
Unleash The Power Of Ai: The Future Of Video Creation

From translating videos into multiple languages effortlessly to creating lifelike avatars and cloning voices, AI is reshaping the way we communicate through videos. Join our Systems Librarian on a journey through the cutting-edge technology that's shaping the future of video creation. Whether you're a content creator, educator, or business professional, this blog is a whistle-stop tour of programs creators are using to leverage AI for enhanced communication and storytelling. Check out our new blog now and embark on a transformative journey into the future of communication with AI! #AI #VideoCreation


6 days ago

Oh look it's me as a student of Spanish and French  back in the 1990s. Why am I choosing to lead with a snapshot from the last century? Well by the  time this photo was taken I had spent every day for the previous six years trying to get my tongue  around three non-english languages and despite my thousands of hours of linguistic study the best  you could expected me overseas would be to buy a bus ticket without much of a comedy accent  but today thanks to artificial intelligence the 2024 versio
n of me has become a miraculous  polyglot. I can master dozens of world languages, no effort required, no conjugation of verbs,  no lists of vocab. As an imaginary test case let's explore what AI's breakthroughs in  human language might mean for something as simple as a 10-second publicity video. Come to our  library, the university has world class teachers, a diverse student demographic and all the latest  technology! Well obviously not a real video. For the purposes of demonstration I put toge
ther  that 10 second clip to stand in for some genuine publicity material. I know what you were thinking  as you were watching the video. You were thinking that it's going to need some finessing before it  hits the International Film circuit and you're right. True enough in its current form is of  limited interest outside of the English- speaking Market but that is okay because now I can use a  web-based AI tool to translate my video into any one of 29 languages so I've chosen HeyGen because  I'
ve used it before it's worked very well for me. I have uploaded my video exactly as it was and  it now becomes as complex as choosing my target language. The publicity for this site says they  do 40 plus languages I can only find 29 in this list but it's still better than I can speak  myself. So, I pick my destination language and I hit translate this video. It will  then take 5 or 10 minutes to generate and at that point I have myself a video dubbed into  a different language without needing to
refilm, without needing to find a native  speaker to to redub for me. So, how about we take a look at our test  video again this time dubbed into Romanian. And now again in Hindi. Certainly shows that I can transform an existing  video without hiring a translator and a voice actor. So, now I have the option for parallel  versions of the video in any selection of 29 languages but perhaps the viewers might find a  voiceover video a bit impersonal. Maybe I want to target the audience better by put
ting a human  face up on screen. Maybe somebody with which the demographic might better relate. Luckily, I can  do just that. I don't need to hire actors and I don't need to find native speakers. I can go  to one of several services that would allow me to create a 3D avatar that talks. I've gone here  to VidNoz because I've used it before. There are other sites available they charge. This one seems  to be free for most things so I will whiz through this but basically I will create a video. I wil
l  start with a blank template for demonstration purposes and I will pick my avatar. So, at  this point I I get a a series of talking faces that I can use to host my video.  So, let's arbitrarily pick one that I think will appeal to my demographic. Uh uh  it's this guy here and so I've chosen him and we now choose what he's going to say  in what language. I can now choose again from a very wide range of languages. For  demonstration let's imagine this man is Catalan. I will need of course to cre
ate  myself a script in Catalan but that's not difficult because I can paste it into chat  GPT. Translate into Catalan and my script, there we go. So, I have a translated script  I could just copy that stick it in here and it really is as simple as that. There's all  sorts of sophisticated things I can do such as adding images to the background,  add a moving video to the background, but basically that's all I need to do to create  a talking head in a variety of languages. Let's take a look at t
he results starting with a  version of our video optimized for the Japanese audience. And how about Zulu? All right the avatars are still a bit robotic and  Uncanny Valley but the technology is moving along so quickly, how realistic do you think they'll  look in six months a year? How soon until we can create an avatar that is undetectable? My guess  is, not very long. But let's imagine that I want to make my video more personal by using my own  voice, the human touch. Traditionally, I would hav
e had to sit down and record the narration,  endlessly umming ahhing and fluffing my lines. A simple voiceover might have taken me ages to get  right. Thankfully in 2024 I can get AI to clone my voice. So, to create a clone of my own voice I  will come here to ElevenLabs who at the moment seem to be leading the world in voice cloning  and other forms of voice synthesis. It is a very straightforward process to create a copy of  my voice. I will go to voices create. I will add a generative or clon
e voice. I will choose instant  voice cloning here because it's the free option. I will then give it a name, a voice name that is.  Uh and I would hit the microphone and I would at that point be prompted to record a series of 25 30  second samples of my voice and I would then hit, 'add voice'. ElevenLabs would take a few minutes  to generate it but at that point I would have a very versatile fully working copy of my own  voice that I could use. This is the cloned version of my voice. I think it'
s convincing  enough, certainly not bad based on a couple of minutes of me reading from the Wikipedia. Maybe  I'm not dropping enough T's and there certainly aren't any ums and ahhs but a perfectly plausible  rendition. It certainly would let me record long voiceovers without fluffing my lines no matter  how long the text. I could create an audio of my narration and re-record it painlessly anytime  the content needed updating. All I would have to do would be copy and paste the script into  Eleve
nLabs and hit generate. Plus I can now use my clone voice to create audio in any one of 30  languages. Would you like to hear a few samples? So, using my clone voice I can now generate  29 voiceovers in different languages but maybe even that's not ambitious enough? Perhaps I  want to personalize this video to the max by having my own face talking on screen in a foreign  language. I could try redubbing the video with my multilingual cloned narrations but that would  definitely suffer from the sa
me problem as any Bruce Lee film namely that the voice would get  comically out of sync with the lip movements. But in these days of AI I'm sure we can do much  better than that. If we go back to HeyGen where we did some translations earlier this time I  can pick the video translate option. At this point I would upload a copy of the video with my  talking head speaking English. I would choose my target language which in this case is going to  be Mandarin and then I would click translate this vid
eo. At this point it can take quite a  while to run because I am not a paid subscriber so I have to wait behind everybody else. So,  for instance when I generated my last video there were about 2,000 people ahead of me in  the queue and it took a couple of hours but it's still free and what HeyGen is going to do, is  translate what I'm saying from English Mandarin, clone my voice and create a Mandarin voice-over  of it and manipulate my lip movements to match up. And this is the same technology
that  very recently allowed the uh Argentinian President at Davos to seemingly give a  speech in English. Let's take a look at the final result which should show a mediocre  linguist from the 1990s talking confidently in Mandarin. That Mandarin speaking finale wraps  it up from me. Artificial Intelligence will inevitably bring staggering paradigm shifts to  the traditional barriers of language. I don't expect any of us can imagine the ramifications  of a world in which everyone can potentially c
ommunicate with everyone else. I hope you  have been interested to watch my musings, on the ways in which with no  budget and very little effort, you can potentially repurpose any of your  presentations, documentation, or training materials to cater for an international  audience and please don't judge me on my videography!
