
TRUE HORROR | An English Mothman? | Chilling Unexplained Encounter

Over the last one hundred years, something terrifying has allegedly been seen along the East coast of England in Cornwall. This hand-drawn true horror story details the sightings of the alleged mothman and presents the evidence collected by various people at the time. We hope you enjoy the video, if you did please show your support by liking the video, commenting and subscribing. Thank you, it helps our little channel grow. Story and pictures by Adam, narration by Holly and Adam. Evidence pictures courtesy of Cornwall Live. Music: Title Theme: Atlantis Rage - Jimena Contreras Dead Forest - Brian Bolger Gaia In The Fog- Dan Bodan Hitchcockian - Sir Cubworth Nocturnally - Amulets Down - Joey Pecoraro End Theme - Video Game Soldiers All music sourced from Youtube sound Library. #truestories #cryptids #mothman #owlman #unitedkingdom #unsolvedmysteries #legend #paranormal #superstition #unexplained #handdrawn #scary

Cases of Mystery and Myth

2 days ago

you may have heard of the American Mothman but reports spanning the last 100 years of English History detail a menacing humanoid creature of similar description prowling the Southwest coast of England this creature could easily have been mistaken for The Moth Man however the creature is described as a huge humanoid owl with glowing red eyes leading to the creature bearing the name the Cornish Alman who or what could this creature have been join us as we detail the sightings and reports in a hope
to unravel The Mystery of the Cornish Alman light a candle di the lights let's open the case the corner shman is a crypted associated with sightings in the village of Smith near Falmouth in Cornwall England it is sometimes known as the English Mothman the creature is often described as a humanoid owl with large wings and glowing eyes this English Legend gained attention in the late 1970s and has since become a notable part of local folklore in 1926 the Cornish Echo newspaper reported that two b
oys had been pursued by what was described as a very large and feral bird both boys hid behind a large metal great until the creature abandoned its Pursuit some 50 years later in April of 1976 two young girls June and Vicky meling were camping in the woods close to the 13th century mour and Parish church with their parents just as they were drifting into a slumber both girls reportedly heard loud hissing sounds and decided to exit their sleeping bags and the safety of their tent to investigate t
o their disbelief and horror they came face to face with the Alman the they claimed that the creature was huge had glowing red eyes and Claws which resembled blacksmith's pincers the creature was said to have an incredibly large wingspan and was reminiscent of a large owl this chilling incident frightened the family so much that they decided to cut their holiday short and return home to Preston in Lancashire before before they left the girl's father Dom meling gave the writer and artist Tony Shi
elds several pictures that the girls had drawn the illustrations depicted how the Alman looked Shields collected a number of drawings of the Alman over the years 2 years later there was a further sighting again this occurred at the church in morning at first eyewitnesses believed that a trick was being played upon them they thought that the terrifying creature that they saw was someone dressed in a costume they described what they witnessed as a huge bird that had silver feathers the witnesses t
hen realized that it was indeed the Alman when they watched the creature take flight and disappear after it flew flew away there was reportedly a strange static humming noise that came from within the dark Treetops two further sightings were reported in 1989 and again in 1995 the witness to the 1995 incident was an American Tourist who sent a letter about their encounter to the editor of the western Morning News Simon Parker the letter read as follows dear sir I am a student of marine biology at
the Field Museum Chicago on the last day of a summer vacation in England last Sunday evening I had a most unique and frightening experience in the wooded area near the old church at Cornwall I experienced what I can only describe as a vision from hell the time was 15 minutes after 9: more or less and I was walking along a narrow track through the trees I was halted in my tracks when about 30 m ahead I saw a monstrous Birdman thing it was the size of a man with a ghastly face a wide mouth glowin
g eyes and pointed ears it had huge claw wings and was covered in feathers of silver gray color the thing had long bird legs which terminated in large black claws it saw me and Rose floating towards me I just screamed then turned and ran for my life the whole experience was totally irrational and dreamlike friends tell me that there is a tradition of a phantom al man in that District now I know why I've seen the Phantom myself please don't publish my real name and address this could adversely af
fect my career now I have to rethink my worldview entirely yours very sincerely scared eyewitness the last known sighting of the Alman occurred in 2009 so what could the lman be there are a few prominent theories for this case some similarities have been identified between the Alman and its more famous American relative The Moth Man both frighten people prowl the dark and have a human shape with huge Wings could they be the same entity many people simply believed that the whole idea of the Alman
was a hoax one such person was an occult historian called Gareth Medway Medway suggested that the whole thing could have been a hoax a Shields allegedly had quite the reputation for elaborate hoaxes Medway suggested that Shields had been somehow involved in every sighting of the Alman Medway believed that Shields wrote the letters to the newspaper and encouraged two young girls to make the story up and draw the pictures for him to gain media interest we will never know if all the encounters wer
e elaborate hoaxes but one thing to note is that Shields wasn't even alive when the first encounter with the Alman took place in the 1920s so what creature did those two boys encounter the final theory is that the creature was just an owl owls have been known to nest in church spires and as they are a nocturnal Hunter are more likely to be seen at night some owls such as the Eurasian eagle owl have a wingspan of nearly 2 m which could account for the descriptions of the AL man given by various W
itnesses however if the creature was only an owl how could it have been seen so many times over the course of nearly a century so what do you think what precisely was the Cornish Owlman a hoax MTH man owl or something else entirely let us know what you think in the comments below and if you have enjoyed the video please like And subscribe as you won't want to miss our next case





Having watched the film the mothman prophecies which I love, I too love your story which is very eerie.


Excellent case.great graphics, great storytelling leaving the viewer to decide for themselves what a good idea.Look forward to more of this


Totally gripping storytelling, creepy graphics and very atmospheric. I believe it to be an unknown entity!


Great story! A real hoot! 😊


Appreciate your efforts to make these content for us.Great Graphics and terrifying music.btw can you tell the name of the music and the music in the description isn't from the video