
Uncle Grandpa - Shorts (S1)

Here's every short/transition from season 1 of Uncle Grandpa. These give a good representation of what this show has to offer in terms of weird and randomness, and I absolutely love them. I honestly feel like people were too hard on this show around its air-date in 2013. Definitely go give it a watch if you haven't yet. Been having a blast re-watching it the past week. I don't own any of this, rights go to Cartoon Network. Uploaded for archival purposes only.


9 months ago

*Grunts* *More Grunting* What are you doing Uncle Grandpa.. Mr. Gus, LOOK! There's an impostor ඞ Everyone knows I'm the REAL Uncle Grandpa Ughhhhhhhhh That's not an impostor ඞ That just *spells* Uncle Grandpa GUHH This thing has magical spells? I'll be right back *LOUD SWOOSH* Okay, to fight magical spells, with magical spells. U N C L E G R A N D P A T I C O U S G O O D M O R N C U S ! burns* Are you happy now? Yeah HEY! YOU'RE NOT ULE GAPA, *I'M* ULE GAPA *Sips, sips, s i p s* *Spits
[UG Hype Theme playing] [More UG Hype Theme playing] Huh huh, huh huh, huh, Huh huh, huuh Goooooooooooood- Mooooooooooooor- niiiiiiiiing Ughhhh Hughhh HUGHHHH CHOO Am I d r e a m i n g ? No, I am AAAGHHHHHHHHHGG One! Two! Waaait Do you guys know how to play your instruments? No Cool One! Two! Three! [Come Together by The Beatles] [More Come Together by the Beatles] You guys lied to me.. You DO know how to play your instruments! Hello children! Well.. Apparently some "animator".. ..forgot to co
lor me in. So grab your permanent markers And on the count of three you're gonna color me, b e a u t i f u l ! You ready? One.. Two.. *Coloring SWOOSH* Hmmmmmmm So I guess apparently you're not supposed to color on the TV We gotta erase this.. on the count of three go grab your erasing hammers. One.. Two.. *Erasing *Pop* Oops! Wrong planet. Good Morning! Excuse you Huh Something's wrong But I can't tell what.. That's more like it I think we got everything right this time. But wait, How are
we gonna fit in there? *Grunts Heavier than I thought! Did you remember to take out the drawers out of this thing? (Both) Double dutch double dutch, it's so fun (Both) Double dutch double dutch, everyone! Swoosh* Stretch* Whoooooooooooo.. wants a piggy back ride? Pizza STEVE does! UAGH! Me too! Uagh? ROARS* *Boom* Swoosh* Cough* HA, ha ha ha ha, ha Pizza STEVE! Pizza STEVE!! Where are you dude? PIZZA STEEEEEVE!!! Hmm.. I wonder where Pizza Steve is. Pizza STEVE! Hey Uncle Grandpa! How's your lu
nch break? Huh, I don't know Hey Mr. Gus, How's my lunch break again? *Break Your lunch break's like that Wow! *Whistle [Parade UG Theme] [More Parade UG Theme] We better call an exterminator! We got ants! UaaAAAGHHHHooohhh Wheeeuughhuughhhaaaaoohhhh Mr. Guuuuuuuuus! A little heeeeeeelp! Please?!.. AAAAAHHHHHH Hoooooold it! Hooooooooooooooooold it! Ooo a camera! Hooooooold it! [Cool music] That was pretty crazy. Da, da da, da da, da da, da da Uuuuuhh what are?.. Diggin' a hole. I broke throughhh
hhhhhhhh! oughhhhhhhhhhhhh! Were you diggin' a hole again? Maybe HAHAHA, HA HA, HAAA HUAGH! Uh-Oh.. UH-OH *Panicking Nothing's working! HEEEELP! Hu hu hu hu hu hu Thank goodness you're here All my cats got out. That was weird... Ha ha ha, Ha! Mustache dog. *Barks *Laughing Mustache Grandpa I'm diggin' a hole *Grunting Eat your vegetables kids! Huh? *Panting UAGH! *More panting HUAGHH! *Continues panting Ouch.. Good Morning.. Good Night.. Uncle Grandpa Uncle Grandpa! Shhhh *Laughing *Laughs That
tickles! Good Mor- Woaugh Good Morning *Zap *Zap *Pow *Zap *LOTS of laughing *LOTS of crying Hey, Uncle Grandpa! Can you help even this out a bit? WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE *Unzips What am I doing in here..? *Crazy noises* *Grunts Oops! Oh no, I gotta get it back in! Too late. Boom* Good Morning! *pop (Off screen) My baby! Aahh! *Panting AAHH THEY'RE STILL COMING Good Morning x 100 Happy Halloween kids! (Both) Good Morning (All) Good Morning! Ahhhhh Good Morning! HGGGGYYYYAAAAAAAA Boom* Nyaaaaaa.. Interpr
etive hot dog dance YEAOUCH! Ha ha, good one Good Morning! Giggling* You can't catch me! Continues giggling* MORE giggling* (SQUEEZE) (HONK) They don't call me Uncle Grandpa for nothin' (Jumps away and refuses to elaborate) (All) Good Morning! *Bounce (x4) Cool! A can opener! (Mr. Gus) Does he see us? (Pizza Steve) I don't know (UG) WHOOOOOOOOOOOuv (UG) WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOuv (Pizza Steve) NO NO NO! (UG) g U d m O ur P H N i gH c k Fucking dies* Uh-Oh (oh nvm) *ACTUALY fucking dies Fin! d i n g Di
d you get it? (It's a f i n HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)



Uncle Grandpa does not get the respect it deserves. I think it's in the league of Regular Show and Ed, Edd n Eddy.


Uncle Grandpa is basically CN’s own SpongeBob but make it more surreal. And I love it.


"Am I...dreaming?" "No, I am." What a turn of events, we need to use this line more often 😂


It's obvious that the creators had a blast while making this show, It's so good and crazy.


I think Uncle Grandpa works better as shorts than an actual 11 minute show


1:56 didnt expect that part


Ah the 2010s, where we hated silly cartoons for not being serious or story driven. I didn’t hate UG, just saying.


Uncle grandpa sounds like Patrick Star


Hey, you're not Ule Gapa, I'M Ule Gapa!


This show was my guilty pleasure back when it was airing.


despite being so hated... this show at least ended peacefully. 6 seasons and a good last episode (not the one where they're in highschool i mean the other one)


I'm glad this show recieved a cult following over the years Uncle grandpa is another cartoon network classic


1:30 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 4:44 bro literally got stuck in his as$


9:19 dance of weird. 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Uncle Grandpa - Shorts (2) Uncle Grandpa - Shorts (3) Uncle Grandpa - Shorts (4) Uncle Grandpa - Shorts (5)


0:47 These are the moments that for me are the best in this video.


Good Morning! That's what Uncle Grandpa says. It's his catchphrase.


uncIe grandpa is the most powerfuI character ever made, change my mind


0:33 the fact that he made the logo collapse might say "ULE GAPA"