
( •ᴥ• ) Vikings of Twitch ✦ Sunday Super Show! [Part 24]

Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at


4 days ago

[Music] hello everybody Welcome why do I sound so of upholstery Jesus Christ everybody Welcome to the V Sunday Super Show how are we all doing this fine Saturday I don't why I sounded so um serious I wish it was Saturday the [ __ ] you on Sunday yeah it's a Sunday welcome to this super show on Sunday but it's a Saturday what Japan Jesus lynchy you sound like my boss oh dear how are we doing wish it was Saturday so I have to go back to work tomorrow and that want to I would be on the wrong stream
if it was Saturday um I should be over on my Stream So that would be wrong yeah was very [ __ ] up I think I've just lost track of all time in the last like I'm going to say I'm just going to go ahead and say I've lost track of all time the last like four years but oh I think like officially the last like half a year for me has just gone like wild I maybe since June for no apparent reason yeah yeah for no wind down I feel you brother but I think said you're open that 5 minutes ago mhm since um
how the [ __ ] since Whatchamacallit since uh [ __ ] Co stuff like I think time is just weird now time doesn't feel normal anymore it's very strange neither do my hands that's cuz you're drinking wine um how are we doing anyway folks how is a second Sunday Super Show says Moro yeah indeed um how is everybody on the stream how's everyone in the chat how are you guys doing in fact that was everyone's uh week spin you thr me off CU I'm trying to keep track of who had Co and who hasn't cuz I don't t
hink I've had Co but I've never been able to tell time had it like 10 times I've had it once uh I think I've had it I think I've had it six times I um I remember coming downstairs to get like some food and my mom and dad went oh your dad's tested positive for Co and I was like in the same room as it or whatever and I was oh should should I like not be here then should I like should I be away from you and he was like should I go you've almost already got it like [ __ ] it it's over for you and I
was like oh okay and I went upstairs and I went to go do a stream it was one day alone in the dark streams and I remember just halfway through it I was like oh God I suddenly feel it I feel like [ __ ] no it was just really bad could have been alone in the dark oh yeah that's true you never had it I am I lost my sense of taste good work Tom I had a dream you were playing alone in the dark dreams aren't real I I I actually found out that I I got tested recently my uh my pneumonia has actually bro
ught back my my asthma like came with friends yeah it came with friends so now I have I have in haers again wow I haven't had since high school that's cool that's yay getting old sure is fun let's switch over shall that dream I had where I was first formed Frieza piloting a zapping and getting annoyed at the flashing lights from the the search lights below was definitely real is impossible to control also I love how you specifically first form freezer yeah that was it I was just pulling levers a
nd panicking and going these lights are everywhere I sure love getting ads getting ads Bo use ad blockers everyone you have my permission I don't know about everybody else I use one on Twitch called stream cleaner and I haven't had an ad on Twitch since I used it so and and where did you get that from uh uh Google extensions that would be okay we'll do uh there we go what it sometimes does though is it like it says it will say in the top left corner it will say blocking ads and it will kind of l
ike the stream quality will go down slightly and then when the ads are over the stream quality goes back up again it's like [ __ ] deal with that sounds fun sorry I can't hear you I've already I'm already adding it to my EXT I'm not an ad what do you what do you mean you can't hear me you dick I'm not an advert Rob I'm just turning off sorry I can't hear you you're an advert called guest star anymore it's called whatever the [ __ ] it's called good input turning off stream together beta stream t
ogether yeah it's been in beta forever stream together I actually got uh speaking of betas on Twitch I got um that beta for the enhanced broadcast thing I got accepted into that but oh I don't know what speak on Twitch how you doing Rob [Music] wait think of my life um yeah it's like it's the one where you send all the the trans code yourself or whatever but they're not testing av1 and h265 yet so I'm like what the I don't [ __ ] why would I do that then holy [ __ ] two glasses of oh1 comes out
I'm going to try the last boss z the Enders again and see if it completely [ __ ] my stream that' be good all right I'm going to switch over switch over sister move I will share I will share something with the uh the the but the other night uh everyone was like oh do you want to do you want to play some some lethal company and I had to decline cuz I was I was gun running um going jail I like how he just froze out there yeah public Rob if the police are watching and they hear you you're going to
go to jail hey no he's CRI M [ __ ] going to do about it he's he's watching me wherever I go whatever move Gabe new was going to take him Every Breath You Take exactly every move you make he's building up a strong court case G knew was coming for him [ __ ] him up that's H the lyrics one of his combat names yeah is it's off The Abridged version Tom all right um so I'm going to be going first today folks ladies and gentlemen see you rob people in the crowd which means Rob doesn't have to watch an
ymore because he's a terrible friend so and substandard streamer wow time to hit the old dusty trail with my gun I just going to take my new aspir and lay down I love you baby stupid Bo who doesn't think right let's uh let's get this show on the road so doesn't think I'm going have a little hug with me Rob I will I'm you can tell he's had a couple of wines Jesus Christ right so what happened here is something something Monumental happened recently for me uh which isn't something I was necessaril
y like pining towards but it just happened and that happened uh over the course of the last couple of weeks I broke 3,000 games owned on Steam um which is a lot of game that's a lot of games now as anyone owns like a lot of games on Steam will probably attest like you know I bought a lot of the games that I want and I got a lot of games through like deals and such but I also have a ton of games that just kind of came attached to the games I want so it'll be like oh this [ __ ] bundle of games th
ere two you want in it and there's eight you don't know but it's cheaper than buying those two games separately so as such I went through and I picked randomly 20 of them and went and installed them and then this [ __ ] thing keeps breaking every time so I have to refresh it you got to use the one that I used like there's my little face it's so much it's so much good it's so much [Laughter] good tell me which one is your good wheel I use um which one it's not wheel deser I use wheel of my um ste
am wheel oh that's what I use yeah I just wanted I wanted a quick like easy simple one for this so I just did a wheel to side which I've always Ed for like the Picker wheel I quite like picker wheel so well that one let you just put like um plays a fun tune yeah that that one just let you just slap it into a URL without having to like think about it so anyway I got this wheel it's got 20 games on it they're all random games that I've never played and I don't I haven't seen anyone on my friends l
ist play either so I figured these will all be something different and we can see what they're like I'm going to hit the button to start my timer and then I'm also going to hit the button to spin this wheel oh I know what closure is yeah actually that might be the only one that I've seen someone play okay we're going to start with the forest Cathedral oh this is the game that's between the forest and Sons of the forest okay I have no idea what the forest Cathedral is I may only play these games
for like 5 minutes and then move on to another one so did you put you can't do that he just did all right let me just got to change over the capture stuff change that to that Capt okay warning flashing during in-game terminal sections watch out folks this is fiction if your eyes is going to hurt don't look whoa was that do say I am been existing I'm just eating ice cream you guys should have audio it's like wolf Sim over again look how realistic that fish is Aio audio coming yep I hear a creek a
creek who oh my God who fish well it's time for me to tell you the story about how I found the blue glowing fish this is a long loading bar for what might be a very bad game maybe I don't know uhoh music is this scary I'm scared you hate this thing do you hate this bug I like ladybugs I don't like when they go near my face but I like looking at them I think they're very pretty cuz they're red they look super contrast happening fly actually really why is this horror am I going to die I'm scared
look at that PO so loud okay oh it's me if you can't hear anything rob you um You probably M my or the audio or whatever what the [ __ ] is this I'm going I'm going it kept it said move with w and D this is what s does this is what a does this is what D does what the [ __ ] so move move of w is what it meant what does that sound you go yeah so squiggly sounds like that's sound of his giant ladybird deck Dragon across the wood help me someone is using a fire exting oh God is this what all of thes
e Visions like right now oh God wait what the [ __ ] the hell is going on this this like one okay that's some Shad oh no oh no no oh no this is a bad game no no no no no no no oh deam I miss what did I miss oh dear I don't I don't like this game I don't it's a ping oh [ __ ] me okay this is actually a horror game don't worry [ __ ] me Nightmare game God breath I need it so much cuz needs lore cuz need melstrom has a genuine phobia of flying bugs that go buzz they SW oh [ __ ] in your ear no it's
just so bad in the ear it's so loud and bad [ __ ] kill this kill him just a bra swamp spray I'm trying I'm trying to be bra what are you supposed to be holding like an ask I don't know what this is it looks like a vacuum cleaner I'm shooting out gas like a f a FK expell just kill the swamp get rid of the things please spray it why you not spray closer what do you mean get closer in the water I'll just go in the water then oh there you go it's done now I accepted it if I spray it constantly I c
an't hear it I can't hear the bad oh it's much better like this so what did this game come bundled with I don't I have no idea I have no idea where any of the games actually would have come from but they would have come bundled with something I wanted basically the forest generally how this works it must have I'm just going to keep spraying it cuz I don't seem to have ammo and it it really gets rid of the buzzing sound in my ears so that's great spr three out of five swamps but this is one swamp
I don't understand Romantics oh god of God is that horrible how do they get I wish know I mean I I don't ever want to be on webcam on the stream to be honest but I wish I had a webcam right now so you can see how hunched my shoulders are because I'm like trying to cover my ears with my shoulders like throwing the controller throwing keyboard it takes a while takes too long just puff and D I wanted to be puff and done no puff and done anti like malaria simulator I don't know it's called Forest C
athedral I [ __ ] no clue what this is going to be this [ __ ] sucks this game sucks oh you got it [Laughter] go if this gas runs out because I don't see any Cathedrals here maybe it's a bug yeah confused that's true it is a bug high five I can fully picture a current position and as always it's quite funny thanks s got my back um oh my God I suppose this is a good time as I need to tell that old story of uh so I I when I say I have a fear of flying insects I one I don't like them flying at my f
ace for a start i' just never been a big fan of that but two is um when I was younger I got a fly stuck in my ear and it just all it did was just buzz and like the deafening sound of buzzing and I had to get them removed from my ear with like tweezers from my parents um and ever since then I used to cover my ear when I went to sleep with my covers so that like no bugs could get into my ears and if anything buzzes near my ear it freaks me the [ __ ] out and I have to like pinch my shoulders to my
ears what about if someone came really close to you and went if if you try and whisper in my ear I might actually hit you like just with my shoulder as it goes to my ear and my head pins to my ear be automatic response yeah licky flies don't lck just [ __ ] please game what do you mean this taking a while do you think this game has VR oh God they land on your food and then they go licky licky and then you throw up all over it and then that makes the other FES come that's true brundle fly the SW
SW I want to see what that terminal is that's all I care about right now I have I done this one like what what what happened what happened why does it not work seems like there's still a lot of bugs oh it just works okay are we done good job Mom we're fish friend mom alha discovered a fun machine today where are we whoa look at that green makeup on his face Carson what what is this three about all our secretary temporary secretary no sir I'm applying for the field research biologist positioned
bi a woman being misogynist women can't do science women don't science what the [ __ ] is this what the fu your prostate ex Happ there's a lump what is going on [ __ ] is this game were we being intervie go but now why are we doing this on oh they're back are we back Rachel does she have a brain tumor what is this did you get a tumor from using too much gas on the swamp maybe yes I got a headache from that last bit oh straining so hard science Island that's where you live isn't it will I want to
get to the end of this cut scene and see like what happens to the game I want to see if it like turns into a completely different game state of the art cuz we've already walked along a plank as a ladybug and then we were spraying swamps and now what oh oh guys I just Googled it I I got to share with you the [ __ ] cover I just found oh GE God Ariel llama said I think we're finding out why none of your steam friends have this game where is it where where is oh I'm going to get ready to get fuing
Tred hang on I need to see it as are the trees we VR what is happening please show this yeah I I need to share this with the folks at home she's holding a fish here you go chat this is this is what this is what we're looking oh my God I I that's the that's box to this game apparently yeah that's pretty great and see what's on there because that's genius mosquitoes just dropped there I can't just let me get me out of this cut scene there's no button skip skipping no button skip it turn off the c
omputer oh even have that picture oh appar apparently the guardian gave it three stars out of five I just Iris RGB now there's like a training area like from col of G what is this [ __ ] video game f to pull out the what the [ __ ] is this now so we're we're a bug but we're a f man but now we're a lady but we're a golf lady we have black finger paint on our nails finger paint all right next game how you can't leave there so many questions please I [ __ ] can and will right okay next game thank y
ou the [ __ ] wheel again thank you ly I I did I did the sacrifice dead days okay I need to see this cover art all right oh okay guess what so apparently right this game I sh you not is based on the um real life that scientist person is Real This was um [ __ ] off based on this based on how they um came to the conclusion that pesticide like d DD DD pesticides is a bad thing so see I figured when you said it was based on a true story it was like you know that guy that wrote Eko the dolphin who wa
s an insane scientist the the beach took too many drugs this is deadly days I don't know what this is oh those are cows we got death road to California oh death road to Canada Canada that was it did you say California death road to California yeah are they putting green onto the C is a really good game with Co-op that we should play it one day they're making sandwiches I'm pretty sure that game has been on our extra life list for like 4 years death to Canada you're supposed to slice the beans oh
they turn them into Burgers yeah Jesus one cow makes one Burger cow you know what you're right that's not efficient you really reduced that count okay I can close down all my curs all my curss imagine that kind of beef con small cars compared to the the people scientist Rachel car and who figure out where they won't let her leave the game tells the reimagined story of the attempted Sil Carson I love how I've got people like going down the forest gra iberg [Music] now I just closed all the tabs
now I've got the boxer I got the synopsis about being based on I'm done I've closed it all I've just turned that game's Google search history up to like 200% what it was previously zombies it's a zombie game it is Def road to Canada well yeah we saw zombies in the intro screen Oh you mean menu screen menu scre copy pasting copy pasting horic I'll be honest I wasn't looking at the the right hand side of the screen I was looking at the left hand side of screen well that there's your problem which
just had buttons on it and no zombie welcome to the tutorial I am zombie teacher deadly days is strategic zombie Rog like I'll teach you everything you need to know ultimate goal is to find a burger a factory and prevent the creation of new zombies by shutting down the factory you can see the current day time game gets harder as the more day goes whatever danger levels tell you how strong the zombies currently are increase every few days each Survivor needs one food the end of the day otherwise
they starve W if uh papers bed has taught me anything one food if papers bed has taught me anything they can go a couple of days without you start with two survivors but more can join you during the game okay every Survivor has their own ability sure Mur go why does a zombie want to help you stop making more zombies I don't know he's a turn Co School bu more brains for him we got a school bus that's a long that's a long bus you're not use Mouse shush move the camera use that to send area off you
go off you go Lads get looting okay loot sparkling objects to have a Survivor loot it okay in they go They're looting get in there my friends all I was saying was the bus shot from the from the top like that it looked longer than it looks on its side your objectives for the day make sure to complete them all okay really Loot and air drop rescue Survivor lot apple tree [Music] can't oh we got a rocket launcher excuse me how do I put that on Tom what's that thing they put in trumpets to make him
go that's a mute is itute okay right well hang on Destroy five trees of air bre is one of my things I think I need to go in this Park area I'm assuming there's an apple or something fre to get up [Music] here launch an air strike at specified why am I air striking a tree way to go Air Raider what the what was the point in that what did I do that for loot loot eat eat banana eat apple now the banana is a guy in a suit why did we the the apple trees banana what's his name banana banana banana leve
l one banana man banana banana level ban destroy more trees of air strikes you got a game I don't know why you want me to do that but well have you been in many bushes recently not as many as I'd like no s how how are we going to get prints from the succulent Chinese meal man guys just ask him to like make us one yeah tell him you're that you're his biggest fan say I'd like a succulent Chinese art print I hate yumie he good thing you found some food right we need free food a day now so that's al
l right spend food to immediately level up oh so if I don't want I see okay so if you if you want to you can spend food on leveling people up or feeding them reckon they have sex in those teps what the [ __ ] that'd be [ __ ] intense and now banana banana is here I reckon we probably do [ __ ] Jesus Christ going toit okay Jack Carson okay that's his let's find out if I can buy his paying some new weapons too banana banana is very appealing broken oh we can repair it okay okay right let's this wi
ll be the last thing I do here I reckon and then I switch games this seems fun this is cute but this is no Forest Cathedral I mean we I feel like we started heavy we we struck gold straight away and everything control command survivors to shoot the specified position destroyed a car barricade wow that rocket launch is really just doing work [Music] huh for some reason position hold it use this for more precise control uh 29th of May 2020 he said no don't no shoot them damn it there there's there
's a there's a bunch of get get in there banana uh-oh banana in someone's eating banana no why I don't need to heal him he's been hit [Music] once he's he was bruised use free to activate special power okay I will do that let me let me do it banana power oh pretty [ __ ] up I got to be honest you're just a guy I am just a guy except banana who's banana yeah don't worry guys I got air strikes don't forget so why did we all run over there you've got guns guys you [ __ ] stupid I think you're a tea
m well yeah but like it said to hold control to shoot and then they just like [ __ ] run over there oh you don't have to click that's why you just hold control you don't click on the enemies you want to fire at you just hold control oh that zombie is in underpants and sunglasses all right you know what this is cool but i' had enough got 10 minutes left I need to find something else you just going to be chasing the dragon whole night now I know I don't think I'm over the art the art I'm not that'
s F I've still got it on my other monitor that's that's just some [ __ ] I think I'll see it in my dreams like it's just going to stay there just burn project okay warlock i' got 10 minutes left on my time why one of the games P it's I don't know man again I just randomly picked some games so there's a uh there's a website which will um sorry I'm just change and capture there's a website that will random between your steam library and then it will pick um like a game at random that's in your ste
