
Using Fortune III on Diamonds in Minecraft *EPIC* - Part 17

Gawd Damn, This fortune 3 Enchantment is the best of em' all. I'll be rich in no time with this..... So many diamonds from a single spot lol Minecraft is so much more fun now hahahahaha #Minecraft #Diamonds #Beastboyshub #Youtubegaming #Minecraftfortune3 #Enchantments Direct Links to some of my best videos: Horror Games Funny Moments- PUBG Funny Moments- CSGo funny Moments- Fortnite Funny Moments- How it feels like... Series- Let Me Scare You Series- Motivational Videos- QNA Videos- GTA V Funny Moments- 🌟 SOCIAL- 🐦TWITTER - 📷 INSTAGRAM - 🎭 FACEBOOK - Amazon Affiliate Links- 💻 PC SPECS (Rs.72000) -Processor- -Ram- -Graphic card- -Motherboard- -Normal Monitor - SamSung S19D300 -Gaming Monitor(1080p) - -(Old) Mic- - (NEW) Mic - -Headphones- Kotion -(OLD)Keyboard- QHMPL -(NEW) Keyboard- -Mouse -Logitech -Mouse Pad- -Webcam- Logitech C270 -Webcam- Logitech C920- - Game Capture Card - -Pop Filter- -Mic Stand- Lightning- - -WIFI Router- TP-Link -PS4 - - HTC Vive Pro- I-PAD - THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE AND SUPPORT, IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME :)


