
Washington Co./Johnson City animal shelter discusses the importance of spaying and neutering

The shelter's director, Tammy Davis stopped by First at Four to discuss spay and neuter assistance.


12 hours ago

mark thank you if you're a pet owner it's important to make sure that your pet has proper vaccinations and they are spayed or neutered here to tell us a little bit more about the importance of spaying and neutering and of course vaccinations is the Washington County Johnson City animal shelter director Tammy Davis Tammy thank you so much for joining us thank you for having me well we will talk about all of that in a minute but first off we have to show Harry off for a minute look at his get up I
'm obsessed with him he is already for St Patrick's Day he is such a big baby yeah yes he's just he's just laid on her lap the whole time and he's part of the reasons why it is so important to spay a neuter because the shelters are overcrowded right now correct so Harry here is part of a litter of four that came in and you can say he's only 3 months old so he's going to be a large dog um but so far this year we are at the end of February my shelter has taken in 400 animals so 200 animals a month
and it gets to a point to where we have this Fe that there's going to be more animals than there are homes and we want to try to do whatever we can to prevent that from happening so February is um spay neuter awareness month so of course anybody that's in animal rescue or works at a shelter we wish that every month it was a spay neuter Awareness Month absolutely so um but you know we're very lucky and we worked really hard to be able to bring the Judy and Doug Lowry spay neuter clinic there to
the animal shelter so we wanted to be able to provide lowc cost spay and neuter to people in our community to help them because we understand that is you know owning a pet can be financially straining and it costs a lot of money so any way that we can help that's what we're here for and what are the costs at your clinic and how does it work does somebody need to call and make an appointment or can they just walk in yeah well our CL the the clinic is open to anyone in you don't have to be in Wash
ington County um the largest or the most expensive price that we have would be $95 for a female dog everything else is less than that so if you live in Washington County or Johnson City and you qualify and you need assistance in having your animals fixed you can come to the animal shelter you can fill out some paperwork and we can see if we can provide some assistance for you and again we know this is so important right now because not only are the shelters overcrowded but we're getting into spr
ing and we know that there's always an uptick in animals over the next few months yes and the interesting thing is we always usually have three times as many cats as we do dogs in the shelter and then Springtime comes and we have kitten season but this year the trend has been really different we have seen a huge increase in the number of dogs and puppies that have come into the shelter so it is frightening because we are at capacity now and we don't want to be there because we know it's it's goi
ng to increase even more as the warm weather comes and I know that if somebody can't maybe take on a dog fulltime they can also Foster for a little bit right yes so we are always in Need You Know puppies that come in um we are always looking for people that can foster puppies until they get old enough to be adopted that is one way that you can um you can help the shelter and help the animals and let's touch on vaccines before we you know get into the next segment in just a little bit we know tha
t's also important too right so at our spay neuter clinic we also provide a lowcost vaccine clinic we try to have about two a month so if you come and go on our website you can go under the spay neuter clinic and you can find the dates but it's very important that you keep your animals up to date on their vaccines it's not uncommon um which we've already seen so far for puppies to get parvo which could you know can be deadly and it can spread very quickly and so our goal is to make the animals i
n our community happy healthy spaying and neutering vaccinating them will we'll do that absolutely well Miss Tammy and Harry thank you so much for joining us today and for more information on spay and neuter options and vaccinations you can call the animal shelter right there at the number on your screen and we'll visit with Tammy again in just a little bit
