
Try Not To Buy - Five Below's Best Products!

We raided Five Below to tempt our reactors with some of the best products you can buy to see how many items they would buy with only $20! Subscribe for more videos every day! Content Featured: Squishmallow Gummy Candy Mushroom Lamp Cowgirl Hat Scented Markers Spray Chalk Cheetos Phone Grip Doodle Buddy Slimy Sand Candy Foam Voice Changer Hello Kitty Remote Car REACT’s goal is to credit the original links to the content featured in its shows. If you see incorrect or missing attribution please reach out to Reactors Featured: Jeremiah Haley Keith Martine Noah Izzy Producers: Joe Kat Gina Abhishek Jada Raven Check out our instagram stories on video release days to see exclusive behind the scenes footage of this episode! AROUND THE WEB: TIKTOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: YOUTUBE CHANNELS: REACT: PEOPLE VS FOOD: Creative Director - Nicole Iizuka Director of Production – Kevin Lee Line Producer - Anthony Mugnolo Executive Producer - Joe Bereta Episode Produced by Kathryn Jankowski Technical Director - Stephen Miller Talent Producer - Annie Knudsen Production Coordinator - Julian Steinberg Casting Coordinator - Alexandra Sheffield Studio Technician - Micah Fusco Production Assistant - Jake Kelley Set Medic - Mark Kirkendall Editor - Liam Neeson Post Production Supervisor - Doug Brady Thumbnail Graphics - Alison Lowenberg Supervising Editor - Ryan Johnson #shopping #fivebelow #challenge Try Not To Buy Challenge - Five Below 0:00 Squishmallow 1:40 Gummy Candy 3:42 Mushroom Lamp 5:12 Cowboy Hat 6:48 Scented Markers 8:54 Spray Chalk 10:41 Cheetos Phone Grip 12:06 Doodle Buddy 13:18 Slimy Sand 15:23 Candy Foam 17:01 Voice Changer 18:38 Remote Car 19:57 Hauls! 21:02 Outro