4 years ago

Hello fellas! BeastBoy here. And another great morning in minecraft. Today I have a wonderful plan that I want to share with all of you. Firstly, you guys can see this cobblestone wall. I am breeding my turtles here. Here they are. They have even grown up. You didn't give me helmet? My helmet has despawned. Okay not a problem, I have grass. Here take it. Breed again. Since I have an ocean explorer map. I thought I should do this before I go on ocean adventure . That's okay. More baby turtles wil
l be born. No problem. Now, I have some more enchanted books. I have Protection IV, Impaling V which hits the trident and I will get sometime in the future. I also have Mending. YEAH!! I got to know that I cannot use Mending on the Infinity bow. It's such a horrible thing. But, otherwise I would become invincible. Right? Look at the condition of my infinity bow. It's condition has become so bad because I tackled one more raid. And I can't even repair it. Let me tell you why. Enchantment costs 33
. 33! MY GOD!!! It's so expensive to repair it! It's driving me crazy trying to repair this. I've made some changes to my breeding chamber. As you can see, I've made some small work stations. I did that because only then I can execute my plans, with the help of these work stations. Before I execute my plan I want to clear a confusion that. In the last episode, many people got so confused in the comment section. When I said that I'll have to kill the librarians, because they are not providing me
with good gifts. There were many comments that said, ' Just destroy his lectern and fit it again'. Then it will provide me something different. I know I can do this, but. Once you trade with any villager, even once. Like how I bought the Flame book from him. His bar has filled slightly. If you've traded with anyone, even if it's just once. He will not change his profession even if his lectern is destroyed. And he will not change his book also. So I will have to kill him. We will have to breed ag
ain. We will need a new librarian, who is fresh. So in short, I can take only one new book from one librarian. Then I will have to kill him. And have to create new librarians so that I can get new books. Now let me tell you about my plan. My plan is to basically kill these villagers. But, what if I don't kill them, what if someone else kills them instead? If I kill them they will make everything expensive for me. I will have to buy each Enchantment book for 66 or 67 emeralds. 66 or 67 emeralds f
or one book. Where will I bring so many emeralds from? I need to look for a way by which the librarians die and things not be expensive also. And the iron golems also shouldn't follow me. They also go crazy when someone gets hurt. That's why I've made these work stations and also imprisoned these librarians who are very fresh. Now, it's time to execute my plan. I am going to put these beds out. So that all the villagers will come out here. Okay I had to step for a bit and forgot what I was talki
ng about. I'm putting the beds outside. Why? There's a reason for that. Out. Get out of here. Got out? Everyone? Perfect! I swear I will slap you. Get out. Boom! My work here is done. It means my plan was successful. YEAH!! I was saying that, what if I don't kill these villagers on my own? What if someone else kills them? Yes, you've correctly understood. Raiders, I am talking about the raiders. In my plan, I've only played with beds. These beds are very important in this Minecraft village. The
villagers get attracted to these beds. The entire World was commenting' MAKE CAKES. THE VILLAGERS WILL COME RUNNING. NOTHING HAPPENED!!! These are those useless villagers and I don't need them. Whom I have traded with once already. Actually, I think I should take the farmer inside. I will take this farmer inside because I've made him the master. I'll need at least one farmer. Hey! Ring the bell. Now my plan is very simple. I don't need to kill them. I just need to trigger the raid. The raid will
happen and all my villagers will be destroyed. Now I'll open this. These people will come out, breed and give me new librarians. Then I'll trigger a raid. And all the things will become cheap for me. I'll become rich. This is known as a perfect plan. But before triggering a raid I will have to breed them. I will have to get an unbreaking III for me that I can put on my bow. Then I will repair this. Silk touch. I have Silk touch with me. No... I don't even know if I bought it. I don't care. But,
someone told me that I can break spawner with Silk Touch. This is a good way to gain some experience. I mean, make a wall with cobblestones and just leave one row. And fix a spawner. They will keep coming and we can keep killing them. XP, XP, infinite XP. POWER V! Wow! For 39 emeralds. I took power II by mistake. I'm getting power V. Okay guys so first I've come into the mine shaft Because here, I want to look for some more chest. The ones I missed last time. Oh. Scared me. I definitely didn't
come here. Chest. Yes. Hello. Who was that? Blue lapis lazuli. What is this? Channeling. Give that. Iron. I don't need this. Powered rail. I'll take that in case I need that sometime later. Another chest. I knew that I'd benefit by coming down. Show me what's in the chest. Name tag, okay. I'll take the powered rail. That's it. I don't think I'm going to make something like a train. I will let go of the powered rail if I get something more valuable. This is a poison spider Okay. Bane of arthropod
