
Tutorial: How to create beach waves with the Dyson Airwrap™ styler

A step-by-step guide for creating modern beach waves with the Dyson Airwap™ styler's Firm of Soft smoothing brushes Step 1: Begin with wet hair Step 2: Select full power and high heat Step 3: Use Firm of Soft smoothing brush to dry hair until dampStep Step 4: Section your hair Step 5: Switch to the 40mm (1.6 inch) barrel Step 6: Following the arrows, manually wrap hair around the barrel Step 7: Hold the ends away from the barrel until your hair is dry Step 8: Push the cold shot to set Step 9: Switch off to release If you have any questions please feel free to add a comment below Learn more about the Dyson Airwrap™ styler: #DysonHair #DysonStyle #HowToHair


3 years ago

從濕髮開始 選擇高速及高溫模式 使用硬刷或軟刷順滑造型梳 將頭髮吹至微濕 將頭髮分成小束 切換為 40mm 造型髮捲 按箭頭方向 將頭髮引進造型髮捲中 手持髮尾遠離造型髮捲 直至吹乾頭髮 按下護髮冷風掣為頭髮定型 關掉並放開捲髮 在全部頭髮重複進行 交替造型髮捲方向 提示:30mm 造型髮捲適合纖幼髮質 搖動以塑造波浪曲髮 捲髮、順髮、乾髮 免受過熱損傷



Well it s too expensive to buy for me but I’m still watching tutorials with a hope that I’ll have this one day.


I love my Dyson


Returned mine for the Dyson Dryer


I love my dyson 😍


I just got mine today and I’m over here trying to figure out which barrel is which




my box doesn't have the 40 mm barrels, and I can't find it on the official websites.. can I buy them separately?


היי התלתלים לא מחזיקים מעמד מה אפשר לעשות שכן יחזיק ?


Ho ricevuto il Dyson Airwrap Complete Long questo Natale.. Potete darmi dei consigli sull'utilizzo?Sono alle prime esperienze....


I keep coming out with 70s Farrah Fawcett hair... HELP


Any recommendations to make the curls stay longer?


On short hair is a pain in the ass to use... Not gonna lie, I’m a bit disappointed. It has a very long learning curve, when talking about the barrels of course. And I’m not referring to when the hair attaches itself onto them, because for me that I have a bob that kind of curl is not the best.


Ben Dyson la saçlarımı yaptığımda günlerce bukleler kalıyor öyle güzel duruyor ki anlatamam çok doğal çok güzel🤩 asla ama asla pişman değilim Güzel Dyson’ımı aldığım içn🌺 saçlarımı yıkıyorum hafif havluyla ıslaklığı alıyorum keratin bakımı yapıyorum düzleştiriyorum Ve bukleler yapıyorum enfes oluyo enfees 🤩🤩🌺❤️


My hair will not hold a curl for more then two hours I’m sad I might have to return my air-warp




I have dyson, but the curl does not last at all, I do it and after a few minutes I have straight hair. What could I do?


Come asciugarli per avere un liscio voluminoso e non piatto?


Il riccio dura 10 minuti , ho provato a capelli bagnati, asciutti e anche usando vari niente, sono molto delusa dato il costo. Pensavo fossi io il problema ma leggo molte recensioni non positive. Mi dispiace perché per tutto il resto è ottimo, il liscio perfetto, anche la spazzola rotonda e non rovina i capelli