am library or whatever I basically just did that 20 times and then installed all of them this is like the same exact warning in the same time from the last time okay uh that's just a guy with a gun I'm going to click single stage project warlock cuz then it might not give me a tutorial okay never mind it doesn't want to let do that casual standard hard hardcore single life mode Wolfenstein phase it does you're not wrong single life mode is efficient you got one life warlock oh waa whoa it is jus
t wolen okay well if you have uh Arachnophobia apologies apparently this is going to be a problem for you it's like whoa it's it's where is it no is it under like preferences maybe that needs to come way down oh that's a bit better ah spider web dead spider bite our sensitivity on Doom which is 4. 30 OD years old go scre wait I like how you have 3D bullets where did I get this warlock Broad Sword from wa Broad Sword bro the Bro there's a lot of blood the broad s yeah this dude has a lot of blood
in him what's the best thing about the broad Z the best thing about hero Quest is the broad Zone the broad Zone gravity land this is just another exterminate Bugs game isn't it h well these are bats I went to my friend's housefor and FAL Quest and he combined them all together and we played it and it took like 7 hours really this is very much like a boomer shooter sort of material Boomer shooter how do you interact with button like steam category didn't they did you see um was it Dwarf Fortress
and uh uh oh who was the other one Deep Rock Galactic they wanted to make their own category of games called dwarf games apparently they were trying to ped it dwarf games yeah they're the only two in it they trying to get steam to to add it as a category um I don't know where to go you beat the game can you hit the crystals on the wall door Fortress is an incredible game that I wish I had the patience to play I might play it when they've got the I own it now but I might play it more when they'v
e got the um Adventure Mode that's of th Fortress of me in the adventure mode bu not put that in yet I'm going to try go in lava don't know what other options I have like I'm pressing buttons to use and such and nothing nothing can you cast a spell on it yeah that's what I said you what do you have a wizard or a magic sword you're the worst warlock ever yeah I'm not a great warlock wait get your get your get your shooty stick out yeah that one oh are we dying you die di all right we got enough t
ime for one more game I don't know that's that's promising it's like a boomer shoot I mean if I looked in the controls there's probably like a used button that wasn't pressing but e andf didn't do it right click didn't do it ain't nothing to it what's that bottom one say behind spin uh refunked I think refunked I it said [ __ ] nut do you want to play [ __ ] a mainlining I thought it said marinating did you ever watch Jam Chris Morris's show just no I watch watch Jam the food item yeah so he did
jam and there was one where he was talking about uh people were Whispering evil things in a cow's ears calling them names like [ __ ] nut an ass candle game by Samuel re remind me have I seen that did that unlock a memory it has I'm like May okay that's a lot of credits can we get the title of the game please no you have to no play it sorry you have to wait for these lines to line up that was brassai oh that was brassai right yeah cuz it was the news show the longest screen Oh my Jesus Christ J
am was the um blue Jam radio show you blue screen oh I blue screened that was very similar oh my my rainbow M7 operating system is okay welcome there which is kind of basically brassy what's your name Bill Gates oh no Chia wait let me get a screenshot yeah okay got it oh what do we want is there a picture of chain what dossier yeah censorship data propaganda oh is this um is this a hyperspace hypnospace game oh yeah Hy remember there's a whole like get okay the logo looks very band The snatch fr
om um Black Mirror warning all the hard dries have been wiped okay okay here's the case File hate it when that happens the top with find a new arrest guidelines attach all agents must comply okay trust you follow every protocol and secure the longest sentences possible okay thre a all the water out of his body just think of how his mother must have fell [ __ ] dis wait read your daily case File find out been breached let's case File it's 2010 ages Ser breach search is currently focused on freedo
m wire. BP an index filesharing website that like line wire is invited guest logged in from an account muscle [Music] boy1 screen name MUSC he just really likes to eat muscles made aware of this okay are they the gross ones no they're the good ones TI free online arrest system is as follows selling items drugs drug paraphernalia contracts stolen property stolen data stolen software sent of 5 years in prison I'm going to leave this up okay just in case I need it arrest guidelines for people that
have guns that should here's some Nostalgia for folks I do not this is what the internet used to be way [ __ ] quicker Discoverer Freedom wire a slime wire oh it is it basically is oh that that gave my computer such AIDS oh dream. AC down that asky what it's like some CRA too choose your account you want this program sure yeah this guy look up set free piece of information required okay we did it it's oh daia daia hang on I see you downloaded dream. exe I thought but my favorite thing about Li w
ire is when you download the songs and it's like oh yeah yeah System of a Down Legend of Zelda cover which is actually by the rabbit trick and it's like nothing was named correctly so we all had these weird alternate reality songs or or you just have your friend like oh no no it's definitely that's definitely the System of the Down song it's just a raar format file and no no don't don't don't get yeah yeah up at this like up in this linol park like exe file it's fine uh oh uh say hello to my fri
end Mr red [Music] [Laughter] hello I think I just I think my internet just went down I tried to hack into that website and then then it went horribly wrong y uh M what are you doing to the family PC uh oh what do with actual lines it's okay I just reconnect the fancy not it's over sister uhoh a discon up body password should be kept on our desktop somewhere oh this [ __ ] where's my coffee give me my coffee recycling bin basic basic hack hack basic basic all right I'm never going to get I'm nev
er going to get into this in the time allotted chat but this seems like you know there could be something interesting here like that that popular game Uplink mom there it is change me that's my password I'm seeing press h in the thing I got online let's let's really quickly try and hack this thing before I go okay so just type hack computer 23411 9.15 9.24 you did it logged into Freedom wire type help help clear screen content download list okay Dames uh was it just download mod names mod name s
uccessfully downloaded a [ __ ] 420 kid big boy Blaze Muscle Boy Bread Clay Bread Clay where is he oh is that [ __ ] muscle boy or is that us I forget Bread Clay isn't on here what Evelyn butt wasad oh you're right it would be clay yeah yeah CU there he is Clay arrest him arrest him arrest this [ __ ] location ladies and gentlemen I don't know his location oh [ __ ] Fu [ __ ] he said it was his we [ __ ] up we didn't get him no we didn't get him okay well you found the guy but you got to find hi
s that's interesting though let's hang on let's download group group photo Let's uh let's let's finish off with this shall we picture of him there he is oh so that's him so you know it's him he looks like he's doing the SE got picture you got the ID you know what I I think this has got a lot of potential to be very good but we don't have enough time we don't have enough time to get into it sadly um you know ler the whole point of this was supposed to be I just wanted to pick a couple of games i'
never played that are in my list and be like [ __ ] it you're slowly getting through your list of Shame well at the very least just have a look and see if there's anything I'm missing out on you know you never know like Forest Cathedral now I can go play that on my own time not enough time Brad playay still walks the streets I wonder if I can just arrest him without his information uh he he definitely lives in uh he seems like a steel Bay kind of boy um my evidence is his mod name um and we arr
est him crack on still by Clay blogger wrongly accused well yeah [ __ ] up arrest him again again send him back it you won't believe it they tried to arrest him again with the same evidence as last time all right there you go that was uh that was mainlining so what did we play we played Forest Cathedral mainlining and [ __ ] hell was it deadly days yeah there you go well I feel like that who knows chat I might um I might even return to this idea in the future to the cathedral Maybe clear out the
se like some of these games or whatever the ones that we got to and then pick some different ones and add them to the wheel or something yeah that was cool I enjoyed all right except for the bugs I didn't enjoy the bugs that was [ __ ] hilarious all right next up we have a lyy me put you live okay one sec Bob dougnut bobson Doug nut hacker fu [ __ ] Doug congrats you played 0.03% your steam Library hang on I can get you the actual data it's not far wrong um mine's prob got some D dingers in it l
et's get rid of this let's put on according to this site I have played 1% 43% of my game Library you should be getting some audio pretty I hear audio uh very quiet I need I can probably bump it a little bit on my if yeah probably bump it cuz if I turn up too L it's going to burst my ears wheel and then just go straight to the game magic that is a fancy [ __ ] shirt all right so lyy you have brought Monster Hunter World correct let K yes um um as you may there's been a bit of like Resurgence in p
eople playing World instead of Rise right from what I understand yeah because um the what's it the is it wild is coming wild and that's based on is based on worlds and I started playing chat you don't need to adjust your sets um there are borders top and bottom this is um wide yeah lych is now in Ultra wide Zone yeah l i [Music] don't excuse me sir l i don't being electrocuted by a Rob no So currently currently right now is the is the spring this is a spring event yeah we can hear you now but yo
u you were taken by the robot this is this is a spring Gathering Hub event in the iceborn DLC can you go into the hot spring and smash your head against the wall so you get knocked out something you can do i' I've played this game quite a bit I never I never tried it I just sat in the SAA but in fact [Music] UNC if I go to mon Center world what did I what did I have uh there's 17 videos on my YouTube of this game across this in the I have one many of those would have on them in fact and yeah um
also Neil ah yes you are joined by guest correct yes yes as you may notice there is someone else here who has made an appearance in M stream when they during challenge mom they uh they helped me his backup healer which was to say they were not healing and then during during the fun rescues into the the um it was all all in good fun um yeah cuz this is the person I've been playing with this whole entire time we started playing and if I played on my own it wouldn't be as fun so definitely a better
game with people for sure yeah this is why I have this person here and I guess I need to remember what the [ __ ] to do uh what we doing you got to hunt something give me give me as a as a big fan of this game Give me the give me the the guild card I need to see the card I need to see what SWAG you've got on your card uh I oh this is where I like [ __ ] have checked it before I um let's have a look at it what poses we got okay pet and the cat I like it my kitty cat the cat looks shocked like wh
oa what's happening I like I that's just bu's default look what's your um this has your details of your Weaponry right if You tab across I purely just being really into long sword which I know is a big met thing I don't care I enjoy it I enjoy playing as it my card looks much the same but with hammer understand yeah I've done some Hammer I've done some great sword but the long sword Is My Jam completely I like it um and I will I will notice that things you will noce I haven't quite we haven't qu
ite got to the I you're in Monster rank master rank though which is uh yeah quite far so let me remember the [ __ ] I do it from here so I don't really come to the hub um this is one of those games by the way chat if you've not played play a mon before that you could easily and I when I say easily I mean probably required to even get to the end of the game put in like 5 600 hours into this game like yeah Cur save before I loaded before I loaded up um which I would I would have started on the um
start screen I would get connected and [ __ ] before we started um think 170 hours so uh I I actually played this with M at one point and the main thing I remember was from laughing at my ability to not pronounce the monster names wait hang on you should yeah there's a couple on screen right now yeah we're going to go hunt the chicken thing ice qu chicken thing I can't say it's fing I forgot what it's weak to I need to checking where's I check it I know what it's called but I kind of want to wai
t and see if you can like show Rob the name of it so can what called no not that one where is the person who godamn we the [ __ ] is it you well no you good to me Rob you did it so I asked you what was going on with this and then my audio device fell over and I didn't hear anything that point no this is this is the um spring event where is the stupid goddamn person in here who tells me what shit's weak to so I can take the right sword [ __ ] you game oh the ecologist oh oh yeah no you get in thi
s hot spring lyy and then if you um if you do the button to like swim but do it into the Rocks uh you die this is not where I would get me get to me but yeah sure yeah it's like the DI button whatever you have your um your Hunter's guide in your menu that usually helps do I what's the swim button they're just sitting there I think is it is it a oh ow SM your back there is a button to like you just do like a little dive forward but I can't remember what it is I don't think I was in it right um I
need to find cuz I'm so used to not playing from here yeah yeah notes and then find the monster oh are you telling me it's all here you [ __ ] look at all these monster names yeah water weakest against water but everything it's kind of weak everything yeah be fair probably K it really quick but I want to try and um Le you know show off some of the weapons I bother to get W shiny weapons you got yeah so shiny right uh do I have I'm not prepared for this at all uh I got my [ __ ] look my [ __ ] it
m wi look pretty prepared I don't care about wait do we get the animation in Hub yeah well this is not the best one but [Music] no I will ever play look at this Gothic cat you've got it's so weird has played it before I implore you watch the cats that are cooking for like 10 minutes Grand when we um when we come back from this hunt I'll go out to the main Hub briefly to um show you that but yeah I'm not bothering about stats because I don't have time to micromanage um [ __ ] I'm just trying to s
how off some [ __ ] you still dead still not dead still dead I'm doing good mate you're doing well buddy well Superman does good you're doing well let see what Furby said yes yes I know investigations we've done quite a few investigations don't worry this was not my first time I played F back on the PlayStation and I was like what's an investigation you were like what's an investigational in this game near the end of the game I have I've done that oh good you get some is your friend here for hou
rs yeah they're here but I've just been so sometimes now when you when you join a hunt you end up [ __ ] when you get into it I think it starts yeah it will just dump you at a random spot in the map put yeah one of my most played games actually I think it's most in the world so now I've got to get my [ __ ] ass all way over the the stupid chicken fers I actually rein world not that long ago started making a new character but then I was like to be honest may as well just wait for a while at this
point yeah this it was it was something to do and it was fun like can I get on my Mount thing it's one of those things where like I've got a save on PC that's in master rank uh PS4 sorry that's in master rank but I want to play on PC if I was gonna play it again what the [ __ ] I'm a big fan of the the end game content for iceborn where they were just like yeah it's an expedition but czy big like hunting area whatever yeah yeah it's just a completely Bonkers Expedition with every monster you can
imagine I'm hoping to get this soon there it is and now I'm going to smack it oh all right rob you see on the left hand side of the screen it says something footprints take a packet Kulu Yak yeah pretty much you got it yeah y there was definitely some question marks on the end of there that made you sound less sure [Music] [ __ ] it's just masterating accent I just call it chicken yaku chicken the big chicken you just have a pet yeah they like a dinosaur pet they're Riders fun on on my my monst
er my my little cat man's called off of the little [ __ ] man he said it there it goes yeah so technically the most recent technically the most recent monster that you can play that's out right now is Rise but it's um I know how much you like a type it's a very different type of game it is a very different game so monst Hunter has generally always had like a Mainline game come out and then they have like a sort of sub game which are usually a bit more like crazy with what they do in terms of mov
ement and stuff and Rise is kind of like one of those it's sub game so a lot of people have come back to World recently in prep for Wilds yeah wild Al say I always wanted to come back to it and do it properly and get to actually the end end cuz on play on PS4 I never really got much into ice born and fire that's a the gun weapon this [ __ ] chicken I think Rob I vaguely remember you coming into a stream I did once before and I think you put them message of yeah kill him with that butter knife or
something and that was me using this weapon type yeah yeah that is yeah this is the anime all day every day yeah this is the the invisible weapons yeah this is the weapon I just cuz I think most of my problems with it oh you broke his yep he's didn't I didn't like um like a lot the weapons so I think there's a lot of moner Hunter though like I remember when I first played Monster Hunter I thought it was like impossibly difficult but I started with sword and shield um and then I I like one day I
just went you know what I'm just going to try a different weapon I think I picked up a hammer and then I just never looked back like I was killing monsters in like five minutes with like Kos and [ __ ] and it was great yeah I think um when I first yeah when I first played it I went for the daggers cuz like this is fast I wasn't like really quick High DPS or whatever but you're all over the shop with the daggers it's really hard to yeah didn't enjoy it that much so I tried long sword and this is
the cool thing about this game is like uh I mean if you pick the guns as aan yeah if you pick the um oh you're not winning that ter territory War you Kaka you need to go home buddy you're going to get you're going to get absolutely [ __ ] destroyed oh five to the face sword when I when I F nante in the beta I think I used this sword and then I went back to insect GL which I played in I think it was three was it Tri that had that I can't remember I think I want to say in DS was a relatively new
weapon but I think it might have been like four maybe yeah I I want to say four cuz it's on the DS and I played that one so I picked that back up and I was like I'm never going back and then I got really good at dealing out damage with the insect wave and I quite liked it because it was a combination of like you could be very high flying out it yeah it was like aim your insect get your Buffs and then never touch the floor again it's basically the way you play that class that's what I was going t
o say I think um one of the big drawers of mon Center over the years has been like everyone play this game and have a completely different play style it's all perfectly valid NE used to play hunting horn which like 95% of the fight is spent not hitting the monster and just playing Tunes like a Guitar Hero game so that everyone else get which work for us yeah it's great for me it works it works in the party yeah the big bunk we had a good Dynamic actually cuz you were doing the big head bunks and
I was like getting all the mounts because of you were cutting the Tails I was heads and then I don't know why we fighting this rafan now it's not it's not the monster we were trying to fight but was in our grou as well Double Daggers yeah he was Double Daggers he was like throwing loads of damage out uhoh I think my job was to just Bou Hammer going to give you theity yay big sippy pickles and beef is that what's in the potion yeah yeah pickles a beef potion like I said I tried out the great swo
rd and I was like this is far too clunky and combersome and then I just picked the long sword up and I was just like actually I know people say um you know meta you know all that other [ __ ] talk about the long sword I don't care about that the better follow your dreams well I don't give a [ __ ] I've been I've played 170 hours generally the only people who quote like using AAP that's good being a bad thing because it's like meta or whatever people are jealous of the fact they're not using it s
