
Trump addresses Black voters hours ahead of SC GOP primary

Former president Donald trump spoke to Black voters on Friday ahead of the South Carolina Republican primary this weekend.

News 19 WLTX

5 days ago

tonight former president Donald Trump in Columbia at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center the 45th president was the keynote speaker at the black conservative federations honors gayb news 19's Nate Stanley was there this evening he has more on the event we have a big deal tomorrow and it's so important that everybody get out and vote because we want to win by big margins because the big day is November 5th it was the message from former president Donald Trump Friday night as he took the s
tand at the black conservative federation's honors Gallow Friday's speech happened just hours before polls open in the South Carolina Republican primary country we're going to make America great again for everybody but we're going to make America great again also and I'm not sure I can say necessarily again in this case for African-Americans we're going to make America great for all of our country but in 2016 Trump won South Carolina's primary with 32% of the vote on his way to the White House a
ccording to USC's political science Professor Chase Myers the primary plays a key role in deciding who will be on the November ballot South Carolina traditionally picks the Republican nominee again going back to the 1980s the Republican primary has in South Carolina has chosen the eventual nominee in every election except for 2012 when n Gingrich beat Mitt Romney with eyes on South Carolina attendees of the gala tell news9 they hope voters will be paying attention freshing to see a lot of black
Republicans come together of course I'm in atmosphere most of the time of course we're all Americans but I'm predominant around a lot of white conservatives which is great love them but it's good to see like-minded folks the same skin color and it's not about skin color to me well what I'm hoping to actually is that it just continues to build the momentum that is necessary for us to make America great again I hope there some people here will be persuaded that if they don't uh support him that th
ey'll realize that he's the best candidate that was Nate Stanley reporting from the Columbia Convention Center



The guy said, as he took the stand, not the stage. Freudian slip of epic proportions.


Notice that the WAY he refers to black folks screams an attitude that thinks they are manipulable things. Thats genuine Trump. Thats what he is.


Why didn't the news report include his comments that Black people like me because of my 91 felony charges?


Everyone missed something very important about his speech. Trump is “woke”, he said that black people have been treated really bad in this country. He’s “Woke” and that’s what needs to be trending.


"I don't want my kids growing up in a racial jungle." -Joe Biden, 1977, after writing several anti-busing bills.


Most gangsta President in history, we all know he is being unfairly persecuted, just like people of colors, we need to help him!


When has America been great for the Black Man in America?


Black conservatives don't forget to buy those $400.00 J6 gold sneakers ... Got to help him with his criminal defense fund ...


We're those black men the black faces he could see when it was to much light in his eyes


Well that was embarrassing. Both of the interviewees seemed like they didnt know what to say and were forcing their opinion out lol


Nobody showed up


Funny how majority of the audience was white...


Cut the checks… while y’all still can.


BCF...Trump probably thought he was speaking at the Buy Crappy Footwear conference.


He has my vote I took the police on a high speed chase and I'm black and iam definitely buying his sneakers


Nauseating. That audience isn't smart enough to know they're being played and used.


Like chickens electing a Fox to look out for them. SMH


"...these lights are so bright in my eyes that i cant see too many people out there. Uhhhh. But I can only see the black ones, I cant see any white ones, ya see. That's how far Ive come, that's how far Ive come..." Have you seen the video? The man is not well.


Fix your audio


Wear those pimp runners