
TRUE Scary & Disturbing February Horror Stories Pt.3 | Scary Stories

These are multiple TRUE Terrifying & Disturbing February Horror Stories told around a multiple backgrounds. If you want more like and subscribe! I tell the scariest and most horrifying stories on youtube so, subscribe! ➸ Check Out CreepyPasta Stories: ➸ Check Out Mysterious Disappearances Through History: 00:00 Intro 00:03 Video 1 16:05 Video 2 57:44 Video 3

It's Horrifying

5 days ago

this happened to me in 2015 when I was 19 years  old I was a sophomore in college and the only notable relationship I had was with a guy that  later left me for unknown reasons while this was all starting my dad offered to give his old  friend a place to stay he was in his 40s at the time and his room ended up being the downstairs  common area right next to my room his daughter was a childhood friend of mine and my sister so  when she visited we often spent a lot of time together I made the now
regrettable decision of  taking on a design major so most of my homework that semester had to be done in this common room I  often had many late nights so we'd end up talking to each other he spent most nights playing World  of Warcraft after coming home from his shifts down in Atlantic City when he wasn't playing the two  of us would watch movies and shows on Netflix or play video games together for all hours of the  night we shared a lot of interests like anime cult horror movies different vid
eo game franchises and  a fascination with witchcraft we ended up being pretty close friends I didn't have my license at  the time so he would often take me to school and work that was more time than we had to get to  know each other and I ended up growing a bond with him he became like an uncle to me for the  rest of the story I'll be referring to him as my uncle there were a few times where we did a lot of  traveling together with his daughter two we go to the surrounding shopping malls in our
County and  there was one day where we went down to Smithville and looked at all the different shops I genuinely  had a great time but then something started to seem off on my days off from school and work we  started to take trips during the week to different places it started out with food shopping or me  needing to buy supplies for my classes then he started started mentioning about this place where  he frequented to get incense and paraphernalia the only problem was that on this particular
day  I had to babysit my youngest brother who was three at the time my uncle assured me that he can  just tag along so we ended up going this shop was innocent enough mostly selling Wiccan items and  incense I was interested in a lot of the things they were selling and was just looking around I  tried making sure my brother stayed by my side and I held his hand or would occasionally pick him  up in my arms when he was shy Meanwhile my uncle was chatting with the tenders one of them ends up  maki
ng the mistake of asking is that your son I still get asked if my younger brothers are my kids  all the time because of a big age gap between us so I was of course quick to try and saying no he's  my brother my uncle however had a different way of handling it he told them yeah isn't he cute I  tensed the up and was quick to really correct him now the ladies apologized but my uncle acted  like I didn't say anything they gave my brother a coloring book and we soon left I liked that shop  but becau
se of that incident I never went back I don't remember if I tried confronting him about  it that time but it definitely was not the last time he tried something like this now about that  trip to Smithville as fun as it was going there the first time my uncle still tried keeping close  to me in the shops even with his daughter with us he had a girlfriend that lived up north and yet  when people would talk to us he acted like we were together it made me uncomfortable but what  was I supposed to sa
y I thought that maybe I was digging too deeply into it so I didn't say much  unless if it's to look at his daughter to see her reaction she did seem quite bothered to my  relief but here's where things come to a head around November that year my uncle invited me to  come with him to this indie game convention that was in Atlantic City it seemed like a harmless  enough event so on a day that I just so happened to be off I decided to go it was a simple enough  convention with a lot of indie game
divs showing off their demos on the convention floor in this  casino there were different vendors and shops too I sat down to play a demo that caught my interest  I was playing and getting a feel for the game but the developer looked at me and my uncle and  playfully commented to him this is is a good game to play with your wife I was awkwardly sitting  there mostly because any feminine epithet towards me made me extremely uncomfortable but not once  did my uncle correct them while we were at th
is particular Booth he never stopped to say no wait  we're not married or I actually have a girlfriend already he went along with it in fact he always  did that let me just remind you of this important detail I was 19 years old just barely over 5 ft  and struggling to survive off my paychecks my uncle was a full-grown 44 year-old man at this  shop I was looking around while my uncle met up with another guy that was looking around I think  he had kids or something and I don't remember how this wa
s brought up but he mentioned something  about children he might have asked something along the lines of if we had kids but my soul was  leaving my body out of complete embarrassment and discomfort at this point my uncle's response  to this stranger's asinine assumption was to say no but maybe one day I snapped at that point  of course I didn't start yelling but I damn well should have instead after The Stranger left I  told him to knock it off I was so uncomfortable but I tried to get my point
across after all who  just says things like that to random strangers and people just kept assuming that we were married  because he never even bothered to tell them the truth he turns to me me and with no concept of  reality of the situation whatsoever he tells me what you'd be a great mother the convention was  completely ruined for me after that and I didn't want to be seen with him there anymore we ended up  walking the boardwalk afterwards but he was still close and personal like we were dat
ing despite  my verbal discomfort towards it I just wanted to go home I even told my parents what happened  when we finally got back but nothing came of it considering that he was still living with us  for months after the convention but after that I never went somewhere alone with him again I know  he wouldn't have actually done anything to harm me but it was the implication that when we were  out together alone he was telling people we were married let alone considering having children  it was
n't even like I could drive away because I didn't have a license no one at home really  took me seriously he eventually got kicked out over an unrelated incident his daughter doesn't  talk to him anymore more there are plenty of other stories with him but for the sake of his and  others anonymity and keeping this from getting any longer than it already is I'll just leave it  here what triggered all these memories again was when he tried reaching out to me on Facebook a  couple months ago he said
how's the family doing like nothing happened I still can't even watch  movies that I enjoyed without thinking of what he did so dear uncle that lied to strangers  about me being your wife let's never meet again I know what happened to me is pretty  minor compared to most of the stories I've heard here but it still traumatized me my memory  of Everything feels like swiss cheese but I'll try my best to remember everything I think the  first time I met my uncle was when my family moved to Michigan
I had to have been around six or  seven at the time just to clarify he was a first cousin of my mom's side of the family my mom's  side of the family is enormous and back in those days we used GA every weekend for the adults to  eat and drink and for the kids to play and hang out it was during one of these gatherings when I  met him I remember he smelled like smoke and his fingers were cold when they pinched my cheeks  I greeted him just like I was supposed to and ran off to play with my brothe
rs and cousins he  was really funny and nice just like the rest of my aunts and uncles some things I think you should  know before I continue on with this story is that my family and culture in general is a lot more  touchy feely than your average family and there was a more traditional way of raising kids it's  not uncommon at all for adults and kids alike to be patting butts kissing and pinching cheeks and  hugging it's just one of the main ways we show our affection for each other when someon
e older  than you is speaking to you you have to address them in a specific way you always show your El 's  respect and you always listen to them if they are older you are at their mercy so anyway back to the  story I would soon find out that my uncle was not like the rest of my family there was the first  instance I can remember that occurred shortly after we had moved I was playing outside in the  front lawn with my brothers they had moved onto playing tag or something like that and I was a  c
