
TRUE Scary Story in Norway (Europe)

TRUE Scary Story in Norway (Europe) #scarystories #horrorstories #redditstories This story is allegedly a true happening. Source: Anonymous (reddit) Intro: 0:00 Music Credit: @handaliendrone All sorts of stories have been told such as Craigslist Horror stories, Night Shift Horror Stories, Stalker Horror Stories, Rest Stop Horror Stories, Food Delivery Horror Stories, Hotel Horror Stories and more! scary stories,scary story,true scary stories,scary,scary true stories,horror story,scary story narration,scary animated story,scary story time,true scary stories from reddit,story,horror story animated compilation,scary stories animated,scary stories true,scary stories in rain,creepy story,scary guy,scary stories told in the rain,scary stories to fall asleep to,horror story animated,3 scary stories,scary story telling

Street Light Terror

6 days ago

in the summer of 2015 I was 33 years old broke and jobless in Mexico City my entire life had gone steadily down the drain for the past couple of years and my best friend had moved back to Europe I was tired and bored so when my online friend Harold who I had met in person 2 years before invited me to spend a month in his farmhouse in Norway I accepted without hesitation the deal was simple in exchange for some work at the farm I would get some pretty sweet holidays in a country I always always w
anted to visit I have no problem doing labor work and in fact I was looking forward to doing it and getting my body back into real action since I moved back to Mexico city from Canada in 2011 I've been feeling rusted and soft so I packed my suitcase put on my boots and said goodbye to Mexico City the best way I knew how by getting piss drunk I arrived in the city of stavenger Norway but my suitcase decided to go to Thailand instead so after an hour filing the reports and giving the address of my
friend's house I was able to walk out and meet him again Harold was standing there confused and annoyed he told me later he was about to leave the airport thinking I had decided not to take the flight after all I guess I was lucky he didn't leave that night I spent it with Harold and his friends in an ocean front apartment in a quiet neighborhood in stavenger getting drunk in Norwegian beer and smoking hash disgusting [ __ ] if you ask me I prefer the real thing but regardless I felt welcomed a
nd content the next day Harold drove me all the way to his Farmhouse about an hour south of stavenger in a community called ederson at least I think that's the name of the place I was in Norwegian names and addresses are weird if you're not familiar with them the land heral owned was huge and beautiful not really sure how it all works but on his property there's a lighthouse that attracts a lot of tour for ists from all over Europe the house itself was small located on top of a hill with a huge
Barn next to it Harold lived alone in the two-story house but I was told the basement housed the tenant as soon as I glanced into the basement window I got a strange feeling of dread there was a webcam facing the driveway and the rest of the window was covered by boxes and papers but I decided not not to mention it since Harold didn't seem to care I just assumed the guy was an eccentric man or maybe just a normal precaution considering we were more or less in the middle of nowhere with neighbori
ng houses separated by big fields I just took my mind out of it and focused on the joy of being in Norway after settling in one of the bedrooms upstairs I was informed that Harold's son's wedding was going to be celebrated and thus the house would be filled with the bride's family from Bergen I enjoyed meeting the bride's family and after some Shenanigans everybody had gone to sleep but Harold and I were still up chatting and drinking beer it was then that I got to meet the tenant in the basemen
t Olaf Harold had been having some troubles with his new smartphone and apparently Olaf was techsavvy and had been the one purchasing the phone for Harold now Harold kept telling me he didn't like Olaf and was actually upset by the way Olaf kept a newly remodeled basement but from what I understood they had some kind of relationship more than just landlord and tenant the basement was dark all the windows were covered and piles of junk cluttered the entire place the bedroom was full of electronic
and computer parts Olaf invited us to sit down and turned on a desk lamp to check 's phone I was able to get my first real good look of him he was in his mid-40s but looks significantly older he had a shaved head was very skinny had a big nose and Deep Shadows under his eyes he spoke with a severe stutter as well Olaf had the entire look of a meth addict which I would know since I used to work in a recovery house back in my hometown people dealing with severe addictions typically had similar fe
atures my gut was telling me this guy was trouble so I was always wary around him Olaf finished with Harold's phone and then directed his attention to me he randomly asked me if I wanted to see some porn to which I declined entirely as I just wanted to leave that dark basement Harold drun ly laughed and asked Olaf if he had gay porn to which Olaf said he didn't care about the sexuality of his videos he simply liked to see people quote get things introduced in them chills ran down my spine when h
e said that and I thought to myself if he meant it in just a sexual way or if there was a more ominous meaning to it regardless we didn't stay to find out Harold had a busy day the next day and I was tired and thoroughly creeped out by Olaf when we were back in the house I asked Harold if he trusted Olaf to which Harold answered that he wasn't his friend he said he was just an addict renting the basement the government paid heral the rent and a nurse visited him twice a week to bring him his med
