who would have thought and the song I'm Gonna Make a Man Out of You is pretty much an Anthem for Trans men so it's weird that they picked Mulan specifically to Target as you know this school is a place where everyone should feel included our challenge is to motivate ourselves and others to create an inviting non- bigoted and hey St you got a probl
em no sir now I think that what we all need are leaders who motivate by example and so I would like to inform you all that your vice principal is competing in the strong woman competition in Morrison this weekend let's hear it B so wait does the principal and the vice principal have a relationship because that seems like a real conflict of interest well thank you PC principal um listen guys I just hope I can make you proud and more importantly I hope you can see that no matter who you are you ca
n do anything we've really come a long way breaking down gender binary bigotry gender binary bigotry I I feel like they're getting their terms really mixed up because that's confusing to me the gender binary is the idea that there are men and women just those two that is the gender binary and it excludes nonbinary people from that gender binary bigotry is that like CIS normativity I think they're just mixing up terms here and I hope I can especially Inspire some of my girl students here or those
who identify as girls those who identify as girls are girls transs girls are girls lashes out stand with his broad and it hits with D and D how much damage is that four plus two slashing okay I jump up to the bug bear and I yell Four Water Deep and I kick it in the BS I don't think bug Bears have boughs then how do they make baby bug Bears well hi boys we got some new students who want to be part of the gaming Club you know Tammy and Nicole no this is a school club boys all clubs are inclusive
have fun girls hey guys what do um guys we play lots of games here at dice Duds but today we're playing D and D you don't just show up and start playing you have to generate character yeah we created some this morning I'm a human Paladin and Nicole is aeling warlock okay something to point out here I think inclusivity is very important and this might surprise some of you but I'm actually a dungeon master that's right I play DND D and girls are some of the best D and players players out there jus
t saying and I can understand their hesitation for not being able to include them in this session because compared to other games you can't just jump into DND even though you have your characters already assembled you need to talk to the dungeon master ahead of time to make sure your characters fit into the world accordingly there's a lot of preparation to goes into Dungeons and Dragons and I feel like they're misconstruing a concept here which is that DND D being complicated therefore means it'
s less inclusive which I think is if they weren't already mid session no problem let them play no problem there a beautiful day in Morrison Colorado as we get ready for the sixth annual strong woman competition a two-day long competition of tests built to push athletes to their very limits joining me now is the current champion of the strong woman competition strong woman Miss woman do you feel ready oh yeah I'm ready David there are just so many amazing women athlet so they're going to talk abo
ut sports so this is concern year that a transwoman is in the competition how do you feel of course yeah amazing I feel honored to be a part of History I have a lot of incredible trans friends who are athletes and so we're all inspired This Woman's competing this is actually how it's typically done the vast majority of CIS female athletes do not care about trans women in sports and I'm gonna talk about this later on but yeah trans women in sports is a wildly misunderstood issue uhhuh and uh have
you actually ever met Heather Swanson uh no I've never competed against her before no she's not exactly your average trans athlete well what is an average trans athlete honestly I find that kind of bigoted D people come in all shapes and sizes how does it feel to be competing today oh no I can't tell you how free I feel now that I've started identifying as a woman now that I can compete as female I'm ready to smash the other girls and is it correct you just started identifying his female two we
eks ago I'm not here to talk about my transition I'm here to kick some let me tell you something dingleberry David Perry I'm going to roll up the other women here and I'm going to smoke them I am the strongest woman this state has ever seen okay that is a very gross caricature of trans women not to mention the vast majority of sports require at least one year of medical transition two weeks is not enough for this one common misconception is that people who go through male puberty automatically a
re 100% stronger than all CIS women that's a distribution of strength and advantages there because remember Sports and athletic ability are complicated they're is not one element to athletic ability athletic ability is far more complicated than just one part of your body there's a whole bunch there and not only that one of the big changes that happens on feminizing hormones is muscle loss now sure there's still research being done here to see what sort of advantes trans women may have or not hav
e but that's for the scientists to figure figure out and no anecdotes are not science and also on top of that just because a transwoman wins an event doesn't mean you have a pattern on your hands you got to look at the big picture overall for a lot of trans women who win in women's sports it's a fluke one time or it's a very close call often times during rematches with the same competitors the trans people don't come out on top so really what advantage do trans women actually have winning One ra
ce is not an advantage and it is not a pattern not only that I think a lot of people when they hear about trans women competing in sports they think that means that even if it were true that trans women had an advantage in sports that our right should somehow be taken away what the hell are you talking about any words for the Challenger Miss woman uh good luck Heather luck is for dudes luck is for anyone well with that let's get right to the [Music] action to thep push it to the edge give it all