ouple feet away just derping around my uncle pulled up to the curb and got out of his car  he had this thing where every time I saw him he would kneel down and ask me to kiss his cheek  this was normal at least the first few times it was I think my mom was looking for an apartment  for us to move into because we were living with a couple ants uncles and their kids in a smaller  condo at the time my uncle asked me if I could go with him and show him where the apartment was  at the time I didn't t
hink it was strange for him to ask me that I guess because I always wanted  to make people happy as a kid looking back it makes no sense how the hell would a six-year-old  know directions to an apartment building multiple cities away I ended up saying no sorry and was  about to go back to my brothers when he grabbed my arm and said I should go with him anyway to  keep him company I thought I should go with him because he's my uncle he's an adult and like I  said you always listen to your elders
by the way nowadays I freaking hate my family my extended  family that is so we're driving and I'm in the front passenger seat I don't remember anything we  talked about or how long the ride was I don't even remember where he actually took me or where he  dropped me off I just remember him reaching over and rubbing my legs which was normal I think but  then he put his hand down my pants which was not normal I laugh thinking he was just kidding with  me and tried moving his hand but he just shove
d harder until he was right there between my legs  I don't remember what happened after that I just remember thinking I don't think this is right I  don't think uncles do this I didn't tell anyone about what happened because I thought it was a  one-time thing my stupid child brain saw it as him having an off day the following visits would  consist of his ritual of making me kiss him on the cheek except he started to grab my head and kiss  me on the lips this was not normal it was way too sloppy
and wet and forceful no one ever forced  me to kiss them he would grab mine but whenever he saw me harder and rougher than anyone normally  would it seemed like whenever I got within arms length he would reach out and grab me to run his  hands all over me when other people were around he would hug me or put me on his lap but leave  one of his hands between my legs it was highly unsettling and made me feel horrible I didn't  know whether to run and cry start punching him or tell someone a big par
t of me knew what he was  doing was bad the other part of me thought I was the bad one from not listening to him sometimes  the way you're brought up can really mess with you fast forward a couple years later when I'm in  fifth grade or middle school I don't think I had seen him in a while at this point I was home with  one of my brothers eating dinner in the kitchen my brother was playing games on the computer in  his room someone knocked at the front door so I went to move the curtain to see w
ho it was my  uncle stood alone smiling at me I was overcome with a hodge podge of panic fear and disgust  I reluctantly let him in he made me kiss him and grabed my but while I tried to pull my face  away I waited for him to sit down then took the seat farthest from him I think he asked me random  questions about school and where everyone was I kept my answers short even had a light Spritz  of hatred with them I wanted to scream get out of here here why are you here he asked me to make  him som
e food which consisted of a microwaved hot dog I wanted to leave the kitchen and go to my  brother's room but he kept talking to me I was scared the entire time trying to figure out what  might happen to my surprise after I didn't know how much time had passed he got up and announced  he was leaving I felt the relief wash over me as I watched him put on his shoes he put his hand on  the doorknob and I walked closer getting ready to close and locked the door once he left as I walked  toward him h
e turned around quickly and grabbed me with both hands he half bare hugged me grabbing  my butt holding me against him as he stuck his tongue in my mouth and positioned me against  the door I had no idea what had happened all I could do was register the fact that I was  in a very bad spot and my mouth tasted like smoke I tried escaping his hold but he only pushed  against me and squeezed harder I felt his hand go under underneath my underwear and his fingers  started to move I couldn't believe w
hat was happening to me I wanted to scream for my brother  but his mouth was covering mine after what seemed like forever he stopped and let go of me I backed  several feet away from him he brought his fingers up to his nose and closed his eyes then the sick  bastard smiled said goodbye and left several more years passed I was in high school and I remember  there were many occasions where where my mom told me he wanted to pick me up from school or take  me to run errands to help out I would inst
antly become Furious and demand that I be left out of  the equation these were the rare times I would raise my voice and scream at my mom she would  freak out on me and wouldn't understand why I was acting the way I was but I could never bring  myself to tell her why I just felt like there was a huge Boulder on top of me preventing me from  screaming from the top of my lungs that he had violated me and that I wanted to gouge his  freaking eyes out I later found out that he had done similar thing
s to several of my cousins  and some of their friends and even to my brothers we never talked about it in detail together it was  just an unspoken known thing that he was touching us inappropriately there was a time where one of  my cousins and I finally told an aunt she told our moms they didn't believe us my aunt told  us never to be alone with him again the older I got the angrier I became G I hated him so hard  every time I saw him I would walk in the opposite direction to avoid him I'm 23 n
ow and sometimes  he'll show up at other people's houses I still get panicky and frightened when I see him I think  it's time I end this story as I've mentioned in the beginning a few people in my life know about  what happened but not the full details spilling out the details for the first time has been pretty  emotionally and mentally laborious thank you so much for allowing me to get this off my chest  and I hope this can help someone in some small way between July 2012 and August 2013 I work
ed  as a case manager at a housing center in northern Michigan it was essentially a homeless shelter  with additional programs designed to help individuals get back on their feet in July 2012  while working my shift A Man Named Dave arrived seeking a place to stay he appeared to be detoxing  from drugs and wasn't the most pleasant person most clients at the center were understandably  down on their luck which often manifested in sadness depression and hopelessness however Dave's  attitude was pa
rticularly challenging making me rush through the intake process just to be done  with it for the first few weeks I didn't pay much attention to Dave he attended the morning meetings  and classes but he still maintained a difficult demeanor he was Kurt with everyone and easily set  off however as time went on I found myself drawn to Dave I began to fantasize about being intimate  with him I even dressed in a way that would catch his attention and he would compliment me genuinely  I was excited b
ut I was already married so I knew this was inappropriate despite being married my  desire was solely focused on Dave and I began to question whether I wanted to remain married over  time Dave and I started to sneak off to engage in sexual activities while I was at work sometimes  we would do it on the property and other times we would find a different location eventually my  husband found out about our Affair and I moved out Dave and I continued our relationship but we  had to keep it a secret
he came to stay with me at my new place but I made it clear that he couldn't  live with me yet it was too soon and neither of us had the financial means to support him I suggested  that he reenter the shelter program as they would pay his rent for two years if he followed the  necessary steps after some debate Dave agreed to do the program and we continued to pretend  that we didn't have feelings for each other in hindsight we thought we had fooled everyone  however it became apparent that most
people knew something was going on between us given our  Behavior around each other body language doesn't lie Dave was able to secure the fun he needed  for his new apartment he found a Charming place downtown and moved in I was relieved that he was  out of the shelter as it allowed us to continue seeing each other however Dave began to change he  was constantly upset depressed overwhelmed and on edge the more time we spent together the angrier  he became about everything being with him was no l
