
Try Not To Eat Challenge - Marvel Food | People Vs. Food

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People Vs Food

4 years ago

- Whoa! - Aw, that smells really nice. - Guys, I'm so hungry! - I don't think I've ever had this. - Neither have I, but it looks really good. ♪ (accordion intro) ♪ - (FBE) Are you guys fans of the MCU? - Yep. - Yep. - Totally. - Absolutely, I've seen like every single movie. - It's a love-hate relationship, you know? I love 'em, I bash 'em, I go see more. - (FBE) Well since you guys are such Marvel fans, we're gonna show you some scenes from the Marvel franchise, and then we're gonna present
you with a professional chef's gormet take on the meal you just saw on screen. - This is the worst, this is the most hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. - I've never had a gormet meal in my life. - (laughs) That's a mood. - Aw, we're gonna see Hulk eating tacos. - We're gonna, you know what we're gonna see? The Ben and Jerry's ice cream. The Ben and Jerry's ice cream! - (FBE) Oh guys, there is a little twist today. - Yeah? - (FBE) This is a Try Not To Eat contest. - I'ma eat all of
it, because I got a card! - (FBE) Winner was Izzy! (Izzy screams) (both laugh) - That is, no, no, I object! - (FBE) If you can get through all four dishes without eating anything, we'll present you with the final winning dish for you to enjoy, however, if you do feel the need to sample something, you'll have to complete a little punishment per food you try at the end. - See my only question is what would the grand prize food be? - What if it is the ice cream? (Ethan sighs) - (FBE) Alright guys,
are you ready to see your first clip? - Hell yes! - He has to help me. - I have to talk you down, I have to tell you why it's a bad idea. - Yeah, you're right, okay, let's do this, we can do this. - (Happy) Where to, sir? - (Pepper) Take us to the hospital. - (Tony) No. - (Pepper) Please, Happy, no? Tony, you have to... - (Tony) No is a complete answer. - I don't remember what food this is. - I don't remember a lot of this movie. (laughs) - Oh, the orange. Such a lush. - (Tony) I've been in c
aptivity for three months. There are two things I want to do, I want an American cheeseburger. And the other... - (Pepper) That's enough of that. - (Tony) Is not what you think, I want you to call for a press conference now. Would it be alright if everyone sat down, please? - Is that a burger? - It's like a cheeseburger, 'cause like isn't like the whole Endgame thing that he loves cheeseburgers? - Yeah. - This character is just, RDJ kills Tony Stark's character, like, I honestly can't think o
f anyone that could've done that better. - (FBE) Now, it looks like the burger that Tony was eating was just from a drive-thru, but inspired by that scene, we had our chef make you the ultimate gourmet American burgers. Can you resist two American cheesebugers... - Stop! - (FBE) With Bacon, cheese and the works? - Guys, I'm so hungry! - The pickle smell is so strong, I can. - See, I didn't even notice the pickle smell at first, all I smelled was burger. - I might smell it. (laughs) I might sm
ell it just to feel like I'm eating it. - I can indulge, right? Hell yes! (laughs) I'm so sorry, but I don't care. - I technically haven't eaten it yet. Oh my gosh, I need a bite, I'm gonna take a bite. (buzzer rings) Mmm. - I like how I said you're gonna help me win, when I'm just like, (laughs) cheeseburger! - I'm supposed to be like coaching you and talking it, oh, that bacon does look really good. (buzzer rings) - I'm gonna do it. (laughs) (buzzer rings) It is [bleep] amazing, I'm sorry. -
Oh yeah, this is really good. That's really good, you're hungry aren't you? - I'm so hungry. I think I'm resisting. I'm looking at the pickles. - I'm gonna pass on this one, just 'cause this is an everyday thing. - Yeah, yeah, no. Burgers are too frequent, regular. - He said American cheeseburger. - We are in America. - We can get those anywhere. - (FBE) Here is your next clip. - Pinch of paprika. - (gasps) Yeah! He doesn't know how to cook. - (Vision) A pinch. - A pinch. - What was it called? -
(Wanda) Is that paprikash? - There we go. - What did she say? - Paprikash? - (Vision) It might lift your spirits. - Like paprika? - It would be better if he was the one preparing it for us though. - Oh my God, that would've been great! - You know, I don't see it. You know, they kinda like jump from this, to them being together. Then they're releasing a sitcom, and I'm like, I don't know about that. - (Wanda) Spirits lifted. - Their romance is starting. - I mean you can tell, she's a little l
ike, I'm being nice to you. - I know, you can totally tell. - See, like even though she made that face, I couldn't tell if she was trying to be nice to him, or if it was actually decent. - (FBE) So inspired by Vision's cooking in Captain America: Civil War, but made by our amazing chef, who's actually eaten food before, we have chicken paprikash, a traditional dish, and trust us, it will lift your spirits. - I don't think I've ever had this. - Neither have I, but it looks really good. Yeah, I n