o yeah so well I happen to use the the scrungle gun and Capcom hasn't buffed my weapon in 12 years I like well I make my life hard on purpose move on move on it's a different game from when you used it it's a shame it would be nice for the scrungle gun to still be yeah it's a shame that was a good weapon yeah it used to be like like uh I don't see it being a problem these days anymore but bow used to be the [ __ ] broken thing bow was ridiculous cuz like why are these why are you two always toge
ther godam there was like some Kelby bow you could get that you could like shoot a monster once it would break all of the parts on it in one shot and it's like okay uh it's kind of [ __ ] up gante speed run was like 4 seconds yeah with the bow which is insane we okay go I think can go fight one I've got a oh oh what's uh here's a question Bo seen as your master rank what's your favorite monster just design wise and fight wise of the ones so far I haven't done um all of the ice born yet but um I
quite enjoy like the the glavenus and the acidic glavenus glavenus is cool they're pretty cool I'm wearing most of our armor because it um Buffs my um stuff my long sword I've always been a big fan of noua noua he's a bit of a prick he is but I like that's when I picked up Hammer I think was fighting Naga cougar and then I got really good at it because I had to like using a new weapon yeah when I was playing insect glave I had to basically for for my build was fight Leana tons but I really liked
that fight cuz it was perfect for the inside W and I don't think that's an accident that's very clever if that's the one that's like blue and purple and white and floats around and [ __ ] I like that one it's sort of blue and white and like blows lots of wind and ice at you yeah yeah like an ice dragon oh my God screams me as a dragon I thought it was great that because I use the insect wave which gave cat took that fireball to the m thing that Dr my cat's pretty strong now anyway I'm not very
strong though I'm about to get my [ __ ] KCK in that also big fan of Basil Goose because [ __ ] Basel Goose yeah basil Goose B7 bom the funniest thing the funniest thing we've had I think we've seen was um we were what we we're chasing something I can't remember what it was in Ancient Forest and We R up business and this is a master Rank and next thing I know a [ __ ] Savage um devil what's his name devil God the a Savage one of those just popped out and like grabbed the thing we grabbed the thi
ng we were hunting and run away with it I was like no come back devil Joe is is kind of a [ __ ] up thing to fight I love it though I love yeah I might I'll show you actually we'll do a fight afterwards we probably going kill the chicken he's a big pickle monst and you're like yeah yeah this is going and then you turn around and basil Goose has dived so close to you without you noticing that you're basically exploding already right let's let's kill let's kill the thing we're supposed to be killi
ng which is the chicken and go fight here's another question where you're traveling then least favorite enemy man what's the no what's it there's a wind dragon which is a yeah that one's a [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm going just die why are you here why are you chicken Making Waves everywhere he goes I mean this is fine what you know I want to kill the chicken he's like tired his social batteries ran out he needs he needs to go away I kind of feel like OD Garen we're fighting him but he's an [ __ ] he is a
n [ __ ] and you fight him in that [ __ ] area with all like the Ro in it that's really bad most of the time on the floor in that fight because he just constantly knocks you over he just an [ __ ] I don't mind it so much anymore that one it's just yeah the sh Steel Dragon with his whirlwinds are a pain oh good this is a nice cluster [ __ ] did it really just start another [ __ ] fight there's three of them here now oh my God I swear this this never normally happens when we play is master rank on
e this is the best thing is just when it becomes like this I wasn't paying attention I trying to work out where the chicken are gone the chicken's [ __ ] right off fast the chicken is like they have a pretty good oh [ __ ] run in this game I like your I like your big like plush cat or whatever that is tached to you sword it's it's my tiger it's great that's really good I don't put anything else on my swords right I need to get a combat and I need to [ __ ] find where the chicken went I think it'
s still there in the [ __ ] melee down there oh he went all the way down what the [ __ ] oh God show up I don't know if I have a least favorite that I can remember they're so far for me um the barri off was a pain when when we first met the barrier feels a real [ __ ] and oh you know K yaku who's that [ __ ] Instagram K yaku Instagram K yaku you the one that does The Flash [Music] ohu I can't say I can't can yeah and then he runs off yeah the flash monster SI yaku that's itaku he's not hard to f
ight T um I forgot uh we're talking about favorite Monsters uh and it's in this game and it's one of the reasons I want to get back into it was um they added El latrium they really want to fight alatri oh yeah yeah oh I've heard I want to get Charizard like oh my God Jesus [ __ ] Christ I don't like head looks like a giant rotten tooth who's the monkey no oh uh hav't got that far yet I don't know in this he's the one in the PSP on used [ __ ] everywhere they added a different one it was more lik
e a limo giant lemur guy but they haded oh that was uh that was in like four as well I think yeah yeah he was the first one in four but they had with a seasonal upgrade to this game he suck yeah I can't remember his name i' eat some food got L stamina for that [ __ ] spider thing in it as well right spider Nilla whatever oh oh there you go I've got my answer Le favorite enemy to fight I I remembered it now kzu oh my God please everyone just please go away desp pick up that is not Pi a dong pod t
hat K is one of those uh one of those monsters that I think I spent like half an hour fighting it when it should have been like 5 minutes because it just kept [ __ ] off and then going standing in like an area that was unaccessible to be sleeping its Health back up again oh piss off you dick get down here game and trending on Steam is called sex College what yeah I saw that I appreciate that aul comes in the first thing he said in 10 minutes let SC down the top games and it's all it's like all p
orn games today which is a miracle cuz usually it's just four or three usually is four or three out the 10 I'm going only get three or four down before I run out of [ __ ] oh my God I have to stop no listen it's not easy being over 40 right that's I don't think do think not easy being a pervert or something I don't know where where do we [Music] go where do we go from it needs to die like please die still alive thing is like really holding on he's got a bomb on his head yeah he does boom out my
head ow my whole entire like being I don't know if you want to type at off of the solidarity brother after he's talking about he's running out of [ __ ] looking at the steam trending page morvo I don't know if you want to be doing that yeah at least by the game the energy to type brother give him some money just like getting up on the screenshots I can barely push the talk oh my God I said what I said [ __ ] die um I die on this hill says they did another Toby Maguire didn't they the KOB toachi
Toby Maguire uh Viper oh there he goes Li oh yeah actually think about it I did hate himing I hat him I ha because TR and TRS you could you could trap them mother yeah why are you dressed like big bird it's tempor man yeah a temper man running if you saw Big Bird right you turned around and big bird was just running at you at full speed with a big that'd be [ __ ] up Big Bird's really big I think I'd be more scared if it was like you know some like dumbass kid made a like five nights at Big Bird
's house that's a thing hopefully hopefully it's gone to sleep so I can set by its head sounds terrifying for [ __ ] sake what is Tom what is what is going for your head at all times I need to like someone needs to scientifically check I'm like I think it would be more scary I'm trying to think of the words I want to say you just say if it was lenx Lewis instead of Big Bird I [Music] mean what's the causality where's the link between the two we were literally talking about Big Bird though no LX
Lewis where hell did he come from that's what I'm saying he's a box link always if you turned around and l l is running I mean I get you understand what you're saying I'm just wondering where the [ __ ] it came from we talking about Big Bird oh [ __ ] well they're both large intimidating figures yeah yeah I guess I can't argue with that big bird and L lewi in the same bracket it says that sex plus which I assume means that some people got held back a few years I think the game name is is sex col
lege and then the emoji for no 18 which doesn't actually make any sense when you look at it oh yeah actually that's a good point much longer than I thought it would but I'll go fight go back to the main B five minutes you got enough time to load into another monster 18 what does that mean what it's just SE College 18's band I probably I say probably cheese I got the choice it will be a high rank um devil Joe cuz what we got at the moment cuz I'm not going to go fight a Savage one [Music] devil s
hould beit quicker might not have the time to get the full hunting but it should be fine who wears braces with a skirt what braces I mean you mean bracers D play bracers you know them things that go over your shoulders to hold up your TRS R oh do you mean suspenders glad you got that Rob yeah sure for sure I thought suspenders were like did I hor story only baby sleep in suspender skirts do exist tell the really horrible story that made me feel bad when went to um bloodstock one year and the uh
I heard it the group of people that were next to us kept for some reason just kept going D plan and then saying Taylor needs braces and we were like I don't know who that is but it was it was funny because we remember the Simpsons thing so we just started quoting it back and then one time when I went up to one of the drinks things or whatever we ran into Taylor and um she really needed braces and I felt really bad CU we've been basically shouting it over at their tent for like the entire [ __ ]
Festival that's [ __ ] up it was [ __ ] up I felt terrible I was like I don't know Taylor is but this is funny and we all were just doing it and they were doing it and then we ran into Taylor and she looked really angry she was not happy we it do I really no so hang on I see to see see I can grab an investigation for an investigation you say maybe she got bra she's thriving oh yeah no she had braces at the time so I'm sure I'm sure the work has been done she them now hers teeth are probably grea
t soad like all UK [ __ ] up oh you know I've been using like whitening toothpaste for about 20 years and it just doesn't work in the UK I don't know what it is in our water that makes our teeth all yellow it's the tea there's a devil J it's the te yeah faint one time though but I don't think we should faint not not a [ __ ] high rank we won't so it's just that one Joe I can't wait to meet devil Joe oh you like Devil Jo my name is devil Joe would you like aam I remember who devil Joe is how you
doing my name's devil Joe oh I've already got one here it's actually got a short time limit but no I'm sorry to hear about your horse there that got hit by a train I don't go Rec [ __ ] we'll do it in rotten Vil [ __ ] everyone's faite shut up Rob yeah we're um we got a bit of time to to go and have a look at devil Joe but I don't know if you have enough time to hunt him he's like a 20 minute 15 minute fight or something he is um is your character mul player no that is only a high rank one but h
e still is just a tanky boy he's not going to go down like yeah we'll see where the [ __ ] I love the big silly bat with the fur with the F the one that looks like it should be way like more adorable than it is and then you see it and you're like oh is like the um the Bond girl of this game like the big neck warmer thing where's my f Mr [Music] Bund quickly get to see the cooking area to kill you oh yeah no grandma Grandma all right we'll watch Grandma then Grandma holy [ __ ] there's going to b
e so much [ __ ] cat hair in this soup this is the grandma that I won't kill the only Grandma Tom won't kill they're so happy holy [ __ ] all this effort and they could have just filmed a real steak we don't get paid to film Real Stakes that meat was like falling off lid on when all the [ __ ] fell out falling off the [ __ ] bone man so this this whole area is about 10 minutes worth of Animation Loops that all sink into each other of cats making food it's very cool right though this game is unre
alistic thanks mate do you know what the stupid part is pastry what in order to make that delicious looking food we would have had to film delicious looking food anyway and then use that as reference yeah take 10 times longer you should just go the FMV route give your meat a good old rub just give your a good old rub nice actually being quite for Meer because well whenever somebody left their computer unlocked we would like replace all their wallpapers with anley Harriet nice nice it was called
getting aned and it it wasn't just us it actually because it was quite a small industry here that's permeated to other Studios now so you can get a in the tripa game uh scene there's no fall damage NOP there is oh oh no it's not really no you don't take any full damage it's um there are like things like that can hurt you and then knock you off a cliff or something but when you land you don't take the damage you just kind of like stumble long got to train the cats to cook for the FMV no you're no
t wrong go lizard go run that might be difficult so you're fighting an emergency pickle yeah go good go okay you're going to see why we call him the big danger oh you're in you're room the Sonic level my favorite Sonic level piss Zone yeah piss Zone there devil Joe is already like [ __ ] something up like him and basil goose are having fight Bas it's like aasil Goose he's not a pickle he's red no he's green with red red that's why he's a danger pickle pastry he's a big green like T-Rex but he's
got like red veins you don't eat red pickles that's bad oh he doesn't look green to I think this is not helping it no he's not but this is the quickest I had to get going let me give you a picture in admin chat of okay he doesn't more green right under the cathedral Forest yep Oh my Jesus Christ he my God would no oh [ __ ] Le the world he's already de he's so angry this what happened to us what no [ __ ] that guy that's this [ __ ] oh my God look at this scene I'm on fire Goose yeah I think thi
s area is just like dark and dimly lit so he looks a lot darker than he is oh oh I got blighted by dragons just knocked them out look it's good job you had that mantle on yeah that's why that's why I use that one and this why they activated this is a bad there a bad two monsters to be in the same room at the same time with yeah like these are the two worst cont just randomly hurting you oh you're safe now damn you knocked him on his ass and then he pooping a bunch of rocks on him he really he ki
nd of what the I hate when you turn around to buzzle go is just dive bobbing you it's it's awful boil Goose boil Goose boil Goose I saw the great Goose detective good Lord sir oh I missed [ __ ] woo I'm getting my [ __ ] kicked right in it was greatest criminal rat right in the legs oh God no it goes to show how big devil Joe is though that he makes basil goose look kind of small yeah although it's worth noting change size isn't it it's which is funny sometimes oh my Fell's got too many yeah his
face is so toofy [ __ ] [ __ ] Jenkins he's got um what's what's the name of that thing JS when you got like two many rows of teeth like a shk uh something donst I oh he's got me help I'm eating you know you're getting snacked on oh saved eating you like a Cheeto oh now got B I'm going to say it's probably like hyper donst or something because that would make sense hyperon yeah probably hypona that's what it's called don't look that up on Google Chat if you don't want nightmares if you have a t
ee thing I got to do that let's have a look it's where you have like multiple rows of teeth like a shark let me images oh oh yeah oh that's fun the gamut of emotion oh that oh that's fun that gu got too many too many teeth right I hate to cut you short Lynch you but [ __ ] out we're going to have to move on obviously yeah just going to continue have to keep us updated what Happ I got to finish this fight so when he's dead you can keep us going with a play by play what's happening with devil Joe
cuz it's in the Rob SE next so you don't need to watch that anyway um back actually a BRB all right let's switch over wouldn't you be best friends with your dentist if you had hyperd on to you maybe I guess you'd be like worth a lot of money to him you'd also be like interesting to him be pleased to know I'm getting my [ __ ] kicked in still the first time you go it's like hey hey dude is like yeah what was it regular Checker yeah check this outow all right Rob island of Rob what have you brough
t today so we got we've got options here do you want to see Redemption Arc SL stress or do you want to have some chill time I mean I got to be honest I think we need to chill because it's been quite stressful already or how about we leave it up to the chat oh yeah yeah it's not up to us what do you think CH I'm gonna run a very quick one minute poll robs game Choice question mark Redemption Arc SL stress or nice chill time it's going to be a very quick poll I say one minute it's at the top of yo
ur chat quick poll if you want vote along and see what you want him to do oh it's not looking good for you boy oh boy I can't vote cuz I'm getting my [ __ ] kicked in by a pickle is is six Ved six people to one currently for Redemption Arc stress what is me why do you always ask it's a very good point we we know over these years that chat just want the world to burn true true what happened uh we made a poll it's 89% or whatever stress out R so was you're going to have a bad time oh okay I'll als
o vote there we go I noticed it went up again the one all right there you go poll has ended 91% of people want to see a Redemption Arc from you Rob what does that mean I'm assuming we're getting back into the hiding Gun simulator well we're going to do two things we're firstly going to go back to bomber command do a successful run through there and then we're going for command and ER and see if I can undo the [ __ ] of the last two super the [ __ ] do you really think you can do better with B in
pickle in pickle news pinkle pinkle pickle is limping in pickle news might be my favorite new I never new I got on top of the pickle so he's now getting the big stab you're riding the pickle like um one of those like pool bananas yeah pool pool Bananas pool yeah I just briefly because it cut off I was like did you say poo bananas nope um okay so right Rob we don't have audio do you not it's really quiet it's just like cars and stuff no I'm not getting it bounc at all oh hang on have I unmuted m
yself on the the [ __ ] soundar I haven't there you go you just call it s uh yeah now we hear it I can't open the stream yet Rob so I apologize I will do that second news kicked in by a pickle so as you may not we are now on Longboat thei um oh my was that a memorial to the dead that last scene what I see this but also pickles so here's the crew um L thick it's okay you're getting the audio like um commentary May Noti there are made the fourth oh my God we've gone through some generations huh he
y me and you the tail of the plane got cut off and me and you just [ __ ] died in Avenues Pickle's dead the pickle is dead the pickle is dead everyone take that pickle you dick don't forget without any further Ado because we're going to have a lot of time actually let's just have a look at the aircraft there you go I've now put it in chasper um mermas no no it's almost April Merry Christmas Merry Christmas noas so we're closer to Summer than we are Christmas for [ __ ] sake look I lost about a m
onth and a half like Merry [ __ ] Christmas doesn't matter how how much you say it like that face tree is not going to come true I open the stream now why don't we celebrate the birth of me the say that we celebrate the birth of Christ she created Minecraft yeah I just don't get it need I need a second somehow especially when um I I literally live in the nose of the plane take off Tom yeah you've done well bir shall me in the forest pastry has died as much as the the person who comically dies ev
ery time is in a plane list it's not my fault that Captain Rob decides to flip the plane when I'm instantly broken come on rob you said this is going to be a Redemption quick you move look look I'm very fast R look how quickly you can get to the wing of the plane die on the plane I put past three on the wing of the plane at one point but Tom had learned to do an emergency dive and I was like oh I wonder how that works and just see past you go oh [ __ ] that tracks so now you've uh now you've cle
arly had some time on this uh Rob how uh yes I have enjoying this I assume enough to be playing it but it's good like it's it's one of those games that you can you can do for like 5 minutes do a mission or or something like that and then just leave it yeah it's it's been a nice kind of like speaking of the antithesis of that game oh yeah you'll be happy that you can do boosts and stuff now I've unlocked that with pastry yeah speaking of the antithesis of that game I've been been figuring about g
etting back into stardew Valley because that 1.6 patch came out I've never that today you know actually isn't that eight player now yep and we had this conversation before which was I spoke about playing this in Co-op once for a thought thing and Rob went twe we [ __ ] and then said no um so I say TW we sh Mr farmson himself said no Valley did he is that what he did do you want to know the funny thing as well the other option was Farming Simulator you complet prick oh hey pastry I'm just saying