onger enjoyable it felt more like a chore like I  was babysitting a child I would try to stay home and create some distance from him but he always  needed me to be there with him he would treat me poorly but still wanted me around it was as if he  couldn't bear to be alone when we were intimate it felt like he wasn't even present we would  engage in sexual activities because he needed to get off but there was no connection no emotion  and no love I wanted to end things with him but I didn't know
how he was mentally fragile and he  said he couldn't handle being hurt again whenever we discussed breaking up he would make threats  about using his gun to end it all on January 17th 2012 I went to Dave's apartment after work  he wanted me to stay the night but he was in a terrible mood he was punching the fridge because  he wanted to buy marijuana but he had given me his money to help pay my bills and now he resented it  I told him that I was done that we were over and I rushed out I knew he
had a gun but I wasn't sure  if he would actually use it on me himself or both of us he chased me outside and tried to get me to  come back inside I told him that if he truly loved me he would let me leave he moved out of the way  and I got into my car and drove off a few minutes later I received a call from him I would ask you  to turn around but I know you're not going to he said calmly nope I I replied he raised his voice  slightly saying why are you being so cold towards me I repeated that w
e were done are you breaking  up with me he screamed yes I am I told him then he said something with a scary tone that I had never  heard from him before don't do it he exclaimed why I asked are you going to kill yourself I mocked  him because every time I tried to leave he he would say that there was silence on the line  the call was still connected but I didn't hear a response I said his name a couple of times but  then I hung up I assumed he had already hung up or that he was going to kill hi
mself and I didn't  want to hear The Gunshot that was the last time I heard from Dave he ended up taking his own life  that night but I'm not sure if it was immediately after our conversation or later on other people  had spoken to him that supposedly into the early morning hours they said he sounded very sad he was  on the phone with them but they were doing all the Talking the police informed me that when they  found him he had been dead for a couple of days I had to clean out his apartment an
d contact his  family whom I had never met and who were spread across the United States I sent his belongings  to all of them I learned a lot about Dave and his troubled life disturbing things that I wish I  had known before getting involved with him in the same week I got divorced and then Dave committed  suicide it was a very dark time for me I wanted to die I felt guilty for the things I said and  how I said them I could have taken the gun away many times it had been stored at my house for a 
long time before he took it with him I lost a lot of weight had to seek counseling and I had never  felt so alone I wished I could change Chang things for 3 years I felt like it was my fault that he  was gone I might as well have pulled the trigger myself I thought I was glad he had bolted his door  because if I had found him I am sure I would have grabbed the gun and shot myself too my therapist  suggested that I write down my thoughts and feelings on Sunday June 27th 2004 17-year-old  Craig A
llen frier visited his ex-girlfriend at the Cambridge Manor apartment complex in Scotia  New York Scotia a small town of around 8,000 people is situated just over 20 mil Northwest  of Albany in Upstate New York the visit occurred not long after Craig and his ex-girlfriend had  gone through a traumatic breakup leaving both teenagers heartbroken and depressed Craig's  mental health deteriorated to the point where he stopped showing up to his job at the local  Price Chopper despite initial warning
from his manager Craig was eventually fired and replaced  the breakup had a profound negative impact on Craig's mental well-being but the exact reason  for his visit to his ex-girlfriend's apartment that day remains unclear it's possible he wanted  to reconcile with her or perhaps seek closure to move on from the relationship unfortunately  Craig's visit was poorly timed around the same time Craig's mother went to the Price Chopper  to pick up groceries and discovered from Craig's former her col
leagues that he had been fired  due to unauthorized absences she was Furious not only because she learned about it in such  a humiliating manner but also because Craig had been lying to her about going to work for at  least two weeks she called Craig's cell phone multiple times but he didn't answer because  he had left his phone behind in his haste to visit his ex-girlfriend Craig's mother eventually  called his ex-girlfriend's apartment and found out that Craig was there she confronted him abou
t  losing his job and in informed him that she had already told his father Craig assured her he would  return home in 10 to 15 minutes but he never made it back Craig was reported missing and the first  person the police spoke to was his ex-girlfriend she told him that after he left her apartment he  didn't get into his car but instead walked into the woods behind her complex his car was still  parked in the complex's lot the night before he disappeared Craig had slept at his friend Matthew  oli
v's house Matthew told the police that Craig was deeply upset about the breakup but never  hinted at running away or harming himself the police searched the area where Craig was last seen  which included railroad tracks and wooded paths connecting kingbridge manner to Craig's family  home they also searched the nearby mohw River but found no evidence of Craig police appealed to the  public for information about Craig's whereabouts they described Craig as Caucasian around 5T 11  in weighing 190 l
b with red hair brown eyes and dimples he sometimes wore a goate and was last  seen wearing a white short sleeve t-shirt blue jeans or jean shorts white Adidas sneakers with  three black stripes and a gold chain with a St Christopher metal nearly 100 members of the New  York State Police including investigators and Troopers have been involved in the case over  the years the local scoa police investigated for 2 years before turning the case over to  the state police in 2006 investigator Gloria Co
pa led the case until her retirement in 2015  when detective Kevin Noto took over on the 15th anniversary of Craig's disappearance his mother  spoke to local journalists asking for privacy to grieve she expressed the pain of missing her son  and the hope that someone would come forward with information about his disappearance around the  same time concern citizens organized a candid vigil to commemorate the tragedy and encourage  anyone with information to come forward despite extensive efforts
Craig has not been found police  have conducted almost 70 searches using sniffer dogs foot patrols and forensic divers but no  evidence has been found Craig's social security number has not been used since his disappearance  indicating that he has not opened a bank account applied for a job or paid taxes in the United  States this suggests that he is either using a new identity or deceased two likely explanations  for Craig's disappearance have been overlooked by the police the first is that his
ex-girlfriend or  someone else harmed him and disposed of his body however this theory is unlikely given Craig's  size and strength and the lack of evidence the second is that his ex-girlfriend's new partner  motivated by jealousy harmed Craig at her behest this theory is also speculative but more plausible  given the circumstances Craig's disappearance remains a mystery and his family continues  to search for answers Pete diito a former journalist who covered the case has been deeply  affected
by it and fears for his own children's safety he believes that someone knows what  happened to Craig and hopes that they will come forward I started High School in 2016 and lived  in Los Angeles at the time I have a lot of stores from living in that City I was a very quiet  reserved person unless you were my friend who would describe me as bubbly and caring at the  time I was also dealing with the fact I was sexually abused by a relative before starting  high school over the summer break after
8th grade but that's another story on its own I have  developed PTSD along with depression anxiety and was in therapy for 5 years I plan on going back  due to the fact I still get flashbacks and have panic attacks I tried to end it all a couple  of times due to feeling like I couldn't talk to anyone about anything and feeling like I had  no support even from my ex-boyfriend who would say he was always there for me and tried helping  me but in reality he made it worse I met my first boyfriend my
freshman year when I was 15 he was  a sophomore at the time and his name was Curtis with a k at first I thought he was annoying and  wanted nothing to do with it him but eventually I grew feelings for him he was into the same  music as me liked anime like me had the same style and we both likeed to draw I thought he was  really funny he always made me laugh and seemed to genuinely love me I was with him for three and  a half years which was all of high school for me now the more I stayed with hi