s. Thank you. It just got completely stuck. Oh no x2 NO x10 Now, I cannot use the Shield against the poisonous spider. I'll take the Totem of undying instead. There's another chest in front of me. There it is. Could be some good loot. Hello... Spider. It's a spawner! I don't need you. The chest is right next to the spawner. There should be some good loot inside. If not it'll get irritated. Someone's broken the chest. It wasn't me. I was just putting the torch. You're enjoying it so much, right?
Burn x2 Who hit me? What the hell? Oh no! x3 OH NOOO!!! Where have I come to? No. This place is useless. Okay, this absolutely useless. Total waste. I need to get out of here. Get me OUT of here. Oh oh! This is bad news. What? She's dead. But. Okay. I am going up first to keep the things. Okay x4. What the hell? I had flint and steel. No x7 Thank you. What do I get in this Mine shaft? 64 iron, 61 iron, 64 coal. I've got one enchanted book called channeling and two name tags. I am seriously not
getting any good loot here. This is such a big place. Good loot must be here. We are going back. Yes. Nobody can chase me away just like this from any Mine shaft. By the way my food is being prepared, so I am here, passing time. I Flint- no, no. I was taking out my flint and steel. And didn't get time to take out my shield. These creepers!! I am so upset. I was at level 21. I have exploded so many times that my Nether are forming above the floor now. I have to start this now. This is going to ta
ke me inside the Mine shaft. I don't understand why it won't take me back home again. Okay. We are back. I won't accept defeat. Whenever bad things happens, it happens in Nether. Always! Don't know what.. Hello sir. My Shield, you fool Shubham! Okay I'm safe!! I was informed that I can put a torch here. So that I won't get buried under the gravel. Okay. I'll use this. These spiders give a lot of XP. I am definitely going to take their spawner someday. Hello. Don't jump x2. Thank you. This is a n
ew spawner. Wow. These are still so big. I am not angry because the Mineshaft is huge. I am angry that I am not getting any chests. And if I do, it's filled with rubbish loot. There is another chest here. Finally. I got something good. Punch II. I would absolutely want to take that. I'll leave the shovel here. Give me that. Cobblestone is yours and iron ingot is mine. Okay. I think this was a good deal. I escaped. He missed his aim . Come on boy. Okay. We did get out somewhere. Where did we get
out? No x3.Oh x3 This is bad x2. Get out x3. This is further down. Great! Please give me the chest. Such a big mine shaft deserves at least 10 chests. You've given only 5 . Oh no! Seriously, how annoying is she? Die. Oh My God! It's a dangerous scene there. Hit them Shubham. What are you doing? Hit x3. Yes x4. A lot more are growing. Come on, where are the chests? Another spawner. How many spawners are there? No x5 Good there is water here. I've received some help. Two spawners but no chest at a
ll. This is such a big Mine shaft. I've been here for more than an hour. But not even one chest. Just got whatever little I got. Another spawner, I think. So much crowd, it has to be there. Spawner is okay but I need chest. Seriously, there's a wall here. I haven't got any chest here. What rubbish is this? There's another wall near the spawner. My God! I'm losing my mind. Oh! I got scared. NO x5. Bane of arthropods, help me. No. I don't want to die. Another failure. There is another wall. Great!
That too a very big one. Literally, this was the worst Mine shaft of the century. Totally I got a maximum of 3-4 chests. Enderman! Hello, hello sir. I'll destroy you a little now. I want the ender pearl, I want the ender pearl. Is he dead? I want the ender- ender pearl x2. Thank you. That poor chap was stuck in a corner. I decided to take advantage of his situation. Just a minute. I didn't get the ender pearl. My stock was full. LOL. Where did I hit them? And why are they coming back? Why are t
hey coming back? Where from? On no. What drama is this? Oh. Don't explode now. Oh are you s- I swear x2 My luck is horrible. Dude! Really! I'm dead. Dead x4. Okay Nether...please. Ohoh x2. Really? x2. No. Don't explode. Run. I can only run from here. Where did he go? He has gone in the Mine shaft. He will explode as soon as I enter inside. I need my things. Try to understand, creeper. Bad creeper! Crazy creeper! Okay. Bad creeper. Far x7. No x2. You don't come. Okay. I have to see where I died.
What the hell? It's such a big place. I will have to search before my things despawn. This is the worst luck. I don't even remember where I died. There it is! Yes. My things. I love you. I got them. I am getting out of this unlucky filthy Mine shaft. I'm getting out. Took my things and I am escaping. Don't hit- I swear I'm getting so angry. I AM GETTING ANGRY!!! x2 You keep my pant but at least give me my undies. He will take my undies home too. Skeleton, I swear it. I will destroy your entire f
amily. Don't irritate me. He's coming back. I'm here to just take my pant. No x3 I said no. Great! I've lost my levels again. Congratulations. Shubham, now you are falling down. I am pretty sure it'll open in the ocean. Yeah. Perfect. I am finally out. Seriously this was the worst Mine shaft. I didn't get anything. Absolutely nothing. I mean, 3-4 chests were all I got and the loot was rubbish. It's raining. A chance to get the Trident. Hey skeleton bro. Okay, it's raining here and not here. Grea
