
Watching Dream Fight The Allegations with "The Truth"

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Brittany Simon

3 days ago

in this video I'm going to be very vulnerable  open and honest I go into my past I go into controversies and I also debunk very serious lies  about me including by involved hold on whoa that started fast in this video I'm going to be very  vulnerable open and honest I go into my past I go into we oh my God he's editing so fast I just want  to see the picture of him it's okay controversies and I also debunk very serious lies about me  including by involving the police legal teams and extensive re
search it will get uncomfortable  I will get into DET why is his video so low is his video guy is this audio low for you guys  I don't know why I can't turn it up any more than it is it feels really low details of my life  that you probably don't want to hear and I don't particularly want to share either but it feels  necessary given the circumstances and honesty and Truth is my top priority yo who edited this  video bro it goes smooth you guys have probably noticed I took a long break from YouT
ube and since  the face reveal I've hardly really uploaded and I've really focused on other things and separated  myself from a lot of the stuff I was doing before you may think that this was due to the hate from  the face reveal or for other reasons but really there was something else that happened right after  the okay everyone saying he is ADHD talks fast well jokes on dream we watch videos at two speed  here no that's good that's good that's good face reveal and it really made me step back f
rom what  I was doing and have a lot less passion if you've been on the internet recently you've probably  heard or seen some pretty crazy stuff about me whether it's the voice actor of Gumball attacking  me or accusations against me regarding grooming you've probably heard a lot of pretty crazy stuff  I thought it's extremely important for me to make this video and provide as much information as I  can and I just want to right off the bat State as clearly as I can that these allegations are  no
t true I plan on going to extreme detail to prove that in this video and to all the people  that are spreading lies fabricating stories and making false accusations for fun or because they  think it's funny but I don't care I'm accepted them a horrible person this is not funny this is  not a joke this is people's lives ranging from my own my family my employes to actual victims that  Stories won't be heard or believed in the future because of this I understand that some things in  this video are
much more important than others so I split this video up into chapters and you  can skip to and watch the parts that are most important to you I will say that everything in  this video is very relevant I think they're all vital topics to include because they help clear up  my character so yeah the video has chapters and if you want to skip around there's a pin comment and  again I realize that nothing in this video is as important as me talking about serious allegations  so I've made it really
easy to skip ahead to whatever is most important to you just because  there's other stuff doesn't mean anything is less important monez here's the question what do  we think should happen to people that make false accusations against people cuz we know that the  human mind is so complex and we know that people will lie unintentionally and intentionally I think  think that there's so much to be said about what we think should happen to people but what do we do  how do we know the difference betwe
en somebody who who distorts reality because they have a mental  illness and somebody who distorts reality because they're doing it on purpose what do you think we  should want to do for me obviously I would need to know the difference so before I cast judgment  on someone I'd really need to know are you doing this on purpose purpose like with malicious intent  are you in your own mind saying I know this isn't true so I'm going to do this you know what I mean  or are you saying you know hey I th
ink this really happened and I and I feel like this happened  and I I feel Justified especially with neurod Divergent people the sense of justice you know  could really make you want to defend or stand up for people I saw some other related controversies  like people reacting to things over the weekend I was trying or week I was trying to figure out who  was who and one of the girls I found was so like obviously n Divergent but she was so her sense of  justice was so strong I forget her name I t
hink is like Emory or Amy or something like that and she  she was so strong but yet so like naive and like so young and kind of just she would say things  that weren't true but I don't think she meant them to be lies I think she meant them because  she's like she would say things like he broke the law but then did they you know he was I was  seeing like this real sense of justice so I want to be obviously open-minded and lenient to people  that genuinely want to help people but are doing it wron
g and then people who are maliciously  intended like they have malicious intent yeah Megan says Amy yeah Amy I saw that girl she's like  a lesbian or queer she's got like a beanie on and like straight hair and she did like I watched  an interview she did a little bit and I watched I skipped around and then I watched like some guy  responding to her she seems really passionate but I'm not sure she has the facts I'm not sure don't  let me you know talk at a turn here but on this video is on but ev
ery dollar will go to a charity  that's link l in the description otherwise I want to start with the biggest lie I have ever told  the fa leak photo what a cutie pie what a cutie patootie bro was me of course it's from when I  was really young and I've lost a lot of weight since then and it wasn't at all representative  of what I look like now but it was me obviously I said many times that it wasn't and a lot of  people have and still do use that against me to say that I'm dishonest but the reas
on I lied  about that is because of the face reveal I've been planning the face real for years I sacrificed  so much by staying inside and avoiding cameras for so long I mean I had covers on all my windows  and even to go to the dentist I left hiding in the back of a car and went to a different state  yes I was paranoid I wasn't going to let anyone take that moment away from me whatever I had to  do to make sure that moment was suspenseful and exciting I'm oh okay Amy is 22 and uses all  pronoun
s oh okay okay sure I would have done and if anything the Fa l photo probably ended up  creating more suspense and excitement to see if I was lying or if I actually looked like the leaked  picture now of course there was a lot of personal information attached to the leaked picture how it  was found where it was I think this makes sense so far I I know a lot of YouTubers have things  like this and dream's a really big brand like he's a really big content creator so I could see  him wanting to sor
t of like FIB around the photo to make the reveal more intense um not to mention  that people go after like corpse who doesn't want to be shown and people find ways to leak him so I  will say you know regardless I think this is like I'm not a big fan of lying as you guys know but  I think like in terms of branding it would make sense to admit this is him but also this doesn't  even look like dream now you know what I mean so leaked from so that definitely contributed to why  I lied about it I di
dn't lie because I was ugly or because I was overweight or anything like that  and every time I talked about the leaked picture I always mentioned that I struggled with my weight  in the past and that it's disheartening to see people make fun of the very common to streamers  and content creators to be you know they're not going to be traditionally like tens you know what  I'm saying because most of those people they're not going to have that Journey like you fall  into a category in life guys we
all fall into categories and that doesn't mean you're trapped  in that category it's just like it's it's an OB obervation it's not meant to be malicious so I'm  not surprised that he struggled with his weight I think a lot of streamers struggle with our mental  health we struggle with a lot of things so that's not that surprising Deja Vu with the Super Chat  says you're non-biased but still pined stance is refreshing to see let's go you hear that guys now  remember everybody has bias and Prejud
ice even me so my bias I'm sure will show eventually but I'm  trying a poor kid for that which obviously I was the poor kid and I think that's something I'm  willing to admit now because I face revealed I'm not risking that big does he like that  side of his face cuz I like this side of my face I noticed that he always turns and we all  have sides of our face that look a little bit more symmetrical or better you know like this  is my favorite side of my face I think he has probably CU he always
turns right moment anymore  and I also feel much more comfortable about my personal information he's a cutie patootie he just  I don't know what people expected him to look like but he looks pretty normal and how I look and so  on the day the face lak was posted I was playing a Minecraft tournament and someone called the  SWAT team on me dream is AFK I'm clear here um I was put in handcuffs on my front lawn with cops  with rifles pointing at me and I was pretty much swatted from that day on almo
st daily to the  point where the reason sapnap moved in with me before my face reveal was to answer the door when  police showed up because people started camping outside with cameras to try and reveal my face  and I needed someone else to answer the when oh that's so gross bro I really I do not appreciate  this lack of introspection from people so cringe like going to uh uh YouTubers homes and bothering  Julian and all these people like it's just cringe bro don't go to people's houses who raise
d you  the people that were doxing me thought that they had the wrong address my family ended up getting  swatted and my mom answered the door thinking that it was pizza for her and my little sister they  were held at gunpoint with police helicopters the neighborhood people showed up at my house people  showed up at my family's house the first time I ever got swatted I made sure not to mention it at  all funnily enough I actually got interviewed by a SWAT team member while I was muted and playin
g  Minecraft parkour with the SWAT officer right next to me yeah it's just all to show that even  though I was very adamant about denying the face leak it was much more about the fact that there  was so much personal information attached to the picture and I wanted as much separation from  it as possible it had nothing to do with how I look I'm very proud of my weight loss story and  I was never ashamed about it at all I think that it's very encourage that's pretty good he looks  cute there I th
ink he might look better with a be beard less baby face you know but that's  cute I still haven't seen my husband without a beard yo imagine being married and never seeing  your I just still haven't seen it you know but yeah like I I love a beard that's a that's a good  look enaging to see people accomplish weight loss I did it all naturally I lost hundreds of pounds  you have not seen me at my head oh he looks so good with a beard what heaviest and it's one of  those things that I think is very
encouraging to others I love inspiring people so it's a  story I'm sure I'll tell in the future but in that moment it was not the right time to tell  it I feel like right now it's still kind of uncomfortable to talk about it but it's annoying  seeing the same damn picture so here's some other pictures of me from before I lost weight just  so there's more variety he's a cute little pumpkin now oh my gosh is that wait hold up just  so there's more variety now that the neck beard the hair the fat
we love to see it bro that that's  like a basement dwelling Minecrafter if I ever did see one and now he's got 30 million subbies you  know what we love to see it now moving on to one of the most yes ma'am y he says he had he glue  up he glue up about controversies the cheating scandal I'm going to be pretty concise with this  one oh speedrun cheating guys getting into the gaming bubble let's go because it's been covered a  million times and most of you are probably pretty sick of hearing about
it but but it's still really  important to talk about it's one of the most frequent reasons people point to as to why not to  trust me I did unintentionally cheat on a speedrun that I officially submitted to the leaderboard  I did unintentionally cheat on a speedrun that I did submit okay in 2020 and the speedrun mods were  completely in the right for taking it down I was using a disallowed mod for about a week on my live  streams when a new version of Minecraft came out and I was unaware that t
his mod existed when I was  defending myself I didn't know that I'd been using the mod and it's a really complicated and lengthy  explanation of how it's very reasonable that I didn't know that I had the mod so I can't go into  that here a lot of people say that it's impossible that I wouldn't have known that I was so lucky  but those people don't realize that it was a little bit of luck over a very long period of time  and not a lot of luck at once it was actually only uncovered by a cheater th
ems who later got exposed  for doing that same thing in the past yes that's right mine cenger the very same person that first  publicly exposed dream for Cheating in his runs has just been caught cheating himself and not only  cheating once but cheating multiple World um I'm not in the gaming bubble even though I'm married  a gamer what is the sin is it how big of a sin is this can the gamers in the chat let me know  how big of a sin is it to cheat at the speedrun I assume it's as bad as cheatin
g at anything you  know so how bad is it though like is it like oh my like for me I'm feeling no I I got I have no  feelings towards this right so is this just like the worst possible thing or is this just like ah  everybody does it or it obviously I think it's sounds like it wasn't on purpose but like how big  of a sin is this records over a span of more than 2 years is I was defending myself so confidently  publicly because me and a developer had already considered and ruled out oh you guys ar
e saying  big HOH speedruns are extremely precise fractions of a second so yeah oh damn close to cheating on  your wife oh man oh man you guys are saying this is a big deal okay some of you are saying it's not  a big deal let's see it's like cheating in a sport it's illegal okay okay that's pretty [ __ ] okay  huh the possibility that I could have been using a mod Carl jobs a very well respected YouTuber  that also investigates speedruns made a video going into all the details it's over an hour
long  if you'd like to watch it to understand how that could happen and all the supporting evidence  around it you can he is very critical of me in it but here's his short conclusion that backs  up what I'm saying okay so Mega is saying it was huge because people thought it was intentional  but the situation is different because he clears up that it was unintentional okay that makes  sense from after his thorough investigation in conjunction with all of the evidence I've seen I  believe the esse
nce of what dream was claiming in his paste bin was probably true in my opinion it  is definitely more likely that he really didn't know his drop rates and barter rates were modified  was it intentional and I do believe that it that sucks for dream though right cuz correct me if  I'm wrong but that means he thought he was going like he thought he was doing something amazing  only to find out he didn't even earn it right that like that kind of sucks probably wasn't he  did a lot of research and i
nterviewed a lot of people to come to that conclusion he interviewed  the mod team me developers and a lot more he even said something afterwards that applies to a lot of  the situations we going to talk about today so I'm going to go ahead and play that clip too in one  breath people will complain that dream is a liar and then in the next spout made up assumptions  that couldn't be further from the truth it seems like everyone is lying everywhere I'm still fully  responsible for my behavior bac
k then towards the moderators regardless of my intentions and I did  act like a little baby and caused a majority of the problems myself so I'm sorry regardless of  if you believe me or if you think that I'm being dishonest since this all happened over 3 years ago  a lot has changed since and I've done my best to move forward and grow as a person I did my best to  make amends with the mods I apologized privately and publicly for lashing out at them I donated  over $50,000 to the speedrun communi
ty Through tournaments and personal donations to over 15  different speedrunners I voluntarily took down all my speedrun times even ones that had nothing  at all to do with the mod or the cheating scandal I also deleted my original response video and I  haven't speedrun officially since it's been over three years now that that's out of the way okay so  I don't know about dream I'm I'm really going in blind right now he's is he like do you guys think  and I know you're probably if your fans maybe
are biased but like does he seem like a very good  person or does he seem like a person with some flaws that make him sort of a bad person do you  guys think that he's a good person who's just kind of naive like what kind of category is he in you  know I want to clear up some quick misinformation around it one it had nothing to do with my Manhunt  videos or any video or speedrun I've ever posted on my YouTube channel it was specifically live  streamed attempts that I did during a one week or so