m the more I saw how  he really was but despite that I didn't want him to leave me maybe it was due to my trauma but I  really didn't want him out of my life and craved the attention he was giving me due to feeling very  lonely and suicidal Curtis and I also shared the same type of trauma so we were both broken and  needed each other however it seemed he took all his anger frustration and Fantasies out on me I  think he wanted to feel he was in power due to his trauma but why did someone who lov
ed you and knew  how you felt do that to you our relationship was sweet and everything you expect from young kids  his friends eventually became my friends and I was happy for a while but with all his friends being  guys he showed just how jealous he would get he would get mad when I hugged his friends or when  I would say I love them which I did I loved all my friends he made me not want to wear skirts  anymore because supposedly I was showing his friends what's up my skirt when that wasn't tru
e  at all I couldn't wear certain things because I had big breasts even if they were barely showing  so I wore hoodies a lot he would even get really mad and give me crap when I liked a celebrity so  I couldn't talk about any show or movie I liked he would then respond I don't care or I'll end  him this always annoyed me so I wouldn't tell him anything about my friends that weren't his I  felt like I couldn't join plays because if I had to kiss someone I was betraying him eventually we  broke up
but we were still acting like a couple but I took this opportunities to join the play my  high school was putting on I had got the female lead now during this time of rehearsals we had  got back together this was due to the fact he wanted to end himself so I felt like I needed to  get back with him and dated him for two more years despite not wanting to now he knew I was in the  play but didn't want to see me perform because I had to kiss someone I practically begged him to  go because I wanted
him to see how good and how hard well all worked on this play he yelled at  me called me selfish and stupid how dare I want him to go see me fake kiss another guy two of his  friends ended up coming they even gave me flowers which made me cry due to me really wanting him  there and also due to them being there for me they said I was amazing now due to this fake kiss  to my co-star he began to resent him wanted to fight him and would get very angry when he would  see him walking to class his nam
e was Luis and was really nice and supportive to me when Curtis would  make me cry and made me feel horrible for joining the play even Louis's girlfriend was supportive  and she wasn't mad we had to kiss because she knew it was all fake I will say doing the plays  was the best thing I've ever done and it helped me become more confident in myself that's only  a fraction of the inconvenience he's done and said to me other stuff he would do was make me  feel bad and pressure me into having intercou
rse with him this I would give in due to the trauma I  endured I felt like I couldn't say no every every time we did it I would have panic attacks and he  would still want to continue and I let him I had a lot of intercourse with him when I was 15 which  I don't think any 15-year-old should be doing as I got older I stopped letting him touch me and  didn't really let him kiss me and I eventually started saying no to him which would make him mad  and ignore me even some of his friends stopped bei
ng his friends because of how he was to me  and they would try to tell me to leave him but I wouldn't listen I was young young and dumb he  also had a heavy corn addiction and was heavily into stuff to do with the butt to put it lightly  he would always try to pressure me to do that but I will outw say that was something that I would  never do he would then get all upset and ask me come on you wouldn't even think about doing the  D I would then get mad and tell him no he would then get all quiet
and ignore me this would really  upset and ignore me he would always grab my but even in school in front of everyone which made me  and Friends uncomfortable I would tell him to stop but he would still do it anyways even when one  of his friends would tell him to stop he would even tell people about what we would do in his  bedroom which made his friends mad and my friends mad because they don't want to hear that stuff  like that and don't like that he was exposing me to people like that he als
o was really fond of  my best friend named arth but I never let that bother me because I knew he was my boyfriend and  he wouldn't try anything which he didn't he just had fantasies she didn't like him much either in  fact she didn't really hang out with me when I was with him but she was still my best friend he  would even have nudes of other girls on his phone that girls would send him but I still ignored it  he would also randomly send me pictures of his junk even when I never asked for it wh
ich would  also annoy and get me upset he would also get mad at me when I didn't want to perform oral on him  which I never did do to trauma which I told him and he would still get mad and asked me despite  us sharing trauma and him knowing what happened to me he would still pressure me to do sexual  acts even though I would cry about it he would also still stay aroused even while I was having a  panic attack another thing he had on his phone was a lot of hentai which for those who don't know  i
s Anime corn a lot of those were childlike he was seriously obsessed with one anime character  named Rim from rezero he seriously wanted to do stuff to her and she was fictional it was really  weird most of his hin eye was of her I eventually broke up with him again when I was almost 19 this  was the final breakup I finally wanted to break off with him didn't want anything to do with him  because he stopped hanging out with me and barely texted me so I said what's the point in dating  if you're
not hanging out with me the last few months of our relationship was like that which I  found was a good excuse to finally leave him he said he didn't want to break up but I said I did  and we were done he said let's still be friends and I said sure that didn't last long which I'm  glad it didn't I knew he was a bad person but I found out more from his old friends who are still  my friends about the stuff he would say about me one of his old friends who is now my best friend  told me he would tel
l him how when I cried and got upset that it would turn him on which made sense  now because he always seemed to make me cry little did I know it was getting him off he also told me  that Curtis told him he wanted to have a threesome with my girl best friend and how he wanted  to fundle her I'm glad the man I have now is patient with me and I've never had a panic attack  when he and I get intimate his name is Eddie and I love him dearly along with the dog we adopted  who helps me with my depress
ion and PTSD I'm glad I found someone who actually makes me feel safe  and isn't a jealous manipulative and borderline Predator I've always been very intrigued by the  Paranormal and absolutely love horror movies but I had never really experienced something personally  until about 7 years ago I was 19 at the time now almost 26 my boyfriend and I live together here  in Wyoming where I'm from but he is not from here this must must have been Thanksgiving in 2013 or  2014 my boyfriend wanted to go b
ack home South to be with his family for the holiday I was a little  upset he wouldn't be spending the holiday with me but I knew he hadn't been home in a while so I  was happy he would be able to be with his family he planned on staying for only about a week but  spoiler alert he never came back once he got there I just had a feeling of constant dread and sadness  he barely called would barely text and him having cheated in the past my thoughts were constantly  consumed with who he was spending
his time with anyway that's slightly irrelevant a couple of  months go by he's still there then one morning I get a call from his mom it took me by surprise as  I had only spoken with her maybe two times before when him and I were living together however I  knew if she was calling me it couldn't be good news it wasn't but it was at the same time she  called to tell me that he had gotten in with the wrong crowd and had been doing some pretty serious  drugs he apparently had a complete meltdown a
nd something had happened with the group of friends  that led to him being targeted she didn't go into too much detail about that she then said that she  sent him to live with a relative up North so that was the bad news the good news was that she told  me how he was so upset because he promised me we'd be together for Valentine's Day which at this  point was a little less than a month away so she explained to me how she'd offer to pay for half  of my playing ticket to go see him so we could spe