you got [Music] break [Music] a [Music] okay and they're trying to show that that there is such an extreme Advantage trans women have in women sports and they're implying here that this transom that since it's been two weeks for her and given her current build it sounds like she was already an athlete why on Earth would she be trying to compete in the women's league if she has a typical build for a male League why on Earth would she need to transition to compete in Wom women's sports if it look
s like she's capable of doing the mail Le and I've seen a lot of transphobic jokes online about how the average man could take on a female athlete no you can't seriously you can do that I don't think you're going to win because female athletes train for a long long time and that needs to be taken into consideration so second place that's pretty damn good yeah I guess she just started identifying as a woman a few weeks ago doesn't really it takes about a year don't you'll upset the PC babies take
s about a year on hormones it is unfair it is tyrannis and it is round ever since these girls were allowed to join dice Duds Gamers Club it has been a train wreck every single game we play they like figure out all the rules and they use the rules to like make us look stupid in day and day they killed the dungeon master we didn't even think it was possible to kill the dungeon master it is in the anime cartoon from the80s I am dungeon master your guide in the realm of Dungeons and Dragons just tha
t we play board games for the theme we want to be Pirates or Vikings you know what the girls think about they think about red cubes versus blue cubes and how much of this equals that many victory points they're just doing math so they're smarter than you and Bo games yes no no it's just different look we started D studs with a dream a dream that we could actually do something interesting at SC just for like 60 Minutes nothing we can do he said hands are tied he said we're going to have to deal w
ith this ourselves you guys I think Nicole and Tammy are cool to play with but you won't think deol when the rest of us leave studs and you're left to play only solo board games you mean like Nemo's War nem I know a lot of people have asked this question before but what's Eric's problem what's his problem look maybe we just got to play harder stuff you know stuff the girls can't keep up girls are very intelligent and I don't know where people get this idea from apparently the international chess
League actually thought last year that trans women and trans men should not be put in their respective gender leagues because they see trans women have a biological Advantage at chess a chess are you kidding me why is chess even gender it makes no sense hey what's going on is your girlfriend home uh she's sort of busy right now miss Swanson just want to tell her no hard feelings about me winning the strong woman competition yeah you already told her that at the competition you got a problem wit
h me cuz it's starting to seem like you have a problem with me what's going on oh hi Heather I was just stopping by to make sure you're not too beat up oh that's really cool I'm sorry but I have all the kids right now where are the little kiddos you can't just barge into someone's house I'd love to meet them hey kids there's a lot of you you're okay now they're trying to do the like train people or hurt your kids stuff really why the hell are you doing this you know this is wrong why of course I
have the strong woman trophy though just kidding right look why don't you just get out of here oo sounds like someone here's a don't you dare I'm trans people's biggest suppor what have you shown to do that yet honestly I know people in my life who show more support than this guy look why don't you just get out of hereo sounds like someone here is a trans fobe you walked into their house that doesn't make you a trans fob trans people's biggest supporter what I think you are is a terrible sport
trans foob you better knock it off just don't you're going to upset the PC babies and if you dare call me a trans fobe again I'm going to you're going to w beat me up you're going to beat me okay now they're making light of how trans people are actually beaten which is really up come on over and see all Auntie Heather if you want to see what a real strong woman is [Music] like are you feeling what I'm feeling what do you mean I don't know what it is but something about that woman just doesn't se
em [Music] right okay are they going to try do like this isn't actually a transwoman type thing because I really hope that's what they're going for we get really Sav this episode probably not but at least try that hey guys hope is cool we brought Kelly she wants to be in the club too oh yes that's very cool girls we're just setting up today's game it's a pirate Miniatures game called blood and plunder yeah we saw it on the schedule we love blood and plunder are we going to play like a fouron fou
r Skirmish with two different factions they're surprised to girls like games girls like games who would have thought maybe Cindy laber was right when she said Girls Just Want to Have Fun I'm pretty sure that's what she meant our next guest has been really lighting it up in women's competitions since she's identified as female two weeks ago okay this is the second time they're mentioning two weeks so this is leading me to believe that maybe this isn't actually a transom because trans women can't
just do this like it takes a year again it takes a year on hormones at least to compete in most sports now there are some women out there who just want to run and hide I'm talking to you strong woman you still dare to call yourself that your name is a joke because all Heather Swanson here will beat you anywhere anytime that sounds like a threat what the hell now they're depicting trans people as violent my God I can't can't believe South Park got worse hey don't let her get to you strong she's n