period over 3 years ago it's a common  misconception that the cheating had to do with my YouTube channel Manhunt or any other videos I've  posted two I didn't hire a fake astrophysicist to defend me which is also commonly said knowing  nothing about math but fully believing in my innocence at the time given the accusation was  purely based on math I used a website for math Freelancers and reached out directly to a highly  qualified Professor that said they'd be willing to help me they even made
one of their conditions  before agreeing that no matter what their conclusion was I had to publish their results even  if their conclusion was that I was guilty I agreed to this dream briefly explained the situation and  the expert agreed to help the oh his name is Clay okay you guys find him to be sincere just like  uh K says he seems like a regular human with good intentions seems flawed but tries to be good okay  he definitely wants to be good okay okay expert provided dream with a few terms
one of them being  that dream post the results no matter the outcome obviously their report ended up getting ripped  to shreds but I had no idea that would be the case I knew absolutely nothing about math and I  fully believed in my innocence so when a highly qualified third party was agreeing with me it  made me even more confident and bold there was many factors as to why the report ended up being  bad part due to the public pressure and it being rushed ah Viola says he's a person that tries
his  best be gr up conservative unlearned a lot of it but no one will forgive him for being cringe as a  kid well I also grew up conservative so relatable dream partially due to them not knowing as much  about Minecraft as the mod team did but regardless I didn't bribe or make up a fake astrophysicist  which is something people frequently say thep mod team and many other parties independently verified  their credentials and the fact that they exist I also put way more information in the descript
ion  on this just for transparency sake including proof about the professor all of my emails to them and  even screenshots of messages that I never provided in the past I think that's really important to  clear up because it's used very very frequently to say if you will go as far as to make up a fake  astrophysicist to lie how far will he go with other lies and I would just like to point out that  even though I didn't lie lying about a Minecraft speedrun is very different than lying about very 
serious allegations the next thing I'm going to talk about is a pretty big one that you might not  have heard about but it's a pretty important one manate treat now if you don't know who manate  treat is manate Tre is a content creator that I added to my server the dream SMP a couple years  ago they were Anonymous like me and they had a very short career there was a thread made about  manate Tre saying that they doxed him and that he was an IRL friend of mine had been charged with  domestic vio
lence and that I was trying to hide it manre was removed from the S&P by me all of  his accounts were deleted and I made a statement talking about how I don't support domestic  violence I wasn't aware of any domestic violence and that due to how complicated the situation  was I decided to remove manate treat from the S&P I also strongly alluded to the fact that the  doc's information was incorrect everything I just said was true except for the fact that Manish was  my childhood best friend I cam
e up with the name man I made the accounts I grew up with him his  grandparents were like my grandparents he was like family to me the criticism I get to this day  related to this is that I intentionally housed and hidden abuser because manat treed was faceless and  Anonymous like me people said that it was planned deliberately in order to hide a domestic violence  charge this is not true in late 2020 he had a lot of problems he was struggling with homelessness  had been in multiple recent car a
ccidents I knew I could help him so I did I offered him a place  to stay I paid for his groceries and gas for a while and eventually I came up with the idea to  add him to my server he was my childhood friend I trusted him and he wasn't a risk I was Anonymous  so obviously if I wanted to play games with him his identity couldn't be known or it would leak my  identity whenever the thread first came out saying that manat treat abused his girlfriend I responded  emotionally calling people gullible
because I didn't believe that someone I had known for so  long and grew up with could do anything like that and at the time although no one knew he lived  with me in sapnap so it seemed crazy that he could somehow hide it from us I jumped to the gun and  reacted emotionally only later did I properly look into everything and I apologize after I confronted  manate Tre in real life he claimed that he wasn't an abuser that he had just had an with another  guy and that his ex-girlfriend got in the mi
ddle of it he claimed that he never hit her that he  had just caught her cheating and was fighting the guy that she was cheating with that the cops got  called and that he got arrested this is just what he said this altercation would have taken place  around a year before he moved in with us and I had no knowledge of it people thought that domestic  violence took place when he lived with us because my address was on a court document of his but that  was Far after when he was on probation and had
to tell the court where he currently lived he also  lied to us and told us that he was on probation for smoking weed in order to not have us question  anything suspicious related to it even though he claimed to me that he wasn't abusive to any one I  couldn't just take him for his word and so I did research myself I reached out to his ex-girlfriend  and talked to her about it all she wouldn't really say that much she said to give manate treat the  best wishes for his future and that his mistake
s were behind her and that she just wanted to  be left alone online I didn't want to push her for information so because of that I didn't  feel comfortable having manat Tre on the GM S&P anymore I didn't have full confidence that he was  being honest with me because he had already lied to me and I was also still faceless and really  didn't want to have to dox myself to explain the situation I decided the best idea would just be  to remove him from the server I had created all the accounts okay t
his is already a lot for me  to like try to understand and I will say as a content creator myself it is really difficult when  you try to get your friends involved in your work and like I definitely have had good times doing  that and eventually realize like that's not the best way to go about things so I try to keep my  friends and family outside of my work just cuz it gets way too complicated and also the viewers  think like if they know people you know than they know you more than you know li
ke they think you're  they're closer to you so like I can see how that gets complicated um and I also don't want like I  have very different friends than me and I think everyone's on a journey like I don't do Guilty By  Association myself I do I I pay attention to the individual's like relationship with the self so  I have like my friends are different than me my siblings are different than me so I could see him  wanting to stand up for his friend or slash see his friend through a journey also s
ounds like his  friend had a lot of issues you know what I mean so there's a big part of that that isn't dreams  responsibility but like we might have people in our life right that are complicated that aren't  the greatest people that are abusive like if you grew up with Boomer parents you were probably  abused by them or had toxic relationships with them it doesn't mean they're bad people you know  it means that they had a life in which they tried to give you a better life or maybe they didn't 
that they thought was good most people don't do things cuz they think it's bad most people do  things they because they think it's good you know and then of course you get complicated you  get into situations they're not the best I think we've all been toxic I don't think anyone is  a perfect person and the question is what are you dealing with on an individual basis so if  you've hit somebody that's a very different relationship with the self and with those people  than somebody who's never hi
t somebody so you know if your friend does something that you think is  immoral and morals are subjective then you have to decide if you want a boundary for your own  sake but not because of what other people are doing because of how it impacts you right so I can  see him needing to take space away from his friend especially in relation to work because that's a  lot more complicated right um but I could also see you wanting to root for your friend to get better  even if they're complicated look
I always say with my inner circle even if they did something  horrific I would turn them into the cops and still visit them in prison because I really believe in  the uniqueness of a Consciousness I think you're all very you like all all very unique but none of  you are special like everyone's just a person on a planet I think we're evolved animals I don't know  what you believe maybe you believe in God maybe you believe in something else but I believe we're  animals we're like biological creatu
res that have evolved and like here we are in this ecosystem so  there there's going to be huge flaws right and so I can see somebody wanting the best for someone  they've known ever since they were a kid right that's like a big deal so I think my heart goes  out to anyone in this situation cuz I know it's so much more complicated than the internet thinks  it is so I completely shut them down and removed his access that meant that there was absolutely  no risk that even if he was lying he would
ever cause future harm because of me unfortunately  this wasn't a cut and dry situation this was one of my childhood best friends that had always  treated me with kindness and had lied to me in seut and unfortunately due to all of this  I have no contact with him and hey man happy Thanksgiving super thankful to have met you most  reliable friend since childhood never stay away from me I appreciate you more than you same here  clay Happy Thanksgiving I would never get this opportunity if it wasn'
t for you okay someone  that was like family to me I'll never know the exact truth behind everything the person that  I knew was kind generous and compassionate and I never would have added him to the server if I  thought he was anything otherwise but what I do know is that other than my initial crude response  I stand by my actions I think that I navigated a really complex situation the best that I could  I got rid of any risk supported a victim made it clear that I didn't support domestic viol
ence even  to the detriment of one of my oldest friendships I completely understand people that don't know  my side of this situation assuming that this makes me a liar and that it's obvious that I was  covering up wrongdoing I hav't Had Creative that thought this until they talk to me about it it's  not unreasonable at all and that's why I figured I had to talk about it in this video even if it  is personal and uncomfortable before I jump into the most important things I'm going to address I  w
ant to talk about something that's come up a lot due to these allegations and something that's  commonly said to give credibility to me being a bad or weird person I'm going to play a clip  from Moy critical who talked about the allegations pretty neutrally to his credit but while talking  about them he said this dreams audience has always been on the younger side of things and yet dream  constantly engages with them in very inappropriate ways such as like posting thirst traps he does  post thir
st traps even knowing that his fans are children so can I see one of these thirst  traps I don't know why I can't see it happening is dream posting thirst traps I mean my audience  is older so I and I'm obviously a sex worker so like I post obviously my audience is mostly 18  plus between the ages of 20 and like 35 and so I'm used to having an older audience but what  if dream wanted an older audience can he have that is he allowed to to grow up you know what  I mean I got to see these thirst tr
aps somebody like okay maybe I'll Google is he going to show  one because like I got to know when these claims come out I think a lot of people start to take  them at face value because they're like oh that that sounds like the dream that I know uh you  know this sounds like something dream might do so it's probably true even though right now a lot  of the evidence backing it up isn't the strongest now before I talk about this I just want to ask  that if you're watching this and you share the sa
me opinion try and give me the benefit of Doubt  genuinely listen to what I have to say and discard your preconceived biases cuz yeah if you think  someone's creepy and then they're accused of being a creep it clearly changes how you think so I'm  going to break down multiple things that Charlie said because I respect him I respect his opinion  okay you guys are saying he's going to show me oh my God oh my God I think he's a super reasonable  guy and I think he's an awesome uh I'm iffy about pen
guin sometimes I like Charlie and most of the  time I don't I just think he's kind of too dumb for his own good he's so simple as a human which  is probably why he has he's just so simple he's such a simple man and like sometimes I think he he  just takes the most basic takes and never thinks about the complex part about being a person like  what okay so I'm like I'm sometimes I like Charlie and sometimes I don't content creator one of  the things that he said is that I post creepy pictures and
thirst traps he does post thirst  traps that's the first thing I'm going to talk about uniquely because I didn't reveal my face  until last year I can actually pretty reasonably show you every photo and video of myself that  I've ever posted on the internet so they're going to start scrolling by now in a completely random  order while you watch it's important to note that what you post on something like Snapchat is very  different than something you'd post on Instagram or Twitter Snapchat runs a
ds every five or six  photos and encourages you to post upwards of 100 photos or videos a day to have the most growth and  make the most money they only last 24 hours like an in wait I have a Snapchat but I don't think  about it that way is that what's happening on Snap I've never seen an ad on Snapchat but I I  almost never watch anybody's anything except my siblings I guess story so on Snapchat you kind of  just Spam anything so for me it's silly filters my cat whatever food I'm eating that da
y I get a  haircut because of that it's much easier to take one silly photo from Snapchat out of context and  make it out to be something that it's not on top of that there's a lot of fake accounts that I  think people fall for all the time they post thirst trap captions using my photos and with how  many likes they get there's a lot of people I turn lesbians back to [Laughter] normal looks like a  lesbian I turn lesbians back to normal not not with that aesthetic that's a lesbian right there  t
hat's a lesbian with a beard bro people that casually scroll Twitter and think their posts are  mine there's one specific one that was extremely popular and verified before it was suspended  it posted tweets like this and this wait wait what terified before it was suspended it posted  tweets like this name a man prettier than me you can't and this and racism I'm 6'2 by the way wait that's funny wait these cannot be the  thirst traps Charlie is talking about these this is so dumb and it's kind of
funny  though just found out about racism so messed up this is too this can this isn't what Charlie's  talking about this is too funny bro so dumb these are just completely normal photos I posted of  myself with no caption but they rep hey this man feel himself BR let this formally fat man  feel himself bro let this formally neck beard man feel himself bruh no these are the thirst  traps y'all let this man feel himself BR can you imagine being that nerd listen as somebody  Abba and preach have
this great video about this how like all we all used to be ugly bro I was  so much uglier when I was younger I get cuter every day bro I know with this lighting  you can't tell but I'm cuter every day I age and I'm in my mid-30s I'm just saying let  this man age let this man come into himself let this man feel himself damn damn post them  and put a weird Caption This has fooled tons of people including people that have made  pretty big videos about me and I wouldn't be surprised at all if yo it
y let this man  grow up saw this account a couple times and thought its tweets were mine a lot of people  also say stuff like this I don't know why he still uses Snapchat it's still kind of weird I  told you if you're a grown man using SnapChat okay literally Snapchat's just like another way to  talk to your friends and like post [ __ ] I don't share my Snapchat anymore like I don't add any new  people to it but I used to just like give it as a perk for patreon then I got too like annoying  and
so I don't have that anymore but like I still just like post pictures of my cat and food  and like I don't know send videos to my siblings and send filtered videos of myself like making  stupid faces to people I don't know it feels isn't Snapchat just like Instagram but snap which  I think is super reasonable to think if you don't know that there's Creator accounts now that work  very differently to normal Snapchat accounts you can promote stuff to millions of people through  Snapchat's algorith