nd it together however kept urging me that I  should wait and that he wasn't himself obviously I didn't care how bad could he be fast forward a  couple of weeks and I'm boarding my plane to fly to the Northeast part of the United States where  I had never been before I felt on top of the world Not only would I finally be seeing my boyfriend  for the first time since Thanksgiving but I had never been to that part of the country before  and experiencing it for the first time with him made me feel
like this would be one of the best  times of my life man was I wrong immediately upon arriving at the hotel he was staying at I got a  bad feeling in my stomach which only got worse when he opened the door I could tell he wasn't  in the moment he opened that door he was excited to see me but didn't give me the welcome I all  imagined he hugged me kissed my forehead said he was glad I was there then just quietly and slowly  walked back to the bed and laid down he seemed so blot sad just not his n
ormal goofy giddy self  now I knew his mom told me something happened to him so I just correlated his behavior with  how anyone would be if something traumatic had happened to them anyone who knows me knows I'm  not the best at comforting people it's just not my thing and always makes me feel awkward I always  just assume there's absolutely nothing I could say or do to make someone feel better when they're  down like that but I was going to try my hardest to bring him back to who he was and be t
here for  him I laid down and cuddled up to him told him he could tell me about it if he wanted to but if  not I wouldn't push it we laid there and cuddled and had Small Talk mostly about my trip there and  our puppy that I had bought him for Christmas it was then that he start interrupting me but not to  chime in about what I was telling him but to talk to someone that was in the corner of our hotel  room which obviously it was just us I don't even remember what he'd say but it'd be the most ra
ndom  things that didn't pertain to my topic at all I'd lift my head up off his chest huh and he'd just  chuckle and say haha nothing so at this point I was pretty confused and really worried about him  all I could think about was his mom urging me to wait this happened about two or three times before  I finally said well are you hungry I'm starving he said sure and that there was a restaurant just  right across the street from our hotel we get to the restaurant and sit down I order and he  tell
s the waiter he's not hungry my food comes and as I'm eating he apologized for being so blot  told me how happy he is that I'm there and told me he'd take me to get my nails done tomorrow and do  something fun he was a little better at dinner so that made me feel much more at ease we walked  back to our hotel it's almost 10 p.m. now so I wasn't mad when he suggested putting on a movie  and relaxing as we were laying there I started to kiss him and be a little touchy I hadn't seen my  man in almo
st three months can you blame me that was when he grabbed my hand and told me no that  he had decided he didn't want to do that again until marriage that was really odd to me because  we had a very healthy sexual relationship before I thought he was kidding so I laughed and tried  to proceed he grabbed my hand again and said he was serious I was a little irritated because  I really wanted to show him how much I missed him but I stopped and we started engaging in  small talk again which is when h
e proposed to me but not like actually proposed he asked me  if I'd marry him but he didn't get on one knee and didn't have a ring or anything he was totally  serious too this really excited me so I said yes we decided on going to a jewelry store in the  morning to pick out a ring he then got up and got his notebook out of his bag and we spent the  next hour or so writing down wedding plans before falling asleep all right all right I'm getting to  the point of the story story that you're all her
e for I promise much more happens than him just  talking to himself I woke up the next morning feeling like the luckiest girl in the world looked  over at my man and just got butterflies this man actually wants to spend the rest of his life with  me I kissed him and he woke up we snugged a bit and decided to get up and go get some breakfast I  really thought and hoped maybe today he'd be back to himself at first he seemed to like better  still not the same but better we went to the local Denny's
and got some breakfast then went  over to the mall this is where it started going downhill more we're walking in the mall hand and  hand smiling and pointing at things in windows at stores where he then starts talking to himself  again at first I say what but then after looking up at him I noticed he wasn't looking at me just  right in front of him he didn't even acknowledge that I had asked asked what I say he was talking  to himself because he obviously wasn't talking to me or anyone else but
it was like he was having  a straightup conversation with someone again I can't quite remember everything he was saying but  I do remember him just laughing and replying haha yeah I know right it's wild or no no trust me we  won't do that just things like that I let this go on for at least a complete circle around  the whole Mall just particular in to look at store Windows while my mind was racing wondering  not only what the hell was going on but what to do what to say we were walking up on a
k Jeweler  so I figured this was my time to say something I interrupted his conversation with well should we  look at Rings making a head gesture towards the jewelry store he snapped out of it looked over  at the store smiled and said yes we picked out a ring got the credit app application and it was  almost a done deal when he stopped and asked if we could take the night to think about it I agreed  it was a big decision to make we hadn't even told our friends and family yet and then in the back
  of my head I'm thinking it's clear you're not in your right head space we get back to the room he  told me he was going to take a shower and asked if I'd join him this surprised me and excited me at  the same time since the previous night when I was being touchy he stopped me so I smiled and said of  course this ended up being the most awkward shower I'm sure I will ever take in my life he's behind  me putting soap on my back and I could feel that he was enjoying the shower if you know what I 
mean so this gave me a little hope that maybe he'd disregard the celibacy thing he mentioned the  previous night wrong just as I was about to reach behind me and start touching him I stop right as  he says I know she's absolutely beautiful right and he starts conversing with himself again so I  say it was an awkward shower because it basically consisted of him talking to someone else about me  they were talking about my body in depth and how beautiful I was so I'm just standing there  wondering
if I should be saying thank you I mean technically they're compliments but on the  other hand he's talking about it as if I wasn't right there I don't even remember if I ever said  anything I think I just stared at the wall and avoided our contact with him since every time  I'd look at him he'd be completely engaged with something else in the corner of the shower then  out of my peripheral I'd see him look at parts of my body and the weird compliment conversation  would start up again the showe
r finally ended I felt sad all I wanted to do was cry and go to  sleep but this is where things took a much deeper turn the part of this whole trip that I'll never  be able to explain we're both laying in bed naked he's still talking to himself or whoever the hell  he's talking to when out of nowhere he jumps out of the bed so fast it startled me almost as  if something had bit him or something before I can even get the what's wrong out of my mouth  he screams at me are you the devil I just look
ed at him with wide eyes not even knowing what to say  before I could even say anything again are you the freaking devil I am freaking the hell out at this  point on the inside on the outside I literally do nothing but stare so I just say as calmly as I can  no why would you think the stop lying to me devil you think you're fooling me I will not let you do  this I laid there and tears began to fill my eyes I just watched as he started grabbing any loose  object he could find in the room and and
setting them on top of me in the bed like he was trying  to hold me down or something I mean he grabbed pens notebooks both our luggage clothes even the  phone and nightstand just on top of me in the bed all while he's still screaming and asking if I'm  the devil and who sent me at some point during all of this I discreetly grabbed my phone and  called his mom I didn't put it up to my ear I just wanted her to hear what was going on I could  hear her freaking out praying saying she'd call her bro
ther I'm just laying there with all these  objects on me tears streaming down my face hoping this was a bad dream I didn't think it could get  worse but it did he then got a cup of water from the bathroom when he came back I kid you not  he literally started performing an exorcism on me I've never seen an actual exorcism but I've  seen plenty horror movies this man really started speaking another language throwing water on me  putting a cross up to my forehead he violently grabbed my arms and as