Try Not To

3 days ago

child yep man man oh Mar oh a squish little squish bille the tiny beanie B Bean they're tiny squishmallows what's this you know what squishmallow is oh I've never heard of this it's a mystery squish moo and it's all yours really for a price a price of course there's a cat wow you have $20 and 11 more products are coming the rules are simple you have $20 to spend at Five Below and you cannot return once you buy so you have some choices to make today and at the end you can show us your haul and yo
u keep everything you buy oh wow this is a mystery squish molo this cost $3.25 so are you going to buy the mystery squish moo for 325 no wow that was so mean I'm so sorry I don't even know what the hell this is I'm going to pass you're passing I'm going to pass I'm going to hold off on it oh wow I just leave I buying it okay you can open it buy it I it I I'm going to have to save myself for this one I have to save myself I am purchasing this squish mellow I'm doing it okay you may open it let's
see what's inside I'm so excited for you oh my God it's a little gray dog a it's still so cute it's like the little Playboy one you with the little the one done I am so happy it's so cute it's your little budy so Financial check-in how much money do you each have still $20 open your eyes wa oh my God I uh I love gummies oh my God I looked in expecting like a little Spongebob hamburger and then to see craft and Oscar it's a whole thing of gummy candy it's mac and cheese it's mac and cheese pickle
s does anyone smell hot dogs these gummies are in your favorite food shapes and flavors oh my God have pickle pickle gummy oh I hate pickles absolutely not I like pickles but I don't like it when they're chewy and gummy what do you guys think are you going to buy these gummies how much are they $4 dude4 how is this more than the plushy though lowkey it's I mean it's a lot it's a lot of yeah this is a lot of gummies M sal sal yeah immediately yeah because I like to do mukbang ASMR and I think the
y're going to be perfect for it I never even knew they had hot dog gummies before this I thought it was only hamburger gummies uh it weighs approximately 9.7 lb oh my God I'm a big fan of gummies I love gummy candy but something about this mac and cheese Gummy is turning me off so I'm going to have to pass are you buying these or not I I got wow I'm going to have to decline on this one too but decline but but I am going you know I'm just I'm just saving up for a bigger prize you know I understan
d okay I'm going to decline too okay yeah oh well like M what's that what it taste like tastes like cies neither of you buying this why not why not Noah I've never in my life thought to myself if only I had an Oscar Meer fully loaded hot dog in a small gummy form you can see it better from the back but there's like the little mac and cheese M and we got some dogs wo and we got a pickle wo and then we got a corn dog all right well let's get this product out of here get out of here goodbye gummies
H do all right open your eyes what is it oh hell yeah what is it it's like a lamp right multicolor reactive touch lamp bring this mushroom home and it will react to you all day for only $5.55 touch reactive lamp open yes you can oh we can open try before you buy try before you [Music] buy oh wow you got to like full pal it oh wow yeah wow what do you guys think are you're going to buy this bro I'll take this one for five bucks that's like 555 yeah 555 yeah I'll take this one wow I'm going to ta
ke it I will take this I think this is worth $5 and how much 55 oh hell the yes I'm going to take it 555 oh my God angel numbers it's a sign you're taking it home uh yes yeah you taking it flip it upside down and you now have a good bowl for different things at your house you know what I'm saying W yes honestly my room is emo themed so so this would kind of throw it off yeah I'm going to pass to me this is giving it's like I finish my drink at bubba gum that's what I that's what it's g bubble gu
m Tri so that's your first purchase how do you feel I'm SOC I feel like it was money well spent all right Izzy you have your first purchase yeah open your eyes oh yep yep yep yep I don't care how much I need this this reminds me of Beyonce's Renaissance tour like everybody's been wearing these like cow boy cowgirl hats I'm just I'm just can anywhere else i' be a 10 did someone say bachelorette party or is it just a Tuesday night this cowboy hat is calling your name for $5 oh my gosh Haley you kn
ew immediately and you're going to buy this it's giving Joanne yeah love yeah it's giv Joan I mean how am I going to resist you know I really do love um joke hats I love shiny things and for some reason them together no no you know it's an investment for sure it's an investment I like when you KN at me cuz I your face disappears for a second the reflective is kind of throwing me off a little bit though but like that would be fire like Rave or something you know what I hell yeah low key like I'm
about to be Rave cowboy with this it feels like are you also buying oh no I'm not buying unfortunately I won't buy I'm good you got me is he hat n you don't want it n um Martin what are you thinking do you want to buy this hat I love it I did just get a random cowboy hat for such my previous event that I went to you guys are all hatted up it's quite stylish though I must say I'm jealous it's working it fits everyone yeah get this out of here partner all right guys open your eyes what could they
be fruity cuties fruity cuties Scented Markers strawberry orange mango Apple blueberry grape these smell not only like fruits but Nostalgia as well for only 325 look at how cute they look too they're so cute the strawberries my faite do they smell good um I think they did away with lemon is more like a mango oh that's really good grape oh oh yeah I want to eat it at the Scholastic ooh I don't care that a marker smells like lemon you know like that doesn't do anything for me like we have ai now s
orry I just wanted to use all the colors that's really fair oh they're so cute you drew a Pokemon that's so cute that's amazing a heart on fire oh my God was so fun wait can I smell your drawing mine is very heavily graped yeah it's got a little bit of everything smell like a smoothie it's cool mine's mine's super gra for 325 I'm going to take him oh wow wow okay I'm buying them buying them I love it I love to draw I've been drawing so much I'll get your back cuz I need some markers for my calen
dar there we go that is amazing I'm going to pull the trigger these these fruity Cuties are too cute and cutie sometimes like to color oh um and I have some very cute little giros in my life that I think would really appreciate learning about smelly markers a for the kids wo okay this one's way better than the green app okay wait let me smell that one W this one Elite all right Keith are you passing on the markers I'm going to have to pass all right sorry I keep cursing I love it is he open your
eyes what's this spray sidewalk chalk sidewalk chalk spray chalk yeah guys no more breaking your back this spray chalk is easy to use and only $225 we can test you can test it okay I just like that I just want to sit here and do this okay oh I missed how did you miss oh no what is this foam it's chalk that is chalk W how'd that go oh what the it's like it's like thi I was like not GNA work that's goop tastic oo wow art wow I was trying to do the smiley face that's good I just want to throw out