m and even yo maybe I should get on the Snapchat game should I actually become  a Creator on snap I didn't even think about it as of recently you can make a lot of money obviously  encouraging post Snap paid 12,000 creators more than 250 million bro whatever random stupid photo  you took I mean I hardly even log into my Snapchat myself and even have someone else completely run  the account because there's a manager account feature where I can just post from my personal  snap and never even see a
ny of the messages I also sometimes have people say that I'm weird because  of fan art account likes from my fan art account so I just want to clarify I'm not the one behind  99% of the likes I've never made that public because it is beneficial for artists for people to  think that it's me every time but again when it's being used against me to say I'm creepy I have  to clarify hi so I've ran dreams public Snapchat since January 2022 there's nothing weird and he  doesn't really even log into it
um I also run his fan art account and have been since January 2022  as well I'm good friends with dream and the dream team so he thought I'd be a good pict to run it I  mostly just like and retweet art I'm banished from replying sometimes people will call him creepy  for stupid stuff that I've liked and I've never really taken it seriously because I just see this  is why I wouldn't want a young audience like the older audience can be difficult sometimes but  got to switch my fibromyalgia up hold
on oh my God my legs today but I will say like having  a younger audience is so complicated it does come with a lot of viewers and money but it also  comes with like so much more responsibility like I used to have a much younger audience when  I was much younger and now my audience is age with me thank God so like I prefer that you know I  prefer an older audience but I wonder if if these guys will ever feel like it's time to not have a  young audience which is difficult because they're playing
games that probably attract a younger  audience like Minecraft so it's difficult but yeah it sounds like a headache to have a young  audience honestly no offense just think what's being depicted in the art is funny to me like  dnf kissing art or something because I'm their friend and it makes me laugh it just happens  to be really good art but when it's being uh hold on hold on little witch good point says  it's not his fans though it's people who hate him Ah that's that's a good point but I do
wonder  if it's be his haters tend to be younger is that the problem cuz my haters tend to be older but  they're not they not doing the same things to me that like these kids are doing to him in the  same way I guess they're not doing exactly like worst better things I don't know okay that's a  good point it is his haters I guess ultimately I guess his fans wouldn't be doing it okay that's  a good point okay interesting interesting he used to say that dream is creepy or weird I feel really  bad
because he's definitely not there's been times that he's messaged me and told me that unlike  something or asked why I was on a dnf likings spre and he's definitely a silly guy but people  shouldn't Halen said should we hold creators responsible for the age of those that follow them  well I don't think you need to be held responsible for the age of your audience but I think you as  a brand come on I purp l i purposely brand myself for older people like I think about getting people  in their 30s
I think about appealing to people at least over 20 I try thinking about how not to get  younger people um so I personally do that because I want older people in my audience obviously  I want that older philosophy conversation my patreon's 18 plus everything's 18 plus that  I do um because I want it to be adults like I just don't want kids in my audience but you know  kids have a place on the internet as they deserve to have a place on the internet and so I it's  not that you hold content creato
rs responsible for having young audiences it's that you as the  content creator I think have a lot more power in choosing your audience than you think you do  you know heuse me liking art that I found funny or just thought was yeah he's 23 so he's still  pretty young to be fair my audience grew with me so I think by the time I turned like 28 or 30  I finally started not having a lot of underage people yeah impressive artistically against  some I can still be more careful about what's liked on th
e account though and I also can Rec  clarify my boundaries which I do at the end of the lot of gay art in this which we love to see  is he queer or is he just stray is he queer yeah but I will just say here that I've have never  supported not safe forw workk art of miners or from miners I think that that's weird and gross  yeah I think fanfiction is weird all stuff is weird I clarify my boundaries on myself later in  the video or not yeah fanfiction is that what it's called realism like when you
do fanfiction with  like YouTubers weird but generally it's just I don't want anything weird drawn of me I also later  have the person who used to run the account back in 2020 say something as well but yeah like one  out of every 1,000 Snapchats I post people end up spreading and making fun of which is fine of  course but it's when it's made out to be weird that it's disingenuous now that's not to say that  I'm posting the exact same thing as everyone else or that what I'm posting isn't differe
nt than  other people it definitely is I was faceless for a very long time never took pictures of myself  okay you guys are saying I'm seeing some that he's straight oh no some that he's queer so he's  straight he's queer but not chosen a label okay based okay I'm liking dream more and more not  that I don't mind the straights but like we're queer channel here I'm a queer person so like  we're all about that we like that energy so un unlabeled but queer okay okay and had no social  media before
YouTube so you're seeing literally my first time ever taking pictures and I am  just a little goofy again it's fine to make fun of like some of these pictures are stupid but  using them as evidence that I'm weird or making them out to be weird just isn't fair I don't  really take myself seriously I don't think I'm super attractive I don't think I'm super funny  I think a lot of people misunderstand some of the things that I post that are satire a lot of  my videos before I did Minecraft challeng
es were satire videos and I still post a lot of satire  a perfect example of this is my UNF reveal I posted a video on my channel where I unrevealed  my face it's a satire video I have my two best friends burst down my door tell me that is that  George is that is that George I can't tell that I'm ugly and to put my mask back on no yes no  I'm face blind is that George which I agree with make a professional mask and then go through the  McDonald's drive-through with it on while saying that I'm ne
ver taking it off ever again the number  of people that took this seriously was in the tens of millions people see the headline assume that  sounds like something that cringy oh I saw that headline I did see that you guy would do and  then it's history and the same thing happens with my Tik toks like almost my entire Tik Tok  page is sarcastic but every now and then someone will take a Tik Tok of mine completely seriously  like I posted a video of me with a chat filter on and said no filter righ
t after the face RW  I made a Tik Tok where I take off the mask and use an ugly filter another Tik Tok oh George and  dream live together did George say that in his video see I can't remember all these facts okay  where I make fun of the fa lake photo or many other sarcastic posts but then I post a Tik Tok  where I'm in Walmart wearing my mask and people take it so seriously I get tons of hate and it  said how cringe it is that I would go shopping in my mask that it's pathetic that I'm trying to
  hide my face after I already revealed it or I post a Tik Tok where I sing one of my songs say no he  sings to God I know nothing about dream he sings autotune and then kiss the camera and it's that  I'm trying to be hot or think I'm such an amazing singer instead of that I'm self-aware and playing  into the cringe I didn't watch that and go ah you are so cool you are such an amazing singer and  you're also okay I'm not going to lie somebody who's like going to be 35 in May I don't care what  s
omebody in their early 20s is doing because like you're just figuring out your stuff if he's nerd  Divergent which I think he is technically there's a lot of like conversation around people maturing  even or uh developing a little like um slower I guess is the word to use like he's not even 26  like there's so many things in his own development Journey that hasn't even occurred yet like he's  so young so I just want to say like as an older person I think I'm this seems all pretty normal I  mean
I was cringe as [ __ ] with my friends in my early 20s so like I'm not seeing anything that's  a red flag uh I think playing into the cringe is probably funny and like probably good yeah he's  ADHD we love a nerd Divergent Queen okay so like he's nerd Divergent he's queer we love everything  about dream right now hot like it's not serious yes I do post cringey stuff sometimes and I'm  not trying to say that I've never been cringey or that you can't make fun of content that  is intentionally crin
gy but I've never posted anything that you could remotely say is a thirst  trap or inappropriate for my audience because as you can see in the context of all these other  photos I've posted it's not honest to single out one weird Snapchat out of context of the thousands  I spam and then say that I post creepy but yeah like one photo I posted was heavily spread as  a thirst trap by parody accounts and it's this I'm supposed to be dead it's definitely not a  thirst trap but it's not like I was sen
ding it to somebody and being weird I was just spamming  photos on my public story oh No George not found is giving him the slobers oh oh no like yeah it's  goofy it was not a thirst trap I posted one or two how did Charlie Miss so hard bro I don't  like Charlie bro I'm sorry I don't mean to say that cuz I go hard on Charlie sometimes but like  how could penguin called these like real thirst straps and I just what's happening what's going  on photos with my shirt off ever and this one's cuz I th
ought it was cool to see my hair comb back  since it's always forward and you can't even see me or my body there's also this monstrosity  that's frequently shared like this is a gross photo I look terrible this is not a thirst that  is a gross photo if that's a thirst trap you failed bro it's just like a goofy H like I don't  understand the tongue outside the mouth thing you do you Ames with the Super Chat let's go says  like the stream you animals it's free thank you guys support me I'm chronic
ally ill and gay okay  we love we love the queers here um yeah I just feel like he's being goofy and probably feeling  himself and like look when you go from you know feeling ugly to feeling cute you just want to  be cute you know first trap this is a terrible photo this is just disgusting I was just spamming  photos didn't think much of it and posted it and now it will haunt me until the end of ingred says  most critical does even worse research than H's crew bro shout out Olivia shout out Oliv
ia bro oh  that sucks time I'm cringy and being serious when I make satire posts I'm full of myself when I post  a normal photo I'm gross I cannot believe he even dedicated more than two seconds to this bro who  cares let the boy be cringe post a bad photo I'm weird when I post a silly photo it's just people  assuming the worst or just not knowing who I am which I guess is fair so yeah that's what I have  to say about the thirst traps thing but obviously that's just photos now in terms of other
stuff  I've definitely had my opinions morph over time especially since I've face revealed and actually  got to meet fans in person but we can still talk about some old stuff that people frequently use  to say that I'm weird first of all me calling my fan base kittens now this was a stupid tweet  if I could go back never would have tweeted it I completely understand that without knowing my  intentions or what I actually meant it could seem super weird the whole Discord kittens meme wasn't  as bi
g yet and I just tweeted so much I just just wasn't really thinking it came out horribly and  I will never live this down it is still something that my friends make fun of me for to this day I  was just trying to explain that when I say I love my audience I don't mean it in the same way that  I love my friends or my family that I mean it in the way that I love dogs even though I don't know  every dog personally I can still say I love dogs I should not have said kittens but it's not what I  meant
it was a stupid tweet um people used to say I I love you guys bro I love you bros I love these  letters on a screen that represent some sort of Consciousness I'll never probably meet talk to or  see I love you bros but I don't love you you know what I'm saying but I love you like every Rock  and tree and creature okay but I don't love you like that but I love you okay Bros I love you but  I don't love you like that but I love you you know what I'm saying I love you like a mom loves her  kids yo
u know tweet I've tweeted tens of thousands of times the last few years it wasn't my brightest  moment but it also wasn't me trying to be weird or going kittens it was just an analogy that I regret  using another point of evidence towards the dream is weird narrative was me quote unquote selling  my baby pictures in 2022 my merch company sold a flash drive that was dream themed it was going  to be sold empty and then my mom and my dad who helped run my merch company had the idea to put  some ran
dom stuff onto the drive so it felt more unique I thought it was a cool idea content on the  drive wasn't what was being sold it was the slap wristband flash drive itself we added some drafts  of books I wrote from when I was a teenager some memes some old Minecraft screenshots of me and  my friends some notes and emails from teachers talking about me being rebellious in middle school  and yes two pictures of me from when I was a baby the intent wasn't at all to sell pictures of  me when I was a
baby which other celebrities have actually literally done the intent was uh  remember that girl on o who posted an off photo of her and it was like when she was a kid bro how  do people [ __ ] not think these things through bro just to show a little bit of where I'm from  like you would show pictures in a biography you would sell or something it was my version of a  little biography with right it's so weird when you get your parents involved and it like you  think it's so cute and you're like o
h this is so innocent you know what I mean and like this is so  special and like oh my gosh you know what I mean and then people are just like why like what did  you do this is are these the photos I don't know look okay this is interesting we had a discussion  about this on my channel because I on my Instagram I kind of post like kind of like smexy but also  like regular photos and one of you in chat were saying like it's kind of weird when you have  like sexy photos and then a random kid photo
of yourself and I was like why is that weird and  then I was like oh I see it I get why it's weird so I stopped posting like old photos of myself  as a kid cuz I was like oh cuz I forget I'm so sex positive I'm so neutral to nudity I just think  it's like whatever that I forget like other people are seeing like sexy sexy sexy and then kid photo  and they're not thinking about like it's just my life so I stopped posting that cuz I was like oh I  don't want the creeps on the the internet to look
at my old baby photos and be weird about it you  know but I could see if you have a kid audience and you don't do 18 plus stuff and you're not the  guy who does like sexy photographs or something I could see you sharing your baby photos cuz then  it's like cute and wholesome and I still share my baby photos with like my Discord and stuff  because I'm like look how cute I was what a Vibe but obviously I understand you there's like  a different context you know what I mean it's like a different co
ntext you know wrting and pictures  and quotes I think there's definitely something to be said about the concept of being in possession  of a file of someone else's baby picture versus it just being in a physical book so I totally get  it but you have to recognize that that's clearly not the intention it should be something funny  or cringe to make fun of and not be a serious thing like being about pedophilia yeah I mean as  you can probably tell by the pictures going by I have a pretty normal l
ife I think I'm a pretty  average guy and 99% I hate to tell you this most streamers are just the most boring normal people  you know like we really are especially like I mean me especially but like yep it's just normal  boring life you eat food you go home you watch anime you stream just regular life of the things  I post online are extremely normal despite how much I've put myself out there there's only a few  weird outof context things to show for it and a couple goofy photos so yeah I think
when people  say that I post thirst traps or post predatory things to my audience they're just misinformed  I don't think that Charlie is being malicious at all it's just Alex says how exhausting  to have your whole life under a microscope examined by children whose brains aren't infly  booted yet it's not even it's worse than that Charlie he's talking about Charlie he's talking  about a YouTuber that's even wor that's what I'm saying Charlie might again with peace and love  and no disrespect I
