
Trump's GoFundMe dries up! 💸 #funnyvideos

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Fenix News Network

2 days ago

a GoFundMe that was launched to help Donald Trump pay his $355 million fraud judgment has only raised about 1.3 million so far and donations have slowed to a trickle apparently everyone used up all their funds trying to pay for each other's surgeries is this how we get Trump to support Medicare for all



I assume this is an attempt to make him look bad? All I heard was "only" $1.3 million. As if that's some miniscule number. Try harder.


The fact that he got 1.3 million in this crap economy from those of us struggling actually says A LOT (In a good way) for Trump.


Nobody’s buying what you’re selling lady.


Fake news as usual 😂😂😂😂


Your video is sooo ridiculous! Wait, is this supposed to be funny…


its always the dyed hair that gives it away too.


В Бастионе недавно была опубликована интересная новость о сухом сборе средств для Трампа! Что там такого смешного?


And here we go clowns


TDS 😂😂😂


They will get his money to donate in war are u not still awake if you get that help maybe your country is much better.


Good luck lady…would love to see those tears on election day


I'd rather be dead than have red on my head.


He is worth over 2 billion, I think he can manage on his own.


Fix your face


❤ You Wish that was true!


Bilionaires open gofund me while i will die soon because i cant afford my much needed heart surgery and teeth fixes. ;(


Thought he was soooo!!! rich


Anything better than geno. Cide joe