ked why the water wasn't  burning my skin I'd scream every time he'd come close to examine my body for burns from the  water I was so terrified I didn't know what would be coming next I've never in my life seen  eyes so black I couldn't even see the whites of his eyes they were completely black the most scary  thing of all in the whole situation apart from his black eyes was him speaking another language  I knew he didn't know any other languages and whatever he was speaking Latin maybe he was 
speaking it as if it was his first language I thought for sure someone in this hotel has  called the front desk by now I hadn't screamed at the top of my lungs but loud enough to where  people staying at least two to three rooms down would have heard finally there's a knock at  the door thank thank God the amount of relief I felt in my body is unexplainable he stops the  exorcism right away looking over at the door I got a little scared again as he yells who did you  send but then we hear Camero
n it's me Uncle Mike he says calmly I changed the names just in case  you know he walks over to the door calmly opens the door and thank God his uncle is finally here  here his mom had told me she was calling him but it felt like hours since I'd heard her say that I  almost thought I heard wrong he invites his uncle in the room and once walking far enough to see  the bed on the other side of the bathroom wall has a look that I can only explain as mortified  him and I make ey contact and just sta
re at each other for probably a good 10 seconds he walks  over to the bed and starts taking off all of the random objects the nightstand being the first  Cameron tries to stop him explaining that I'm the devil and he's not done saving his fiance  yet his uncle says something random along the lines of I know but what needs to be done cannot  be done here we need to change locations Cameron surprisingly agrees and lets his uncle continue  taking all the objects off of me once I only have the blank
ets left on me which are drenched in  certain spots from the water being thrown at me but soaked from my hands grasping a certain spot  his uncle says go ahead and put some clothes on even though I had blankets on me it was clear  I at least wasn't wearing a shirt my shoulders and arms had been exposed the whole time and my  hair was in a bond I slowly got up and grabbed clothes Uncle Mike walked away and led Cameron  further to the other side of the room by the window it was completely silent n
ormally I'd feel  uncomfortable because I was naked I had never met Cameron's Uncle before in my life but the feeling  of relief was so strong that the feeling of being uncomfortable or feeling awkward was not at all  present at the time I remember grabbing a hoodie and sweatpants as I was putting my shoes on his  uncle says go out to the parking lot and wait in the red truck we'll be out shortly as I'm about  to walk out the door I hear Uncle Mike we can't let her leave that's not her it's the
devil I  get to the lobby walk by the front desk where I'm happily greeted by the man working behind it  he had no idea our room was on the first floor immediately upon taking a right past the front  desk is the hallway where the rooms start we were maybe six rooms down and he had no idea I walked  out the main doors I didn't even smile back at the employee just stared at him as I kept walking  the red truck stuck out like a sore thumb as as I think back and picture this it's almost like it  was
the only truck in the parking lot I get in the passenger side freezing I hadn't grabbed my coat  and it's February in the northern United States I called his mom who had called at least 10 times  she answers after the first ring I sob as I tell her what happened his uncle's truck wasn't parked  right in front of the double automatic doors like you would if you were booking a room but right  on the other side where if I were to turn the headlights on the headlights would shine right  through the
front doors and into the lobby to the right of the doors I barely see the employee  at the front desk I continue telling his mom about what happened when I see Cameron running into the  lobby his uncle right behind him they startle The Man Behind the front desk I can see Cameron is  upset and yelling his uncle with a worried look on his face doing the known hand gesture of calm  down and the employee now on the phone I knew he was calling the cops this worries his mom and  IC as well Cameron is
an African-American this was right before the black lives matter movement  within what seems like seconds I see cherries and berries Lots about four cop cars pull up to  the entrance right as I see Cameron throw a little end table that had been next to one of the  lobby couches I got out of the truck to see better because one of the cop cars was now blocking my  view just in time time to see him swing at one of the officers and book it down the hall I then see  the side door of the hotel swing
open and Cameron taking the hell off he ran right by me didn't  even look at me one officer takes off on foot behind him while the rest get in their vehicles  his uncle walks out the automatic doors while I'm looking in the direction my fiance ran he hugs me  and tells me to get in the truck I don't remember what we talked about if we even talked it at all  but he got word that Cameron had been detained and was taken to the hospital we drove there but  by the time we arrived Cameron had been sed
ated his uncle took me to breakfast it was around 4:00  a.m. at this point to Denny's we're just a little less than 24 hours before Cameron and I were  holding hands talking about the wedding his uncle explained to me how that wasn't his nephew he'd  never seen him like that I told him everything that happened thanked him for showing up and  he took me back to the hotel it was officially Valentine's Day now and I had to go back to that  room by myself his uncle offered his home to me but I decli
ned I wanted to be alone as much as  I didn't want to be alone but I wanted Cameron the Cameron I fell in love with I walked back into  the room that was completely trashed and just laid there for a few hours reliving everything that  had gone down just a few hours prior around 7: a.m. I called a cap to the hospital but Cameron  was no longer there and was in jail I went back to the room where I spent the next 3 days  alone crying I arrived back in Wyoming to my best friend/ roommate excited to
hear all about  my trip upon seeing my face she knew something had happened we sat there on the couch and I just  laid into her and she held me while I cried and told her everything that had happened a week later  Cameron called me I had kept in contact with his mom who was trying to get him out of jail since I  left I was so excited to see his name pop up on my phone I couldn't wait to talk to him he called  to break up with me I was still going to marry him even after all of that I was devasta
ted you  know that scene in one of the Twilight movies when Edward breaks up with Bella and she's a complete  zombie and totally depressed for months that was exactly me almost seven years later I still have  not seen Cameron he never came back to Wyoming the last time I saw him was when he flew by me  running from the cops we talk every now and then we actually just checked on each other recently  because of this pandemic we've not discussed what happened at all ever according to his mom who I 
haven't spoken to since about a month after the incident he doesn't remember anything and asked if  I not tell him so I haven't I recently told this story to a friend after saying my ex fiance  in a conversation and they had no idea I was ever engaged lately I've had this Burning urge  to ask Cameron about it I'm dying to hear his side growing up every summer my family would get  together and camp out for two weeks at White Lake State Park in Tamworth New Hampshire some of  my best childhood me
mories were made there like roller bleeding Nerf gun wars flashlight  tag and water balloon fights with my cousins and neighboring kids in the campground when I  was around my late te years my family stopped gathering together to camp out after my  grandmother passed away one of the last years I was there this one particular memory has  stuck with me a little over 10 years ago I was 16 years old it was around 10 p.m. a.m. at night  when I noticed I had a missed call on my cheap little track phon
e my family was sitting around  the campfire cooking as moris and sharing some laughs so I decided to go off for some privacy to  return the call I took a long narrow trail that wins in between other campsites that at the end  leads up to the bathroom I wasn't going up to the bathroom I just wanted to find an empty campsite  and sit at a picnic table to make my call there were plenty of those since this whole side of the  campground where I was hting was vacant there were no other campers nearby
