
Two Sides of Technology Become One - Short Movie

Menceritakan 2 orang yang mengalami dampak negatif dan dampak positif dari adanya teknologi, kemudian terdapat satu teman yang sangat produktif kemudian mengajak 2 orang tersebut untuk berproduktif dan berusaha bersama agar menghasilkan suatu karya yang dapat membanggakan serta berdampak positif di dunia digital untuk mereka. ------------------------ Produced by Excel Naishar Elfransa Directed by Excel Naishar Elfransa Story Idea Excel Naishar Elfransa Script Writer Muhammad Rizky Fajar Muhamad Riski Maulana Editor Excel Naishar Elfransa Cameramen Excel Naishar Elfransa Muhamad Riski Maulana Cast Excel Excel Naishar Elfransa Fajar Muhammad Rizky Fajar Kikoy Muhamad Riski Maulana MC Elisa Rehulina Music [No Copyright Music] Chill Acoustic - Background Music [No Copyright Music] Into The Light - Chill Acoustic Guitar - Background Music

Excel Naishar Elfransa

1 year ago

technology is a tool to facilitate human activities in everyday life because technology is developing very rapidly, there are many things that I see very different compared to a few years ago technology is growing very rapidly so that you can play online games, shop online, chat online and even go online. a taxi that can be ordered online but on the other hand there must be a negative impact and a positive impact now this is Fajar he has good technology technology that supports very good technol
ogy but he only uses it to play video-games until he loses track of time Even toxic in words when he loses playing in this video game , his name is Kikoy, he has the same technology as Fajar but Fajar and Kiko are different, the difference is that Kikoy can use this technology to work in the field he likes and it will have a positive impact on him . Likewise Wow really good mazda6 the good thing is that we get together in the morning instead of just being busy with each other, it's better if we
join the activity, try what we do in collaboration between us, upstream, if you have supporting facilities, it's a good cellphone, so try to explore it instead of having one That's good, you can Okay , we have to be tech people Hey I'm inviting you to Masterpiece competitions in the digital field Well, because we need to have good tools, forget it Oh yeah, let's make a video this time, video Yes, for coffee, now you're the actor that 's it , bye, happy, easy, really hopeful Hey extravagant Rizky
hi hi



Jadi, kalian tim dampak negatif atau dampak positif guys?


Gokilll sihh ✨✨🔥🔥


Kereeeennn 👍👍👍


keren bang excel dan kawan kawan


ajib bang 🔥🔥🔥




tim notif hadir bang


Mantap bang excel


Gokil gokil wkwkwkwk


kerenn kakk xcell


juara 2 ni ye


aku tim dampak positif kak


keren banget bang!!!!


related banget 😆


bikin short movie lagi kak


Keren parah emang kating gw satu ini, dr jaman SMA udah keren parah


push rank bareng ayok bang


Hidup merupakan sebuah pertanyaan serta bagaimana manusia menjalani kehidupan merupakan jawabannya


gue yang dampak positif 😎