ot getting to me know I I don't know why she has such a grudge against you because I know [Music] her what do you mean it's blade Jagger he she is my exboyfriend what back when we were together he was such an [ __ ] when I finally broke up with him and he said one day he was going to get me back and now he's got us both by the balls but then she doesn't really care about trans people or women he hates wom she hates women when I left him he felt like he got beat by a girl and nothing makes blade
Jagger more crazy than getting beat by a girl okay so are they saying this isn't a trans person on one level I guess that's somewhat better but on the other hand what the you're still leading into these awful awful stereotypes of trans women it is unfair it is tyrannis and it is R dice studs is a board game group that brings Thrills and laughter to dozens of boys what about the girls but that laughter is being turned into screams as girls constantly invade with their unfairness the girls found E
ric on the first round of Fury of Dracula I swear they sound like the National Chess Federation boys and girls are simply different in some ways that can sometimes make competitions unfair have you ever seen how girls do their home work they do it that night meticulously going over every detail and often finishing before they absolutely have to this is how girls are with board game rule books before we even start playing they've already strategized a way to win leaving others in the dust gender
and now I'd like this is gender they literally just describe what gender is gender is a social construct based on who people are and how they live their lives I can't believe South Park did that in this episode of all things congratulations on your shocking success I just hope I can motivate little girls out there motivate them to understand that I will beat them at any sport they try motivate them to run away like that chicken strong woman did because all right all right that's enough you uh yo
u made your point Heather we get it okay oh hey trans fobe this is a nice surprise oh God what is he doing look everyone I know we're all little afraid to have any opinions on this stuff but uh there can be situations where it's not so easy to what I mean is I I didn't count on being the best since identifying as a woman yeah no sh cuz you went through pu a male so your body's completely different hormones change the body in dramatic ways and everyone's body is different not everyone who went th
eir male puberty is going to be heavily muscled and heavily ripped like that I wasn't before I transitioned I mean come on you're making the assumption that everyone in this position is going to be like this and that's everyone's bodies are different athletic ability is complicated you need a lot more Nuance than just went through male puberty or went through female puberty there's a whole lot more Nuance to this conversation and that's exactly what it transp would say I told you not to call me
a transf all I want is to have a discussion trans okay I've heard the words I just want to have a discussion countless countless times from transphobes now on its own it doesn't seem like it's a problem I welcome good faith discussions but most of the time people who do this are transphobes and they not looking to have a serious conversation they're not even looking to debate they're looking to lecture because they don't listen to you I've even made a short where I talk about how when re trans p
eople to find the difference between sex and gender the vast majority of the time transfers will reply with something about biology because well that's what they think about all the time they don't pay attention they don't understand the issue they don't even want to debate or have an honest conversation they just want to lecture you about how they don't like [Music] you oh [ __ ] this is more of condemnation of men as a whole I think that men want to go more into violence and it's gross that th
ey want to like mix trans wom up in there I didn't shove him her for being trans I shoved her because she's your ex-boyfriend and she's being a dick do you think the PC babies will see the Nuance you know babies they're babies their minds are made up before anyone says anything they're babies they don't have the the reasoning skills for this I have to try and make things right with Heather Swanson hey students as you know we've had some issues here at the school that we're working very hard to c
orrect so today we are honored to have a motivational speaker she is the current strong woman champion and also the champion in women's MMA fighting and in women's wrestling please welcome the inspiring Heather [Music] swans oh my God that is not appropriate for children you you do not not strip and dance like that in front of literal children trans people are appropriate around children if their behavior is appropriate this is clearly not that was an interesting episode this episode does have a
trans character however somehow even worse than Garrison but like on the other hand they also impli that this is actually not a transwoman but don't actually end it that way so yeah I I'm going to torn pleas and where put this given that it doesn't have the same degrading language as the first episode of South Park I looked at I'm leaning towards giving this the same grade because it fails to again understand the true issues going on here and it paints trans women in this broad caricature that
is really inaccurate to the train experience if you want to see an extended version of this video please sign up for my patreon thank you to my patrons for helping make this possible and especially thank you to Jeremy bams for contributing at the $10 tier on patreon if you would like to be mentioned at the end of a video like this please sign up for the $10 tier over on my patreon on there you can see parts that Paramount doesn't want you to see but hey if you can't do that at least give this vi
deo a like subscribe and leave a comment when you leave a comment you tell the algorithm show me more train and stuff so thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video I highly recommend you check out some of my other videos including transwoman reacts to South Park and transwoman reacts to Family Guy thank you so much for watching goodbye