you you're missing the chance to see the row of dogs I purchased for you you got a row of dogs what does that mean row of dogs I bought a row of dogs and the best in thee or are you talking about Farming Simulator farm simulator okay okay right I get it Rob why did you make me the pilot when one of my top clips is me crashing into a rock of my own Val hey you're what the word gas tank is gank gank who is Gast um where did that come up Ace Combat oh there's Ace pilot in the area called gank no th
ere was gas tank what oh my God I was just think bail on this conversation has gone wrong it's gone bad the pickles gone bad Bale I was playing Ace Combat the pickles and bits in my bag I was playing Ace Combat and I saw this thing and I was like what the hell who the hell is gank and then every gas tank makes space makes it sound like you're really unhinged lych you just cut up a pickle into bits and put it in your bag oh go work lynchy [ __ ] nail that fire yeah pickle in a bit the pickle and
put in the pocket let's gock Ackle actually I've got I'm just going quickly make a weapon with some stuff I got from the pickle pickle pocket pickles be like a wobbly long sword hey the uh you went through like some some planes you fought some planes and we weren't on fire afterwards I'm impressed see see it's get better now def definite Improvement has happened everyone is I'm almost dead I will admit that that is problematic me I don't like that hop in open the door he's achieved something by
this point which is impressive because I'm pretty sure we just flew around in circles for about 20 minutes last time that is true I think but he was learning the ropes that [Music] time your pro your progress is observable less thick I put Lynch's weapon business in admin problem those TW more B you hit him rob you TW Pickles Gap whap Shack Pickles Gap weapon Shack that's where uh where Rob buys his illegal guns from not illegal they were and maybe still are I don't know it's also way he buys hi
s Tren I'm pretty healed now you can probably get me back on gun oh yeah yeah I don't know why people buy guns in how slow you move it's cuz you got so much armor on the gun store I'm glad for the uhoh this ain't looking so hot mate are we about to all i p might need to get onto the old wing of the for [ __ ] sake wing of the plane again actually maybe you want to open the Bombay doors so that we actually get some fresh air in here and don't ination can you die they're not mumbay doors they're M
umbai doors is is p Just refusing to move yeah P just refusing to move yeah I was busy okay I'll go now Jesus don't I'm too busy just stop the being fire out here please you don't listen to those guys you take your time it's really hot ow okay see I'm only I'm only in danger when the plane goes into a no I'm about to die die I don't want to die if all the that fell off just let me know if you want me to do bar don't let me die I'm going to be dead because I'm no of the plane I'm ding I'm I have
a pretty easy job here me which is right P I'll go fix that in there oh fine the first time a saved me we getting shot Rob at one point yeah we seem to be like really in the like line of fire oh we're good we're good we need to heal though should I do evasive maneuvers do a barel roll oh are they both hurt I'm not sure cu the the whole the whole ship the whole plane is on in in bad condition I don't want to do a bar roll it might just fall no I think you were right with ship cuz in a minute it'l
l be in the sea so oh yeah still [ __ ] ship you call it a ship oh no what happened to him he got shot through one start going down get me out of the nose if we don't Dodge anything we're going to are we just letting him we just letting him die oh God I'm healing up I'm taking damage right pastry just gives a boost and a [ __ ] thing why am I boost it that's got to be one of the worst ways to heal up just sat on the uh the doctor's bed getting peppered by bullets it's not ideal it's like my Heal
th's technically going up but it's going down at the same rate help me every time they plug up a bullet hole a new one CH on the floor help me sorry Chine there more important business to deal with we're not being shot now no [ __ ] engine maybe you're far enough away from the enemies now at this point name we're probably going to go 's nearly dead right oh I'm actually pretty healthy now go get something fell off the the plane I don't know what that was but fell off oh no take your time Mom hey
I've got a lot of armor on which apparently is doing nothing for me cuz I get peppered with bullets oh okay get that main four and go heal we can't all be uh wearing Christmas jumpers around quick like you p [Laughter] through oh boy oh God yo uh I can that's kind of cool you can see a lot of the inside from the outside I like it yeah yeah it's like it's like you know when people buy like um get out on that Wing when people buy like transparent game controllers so you can see all the insides it
's bit like that oh yeah yeah 2000 transparent plastic everything yeah oh one of those engines is just gone is it a lot of that Wing is gone I think at this oh [ __ ] it's because I need to do Recon photos I I was just like oh yeah we can go home now no it's just sending us back and forth all the holes in the wings reduce wind resistance so we go faster yeah wind so I assume uh mostly downwards but we go faster I assume ships like this Rob as you would say in your line of work um well I sure I'm
sitting out here are they like a one time thing do you like disposable fuel what yeah just yeah just use them once and then you throw them away yeah that's it we need a lot more fuel to that okay you there a very famous study into [Music] um the famous study school of thought that when uh when they used to patch up the wings because they were coming back that was thing I need to get a of great would put armor on the wings and stuff and make them really strong but what they didn't realize is tha
t the reason the planes weren't coming back with holes in the body is because they were just going down so they should have put armor on the body and not the wings they stupid it's like Survivor bias or whatever it's called that's not good did we all just die no not yet oh we're probably in trouble return to base we've got the thing take return to base are they going to leave us alone as I feel like it's going to be like Indiana Jones 3 when the dad shoots up the back of his own plane uh why doe
s pastry have an exclamation mark Cuz P saying there's there's not a lot of fuel left um she's startled oh no it's because the fuel Tank's leaking it's cuz the fuel Tank's leaking P me get out the wig I mean there not a lot of fuel left the makes perfect sense you're safeer out there pastry cuz we're all in here getting shot yeah that's true honestly at this point being out on the wing and being inside the ship is kind of the same thing she got I guess as long as you don't do a triple S cow with
the [ __ ] ship I mean we we're likely to fall through one of the many holes in the top of the plane if he does that anyway so this planes are convertible now and I accept that we need more fuel we've only got four minutes of fuel pastry use lean use lean well four minutes is more than zero calm the [ __ ] down yeah it's like a Camaro plane it's like a car it says for minutes but what they mean is probably like more if you're running on fumes right I love how it flashes red anywhere there's a s
evere damage well at least Christmas theme sort of kicking into yeah kids are going to be looking up in the sky and being like is that Center had a very shiny hole if you ever oh my god oh hang on oh God if we lost that if we lost the wrong uh engines we might not have any landing gear have landing gear yeah five minutes of fuel look at this we're doing fine exactly yeah that's one more now In fairness although that was like a difficult Mission you've come back in better shape than before and yo
u've come back in better shape than before what we haven't landed yet yeah we have got we before we left definitely not we're all half dead and I died twice um I think no you died died once died once fly lower to the ground cuz that would make me feel better why are we turning so much CU logic is coming in for a landing trajectory and I think he hasn't got a Rudder on one side oh my he's just you know free wheeling he's swinging it he's Landing free ball free balling Let It All Hang Out free bal
ling D guys we've taken a lot of damage it's unod I'm sure it be why would you come in like this for a landing when you could just fly lower and then if you crash it's like less he you're the professional pilot I think the idea navigation was flawless I think the idea Tom is you don't come in lower so that if you crash it won't be as bad I think the idea is you don't crash when you [Music] land you all survive that's how it's done sandre says landing gear is for amateurs and no fuel just means y
ou won't blow up when you crash land it's all good that was the other time that me and mom died when the we had no Landing GE the [ __ ] just tail just got crushed oh no was real real bad look I'm going to say that it is disingenuous to call that plane when it goes out for another mission Longboat three I don't know what happened to the original there's no way that's the same plane by the time you repair it 95% played yeah he did he was MIA wasn't he yeah oh no he died I failed the I failed the
mini game all right rob you did it that's a Redemption Arc now I heard the other the other part of this Redemption Arc is apparently yeah yeah yeah it is yeah right I've got more ice cream what s of ice [ __ ] rough uh cre is that our grave yes it's your grave creeg a very shiny nose oh cream like ice cream is the [ __ ] it is that's probably e again guys do you all like cheese self control yeah I love cheesecake yeah so good I got to be honest good cheesecake as as this I'm not sure there's act
ually chees in cheesecake as our friendship over the years has taught me anything pastry I don't know if our cheesecake is anything like your cheesecake it might well be oh for [ __ ] sake what have you people done to it well no it might just be like what have you people done it yeah it might just be different like less sugary or I don't know what no the one I had buty bis straight out of the Cheesecake Factory and it was so [ __ ] good cheesecake actually cheesecakes like they put must put like
you know chemicals in or something to make it taste like good it's smother in MSG one the is delicious it is it is all right can you hear any audio I hear audio but I heard a lot of window sounds yeah a space knowledge they not picking up we have the reverse problem from last time audio is fine but video it's missing it's just friends in a book Bas like the biscuit base like the buty biscuit base you might have to do um a window capture instead maybe game capture yeah yeah Friends book error it
just died that [ __ ] noise is like PTSD it's [Laughter] [ __ ] right well we wait for Rob to uh fix his [ __ ] I'm just going to start my uh continued playthrough of the forest Cathedral and we're out I'm out out again change my mind right this [ __ ] over the art was ludicrous I wasn't ready for it when I Googled it I wasn't ready for that and the thing is like if you look at the steam like little thumbnail mate window I'm having to do a window capture okay yeah like I'm going to just going t
o post this like when I installed it or whatever this is this is what I saw I'm going to put this in why is it now not oh yeah oh it's working ignore the other thing on just what's this gen tool it's it's the the patch that Tom gave to make it not play Like Us it actually has like wide screen now look at look at how innocuous that looks Thea in admin CH that's what I saw when I really [ __ ] does compared to the version you found I I Googled it I she the the Xbox image that's like the Xbox game
box right so it's really like Trojan Horse me [ __ ] up all right easy Army easy Army medium hard one hard army [ __ ] you you saw what medium was stretch out and War me like a hat right wait put your starting Casher have you tried not being so stretchy I'm I'm going to I'm not going to be stretchy this time going to here we go nope you know one still sets medium right y i do we can do this look at this guy I kind of want that as the thumbnail I love him his little gun all right we build a m str
aight off the bat I like it how we doing Rob we going to win this time you know it you know it where where are we on the map he's got a he's got 10 minutes on his timer but we'll see how things are go and Jo when we get there where's the [ __ ] Supply dere it ready Bas is under attack Bas is under attack have better control of this now which is good cuz before it was like oh here's a 6x4 game and enjoy your 16,000 DPI Mouse the mod um that you gave me actually changes the the control like the mo
use control and everything it very modern modernizes it a bit yeah yeah there's basically every single one of those games in that pack has got some kind of community mod behind it I mean I think that's just getting increasingly more likely to be a thing in general right older games and windows like stop and support for older operating systems and then newer operating systems [ __ ] up with the games and stuff yeah with this stuff they basically went oh we've got a game that's sort of functional
on Modern os's after Windows 7 so here you go but they didn't actually do anything to fix it and that's what the community does it's like um direct X versions and things like the second you're off your expected direct X version you're [ __ ] yeah and isn't it interesting that we've just got direct X12 now which now supports R Racing but really there hasn't been anything since then and it was for a long time 11 i' got to be honest I hate this generation of directex I hate direct de 12 because dir
ect X2 is like every [ __ ] game that comes out is just Shad of stutter Yu it's horrible oh I have this problem as as a developer DirectX 12 has been a nightmare because I've had to develop in 11 to eventually transition over to 12 and what that's meant is that whenever we went over to 12 and it was like right we're no longer supporting 11 it was like well everything's [ __ ] and now I can't do anything so we need direct x13 to come along and be like no more Shader St or we just need to give up
and use Vulcan oh yeah that too but Vulcan also has Shad of issues support Vulcan it does but it's very early and it's getting better all those bombs well what we really need is every game to have that option like um Street Fighter head where it was like would you like to preach all your shaders on boot but yes yes which um why is that not the default yeah like a dragon does that now um which I felt like it didn't do the first time I run it but now every time I run it it does a preach probably g
ot complaints and I love the lady down there she's like are you [ __ ] serious steam steam out of their preash gu just look at it wrong I think I think they probably put pre-caching in but it wasn't on until steam added the like preash thing and it was like oh yeah this game supports that if folks missed it by the way bad news for Tom with like TR oh yeah I guess nobody knows really I tried to play like a dragon yesterday isues and I was like oh oh it turns out when that game first came out ther
e was a problem so I disable Cloud save so I don't have my save anymore oh he doesn't have his like 40 hour save on like a dragon anymore yeah i' got I got to replay that this way you can catch up to where I was woof H well a lot of that is just you know pausing to read in the slow voices you can do it yeah you know what like there's several hours of cut scenes I can skip you should just play along with your BS at the same time that's not a bad idea cuz like you you gave me the idea of using a t
rainer and I was like that's all good but I don't know which quests I've done yeah right I'd be like that was my thought was like maybe you could find a trainer where it's like uh pick up Quest press button complete Quest yeah that'd be nice scour the vods rob you haven't been attacked once yet what is this horeshit did you pick the same difficulty in the end mhm no he he changed them from medium to easy for two of them but left one of them on medium yeah the location robs in is different which
means he's probably like the guy in the south is getting absolutely F proba guy getting red there's an easy mode guy in the bottom going what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] I hate this Rob the people voted for a stressful game there's still time oh wait you got enough money to build um very sad lady that's a good oh not sad lady I am wait yeah I waiting for Save sad lady next Black lus is she a sad she's just disappointed I don't know she's like black and white as well it's like she she's having like
a CP a tone like moment well she looks like a a yeah little bike do you have to have like a requirement Building B oh the propaganda Center she looks like the bad part of like the the early part of a life insurance commercial the early part of a life insurance go yeah you know the first bit where it's like oh sorry yeah you don't get anything your wife died sorry she didn't have life insurance but then it's all like sunny and bloomy and it's like but you covered yourself Sun Life Assurance Ther
e's Hope sunlight you die you get money I mean when you die you get money a very yay I feel like there's a lot of Our Generation a lot of our like sort of childless homeless like unable to find any real footing in society generation that is going to be completely off that that chart it's like with our over 50 plan you can give all the money to your relatives I don't [ __ ] care about doing that [ __ ] off I don't need to do that I want you to use all of my money as fuel when you burn me at the s
ide of the road all like all like 20 of it is in my savings [ __ ] me up with it bury me like a pharaoh with just my wallet and nothing else what is life when I die you'll inherit my debts enjoy that's basically it you phone one those companies like it turns out you're the only living relative at blah blah blah and you've inherited their student debt yeah the government's talking about being scared about a windfall in our generation cuz people are starting to die now and inherit houses and thing
s like that and it's like nah talking about being scared of a windfall like like a good it will yeah it will destabilize the economy CU it's it's like 1.8 trillion pound as if the [ __ ] economy is not [ __ ] [ __ ] off government you bunch of wankers let have What fault is this let's have something you [ __ ] I don't really care I wouldn't with here when that happens so there you go it's true you'll be uh you'll be busy working 20 hour days and drinking beer in like the side of an alley no I'll
be I'll be working eight hour days from home fully remotely what does she do why she got a button as just cash money so she can hack um other people's buildings and she can also capture buildings oh so she's like a fancy engineer yeah she's like a remote engineer uh yeah we don't really have engine in this game so she's the equivalent so she just does I guess that's that's what the mic is about she's like oh hey you got you want to like send me some money big big money money big money they've b
een captured by purple who the [ __ ] not for long she calls the like older people in the other team's military and there's another unit moving above her you might want to go and look yeah she's like do you want to buy a a bonds she pretends to be the IRS in even she's dead the IRS is she got 1,800 you just that woman to die she alive she was alive for like two seconds Rob that was your ticket best M I was busy busy are you [ __ ] serious what those guys nerds what did you bu they're all NS they
're hackers NDS heck the planet heck the planet heck the planet you built the Nerds from um X Files yeah craft more nerds oh the guys that run the look this look at this having a base that like you can defend incredible what are they what are the xfiles nodes called they have like a sideshow oh they do they did have a sideshow what the [ __ ] were that were they uh [ __ ] are you doing [ __ ] get away from my stuff is it like grape juice what's he doing so so the lone gunman that's the GDA and t
hey have um like chemical weapon launchers and stuff he's shooting that turret F all the guys inside are drinking all the grape juice like oh God there's too much grape juice the one well they two spinners they the long gun the you got like five minutes was great really well officially you're you're done but I'm giving you another five minutes to do something I appreciate that thank you I'm building some Mammoth tanks we going to go for a drive this the only thing when we got all of us here if w
e if you start getting into something it's like well time's over move on these hackers can in the corner and they basically just I don't know trade crypto or something I don't know and they uh wow look at all the money they're making they set up their um they're like shitty little open top CPU like uh well computer things or whatever with all gpus in them tank extra I thought that was two tanks no that's one tank no I realized it was one tank remember when we played Renegade X as a demo oh my Go
d that's a week ago and I feel like I have like War scars from we we somehow got into like a 2hour long match that we couldn't leave that we felt bad about leaving it like commanders and there was tactics and there was a language we had to learn like the NATO alphabet we had to learn like at some point I remember we went in and I was like oh I'm going to be like a sniper I'm going to be like a rocket launcher this would be fun and then about an hour in I was like I'm just standing behind this ta
nk repairing it forever I've become like a tank S I hate this why am I doing this rockets and bar storm long Y and then they did that thing where they said people nonstop into into tunnels or whatever and kept putting nukes in just kept nuking our base over it's like thousands of nukes thousands if anyone wonders what we're talking about about it was a uh an unreal free remake of command conquer Renegade made by fans that was surprisingly competent remind me a lot of Planet Side if you ever play
