
Vikings : Battle of the Heirs (2023) Full Movie -Gaston Alexander, Christabel Clark, Mark Collier

A young Viking must come to terms with the realization that he may be the King's son, who was switched at birth, but not before others try to take his rightful place. Director : Rob Keane Writer : Tom Jolliffe Stars : Gaston Alexander, Christabel Clark, Mark Collier 🎬 💻 #movie #film #fullmovie #horror #thriller #itn #itnmovies #freemoviesonyoutube

ITN Movies

16 hours ago

[Music] w [Music] he [Music] still wonder what's over those mountains  boy sometimes father nothing but war death and famine yes like you always say that  predictable am I boy yes you are old man I know you yearn for more times are tough at  the moment never known them to be so different there's a hierarchy in life boy if you born  born in a castle you live well if you're born in a farm I've never understood that we slave  away for so little and we give what little we have to the king I only hav
e to fill a shack  he has to fill a castle besides we're never short of food as s is blessed rich and fertile I  wish my pockets were blessed come let's get the wood back and have some ale Another Blessing  from a good yeast Harvest all right [Music] it's a beautiful day of majesty yes it is such days like they're so close  to Winter it's a blessing I suppose does something a you just  a knot my stomach how long have you had it so long I can recall a time before it stay back my [Music] lady F Fa
nt  silence fool you know we're men of the king I don't care if you're the  king you attack me and my wife attack you say I say we did exactly what needed to be done curse on you and you oh rain  in peasants enough your majesty your highness what did this man do he  spoke ill of the king and you your majesty he is a a peasant with a  big mouth we had no option but to shut it for him should we have him put to  execution your majesty leave him let him go as you wish will you be attending  tonight
attending what the execution of that crazy woman Selena of course the  queen will be attending apparently she has something to reveal before her execution  something to reveal she has a dark secret that she wants to reveal before the  king and the village lunacy she's [Music] mad an execution tonight an execution who's  being executed I don't know it couldn't be could it it must be to alin's rock  who's been executed tell me your mother let her go this is madness don't be a fool  Eric go back to
your farm and let your Witch of a wife face Justice watch your tongue  wait to were there if you move from that spot I will take your head off your body  [Music] witch you two could hang for this depending the king's Warriors from carrying  out their Duty you're hanging an innocent woman by order of his majesty he's wrong treason  hey Eric back down it's your last chance no [Music] father my turn [Music] you wait what do you want witch let them go  I go willingly why I Bewitched them they're in
nocent that's not true mother don't lie I  need you to hear what I have to say I have a secret to reveal to the villagers and the King  what secret you need to hear it but I will only reveal it at Odin's Rock what say you let them go  they can watch and perhaps it will teach them some manners we should go we're going to be  late we cannot face her Selena yes why you know all and you see  all in our Castle surely you must know [Music] you're uming very handsome today Majesty very  powerful jaw wh
at happened to your boy did he inherit someone else's looks your tongue woman  I'm surprised I let you get away with [Music] it I didn't do it a know it's a lie it's a lie AA stay she was trying to steal my  husband away along with my place in the throne what did you do I accused  her witchcraft based on what proof I convinced the king that he only indulged  her insolence because she'd cast a spell on [Music] him I told him that his  Temptations and lust were nothing but witchcraft I'm worried t
his  is what she wants to reveal tonight I visited her cell when she was  first locked up I told her it was me I mocked her I wanted to throw it back in her face  for all the time she grinned at me like a demon with my own husband soon she'll be swinging from the  pole and you won't need to worry [Music] anymore this is exciting mother it's gruesome and  I don't want you to watch Hello Prince fard you're looking very handsome today sure you'll grow  up to be a fine member of The Village I know a
secret about you Prince vard do you want  to hear my secret that's enough from your mouth what is it I have something terrible to  tell you what I don't know if if I should say it's about Morana what of her you don't  think she suspects no no not that what then Morana fory accus Selena of being a witch she wouldn't she did she  thinks Selena's trying to woo you seduce you and now Selena has a secret to tell do not let her speak why do you  fear what she might say everyone is entitled to their l
