
Unveiling the Rigged System: A Newcomer's Challenge in San Bernardino Politics

In this eye-opening video, a first-time political candidate exposes the rigged electoral system in San Bernardino County. Discover the barriers newcomers face, from the exclusion in the official Voter Information Guide to the prohibitive costs of campaign marketing. This video sheds light on the need for transparency, fairness, and accountability in local politics. Join us in exploring how the system favors incumbents and those with deep pockets, and why every vote matters in the fight for change. #SmithForSupervisor #PoliticalReform #SanBernardinoCounty #Election2023 #FairnessInPolitics #Transparency #Accountability #VoteForChange

Smith for Supervisor

3 weeks ago

the system is rigged I have a lot more to say about this and I'll probably talk more after the primary when I've got more time to think about it but as a first-time candidate and a political newcomer I have a lot to say about this today I want to talk about this your official sber adino County voter information guide and if you've read it which by the way independent research suggests most people don't you'll notice I'm not in it why not even though this appears to be and in some ways is an offi
cial County piece of communication it's really a marketing exercise and just to get a 200w or so candidate statement printed in here cost $177,000 so a couple things to talk about here first of all this really favors incumbents and people have been around the political system for a long time and have either a lot of money or easy fundraising connections I'll talk later about the fundraising process for my race but especially when you are a newcomer and you're not taking money from The Establishm
ent it's really hard to raise money for a county level race so every dollar really matters and I certainly think we can do a much better job of spending that $177,000 than the county can so rather than being called a voter information guide this should really be called campaign marketing materials and to give you sense for just how rigged the system is when I was sitting in the registar of Voters filling out all my forms and providing all my information you get asked a few questions and one of t
hose is you want your website your contact information your social media handles to be published alongside your campaign and I said absolutely I eled not to spend the $177,000 cuz I'd rather spend that in avenues that we can directly control so I expected not to see a full candidate statement in there but I did kind of expect to see at least my name and my website and the fact they don't even do that I think is actually kind of criminal so when I hear these claims about the system being rigged i
t's hard to disagree one commitment I made to you since the start of the campaign is I want to bring an unparalleled level of accountability and transparency to sanber Uno County government and if that's an agenda that works for you on March 5th vote Smith for supervisor