think Charlie might just be dumb like and I don't mean that in a bad way a lot  of people are dumb I'm dumb everyone's dumb okay we're all idiots but like something about Charlie  is so like sometimes it's just brain dead you know what I mean and I'm like why would you say that  out loud and I just don't know if he understands what he's saying but at the same time like H what  are you going to do like H that's his opinion you know a lot of misinformation and it's something  I've never really mad
e an effort to clear up I always lean into the cringe but when it's being  used to strengthen serious allegations that's when I kind of have to really break down how I am  yeah obviously Nia says do you think the world is overcorrecting itself I think the world goes in  wav so I think we're living history so you and me we're live right now and we are history so you  know history only remembers the victors oh history is written by the winners oh history history  history we are living history I'm
living in Europe in a town where there's like Roman ruins  like I am living in a land that is just living history but we ourselves are living history so I  don't think the world is overcorrecting itself I think the world goes in waves and we repeat Cycles  because history doesn't repeat itself humans do so humans have a tendency to repeat toxic Cycles  repeat cycles that they were born into we're all born into cultures bubbles backgrounds and  we tend to learn our environment and repeat our envi
ronment it's not even like that big it's up  it's like a bummer but it's also like just how humans are so humans are going to human right so I  think like it's not that Society is overcorrecting is that Society goes in Cycles you know how the  conservatives are the anti-culture right now and it's because they go in Cycles when I was a kid  conservatives were in charge of everything in America like you couldn't even say you were gay  now it feels like like it's overcorrecting to the point where y
ou know conservatives feel like the  rebels of society and so they are like oh we're we're the antic culture and then it will swing  back around and then will'll swing back around and will swing and so that's why I say if you're  going to live your life based off what Society is doing and what the trends are that's a decision  you can make but I don't you know you do you right but like I I can't live my life that way because  I know it's just going to go in Cycles you can almost predict your lif
e if you can just look at  the way that humans tend to repeat Cycles and I'm just like I'm you know what I mean you could do  you you could do you I mean on top of all that my audience is not as young as people think this  isn't a hill I'm going to die on because I know a lot of people have their minds made up or could  not be convinced believe it or not I have one of the oldest audiences in all of Minecraft YouTube  I started YouTube through coding and extrem yeah well I have the most girls in
the streaming  Community commentary Community guys can we please girls subscribe 30% of you are watching me and  don't subscribe and look we want the boys in the audience too we want the they thems we want the  everybody's here but like literally I've got like you know 70% uh identified female here and we just  like to make that 90% so you guys subscribe to the channel it really does help thank you so much  extremely complex stuff like reverse engineering PewDiePie's Minecraft seed my videos eve
n to this  day are super long don't have that quick retention style editing or sound effects or anything that  a lot of channels do and I also have a large Pro Gamer audience because my videos involve  a lot of technical skill my audience outside of YouTube is younger but the vast majority of  people I get recognized by wait wait wait uh H I guess says Charlie has said before way before  this that he thinks dream is egocentric really so he's already had an opinion about him is he  you know you k
now what I mean is he is dream I don't know dream is he entric oh I love analytics  okay oh oh interesting dream has 75% boys why did I think dream's audience was going to be girls  oh interesting okay so dreams audience guys I love Analytics female 23% males 75% non-user  specified 0.1 13 to 17 years 11% and 18 to 24 41% whoa my 13 to 17 is like 0.1% if anything  sometimes it's zero but most of my audience is in that like uh kind of 24 to 34 range I think  25 to 34 is the most um oh oh interest
ing oh wait chat's saying he's cocky but he's not egotistical  I mean gosh to be a streamer you got to think you're like worth watching you know that's the  problem I mean I I would say you all got like we all have to be slightly full of ourselves  to think we're worth watching on a stream you know what I mean I cannot believe that's so his  analytics are so much more interesting than I thought they would be you know Kelsey says it's  Kelsey says it's girls outside his YouTube for sure why did y
ou think he would have more girls  I kind of thought his energy was really inviting to women but I don't watch him so maybe I  just thought his aesthetic um two I also thought George's audience would be more girls  but now I'm wondering if I'm wrong on that too is is his audience more boys as well cuz I also  thought George and then the fan art that he was getting I also thought was more girl it looked  like girl Vibes so then I was like oh it's girls but now I'm wondering if it's boys are they
gay  boys like are they feminine it just feels very feminine the energy feels very fem which I love  to see maybe it's just a bunch of boys that are in their feminine which we love you know what  I mean so I don't know I just thought I don't know why I thought that you know on the street  are college aged and usually dudes being like what the it's dream on Twitch I've covered heavy  Topics in this video I'm covering heavy topics me and my friends all swear on every other platform  and we're why
do you guys keep saying his audience is outside of YouTube where else does dream uh  exist is he on Twitch or something you know or like where does he exist you uh T Instagram or  Tik Tok what is it definitely not kids channels in any way just because I post Minecraft videos  doesn't mean that my audience is just little kids most people that watch me either used to play  Minecraft or don't even play Minecraft at all I think Charlie's audience is of course much older  than mine but if I posted ph
otos like these which to be clear if I okay first of all we love a man  and an apron but yeah Charlie's Charlie's a thirst Trapper I was ripped as hell like Charlie I  would 100% yeah as he should it would be made out to be predatory because it's me when it's  not at all and that same standard isn't applied to Tik Tok stars or really anyone else but me  just because I'm the Minecraft guy a lot of the F yeah why is that because he is the Minecraft  guy that's an interesting double edged sword but
but you know he's going to be able to do it  like he's got to be owed to do it eventually you're allowed to like age you know photos Me  and Charlie have posted are actually really similar it's just people cherry-picking goofy  photos of mine and then making them out to be weird when it's just me posting random photos  because that's literally part of our job yeah I guess that's all I have to say about that okay  weird now to move on and talk about some really important stuff I'm going to be re
al guys we're  23 minutes into this and I am very disappointed that the internet is bothering me with this this  is obviously not issue so far I can't I mean I'm honored and I love to see over 400 of you here  right now that's so nice welcome guys welcome to the bubble but like at the same time this has  been a not like nothing here I'm not seeing any red flags yet I expect to see some red flags  I expect to be very upset with dream at some point in this video or I just spent an hour and  22 min
utes of my life realizing that he seems perfectly decent what is happening over the last  year and a half there's been a bunch of really serious allegations made against me some of them  were quickly disproved others admitted they were lying but there's still some that I'm going  to address in this video the first allegation made against me was pretty quickly discarded  it was an allegation of flirting and had some inconsistencies I'm still taking it seriously  though and don't want to overlook
anything so I'm going to talk about it now the first ever  allegations against me that were spread pretty far were made the day after my face reveal on  October 3rd 2022 a girl named Anastasia tweeted out he's only face revealing because he's scared  that I'll do it first and then she followed It Up by tweeting I'm too tired slre life struggling  to get involved but the YouTuber trending right now already face revealed to me years ago when he  was flirting with me when I was a minor obviously be
cause of my face reveal it took off pointing  out inconsistencies asking questions and so on I didn't have any inappropriate contact with this  person I didn't have any sexual contact with this person I hardly even remember who this person  is at all and the only messages I could even find with this person were friendly Twitter  DMS and even in those Twitter DMs I mentioned that they had eight so last year jkjk how old  are you never mind 18 you still in school yeah unfortunately sucks to suck i
n their bio which  they contradict I definitely didn't face real to them that's an obvious lie almost nobody knew  what I looked like at all before my face reveal not even most of my best friends that had known  me my entire life let alone someone I don't even remember talking to at all she posted a screenshot  of some texts and claimed that they were from me she showed a screenshot of my Tik Tok being from  your contacts to try and prove that the texts were from me which people quickly pointed
out isn't  possible because I have a Google Voice number hooked up to my Tik Tok stupid I'm sorry scammers  and people who do this like obviously they're me okay sorry mature Britney coming out obviously  like I do think mental illness plays a role in people making false accusations okay I really do  think if you're a stalker if you're creating false act if you're going through this much trouble I  do think it's an issue of mental health you know what I mean so I I do think that plays a huge rol
e  and when I say mental health this is a philosophy Channel like I don't do I'm not a psychologist  or something I'm not a therapist right I'm not a mental health Channel I'm just I comment on like  pop culture and philosophy and obviously if you're willing to work this hard creating fake things and  you know what I mean like there's something going going on cuz well adjusted people even people  that have some trauma like we're busy doing other things we just don't have time to do this I really
  recommend not lying I know it's hard I know there are a lot of survival situations where lying  makes a lot of sense but if you're in a living situation don't lie just tell people to mind  their business okay let's keep going which isn't IM message like the text and again she  never claimed any sexual misconduct she never claimed anything related to nudity or sexting this  was also in early 2020 and she had 18 in her bio with everything and all the inconsistencies wasn't  taking that seriously
but it's still worth noting because people still somehow say this is one  of three victims of mine so yeah before talking about the next allegation I just want to address  something that I think is pretty important I see some people say why respond to fans at all or that  it doesn't matter what dream said the fact that he responded to a fan is creepy and people saying  that are kind of weird that dream would just respond to someone in DMS that is not verified nor  is the YouTuber just a fan lik
e that's difficult part for me to get how stupid must you be to DM  your fans yeah um that that could be a point maybe maybe I don't know I obviously it's different my  audiences older but even when I was younger like you don't think of yourself okay this is going  to sound crazy cuz George said something to this effect but this is going to sound s insane unless  you are truly like Andrew tape brained who I think is a piece of [ __ ] you don't think you're that  cool you just think you're a norm
al person who has a job and it just happens to be on YouTube and so  you never think of yourself as like very popular or a YouTuber or like people that are Fame like  you don't think of yourself that way so like when I get Instagram posts or sometimes you guys will  DM me on Instagram and I usually don't respond to my Instagram DMS but if one of you send me a  link for video I'll like oh cool thanks for the link bro or if somebody sends me something that's  directly in relation to like something
I'm you know what I mean like okay that's cool thanks bro  like it's just you're just responding if if you have the time and the effort you're not obligated  to I don't respond to every message but sometimes I'll respond to a message and it's just like it's  kind of like strange I think to demonize it but I could also understand if I was working with a  much younger audience maybe I'd be nervous that they were underage and I do think a lot of boys  especially boys that are chronically online or
boys that strugger struggle socially which I think  we can all agree without a doubt he definitely has struggled socially and he's coming into his cute  and so he's coming into his Fame and there's going to be like a little bit of a difficulty navigating  that I think they will make mistakes and I think we have to allow for mistakes to occur as long  as it's not maliciously intended and so I I don't think it's like black and white right don't  message a fan it's like well don't you don't want t
o be with a fan but some people are just viewers  like some people are just viewers like especially in an adult audience some people are fans and some  people are just people who watch you not everybody who watches you is like a fan you know what I mean  some people people are just people you know they just like see you on the internet they're like  oh hey I saw your work I really liked it it's like some in some circles especially in adulthood  you're not going to freak out that you're meeting l
ike your favorite author CU you're not like a  fan you're just thinking about their work as like a peer so I think that's something that people  forget you know how many times I've met famous people and in my brain I'm like hey I really  liked your thing on this and this and this but I'm not thinking about them as a content creator  or as an author or as a person I'm thinking about their work but I think people who have parasocial  relationships with people they're the fans if you have a parasoc
ial relationship where like you're  thinking like you know what I mean there's a there's a difference I'm just I'm sorry not to be  nitpicky about this this is minor divergency but like it's a different category it's just like  a different category right so like I'm a fan of people's work um like I was thinking about who  my favorite content creator is right now okay so like my favorite person who makes content is Ray  William Johnson on Tik Tok right now my husband and I watches Tik toks every
night before bed but  if you ask me who's my favorite Creator it's not Ray William Johnson because I don't watch Ray  William Johnson's videos for him I watch it for his stories when I watch content creators on  stream or on podcast I'm watching for them I want to hear their opinion on things so when I watch a  certain po like when I watch Dr K I want to know what Dr K thinks I'm not just watching it for the  content he's making does that kind of make sense so that relationship distinction is go
ing to be  the decider in how you approach people I know when people talk to me not all the time but I usually  can tell how like okay one time I was at VidCon and a girl screamed on the top of her lungs when  she saw me and ran towards me interrupted like the other things that were going on and everyone  stopped and looked you know she runs towards me and gives me a hug it was so sweet shout out  so sweet but I'm not going to think oh you know who's a really good person to make friend friends 
with the person that just treated me like a fan like a fan girl you know what I mean so I know as  I especially as I age the people that treat you a certain way you got to put them in categories  my friends because it's not bad that they're treating you that way that's like that's just the  relationship they having with your work that's really great no problem but that's not the person  you want to date cuz that person isn't going to be with you as a Consciousness they're going to  be with the Y
ouTuber do you get what I'm saying so again people in bands have dated their fans for  many years or slept with their fans they're called groupies it's not the healthiest lifestyle but  people want to do it so you know I don't think anyway all of this to say what a [ __ ] monologue  all of this to say I don't think it's black and white in terms of interacting with your fans I  think what's important is how how you interact with your fans are missing a little bit of nuance  first of all back when