ast words she is  no different I wish to speak then speak this kingdom is run by a fool  blind to his own family his wife is a liar silence her she lied to you  about me burning with jealousy I'm no witch I just caught the eye of  the king and this is your great secret handsome prince fard next in line to  the throne but whose blood courses through his veins he is my son Selena please stop  18 years ago I took the king and the Queen's newborn child I drugged the queen and I stole  her boy while
she slept you're lying you've always known it you've never felt close  to vard what are you saying I switched your son with a newborn from the village it  was a fruitful year when the villagers heard the king and the queen were expecting many  of them followed suit dozens wanted a child who might grow up to play with the young  prince and help the family Curry favor with the King you cannot believe this father  this is the last desperate ramblings of a witch he has fallen below my expectations 
Morgana I have some sometimes wondered I hate you you dare draw your sword to your king you dare defy your king no Prince  would do this you're no son of mine somewhere in the village  your son slaves and farms for the kingdom he scrapes a lonely existence as a peasant where is my son I cannot say but he was born on the last day of winter shall I proceed with the execution my Lord no so you were born on the last day of winter  18 years ago so so it could be you no it's impossible your majesty wh
at is it my boy he  is the right age and you are Selena's husband yes your majesty Selena please tell us the  truth did you switched the prince with our own son answer [Music] him perhaps there truly was just one child born the exact same day as Ward I suggest  someone checks the birth record speak speak Selena th could be king until proven by birth record vard is  a traitor guilty fraud you cannot do this to me father I know please reconsider you  can't have our own son in Chains what if she's
lying it's you being lying you're  a mother how can you not [Music] know you lied to me you li about Selena being awake  you lied and now you're lying about this imposter boy no sekler yes my Lord get  her out of my sight I will deal with her later so no where is he he's  fled your majesty everyone go back to the Village there will be no execution today your majesty find that boy find his birth  record what should we do take Selena to the tree of Sorrow chain her there  I want you and carton to
find Thor and bring him to me obtain birth records from  anyone in the village born around the same time as my son whether it's Thor or  not I want my true son found yes my [Music] Lord that not going to deal with that I'm afraid oh [ __ ] that door what should we do  he's never to return again what if he is the prince make sure no one finds  out let me pass what no part of this not that easy Thor just want to leave  to get away from here let me go 3 weeks of walking through mud and [ __ ] strug
gling to  find food for you to return to the village and claim the kingdom nonsense I am not  the prince you're a loose end but not for [Music] long [Music] should we follow forget him for now I have another [Music] idea no where is that boy I thought you might come to me with your tail between your legs don't flatter  yourself Lena all I want is to talk tell me why you did it wanted a better  life for my son I didn't want him to live in servitude and squallor so you let my boy  live that way in
stead boy has never missed a meal the land is fertile Lu what if your wife  you know she betrayed you I've had enough of you you were tempted once your eye has often  been drawn away from your wife what your why as soon as you've confirmed what I've said you  will either imprison or execute me I'll do as I please I want time with you not here then when  later I have business to attend your wife wishes to speak with you my wife wife we've not  shed a bed in months she's cold to the touch fine I w
ill see her no one's watching now kiss me not [Music] here where have you been all  night the woods I'm leaving plue or not I'm going over that mountain don't  you understand the magnitude of this boy you might be king well if that is the  case then I'm not your son so that not ail you being a father or a son is more  than blood not to a viking you know that help me find your birth record I want no part  of this Kingdom of Cruelty and fools how could she do this play such a wicked game stay see
this  thing through The Peasants here turned on their own beloved Prince on the word of a woman they  wanted executed consider how quickly they might turn on me this Village is full of savages that  breed between themselves I'm in danger staying here I've been set up once already what by who  or and Kon they certainly won't accept me as their future king then take your place in the  castle let them pay for their crime if you do this you could save your mother should I really  save her if this is
