
Underestimated Underdog Rocks Galaxy's Best Gamers | HFY | Sci Fi Short Story |

They said humans were outmatched - mere slugs compared to specialized alien gaming talent. But Jake is determined to beat the odds and intergalactic arrogance to prove humans deserve respect. In the hyperspeed arena of the Tournament finals, he must leverage technology, endurance and creative thinking to out-race genetically superior species. All of my stories are original.

ALL Sci Fi

3 days ago

Jake gripped the steering wheel and activated his VR contact lenses nervously with the fate of Humanity's Pride resting on his shoulders alone around him the arena thrummed with the cheers and jeers of over 50,000 aliens of various species all gathered to watch The Intergalactic gaming tournament finals his opponent a scan named ZX bared his fangs on the other side of the stage though bipedal like humans the Glen's muscular frame and sharp claws indicated an evolutionary history far far better s
uited for combat and speed rumors said zix's visual processing system allowed him to see movements faster than any human an unfair biological Advantage exactly why Jake had entered the tournament in the first place the game at hand was hyper velocity a futuristic racing simulation notorious for requiring quick thinking and even quicker reflexes Jake watched as the countown timer ticked to zero with a Sonic Boom the vehicles blasted from The Starting Line we weaving between glowing barriers at im
possible speeds zix pulled ahead immediately his slender vehicle slipping through gaps Jake didn't dare attempt no matter Jake knew he couldn't beat the scan's reflexes outright his strategy was a long game bore of the humans pinent for endurance over sprinting come on he muttered grinding his teeth as he coaxed his vehicle forward the turns came fast and tight Pixel Perfect Precision required the hypers sensitive controls perfectly translated Jake's hand motions into razor sharp movements still
zix maintained his lead halfway through the second lab 6's Advantage widened Jake blocked out the crowd and narrowed his Focus visualizing the patterns in the shifting Maze of light ribbons ahead he took the racing line smoothly ignoring risks for the sake of consistency behind him the other Racers fell away unable to keep Pace with the two leaders as lap three began Jake picked up speed having memorized ized much of the course but zix pressed even harder intent on securing his lead suddenly hi
s vehicle clipped a barrier destabilizing it for a split second the opening was narrow but Jake took it squeezing past zix into first place the audience gasped then erupted into chaos on the stage monitor Zex bared his fangs his pale yellow fur Rising as his hackles flexed now the real race began Jake's vehicle screamed down the neon corridors G forces pressing him back in his seat his reactions kicked into overdrive as the barrier shifted without warning still he maintained first place despite
ze's attacking relentlessly searching for the smallest weakness to exploit coming out of the final turn onto the home stretch warning sirens blared as a series of barriers materialized right in Jake's path he turned on Instinct just clipping an obstacle and losing a fraction of speed it was enough for zix to catch up and pull along alongside his dark eyes wild with predatory Focus the two jockeyed for position trading paint across their F sles Jake gave no ground blocking zix's attempts to overt
ake gritting through the crushing forces Jake saw the Finish Line ahead so close now zix slammed his vehicle against Jake's this was his last chance Jake's ship spun out before he regained control the finish line now impossibly far rather than fight a losing battle Jake focused everything on the fastest possible line through the course's end Z shot by but Jake kept accelerating the ship's frame groaning under the speed it wouldn't last long under these forces Jake just needed seconds the Gap to
zix closed rapidly as Jake rocketed to Victory he flash pasted only nanc sooner but it was enough Jake clenched his fists in Victory almost not hearing the announcer crown him Galactic gaming Champion over the Roaring crowd with Earth shattering celebration ation in the stands he shot up Rising on suddenly shaky legs as adrenaline coursed through his veins across the stage Z stared at him with unblinking Menace the lack of visible mouths made the scan's Expressions difficult to read but somethin
g told Jake the alien was less than pleased about losing to an underdog the awards ceremony passed in a blur Jake stood tall on the podium looking out over the Rippling ocean of differently shaped heads as the translator readied his victory speech he had expected to feel pride in proving Humanity's worth but instead warmer feelings blossomed in his chest not just for Humanity for all life forms short and tall who dared reach beyond their limits people often ask what makes human special Jake bega
n his Amplified voice echoed by various alien tongues in the crowd we don't have the strongest bodies the sharpest instincts or any inborn gifts offering an easy path to Greatness Millennia ago we crawled from an unforgiving Wilderness barely able to Club smaller creatures for food and shelter yet here we stand today equals Among the Stars our secret sheer determination and Unstoppable drive not just to survive but Thrive other species judge the universe by their instinctive strengths and weakne