ed that yeah but imagine Planet Side if the map was like one tile yeah instead of fight instead of like 200 100 tiles whatever yeah it was one tile and there was 64 people in that one tile a or take the money take the money where do they plug laptops in said where do they plug their laptops in they've got really good batteries um you say in a wall patri around in the middle of the desert top of the map desert wall desert wall here we go right Rob what I want to see okay seeing as you've got like
a couple of minutes left is take these Mammoth tanks and your units or whatever and go find the other dude's base okay I'm going to leave what you got to do rob you got to get your rad show you some you need to get your cyber guys to tell your shitty offcut tanks oner will buy them hey buy them and then you can blow them up okay they're like better start building some [ __ ] oh they got a tractor look at that that's cute n your Bas the tractor to the GDA have that kind of Weaponry I've got one
because it it scanned Rob's play last time and so that was good tactics oh [ __ ] he's bu migs oh yeah let's go more nerds steal that money sell that tat on was so Rob tell us tell us what between now and last time you played did you like play a bunch of this to practice uh I played like three games of it cuz to be honest it just kept crashing whenever I tabbed out of it when I had like calls and stuff so um I yeah I played a little bit of it I just re familiarized myself with the basic controls
that made that helped a lot um yeah imagine it would those those two forward they might want to come back the forward Scout no it's fine up though they're Cannon go go go go fight that fight that I even know they're going to count as Cannon F I think they're just going to instantly die oh oh that poor dude had no [ __ ] chance bro repow no problems that a waste all right well this turret's going going down in like 2 seconds as soon as these tanks get in the rain there you go okay well that's so
mething oh you got some Stars just blow up their uh yeah weapons Factory that'll get it done oh yeah yeah yeah oh they're going to hate that I take out the barracks oh there's another weapons Factory though they got they got redundancy I mean your tanks are just yeah they're they're viting everything here they're Mammoth tanks it's cuz they're like worth like three grand each as well they should be I guess mhm get the other weapons this one no the uh the vehicle one yeah yeah and he just can't b
uild [ __ ] oh uh I I don't think that's the the vehicle one is it not I think that's the information center the one on the left either way can just die that one that's their base their actual base oh [ __ ] blow that I'll take that down is it a terrible place oh these things are op uh I think it's cuz I hadn't got oh [ __ ] they sending two men you're in trouble uhoh oh you can parad drop tanks now yeah what the [ __ ] happened the [ __ ] I think they're readying up for a problem might be in tr
ouble buddy the the medium Army obviously what why more tanks why you're building a couple of tanks and other [ __ ] they're building like five tanks I think you just found the depot for we by any [Music] take out all of their buildings but only a power plant okay leave them with only a power plant because that way they still technically are in the game and they'll either sell themselves and leave or they'll just stay there and be a distraction do you get anything for destroying them com
pletely am is you get points at the end oh a good idea just leave them in order to keep oh yeah there they go they just sold it themselves yeah okay they're going to sell it get troops and try and fight M go deal with this go and deal with this [ __ ] [ __ ] all right this will be the last thing then where's my where's my You' got enough money you could probably build some more tanks as well yeah we're going to need as many going to build is a nuke okay they take a while to charge what about whe
re are your bigs do you have bigs oh yeah I have my I have migs MS m mi mi M where are you no they never got built what the uh no they're down a bit Oh that's oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Ms press like control two or something and turn them into a group uh point I'm sure none of these guys have missiles that will take out your migs uhoh well oh those guys are just a trail mean you're taking over all that [ __ ] over here not going to be happy about what the [ __ ] my nerds they got over to your n
erds around all of your i t the whole brick to an Empire Dracula flow Dracula flow I'm him I've always been him I will continue to be him all right Rob how long does this nuke take to charge I think this should be the this will be the last thing you can do CU I've given you an extra 10 minutes at this got a super weapon as well we have to pull the plug evance see angs my nerds wow they really one of those guys just sat up there would have saved all your nerds I guess mhm live do a lot of damage
to nerds but virtually no damage to buildings huh mhm that's the one okay Rob how you going to do this right just I'm just that two take that so much money have you even looked at the other base I wonder if this is going to kick him into action by the way no I think they're getting screwed by the guys on the right no I mean he's destroying the guys on the right oil d one of us going to make him come after I think I think the blue guys are getting [ __ ] by the purples so that's why they haven't
done very much oh no their tanks like peed themselves when they died it's terrible TXS what crypto what coin are they investing in uh Doge coin oh okay good seal coin pastry's new crypto no egg coin are you sending him some backup all right after this there's going to be a lodge of coma so get your stuff ready I guess Tom we'll see what happens with this SC storm oh my has been loaded in the background ever since and it's barely functional so we'll see how that goes what we like to he oh hang on
can you can you get in there and capture the scud storm how how in love of [ __ ] is she going to get in there and capture that should be fine should be fine she be fine she be fine what did happen it just landed in the wrong place it landed on a on a on a rock instead and just died oh [Music] [ __ ] just [ __ ] it up they for some reason are not moving to combat this attack they're like no we just we're like decoration Army here's some grape juice [ __ ] God imagine having like a grape juice C
annon right defend her at all costs she's not getting defend what you about he's went I wonder if she I wonder if he could I wonder if she could live and then click the building she's 100% dead she's running into enemy fire she's a and There She Goes she's dead she got run over you know what I got to say fight valiantly I think your Mammoth tanks took out like one of those that was all right yeah and they just rebuilt all the stuff you blew up so uh enjoy that yeah well we're going to have to le
ave it there actually no we won't never mind oh cuz if we wait 40 seconds I can see what he's going to get get hit by [Laughter] a why are you killing all my DS a they hate Krypto that's pastries Army no I was willing to believe that you could win this you seal coin you son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] you here we go 14 seconds on the scud missile I don't want this I just need to spread everything out scared I mean there's a chance they might not fire it go over there uh yeah it'll be fine same no it's go
ne it's out they fired it instantly where's it gone where's it G it's good or is bad H uh that's perf did they did they fire it at the other team oh no hang on oh that's a lot of dead friends you know what that actually could have been a lot worse where's Myer Digger go and fix the place where the mammoth things come from they almost took out that war Factory they did oh God damn it I kept saying like we got to Port the plug but now he's like a minute away from his nuke I just want to see the nu
ke go off and see how much [ __ ] damage go off here yes please nuke that will be the official I don't mind Jesus Christ you're like choby over here in your base where's the [ __ ] artillery where's that I fired that ages ago a good point actually you fir the new like yeah we're nice you good they'll just build those up again it's kind of [ __ ] up how much like ranged non like danger Weaponry you guys have what seconds Rob y send all your tanks in and then fire I have a MIG left no I have no Mi
g left clicked on a building and they all got exploded you asked me to tanks there and don't blow up this time all right here we go two one all right let's finish this segment with a bang holy [ __ ] oh yeah yeah that'll do that's their crypto that's why they're running one of those phon crypto oh my god oh yeah Jesus and now it's shoby over here no crypto for you well that'll that'll do it that'll get the job done and I think that'll do it as well at the same time thanks so have I won my uh my
I mean you're not like dead by the end of it which is a hell of an improvement from last time I can't say the same necessarily about the plane in the previous game like we did live but at what cost hey hey everyone was healthy that's all the matter right Let's uh let's switch over from Rob likewise I can't stop broadcasting or anything like that I will finish this game I can't Tab out or it'll crash Sor right I I've just turned your cam and stuff off that's fine let's move you over to here and t
hen a lar of coma you are next what have you got in store for us I got a zombie [Music] game oh do you yeah oh literal zombie game oh yeah zombie goodby the game that they called Zombie U because it was on the Wii U and then just brought it out elsewhere and just called it zombie I haven't played this on PC ever so I don't know what I'm doing but it's a little dated so that is true and do we have audio you play I don't know that we do okay this is the bit I was worried about I don't hear anythin
g yet I am sending it from OBS but I I don't know if well I feel like I'm picking it up right so you you have to set whatever you're using as your mic on OBS to monitor right as your output what's really cool is on the twitch page if you click the mic drop down it goes off the bottom of the page and you can't do anything about that huh but if I go up here yeah voic meter out B3 is correct that's what I'm sending out on the virtual camera and that's what's coming in from the microphone settings o
n Twitch are you muted the little mute button mic nope it is coming out from OBS and I am not muted on uh have you done that thing sometimes we need to go into right click or whatever and like change it to monitor on and monitor off again that's the thing it's been a while since we've done that but never know how's that oh this cut stor has been launched again oh God also is it just me was a capture weird on this there's like Schmutz on the bottom yeah don't worry about that for now that's that'
s deal with the audio issue oh God I don't know if you're using the same setup as what I use with the the OBS virtual webcam so I might not be able to help Tech wise which is why I used to try and gu to do that using the same setting in which case you might need to restart it then if it's not picking it up but you should just have whatever cable you're using set as your in audio settings on OBS set as your um monitoring device and then it should change the game audio Source or whatever in your m
ixer to monitor an output that should work it's going to vio3 which is B3 and I've set the microphone on Twitch to be B3 so maybe try um try close the OBS and reopen it again just see if uh some funny business happened that's the only other thing I can think of um the fix the issue I was having I to I deleted the um the audio capture like the actual thing itself and just made a new one and that seemed to fix it okay that's how like CU mine wasn't working for weeks even with resets and but I actu
ally deleted that game audio and re added it and the audio capture all together and I'll just set the desktop audio to go like I normally do do that this camera's filthy and then set this to be that and then do that is that working no proba adding the audio back now you deleted it worst case scenario if you can't get it working for some reason I'll just put Ry free zombie music on in how about no no audio no sadly not all right rob you got any ideas I'm I'm I'm busy trying to take down a scut st
orm in the moment pace for [ __ ] sake come on Tech Squad Tech hey you're half a tech Squad you can figure that [ __ ] out s have you tried making manual sound effects with your mouth it's like the blind leading the [Music] blind hey I am still the IT person at work Mom that's don't don't depress me all right let's have a look genuine just looking up ryf free zombie music is it audio imput capture make crypto um uh it's application to application audio capture beta is the one you're looking for
beta is all in big goo caps with parentheses around it you CH the G audio oh I've never used that before you're you've been supposed to use that from the very beginning well I don't think it's working now all right Tom I'm going to put on some Roy free zombie music The Show Must Go On The Show Must Go On it's annoying though it is but if we everything try andex it now not working will be cutting into I will help you just as soon as I'm done eating this string cheese helpful oh I died immediately
all right let's why don't I just set the microphone to be that in instead and how about that it's whatever you're sending for on stream together basically if if it's rooted through it should work but if it's not then you could try change your mic to like stereo mix or something maybe if you have that I see I'm monitoring it but it's not putting it out to B3 because of reasons so you have it just to double check you have in your options set up a monitoring audio device to that right yeah yeah I
have yeah it should work so but it won't it's not going out to that just going to put some screenshots in the chat screen just okay I got to change it then I'm should be like that going to change it to Matrix to bear with us chat in fact let me put uh put some elevator music on Just flick back to the [ __ ] show I'm now killing a scud storm yeah just everybody bear with us as we try and solve this Tech issue as I play you let's lovely the MCA free elimated [Music] music if we can't fix it I'll j
ust make sound effects for you that'll be like slightly delayed yeah yes I a yes we have audio [ __ ] instead of doing all the OBS [ __ ] I just sent my normal audio out the only reason why we don't normally do that is so we don't end up with like R situation where we get all this [ __ ] teams and notifications and windows noises but now that will do that do but the bottom of your screen is like weird yes that's because I'm in mode and borderless gaming will not pick this up let's see oh that's
where your taskar is okay yeah there a bit top this game called Zombie I remember playing this game as survival mode you are dead Play Time 23 seconds just now say what I remember was vividly is um playing a demo and I remember we were playing it and the guy is watching us and um I had a a cricket bat and a zombie was coming up a ladder and as the guy was saying cuz like don't use a cricket bat I'd already hit the button to use a cricket bat and the zombie had like explosives on its head or like
on its back so I use a quick bat and there was explosions um all I remember of this game is that there is a um like whole mean mechanic where if you die then you're still like alive sort of on the map and you can go and find your old you can go and find your old zombie body and then yeah um kill them get all you're stuck St that like zomboid yeah yeah yeah but it kind of sucks as you playing a core character you like and then you die and end up with like Grandma it's very zombo dis voides in th
at sense I don't actually remember which one did it first to be honest I don't know if this came before Z boid or not I zombo's been around for quite a while but this was a Wii U game yeah this was a Wii U game so it would have been like 20 13 or something when it launched yeah this game more it let you skip any of the in ship but also right do you know any other game where changing from full screen to window requires you to Res start of the game no very few games and honestly I don't even like
cheaply badly made indie games that the very least can handle that much normally so that's that's worrying someone read oh okay uh use left stick to move and right stick to look there you go I don't know how to play this game and I don't remember it so I'm going do my best I think yep yeah yeah John zombie and wow you must escape the zombies you have to climb the ladder and become a duck it's very dark oh this is a mistake why do we do this now you're dead you broke both your ankles no I landed
in some poop oh e i you landed on like someone's sleeping bag okay loot oh go good [ __ ] tutorial Zombie U came out in 2012 project zomboid pre-alpha was a 2011 so simultaneous maybe I mean that was like you know in the the like prime time of zombie gaming when every game was like zombie gaming it closing here like this is this I got torch do you have a forever Tor you even have these bodies here no like in the first area the first bit of the game if they're all going to be empty climb on piss
me off I guess was this always first person I feel like it was third person yeah it's always first person person yeah although the Wii U version obviously like you had um touchpad bollocks as well you could do is there not a Sprint that was an intro scene oh my project zombo was in pre-alpha in 2011 this came out in 2012 I say I don't know if uh I assume this would have been in like production for at least a year so several yeah but then you know they keep a lot of that stuff under wrap so who k
nows who knows what do you mean flat screen TV speakers actually that's I like that they actually put in the brackets though small dynamic range because I appreciate that oh subtitles display there we go there we go now honestly there is not enough games the game sp there are not enough games that have um small dynamic range as an option it's basically where like there are too many games where it's like everyone talks really quietly but the gunshots sound like someone's in my shooting me in the
head of a gun oh I wish like TV shows had that cuz card it's a [ __ ] or something yeah like it be like a Walking Dead episode and they're whispering to each other or something be like what they [ __ ] saying oh no God please am I controller for this okay look at that map I'm getting dizzy can I just who the [ __ ] is talking to us can I just say by the way uh no offense to anyone in the chat who disagrees but if you look at a map like that when it's spinning around in that's your preferred way
to use a map I don't understand how your brain works you're a psychopath no offense yeah all maps should be fixed North I don't understand why anyone wouldn't use map fix North that's just how a map should be I think psychopath psychopath a Bad [Music] Name the psychopath psychopath bug oh I told me there a bug bag but I was sleeping yeah how much your wine you got left made this this an English game it's set in England I know that much they got Cricket bets they got Cricket bets [ __ ] Union Ja
cks exploding zombie with a cricket B and you're [ __ ] die let's have a look sh bag uh developer was Ubisoft melier uh straight right and Ubisoft Romania oh straight right or Australian and monel obviously France wait is that mine like green thing do I need that know so out of the developers according to that none of them are like based in the UK but it doesn't mean they don't have UK developers on the team oh yes I need the key card to get in there I guess I have to to find the key card it's p
robably what key card to get in there find it on your psychopath spinning map is there an option to make that fixed maybe is that blood on the floor or red carpet can't tell red car maybe it's both now might be a good time to try out your radar now it might be a good time to try right you ready to there's a [ __ ] British flag right there in a cricket told you slightly to the left a slightly to the left as a Union Jack as well pastri is very British Jack himself travel train that CH that thing t
here you [ __ ] you [ __ ] killed Bob where we coming from hit a zombie a cricket bat who's got explosives attached to them I've got an Uncle Bob actually as it turns out [ __ ] [ __ ] SL small world isn't it small world what do you mean why can't I use up and down why is it right right what the does up do something if you press up to guys were there any other games on the were there what sorry were there any other games on the Wii U yeah Wii U had a reasonable library four had like Mario Kart 8
had Captain Toad tracker breath of the Wild Wind Waker HD was on the Wii U there was a decent amount of games on the Wii U it's just it was all first party stuff wasn't breath of the wild just kind of like kind of on the Wii U yeah well it was made for the Wii U and then it was also brought out on the switch at the same time but it was developed on they did the same thing with um Twilight Princess to sell Wii units Donkey Kong TR freeze I think was a Wii U game from memory [ __ ] Donkey Kong [ 
__ ] Donkey Kong both the NES Remix games which I really enjoy I don't know how to Splatoon was a Wii U game actually as well wasn't it originally in the like I say Wii U was a weird one because it had like it decent games um but they were all just like Nintendo's games I was one of those Boomers who for the first like year or two of its existence I was like is this just an add-on for the Wii what the [ __ ] is this you were part of the problem that was why it went yeah well name your console be
tter D definitely not Nintendo's fault it was definitely you no it was a really dumb name for it let's be honest and I hope they don't do something stupid with the next console I hope it's just the switch 2 cuz yeah people will understand that the switch also they better not make it like switch blue BL plus yeah would be like what does that mean hyen switch the switch switch it up and switch uh wait am I am I crazy or is there no gunshots yeah I don't know it's still quiet hear everything else b