true she's been years away from us and the last few years in a dungeon I  barely know her you were willing to fight for her yesterday that was before this betrayal spent  my whole life in this Village always looking for somewhere else you must learn to forgive  Thor I can't claim to really know Selena as deeply as I'd wished but what I do know is  she's never made a decision lightly you have always feared her deep down you've always wanted  wondered if the rumors are true that she's a witch wai
t come with me do not leave wait a moment this is it this is the proof we need so look well you wanted to see me I plead for your  forgiveness husband I am not in a forgiving mood you have lied to your king everyone lies we  all have secrets you did not seem so surprised when Selena told you I have accused her of  being a witch besides it wasn't a lie enough I just didn't have the proof don't tell  me you do not suspect her still she has a dark heart and dark power how else would  you explain he
r actions you know I wasn't surprised women you are all deceitful  creatures I'm still loyal to you what's happening you are to be imprisoned at  the hill of solitude to ponder your indiscretions pray I don't order your [Music] execution peasant good day to you cus we are  looking for Eric where is he he's gone sir where I saw him walk down towards Calon  Woods perhaps he's headed towards the castle why take such a long route to the castle it's longer but it's quieter  did he have anything with
him I saw he had some paper in his  hand how long ago not very long ago if we take the path to  Samaria we can cut him off good idea safe travel [Music] s [Music] Bea what are you doing here still at your  service lady I brought you feared thank you I'm really sorry this happened sorry this  wasn't your doing I'm sure the king will forgive you I feel betrayed by who is it  it obvious the king and Selena the Betrayal doesn't go unpunished honor will be  restored and everyone who has wronged me wi
ll die everyone how's my son Walnut how's Walnut  I fed him he's he's been beaten that poor boy what does your heart really tell you Morana  that Walnut isn't my son that my son is somewhere out there I never told you of my nightmare  what nightmare the night after I'd given birth was so strange so vivid it felt real I was asleep trapped in my own body I  couldn't move but I could hear my son crying and screaming I could hear him being taken away but my body could not move I tried  to Rous from
my sleep but I was unable to Selena said she drugged you she would  have had the mean to was your chambermaid at the time it's only now that I've come  to realize that this may not have been a dream I've relived this most nights now I know why where are you heading Eric there's no concern of  yours wait work and we fight for the king everything within his land is our business what you got there Thor is the  true heir to the throne listen he is the true King's son Thor is dead what he's  no Princ
e you fool we caught him running up the Roth Rock Mountain how do you I  think we knew how to find him no it can't be now give me the document no I will take this to the king he needs to know  the truth and he will have you executed you will huh the castle  it's just beyond them Fields it's not too far just have to make it they're  alive damn you damn you boat to [Music] Hell come on [Music] man any last words [Music] we have this now what should we do with  it I need to put your skills to good
use what particular skills would those be I hope  your arm is feeling steady this night I will present this document to the king at first  line after you've worked your magic on it I think I know what you [Music] mean the [Music] brother [Music] e go home for Son of [Music] Vine [Music] I find this a lot easier  if you weren't watching me every move this has to pass inspection the King has  the eyes of a hawk it will pass give me some a no come on I don't want your  hand shaking my hands are ste
ady this is easy uh don't get a big head you know  I forged a recommendation from the Y of for and was a employed by King AA and you  shall never stop reminding me I'm almost done if this works great things will  happen to us I'll be king once AER is dead he's still young and Powerful perhaps  he'll meet a tragic end many assassins roam these lands intent on killing AA plenty to put  the blame on just remember one thing what when you become king assassins will Target you  too well I have the bes