sses then evolve along these predictable paths Jake paused smiling as he recalled months of late nights playing outdated Earth video games to train his virtual racing skills we look at challenges instead as puzzles to solve or obstacles to climb using our most potent ability the imagination when we faced beings with greater speed ferocity and natural cunning we did not shudder in fear of Inevitable Defeat such resignation is not the human way murmurs rippled through the arena at these fighting w
ords in the front row a four armed toian turned one eye stock toward a reptilian secury while flexing his lower shoulders in what Jake guessed was the equivalent of a shrug to other beings the arena may have seemed balanced tonight with one racer possessing reflexes far swifter than his opponent yet rather than speed I relied on perseverance because humans excel at creativity and self-control core human traits evolved across eons enabling our ancestors to gradually Master seemingly impossible go
als we do not compete to best others for Domination or Pride but to ascend beyond our innate limits through determination my mission tonight was not solely personal Victory I wish to demonstrate that no being anywhere dictates another's potential due only to their Birthright gifts within all life regardless of form burns the universal spark enabling achievement Beyond rational expectation instead I say embrace your equivalent differences as strengths not Rivals for Supremacy only then may we tog
ether unlock the Galaxy's true promise for a moment the arena sat silent Jake's words hanging weighty in in the air a few confused mutters echoed until finally the toian rose its forearms outstretched toward Jake and salute Jake returned the gesture readily prompting others nearby to stand as well soon a wave spread throughout the massive Stadium as all species even the imposing gray act with their reputation for devouring enemies honored this ordinary human who today showed the Galaxy what trul
y made his people exceptional among all creation as the Ovation finally died down Jake wiped tears from his eyes unexpected Joy rising to choke his throat glancing to the side he noticed Zex observing this display with unreadable eyes but a moment later the scan's needle filled ma open slightly in what might be an attempt at a smile before he turned and descended the champion stairs without a word disappearing into Shadow later as Jake prepared to depart from the tournament a delegation awaited
him on the landing pad clustered near his shuttle wearing formal robes indicating High status among their people stepping forward a diminutive Ian greeted him with a complicated hand gesture of circles within circles simple faces made beatifically calm by their mantis like Anatomy honored human Jake while your kind has long stood divided and quarrelsome we Rejoice at your sudden Unity with all children of the Stars shown today allow us to host further contests at our home World annually so more
individuals like yourself bold and adaptive Ingenuity may come forth to embrace the shared struggle under trans parents guys Jake recognized an offer both generous and politically loaded when he heard it binding the scattered human factions through games and other cultural events had tempting possibilities revealing commonalities often hidden behind atmosphere domes on distant Colony worlds your offer deeply humbles me first Channeler as I am I my efforts aimed only to uplift all but perhaps bri
nging my people together through friendly competition might smooth the next small step toward a truly unified Galaxy thus I cannot accept your gift merely personally without me first Consulting my governing Confederacy shall we reconvene at the appropriate solar alignment to finalize these event details with an answer prepared the Ian Channeler waved all six Palms in parallel Strokes signifying Supreme Harmony you honor all children speaking thus wisely Beyond narrow ties of blood Jake the human
let it be done as your season cycle the iph Embassy awaits your return pulse to finalize all preparations on behalf of your kind's shared nesting needs fly safely between Stars May the gravities grant speed the entire delegation bowed in unison before turning with exim IMI gliding back toward a jeweled transport awaiting them nearby Jake watched the Ians depart a smile Rising as he considered new friendships his victory open for Humanity this day while taking the shuttle pilot seat Jake felt pr
ofound gratit ude that among Mankind's many faults tenacity in confronting new obstacles had gained him access to this advanced in species Hall perhaps humans had finally evolved enough Cooperative insight to sit as equals guiding the Milky Way's Destiny rather than scrabbling as ever for crumbs strapping into his crash harness Jake gazed out once more across the terce layers of alien buildings and sculptures carved by diverse appendages over Millennia still unsure what to make of his new role g
oing forward clearing his mind Jake grabbed the shuttle Thruster controls as the anti-grav drive powered up with a satisfying thrum whatever this unasked for opportunity meant for Humanity's prospects within the galactic Confederacy at least now doors were opening to color Mankind's next ACT Among the Stars Destiny awaited somewhere up there amid strange beacons Between Worlds untrod awaiting merely his willingness to engage the challenge with Open Eyes First he had to get off this rock in one p
iece of course



If aliens take video games so seriously like this I wonder how alien parents would react to their child playing with human kids and their earth games. (like tag, hide n' seek, red rover and such) 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Everybody likes a winner