
UVI Xtreme FX 2 | Overview

Xtreme FX 2 - Modern Sound Design and Foley Instrument Explore a massive sound design and foley instrument with advanced sound shaping, synced rhythmic samples, and more Also included in SonicPass ➡️ Video credits: Venus Theory _________ Find us on Social Media Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Soundcloud: ______________ About UVI UVI is a developer of software instruments, effects and soundware. We leverage leading-edge synthesis, DSP research and design to provide unique and expressive tools for musicians and audio professionals. Our goal is to help you achieve the highest-quality sound possible with innovative and reliable solutions. You can hear our work around the world at live shows, on hit-records, in blockbuster films and AAA games. We're a small but spirited team with a global footprint, music and sound lovers eager to share our passion. We're honored to be a part of your creative journey and thankful to you for sharing ours. ©2024 UVI. All rights reserved.


4 days ago

well well well how arey Duty my name is Cameron better known as Venus Theory this is the official uvi YouTube channel and in this video we're going to be taking a look at the newly updated extreme effects 2 from uvi extreme effects 2 is a comprehensive sound design and fulley toolkit that features thousands of new sound sources deep sound shaping possibilities new rhythmic sample collections XY performance pads an expanded collection of over 150 sound scenes and a whole lot more extreme effects
2 is a very comprehensive piece of soundware to say the least but despite that it's actually really straightforward to use so first up in this video I want to just break down sort of the inner workings of the engine for you so you know where everything is and how it works and then dive into a bit of the Sonic Grand Tour extreme effects 2 is a completely redesigned interface so first up we need to navigate to our sound scene to get things started and this is done with the menu here at the top fir
st up to the left we have sort of the core category things like activities elements machines objects nature transportation and so on and within each of these categories there's then a more specific drill down of certain things so in activities for example we have things like bike drinks fireworks Sports whereas if we go to machines there's appliances cameras so on objects is various objects transportation is various Transportation related things and so on when you load up a sound scene I guess t
he first thing you'll probably notice is the XY controller here over to the left and this can be used to modulate up to three different parameters within a scene on the X Y positive and Y negative axis and you can select what you'd like to modulate with the menu for each now of course if we play something this could be manually moved around or we can actually use the LFO here if I enable this we have two independent lfos that can either be Tempo sync or free running we have a shape we can contro
l by clicking and dragging we can adjust the phase the direction and the depth of the LFO to create automated movements and things like that to get the sound in motion for us and as I'm sure you can imagine that offers a lot of different possibilities with different sort of smooth subtle movements or more extreme examples over to the right you'll see the six effect macros we have things like Crush for Distortion motion for various modulations phaser color which acts as sort of a bidirectional ta
mber [Music] control and then a global delay and Reverb send down below that we have the hold function which can sustain out the last pressed keys this could be useful for looping things or longer scene edits and then we have the note editor here which allows us to access the editor for the last pressed note speaking of which why don't we go ahead and press a note now and we can take a look at the individual sample editor and this is where the real meat and potatoes of this library is so the nic
e thing with this is actually as we flick through different Keys here you'll notice that this editor is exactly the same for all sounds and samples within extreme effects 2 which saves us a lot of time otherwise we'd be here all day breaking down every different combination of controls first up we have the sample window here we can adjust the sample start we can adjust the gain and panning and then we have the pitch and speed controls here the unique thing about this is that normally they're tie
d to together so as we increase pitch naturally the sample is going to play back faster and similarly as we go down it plays back slower but what's cool about this is we can actually unlink these so I could not affect the pitch but slow down the playback or I could increase the pitch while decreasing the speed or all sorts of other weird combinations which offers some interesting sound design possibilities even for more traditional or straight forward sample sets we also have the looping functio
n here as well as a drag option so we can actually export the sample from extreme effects to directly into our editing session which can be useful for more finessing edits especially if you're using this as more of a post-production or sound design tool down below that we have the expand control here so normally each key with an extreme Effect 2 triggers a different sound but if you expand it then you can actually play a sound back chromatically which could be useful for sort of fine-tuning a sa
mp example or in this case with something that has like a melodic tone we could actually play it back with musical intervals which could be handy we have an individual drive for each sample as well as Reverb And Delay sends and we also have a link all control here now this is Handy to know about if you're editing an entire scene with an extreme effects 2 because then all controls for all samples across everything will be linked to your current edits so that's just a quick thing to know about if
you want to make big Mass adjustments to the right we have the amplitude controls here we have a standard adsr envelope a velocity response amount as well as velocity smoothing we have a multimode filter which we can click to enable again with an envelope cut off resonance and envelope depth control and a modulation window this is actually kind of unique because you can modulate different parameters with a single multimode LFO so we can control the shape here as well as phase timing and free run
ning or sync and tie this LFO to up to six different parameters so gain pitch cutof off pan drive and resonance so pretty handy to know about and that really offers a lot of movement and modulation for a sound if you want something to be a bit more lively or maybe a bit more I don't know abstract and designed so overall actually pretty nice and easy for what is one of the more comprehensive soundares in uvi catalog so with that there's really just a couple more things to touch on here moving ove
r to the effects window we just have three simple parameters we have the global delay and Reverb sends with individual controls here as well as a three band EQ we have a Tempo syncing option up here which syncs the sample playback to the tempo of your host session and we have the settings so here we have the pitch Bend which can control a few different parameters and the mod wheel which can be assigned to a few different parameters as well there is also a limiter threshold here in the master set
tings so if you need to just dial things in especially for post- production where you need very refined levels that's where your limiter is just to tweak that if and when that's needed as I've mentioned and as I'm sure you're not surprised to learn extreme effects 2 is incredibly deep in terms of the number of sounds and things it offers so instead of going through every single possible sound in combination I just want to walk you through a couple quick performance sets of some of the various so
und [Music] [Applause] scenes is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] EX so that's pretty much it that is Extreme effects 2 from uvi it's available now either as a standalone product or is part of uv's Sonic pass it runs inside of the free uvi workstation and can also be run inside of Falcon if you want to get even more creative with everything that this library has to offer with that I guess we're about wrapped up here so thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed it hope you learned something thanks t
o U VI for having me on the channel once again as always and of course as usual I hope this inspires you to get out there and make something [Music] awesome