t God in the whole land I shall rule blindly and weakly like King AA  the people shall fear my anger and bow to the way I wish to rule I will drink my white nail every  day and I shall swim in milk and honey with a stable of concubines feeding off the F of the land  no more taking scraps from those with positions of power one thing more I'm looking forward to what's  that the power and the freedom no longer will it be my sword and my body sent to the front of the  battle to fight for men in cast
les I shall call on whoever I want and I shall enjoy the spoils  I that'd be a good life indeed and you shall be by my side carton I'll make sure you live like  a prince we've fought side by side since I was knee high hi you got me through the Nord Wasteland  trials taught me to skin my first wolf you are my brother for it's very peaceful here that it is I saw vul this morning how do you feel do you think he is  your son I don't feel a connection but I I do feel something I mean you you taught 
him how to fight how to hunt you raised him as your own blood or not he's still  your boy I am a Viking king if we do not share the same blood then I cannot forgive  him even if he had no willing part to play if Selena did as she said her boy her  flesh and blood has been living in my castle we all pay for the sins of the father  and the mother that is the price what's of Thor if he is your son will you welcome him  as your own do you expect him to worship you as a king and as a father who would
n't want a  kingdom rather than a farm well it's a lot to expect that he'll just be loyal to you and take  his place on the throne he's not been raised accordingly sounds like I'm  stuck between a rock and a hard place you know I could still  bear a child maybe we could start again I'm weary woman 18 years  lost on a son just to do it again now now I'm bound to the  Village if my son is there somewhere and they will expect me to give him  the throne and they will expect him to take it heavy ways
the crown yes I can make you feel better [Music] how [Music] father [Music] a fine swing your majesty  I trust you bring news of Good Fortune we do you found Thor Thor has  Departed the village he is is on the Run what the truth is sire Thor knew he wasn't the one  he fled before being accused of fraud so fard is my son then no we found something this may come as  a surprise your majesty but it dawned on me I am young around the right age never paid much on my  birth date but it was more of a f
eeling the people who raised me they died when I was a boy but  they gave me some possessions one being a birth record this this is a big surprise as it was for  me S but it got me thinking you taught me how to ride a horse to use a bow you  taught me how to swing a sword that I did and you took to it more naturally  than vard the document is real the dates match and so it goes B son of Ena thank you Father you have  served me well done everything I command I will continue to and one  day boy th
is Kingdom will be yours I'm afraid I have some bad news about your  mother your real mother what she is Chained for her betrayal I haven't decided what to  do with her yet you shall do what is right I shall abide your every decision what of vard  later I will bring him out to face judgment you can pass his sentence your first Royal act  as you wish come let me inform the guards and [Music] Thea I'm coming for you on  I'm coming coming for [Music] you oh did I have no offering for breath I asked
for only one thing I ask for Revenge  grab me this wish and go to [Music] hell [Music] I will return later thank you I will make my decision soon  Morana one way or another you'll be out of it compassion overwhelms me husband I assume you're not here to admire the  views with your wife I have news but Thor no forget him then what is it I have found  our son who is it [Music] on he is our son impossible he has the document to prove it  he was registered the same day as vard why would Selena take
on instead of her own  son to live in our Castle to toy with me the woman is cruel she she has no love  for her own son why would she want him to live well you despise her then why must I  still suffer I've done nothing wrong evil she might be but you you convinced  me I succumb to Witchcraft a king should not be susceptible to such things  I have to show strong leadership even if that means executing members of my own  family please AA don't kill me forgive me I do not feel that possibility ye
t then  banish me I will decide soon I have a new son to consider be careful I know things are not  always what they seem you should know that after everything that has transpired over the last  few days what are you saying you already had a son that disappointed you you thought his replacement  was Thor now suddenly it is on my heart tells me it is on you're Pride does a member of the King's  Guard a man who trained under your command that sounds better than a peasant boy is it not be  careful