eed a smell. - I'm gonna be honest, I never knew what paprikash was, til now. - Yeah! (Ethan laughs) We didn't... - I thought it was like a soup. - We didn't get to see it in the movie. - It was a big ol' pot, I'm like, that looked like it could be a soup, maybe a stew. - Here you go. - Thank you! - Stop, I've already lost at this point, that looks so good. - I don't know how you could do better than a robot. - Look at that! - I wanna say all yours, but like... - You know that looks good. You
can't even deny. That looks good. - I feel like... (buzzer rings) the table right next to me got food before me when I ordered like 30 minutes ago. - It looks good, tell me how it is. - I shall. - Yeah. - I like pasta. - Mm-hmm. - Take a bite and tell me how it is. - Alright, here we go. - Tell me if it's worth going to the dark side for it. Oh, those noodles look too, oh. (buzzer rings) Is it good? - It's pretty good. - Honestly, because I can't smell it, I'm chillin'. - Yeah, I'm gonn
a chill on this one too. - Usually the smell is what gets to me, and that's what makes me hungry. I'm not smelling anything. - I kinda wanna win too. - Out of curiosity, did they have those same noodles in the movie? I'm just seeing if it's comic book worthy, comic book accurate. (buzzer rings) - (FBE) We never actually see this dish, it's so inedible, they suggest pizza instead. - Really? - That's not any regular chicken, that's like... - My hands are shaking. - (laughs) You want a bite. Co
me on, a little bite. I'm like the devil. You know you want some. - Give up a little bit of our dignity, oh my God. - Mm-hmm, I believe in you. Look, end up being bigger. (buzzer rings) - Okay. - It's good. - Okay, it's worth it, we'll take the punishment. Oh my God. - I think it's pretty easy to resist actually. I don't know what it is, I feel like you know, her just bragging about it makes me not want to eat anything and just not, and fast the rest of my life. - (clerk) Mr. Parker. Number five
, right? - (Peter) Yeah. - (both) Oh! - You're gonna take my favorite character and his favorite deli, that's not fair. - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. - Gummy worms? - I love you, I love him. - Oh no, here comes the comments. - Why, do people say you look like Tom Holland? - All the time. - What? Let me see. I could see it, yeah. - (Peter) And with pickles and could you smoosh it down real flat, thanks. - (clerk) You got it, boss. - He mentioned pickles. - Which you don't like. - So that's good. - Which you
don't like. - I'm doing good. - Yeah. I'm confused about what I'm about to eat. - These are progressively getting less and less descriptive. - (FBE) So next up, we've got Peter Parker's favorite, a number five with pickles squished down flat and some gummy worms. This is supposedly the best sandwich in Queens. While we don't see the sandwich in the movie, we decided to make it a hot Italian sub in honor of Aunt May. - This was in Spider-Man the video game! - Okay, I mean, I've had Italian sub
before. So, it's nothing new to me. - Yeah, I think we're okay. - Well, gonna grab some, yeah. - Hey, if you enjoy it. - I don't like olives though. Just knock them off with me. - How dare you. - That's looking really, really good. Oh, I want a bite! - It feels like the back of a dolphin. - I think this is a calm enough meal, where I'm not missing out on too much. Like that last one. - Yeah. - I feel like it was so finely prepared, but I could go to any deli and get this, any dollar store and
get these gummy worms. Like, it's fine. - Agreed, agreed. - (FBE) Carson, is this a hard one too resist? - Uh, for the gummy worms, yes. Sandwich, no. I don't know what it is. No, I like, it's the wheat bread. (buzzer rings) Thank you for the saving grace. - We will be strong this time. - We're strong, we're strong! - I mean, I think if you eat some of that, you technically won't lose. This just looks so good. - No, I think I will lose, and I think you're just tempting me to eat that toothpick,
and I will not listen to your peer pressure. - Mmm. - No can do. - (Wong) We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone with our lives. - (Tony) And I swore off dairy, but then Ben and Jerry's named a flavor after me so... - (Stephen) Stark Raving Hazelnuts. - (Tony) Ben and Jerry's named a flavor after me, so... - (Stephen) Stark Raving Hazelnuts. - (Tony) Not bad. - Are we having ice cream? - They're giving us ice cream? - (Wong) Hunka Hulka Burning Fudge is our favorite. - (Bruce) That's a thin
g? - (Tony) Whatever, point is, things change. - I knew it! I knew it! - He called it! - They don't show you the ice cream at all. - They just say it. - But I'm going to try it. - Did we get custom-made ice cream? - (gasps) Do we? - Are you telling me we got custom made ice cream? Oh no. - The only snack in that picture is Tony Stark, so. - (FBE) So sadly, Ben and Jerry's said they would not be making these fictional Infinity War flavors. - Oh, 'cause they don't want money, and millions of dolla
