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Araya Vlogs

1 day ago

In different parts of the world, people have to juggle to get food, while in other areas there's such an abundance of food that the only way to stand out is by adding elements like gold to food. There are places where access to drinking water directly from the tap is practically an unattainable dream, in contrast with others where there's so much water it's used merely for decoration. Good morning, afternoon, or evening. I hope you're doing very well! Friends, today in this video, I want to make
it clear before we start that we have no intention of speaking ill of one situation or another. What I intend is simply to show you the incredible difference in realities that exist in this world we all live in and with which I've encountered while traveling through different areas of the planet. We'll explore what life can be like in humble places in Africa and what it's like in areas of extreme luxury and opulence. In some parts of the world, access to drinking water directly from the tap is
practically an unattainable dream. For example, here we are at a river that's already dry, people have to come to the river, dig and make a hole to find water flowing beneath. This water isn't drinkable, but it's the only one these people have access to. And in other parts of the world, there's so much water it's used simply for decoration and even fought over between countries to have the biggest water show in the world. There are places where people's homes, the place they call home, is simply
a frame of branches with dry grass on top. What you see here is even disposable. They use it only for a few months until a better season comes to move to another area and build something exactly the same. All they have inside are some stones with wood that serve as a kitchen, where they cook at night, and a bed made of cowhide. This is all there is. The leather you see here is the only thing they use to sleep on. They simply spread it out, lie down, and that's their way of sleeping in this plac
e. Meanwhile, in other parts of the world, towers are built and buildings worth hundreds of millions of dollars, where people must pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a 30 square meter apartment to enjoy certain comforts like a bed, a TV, access to an incredible pool on the terrace, gym, and other facilities. In some places, the only entertainment available is to draw a square on the ground, divide it into different sections and, with a stone, simply toss it and follow it, jumping on one fo
ot to the left, right, forward, and back. That's all the entertainment these children have during the day, while in other parts of the world, for entertainment, one can go to a shopping center with over 1200 stores and buy practically whatever one imagines. This shopping center is so large it has a pond full of sharks where you can go diving and, if you're looking for something colder, go skiing in the snow, or if one is too bored, one can climb to the tallest building in the world. All this, in
the same place. In some parts of the world, people have to juggle to get food. For example, here where we are, they must milk the cows, herd them, keep them to get milk and from there produce certain products. Or they must cultivate all the land, like all those fields we see here, but it's not the planting season, so the entire harvest must be stored and rationed during all the months when there will be no more crops. While in other parts of the world there's such an abundance of food and every
one has access to the same, that the only way to distinguish oneself from others is by adding elements like gold to the food. An example is this gold burger, which, as a curious fact, gold doesn't add any special flavor. It's simply to provide a spectacle when served at the table and distinguish the diner from other people present. In some parts of the world, the sanitary services we know are non-existent. For example, in this place, if someone needs to relieve themselves, they must leave their
house and go to a hole in the ground, do their business there, cover it with earth and, if they need to bathe, they must walk a few hours or look for the nearest river to bring water that will be used for everything, including bathing. People bathe once a week or every 15 days, depending on how often they can go to the river. And forget about the personal hygiene products we commonly use, like soap, toothpaste, and toothbrush. None of that exists here. While in other parts of the world we have u
nlimited toilet paper to use in a sanitary service. We also have access to unlimited water designated only for cleaning ourselves. Plus, we have showers with both cold and hot water, being able to choose thanks to the unlimited availability of water and personal hygiene products, which are replenished every time they run out. And as if that weren't enough, we also have all the necessary towels, different items for skin and body care, and even a hairdryer. In some parts of the world, the only acc
ess to medicine is to walk up to an hour away from their village to find plants used to treat infections, flus, and various diseases they may have. We've seen cases of people with different problems who only treat themselves with these plants. What do they do with these leaves? They simply crush them, make a kind of paste and apply it hoping it relieves the pain, reduces the fever, and improves their condition, while in other parts of the world one has access to top-level hospitals with cutting-
edge technology, where they can diagnose and treat any illness or pain. Even if one is gravely ill in bed, with gland pain, unbearable headache, or diarrhea that doesn't allow getting up, one can simply use their 5G cellphone, call the doctor and ask him to come check them at home, bring the medications, inject them here or do whatever is necessary in the comfort of their home without having to leave. I want to make it clear that the purpose of this video is not to say that one situation is righ
t and the other wrong, or vice versa. This video simply shows the huge difference that can exist from one place to another in the world, just a flight away. And these are some of the things we encounter, not to mention other extremely shocking ones, like how in some parts of the world people can only move by walking distances of 50 km to go from one city to another. And in contrast, in places of extreme luxury and excess, everyone drives exotic cars, like Ferraris, to stand out and show who has
more, even going to the point of paying more for a license plate than for the car itself. The car's plate is worth more than the car itself. Or we could talk about internet accessibility, where we already have 5G, while in other parts of the world there's no access or signal at all. We could also talk about electricity: here we have electricity 24 hours a day, every day of the year, to use appliances and anything that makes life easier. In other parts of the world, the most they have is fire. So
, this video is about that. I just wanted to share with you the realities I encounter when moving from one extreme to another. I want to know what you think about this video, about everything we've seen. Tell me all about it down in the comments. I hope you liked this video format that we've never done before. Don't forget to subscribe, share this video if you liked it and see you in the next video. Pura vida! and kisses from someone who today saw stark differences that exist in the world.