This episode is a dig at performative allyship. PC Principal and Strong Woman are both performative allies, which means they care more about their own image than they care about LGBT issues. It's pretty obvious that Heather is just pretending to get back at her ex. The correct thing would be to call her out for this since it hurts actual trans people's credibility, however the couple doesn't want to do so as it might make them look bad. They care more about not upsetting "the babies" than they care about doing right by the trans community, hence the aren't actual allies, they just perform as such.


21:51 LMAO that "oh my god" was perfect timing 😂


It’s not a great episode or one I usually watch but, it’s satire. Matt and Trey know what they’re doing


Oh my when she said she's a dungeon master and Simpson yells nerd oh perfect 😂


i recommend you react to : S 18, Ep. 3 - The Cissy S 11, Ep. 2 - Cartman S***s S 5, Ep. 2 - Cripple Fight! S 5, Ep. 6 - Proper C0nd0m Use S 15, Ep. 4 - T.M.I.


Heather Swanson isn’t transgender and only trying to get back at his ex girlfriend so while it’s intended to make fun of trans, it’s also making fun of the transphobic people who think men can just say they identify as a woman and compete.


i feel like heather is more of a caricature of someone pretending to be trans. the reporter says at the beginning, "she isnt your average trans athelete". i think matt and trey are fine with trans people in sports but this is more focused on why certain regulations are appropriate (like waiting longer than 2 weeks to compete lol)


I actually had a thought for an alternative story for this episode, in which Strong Woman goes to the competition and they announce that due to complications, for the first time ever a man is allowed to compete. And Strong Woman is upset due to it being for "women" and sees a trans woman who isn't super "cis-passing" (note this woman has been on hormones for like 4 years) and assumes its just a guy pretending to be a woman in order to win but it was in reference to the fact a contestant being a trans man who wasn't allowed to compete in the mens competition due to being "not strong enough". And then the rest of the episode is about how trans women are treated differently from trans men, with how trans woman treated as a "threat" and "just pretending" while trans men are "strong" and "brave". I feel like this would make a better social commentary than the actual episode


You immediately assuming that they were trying to make Heather seem predatory with his EX’S kids when he was very obviously bragging about the trophy and how “better” he is just REALLY shows that this episode went way over your head.


It can be unfair, depending not on being trans on itself, but on body type. Here's an actual MMA fight, from 2 brazilean MMA fighters (Gabi Garcia (trans woman) vs Barbara Nepomuceno):


“Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons”. I’m surprised people didn’t find that offensive in the “make a man out of you” song.


The "PC Babies" is actually a caricature of the "PC Warriors". Not trying to take a jab at you, but I chuckled when you said "theyre babies, of course theyre gonna cry."


While the song "Make a Man Out of You" is the anthem for Trans-Men, "Reflection" is the anthem for Trans-Women. Right?🤯


I think you might enjoy South Park cripple figh. Season 5 episode 2. It tackles gay men being aloud in Boy Scouts. It’s an older episode and it might surprise you. And btw, I have a trans child. While I don’t agree with everything you believe. I believe in science and all and I won’t get into all of that. But I will always love and support my child no matter what. And I told them as much many times.


This episode wants to make the point that not everything is black and white and that there should be room for discussion, while the discussion is about a unrealistic, black and white portrayal of trans people competing in sports, the show making a transphobic black and white point. Because that totally gels well /s


Not a great episode but I'm pretty sure Matt and Trey thought it would be self evidently clear that "Heather" was not a trans woman from the second they stepped on screen. Pc principle even has a line that you didn't show about being sick of cartoons using strawdog characters to make a point about trans issues, which shows a bit of self awareness about what there're doing. Maybe that makes it worse, I don't know. I think the joke is that pc principle is so pc it takes him forever to figure out what the audience knew from the get go. I don't think the scene where "Heather" comes into the kitchen was supposed to be making any kind of statement about tans woman being dangerous, from the creators perspective the audience won't view her as a real trans woman. For what it's worth, south park is really good at writing gay characters these days.


Eric’s problem is he’s a misogynist/chauvinist like Heather. But we’ve always known that since it’s Cartman.


i think your taking this ep way to seriously ,e,g of course babies can't be pc thats the joke (well part of it) lol and south park if you try to watch south park under a microscope your gonna have a bad time


you said trans woman comes in all shape and sizes and than upon seeing the trans athlete cowboy you sad it was a bad caricature of trans woman. contradiction. and a trans person may or may not want to go through the transition. which does not mean they are anything less of what they claim to be.


Hello i want to be trans but im afraid im too young to get into that desition