rs in revenue based on ice cream flavors. - (FBE) But luckily for you, we made them! - Hell yeah! - (FBE) We've got Stark Raving Hazelnuts, and Hunka Hulka Burning Fudge. Two ice creams that you can only get in the MCU, can you resist? - That's funny actually, that's really funny. - Oh my God! (laughs) Oh my God! - Ah, I like what you guys did, Benny and Rafi's. (laughs) That's good. - Mmm. - Holy bajeebers! - (laughs) Holy bajeebers. - Whoa! - Oh, that smells really nice. - That is like, oh my
God, look at the green in this. - Wow, oh my gosh! - This is like Hulk green. - Dang. - In its true form. - I've already lost, so at this point, I'm like, what else do I have to lose? Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm? - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm? - Are you sure? - I'm so sure. - No, dude, dude you gonna... - I've already gone this far! - Yeah, but, you know. (buzzer rings) Mmm. - Nevermind, we're good. We're good. (buzzer rings) And hazelnuts are delicious, when they're not in their nut form. Oh, but it smells so nice.
- You try yours, I'll try mine, and then we'll switch. - Oh my good, we should! - You know, like. - Cheers! - I don't know how you cheers ice cream. - Like that, exactly like that. - Okay. (buzzer rings) Oh, this looks really good. (buzzer rings) - If you like hazelnuts, you'll like this. - Oh my God. - So what was the flavors here other than the nuts? - Listen, just try it. - (scoffs) Rude. (buzzer rings) That is actually pretty [bleep] good. - Man, this fudge is really good. - Hunka Hunka Hu
lk. - Uh-huh. - Oh, this is perfect. Honestly, if they had this as like a regular flavor, I'd eat it. - Yeah, right? Same with this. - That was worth it. - This was better than I expected. - Yeah. - (FBE) It's time for the winning dish. So, if you haven't tried anything yet, like Ryan here, you're gonna get to eat this. Jordan, of course, you've tried the food, so you won't get to eat this one, but I'm gonna make you look at it anyway. - That's right, that's what I get. - (FBE) Izzy, since you'
ve already eaten some of the foods, you normally wouldn't get to try this one, but you have a get out of punishment free card from a previous episode. Do you wanna cash that in today? - Yes I do! - (FBE) Ready to see the clip? - Okay. - Yeah! - (Tony) You ever tried Shawarma? - Shawarma! This is my favorite scene! - I'm down, I'm so down. - You know what? Now I'm kinda sad I let you talk me into the ice cream. - Fun fact, that's not Chris Evans. - Wait, what? - That's not him, that's a double.
- It's like a body double? - Mm-hmm. - Oh my God. - It's still the best scene. I think this is great. - See this is how fat Thor starts. - I mean, I can relate. - (FBE) So we're gonna bring out the winning dish first, and let you look at it. Reminders that you can't eat this. If you had won today, you would've gotten to dig in on this delicious Shawarma. - See, that Shawarma wrap looks bomb. - That looks so good. - Sad. - (FBE) So Izzy, this is what you would be eating. - Yum! - (FBE) But you've
got that get out of punishment free card. - Exchange this card to skip a future episode punishment and take the reward instead. Hell yeah! - This is what I'm missing out on, I'm like you know what? I only have Brandon to blame for this. - You like when the Christmas thing, and you try to like unwrap it so that you can save the wrapping paper? That's exactly what I'm trying to do right now. - You wanna cheers? - Yeah, there we go. - Alright! - You got it all. You got to bite every single one. -
It was a great day. - Yeah? - Yeah, yeah. - I bet. - (FBE) Just like Groot, we've got some twigs and leaves for you to chow down on. (Kendelle laughs) - You couldn't just adapt it to... - See, Groot's the only one of you who has a clue. - (FBE) But not so fast. - Oh. - (FBE) To make this punishment just a little worse, we wanna make you angry. (Kendelle laughs) So you'll have to eat this while wearing Hulk hands. - Okay. - I can't even get the other one on! - What? - You know these are made for
kids, when my wrists are barely in. - How do you ingest this? Is this safe for human consumption? - There we go. - A bay leaf by itself isn't very flavorful. - Groot does not have good taste. I'm not gonna lie. Wow! - (FBE) Alright guys, are you regretting any of your life choices today? - I wish I didn't listen to Brandon. - The ice cream was good though. - I mean, he's not wrong. - No, actually. I liked that ice cream. - (FBE) And Ryan, this is your first ever Try Not To Eat, right? - Yeah. -
(FBE) So how do you feel like you did winning your first competition here? - I'm definitely feeling some sort of pride. Not the pride that you would think of, but there's something. There's definitely something. - Thanks for watching us Try Not To Eat Marvel Foods on the REACT Channel. - Subscribe for new shows every week. - If you liked this episode, hit that like button. - What should we eat next? Let me know down in the comments. - Deuces! - Hey Fam, React Producer Mary here. Are you follo
wing @FBE on Twitter? Well come talk to us, tell us what you thought of this episode, and let us know what we should react to in the future. Thanks for watching guys! Bye!