ication after dropping that piece of info he bid me good night and went into his bedroom I tried not to think about Olaf but my gut feeling about him wouldn't let me relax the first time he came up from the basement was to give me a flash drive with movies he had illegally downloaded from the internet he made sure to emphasize the illegal part the second time he came up he seemed high and simply wanted to let me know if there was anything I needed I need only ask he did mention however not to te
ll Harold about him ever going upstairs when the wedding was over and all the bride's family left the encounters with Olaf became even stranger and more frequent one time while I was in the kitchen fixing myself some breakfast I turned around to find Olaf standing at the kitchen door bleeding from his nose staring at me I near jumped out of my skin and dropped my breakfast making a huge mess oddly he didn't seem to notice and was just babbling incoherently while directing his cloudy eyes to the
ceiling above my head he was so odd that it petrified me to think what actions could elicit a violent response from him since that day I started locking the door whenever I was alone in the house I eventually told Harold about all this and he got visibly mad and went downstairs to talk slel at Olaf as it turns out Harold had tried to kick him out several times but the government had always ruled against evicting Olaf I then found out that Harold's sister was mostly responsible for Olaf staying t
here she felt bad for the guy simply because he had the same name as her father thus Harold had to learn to live with him in his basement but only because Olaf was supposed to be clean and in treatment for his addiction after Harold confronted him Olaf stopped being friendly with me and became a cold invasive presence in my life the rest of my time there there was a day when I was in the barn chatting with a couple of Harold's friends when Olaf entered the barn to place his laptop and some homem
ade looking Gadget by the window despite nobody acknowledging him he interrupted our conversation and started explaining how his tool was used to hack into people's networks to get their Wi-Fi passwords he proceeded to give me a nasty glare and then stormed out I told Harold's friends about my encounters with him and mentioned how afraid I was of him as well as having this feeling that he would attack me one day they told me it was unlikely to happen but if I ever felt I was in real Danger I cou
ld give them a call and they would pick me up we exchanged numbers and they left shortly afterward the next few days things between Harold and I turned sour mostly because I wasn't feeling safe anymore and because I had expressed my wish to instead go to Germany to visit the man who is now my husband apparently Harald had hoped for us to grow closer but I received no hint of that his severe alcoholism put me off anyway and he spent most nights getting pissed drunk regardless the situation with O
laf made me exhausted and I didn't want to deal with being there anymore I had worked hard on the farm as promised and it was time to move on the night I decided to organize my flight to Germany from Norway Harold went out to yet again get drunk and didn't come back until the morning I had tried to stay up so I could talk with him but I eventually fell asleep a few hours later I woke up to the sound of the front door being closed and I caught a glimpse of him walking towards the barn with his do
g and a six-pack of beers I then tried to send him a message through Facebook but I saw that the internet was down that's weird I thought the whole time I had been there the internet was never down once I went to the router and restarted it a couple of times but to no avail I decided to leave it alone thinking Harold was being childish about me leaving and disabled it somehow to inconvenience me I went downstairs to the bathroom undressed and jumped in the shower ready to refresh myself halfway
through the shower a loud bang came from the front door followed by someone screaming my name I assumed it was Harold is drunk and angry I let out a sigh not looking forward to potentially having an argument with him about me leaving but as I was turning off the shower the bathroom door slammed open and to my horror there stood Olaf a completely deranged expression on his face and wielding a large box cutter I was paralyzed for what seemed like forever I couldn't scream or move I I just stared a
t the box cutter which he kept retracting and protracting I was about to pass out when Olaf's screams brought me back to the gravity of the situation he was yelling accusing me of playing with Harold's feelings he was calling me a thief liar a filthy Mexican and then threatened to cut me open if I tried to take anything from Harold I'm typically a passive person but it just pisses me the hell off whenever someone calls me a thief or a liar my fear began to turn into anger and then my training fr
om The Recovery House in Canada kicked in when dealing with crazed addicts make eye contact keep your hands down so you don't startle them speak in a calm but dominant voice and always always refer to them by their name so that's what I did this despite the fear of being stabbed to death I stared at him in his cloudy crazy wide open eyes and said Olaf you're the thief you're the one who keeps stealing Harold silverware Olaf you're the one who keeps breaking in his house Olaf Harold is not your f
riend Olaf Harold doesn't even want you living here it was a long shot but it worked my words confused him and I was able to take a single small step forward making him take one small step back he then started giving me some warning thrusts with a box cutter aiming for my chest and neck I could feel the cold sweat dripping on my back and a burning void forming in my stomach every time he launched the knife forward but I didn't Flinch I stood my ground and kept repeating the same words to him eve