I started YouTube in 2019 obviously I had a very small community even  moving into mid 2020 before the dream S&P it's very common that when you have a smaller  Community you're trying to grow your community and part of how you do that is by interacting  with people and responding and being active I've always been pretty active in my community  and when I was really small I used to respond to just about literally everyone that noral even  if it was just onew answers obviously later on and As I G
rew I replied less and less and things  evolved over time with my fan base growth like as an example when I started my public Snapchat in  2019 I ran the account but in early 2020 because I was growing I completely passed the rein off to  someone else and pretty much never logged into it ever again hi I would like to remain anonymous  so I'm just going to be calling myself Rebecca uh I used to run dreams Snapchat starting in  2020 I did that for probably around the year and I would like NEP says
also I feel like he blew  up quick too I think he got like 9 million in N months whoa are you for real for real I really  know nothing about dreams so he got popular during the pandemic you guys your comments are  really I'm reading them so he got popular during the pandemic and then he blew up that quick  how do you get 9 million subscribers in 9 months whoa sign says his speech pattern is  so similar to George I think they're both ner Divergent I think that's probably why right  I think a lot
of streamers are nerd Divergent like I'm never I'm never shocked at that right  wow that must be insane that must be that must have been that must have been really intense to  handle I wonder wow I couldn't even imagine that must have been overwhelming wow read through  all the messages and I'd screenshot art or funny comments and I would respond when it was  appropriate uh there is definitely nothing weird going on in this account dream hardly even  logged into it and it was mainly me he never
used it inappropriately and although I no longer  work for dream I am not aware of him ever acting inappropriate with fans or anyone underage  most if not all of the Snapchats I've posted since then have been through the manager account  feature meaning I use my normal Snapchat and post to my other account like a story without even  ever logging in or seeing any messages I think that when people talk about messaging or becoming  friends with a fan most people are thinking of a Stan or a super o
bsessive fan because what makes  you a fan having watched one video two videos 10 being subscribed there's levels to it my point  being that when you're talking about messaging someone and it being weird there has to be a weird  dynamic obviously a streamer that's subscribed to me and has watched my videos in the past and DM  me should not be looked at the same as a random person that does the exact same thing I've  had fans of mine turn into friends of mine but I don't go seeking out friendship
s with  people who have obsessions with me there's a difference between a fan of mine who reacts to my  videos because they're entertaining and Mak some content about me because that's what gets views  that I end up becoming friends with then a random Stan that posts thirst edits of me obviously a  massive difference there's a difference between a random stand and your Twitch chat that watches  every oh he's categorizing very you guys know I like categorization he's categorizing very  good right
now very true absolutely absolutely this is this is very different all of these are  completely different experiences stream because they love you and a regular viewer that's in your  community because they have common interests with you that you end up becoming friends with and  at that point they're no longer a fan they're a friend and in some cases becoming some of the  most beloved couples on the internet my point true you guys know I knew I knew I would meet my  husband or wife because the
y would see my videos I knew I would meet my partner because they would  see my videos and be like oh I kind of like her and that's what happened they were never like  a fan but they came across my content and right away were like huh I kind of like the way this  girl talks I think I get her and they do gets me very well you know that's true yeah yeah yeah  okay that's really normal but then I've had very hard lines put in the sand with people that are  inappropriate that do cross boundaries tha
t are like they feel entitled to you you know they feel  like hey like why don't you like me and like I you know I subscribe to your patreon shouldn't want  to be with you know what I mean like all of that stuff like obviously there's the weirdos you know  like everyone has a stalker at one point in their YouTube career you know but point is that there's  a lot of nuance I think it's a responsibility of a Creator to be able to recognize Dynamics avoid any  and you will learn the hard way you wil
l learn the hard way which fans are the ones that are like  a little too Paras socially and which ones are the ones who are more levelheaded weird ones you  can't just look at the fact that somebody follows you or has watched a couple of your videos and  write them off as oh they're a fan therefore we can have no conversation o fans of a lot of  my friends before I became friends with them a lot of people that I ended up hiring as editors  or artists or really anything are fans and then of cours
e you can become friends again the whole  point is that there's a lot of specifics to it you can't just write somebody off completely but again  that's fans that's not STS otherwise moving back to the next very important thing now the second  allegation is what I'm going to talk about in extreme detail second allegation came out I mean  even with friendships guys even with friendships like I remember um when Abba and I became friends  like I remember I was making videos during Co and uh I was ju
st like a small little content creator  no big deal and he like gave me a shout out and I was like oh that's so nice and then uh it took a  while longer for us to finally reach out to one another and then for us to collab and then become  friends and even with that it takes a while cuz even content creator to content creator there are  some content creators who will remain nameless you know who I'm talking about who will be obsessed  with you and like want to be in your space and like even thoug
h they have a big following  themselves they they will like obsess over being with the bigger content creators you know  what I mean and I don't you know what I mean I think it's a it's a it's even even other content  creators with like 400,000 subscribers can get as weird as like a fan with no online presence  it's a type of person it's a type of person it you know what I mean it can happen even with  fellow content creators so you got to be chill you got to make the right connection whether it
's  a content creator or it's a rando username on the internet you know what I mean ing says I found  you through that shat out really oh how exciting I did not realize that that's so fun soon after  the first and said that the first allegation was why they were sharing their story it was from  a girl that claimed that when she was 17 we inappropriately messaged this did not happen this  is how it started it starts it starts with Carson like this oh Carson oh shoot was I confusing  stories was C
arson the 19-year-old who hit up the 17-year-old my bad I thought it was dream I  kept saying that but I actually think that was Carson I think I mixed up the stories H let's  get into the details I also didn't cover Carson on September 23rd 2020 Amanda messaged me from  her personal Instagram account sending a message that was clearly a fan message she thanked me for  saving her life hi chances of you seeing a very slim but I wanted you to know that your content  makes me so happy I've been rea
lly depressed lately all that's going on in the world in my  life your videos have your videos give me more of a reason into stay you know how people tile LMAO  and don't actually laugh oh type Jesus I actually sit in bed laughing while I'm watching you that  means a lot love you dream Amanda and I replied to this message in September of 2020 I was a lot  smaller than I am now so I got a lot less DMS and I was much more active in like the fan communities  and replying to people and all all I rep
lied was oh thank you for the kind words and then I also  replied glad to make you smile after she followed up with the message I put a transcript of every  Instagram message that I've ever sent her Linked In the description it might not be every message  that she sent me because there's proof that she deleted Instagram messages to me an old Tik Tok of  hers has messages from me that wasn't in her post with the accusations interesting interesting when  she showed our messages but my transcript t
ried to include those and piece it together um but again  it might not be all of them because I don't know what she deleted I only know what she deleted  from the thing she accidentally showed in her old Tik Tok of the deleted messages Amanda on the  other hand how are you doing dream September 25th the next day I replied I'm good thank you how  are you Amanda the same day replied I'm doing okay could be better could be worse thank you for  asking Amanda replied how's your kitty doing I love cat
s I replied and said she's doing amazing  September 28th so 3 Days Later Amanda said dream I need some advice I'm trying to become a small  streamer on Twitch but not a single person joins my streams how do I get an audience October 2 so  a few days later I replied and said try and play with your friends maybe post Clips to Reddit and  stuff and then she replied and said okay thank you with a heart the next St M me again and said  dream would you ever consider playing Among Us with me XD I guess
this was this was during the  Among Us Crazy Girl bound girl film 2020 October 5th 2020 I replied maybe heart Amanda said LL take  the maybe that would be sick I didn't reply this is a month and a little bit later Amanda said hi  dream and then she sent another message that was deleted after she made the allegations but we  don't know what it was we only know the last couple characters and again we only know it  ex yo I will say content creator to you guys huge red flag when people with no pres
ence or  no attempt to be their own self automatically go straight for the hey will you will you  promote me cuz like just just so you know I no no like that's it's not a good sign cuz it  feels leechy so many people think if I just have a big content creator shout me out I'll make  a living that's not how it works you also have to be entertaining you also have to be a content  creator so I I always think that's a red flag when people message me and they're like hey  um you know I would really l
ove a shout out or hey can you like have me on like that's why I'm  very particular about who I collab with cuz I get requests for collabs all the time but sometimes it  just feels like they're people who don't even care about creating content and they just want an easy  way they just think it's easy if that makes sense that's why I'm not like a big the biggest fan of  just doing again like it's not even that I'm a big content creator it's that they they think I'm  bigger than them so if they ju
st I don't know you know what I'm saying it feels leechy I said it it  just feels like you're being a leech I don't like it okay exists because she messed up and included  it in an old Tik talk ofers and then I replied and you know later and said hi Amanda said how are  you November 16th so that's another Viola says Amanda harassed multiple other ccs and got banned  by the way content creators oh later I replied and said good good how about you she replied and  said I'm pretty good thank you Nov
ember 30th so you know two weeks later Amanda said hi dream I  want to actually become a streamer like you and your friends I'm just so uneducated on what's  I need can you recommend me all the products I need to successfully yeah this kind of stuff like  hitting a person up about like how to start off a YouTube channel feels a little bit too desperate  and it's like inappropriate it's like bro watch a YouTube video but it's also sounds like you're  giving making an excuse just to talk to him st
ream like computer cam mic headset Etc you have no  idea how I would appreciate it December 5th 2020 so like a week later I replied and said almost  everything I have was recommended by Bad Boy Halo haha Amanda replied and she sent another message  that she deleted after she made the allegations that again we we won't know what it was December  26th so almost a month later Amanda sent a video we don't know what the video was I don't think it  was opened but I don't know though I didn't reply Jan
uary 5th Amanda said again hi dream I just want  to say Happy late New Year and merry Christmas congratulations everything you've accomplished  this year I hope I am fortunate enough one day to be as successful as you g yeah see I would have  stopped messaging her I would have just ghosted her probably cuz like you're not her friend you  don't have to explain it to her but also this is like this is just like again he wouldn't know you  have to learn the hard way I was young too at one point I le
t people into my life I shouldn't have  for sure because you want to be nice you don't want to be rude but this is a lot this is like  her vying for attention in a way that's like it's interesting though because we're all nerd  Divergent and I want to be really open-minded about this there is and not just nerd divergency  ner typicals too but there's like a high anxiety about people not liking you for who you are maybe  not getting back to you I just had a conversation with um the thought spot a
bout this like great  content creator makes stuff for audhd and like makes really good content we are doing a podcast  together and like I'm so excited for you guys to see it but I was just telling her you know I was  like renegotiating our friendship but I was like just to clarify you know that if I don't get back  to you on messages you need to message me again or like it's not personal or like we're good the  way we're communicating right and she was like yes and it's because we know that we
both have  the tendency to kind of like space and forget people exist so we need to like remember like oh  yeah that person is you know but in regular like in the regular world people think like oh they  haven't messaged me back in a few weeks they must not like me even I feel that sometimes I'm like oh  my god did I piss this person off and I'm like oh wait no they probably just forgot I existed like I  forget people exist it's probably not personal and you know what it almost never is you know
and  so again I try to be very cautious about when I contact people especially people I know who  are busy I try not to bother them with random messages unless there's like an appropriate like  unless it's appropriate but yeah I try to be very cautious just cuz I know how busy I am I wouldn't  want to like bother someone but I know dream was a lot smaller as a content creator at this time I  think you guys said he had a Millie Subs though that's a lot more than I feel busy now and I don't  even
have 100,000 subscribers I could even imagine not being busy at a million am I crazy you tell  me what kind of computer you have that'd be great January 16th so 11 days later I replied thank you  Amanda replied deleted message and then part of it was how are you but obviously I didn't reply  April 13th so yeah so he's literally like putting a distance between them but she's not like reading  The Vibes and I bet if he said like stop messaging me it would have felt weird and crazy cuz like  she d
idn't do anything wrong she's just being like she's not reading the room as well you  know I like a long time later Amanda messaged me again and said hi I replied hi Amanda said  how are you I said decent how are you she said I'm all right thank you then she said I heard  some Snippets of the song you're working on and I really like it you have a really nice singing  voice I replied on April 14th thank you so that was uh the next day um she said you're welcome  and then December 26th that was li
ke a long time later she messaged me and said merry late  Christmas heart I didn't didn't reply um January 10th she messaged me and said hi my Snapchat  was banned and I have no friends how are you I replied gez lady young people are really  struggling out here I get it I was a young person once too for sure but like also o inappropriate  two days later and said how TF does a Snapchat get banned Amanda replied and said I'm pretty sure  it's because I posted videos of me smoking but all my memori
es from 2014 are gone so sad I replied  the next day and said damn and then she replied that same day and said yeah it sucks how are your  holidays I replied the next day and said good good how about you and then Amanda replied that same  day and said pretty good you may be wondering at this point why are you replying to her yes I  am wondering that dream thank you for reading my mind you seem clearly disinterested you're taking  days or weeks to reply and then when you do reply it's very dry we
ll Instagram has a really stupid  feature that makes it so that once you've replied to someone's DMS once you can't remove their  ability to personally message you true I hate that true unless you block you cannot be following them  you can delete them from your inbox they can still message you and pop up in your notifications I'm  showing an example on screen of my DM continuing to pop up on my alt account just to show how it  works obviously given I replied to Amanda back in 2020 when I had a