not to stoke my firewoman remember your life is in my hands I'm not trying to anger you AA  believe it or not you are my husband and I still care despite everything all  your betrayal my betrayals it matters not you've been made a full  once make sure it doesn't happen [Music] again [Music] wait what is it Thor is he returned Thor no but he is the King's son I I called  him back you called him back how Thor is gone he's no longer the king's  concern the king's true son has been revealed impossib
le that's impossible an is the King's  real son he has the birth document to prove it it's a lie a forgery okay wait wait eat  Selena you need your strength you have a long sentence to complete a curse upon  you thler do you think think I do not know what you and the king have done I could slice  you open right now hold your tongue or cut it out you will [Music] die just because you're a future  king don't think I'll go easy on [Music] you easy not bad [Music] enough what what what brings you he
re your  majesty prepare a suitable outfit you will be presented with your crown today I  want you to bring vard out when the sun is at its apex I will deliberate at  my final decision until that time as you command I had the better of you you wish old [Music] man you alive I'm alive but father is dead I  know I felt his spirit leaving this world or killed him thought I must warn you Bor he's  been revealed as the next in line for the throne what how that is impossible he had a  document he must
have stolen yours and forged his own name the king's convinced now I care  not of the crown I care of Revenge you shall have it but don't be foolish you need to  accept where you came from don't think I can if you're to have your revenge you must  claim your place and kill or if you take his crown you can take his head I can get you out  you can't the king will have you executed then time is short I need you to fetch me the  document do that and I can change it back with my magic once you revea
l that to the king  you'll be able to claim your place what about you once I've used magic the king will know I'm  a witch I will surely die you can't I can and I will I'm sorry I'm sorry for what I did  I'm no mother I know that but I knew Eric would keep you safe and although I wanted  my own son to live in the castle I never wished harm on you Thor son of AA never I  bless your Fields so they would always be fruitful so that you would never [Music]  starve Morana is your real mother if I'm no
t outed as a witch she will die do you  understand I must die for you and your mother to live only then can I find peace  in the afterlife please let me make this right I will do it on will pay and  Justice will be done be safe th when you find the document I need you to fetch  me these flowers and herbs what is this I need these for this Bell you'll find all of  them around the king's Gardens go I will get them what happened a bird dropped a stone upon your head I commanded it not  nonsense you
're no witch aren't I [Music] get your hands off me slaves I'm your  prince you are not the prince I am the prince you're no Prince you're the bastard  son of pirates imp pelles enough vard you are the bastard child I no watch Morana I  will deal with you later but until then you [Music] watch you can do this to me Father you've  raised me 18 years this impostor is no son of yours you are the impostor you have never  proven yourself to me you're a worm you barely know how to hold a sword I'll sl
ay you this  day on this spot father give me this chance no document will prove it I will prove  it nonsense this this document States I am his son you lie insolence vard is right on  does lie why are you here you know well why SE him or killed Eric the man who raised me he  stole my birth document it was me and vard that was swapped at Birth by Selena explain this  to me this is A's birth document the only one beside my own son born on the same day forgery  an impeccable forgery he lies too the
y all lie father you you will stand on Watch and  Pray I do nothing more than to banish you what what vard if you you truly are  a son of mine then on this day under the eyes of Odin you will defeat an impostor  father silence the same applies to you you will both fight and the winner  will take their Crown so be [Music] it give vnar a sword So It Begins tragedy great Odin we offer the  loser in sacrifice so that the winner may live with honor and Achieve greatness [Music] fight you wish to figh
t the prince  of the 's eyes a come on then Pretty Boy come on over [Music] Focus [Music] a strong [Laughter] [Music] boy go swordman you are reward come [Music] on brought h [Music] to Prince or under the eyes of Odin  he has proven himself to be a king in Waiting kneel before Odin kneel before your father you knelt as a warrior now stand as the prince your majesty what is it Thor it's gone what I want him found I want him  found and bought before me surely we must execute him on site father no