ut everything is this are you supposed to have wait are you supposed to have a controller that makes the sounds no you might oh I wonder if you're on like surround sound I no wait it's flat screen well no like the the Wii and all those silly consoles had like sound come out of the contr because they wouldn't they wouldn't do it for the PC version I don't think well is clearly up I mean yeah I agree but I don't know what it is okay I've got a scanner some I think it's less likely that they left i
t as like controller sounds and more likely that it's broken and no one fixed it do you have a camera that told you that was a door look I've got I've got my Wii U contr so this is the sort of [ __ ] that they would expect you to do on the Wii U gam pad while the game was still happening this is making sound open but done no make sound in the old version like the original version of this on the Wii U or whatever you would still be like getting attacked by zombies and such and then you would be l
ooking down at your Wii U camera and pulling that up and doing whatever with it I to L positive right you're not not finding bullets and suitcases in the London Underground I'm sorry but that's just not happening no well not if well you will if Rob has been there hey that's true yeah as he the country I've been smuggling guns not ammunition um well what uses a gun without ammunition I I I have to move the ammo separately it's a legal thing right are you doing that today after the stream no I'm d
oing that once I've been certified sayane by my doctor okay I have to legally do that I have to I have to pay for is that going to happen no I mean find your streams and they're going to be like uh-uh what is really like slidy wow yeah she got them Dark Souls physics what the [ __ ] she had a soda she was carrying a soda oh maybe that's why you're remembering this game being third person on with the Looting oh yeah maybe what's on the what's on the drawing board um [ __ ] off number one plan one
plan number two did I write that no wonder it failed uh okay what's what's in here number one number two execute PL number three successful plan number three question mark number four Prof oh wait I've got a key card in it I can't use this to get you found the key card nice now get the guns from the London Underground Lo these [ __ ] cabs first mate [ __ ] cabins need Hammer we got a B mate I don't need a [ __ ] am can you please take us on like a sha Bean Adventure in Zombie what I always assu
me is happened when Bean Adventure in Zombie oh Sean Bean bastard Bast what I assume has happened whenever someone makes a game that's set in the UK and there's like guns and like someone called like yeah Terry or something who's all like it makes me ter I'm I'm on your [ __ ] radio I assume they've just seen lockstock and they just want to make that yeah start two [ __ ] video games [ __ ] IES like you don't want to be the fingers that you ain't got Al just you get let's go look around we got s
ome boxes we got some bloody notice no one ever does a brmm accent when they're doing like a really gritty Kil yeah wouldn't sound the same way in Fen you've got peaky blinders I've got go to train station blinders no fighting no [ __ ] fighting bit said yeah but that's not a accent no it's not you don't have them going I've got to go to the train station if you have watched pey blinders yeah they do cuz actually that's that's that [ __ ] NPC from uh Elden ring as that don't she the woman can't
remember name like two feet and I've got to B my uncle I'm really scared of God rcky grafted it's like all right mate scared to go the grafted I'm a [ __ ] Craven CRA little [ __ ] I'll be honest though bro I haven't seen py blind this I don't know how much I just said that the accent you did wasn't for me yeah all I remember was that people kill people and there was a bar and there was a lady at the bar and the guy liked the lady at the bar and and they Dr [ __ ] Shadwell mate it's like we're a
ll British we all just be like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] cover Garden wait what do you mean skip skip I skip the loading screen what what technology is what do you mean skip the loading screen what the [ __ ] is it like when you're playing with an emulator and it's like loading the CD then you can just fast forward it oh maybe there's no cure for this that was an older time where we had to predetermine the load times for games to ensure that stuff would load in in time it's not actually going oh it's not
loaded yet it's just going the thing's loading and we've set as the thing loaded in the background by but we're just made a cut scene that plays over top of it as SC for attack got a rem that [ __ ] door remote heck man no one does no does this it's not very sexy is it we're changing things up a bit garbage yeah I to be fair I can't do it either cuz mine's more of a dudly thing and I lived in that area for a long time but I grew up I got quite good at doing a Birmingham accent cuz my brother li
ves in Birmingham and IS F Well I say fiance wife my guards see she used to come down for for Christmas and then I just talk to her in broy accent oh my God look it's one of those phone boobs in London holy [ __ ] I went in I went in the wara CX and we get people in who' be like hey how much F be black Blacky black black booy curve I don't I don't understand what when pastry and Ariel have like their English talk that they put in the chat I have no idea what any of it's supposed to mean nine tim
es out of 10 it's bottle of water that's it but yours is like it's got about 18 different hyphens in it it's like b a bot water I'll do it again Bott of water yeah blood bottle of water blood blood bottle of [Laughter] water there's like someone will come in with like an English accent in a game I'm playing and P you put something like that in the chat I'm just like what love [ __ ] is that mean no idea what you you want to the water I have no idea what you [ __ ] said oh God peekaboo that ain't
Cricket CL pop don't you ever heard of that saying before having such a good time what that ain't Cricket that ain't Cricket that what do you reckon that means uh that murdering a man is not the same as a sport no it means like that's no good oh so Cricket is good presumably whoever came up with that really likes Cricket isn't Cricket just really boring baseball this finish baseball is is is effectively the same as the reason why they drink at the game yeah they both go on boring don't get go8
hours and no one cares about the actual sport that's happening oh what the the [ __ ] am I doing I got to go Cricket is essentially an excuse for a bunch of people to go out and wear silly hats and drink beer in the UK mhm uhhuh what wait what's the silly hat uh there's lots of silly Cricket hats let me give you like a I'll put it in admin you got a flat cat I'll give you people wearing silly hats Cricket cat in a bonnet look to your left [ __ ] my ears that's a d cat d C cat what you going to d
o what you going to do when they come for you Dev cat Dev cat back up find my shoes this finished my shoes yeah like here you go past this is an example of what the crowd looks like at like cricket games do they have the beer hats with the straws and the beers just in general just wearing stupid [ __ ] what the [ __ ] so when I say silly hat it's not necess a specific silly hat it's just people wear all sorts of [ __ ] at Cricket Oh I thought they just had like a hat that they agreed on no why i
s one of them just a banana man why not what the [ __ ] banana cuz what happened is like they started televising a lot of cricket obviously because it's a sport and then the camera will [ __ ] pan across the the crowd and they'll all be drunk and Rowdy and then they'll notice themselves on the TV and be like wa look I'm wear [ __ ] Cookie Monster W and that's you know that's the end of that story I hear Zambos I hear Zambos hello we got like just under 10 minutes we like six seven minutes or som
ething but what I'm going to do is they F you off from the fun area oh no PO I'll be back in a moment once bam see there's no sound effects I'm trying to help smack [ __ ] thanks pastry I really appreciate that you're welcome why are there no weapon sounds B oh it's a c mate oh it's a fuzz smack k k smack flump ooh push push push sploosh Splash smack I got clocked CLK smack popop BL [ __ ] smash rt2 finish it good job yeah empty I did it you did it empty empty wait just kicking him why is it lik
e this there we go I don't know tree I don't know why it's like this blam Bonk whack is that L TR clunk you did us all a favor watch this I going to collect all in a big pile okay here we go it's like um it's like curling curling add another sport to the list you know curling right that's the one where they brush hockey pucks across the ice yeah more or less I guess they're not really hockey pucks unless like your hockey pucks are massive concrete things yeah yeah yeah yeah like a like a hockey
Puck's older Uncle yeah it's uh what do you call that that game um shuffle board but bigger on Ice yeah and with a man rooming it yeah he's got to get own a living you know yeah it's a living kind of expecting all darkness and fog to melt away and you come to realize you're in the middle of Greg's armed with an umbrella that' be a really good end of it to be honest there's not much between this and regular England oh oh it's kind of like bloodborne right yeah yeah depending on where you go there
are definitely honestly there are definitely some parts of like London if you walk down the right streets that just look like bloodborne maybe just L fire brought up near neighborhoods that just look like this with trash everyone BS on the forage yet I'm not even kidding that's just just how it is what does it say on your cricket bat it says like egg or something pretty sure like leg near where one of my mates lives uh when we used to go pick him up um there's like someone graffitied on the wal
l and it's just something like schools for nerds but they spelled School wrong and we were like 2 CCTV of course they spell like SK o l no not even it was like SC c o l was even worse oh God school for n s h i feel like s o is like you're spelling it wrong on purpose you know I guess if it's s HC o l that's kind of just like going to a Tuesday go to school on a Tuesday got to go to school what's this thing with what is I won the game hey did y defeated pickle has blown up took me too long to fin
d that you have to use your scanner Tom but it was above me it wasn't placed to use your scanner Tom got to use your [ __ ] scanner you little m m i remember that amazing one on the bus station for a few years Allan is a [Laughter] Tau why do I have to do this it's because it would be tense if there were zombies there but there were apparently no enemies in serious he killed them all with the they do that they do that in the Batman games and it pisses me right off do SM button I don't know I thi
nk that's one of those things um like I really like about the PlayStation 5 controllers they seem to have taken like a lot of those sort of smash the button mechanics away and replaced it with the trigger that sort of Fights Back F has happened to Cricket in recent years I've just seen your picture mous M oh yeah have you not like seen any televised Cricket in like the last decade it's been [ __ ] I say that as someone who doesn't watch cricket I've just occasionally like seen it on the Del it u
sed to just be a game for old yorkman and it' be like semi- uper class no it's just LS no blam most other sports kabang I remember as a kid getting taken to a local football game for our local team and um it was an away game and I got told very specifically that I couldn't go near a certain part of the crowd because that's where the a team was and if I did I'm likely to get beaten up and killed yep yep yeah was that an explosive barrel and there was like there was a massive divide between the cr
owds and there were basically just one side shouting at the other side and throwing things at them or whatever and it was like well this is great love [Music] loveable such good people in this crowd yeah football crowd like I blame football culture for them majority of uh bad like you shouldn't ever have to worry about maybe going to the wrong part of a stadium and getting like shanked cuz you already have Team side of things and then they're like yeah I'll take my son to the football every week
and you're like that would have been Boston yeah it was an away game at Boston you're not wrong I think we can just agree that people that are fan of things are the worst the thing is like and again this is going to be like you know we're talking about nerds as it were and we're a lot more mild mannered in general for the most part um like nerdier people but I couldn't imagine like going to an Esports event and seeing that [ __ ] like toxic of Esports I can't imagine going to thing is like [ __
 ] yeah exactly the thing is like the community to play those games are toxic as [ __ ] online for sure but I couldn't imagine going to like the World Series or whatever for that equivalent and having like my team's B and your team stab stab stab it's like nope it's not going to happen that meat is wiggly that's the long Pig oh yum yum RT to finish it finish it there's a man on the floor hold on you scored a six on the floor thanks is that a try yeah that's my favorite thing all fans suck nerds
are malicious different ways oh yeah for sure but I'm just talking about like um specifically Esports General violence yeah Esports there's no fighting I remember going to an orts event once and there was a like side I was like wanting to win and everyone was just cheering and very nice but it was like well this is this is what old sport should be like is it not you know people like trying to kill each other I do think they crack your team [ __ ] [ __ ] you up I don't even think American like sp
orts are anywhere near as bad as they are here it's literally like Riot police and really bad over here uh remember getting a riot police escort out of the car park on that game because our town won goalkeepers scored two goals and the other side were kicking off Big Time first and last time going to a sports match really match really not interested yet I st some biscuit I some bickies mate and I feel [ __ ] better there I C of bities yeah my Els come back Philly is not good we had to grease the
light poles in Philly before the Super Bowl what does that mean that means don't climb the light poles you H against is it just because they're going to be like Rowdy and climbing though or they're going to do something with them they they're just notoriously really B bad this is what I was going to say like over here it's more like um instead of greasing the light poles we we'd have to like wear a stab prooof vest or something we have to wear bulletproof this our way team one uh-oh we're in tr
ouble going to get to the car park without getting killed that should be a game shouldn't wait that 1690 for what not a real game I don't it doesn't say anything like below it what's in what's in the thing like pork chop pictures of meat pork ch9 pork chops is this like updating in real time to have inflation no yeah maybe oh God it's bad guys it's really bad over here we threw batteries at Santa 1985 Eagles game the stadium like oh no we won I don't think about how to get home yeah exactly righ
t Tom cuz you will I think we're now about ready to wind up I gave you a little bit extra time because we had some tech problems at the start so yeah I mean it's good I feel like I've seen everything the game has to offer now yeah I have a feeling this is not going to be one of those games are suddenly going to throw like a big climactic event at you to end the stream portion with so survival mode is one like wait when you die you drop a backpack and then you can go pick it up again with your ne
xt character but it give you a rando yeah that was the mode I many times in the Wii U version but this version I don't recall any of this oh let's just set a fire off and be done with it yeah okay be like a party oh well that is a really weak flare that's [ __ ] point I got yeah inhale those flare for you get really up in there all right throw them in a lit room but it wasn't the greatest but it was a oh there me kill me oh no wait you had like half your health what you just get bit and you die
I suppose that's true zes I guess yeah right okay cool thank you very much logicoma um that's a game I hadn't thought about in a long time so very intriguing all right let's uh let's do that now Che I assume I may as well uh oh show my screen here alur the are you cous or are you w noted out this is my attempt to wake him up for oh no are we just going to play off of the are we listening to the national anthem right here he whed too hard he's the only man to have a uh to have a 100% attendance r
ate for a vot Sunday but also like the worst attendant at the same time because he either [ __ ] falls asleep turns up in the last five minutes it counts yeah I think that's what he's going for he's going for like the attend Wy I can hear him laughing no you'd have see in his head Bob if he was uh coming through on Discord which has not happened or for the I'm going to come and give a kiss I don't like that either again I don't want to be subjected M do you want a kiss no no fine I was just tryi
ng to help right well we have late company so if um if he ends up we're good turning up late he can join late but he's awake what oh there he is he lives all for this your turn Mateo which to be fair you don't really have to do I'm just going to show my version because it's much easier are we doing the full fat version yeah yeah I think Rob's all set up I guess so yeah all right chat this is technically what Al and pastry you're bringing but you're going to be seeing my you port just because the
n I don't have to rout it through it's bit easier quickly during what I said but um which is yeah as you might have guessed from what we're kind of alluding to Here full fat version with all the mods and such we're going to play a little bit more of this game that I don't have nearly a full days worth of hours In And Pastry probably has about triple that shush I can check right now what I have and I don't know what it is actually okay I'm going to guess 65 hours no it's 59.9 that wasn't far off
wonder why that pretty good guess I'm on 22s in in vanilla my controller Works let's see the mods completely make it [ __ ] I've got you've got three I have I have 24 hours now oh three hours hooray how do I have the has kind of like um you found your calling for like a job that some of us don't often want to do which is uh the man in the van stay in the van and get eaten by bugs that's right I I first discovered that role when people were playing that stupid scary game fasmo yeah and and I've e
mbra wasn't quite as useful in that game though like sadly do you find this game scarier or do you find um fasmo scary I find fasmo like weird though it's more more thingy it's less enjoyable yeah hang on a sec fmo oh you lot I think I know what the problem was I think I might have accidentally hit start [Music] vanilla well I'm just double checking that might not be what the case is but I hope that's what the case is there we go they add it again that's right just can't help ourselves I actuall
y think it's a good [ __ ] game yeah I actually think I probably wouldn't still be playing this game if it wasn't for the moding community though I think I'd probably be like a bit bored of the vanilla I do think in its current state there's not a lot like after I would have wanted like more layouts and more maps and such added and more monsters and things but the community has like gone above and beyond for this game and made it just like continually more interesting every time we play so no co
mplaints from me I would like to um at some point actually play a longer session where we get to like you know do a few like runs and get money to like buy everything yeah right you should be able to join on me uh but if you need an invite let me know I will attempt that and deafen myself here yeah when you guys join in just defen yourself so that uh you don't get on the thing I'll leave mine on so that seems a bit extreme you can do that as well I actually mean on Discord but you mute your head
phones make you want to hear anything that would be pointless instru I just unplugged my headphones we TR you will be a great asset to the compy great ass to the great great great great great Ash great great ass second oop oops hey oh oh man Timmy B happy birthday welcome in got bu thees again that's dumb oh I just realized they're not going to be able to hear me hang on a sec there we go I just realized you probably weren't hearing me cuz element turned off can you hear me yeah you um Timmy B's
here everybody wish him happy birthday happy birthday Timmy that was a good response I can't hear pastry I can't hear pastry pastry are you talking can't hear you you hear us Rob's talking I don't hear Rob either no I don't hear Rob either mut my microphone happy birthday Tim and congratulations on the the half marathon yeah happy birthday Tim and congratulations on your birthday Tim I don't know what he said something about Marathon half oh nice good effort me how do you get to the second page
of your OT can you hear me yeah we can hear you now yeah we're just waiting for Tom to join how do you get to the second page of your emotes um there's two sets of emotes now so if you press the button underneath escape and hold it oh you now have a bunch of new emotes also when someone's doing an emote like this rob you can go up to them and press e and you can syn it oh my God is right uh I don't know where Tom is but this is the game I don't he was here briefly and then he disappeared uh let