much smaller Community she  was stuck in my inbox for the rest of time you can temporarily delete someone from your inbox  and it deletes all of your message history to them for you but they can still message you  with now a blank DM history so at one point wanting her to stop dming me I swiped her out of  my inbox multiple times it's actually completely provable that I did do this I'm showing a video of  my Instagram DMS to Amanda now where they start in December of 2021 much later than her ori
ginal  DMS because you can't delete other people's individual messages and you can only delete entire  conversations this proves 100% that I was trying to delete her ability to message me in hey shout  out to my audience though because you all are so good with boundaries and thank you so much for  respecting mine because I also have this struggle too where I will reply to people on Instagram  sometimes when you guys send me like really good memes and I appreciate it or like really good  videos a
nd you guys do not keep messaging me or if you do you don't expect me to reply that's great  as long as you understand like I'm not saying yes I'm not like replying to your Instagram message so  we can be friends like that's great I love [ __ ] I respect thank you to my shout out to my audience  2021 it also shows a problem the only messages that I can see from Amanda were from December  2021 onward I had no context or recollection of her original messages to me in Amanda's defense  even though
in hindsight we're all like ew at the time imagine you're lonely imagine you reach out  to someone imagine you feel like you have an inn imagine the guy you're interested in is replying  to you imagine he's a big streamer you know from her perspective she probably feels like oh dream  and I might like be friends or we might be close so even though it's very basic even though  there's no indication from dream that he wants to be closer even though even though even though  even though I'm sure in
her mind she's thinking I'll play the long game I'll get to know him um  you know what I mean like oh he like maybe in her mind she's but then of course her saying I have  no friends um I'm lonely oh I have no memories cuz I smoked like obviously red flags obviously  toxicity so okay listen we've all been toxic we're all we're all going to be toxic at some point  in our life it's a spec you know it's a in and out we come in waves it comes in waves you know  so the question is do we know we're to
xic enough to change it do we know we have things to work  on enough to change it are we aiming for healthy obviously all the DMS she's showing so far do  show some level of unhealthiness you know what I mean and she's reaching out to him so instead of  saying would you like to be my friend she messages him and says I have no friends and then she's  hoping he'll say oh no I'll be your friend you know what I mean which is where it's like kind  of inappropriate right to me that made it clear that
she was a really big fan I don't remember  everyone that messages me who they are where I know them from so on she messaged me from her  personal Instagram had no connections to any fan accounts didn't send me any more fan messages and  she had dm' me many times talking about content creation and streaming some of which of course  and then they always do this this is the huge red flag right right that is the huge red flag  is when someone's desperate to become a streamer just because now they kn
ow a streamer but like  they it was never their passion to begin with you know what I mean deleted she seemed very normal  friendly and implied strongly that she was overage what I thought about her age doesn't matter that  much because nothing inappropriate happened but it does matter to show my mindset because I don't go  around befriending underage girls or people that are obsessed with me or my content to the best  of my knowledge she was neither via says I think something that can explain t
he seemingly weird  behavior from Amanda is because she has BPD like borderline personality disorder me too diagnosed  2017 baby in remission four years baby [ __ ] you anyways okay so um maybe yeah I could see that but  also yeah I could see that with the boundaries and also like the hope that he like she's not being  completely inappropriate she's just being slightly like uh kind of maybe even nerd diver well BPD is  nerd divergency so um yeah maybe she's just lonely maybe it's her borderline
maybe she's autistic  maybe she's nerd Divergent maybe she's you know there could be a lot of reasons but obviously  whatever is happening is like a miscommunication like we're just not communicating clearly right  that's like the biggest thing continuing with the transcript also just shout out to my theory  about rejection and why it's so important and why rejection is fundamentally about consent  because we should live I think if I'm don't like making prescriptions I think what you should do i
s  allow consent and rejection to be one and the same meaning if we lived in a world where where dream  could say hey thank you so much for interacting with me but I would like to put down a boundary  and like stop our communication right and then move outside of that that kind of works it's like  allow him a chance to say I'm rejecting continuing friendship but it's not like a personal rejection  it's just like me putting down boundaries because it's about consent why would you want to force  s
omeone to be your friend why would you want to force someone to be with you right Willow says  BPD is In N Divergence see it's neurotypical but not nerd not nerd Divergent specifically um  personality disorders as far as I'm concerned are nerd Divergent and have been listed on all the  lists I have found all the research I've done on borderline says it's nerd divergency and also  often overlaps with other forms of nurd divergency so you know I don't know what studies you're  reading or what info
rmation you're reading I'm not a therapist I'm not a like a medical professional  but from what I've seen what I was told about my own borderline is that it is nerd divergency so  now we get to the very end which was our first real conversation this one was about music which  makes sense it's something I'm really passionate about at the time I was working on a song called  trust issues and some other random music projects and in the middle of us talking about music I gave  her my Snapchat I said
add me on Snapchat and she said sure thing just added you I was sharing  music Snippets with a bunch of people at the time and as we were talking about music I wanted  to share them with her and I'm obviously not going to send Snippets of was this a public Snapchat or  personal Snapchat new song over Instagram now I've pretty much always used Snapchat as one of my  main forms of communication it was actually the first social media I I forgot because a girl came  out about getting groomed by her
do you guys mean like internet groomed or you mean like actually  groomed and I mean to say that because I don't no offense to the internet I don't think the internet  knows what that word means but do you mean like actually groomed or do you mean like internet  groomed cuz those are two different definitions a friend of mine wanted to start a streak with me  and it's something I start yeah I'm sorry you're correct baa nerd Divergent isn't even a medical  term right it's a popsy term you're rig
ht it's not even a medical term I don't even know why I  said that I meant the way we talked about it and discuss it you're right ner divergency isn't  even a real thing it's just like a construct which everything is even therapy is a construct so  everybody get ready for that everything's a real thing but it's not in a medical it's not a medical  word you're right I'm sorry neurod divergency is um a cultural word started using a lot more when  I became faceless on YouTube because yeah stuff is
deleted you don't have to stress over people  analyzing or leaking everything you say and for me even for something as simple as a picture of  my cat people used to zoom into my cat's eyes to look at the reflection to try and dox me this  was not uncommon at all so of course I felt much more comfortable using SnapChat during this period  especially with people that I wasn't great friends with but even with my best friends now let's go  over her actual claims in detail Amanda claims that after I
added her on Snapchat on January 17th  2022 that we started sexting she showed that her birthday when she would turn 18 is on February  17th exactly a month later she claims that we sexed from around the 17th of January the day I  added her on Snapchat to the 10th of February and then that it stopped She said that while she was  still underage we exchanged nudes her evidence of this was two photos of supposedly me from after  she was 18 complimenting her her final important claim was that she tr
aveled to Orlando in August  and that we planned to meet up and have sex and I just want to make sure that I blatantly deny this  before continuing none of this is true and now I'm going into more detail now unfortunately because  she didn't provide any proof of these things it's difficult to be specific about some of the things  she claimed it's much easier to completely make up that something happened than it is to prove that  it never did like if I said right now prove to me 100% that you nev
er sexed a specific person that  you've had on Snapchat at any point it would be impossible to do but what I can do is lay out all  the inconsistencies talk about the proen lies the specifics point out questions that were never  asked and provide all the evidence that I have and I believe that luckily that's way more than  enough so first I want to talk about the timeline every contact we've ever had with each other  before January 17th is the Instagram DMS which I just read to you which are now
all public  in their entirety in the description of this video other than the messages that she deleted she  claims that sexing started around January 17th and that sexing stopped February 10th so from the 17th  to maybe February 10th is the time frame where we were sexting so even if we say that it started  a couple weeks before it stopped you'd have to believe that every message you've just seen okay  we went from that to sexting days later in 2022 before my face reveal even if you want to gi
ve  her the maximum benefit of Doubt and say that she confused the timeline she turned 18 on the 17th  one week after she claimed the sexting stopped so there's not much leway secondly we can talk about  her Twitter she tweeted out defending me from hate on my face reveal 10 days before the allegations  and was liking my tweets including a subscriber Milestone tweet 2 days before she tweeted her  allegations with the timing of the face reveal and her allegation my belief is that there was a  lot
of hate and that it's easy to get spiteful and join in on a hate train I had ignored multiple of  her Instagram DMS and Snapchat messages in recent months and I had also made a new Snapchat that  I didn't add her on I still used my old Snapchat occasionally but I just rarely responded that's  my only real explanation for why she flipped so quickly from being publicly positive to me to  lying about me but I guess I'll never really know thirdly well we don't know her very well and I  think that's
a part of the problem it's not like dream knew her very well well I think there's like  this assumption that because they were talking for a long time they might have known each other very  well but it's pretty obvious in the way that he's telling the story now we don't know her very well  like nobody really knows anybody like even though I'm friends with a lot of people like I don't know  if I don't know your families if I'm not hanging out with you in person if I'm not seeing a lot of  you th
ere's always going to be aspects of you that I won't know as well but to some extent you can  know people very well in a lot of different ways so I feel like it's you know you never know why a  person switches on you if you know them very well if you know someone well enough you can be like  Ah that's just their mental health Ah that's just their culture oh hey that's their politics or H  that makes sense for who they are but we don't even know this girl very well right like dream  doesn't know
her so it's even more confusing like why would she just switch it up like that now  again I always assume everything is sort of like mental health cuz like well adjusted people don't  do this you know what I mean huh I guess as if she has BPD then flipping on someone like this is  pretty uh probable yeah undiagnosed like unhelped BPD is very difficult and if you're like having a  struggling relationship with your Bor line it can be very bad I was really lucky like my case was  really really good
like I was higher functioning I had like a really good relationship I was working  like I I have a really good relationship with my borderline like I got the good kind I guess I  don't know what to call it it's like it wasn't as hard for me even though it was very hard and so if  you've got I've noticed no help or support system and your borderline it is so much harder because  there's just so much more that can go wrong you don't have friends to call you don't have people  to lean on you can't
pay for therapy there's like so much more going on um so it could make sense  also if you don't have values or morals or some sort of foundation if you don't have something  you know there's so many things that could go into it the only photo she showed as proof that  I groomed her were both pictures from based on her own evidence after she was 18 meaning even  if we give her the benefit of Doubt and assume everything she's provided is real and truthful  she was 18 when these messages would hav
e been sent and I had no Contex to the fact that she was  more than a small streamer but on top of that I unblocked her Snapchat went through our Snapchat  chats and couldn't find either of the messages that she was talking about I also downloaded  all of our Snapchat logs using the Snapchat data tool which she can do as well and neither of  the compliments that she showed were in the logs now honestly this is pretty useless information  because there's almost no messages in the logs at all but
it's still extremely weird that she  was asked for these logs many times it takes 5 minutes to download and she never did it probably  because it doesn't support I always do wonder why do people lie like this it is kind of painful to  see you know what I mean like why do people lie about these things I you know and that's why I say  like there's got to be something going on because I just don't think people who are busy living  their lives don't have time for this you know there are bad there ar
e like malicious people  there are people who are definitely like kind of a mean gossipy kind of person but to go to this  extent like oh my gosh to falsely accuse somebody of something you would have had to have grown up  with like basically a really bad childhood I think to feel good enough to accuse someone of something  they didn't do you know what I mean like there has to be something there I don't mean to black and  white it but I mean there has to be something I just couldn't imagine some
one lying about this  without there being a problem you know I just you know what I mean what she was saying on top  of those things from everything she had told me she was 19 and we had no inappropriate contact the  context of these messages would be a 22-year-old Creator calling a 19-year-old streamer gorgeous  on a birthday post while giving her a gift card as a birthday present finally she said that we  plan to meet up and have SE whoa okay hold on I miss while giving her a gift card as a bi
rthday  I left over a gift card from Christmas cards that I got from my mods thank you so much a thank  you Merry Christmas huh present finally she said that we planned to meet up and have sex in  August when she was in Orlando it was suggested that we meet up and have sex I was either going to  have him come to my the resort I was at or he was going to pick me up and bring him to his house  first of all this was before my face reveal I did not leave my house I was massively paranoid  I was not
meeting up with a random person I had just met 2 months before my face reveal let alone  at a resort which is what her claim was I'm going to go ahead and play a phone call with my mom  just to give you some perspective from before my face reveal how many times do you think that  I left the house between 2021 and my face reveal six wow I don't know three maybe four what did I  leave the house four whenever I left the house um well I know you went to the dentist three times  and then I think one
other time was when you had the um kidney stones the hospital that sucks  those were the only times you left the house and we were worried because we didn't want you  to call 911 because we didn't even know if they would come because of all the fake um swatting  and everything so I had to come get you and take you to the hospital so it was probably five times  that he left okay what was the process when we did leave the house hold up via says dreams face  reveal stream was over 1 million live vi
ewers Jesus no so no wonder someone wanted to take him  down a peg well that's not his fault everyone was obsessed I remember when that was happening I  just didn't pay atten it's just not my bubble so I didn't pay attention to it but oh my gosh  that's crazy you know what's crazy too is like it only becomes that way because the viewers make it  that way and that's what's so insane about humans look the world is a reflection of us as a whole  the world itself if you're upset with how the world i
