
Video shows men dressed as women to steal from Macy's

Surveillance video shows the men who police say dressed up as women to steal from Macy's in Aventura before one of them attacked a police pursuit ended with a crash.

WPLG Local 10

10 months ago

the same as the video that's real shoplifting suspects in Disguise who were caught on camera macing a department store employee while stealing at the Aventura Mall local 10's Rush Lowe is live with a closer look at the crooks rosh the macing at Macy's this story has just about everything we have men dressed as women say cops we have them in the women's section of Macy's going after perfume say police we have a takedown on camera there's a chase a crash an arrest let's look at this person in the
white bandana light blue crop t-shirt and black capri pants and then we have this person in the gray sweatshirt and then this person in the white tank top and gray shorts Aventura police say these are men dressed as women and they're at the Aventura Mall and cops say they are swiping fragrances and there's more watch here after store security gets wind of what this Trio is up to they try and catch them here's the tackle the suspects say cops used pepper spray and get away Aventura police put out
the info on the suspects his wife likes us with dark Temple Lauder Hill Police try to make a traffic stop but they say the driver identified as 21 year old Armani green never stopped there was a Pursuit and then a minor crash green and a minor found right away they were both busted a third adult male was also in the car but not facing charges when we spoke to Aventura Shoppers about this video this was their reaction if they're thieving deceiving in skirts or in pants one way or the other it is
horrendous please people pay attention to what's going on don't be soft on crime well this is actually a great job by Aventura police because after these suspects got away they put out the information right away and Lauderhill police were able to catch the crew this happened several weeks ago we knew there was video we wanted it and now you saw it we're live in Aventura I'm Rush Lowe local 10 News



Bravo to the police and WPLG for having the balls to say these are men!


"A macing at Macy's" LMAO... he said it.


It wasn't a disguise, it was their everyday wear. 😂😂😂


Thieves are thieves no matter how and what they wear and hope they face the consequences.


"You know there are serious issues with your country when prosecutors ignores crimes against property but will give you a $350 fine for going 5 over the speed limit."


Thank you for adressing them as men dressed as women!! The correct way to call anyone who decides to disguise themselves as the opposite sex.


Unbelievable and despicable. Kudos to the police officers. I worked retail for many years, and I made sure I called loss prevention instead of following these fools. My life is very precious.


It's just so dangerous to work anywhere where the general public has access


I'm sure they will "identify" as innocent in front of the judge.


Wow they actually called them men! I'm so surprised they called out the truth


My Mom worked at Macy's in the 80's and people would roll entire racks of clothes out to a waiting van. Never pursue!! Not worth your life.


You are so strong. God bless you for sharing your story and warning signs . I pray to God for her healing. I hate to hear of anyone getting sexually accousted,assaulted,molested or raped.


It's crazy how people don't seem to realize that there are cameras everywhere!


“The Macing at macys” is sending me 😩




What in the bud light is going on here


"Please people, pay attention to what's going on. Don't be soft on crime." Just like the Home Depot employee who recently got killed while trying to prevent the theft of a phone charger. Property isn't worth your life, ESPECIALLY if it's not even yours.


SMH!!! I just don’t understand what’s going on today. A lot of us are either broke or living check to check. But all the stealing and feeling like it’s ok to just do it is beyond me. It’s just crazy today!!


Great job News 10 team


I’ve been told working in retail and restaurants to NEVER chase the customer outside to confront them if they don’t return it in the store just try to get their license plate and call the police! Following thieves outside is unsafe and just asking for trouble