
Trivia Quiz: When does Friday come before Thursday? #funny #jokes #comedy

Trivia Quiz: When does Friday come before Thursday? #jokes #funny #jokes #comedy #riddles You have 3 seconds to answer the question. Do you have other funny answers? Please share them in the comment section. Get your daily dose of laughter here. If you enjoyed this funny video, please like and subscribe to my channel. Also, don't forget to click the bell icon to get new video updates. The videos on this channel are for entertainment purposes only. Please do not take them seriously. Some may think that they are awful animation and bad jokes. I apologize if they offended you. Riddles in english with answer , gk quiz #shorts #quiz #riddles #englishriddles #gk #paheli #brightside #primeriddles gk, gk quiz, riddle, riddles, english riddles, riddles in english, brainteasers, riddles that will trick your friends, riddles and brain teasers with answers, puzzles, riddles for kids, riddles that will blow your mind, bright side riddles, bright side, 95% FAIL TO PASS THIS CHALLENGE! , Cool Riddles to Shake Up Your Brain, riddles and brain teasers with answers, riddles and puzzles, riddles and answers, a riddle , riddles bright side for kids, riddles channel, riddles challenge, riddles difficult, riddles for kids easy, riddles for kids in english, riddles for kids with answers, prime riddles riddles in english, paheli, paheliya, बूझो तो जाने ,

Mr Meme

20 hours ago

When does Friday come before Thursday? In the dictionary.