s is understand that it is a reflection  of a species of humans as a whole things can't be this way without the whole making it this  way so you might be the outlier in your head and you're like I'm special I don't contribute to  the world being bad are you sure about that buddy but also like dream could never have made his face  reveal that big of a deal unless his viewers also and specifically made it that big of a deal and  that's the thing that I don't think people are understanding in it's
like you are a reflection  you all of us are a reflection we contribute this is crazy the process like crazy I pulled into the  garage shut the garage door you would get in the back seat way back of the van with a blanket over  yourself and you wouldn't come out from under the blanket oh my God can you imagine not showing your  face and people being this obsessed with you girl so we were on the highway I was a little paranoid  a little bit what was the inside of the house like what precautions d
id we take oh my gosh it was  like a cave um every window was covered even the high windows that were arches we had to like tape  curtains over them so that even a drone wouldn't be able to see in everything was covered yeah so  we had the the banker come to the house because you wouldn't go out of the house but we needed to  set up bank accounts whatever it was that needed to happen we were the ones that did it so that you  didn't have to go out okay thank you mom you're welcome I love you love
you too bye again as  you can probably tell what she claims definitely didn't happen either she's telling the truth and  her story makes sense or she's not and it doesn't now some other stuff to note after her allegations  she deleted a lot of evidence she unliked a lot of tweets she had liked she deleted replies of hers  on Twitter and Tik Tok that hurt her credibility oh predicted what she was saying liked she deleted  replies of hers on Twitter and Tik Tok that heard didn't say anything inap
propriate jealous of your  fans have no idea he said more than I was pretty say what you want but I'm gorgeous and your  favorite YouTuber thought so too it's giving jealous and ugly well you should know she's 15  by those text messages that's a joke she's not 15 but like this is so young so young now dream  is very young he's still like he's he's so young all these young people with so much Fame and  so much responsibility like I do does not sound fun she was saying she deleted Instagram DMS to
  me and only got caught because she accidentally showed them in an old Tik Tok of hers and that's  all completely factual and documented later she was bragging on Tik Tok calling people doubting  her jealous saying I'm gorgeous and my favorite YouTuber thought so too it's giving jealous  not treating the serious situation that she claimed happened seriously at all people also  found old tweets of hers where she was replying very inappropriately to other streamer friends  of mine she was even ba
nned in one of my friends chats for saying she wanted to sit on his face  these accounts weren't linked to her Instagram so I would have had no idea about them she  also replied to fans of mine questioning her with slurs she also said that she was going to lie  oh okay well relax like and tell me that she was 18 but that she changed her mind so you lied  up to dream about your age I told him my age I told him I was 17 I debated it too I will go  in even more detail on live tomorrow okay this I'm
G to I'm not saying she did this because  I don't know this Consciousness but there's a category of person that makes drama and clout  with said YouTuber famous person to then launch streaming career and then start their content  based off of that that's kind of what it sounds like Oh Come Into My Stream tomorrow I'll talk  about what dream did to me oh come on my stream Tom you know what I'm saying mind I guess so  I was going to lie and tell him I was 18 she said she would provide proof of th
e fact that  she told me she was 17 and that I still sexed her tomorrow but I didn't and that proof will  come out tomorrow and and guess what she never posted proof because this never happened she  tweeted out thanking people for all the support and claimed at the end that I deleted rdms right  as she tweeted this and specifically said my end too which means her DMS too well I just want to  point out that this is impossible there's not a single mainstream social media platform that  lets you de
lete both people's messages and we only had each other on Instagram and Snapchat  Naruto says she was asking keemstar to cover it that's it fired it's cancelled if you go to  Keem if you trust Keem if you associate with Keem if you use Keem as a way to tell your  story keemstar let's get into the news like keemstar yo I don't trust no Keem I don't trust  nobody associated with Keem the fact that Boogie streams with Keem says everything to me like no  offense I don't do Guilty By Association but
I do think it says something about who you choose  to tell your story and I think it's interesting that you would choose keemstar again I'm willing  to see you as a single Consciousness I am willing to do that work I'm trying so hard but choosing  Keem to tell your story like I think about all time like if I wanted someone to tell my story  help me with my story you know if I ever had a story to tell it definitely wouldn't be Keem star  who has one of the worst reputations and like why would you
choose Keem where you can't do that  on either she claimed that she was laughing and was going to prove people wrong with pictures  of my penis to why are women always trying to shave men's penises again never happened lastly  she tweeted saying that she's getting the law involved and going to the police said she's going  to put me in jail unless I confess she said she would provide more evidence she didn't yo get this  girl into therapy get her a philosophy class bro she said she would upload
her Snapchat logs she  didn't she said she would sue me she didn't and now I'm making this video she provided absolutely  no proof for any I feel bad for her I do I feel bad cuz like she's probably severely mentally  ill she could have a brain tumor in her brain pressing up against her it's just sad bro and said  that she didn't have any because she wanted her favorite YouTuber to trust her which could be  a completely valid argument except the hold on hold on I want to read that here's my evide
nce  I was 17 he sent me a picture of his penis and a nutp pick to me doubt it he told me he was he  has a chest full of sex toys okay doubt it I have a chest full of sex toys I doubt he does I didn't  save the messages on Snap because I wanted him to trust me because he was my favorite YouTuber  texting me which is exactly what groomers do a it's obviously fake it's obviously  not real obviously 101 you know what I'll say about the internet I will  say as much as the internet doubts survivors t
he internet also is doing  better at picking out Liars I know the internet doubts survivors but  they're also great at picking out the liar the [Music] Liars it's obviously  not real it's obviously fake oh no yeah I think she just has like she has the same  um she types the same way it's like you can always tell not always you have to be really  good at it it's really hard to tell a liar from a Survivor but there are certain things  there are like certain things they say and I I think this is sh
e think this is like a  really good example it's like you add in first your age then it's like he sent me a  picture of his penis and a in a nutp pick and it's like okay then show it oh he has  a chest full of sex toys like which kind which kinds I want to know which kinds and it's  like oh I didn't save the messages on Snap because I wanted him to trust me it's like okay and then  it's like that's what groomers would do but like if you look at any of the messages like he would  be a terrible gr
oomer if he was a groomer like it's not even how you groom people but okay and  said that she didn't have any because she wanted her favorite YouTuber to trust her which could be  a completely valid argument except the pictures that she posted were from a second phone meaning  there was no risk of me knowing she was taking pictures of compliments from a second phone  but has no evidence of of anything sexual has no evidence of us planning to meet up and have sex  apparently from after these pict
ures were secretly taken has no evidence of a singular inappropriate  message from me or her or even anything at all that isn't a story reply from Snapchat's story  page of all your friends what's more likely she happens to have no evidence of anything she's  claiming even from things she claimed happened after she was taking pictures secretly using a  second phone or she doesn't have any evidence because it didn't happen she factually deleted  and hidden messages she factually lied about me del
eting messages that I didn't she called  people doubting her jealous of her was banned she reminds me of my stalker my stalker was really  similar and I know she's just mentally ill so it is what it is and thank God I've already gone to  court we're finished I don't have to deal with that woman ever again you know what I mean thank  God but like they typed the same way they made very big allegations with no proof like I wish I  could talk about it but I like I but like it the way she present it'
s like the way they present  evidence is like the biggest accusations in zero like I got proof I got proof show it then there's  nothing and it really does hurt survivors to have to deal with people like this and it just it  does suck in the long run but it's also what it is like look at this point in my life I've had  enough therapy I'm good I'm Zen out I know people are just ill and they're just going through their  Journeys like I'm not mad at you anymore you know what I mean like I don't hav
e to deal with it but  it is one of those things where I know this isn't a reasonable person but they always do this thing  where they make the biggest accusations I'm being sex trafficked I'm being sex trafficked and it's  like by a person who never leaves their house and is always streaming how you know it's just like  one of those things where I with peace and love you know it's like [ __ ] where's your evidence  girl I'd love to support a real Survivor a real victim but we're going to need t
he evidence we're  going to need the evidence you know from streamers chats before this for posting sexual things and  she lied about having specific pieces of evidence that she never provided because they don't exist  if she's willing to factually lie cover up and hide things how can you trust anything else she  says as being representative of the truth lastly once again she said she was going to take legal  action she then tweeted a picture of the inside of a police station and also said she'l
l come  back with more evidence to be patient that it's a process and that it could be days and that's her  last tweet it's been almost a year and a half now obviously nothing happened I waited and waited  then I got impatient so I asked my legal team to look more into it they got all of her information  and after filing many requests they couldn't find anything so annoyed and still impatient I asked  them to get more specific and after a lot of digging my legal team was able to track down  exac
tly where this picture is from based on the colors of the walls the cameras and a o i watch  this guy on Tik Tok who does the same thing with like a blade of grass plaque outside the door then  had someone go to the police station and requested specific records from this specific police station  and checked every record they could criminal and civil I didn't find anything those Nam and there  was no information at all I was not even in their system so you're not listed in my system at all  so if
you want to believe everything she said you have to believe either one of these two things  either one she lied this photo is fake she never filed anything and if she's lying about that why  would she not be lying about literally everything else or two the picture is real and whatever story  she told didn't even meet the minimum required standard yeah rainbolt yeah yeah that guy oh did  he have him do it yeah he does this thing where he like he's so good at it bro it's so good with  it he's so
good at it he just like he looked at this girl's glasses and found out where she was it  was insane bro of proof to file a single piece of paperwork that my legal team could find in over  a year and a half I also sent a photocopy of my driver's license identification to this specific  police station a copy of a man's information and let them know I was happy to answer any questions  to which again nothing ever happened not a single question there was not a single case accusation  or anything sub
stantial enough to even have me in any system and inevitably when after this  video she makes another thread or another post reiterating the same lies that she has already  said or promising even more things that she never follows through on go to the police or sue me  the standard of proof for you suing me is only proving that it's more likely than not that you're  telling the truth 51% come take my money but she won't because if she does they're not going to  treat it like it's Twitter she's g
oing to have to address all the lies she's going to have to  address all the inconsistencies she's going to have to address her weird comments her false  promises her character and most importantly be held accountable in her real life for what  she's saying this isn't online drama this is real life stuff there are real victims that have  been manipulated abused and taken advantage of Amanda you are hurting actual victims you are  diminishing the very real trauma that victims of grooming and abus
e have gone through you are  making it harder for real victims of abuse to come yeah but she doesn't know that right like guys a  well adjusted person would know that that's what I'm saying like I can't help but look at her and  think like okay how do we help this part of the population or do we just expect them all to die  do we want them to Old yell or themselves should we just like ignore them and hope they starve to  death like what's the solution here so obviously like a like realistically
I think the solution  is to acknowledge that like well just said people don't do this and that people with um severe  issues do have a pattern of behavior that looks similar to this big accusations with no proof and  the way they tell their story is very specific cuz like real victims have a track record they have  really interesting ways of telling their stories right and so I feel like it's you you can lecture  her and I do this too like oh my God making real victims have it harder and look as
a victim myself  or a Survivor myself I will say that I I don't want to hold people who are mentally ill like in  a way that they'll never understand accountable in a way that I you know would rather hold people  who aren't mentally ill more accountable it is worse to me for people who are well functioning  in society to deny Survivor stories than a person who's unhinged twisting a narrative so they can  be the victim and the main character you know what's worse a society that says they're well
  adjusted and still doesn't believe victims or a person who's not well adjusted pretending  to be a victim for clout I just think it's interesting how we hold accountable the people  who are obviously mentally unwell in my opinion and maybe I'm wrong maybe the society the part  of society that's denying survivors even with proof they're like their stories maybe they are  mentally unwell I don't know and again I'm using mentally unwell as a catch all for like some sort  of something is missing b
ut I don't know I I feel like lecturing her as if a a a well- adjusted  person would have made this decision you know what I'm saying it just feels weird forward  you are not a but he's victimized by her and I I think as a victim he gets to feel the way he  h he wants to feel against his Predator right vitim you are not doing a good thing no matter how  terrible you think I am or that the ends justify the means you are hurting victims just in case  this video isn't enough for you to realize that
check your mailbox and that's all I have to say  about these allegations check your mailbox did he sue her is is this a legal legal reference  now before continuing with other stuff I want to talk a little bit about what happened after  these allegations after these allegations and after my face reveal I'll be honest I lost a lot  of motivation I distanced myself from Minecraft and I even thought about quitting and retiring of  course it was pretty scary and I just wanted to be able to upload M
inecraft videos and have fun with  my friends without worrying about people trying to ruin my life or attack my family or make up lies  about me and after all the swatting and doxing and fake allegations it really just felt not  worth it anymore but also I had basically been stuck inside died for the majority of the last  four years so I just thought I'd step back for a little bit I traveled with my friends I met a  lot of creators for the first time I worked on music had my tour and really just
Ste back from  my online life and I feel like during this time I really disappointed a lot of my friends and  their fans as a result I didn't spend as much time on the finale of The Dream S&P as I should  have I wasn't good at communicating about anything really including important stuff for some people I  went very inactive on everything and I pretty much isolated myself from most creators that weren't  in my immediate circle there was a looming cloud over me and I felt bad talking to people b