in that area it was quiet  and dark so I chose a campsite I sat down at the table the lights from the distant bathroom from up  on top of the hill behind me were Illuminating my surroundings just a little bit I called my friend  and was carrying on a conversation for around 20 minutes as I'm sitting there staring straight  ahead I see a silhouette coming down the road in front of me the figure is coming towards my  direction where all these empty campsites are I could see it was a person it's n
ot that unusual  to see people strolling through the campground for a night walk the people I see usually have  flashlights though this person did not I wasn't creeped out at this point no reason to be I was  just watching curiously as the person got closer I could see a better outline and that it was  a man I was looking at I also noticed his Pace slowed down I kept my eyes fixated on him as I  continued conversing on my cell phone a minute or two passes and now he stopped moving he's just  sta
nding there in the road looking straight into the campside where I am at I don't know if he  knew I could see him he was staring at me and I was staring right back at him he was a little  heavy set and tall I could also make out that he was wearing a light jacket I couldn't see much  facial features but I would guess I was staring at a man in his 30s or 40s alarm Bells were going  off in my head now my mind had turned to Mush at this point I'm frozen I was no longer listening  to what my friend
was saying on the phone I was in a stare off with this guy then he started  to move again he was tiptoeing towards me very carefully like he didn't want to make noise he put  one foot in front of the other leaned forward in a slight hunch form it looked like he was about  to charge towards me in that moment I snapped out of that mind mushy Frozen State and leaped off  the picnic table and started running through the campsite back towards the trail thud I could hear  him trampling behind me leave
s scuffling heavy yet fast footsteps footsteps were getting louder and  closer I made it back to that narrow Trail once he got close to where I was I heard the sound of  twig snapping and a oof noise that came from the man which I can imagine maybe he tripped or almost  tripped or maybe got face slapped by a tree branch most likely he wasn't familiar with the trail like  I was whatever the reason was it caused him to stop chasing after me I didn't stop to look back I  just kept running running a
nd running until I made it back to my family's campsite when I got back  they were still sharing laugh laugh and Smiles by the campfire I broke down crying and I was  trembling I explained what had just happened my aunt spoke up and said oh geez he probably thought  he knew you and was coming up to give you a good scare as a joke she dismissed me my cousin chimed  in and said yeah he probably stopped running after he realized that he didn't actually know you he  probably feels dumb now they all
chuckle about it and change the subject I think I was dismissed  because no one wanted the Good Vibes of the night to be ruined and the fact that I'm just a socially  anxious person in general I'm very cautious and shy for that time being I let them convince me  that I was just overreacting and overthinking but here I am years later looking back and shaking  my head over this I wish I was taken seriously but other than that one thing happening it was  still a great trip it was time well spent wi
th family my my experience makes me think twice  about going for a walk by myself anywhere I carry pepper spray and a mini keychain alarm on  me now so Mr Campground Chaser let's not meet again this happened to me when I was a kid tend  to be exact I grew up in a military family and lived in the Middle East for a significant portion  of my life because of this we frequently traveled to different countries because of the low cost and  proximity on this particular vacation we flew into Cairo Egypt
for a long weekend it was late at  night and we were staying at the Marriott hotel which had a shuttle service that was supposed  to pick us up for some reason our driver never showed up so we were forced to find a regular  taxi to take us there which took forever to find that late at night we finally found one that was  offering us a pretty good deal they don't run by meters instead they just give flat rates that they  choose and head towards the hotel out of nowhere another taxi basically T-B
ones Us in the middle  of the road causing us to stop there aren't really defined roads in a lot of Arab places so it isn't  really that surprising that we got hit in Arab nature the two drivers get out of their cars each  yelling that it was the other's fault and looking like they were going to throw hands eventually  they got back into their respective taxis and parted ways my family and I were completely taken  aback we had been in Egypt less than 2 hours and have already had quite the advent
ure we finally  got to the hotel exhausted as it must have been 3:00 a.m. by this point our driver helped us get  all of our bags out and get settled and told us that he felt so bad about the car accident that he  offered to pick us up the next morning and take us to the Great Pyramids which was on our agenda for  a super cheap rate my parents agreed and decided on a time for him to come though I can't remember  when flash forward to the next morning everyone is ready for the day excited to see
how crazy it  was going to be our driver was outside waiting for us leaning against the car like someone in an  old movie right when he said he'd be there I'm a blond-haired blue-eyed girl that had a deep tan  at the time and being in Egypt that was a rare sight when the driver saw me in the daylight he  gave me the creepiest most unsettling look that sent chills down my spine even as a year old I  knew something wasn't right with him nonetheless we got in his taxi and headed towards the pyramid
s  he continued to try and talk to me and joke around with me the whole ride something I found to  be extremely creepy and bold since both of my parents were in the car we get super close and  there is an entrance that people can go through and walk the long distance to the pyramids and  there is an entrance that taxis can go through you have to pay to see them strange but but true  our driver keeps making jokes about my blonde hair and blue eyes and bringing up that he could get me  into the py
ramids for free so my parents wouldn't have to pay the extra ticket price we laughed  it off and my parents paid him said Thank you and began to exit the taxi I don't remember how  it happened but at some point after I got out of the car he did too and directed me towards his  trunk I was confused and thought we had forgotten something so I stayed behind as my parents walked  toward towards the gate to get whatever I thought we had left the driver pops the trunk but there  wasn't anything in it
he grabbed my arm and put a hand on my back trying to push me into the trunk  and said I'm getting you in for free over and over again as I resisted naturally I freaked out and  screamed out to my mom and dad at the top of my lungs terrified when they heard me and noticed  I wasn't behind them they started sprinting back to the car when the driver heard me scream he  immed immediately let go of me closed the trunk and drove away just as my parents started to  run to me I was crying my eyes out t
errified out of my mind knowing that a middle eastern  Taxi Driver tried to put me in his trunk and drove away the second I screamed for help it's  scary to think what could have happened to me had he been stronger or more prepared or faster  he is the reason that I am still terrified of taxis Uber FS lifts and any car service of that  nature so Egyptian tax driver let's never meet again this past September I had taken a road trip  down to Myrtle Beach with my family it was myself my mother my s
ister her husband and their two  kids we had used my car and both my sister and husband's car to transport everything and all  of us we had rented a beach house for a little over a week had a pretty great time I was in the  middle of a difficult point in my life life and struggling with employment and being in between  jobs and having just started two new jobs fresh I was a little low on funds and worried about  making my car payments and the like so I opted to head home two days early with my c
ar so I could  try and get more hours at work my family expressed being nervous as I planed to leave after dinner  and drive through the night to get home I consoled them that I'd be okay to be up all night and I'd  head straight home and only stop for gas and food as needed I'm an excellent driver a tanm patient  so I tend to go until I absolutely had to stop and take a break however this would be a 12-hour trip  and I knew I would need brakes so I made a point to stop at every rest stop to at
least get out and  stretch so I stayed awake and didn't get too sore going through West Virginia I'm sure you guys know  how secluded their rest stops and visitor centers and the like are especially when you're heading  north from the south going through the mountains I stopped at a visitor center because they  advertised having a fast food joint and I had to piss like a racehorse this was sometimes very late  at night maybe 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. sometime side note that sent shivers down my spi
