
VILLAGER (and Pillager?) NEWS

It’s time for another segment of Villager News, brought to you by Element Animation and… well, Villagers. They sure have a lot to say about the recent Village and Pillage Update, so let’s get to correspondents on the scene and get the latest scoop!


4 years ago

[MUSIC] Villager News. Breaking news. An update has swept the realm, changing villager life forever. But one villager refuses to embrace our new way of life. Here's Villager Number Nine with more info. Thank you, Villager Number Five. Fellow citizen, why don't you want the update? Everybody loves the update, why don't you want to update? But I do want the update. Are you against the update? Have you even tried the update? But I am getting the update. What about the new features? Do you think you
're better than us? What? I didn't say any of that. We thought you might say that. So we made this video for you. What? Welcome to the most Villager-friendly update ever! There's campfires, berry bushes. Panda. There's Taiga Villages, Desert Villages. Panda. Tundra Villages. Savannah Villages. Villagers all over the realm are loving life! Thanks to the update, I got a job as an armorer. Look at all this stuff. The update gave me a whole bunch of new trade. And look - we have levels now
! Gotta find a bed! Gotta find a bed! Agghhh! Yes, we all have new jobs now. I'm a farmer. Hey, get off my crop! Shoo! Get away! Ugh, nitwits! Any bad thing? No, no, the update is the greatest thing to happen to villager kind! See how much better your life could be! Get the Village & Pillage update today! Uh, the Village and what? Doesn't it look great? Uh, did that say "Pillage"? Sir, will you be updating now? Uhhhh.... Well, there you have it. Another citizen satisfied with the update. Thank y
ou, Villager Number Nine. The Village & Pillage Update is out now. Have you updated yet? Yes. Not you, them! [MUSIC] Villager News.



villager: "we now have more jobs" every single village that i come across: 95% unemployment rate


"NOT ACTUAL GAMEPLAY" Reality is often disappointing


Villager #9 still refers to the News guy as #5, which mean #4 really died in Villager war. This is a tragic discovery


The fact that the villager that wasnt updating was the same skin as Dr. Trayaurus is such a coincidence


“The update is the greatest thing for villager kind” Literally dies


Minecraft: Does a collab with Element Animation Community: *happiness noises*


Thank you guys so much for making this happen!


1:26 Its hilarious when one of the villagers says that this update is the best thing to happen to villager kind when they are literally getting raided by the pillagers right behind him. 😂


“Infinity War was the most ambitious crossover in history” Mojang: Hold my potion


This is actually a really smart way of advertising, this is why I love Minecraft and it’s community


To quote Villager #5 from the Everything Wrong With Our Videos, "So, we're technically canon, right?"


This was a cute animation of the villagers talking about their new update.


When you see Element Animation made a video with Mojang “This does put a smile on my face”


Villager: becomes farmer Also Villager: gets stuck in his own composter


im so glad that we can count on one of the most reliable sources of information, villager news, to always be there by our side and update us on the daily happenings!


I liked how the villager that didnt like the update is the old doctor villager texture


“I’m an armorer!” sells a fricking bell


“The update is greatest update to villager kind” immediately dies after


what my villagers do when i leave the village: 0:00


When Minecraft and Element Animation collab it’s always amazing