there that it is washable and it is non-toxic oh wow that's cool so they say on tile want to that's why I didn't want to touch it it is cold it is weird oh [Music] God that was supposed to be an H for hate I hate this oh my God why is this liid what do you guys think is this worth the 225 it's 225 yeah sure just honestly for the for the sole fact that I'm going to go home and tag the wall and my dad's going to freak out like what are you doing and you're like don't worry yeah it's it's ch are ei
ther of you buying this Hail to the do no I'm not I'm going to pass I think on this one yeah that's true yeah that's true all right so neither of you buying this no absolutely not sorry about that open your eyes what's in front of you uh what the hell is this a real bag of Cheetos oh this is a a popsocket uh-huh efficient and cute this Cheetos phone grip will change your life for only $4 it's a puppet oh my God God do I get to eat it it's a popsocket it's a popsocket you could technically what's
a [Music] popsocket what is a popsocket fits on the back of your phone and it pops out and then you can hold your phone to take a selfie or like if you like are watching a show or like M having a freaking Cheeto bag stand for my phone oh my God wait a puffy wait a damn I'm going put this in my moue I need it $4 I'm going to cop oh both of you are getting it I'm C this is just too sick I feel like putting my phone in my pocket with a big old cushion on the back of it right wow like it's you'd po
p it yeah pop it okay are either of you buying this no I really want it like I really really want this from a practical standpoint though this is going to explode in 3 seconds on my thing and then be not usable for me this is I don't need this WOW neither of you need the Cheetos Pham grip that could possibly change your life okay you can open your eyes now what is it Doodle Baby Buddies cow oh wait oh everybody can doodle on the cow you can doodle on the cow doodle baby buddies are your baby and
your buddy and it's a cow only $5 oh that breaks the bank that's out then it breaks the bank it's like a bean baby yeah let me give it like a little are those beans how cute oh it's squishy as hell poke that yellow thing oh y wait where does it go inside the B oh inside it's little pouch I want to purchase this one Kei do you want to put him back in there you're not getting the D baby bub count no it just doesn't do it for me so nice he's a thug oh I just I don't need something this I don't nee
d it it sounds like it's a no it's a no from both of you oh my God all right let's get these Doodle Baby Buddies out of here you can't have them dang you're too poor I blame my let's move them out of the way open your eyes what is it what is it's slime yes it's slimy sand yes Sher Cherry Cherry slimy sand what for only $5 the scented slimy sand smells good and feels good oh oh it's oh smells so good oh this reminds me of like Elementary School oh I love all this stuff oh it's one of the like sof
t ones get pull that thing apart yeah yeah that's so fun it is kinetic slimy sand oh wow wow it looks like the cotton candy that the killer clowns web the people up in how do they do this how do they do this what are you if I want if I were to consume cheese this is what I would want it to do oh my God that looks like a jellyfish oh my God that's beautiful oh my God oh God it's a fashion snap tick vog cover I can smell it from like right here like actually it's a strong scent oh like if it was c
onstantly fluffy oh I would I would die in there happily and cost $5 they did this on purpose the next the next few the next few prizes are just going to be $5 oh no all right you guys final choices are you buying the slimy sand sensitive Cherry yeah I'm going to buy it I'm going to give it to you no I'll give it to you n i that in mind cuz you said that you my life right now I'll take the Slime yeah I take the slimy sand the slimy sand Izzy has purchased the Slime Noah I got to say no but I thi
nk every kindergarten classroom should have a lot of these 100 oh my God I so Cal oh my God I'm so excited thank you for the beautiful gift yeah absolutely like wow just pay it for a work oh I will all right well you can't have this so you can't always get what you want open your eyes what what are you candy foam it's it's eal sour foam candy foam it's candy foam sour foam that's right candy foam candy can come in so many shapes including foam and it's only $3 in order to try it you do have to b
uy it cuz it's a food it's edible foam yep can eat it in your mouth yeah what do you guys think do you want to try it I do just to see what it looks like but then we have to open it and then need to buy it true $3 that's Hefty think no say them just put it on the rack I'm going to take it oh wow take she buy taking trying I'm getting it y I don't care I need to see what this is oh is it good w w it literally tastes like wood like I just took a bite of this table it is such a distinct wood [Music
] flavor uh-uh wow Haley you have spent $3 on this candy foam how do you feel hard regret what do you guys think are you buying this not for $3 no no do but it's foam y'all like what did you expect from a foam it's like really fun back me up on this it's wood give it a second yeah it's like it's Woody open your eyes what is it it's a voice changer yo those are so cool these are fun oh this is really cool give me this what you can be anyone you want to be with this voice changer megaphone for $5
one what child child yep Man Robot hello I'm a robot can you hear [Music] it rock and roll I hate that Alvin Echo what hello my name is Harold hson yeah woo what does fuzzy sound like this is crazy what are you guys buying this for $5 absolutely you can't I am see you should have saved you should have saved oh it's [Applause] Shakira are you going to buy it Shakira I don't think so you know it just isn't that good of a product you guys this is $5 oh I can't buy it bu Martin cannot afford this pr
oduct so we do have to move on oh my goodness I've never been so happy to wait Tokyo Drift Hello Kitty wants to take you on the ride of your life for $5 no I need five more cents for this there's no way this is $5 oh man Martin you want to give it a test drive no don't go off wow look at it go dude the spoiler is so [Music] fire I'm going to buy it you're going to buy it I'm going buy it but I'm going to buy the not broken you break it you buy it yeah you're going to buy it well unfortunately ne
ither of you can buy this so you can say goodbye no no no no okay one if I give if I give you money okay I was going to say I give you money but you got to pay it back like it's a loan that's 25 cents has an interest rate Martine are you going to buy this with your last $5 yes I am are you going to buy it Izzy no I think I'm you even have $9 you're not just going to buy it give me the money all right let's do a haul review let's see what everybody got so I got the voice changer and then I also g
ot a mushroom light Martin what do you have I got um the gummy candy I got the smelly markers I got the edible foam Keith was very kind and got me the stand I am so gracious this is for everybody we're Keith and I are going to sign this right after this and I got the Hello Kitty car all right well we got the Cheeto uh phone grip the Cheeto chalk paint the not scented Cheeto uh markers mushroom that could also orange like cheet I got Miss Joann's hat I got me squish that thing is such a come up a
ctually I got the Cheetos twins twins the markers the fruit cuties stand I got Scented Markers I got my new little best friend here my little squish mellow and I got a car for them to drive yeah any regrets today I really want to see what that in that squishmallow I don't have any regrets in life because I'm perfect if I didn't take the fruit markers I could have got the Hello Kitty race car I want the voice changer I regret not getting the candy and I think not getting the lamp Bye Bye Bye Bye



