
war of the worlds (2005): all tripod scenes part1



1 year ago

close it. get down! get down get down! is it the terrorist? just get down. holy shit. get down! my god. you ain't seen nothing yet. i saw that storm. i was right in the middle of one of those. well, you didn't see it like this. those machines come up from under the ground, right? so that means they must've been buried here a long time ago. so who's driving the goddamn things? watch the lightning, watch it. watch the lightning. keep watching the lightning. what is that? that is them. they come do
wn in Capsules riding the lightning into the ground, into the machines right? oh, my god.



Link for cloverfield monster(2008) all scenes


It’s impressive how they’re only in the movie for about 17 minutes but you can feel their presence throughout entire film


This movie scared me more than any horror movie did when i was a kid


Only now as an adult i noticed the aliens destroyed the bridge because they know what it is, they are cutting escape routes for the humans


I think the Tripods collecting humans and harvesting them is the most terrifying part of this movie.


we all scared of this movie as kids thinking the possibility of this happening in reality


0:28 I love how Steven intentionally misleads the audience here; if you've never seen the trailers it's easy to assume that foot is the whole tripod, but then the rest of the machine gradually rises out of the earth revealing that it's a hell of a lot larger.


2:14 the sound right there gave me chills… doesn’t matter what language they speak the sound of that tripod screaming at the people was a pretty clear indication of “we don’t like you and you’re about to die”


6:02 the tripod is like “hey over here guys, there’s a bunch oh humans here”. This movie is one the best alien movies utterly terrorizing


5:55 This one scene alone showed how quickly other Tripods respond whenever one sounds its horn, literally you see one followed by two more then another to capsize the Ferry and even more to herd people back into the water.


i think what makes this movie the scariest is that they're not mindless killing machines, they're coordinated, they use strategy, like at 7:55, the tripod furthest on the right moves towards the river to encircle the crowd so they dont escape. it doesnt matter if their technology outmatches anything humans could ever think of.


Anybody else wonder how deep the Tripods were buried to begin with? It’s insane to think how they were underground for so long, without being discovered at all by humans


7:51 To me, this was always a scary scene, seeing them chasing a herd of humans over the hill as they vaporize them..


Loved the tripods since I was a child. They’re fucking badass


This movie was made in a time when attention to detail was vital. Today it would be treated as a CGI "ooh look" type of set piece. The trumpet sound it makes and the engine sounds it emits humming powering up, the rubble falling of it, the birds circling. These aren't details you get in marvel movies now when they treat set pieces like "ok insert here".


I had read the book as a kid, and this came out when I was in high school. I was not prepared for how awesome and terrifying this movie was. Especially when the aliens started masering people. These people got microwaved to death. It was probably extremely painful; your body would boil/burn from the inside out.


While the whole thing about the machines coming up from underground and the way it was executed was indeed, really, really awesome, it’s a bit silly for an alien race to think “well we won’t settle on the planet now while there are no threats, but we’ll plan to invade in a few million years when our equipment will be millions of years out-of-date.” Flawless.


I remember being absolutely terrified of this movie as a child lmfao


Say whatever negativity you want about the actors or the setting of the movie or blah blah blah, but you cannot deny that hearing the Tripod's blaring horn sends straight chills down your bones. Also, of all the tripod scenes, 5:33 captures what I said about the Tripod horn perfectly + the newly found existential terror when you see a Tripod having you in it's overall sight. Plus, the way everyone was oblivious to the Tripod (except for Tom Cruise and the 2 kids of his) only for the Tripod to purposefully crush a tree abd then everyone just spins their head around, slowly descending into abyssmal panic to get on the ship. 10/10 scene, 10//10 movie.


It’s really telling how after nearly two decades, this is still considered by many to be the definitive version of the tripods/fighting machines. Even those of the Jeff Wayne’s version (arguably the best adaptation) can’t hold a candle to these loud, ULLA-ing beasts.