
Video Brochures In Action

We continue the conversation around Video Brochures in part two of our conversation with Adam Hazelwood. Adam is the founder and VP of Sales at Curveball Printed Media, one of the top three video brochure vendors in the US. They believe the element of surprise is key to making an impact, which is why their products not only convey an important message but also deliver it in a unique and novel way. Leave a Comment down below to let us know what you think and be sure to Like this video! Don't forget to Subscribe to White Knight Productions to keep up to date with our latest videos! Produced by White Knight Productions Inc. For information about marketing and media production, contact us at

Riveo Creative

2 years ago

it's something physical rather than a link in an email it really has impact it has tangibility [Music] welcome to amplify with white knight productions i'm your host gavin tice at white knight we're all about amplifying voices through storytelling and in this series we'll be connecting with industry professionals who know how to boost messages far and wide today we're very excited to talk with adam hazelwood can you share some of the success that your clients have seen in using video brochures i
t's very broad reaching uh our biggest client is a company called kroger who you're probably going to know based in cincinnati they're a 90 billion dollar grocer now they're our best customer they use a lot of video brochures but they don't use them for selling food they've got 260 000 employees in these great big concrete stores many of which don't have a wi-fi connection so in order to train the staff what they what kroger have done is they've actually put together programs using video brochur
es that go out and they have group training sessions uh in store in groups of about five to ten and uh and it's worked really well for them we just did a project for a healthcare company selling medical medical devices and they came to us only six months ago for a print run of 500 video brochures and they ended up doing seven thousand six in this in six months so you know they're not spending that kind of money they're not getting a return the kovid 19 pandemic has significantly changed how comp
anies advertise and get their message out with trade shows and conferences and other business meetings being put on hold how do you see video brochures fitting into this new picture one of the things the pandemic has forced people to do is work from home with a video brochure you can actually address it in an envelope and send it through to the corporate address it will then be forwarded to people in their own homes so you can still reach individuals who have been working at home for months with
an offline communication that delivers a multimedia presentation and it's like wow that's pretty cool that really is pretty cool it's something physical rather than a link in an email um it really has impact it has tangibility adam is there anything else from your experience that you can share with us about video brochures the future is um in in personalizing everything personalize the video brochure personalize the video that is contained within it um and and try and get it as on point as we p
ossibly can so it's going to kind of go down the same evolutionary cycle that direct mail did when companies used to do mass mailings they didn't used to personalize anything just like throw as much against the wall as you possibly can you know and then over time you know and technology allow people to kind of drill down get more personal try and use it as a way to uh communicate kind of warmth with with the recipient not not you know make them feel special which you kind of do when you're inves
ting 30 40 dollars just in the in the hardware thank you so much adam for sharing your expertise in the world of video tech products to learn more about adam and his company visit and secure more insider scoops on how to amplify your story be sure to follow whiteknight productions on your preferred social media for updates on future episodes bye