t. It happens like this also. Mine shaft has completely disappointed me. Creepers, there are creepers near me. There are creepers in my farm. I don't have food. Enchanted. No. Leave me alone. Safe! Mine shaft has completely disappointed me. It's raining. There is a chance that we can get the Trident. So, we will go outside now. Why are the water zombies not coming to meet me when I am searching for them? Come. Bring 10-12 Tridents with you. I have impaling V and loyalty III Trident will be very
easy for me to take. It stopped raining. I'm sick of these zombies, man. Come on dude. Then what? Repair and disenchant. I can even repair this. Just a minute. I think this will also be the same method. What's this? Oh yeah. This will also disenchant it. Just a minute. It means that if it disenchants then I- Wow! Why would I do it? x2. Oh! It's there right? Okay. I couldn't see this. I was so scared. So this is this century's worst tool. I don't want this. Good morning fellas. This is the next d
ay with BeastBoyShub. I have a very good news. So finally after a lot of efforts and lots of struggle. A librarian has finally agreed to give me fortune III. After changing Lectern a thousand times, finally I have received the enchanted Book of fortune III. No. I promise I didn't threaten and force him to give it to me. Now he is giving me fortune III. But 30 emerald is too much. I don't have that many emeralds. I have some food with me. Where is my farmer? Hello! Give me. I am also updating an
other farmer, so that I can sell potatoes and carrots to him. There it is. Give me that. I have to make their things cheap , so I need a raid. It's amazing right? Raid has become something I need now. And by the way. The turtle eggs that were there, they've hatched. And the green thing that I need to make helmets, I got them. The thing known as scute. I need to trigger a raid but before that. But before that I want to repair my bow. Without the bow they will screw me up. That's why I needed 33
levels. That's why I went to the Nether and tried to get level 33. I tried to get it, but I'm still at level 32. So, I need some more. Come on zombies. Get me to level 33 quickly! Enderman, Enderman you have stolen my heart's peace. Oh oh! I'll actually die. What the hell?! Oh God! I would have actually died. These 32 levels would have gone and I would have lost my cool. I've reached level 33 and am not taking any risk. I am going to repair my bow. Screw it. Will this bow keep getting more expen
sive as I level up? I mean to repair this. This is not fair. That's why I've decided to put unbreaking III on this. By the way, I've captured some more librarians. Like, he's giving me power V. Which I will fix it on my bow once things get cheap. And he's giving me fire aspect II. Come on, Rudra. I have to screw these Pillagers. Let me set up my business. Then I'll get you a fantastic armor too. Then we can go on many adventures. I am covering this lava because I know that some day I'll fall in
to it. I'll make it safe first itself. Two captains! Seriously? Okay. Horses. Wait here. Oh yeah a pillager is here. Captain I need you! Come on! YES!! Thank you. Come on. Our job here is done. How these villagers get scattered? LOL. Wow. The skeleton's arrow can come up this high. Makes sense. I'll have to kill this. It's arrows- My God. I'm stuck. Stuck x4. It's arrows are coming till up here. Enderman, bye. Okay. I shouldn't have killed him. he can't come up right? Or can he? Wow. It's telepo
rting. There is one more raider left. He's here. My gosh! The arrow is his. Mending? Oh he has a cross bow with him. What is this Enderman doing here? OH NO!!! My levels!!! They weren't too many. So no problem. Enderman F off. How x6. Thank you. For giving me the ender pearl. It's showing 'two raiders remaining'. But where are they? Here he is , the buffalo. Where was he first? Came after such a long time. I was looking for them. Victory? Yeah! Make everything cheap soon. Has it become cheap? Oh
yeah. Just a little. But it's okay. Now I can take advantage of this victory peacefully. Come on. Where is my farmer? Take this. 19 potatoes. Fantastic. Give me emeralds. It's advantageous but very little. Now he will give it to a little cheap at least. I will get fire aspect at 20. First I want fortune III. Where is it? It's here. 21. Nice. Hello sir, I would like to take fortune III from you. Give me that. It feels so good. The condition of my Pickaxe is very bad. As you can see it's on the r
ed bar. I need three diamonds to make a Pickaxe. I have only two. I will have to use fortune III on this. I need six!? I can use it. I think my Diamond can break 8-9 blocks. For sure. First let's go to the diamonds. And we'll break and bring them. And let's see how the magic of fortune III works. I think I forgot the place where the diamonds were. Diamonds... Can you hear me? There's only gold here. Diamonds! Here they are. I had made the obsidian here. Okay. It's time to see the wonders of fort
une III. I've been waiting for this time for so long. How many diamond blocks do I have? One, two,three. Four, five, six. I have six diamond blocks. Let's see how many diamonds I get from this fortune III. Please don't break. Give me that x2. Yes x3. Done? How many did I get? Not even one. Just a minute. You go. 13!! From six to 13. My God! A little ahead I got some more diamonds. I think I got one or two. Where did I get them? Come on. I remember I got it. This side or the other side? I did som