me let me just ping him in thingy oh there he is oh here there we go it spawn me in the wall oh right thats for some [Music] reason we're playing it's [ __ ] don't know why Ste breaking it's very [Music] weird so yeah we have a we have a bunch of extra emotes so Rob you haven't seen uh you haven't seen the new stuff oh no take Rob to the new planet should we go to asteroid then that's the cheap [Music] one oh we got buy some flashlights moons okay it's not eclipse how do you change um when you
sink is random I think God every time I [ __ ] I don't want to be okay I bought our like starting pack yeah hopefully I bought our uh I bought our starting pack M two walkies two flashlights yeah what the [ __ ] what the hell is happening here hit the B where where are these where please tell me just tell me yeah you hold down the button underneath escape to get to these emotes yeah I'm on where uh you can like Mouse wheel back and forth to different pages I have none in my list you have none no
I I've got got flash bre yeah that's this I think and then yeah if you click on complimentary there's there's 18 emotes oh yeah on the left there's like all complimentary or whatever click on all if you want to show all them how how do you get to the next page i' got like P one whe there we oh whoops all right we probably need to get out of the way so pastri can do their fun I'm fun get shared special bun for buying emotes I'm going to stand hang on can we get this in a line like from the edge
of the ship like from here everyone stands like to the side of me or whatever and then we'll do this one again yeah oh my God and then sink it and then [Laughter] rotate yeah oh the crew this is an incredible shot Jesus Christ until we get to the planet and then we all get murdered oh dear all right shall we let's take Rob to a new planet this takes a while to load so oh never mind it loaded like [ __ ] straight away right we have a shop coming where are we oh no you can't while you're Park [ __
 ] okay uh okay right so Rob this planet just real quick because this is not an interactable thing that works for everyone if you come out of here and follow those little P after the rate there's like a power switch you can turn on you want to do that cuz this place is [ __ ] dark yeah also Rob another quick warning there are enemies active from the start outside on this planet like coil heads and such oh cool hit the but get it I hear ice cream yeah V it Merry Christmas see what are you talking
about it's not Christmas time Rob's ship Chistmas I didn't say it's not I said it shouldn't be well unfortunately it is and by unfortunately I mean bigu fortune uh right all for the where is he at I'm holding a flashlight but I don't have to have a flashlight because I'm going to leave uh I'm going to leave this for off of the there you go what is it oh okay what I don't know where he is what was that oh that was the ship leaving awfully I've left you a walkie on the side next to the computer i
f you want to use it and come with us or stay in the van that's up to you buddy Co head lych co head mer Christmas I am on it like okay a coil head right by the sh yeah there is all right let's go shall we yeah also they might die I've got radio on me howdy howdy testing one two three testing one two three over the turn your walk on go with everyone else I guess okay tell him to turn the walkie on uh all right yeah it's uh it's dark it's scary there's someone's someone's going to get I'm not goi
ng to tell you what it is Rob but we found one new monster because of these mods so enjoy that oh cool hello hello I got a Kyle and a uh oh I I think I heard the new guy I got a thing I think I heard the new guy this flash has [ __ ] off yeah it's really dark got a coil though I got oh another coil hello howdy ship uh Rob has fallen in a gap over did he thank you for the update I will a Rob pis me and ly going to do some treasure hunting over dead fantastic oh oh oh computer wow is that like a h
old in hand oh yeah that's a hold uh do you want to do you want to take this so I can be on the radio me me yeah watch out there was a coil head right outside the ship over I can't get up uh Rob died he fell in the Gap I think all right this way is new right it's monitor like old computer all right I guess we want to make our way out I'm I'm slightly worried about the fact that I'm pretty sure I heard the shrimp um yeah my hands like full I have like no space in my inventory yeah I think uh we n
eed to go back for a right well that way is definitely like new [ __ ] to the left so I think we want to just go straight back out right yeah if you're full guys hello go go hi hi I I heard creepy footsteps and there's a right outside of this fire I think I think the uh the shrimp is here oh okay we haven't run into it yet a coil head away from cuz it would have killed him if we left him alone can we you said there right outside the exit can we go out the exit do you reckon or is it like death I
don't know honestly I tell you what I'll test it oh tell will test it oh oh I don't I don't see it I think it walked off oh no what if it went back to don't go that way don't go that way don't go that way there's one right over I don't know if I think that one's part of the scenery are you okay over no I don't think that I don't know well I am on to of the ship all right let wait to the ship okay there's aentr i s stuff I'm here with you it's so heavy think my flashlight ran out of battery we d
on't have like a huge amount of stuff but we have got um a computer over a computer did you get any games room so where did you guys end up going I don't know maybe it'll be like um that uh Mass system where it had like Alex kid built in over someone with is is approaching the ship I'm launching the over I wasn't with you guys and I do notice that one of us is missing yeah Rob found a gap Rob fell down oh for [ __ ] sake Tech Squad in the bin in the bin welcome back I am not an alien who has bee
n body snatched I promise I don't know that sounds like something an alien who's been body snatched would say oh that volume that computer 6 yeah we got 188 so far do we want to go back for another run or is it too late 4:45 I think we should if we leave a guy in the van there building all right I'm coming just keeping okay we'll kind of if we I tell you what we should do is uh sort of stagger a bit and cover each other's backs yeah this way so we don't get coil headed is that the is that the fi
re exit again or is that that's the main exit okay that's good I'm coming in uh I I literally just heard a coil head I think running at us from the outside so I can't see anything there's one inside there's one right there okay uh we should probably just go nothing's going to follow us in here and it's going to be bad yeah go ahead I think I can get to the door like this and leave while looking at it so if you want to go first while I've got like visual on it I'm pretty sure I can get out okay y
eah that was a bad move uh we tried to get more yeah we tried to get more treasure but we um we found another coil head inside so we veiled over all right I think we just want to go according to pastry mom there was a fake mom running around and it just killed lych uh yeah it was dancing it was dancing and we need to open the door we need help that's a they can emote now they can emote and it was like doing the waving dance emote at me and I almost sinked with it cuz I didn't realize what was go
ing on oh my God that's [ __ ] up yeah I thought it was you playing really messed up right I'm going to start the [ __ ] I was looking at like sorry behind me it was doing it was doing the [ __ ] it was doing this [ __ ] hang on where is it uh the [ __ ] was that oh it was it was like doing this [ __ ] I was having pastry and I almost went up and like synced with it then I realized it was me so [ __ ] up yeah yeah I like it hey Rob you found a uh you found a gap was everyone just [ __ ] left and
I was like [ __ ] we we left in a sense that we went further in the room but you you found the uh walking out there the edge of the room there mask they don't have a mask on anymore no well that was a mod we added but um but did you know lynchy they could dance that's new I was like in the middle of saying like oh there's Maelstrom trying to [ __ ] with us and acting like a mask that [ __ ] and I got murdered for it that's a flashlight by the way the flashlight is gone yeah it's fine hey you ha
ve this one I got radio ly there's one on the floor there if you want to take it ly okay is lych like disassociating I think so I have to I need like two minutes to reply to the message i' got like wor I need to reply to just look like you were staring off into the sky like oh we got a bunch of sucked these walkie-talkies a good short range over especially when I turn mine on yeah that they don't work so good when you turn it off over oh hey oh hey this is what the guy was doing yeah that this i
s that was this one yeah I can't [ __ ] believe that where's that one I genuinely walked and looked at him in the face realizing it was me and was like I could hit e the sink and then was like wait a minute it's me turned around you did I did I did brindle I had a brindle moment poor she just disassociating in the center of the room I think we should save up our emote credits cuz there's one that's uh legendary called uh no Epic sorry called um infectious I want to see what that does where where
is this dance on the list this one is this one is called hooray hooray yeah it's page two top right oh yeah he just going mad she'd write a sign for L when they come back oh yeah I'm still listening to you [ __ ] I'm just um be scared of the poooo beep man it was terrifying I wasn't ready for it you uh I know we realized before that you could do Emojis I wonder if they still work I have no idea how you write signs uh that's in the v emote menu it's page two of what the [ __ ] happening with my
character what are you doing someone have a look H dancing okay on my screen I have picky legs at the bottom half and then I'm dancing with the rest and your ass is out a Le can you see this oh it disappeared that happens to me I don't know why hang on let me do it again but yeah you're cursed cursed clown hey what happens if I have this sign up and then I do another emote oh okay it's fine go way wait oh now it's floating in front of you wait a minute hey oh there you go oh it's just a cube yea
h nice [Laughter] T hey oh all right okay lynchy you ready now you good oh I didn't mean to do that uh should we go back there let's have a look it's not like [ __ ] so kind no reason for us not to go back we got time dance for yeah whole day at dance all right I got my radio oh I need to come with you guys very quickly why can't I set the window what game please hey oh I've never heard a more realistic air horn noise my life let's go through the main entrance this time hello close the door tell
him to close the door behind him P you said close the door behind you over I don't know why pastry said to do that cuz it'll open anyway but you know we don't like him what oh all right I thought you were saying me I just arrived and you were like we don't like him I was like what the [ __ ] crackling this fby but un like my mic or on them because if it's on them then that [ __ ] happens every so often that's just audio has crackled yeah but I mean what what is crackling is it my mic is it in t
he game if my mic's fine I don't mind too much because it'll be whatever in game okay yeah it just happens in Game sometimes so oh we're in this one they left that's okay we can just call it back there's an a ladder over here you want to go down the lad sure why not I'm go down the lad I thought you were [ __ ] but I think it's high enough that you'll die if you fall okay guys we're scooting down top yo is that like oh I can hear the elevator music hello you guys just like came out from the FL I
don't know the game well enough to know that was game so I got you well I mean it's it's probably just bad audio I I really desperately need to know if standing underneath this thing gets me killed teamate all right rob you take this just in case yeah [Music] okay good luck okay wait what the [ __ ] happened to pastry where's the no no wait wait no [Music] no where where is pastry in pastry world because pastry's outside the ship sh no I'm right I'm right here yeah I know yeah ship wait pastri
did you say you're right here we're dead how are you talking to us yeah Tom can you hear me what the [ __ ] can you not hear me oh oh okay yeah yeah no she was talking to Tom I guess there is some crazy [ __ ] that happened just now that we all can't fo that is weird what what so confused you he me business walking back thead oh what happened to me I uh I said to Rob I need to know if standing under this elevator will kill me or not and then I saluted him while it out of my head we have to leave
yeah and I was L came underneath you I lost another [ __ ] flashlight my stuff I had yeah we got some interesting [ __ ] got crushed by what's oh man that's going to be fun to watch back I just did the salute emote underneath the lift did you get crushed at the same time then did you like run over to me I was not safe I want to see if the lift will crush me he saluted me the lift came down but as the lift came down L ran up and I didn't know was happening there a to eat us how do we even leave
that's incredible I rob it that a whole [ __ ] yeah well P you were I thought you were we have to tell pastry what happened though cuz that was crazy a GH no you got you got P for me it's The A Team Mone that time we found one room with a bunch of stuff in it in the yo uh Li kill you if you stand under them also pastry you don't know what happened to you but it was the weirdest [ __ ] [ __ ] P you know when you were like why can't you hear me or whatever to Tom you you teleport from the lift bac
k to the ship outside the ship you stood outside the ship holding all your stuff going can you not hear me and we were like is she talking to us like is she dead what's happening well I have I'll be recording my and then you teleported back into the lift again the [ __ ] yeah and I know I I was back to warn these two [ __ ] chuckle [ __ ] as a COR head and I got [ __ ] splattered by a [ __ ] I just stood underneath the lift with Rob going Rob I'm going to see I need to know if this thing will ki
ll me and just stood under it like this and then L walking up to me I guess [ __ ] flattened at the same time that's [ __ ] up I lost never a flashlight I lost a state and a clipboard so that was fantastic I need to see if I can get there you go get yeah you go what you looking at on the computer Tom can you see my ass [Laughter] [Music] froze oh my god I've become an eldrich Abomination what happens what happens if I do this do that while you're on the computer try to cover up the manual I kind
of do I'm leaving can you see the manual Tom yeah what doing oh what are you doing you rooting us typing uh all right moons um do you want to stay here or do you want to try go somewhere else like basically the new moons only one of them is free I think so it's the one we're currently on we could go to a regular place and just get some more cash yeah I'm not a maybe I don't die that would be great let's go then to let's go to offense I'm sad that I got eaten by fake mom and then got crashed you
're going to uh you're going to enjoy the weird [ __ ] that happened to you uh from my viewpoint pastry that was the was pretty wild I'm excited I love like what happened was me and were like talking to each other we watched you teleport and then you were like talking back to us as we were talking like the things you were saying were perfectly answering what we were saying and then we were like how can you hear us we're dead was like what's going on all right here we go over I don't I hear you w
hen the came down and you were dead I could just hear you going I guess youd not seen this uh this mod before Rob and I was like that wasn't me that was a coil head ah good old offense you did turn your walkie on right over on cuz I'm cool it's uh his claims of being cool are greatly embellished if he had have said drunk then yeah I'd agreed for sure I'm very drunk okay here we go here am I of treasure that aren't right next to me over I found the F well well well that's did down there come here
come here room is full [ __ ] it's the office room tons of treasure in here over the in the [Applause] room for yep he might be seeing the treasure we're leaving at the door there's a gun I'm taking them outs oh gun to the left gun to the left okay seems to be facing the other other way so I think we should be mostly okay but we could use your help with something down here the sounds of it you a turret guys there's another turret there if you can see the random turrets on the Monitor and them t
he console oh bottles and my something something ball it's [ __ ] dark in here these suits should come with like a little like head mounted flashlight or something you know like if the company really cared theany gave like a [ __ ] about us I think they would put like a little head mounted flashlight just on the suit as opposed to just letting us Waller about in the dark oh it's dark it's very dark I hear a that way land mine yeah there okay yeah this thing in front of me is a land mine and I th
ink you can turn those off too there's a thing in there that's crawling around oh my God I think it's a bug don't open it on me bug yes oh on my right oh my God it's a spider uhoh uhoh that does that doesn't sound great it's it's this way maybe we should leave maybe we have a lot of treasure are we just going to like Sprint straight cuz it's just straight isn't it oh you can see the webs do we go I think we go up no there's a shrimp shrimp at the same time nope all right time to go home got to b
e hitting the old dusty trail old dust trail hopefully my friends are coming with me mad lad yeah sometimes you just got to run you know hey hi there's also a shrimp yeah no he got all the way up to the door with me you found a shrimp so much in there yeah that's not good time we're not dead just some on my all right there's uh there's three big carry things here oh I can hear big yeah that sounds like a giant there's a giant is that they can't hear or they can't see is lych okay um they can't h
ear they only care about sight okay or if they can hear they're not like triggered by it they only care if they see you they're not triggered triggered doing a shaking head thing oh I just heard you say there's a shaking head thing that was me saying it I'm running okay I'm very slow I'm got to drop it no don't eat me I'm taste bad how did you die what happened by the spider I had stamina and that'll happen now from aggro the whole place no leg how dare you I did not aggro the whole place that s
pider was going to aggro us inant son of a [ __ ] [Music] please that was an inevitability there was no way we were going to creep around those it was just we had to run if anything I was acting as a decoy which should have helped them get out but it didn't so heard the giant CR by while watching [ __ ] rob uhoh Rob's in trouble it dead Rob is so [ __ ] Rob is so [ __ ] he's so [ __ ] he's so dead goodbye goodbye Rob [Music] goodbye it he is De no he got we were okay so we the only three left it
picked me up and all duck out no because he pulled the lever oh that's really funny well we got some well good job you with me and I was like why am I getting oh no oh no bad that's [ __ ] up that was a hungry giant he was a hungry boy that that boy had two meals and then he went back for FS that boy was a hungry boy all right we got to go back to company then we can uh go to a new interesting a giant pick me up to eat me and just held me up in front of his face and went welcome back flat [ __ 
] crew in your voice that's incredible oh my God I want to survive man I keep [ __ ] dying this is so you survive you will survive hey [Music] hey so that was good well that's good then that's least you got all my stuff leg was like in the chat going I Agro the whole place damn it I was I was being the [ __ ] decoy was being a brave boy you were a Decoy for a I mean I got out I got out the got the building but the shrimp the shrimp chased me all the way to the door which suck yeah past followed
you and then spider just turned around and yeah I was saying there's no point in like um waiting around and try to stealth around it cuz that [ __ ] would just follow you eventually having a giggle mate been in my flashlights since they all got lost we got pday watching me getting chased by that giant I was watching you on the monitor I was just carrying a heavy engine being like it's sa my stamina so bad going to C down on me all right we still have our two um our two walkies right yeah I put o
ne in the in the fridge in the fridge call in the fridge you're going to break it if you put it in the fridge it's going to get all wet oh no it's a machine it'll be cooled down and feel better that's not how that works it sure is [Music] I just bought two flashlights take it back all right we got two pro flashlights I want to save the rest of the money so we can go somewhere fun cuz we only have like half an hour left or 20 minutes left got to get new otes as well oh yeah you're right what can
we buy oh I'm going to buy the thing I bought it oh my God look at me go what who holy [ __ ] got the GOL how did you get that it was uh from the emote shop you keep that forever now no on only on this like safe as long as this game yeah um do you want Billy bounce that sounds fun about music can we afford the horn can we afford the uh uh the transmitter can we afford a if we buy all that stuff then we won't be able to go to fun Planet oh that would wipe our money out I think all right I bought
all the things that were on the emote shop by the way so you should have a bunch of new ones I like the go dance oh my God hopefully he's going to love this one the goth dance it's like the um the car hey try uh try this one out try try party hips oh my God my pants and I can't get it look at my buttl there you go look at my butt I don't want to look at your butt listen to this fart step that's playing along L with it are these all fortnite dances I have no idea I mean you say it that leg as if
