
Video shows dog attack at Miami apartment complex

A witness recorded a video showing how a woman intervened while a Pitbull attacked a dog at an apartment complex in Miami.

WPLG Local 10

1 day ago

now one and only exclusive cameras catching a dog going on the attack and this happened at an apartment complex in Miami and video you'll only see here on local 10 shows the length a pet owner went to get that aggressive animal off of her own pet local 10's lean [ __ ] is joining us live she's in Miami with this exclusive Leanne yeah the attack happened not far away from where I'm standing multiple cell phone videos and surveillance cameras captured this attack and now the family that owns the l
ittle dog that was on the receiving end of it says they want to see the dog who bit him out of here disturbing video of a Pit Bull with its jaws locked onto the neck of another dog surveillance video from the half moon apartments on Northwest 7th Street shows the large dog charging toward a woman and her four-year-old schneer mix named Tio Elda Gonzalez Batista is the woman holding the leash neighbors inside the Gated complex tried honking their horns to stop the attack Elda tries slapping the l
arge dog even hitting it with a traffic cone after 10 minutes she says the property manager intervened and successfully stopped the attack I can't explain how how I felt at the moment Ernesto is eldest son he says he was traveling out of town when the attack happened at 11:30 a.m. on February 16th he says he was told the dog somehow escaped from this first floor unit at the half moon condos on Northwest 7 and went straight for too and his mom it's very sad too suffered serious injuries he's unde
rgone surgery and had to have layers of skin removed his energy is low and so is his appetite but his vet says he's recovering pretty well he's the heart of this apartment he's the heart of our life he's everything for us Ernesto says he and his mother no longer feel safe neighbors off camera told me they want to start a petition to have that Pitbull band from the complex can happen with with a child or you know with any person and the only thing that I want is have this dog out of the building
so Miami police were called that day that we created a report and then referred the matter to Miami Dade Animal Services we did reach out to that Pitbull owner who responded to my initial message but then did not respond to my request for comment we are told by Ernesto and Elda that that dog owner though did offer his apologies and is currently paying for Tio's treatments which have so far totaled up to $3,000 and are expected to go higher reporting live here in Miami Leanne [ __ ] local 10 News
yeah the only good news in that story is that chica is going to be okay right thank you lean for that



So sad, people need to take care of their BIG dogs better because this is not fair and it could’ve been a human 🥺


Thank God, I know the feeling when you love your dog, and do everything in your powers to protect them.


aww ❤❤❤❤


Bullie XL😂