he  must face justice under the eyes of Odin I will pass descendant but far that but  nothing you may have your crown boy but remember who still rules his kingdom I'll find  him your majesty good SE your wi then join the search [Music] you know this is not right I  will return later do you know your place I'll go and fetch you wine to steady your  nerves and calm you do you want children Thea yes then why have you not I've only been with one man and  he um he does not want to Bear my children c
onsider an act of kindness on  his part you will never know such [Music] pain you have the document yes and the flowers and herbs I asked for I have it all how  fast can you fix this we shall see what are you doing silence [Music] turn [Music] [Music] Z [Music] [Music] [Music] a it's blank what happened to it the magic  work it will appear as it was I must rest rest well for you know you've been my wife for over 20 years you know this ground weighs heavy I  fought battles I've killed my own brot
her face Defiance sometimes I have to make an  example of even those closest to me this is the price of a kingdom the  price of a throne some things matter more why are you here AA is it my time to  hang I do not know what the people will want perhaps allard's sacrifice will  appease them and 's coronation please them my life hangs on public opinion as  does mine can you not see what this woman has done to her family to her kingdom yes  a woman scorned yet you still won't believe she's a witch y
ou lied Morana I didn't lie  I merely said what I believed I just didn't know how to prove it we need proof before  action not if you're a woman in this world men act on irrational anger perhaps  you're right but this is the way despite everything I still love you [Music] men what's happening nothing  on shouldn't you refer to me as your majesty I'm not as easily fooled  as the king no but you're more disposable though listen wench just  remember I can ravage you whenever I want I hope you die h
ow was your wound a scratch good and any word on the search for Thor not  yet I will join them soon don't bother you are brave boy or a fool which  is it I'm no fool I'm a prince and I will prove it you have the birth document yes  it has a spell on it to return it to its original state how it was before or  and Katan forged it give it to my handmaiden the magic hasn't f reverting  it yet magic what magic did she speak of Selena she removed all the work that or  did on the document she is a witc
h show me it will appear soon I swear it you think us  fools kill him no I challenge you an what was it that King gar said Odin will not forsake your  blood let's put that theory to the test once more shall we h i will defeat or and the document  will change back before I plunge my blade through his chest father you cannot consider  this do not tell me what I can and cannot do boy we are not obligated to accept  this challenge you should know this your majesty I can see something appearing  on t
he document what does it say I can't see it clearly yet it will appear I swear  it father I implore you he has killed the King's Guard I am a prince fighting against  traitors and betrayal of the crown so what I do so be it under the eyes of Odin you two  will do battle right here right now how many Pretenders must I slay you want the a crown  to you boy do you yes then you fight for it you fight like he will fight like I fight  for you fight for it fight damn [Music] [Music] you [Music] w [Musi
c] AA what is it the the document behold and the official Ste is  still real it's [Music] real impossible [Music] [Music] father you for Val Le but  you know I'm not your [Music] father Arise My son [Music] [Applause] which bear witness This Witch tried to destroy my family her Witchcraft and betrayal has  bought dishonor on this Kingdom and on Odin himself for this for this she must [Applause] [Music] [Music] die here I stand before you all finally I can  reveal my true son and your future [Mus
ic] king Thor son of [Music] [Applause] [Music] AA so  what plans have you for your first day as a Prince boy I may visit the mountains  nothing of Interest lies there go to the port see the ships today I can show you  the ship I sail during the Battle of Valaria [Music] perhaps [Music] Morana I what are you doing here I was going  to ask you the same uh I just thought it'd be nice to leave you as a family to settle in  you know you don't really need me anymore how thoughtful I have a gift for y
ou before  you go a gift what is [Music] it [Music] silver why know about you in the K I'm so sorry I know you  are this is my judgment my way forgive me forgive [Music] him [Music]



Por qué está en inglés debe estar en castellano 😊


Eu mesmo não assisto quase filmes q não tenha tradução em português se eu não etendo outras línguas estrangeiras, e a legenda é rápida não dá tempo de ler tudo e processar. Prefiro não assistir.😏