e mining. Here they are. I got two blocks here. Okay. I had 13. Now 18!! Oh my God! From 13 to 18. Five diamonds from two blocks! Excellent. Fortune III is the best. How do I get out of this cave? I forgot the route. This way. Will fortune III work on gold also? Let's see. one, two, three. No. I think this doesn't work on ore. It only works on stones like diamonds. Emeralds. It might work on emeralds. If I get them sometime in the future. Now first- WHAT IS THIS DRAMA?? Sorry x3. They're a lot.
A lot of them. First I have to make a Pickaxe. Here it is, diamond pickaxe. Come here. I need to repair this. Enchantment costs three. Good thing. Give me that. If there's a better way to repair the weapons- Then please let me know because this is very costly. I've wasted three diamonds just to repair the Pickaxe. It's a good Pickaxe I obviously had to repair it. 17 diamonds. It feels so good. What's happening? What ruckus have you created? My plan is to. Put mending on my sword. Because. It's m
eaningless to put mending on anything else. I will mostly have the sword in my hands. Where I want to get XP. So yes, I am going to put mending on my sword. Man.- My sword will become such a dangerous weapon. I will also put looting III on it. BAD ASS!! This is the only chance to trade with the villagers. As long as I have the victory symbol with me. They will give me things at a cheap rate. Give me this bro. Thank you. Keep giving. Don't stop. It's full. Anyway my carrots are finished. My bow h
as power II. If I add power V, will it become power VII? Obviously not. If it were to I had put Power V many times. I would have killed ender Dragon in three shots. Actually I am not searching for anything else because I've got everything. I just- Need to get a lot of diamonds, so that I can complete my armor. Okay. I need power V. Give me that. I need fire aspect II. Oh! 20! The plan I made to kill the villagers. I didn't need raiders. The zombies ate them. The villagers who were outside. The o
ne's I had kicked out. Is anyone selling paper? Are you selling paper? Yes. At 17. That's great. I needed this only. Now his book can change. Right? OH! But I didn't buy it from you? Okay, he's giving me both. Thank you. You've started giving fire aspect also? He's giving fire aspect. You should have given me something else. He's giving it at 17. How much is he giving it at? At 20. Am I mad to buy it from him? This happens too! It means I can upgrade them at any time. They can provide me with an
even better book. Now we have power V. We have fire aspect II. I am doing business. I am doing business here. You guys better not come out, you'll get beaten up. I have enchanted my fishing rod also with lure III. But I want luck of the sea III also. Hello Sheep. I want wool. I will get emerald in exchange for your wool. And now I can do anything for emeralds. Here is that guy. That's it. Who was taking the coal? Someone was taking coal. Here, fisherman. This fisherman is ready to take coal. Gi
ve me that. Wow! 41 emeralds! I want to make one guy the Master from each profession. So that I will get the benefit of emeralds. They will be able to give me many deals. And I will also be able to get more emeralds from them. now is the time to get maximum emeralds. When I have that symbol. That's when their rates will be less. After that they'll become normal. Someone dropped the helmet? I am late. They've grown up so fast. It's here, bro. ??? Move the carrots. Are there more? Yeah. They are l
ying there. They haven't despawned. How many? Three. That's great. Lay eggs. Go on. No problem. Fill this up with turtles. the eggs are hatching. It's utter chaos here. I'll have an army of turtles. My victory symbol has gone. Nooo. I guess I will have to do another raid. I want to do business. I will have to play politics here. I'll end today's episode here guys. It was a lot of fun using fortune III. We still have to do many more enchantments. In the next episode we will go on an Ocean Adventu
re. Now, it's going to rain diamonds. Fortune III is the best. Leave a like if you have enjoyed this episode. And subscribe with the notification bell. In case you haven't, do it now. You will not miss the upcoming best episodes of my Minecraft. I'll meet you all in the next episode of Minecraft. Till then, good bye.



Who are just here to see the old series and feel good.


BBS never gets old. Even the old vids are not old it's gold😭❤️


Old is always gold Never bord to watch this old series


18:18 intense song😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂


It’s been 2 years old , but I still love this series!! WTF 618 likes ( thank you so much )😁


9:15 Dolphin face😱😰 😂😂😂


Let’s all admit that he is pretty lucky in terms of mining


This video will never get old 🥰😭 We miss you Beastboy


24:09 zombies be like: ye bbs ka ghar hai Or ye hum hai Or ye hamari pawri ho rhi hai


3:20 funniest moment


I watchthis whole series around every month


19:36 the part in which bbs covers lava with stone blocks and then I felt like mai gareeb hu 😂


5:36 lu lapi lulali 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I really watched this series 3 times during lockdown


I love this series and I watching again after 1 years ❤️


I have watched this whole series 2 to 3 times but whenever I see I enjoy.


16:32 the reaction was very funny


Bhaii thoda jyada lambi video bana BTW love your Minecraft videos be continued with Minecraft 😍😍😍


12:52 I was crying in this scene😂


I hope his views goes up again ,he deserves more