ry time I took another step I pushed him little by little out of the bathroom Olaf might have noticed what I was doing but by then it was too late as he took the last step out of the bathroom door frame I moved as fast as my terrorized body allowed me to and slammed the door into his nose I locked it immediately and pushed against it with all my body weight while a storm of curses punches and kicks rained on that little farmhouse door I remember praying to God for this damn door to not fall apar
t and keep this psycho addict outside there was nothing I could use in that bathroom to defend myself against an infuriated knife wielding psychopath after what seemed to have been an eternity I felt one last super strong kick to the door and then to my relief he stormed out of the house slamming the front door as he left however ever I stayed put for another 20 minutes not able to breathe or think about anything else than keeping that door closed I wanted a puke eventually though my senses came
back and I knew I had to act quickly I opened the door of the bathroom flew upstairs got dressed and then exited the house through the window to the Garden I Knew Olaf could hear me moving on the first floor and he had a stupid camera keeping an eye on the driveway I jumped to the Garden hopped the fence and ran around the house to the barn I kicked and banged and screamed for Harold to let me in but it was useless the drunk [ __ ] was living his drama and I needed help so I ran all the way to
the next house where his sister lived rang the bell and when she opened I explained to her as best as I could what had just happened she didn't speak a word of English so it was a comical exchange for about 10 minutes eventually she was able to understand and her Expressions shifted from confusion to Absolute Terror mirroring my own we walked to the barn she unlocked the door and commanded Harold to guard me while she went straight to the basement to confront Olaf I was shocked and shaking still
trying to explain to Harold what had just happened his drunken state was gone by the time I had finished explaining he too went to the basement and I could hear them screaming at Olaf together they forced him out of the basement and Harold's sister got her husband so they could take him to the police station Harold stayed with me the rest of the day I ended up drinking so much beer but I simply couldn't get drunk I wanted to forget but I couldn't I was told later that Olaf admitted to having th
e knife and that his intentions were to make me fight him clearly he wanted a legitimate excuse to stab me after all he did mention before he liked to see people have things introduced in them the next morning I went to the police to follow report but even the cops seemed baffled and couldn't believe something like that could ever happen in their small peaceful Picture Perfect community but they believed me and the officer who took my statement asked if there was somewhere I could go while they
sorted out the mess with Olaf I told him that I was planning to go to Germany the very next day that last day I barely spoke to Harold I didn't blame him but he told me that in his drunken State he had told Olaf I was leaving and he was sad about it since Olaf had been doing drugs all night he thought he had to quote defend Harold thus he cut off the internet waited for me to go in the shower and planned to quote take care of me I left Norway without a single word I didn't look back they told me
I could testify via Skype whenever the trial started so they took my information and promised me Justice would be served it's been more than a year now and I never heard back from the police when I asked Harold about it he told me the police dropped the case for lack of evidence and Olaf is back in Harold's basement doing whatever it is he does life goes on I was angry for a while but even anger goes away after a while if there's nothing to burn now all I can do is try to focus on the good thin
gs in life I look at every day as a gift or a chance but the shadow of fear never really left left me whenever I'm out in public I'm constantly on alert looking over my shoulder and always studying people around me just in case I have to defend myself I still have a sense of dread whenever I take a shower especially at the gym where I'm more vulnerable I can't help thinking that anyone else would have ended up as a bloated corpse in a pool of blood in that shower unnoticed for hours if I hadn't
thought and acted as quick as I did I keep thinking that had I done anything different that corpse could have been me I don't know how I'll ever get rid of those thoughts but what I do know is that Olaf is free and I really really don't want to meet him again



Thanks for the story!! Great narrating


I love the unique topic. You try to keep it fresh, Terror, and I appreciate that. Thank you.


Hello. Thanks for the video


Nice to hear stories from Europe too!


I'm picturing Olaf from Frozen in that story. 😂


And I thought my Airbnb horror story was bad... Olaf, you win the award for creepiest housemate ever! 🏆😨


It is awesome to go to Europe for vacation& also it is awesome to go to NorWay for vacation


nice to hear stories from my own country


How creepy 😬😬😬


Prolly a dumb question here, but is hash like wéèd?(I heard back in the 90's that hash was more potent, evidently it's not lol)??...Peace Y'All, I'm out😅😊..


First 🎉🎉🎉🎉


Unsubbing videos were better when you put out 3-4 stories per video and your viewer ratings are proof of that these single stories are boring and so played out they may as well be fake stories


Yooo, are u talking about @HaraldBalder


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