like fortnite them up whereas they just take the dance we don't know what the [ __ ] for but I was going to say the thing is like all the dances that are in fortnite aren't made by fortnite anyway they're all just Dan as it existed oh like the C and all that [ __ ] and the floss wasn't fortnite either so I have no idea it's probably in fortnite though how do we fly to new place let's go let's go wait wait wait wait stop got to got to write can we afford anything that's not what did did we buy li
ke a bunch of stuff like did someone buy a bunch of stuff CU we're down to 206 no we haven't got paid yet no we did though well I'm going to send this up to space you only have a flashlight and two walkie-talkies the the emotes buy from a different credit they buy from an emote credit thing are they [ __ ] I don't think I don't think the full money comes out until we actually go to space are we are we getting sucked out into the voer space it wouldn't surprise me if they managed to get the the d
aners out fortnite and just mesh them the skon names are the same yeah but that's the name of the dance right as like if the dance is called the floss or whatever it's called the floss in both fortnite and the real world yeah I guess is what I mean Dental FL why to money then cuz we had way more than yeah are you guys positive that money isn't also being used on emotes maybe it is then like I thought we confirmed last time that they were coming out of like a an emote Bank we have like a separate
B but for that spending all that money on I mean we've bought all the emotes so they're they're all done we can't buy anymore today okay um right we can't go to that one I mean we can still find a fun moon to go to I'm sure not Atlantica what's we could go to Gloom it's 220 we've never been there yeah we can do that it says abandoned logging site population missing conditions cold moist terrain roofed trees present flowering ecosystem aggressive behavior present that sounds good right let go [M
usic] weird oh I want to see what it looks like from up here who wants the walkie-talkie this time whoa it's it's real foggy okay fine ho [ __ ] there was green [ __ ] yeah the trees clip through guys it's real foggy and kind of sounds scary I'm good okay wait everyone wait for each other [Music] then tree cover yeah those trees are big as [ __ ] they're roofed trees oh my God it got really dark watch out for the water on the side atmospheric one might Giants there going to be Giants definitely
oh yeah this is like where the Giants live for sure hopefully these lights take us to the entrance I got hope they do I would imagine they have to who put them here that no a [Music] cave oh my Lord we're in a spooky cave over the I do like how like um these maps are making the uh the outside a bit more interesting over yeah what's this it's over sister like someone's someone's phone was lucky Rob he's right here [ __ ] sure he was here man look [ __ ] miles to get to the entrance yeah that's th
at's going to be a crazy run back and the good oh hey I'll tell you one thing these moded planets are really cheap way to get into the Mansion layout asking Sy all right nothing in here except for the dynamite I found Dynamite I wonder if you can use it I need to know uh I we can use it because there no option to use Dynamite there isn't like a hold button hand Dr yeah I think is dead uhoh he's not responding are you sure he didn't just turn his walk off are are you I don't know like if you're a
live at least make walkie Mak sounds without speaking like just click it so it goes click click click click click if you're alive but you can't speak he's dead what the [ __ ] are you holding [Music] trash what are you okay lyi okay definitely uh less an ideal I heard standing still might save you with this thing Hile yet I wonder I might be I might be dead pastry you might be yeah I'm dead well I screamed really loud what happened to you see what Happ me already eat yeah what happened to you ma
te I Wasing you [ __ ] oh where the [ __ ] is toly body all of a sudden oh no see alive we'll get the radio Tom like in such Darkness I found his body oh okay no no I I I got I got it um no uhoh yeah um sorry what killed you off of the I I was just looking at a monitor I heard one of your voices that a oh know I don't know what it was then no like if it was a dog you would know you get like ravaged by it um it's like very obvious animation I don't know where anyone went oh here's the exit say so
mething maybe it was an imposter that would be obvious as oh oh that's what killed you okay I I understand what killed you now off for the what was it that was a braen uh was so there are breens outside we going to have to be that's [ __ ] up I think liy saw it I think Li's just [ __ ] running so the Bracken or of the is like it's just two like eyes that you can kind of see in the distance just G to the um all right and it sneaks up behind you and snaps your neck and pulls you away are you are y
ou back if you were gone over the blood everywhere yeah that's bad hopefully lynchy picks up the walkie and talks on it wait wait wait wait can you hear me over yes yes what what happened uh well there blood in the van that's bad sign and then Rob got taken in front of me okay well I'm glad you made it U me and Tom are coming back I have Mom's body so I might not be able to talk consistently the be [ __ ] careful what I don't like that we're outside was the cracking outside [ __ ] correct respon
se [ __ ] oh God damn it Tom's worst nightmare this planet the bracken's outside over your should what is um what is specifically [ __ ] up about this is uh these new planets make your man on the van job really unseen yeah you can't be two okay there he is there he is there oh my God there's two of them there was two of them what two we got a vote he came running out of the bushes we got to vote because the door's open we got to vote everyone right right Mouse but right Mouse button hold hold do
wn your right Mouse hold r m right for flip come on I've done it it wasn't done it I've done it there we go there we go all right let's [ __ ] [Laughter] leave hello darkness my old friend got to [ __ ] by something that sounded human oh I'm sorry I accuse you of you accused me of PE you accused me of gas so multiple brackets outside that's that isan wow so ly you you didn't get to see that because we were spectate viewing um pastry and Tom ran into the Bracken outside but there were two of them
yeah that's something me and Rob Rob was like L um I hate to say it but we should probably go back we should probably go back what happened to come to here that a radio knows of blood well I was stood like this and I Heard a Voice a human voice and I was about to turn around when I died that was it I evaporated well we only have one or none radio here yeah we have one radio cuz I got I got it late to or for the does that mean you want to come with us cuz we only have one radio go out on a kamaz
i mission then I got a i all right so there's a really long walk off of the to the to the actual place so if we present if we present this Bracken with too many people we just throw numbers at them yeah they'll get confused they'll be like you know like when you've got too many like TV shows to watch and you don't watch any like paralyzed for Choice yeah supposed to look at them and then look down right but you're supposed to look at them for a couple of seconds and then look away and like not b
ack away or something I can't remember exactly what it is you're supposed to do ground yeah you have to like stand where you are look at them for a couple seconds and then look away and they'll back off but if you start walking away from it it will chase you wa meast it's spooky in here it's spooky water water go for a nice swim on the way get me legs wet me legs wet so it might not be the uh the Mansion layout again it seems to be like pretty random oh no it is okay it is the mansion Resident E
vil did you get in by the spider what the [ __ ] guys um um I don't like this at all it got really foggy and really dark okay okay I think it's fine okay it comes and goes in waves that happened before that sucks sad all right sorry did you say what did I get eaten by the spider no I got a head head crab that oh nice stick yeah Rob I got a head crab me what one of those like face hugger things that jump on your head oh yeah oh I didn't even know there was one in there yeah I tried to stand still
cuz I heard that that might work but I've yet to have work no I think I think what the thing is um you're supposed to sit still so someone can B you on the head of course maybe yeah I I heard someone once said in like a tips sort of thing or whatever that if you stand still they might just drop off your head before you get critically injured but I don't I don't know if that's true they mean they mean in single player it's it only works in single player who plays this game in single player pastr
y shut up what's wrong with the floor yeah bad texture map Roblox Dev remember Rob are you are you uh gandf you shall not they got to do the like shitty Family Guy version or whatever it was you shall not Prevail then he dies braen a big thing that's eating people in the hallway okay and just killed half thech got braen yepo I think that's the exit way out it's okay okay good I got to be honest I don't mind being the cameraman at least M's body I think these brackens are killing like two people
in one go and it's not cool but circular God it's really hard to see in this area it's really dark the [ __ ] the entr okay someone needs to carry because I have a circular saw oh oh let me please they should be more concerned about the fact that they found your body all right we need to find where is because that means that's where the brackens room isting the corner quick throw Rob's body eat the body eat Rob guys I don't know where you standing there the way that they work is that when you se
e them you have to look at them for a brief moment and then sort of glance away but like not run away okay I don't know where to go I can hear you but I the meain who is this is okay we're trying I love watching I really do love spectating this game it's great this way switching to different camera angles and just looking at people like dead endash it's about to get real green Tom is just stood completely [Laughter] still way okay okay let's go let's go the bracket's behind PE Treet oh my God it
's creeping up on her oh [ __ ] p pastry that [ __ ] bracket was creeping up on you for like 30 seconds that was [ __ ] up and stop talking like oh my God dropped and I was man that was messed up oh my yeah I think you're right I think they're killing like two people at a time I don't know I haven't got anything on me I didn't I I didn't see two brackens I think it just killed me and Rob went [ __ ] it entering just leave behind [ __ ] dead away is yeah I think one Bracken can kill two people no
w cuz that's what happened to you Rob right yeah that's that's what I was just saying did you did you go AFK for a second I I was I was eating something was loud no I was just saying like me me and Rob oh well oh well again yeah no um I only saw one Bracken and then it just like killed me and Rob think something is wrong with these I think they're like turbo brackens or something you need to see the [ __ ] footage I have spectating you thing followed you for [ __ ] tooo long it was [ __ ] up it
was like Crouch behind you like Crouch walking right behind you cuz I thought the centipede killed all through the for a second but I think that Bracken may have killed oh my God P past leg [ __ ] made it what what I'm not I'm pastry no I saying your name and then saying that she made it2 you did it you made it damn yeah twerk away Victory twerk we've got to drill and do whatever that is and we lost most of the profits because we all died well I mean that money's gone but lazy Rob hey it's all a
bout the money we can take back to the company right yeah I I want to dub these guys like turbo brackens I think that's their new name everyone we have zero out of [Music] 232 of course we do we haven't sold yet I know but I'm just we got 172 we got to get we got to get to6 no $60 that's it so all right well let's not all die and guess what it's not Eclipse again so do you want to go back to Gloom oh my [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that or we go somewhere normal oh I mean we have techn
ically been living because lynchy has been living it's true let's go Gloom yay godamn it the brackens will never know what hit him yeah we're going to come at with these sick dance moves in fact I tell you what if we get a bracket I'm going to dance in front of it oh my God we need to like not walk too close together I guess I don't understand I don't know I think we're kind of [ __ ] either way we're we're basically [ __ ] that's water that is water I don't want to go that way I don't swim good
my lungs bad um I just heard like sticks breaking yeah I I heard sticks I'm hoping that was just like ambient noise the sound of bracken breaking that's a neck getting broken by a Bracken dancing I am sticking to your ass okay um I don't know where the other guys are they're like not behind us maybe they thought better of it died I hope they didn't die I mean we did hear that like that's actually not a bad IDE we did hear that noise in the bushes that kind of worries me oh oh he went in oh a ke
y oh God okay that's the sound of the Gloom everyone stick to each other's asses hello hello why did your suit say leader on it it's [ __ ] what your suit says leader you got your says part-timer what does mine say so does yours we're part-timers apparently she's the leader What the fu just hi Rob Rob's already dead cuz he jumped into some water like B what a [ __ ] I think we don't get paid enough mate that's what the problem is good job I think in fact this is my new office awfully you come to
my office um right we're just going to have a meeting in here about hey can you get out please uh this is my office this is the this is the union office if you could uh you step out I like how it looked like you closed the door in your face like free times I found a talk found y who would like another key because I have one already because I'm a leader and I'm I'm benevolent and I want one of you to have a key a branch Gandalf is here I always find the people who are the most benevolent are the
ones who say they're benevolent I'm benevolent and lovely and great and you should love me followed all the time I'm benevolent and wonderful it's [ __ ] dark yo braen can't sneak up behind me if my back is up against W there's another torch torch how there it is I mean we technically have enough money do we not we do how much ises this worth 24 we need like 60 don't we need 60 to that's true this is AR L I think um I think you might be biased what did I just find oh she reping my leadership oh
heyo Queen pastry was in the [Laughter] chat I think there might be a little bit of a bias here I'm not 100% listen we are each other um did anyone else just hear that you can do about it very real door opening noise I was talking too much and I didn't hear it I didn't like it it sounded like real life door nippo babies for life you know what be real [ __ ] up if they put that knocking on the door sound effect in this game oh God you imagine it's fire got a lock door oh I got a key got that key
bam guys I found a fire exit I've got a rock I'm going to like bludge in the Bracken to death with it if I see him I I found a fire exit I got a torch are we leaving should we go I uh uh [ __ ] bit foggy I don't what is that I don't really don't like that noise no I don't like oh fire exit key key guys there's a fire exit here where is everyone all right maybe we should just leave go it's not better out here off there's bats or something I don't know what's going on it was on my face as I was c
oming through the door I have taken damage good good Escape though okay right I don't know if we're alone um we're in a very unusual area uh what are you holding it looks like a [ __ ] it's a rock haggus oh it' be good if it was a haggus we oh hey hey hey okay there made thing in there I don't know what that was there was a there was a face hugger but okay right I have I have a suggestion if we're going to all go as a unit I think we need to go in like a line and I think like the front person an
d the back person keep the middle two sort of like going straight while we look left and right yeah bad oh okay new plan new plan run the new plan is to run I've so lost help um I'm not doing much better I'm in the middle of some like shy I don't know if I'm going forward anymore me too I'm out of shy but I don't know where I am now okay I'm also out of Shrubbery I don't know where we am no no no no at least we're together I'm back in the Shrubbery oh here we go found a light is this the cabin j
ust came from who's this oh for [ __ ] sake there a different cabin is it a trap door enter oh that's no good I don't like that find if we find the main entrance we could get back easier there's another fire exit next to the this is the opposite fire exit from where we just were I think we definitely just went back in where we just were I think p is [ __ ] dead yeah right let's see if we can find the main oh this this place is going to be absolutely [ __ ] crawling with brackens whatever happens
if I die pick up the sword and keep going are you really here bad noise there was a bad noise I didn't like that noise where are you I'm over here P anything weird happen P really bad stuff has happened we need to leave yeah we got to the main exit oh wow the main exit we found we found a fire exit that led to a bracket couldn't killed all of the now we need to go home okay we also found another fire exit right next to the previous fire exit which we found by running around in a big circle in t
he forest I did the same thing so I think we Scooby-Do around each other wait where am I going oh no okay this way this way this way right P if I die pick up this soul and keep going okay we need to we need to okay right I'm going to try and face backwards as best as I can as often as I can I got to keep doing this left and right look till the bracket gets scared I'm going to try and keep us from getting like stalked okay but I can't promise anything cuz I'm going to be I'm going to be really ha
rd to keep up with you guys like this we're entering the danger zone where did you guys go over here over here oh no is it is this instan oh no wait wait pastry pastry can you see us I'm right in front of you I'm stood right directly in front of you guys I a [ __ ] Walky street so Street on my adventure I found a Detonator and I pulled the lever because I just felt like it and on my screen there's a lot of debris here that I can't walk through oh boy um take my things you want to find the fire e
xit and see if you can get back to the ship I mean okay good good luck I can't pick that Branch up okay there we go I got it shall we all right um I can hear pastri screaming uh well she's dead to us now let just true that please go away bre that's not going away that's killing meu can you un blow up can you un blow up things is pastry asking he going to have to walk L legitimately going to be the only one who [ __ ] leaves again this planet is Planet okay yeah this is like that everything he wa
nted and then he kill me he killed you he snapped your neck and then just stood over your corpse and then snapped my neck he is a turbo Breen oh God the ship leaves in an hour Lynch's got one right in sight as well L's got a Bracken currently carrying a body next where' she go go go go close the door close the door close the [Music] door holy [ __ ] God my [ __ ] God [ __ ] you bre out wow lynchy lynchy like this is Lynch's [ __ ] time man this is this is their Planet it's liy planet liy we foun
d your specialist planet where only you are able to live I don't I don't like specialist on this planet guys we just made I like how the Bracken snapped past neck and ran it to the triip like there you go here's we may qu by quite a bit we' got 317 be a distraction that was amazing that was that H the ship yeah your neck and dragged you had no idea L Wasing looking at theen everyone saying at and I was looking at lynchy and she was looking at the braen but she was looking at the braen that was l
ooking at you that was um really [ __ ] up that's really [ __ ] up yeah but I'm glad I could be that's it hope we made it oh man I uh also on that that planet I just drowned I thanks for having us along yeah lyy can't I don't we don't want to go back to your home planet anymore that place is scary no I don't my plan boss [Music] boss wake up no don't do it Rob don't do it don't get killed cuz I want to do like an outro all right guys come come line up on the come line up at the wall oh the wall
get um get like a fairly even number either side of me for the stream so we can have a a good lineup are we going to dance why would you go that oh wait hang on okay I'm getting I'm getting pushed away from the wall no get away I need to line up okay hang on Let's do let's do what a good one [ __ ] sake rob you you penis stop [Laughter] it what's a good one let's do party hips there you go join me join me all right folks there you go oh God there's no music for this one I thought there was it's
not there's no music we're not in the ship you need a boom box oh I see a well hang on a second let me fix that that's going to go damn right he's going to go buy a boom bo get down here ice cream V firing squad yeah more L this game's a lot of fun chat I recommend it I hope it's Bracken flavored I don't yeah all right wait this is just this song but that'll do all right well there you go folks that is going to be it for another vot Sunday Super Show I hope you enjoyed uh stick around we'll go r
aid and all that stuff but that's it for another two weeks will we be back with another V Sunday Super Show maybe will we back something else maybe keep your eyes peeled if you wildly spin the camera the music gets funy it sure does hopefully he fan [Music] himself right doing it it's fun anyway chat like I say stick around for the raid and such thank you very much for coming I hope you had a good stream along with us and we will see you again on the next one