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The girl who ate all 4 got the same punishment as the people who only ate 1. Might as well just eat all of them


Izzy was the real winner of this game


The “reward food” is never actually better than the food they had 😭


Fun reverse fact. That actually WAS Chris Evans. He just had to cover his face because he had a beard which he didn't in the movie.


There’s no point in trying not to eat a food after you’ve already lost.


10:52 fun fact: that is Chris Evans, he’s just covering the beard he grew since the shawarma scene was shot after the premiere.


Shawn Mendes + Tom Holland = Carson


The winners should've received a plot twist. When they win, they get to eat the winning dish AND go eat the ones that they missed out on >:)


i’m so mad that they don’t let the winners eat the past foods afterwards


Replay: try not to eat challenge Izzy: FREE FOOD


Who els thinks that in every episode the winning dish isn’t worth waiting and not trying all the other ones?🤣


Those three ladies Izzy, Jordan, and Kendelle are such a big mood rn.


“the only snack in there was Tony Stark” Lmaoo


Jordan is the real winner there She got to eat all the other foods except one. That's a winner in my eyes.


The ice cream should’ve been the winning dish 😂


Jordan and Izzy are literally me , eat anything that’s put in front of you😂


Leave it to Jordan to eat everything in every single try not to eat 😂😂


I feel like that Carson dude could play Peter Parker pretty good. Edit: I commented this before they said he looks like Tom Holland


I don’t see why people who’ve already eaten like, the first 2 dishes. Resist on the third, or the fourth? Like, haven’t you already lost? LMAO?!?