Hicimos famosa a la persona correcta ✅


"Hay lugares en el mundo...". ¡Que gran reflexion, mi estimado Cristhoper! ¡Que gran video! Usted siempre nos enseña tantas cosas. Siempre nos ha mostrado su gran corazon y todas sus emociones al ver las diferentes realidades que va conociendo en cada pais que visita. Realmente, me gusto mucho la manera de presentar los diferentes contrastes, con mucho dinamismo y una narracion impecable. Nuestro mundo no deja de sorprendernos con tanta riqueza y variedad de pueblos y culturas. ¡PURA VIDA!




Mis respetos mi hmno eres el mejor bloguero del mundo en habla hispana que calidad de contenido todo muy completo.Saludos mi hmno desde CHILE 👏🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱


Te ganastes el título del mejor YouTuber del mundo 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 es un aprecio tu contenido y una gran reflexión ver las diferencias entre riqueza y pobreza y lo que cada persona debemos valorar 🥺🥺


Es bueno ver que lo que es normal para nosotros es un privilegio para otros, agradecer siempre


Wow…Qe Triste Realidad…Tenemos q Orar por esas Personas I Continentes donde hay mucha Miseria I Sequía 🙏


Este video me impacto, merece un premio, no he visto a un You tuber hacer algo así, si lo hay no lo he visto. Me dejo sin palabras. Gracias por hacernos ver que somos millonarios.


Llorada que me pegue con este video. Es sorprendente como siempre nos dicen que agradezcamos lo que tenemos porque hay chiquitos que literal no tiene ni para comer 😢😭 ósea es una realidad y no se hace mucho para que se haga un cambio 🥺


Gracias por este gran trabajo.. La opulencia no da felicidad es donde mas se suicida la gente al descubrir lo vacío de la sociedad... Y donde no hay tantas comodidades la vida no se convierte en querer igualar a los demás


Cuando pensaba que ya no podias sorprenderme despues de ver todos tus videos, salis con este pedazo de video. Cada dia te superas mas! Segui asi que ya sos mi novela oficial :D


Aguante Araya Vlogs, describí sin querer tu canal hace 6 meses y disfruto bastante tu contenido. Nunca pierdas la humildad y sencillez que se percibe, abrazo enorme desde Chile 🙌🏻🇨🇱


Que gran reflección Araya, este es un mundo de grandes contrastes y desigualdades. Valoremos y cuidemos lo que tenemos .


Te pasaste joven, de verdad te pasaste!!! con este vídeo en estos momentos no hay un solo youtuber que se pueda poner a tu nivel que calidad de video que has publicado!!! te felicito porque aunque eres un hombre jovencito tienes una calidad humana superior a muchos, felicito a tus padres porque te dieron una excelente base !!!


Que bien que lo muestres!! Y que todos seamos conscientes de esto!! Gracias 😌😌


La humildad en persona Araya vlogs el viajero mas humilde


El mejor video Araya, que contrastes, eso nos enseña que las necesidades del ser humano son tan básicas y nos inventamos un mundo lleno de complejidades tratando de hacerlo fácil de forma irónica .


Asi es la desigualdad es increíble saludos desde Venezuela 🇻🇪


Que bueno que hiciste algo así gracias, me gustaría que hicieras uno sobre la felicidad, de como esas personas en extrema pobreza pueden ser felices y aquí en nuestros países desarrollados se vive con tanto estrés, seguro que tienes miles de momentos bellos grabados, gracias por tu trabajo


No me arrepiento y ni me voy arrepentir de haberte encontrado en este mar inmenso llamado intenet,valio la pena,para llegar a tener un video como este siempre con vos maje,saludos desde Honduras .