Am I living in an alternate reality because I’ve seen this episode along with several others posted by this page


I love the try videos and the try not to videos


They just keep buying stuff! They're crazy! They just can't stop! I love it! Need more!


Also it is a repeat but I love the repeats


Favorite type of videos😍 definitely need more maybe do target, Walmart, && give a higher budget like 50$


maybe i’m getting deja vu but i swear ive seen this episode this one has already been released right !?


the voice changer, the robot setting, I would’ve broke out the intro of intergalactic by the Beastie Boys 😂😂😂👌🏼


I always spend more than $20 at 5 Below anyways so this would be a hella hard challenge for me 😂


i thought i was going crazy with this video til i now know im not the only one who remembers it.


I feel like I have Deja vu rn. This is an old episode right?


an oldie, but this one's a goodie! ^^ <3 <3


11:04 Where does this guy live, under a rock? 😂


11:27 Izzy, Izzy no...don't put the thing in your mouth...don't! The Slimy Sand looks like the slime from Ghostbusters 2...


The only products I would have bought would have been the scented markers and the sand


Just 2 things 1)I would've probably got nothing cause I'd be afraid that I wouldn't have the money to get the best thing and then wouldn't want the best thing 2)Why does Izzy usually give Louise from Bob's Burgers energy?


I would have gotten everything that Noah did, plus the cherry slime.


do more food ones


I love Izzy!!!!!🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


Please do (3 separate videos) try not to sing throughout their music career, starting with Disney all the way to now. Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, and Demi Lovato. And I NEED Izzy I to be in all of them!👍🏼


😂 my wife loves Five Below