ne after  what happens I like to drive barefoot so I pulled in noticed the buildings with fast food were  closed so I drove around the lot and parked under a street light in front of the visitor center so I  could use the restroom leaning out of my car door I took my time putting my shoes on to walk inside  having looked around and not seeing anything out of the ordinary I checked my phone and grabbed  my wallet before standing up to walk in making sure my car horn beeps to Signal my doors were 
locked walking towards the center I saw a man in a white hoodie standing at the edge of the sidewalk  leading into the center I didn't think much of it until I passed him and got an off Vibe I glanced  over my shoulder and he was watching me walk in for some reason I glanced to my left as I turned  back to face face forward and noticed another man sitting at the benches that were on the other  side of tall thin bushes instantly I thought nope I went in and peed and before I walked out  of the b
athroom I called my roommate as dumb as it was because he was a good four to 6 hours away  I just felt safer I gave him a quick rundown of my situation and made him stay on the phone with me  I started to walk out and I couldn't see the man at the front of the sidewalk anymore I glanced  to my right and saw both men standing next to a bench facing forward I saw a couple walking  in to presumably use the restroom as well I had an Impulse to ask them to walk with me but my  paranoia kicked in beca
use I knew something was wrong somewhere in my situation and I didn't ask  thinking they might know the men walking briskly to my car I explained to my roommate that the  men were by the benches during the smallest of Peaks over my shoulder again I saw the man in  the white hoodie walking towards me and I told my roommate walking a few more Paces forward I  looked back again and saw his Pace has quickened at this point I told my roommate he's following  me to my car and I booked it I thankfully
had a key fob got my key out and ready and unlocked my  car and practically threw myself in not daring a glance back I threw my car in reverse and gunned  backwards before going back into drive and sped off and didn't even stop to put my seat belt on  until I was at the exit to leave the parking lot I didn't look back once stopped at the next toll  road and filed a report and the workers called for state troopers to head over and check things out I  didn't stop shaking for hours and I refused to
get out of my car until I was home I horrified myself  at the thought of if those guys had paid attention and made their move more quickly they could have  incapacitated me in my car while I was facing the ground and putting my shoes on and I could have  had absolutely no defense so a few years ago my boyfriend's dad's family decided to get together  and all chip in to rent a condo in Ontario and get together there was a big extended family over  there that his dad never saw because he only rea
lly got along with one of his three sisters  my boyfriend's mom had talked him into going though and they let me tag along because I'd been  around long enough that they liked me and trusted me I can't remember where everyone else had gone  I think it was to the beach for what was probably like the third time that day it was just me and  my boyfriend at the condo cuz we were kind of sick of the girl and just wanted to do nothing in the  shade for a while we were sitting outside looking over the
water and just kind of talking about  life I had just finished reading the Harry Potter series so we were just kind of talking about that  for a bit when this woman came out of the brush beside the condo just for an idea this condo was  about an acre of land maybe and it was kind of kind of out in the middle of nowhere the front of  the condo was probably 70 ft from a dirt road no one traveled down really and there were some dense  trees and brush and whatnot that surrounded three sides of it th
is woman came out of the wooded  area and I immediately knew something wasn't right she was limping and she only had one sandal and  frankly she looked like crap she was pale and her face was gone she was really really pretty but she  just looked exhausted the thing that immediately caught my attention was her baby who she was  holding pretty tightly in her arms as she started to come towards us I didn't really know what to  do but my boyfriend immediately got up and walked over to make sure she
was okay I couldn't help  but think all of these awful things might happen after spending so many hours hearing these horror  stories on riddit I was just terrified she'd do something my boy is a lot more trusting than I am  though and he's always had the first instinct of what's the problem and how can I help he's never  assumed the bad in anybody so this woman is just sobbing by the time she gets to the porch of the  condo and she looks like she's just been through a war zone she's shaking an
d hyperventilating  and crying and she's telling us that basically her boyfriend has been a drunk for a while and  he's been getting worse and worse and he's been an overall abusive guy he'd get pissed whenever  she was focusing on the baby instead of him and part of what pissed him off was that it wasn't  his kid so he kind of didn't care about the baby at all she told us how this time in particular he  was drunk and she was driving him home with the baby in the back seat and he grabbed the bab
y's  booster seat and tore it out of the car and threw it out the window while they were driving she  got the baby out of the seat or something I don't remember how because as she's telling us about  how he started hitting her before she took the baby and ran we hear this yelling and we turn and  see this angry dude walking up to the condo and she starts losing it drunk and angry this guy  followed her to our condo and was starting to come up to us he was trying to act like he wasn't  pissed he
was doing a oh you guys found her thank you so much baby lets go home kind of thing but he  was slurring his speech and not doing a good job of hiding how pissed he was my boy has always been  a pacifist honestly he's even kind of a pushover he's really non-confrontational and tries to find  a way to talk stuff out and come to an agreement before doing anything but before I could even say  anything he's across the yard and approaching this guy as much of a pacifist as he is he's also huge  he's
built like a football player he's 6'3 and at the time he was 230 lb I've known my boy since  we were 10 at the time we were 20 and we'd been dating for just over a year I knew him better  than anyone he's never done anything like this before but he goes up to this guy and goes not  another step dude and he's shaking as he says it the guy tries to walk around my boy and goes  no it's okay I'm just going to take her home and my boy steps in front of him and shakes his  head you're drunk he said so
I'm going to pretend like maybe you didn't get what I just said don't  come any closer it's at this point the guy stops trying to pretend and he says something like you  don't know what's going on that's my girlfriend I'm going to take her home and he tries rounding  my boyfriend again and one more time my boyfriend blocks him and goes stop I've never heard this  tone in his voice before or since it was scary it wasn't him the guy tried one more time before my  boy finally put his hand on his c
hest and pushed him back a bit keeping his hand on the guy's  chest I'm telling you right now you're not going anywhere near the girl and her child so turn the  hell around and walk away this guy was about 5' 6 maybe 5' 7 so when he looked up to threaten my  boyfriend he looked like a kid the guy finally looks up at my boyfriend and he says something  that I couldn't hear my boyfriend said something back and then the guy stared at him for a moment  like he was deciding whether or not to do anyth
ing my boyfriend finally pushed him away and the guy  stumbled back and then started pointing at me and the girl as he was saying something and then he  started to walk away I didn't learn till the next day but the guy had told my boy that he had a gun  and that he was coming back and that he'd kill him and I if we stopped him again my boyfriend's  response to this change is depending on who's telling the story he told me he told the guy he'd  feed him his own teeth which made me laugh cause he'
s such a dork and he got that from a movie  and ever since then the line he tells everyone else is I'll be waiting the woman was sobbing the  baby was sobbing and I was shaking because even though he didn't throw any punches or anything I  could tell that he was ready to hurt this guy if anything else had happened we called the police  and didn't really do much of anything outside to make sure everyone was breathing and took the  girl to her sister's place we didn't really hear much from her aft
er but I know my boyfriend sent  her an email once or twice and she's married now to someone else and had another kid last time  they talked it was a really nice trip despite that part and to fight my boy's dad got into with  someone in his family I had pimel for the first time