ecause  I by way even though I'm empathizing pretty hard or sympathizing with her doesn't mean we can't  hold her accountable you can hold even victims accountable I've hurt people hurt people you  can still hold them accountable guys like I'm not saying you should you should be able to  hold people accountable without becoming a monster yourself you can hold people accountable  with compassion and love you can hold people accountable without wanting to ruin someone's life  you can hold people a
ccountable while still seeing their Humanity you can hold people accountable  while allowing them a chance of redemption you can hold people accountable without becoming like  a twisted human yourself right I don't believe in Revenge I don't believe in like punishment I  don't believe in blaming I don't believe in like pointing the finger I only believe in people  holding themselves accountable or Society saying hey like if you keep stabbing people we're going  to have to put you like in a like
behind bars and then the person like can decide if they want to  keep stabbing people but like we're going to have to do something about that you know and so feel  like one of those things where again like don't become ugly yourself because someone was ugly to  you I didn't want to bring any negativity towards anyone later on I got pretty insecure about my  Creator friendships that weren't people that I was super close with before YouTube and even  though everyone that I was friends with was ver
y supportive and had my back and would reassure  me privately I still couldn't help but worry that because there were people online spreading hateful  things about me that it would impact their view of me personally at one point I ended up making a  massive Mess by tweeting publicly about a problem that I had with quack because he wasn't replying  to me for a while we had both made translation mods and people were claiming that we were copying  each other it it was just a mess I was 100% wrong w
ith taking anything public anything that can  quacky correct me if I'm wrong is that other streamer that was associated with the Mr Beast  video yes correct the Spanish speaking one is that quacky or am I making a am I confusing that  with somebody else be handled in private should be handled in private and I've always had that belief  so the way that I handled it was totally screwed up even by my own standards it was completely  driven by fear and insecurity over my friendships this post is goi
ng to get a tiny bit personal  if you're not in the mood to be a little upset probably best not to read it though it's about the  community drama right now when me and my friends started working in the United smpp and the qmp  has not been announced at all quag kept things very close to his chest and what he was working on  we were all probably thinking the same thing the same general thing we need M another Minecraft  server to play on the idea was just to have a server to be able to just to ho
p on Minecraft play  Survival Minecraft okay totally screwed up even by my own standards it was completely driven by fear  and insecurity over my friendships and it was not something that quack deserved at all if quack  didn't want to reply to me about it or wanted to ignore it that was entirely within his right to  do especially given the awkward circumstances of everything I'm extremely proud of everything quack  has done with his project the qmp and genuinely he did it way better than I ever
could have it's  incredible and everyone really should go check it out I should have focused completely on the  good that came from it all and not let myself get stuck on trying to work something out as friends  when he seemed perfectly fine working on his own thing with his own Community again there's  a lot of things that can explain my mindset but at the end of the today I'm sorry to quacked  and his community for creating unnecessary drama and I hope that people can try and understand my  mi
ndset where I was coming from and that even if it doesn't seem like it it's all from a place of  love and care for my friends and the community it was just an emotional time and I made a mistake  after that obviously even more time passed and again there was nothing new with the allegation  there was no updates I talked to a lot of people for updated advice lawyers PR people people with  experience and everyone told me that it's in my best interest to stay quiet as time went on I  disagreed more
and more and decided that I was going to respond against their advice so during  a live stream I mentioned that I was going to respond soon and talked about the allegation  a little bit and of course after this clips of what I said were taken out of context people were  spreading far and wide that I admitted to grooming and a lot of other really impactful lies and of  course because of this a lot of people on Twitter took it as an opportunity to joke about me being  a p why is there so much dra
ma in the Minecraft Community that's so weird like what's going on  that's so interesting Maria says right now qu is being investigated by the French Union for the  mistreatment of his workers and volunteers on his current server that dream just talked about this  is bad but also o that sounds confusing why would that happen and one of those people was named  Nicholas Kanto if you don't know who that is he's the voice actor for Gumball Diego from Dora  and one of the turtles and Teenage Mutant N
inja Turtles I had a terrible experience in real life  with this person so I replied to him talking about it and defending myself and this situation blew  up I don't think I've ever gotten more hate in my life September 23rd I went to a friend of mine's  birthday party in Austin Texas when I showed up Nicholas kentu was there he was already drunk  and was drinking he was being very aggressive to me throughout the night I didn't know him this  was my first time ever meeting him and we were not fr
iends eventually while on FaceTime to show  his friends he hit me out of nowhere again this was my first time ever meeting him I was there  for another hour or so and then when leaving the party everyone decided to Uber together because  it was late and there wasn't many of us there Nicholas ended up in the front seat of the Uber  that I was in despite my apprehension I thought what's the worst that could happen it's an Uber  ride and there's other people there so I wasn't worried little did I k
now he ended up dropping  his phone out of the Uber window in the middle of the highway and after he got out to look for it  the police showed up and stopped him from looking because it was dangerous and dark eventually the  Uber driver convinced Nicholas to leave well I want to promise you that I'm sober so if you  guys want to conduct a sobriety test hey look hey we we we we're about to head out and after we  left the Uber driver was trying to give advice to Nicholas on the police telling him
that he could  have been arrested and Nicholas did not like what he had to say you're reted you're down syndrome I  don't give a how far did you go on your education who cares of course I started to get involved  in argue with Nick defending the Uber driver and Nick did not like that at all either you're  going to be paralyzed you're going to to be dead like I'm serious okay man and he was saying this  of course after he had already assaulted me while this was all happening one of the other two
people  in the car with me that I also just met that night was recording him he was aware of this and he was  actually the one that asked to be recorded thanks for recording by the way how long is it but yeah  this YouTube video is going to be nuts subscribed to the K Network tune your sets right there the  next day Nicholas sent me a very nice DM saying that he was sorry for hitting me that he was  having a really rough night and that he was high hey man I hope you had a good night last night b
ut  I don't feel right knowing I was dodging dogging on you like a can Coro no Chihuahua [ __ ] I was  coming for your neck so I wanted to apologize for hitting you and I think I slapped you once which  was totally out of line even as a joke that [ __ ] isn't right so I apologize deeply for that one  but yeah man I was drinking and smoking weed which I've had many people in my life and doctor  say it's horrible for me I went against my better judgment cuz I just had a baby falling out with  my m
om and I thought my girlfriend was going to break up with me not excuse for my action mistakes  but just thought it was important for you to know spelling four with the number four and two with  the number [Laughter] two y'all are teenagers bro being young is so hard bro I don't expect  Perfection out of young people I'm so sorry I'm going to be a mom about this like young people are  so [ __ ] messy bro I get it being young is messy this feels like a really [ __ ] up like he's got  some [ __ ]
to work out you know it's not okay but at the I don't know why men like to hit each other  when they're drunk bro I you know I get it um but man young people messy right substances messy  things messy just messy messy messy too bad cuz he felt so successful at the same time you know what  I mean oh man young people BR okay well you know you know drunk and said that he was sorry for  spreading false allegations that he knew nothing about saying that he recognized it could ruin  people's lives com
plimented me called me humble grounded and a good human I didn't accept this  apology but I I moved on and honestly I felt kind of bad for him I recognized that he was once a oh  yeah I want to say this too K katriana katriana says Co prevented a lot of people from maturing  you know I will say this guys I did forget that for a lot of you some of your most important  years were spent in lockdown and I forget cuz lockdown happened for me in my 30s so I wasn't  even thinking about it of course you
know it didn't change my life that much if anything my  job got better I became a full-time streamer all that stuff H you know content creator everything  worked out great for me but for a lot of people in Co it was like you missed out on the years  that like uh your early 20s like I can't tell you how important my early 20s were or how important  my late teens were how important my development changed me just during all the socializing I was  doing in my 20s and so I know that if you were a yo
ung person who went through covid lockdowns I  know a lot of people were impacted by that oh no it gets much worse oh no am I being too optimistic  oh man okay am I being too optimistic oh no okay well I'm excited to get to it with you guys thank  you for sitting here with me um but yeah I uh I know it must have been really hard it it must have  been you know so I'm really sorry about that it it's going to you're going to be defined like  your whole generation will be defined by those three year
s changing your life you know it's a  bummer guys I do need to take a little bit of a pay break I need to wait I need to pay a bit I  need to grab a snack all right I'm back let's get right into it let's get right into it got me a  little chocolate wafer Croatian little chocolate wafer I put it in the freezer cuz I put everything  in the freezer okay let's go ahead child actor and I feel like there's a lot of bad stuff in that  okay so like the guy did the drunk thing he sent him a DM saying sor
ry here we are industry so I  felt a little bit of sympathy I hoped he would just learn from the mistakes he made that night  and move on but then of course Nicholas started tweeting spreading the same lies about me that  he had already apologized for spreading and recognized could ruin people's lives he was also  wishing death upon me publicly in Twitter replies and that's when I realized it wasn't just one  bad night and people needed to know about this after I shared my experiences with him h
e denied  everything he dm'd me saying I was lying lying saying that if there wasn't video proof it's  all lies tweeted denying it all wait what's all lies oh I wasn't drunk or high enough  to remember doing something like that and nothing I I would do in a sober State  either wait he can't be denying the video we just saw I want you dead bro when you an  actual pedophile you can't joke about being a pedophile you want you dead what are you  going to do man trying to fatten up pig I already slap
ped you what the [ __ ] you did  say the nword and the F slur and the r slur and tons of other horrible things including  things I will not mention publicly because they are not my things to say you were also  filmed during the Uber and there's plenty of people around how is he denying the video no  did I [ __ ] something up he's denying the video you're not a big man for slapping me or a  piece of [ __ ] for acting the way you did and I actually feel sorry for you but if you don't have  context
for the [ __ ] video or a [ __ ] video get out of with this [ __ ] crazy of you to talk  there instead what everything he dm' me saying I was lying saying that if there wasn't video  proof it's all lies he tweeted denying it all which so Wolfie says dream made it public that  the Uber stuff happened and then dream release the video oh okay so the DMS were before and then  a okay okay okay she deleted and then he tweeted lying more about the situation damn for now he's  lying wasn't drunk or hig
h enough not to remember no shut up but also admitting to some stuff while  underplaying it he blatantly lied about the fact that he tipped the Uber driver when he didn't he  blatantly lied about me sending unsolicited picks to people he also deleted that tweet almost  immediately after he blatantly lied about the reason he hit me and claimed I you know what's  insane and look again I know it sounds crazy I had so many opportunities to be much more like  successful in my earlier years and I thin
k the God I do not believe in cuz I'm an atheist every  day that I never became famous young I don't know it just would have been so toxic for me and these  kids are so young and so popular and they just they're doing it's all on the internet for people  to dissect and I feel bad for them I do I think I feel bad but also like bad behavior bad not great  Behavior again like everything is subjective blah blah blah but man the way he's just ooh the  receipts the videos the oh girl it's like they ca
n't even handle it bro they can't handle it  it's too much and now he's just out here oh when you oh when you know you got the receipts and  people are walking themselves into ooh when you know you got the receipts ooh called the girl and  got slapped for it which again was later recanted but not after millions of people had already seen  those lies Nicholas tried dming one of the people that was in the Uber that night with us to try and  get them on his side as a witness that caused the person
who I didn't know at all to message me and  tell me that they had videos of him being horrible from that night and that they don't like that  he's pretending to be innocent I asked them if they'd be willing to send me the video so I could  back up my story since he was denying it and lying and they told me that he was threatening them to  make sure they didn't give me the videos after I ended up finally getting the videos I posted them  I needed to defend myself against the lies that he was tell
ing and wanted to share the proof I also  posted screenshots of text between me and the Y Uber driver confirming that he had blatantly  lied and didn't even tip the Uber driver after I posted this Nicholas went silent deleted his  tweets and hasn't said anything publicly since people still think that I lied faked the Uber  driver whoa for real for real he he hasn't said anything since then my dude this is the fakest  text conversation I've ever seen in my life you just happened to screenshot it
the day after or  hold on to these two years the green bubbles and the driver's iPhone the world needs more people  like you and your friends Ivy ooh see this why you don't get involved on Twitter I keep my mouth  shut text or many other lies that were falsely spread by Nicholas or other people online so I got  in contact with the Uber driver from that night yo I wonder what makes dream so thorough what makes  dream dream and this other kid him I interviewed him and I'll let him speak for himsel
f to help  clear some things up hey what's the worst that can happen it's an Uber Drive yeah yeah what's  what the worst can happen it happened either you're going to be paralyzed or you're going to  be dead like I'm serious okay man what's going on man this is our Uber driver who happens to be  one of the highest rated Uber drivers in all of Texas he agreed to come share his recollection  of what happened so I'm just going let him talk when I picked you guys up you know he had a lot of  energy
he was wild like putting his head outside filming the phone dropped out of the car when the  cop showed up the cop came up to the car at first and was talking to him and the way that he was  speaking to the cop he was speaking like down on the cop and I'm like man like you need to be  quiet because you're going to go to jail if you keep talking to the cops like that as soon as I  said that not even 20 seconds the cop came and he was like you get out the car you're going  to jail I'm trying to sa
ve you from going to jail because I don't want nobody to go to jail  period saying about like IQ like he felt like he was better and I was like nobody cares about  your IQ there's a lot of people with high iq's in jail right now so what you going to tell him  you're going to talk to him and say that you're a child star while you're in jail so I was like  I'm trying to help you out I don't want you to go to jail even after you're acting crazy and  wild which most Uber drivers would have left wait
are you guys saying his his ADHD he's ADHD  odd and that's what makes him him yo who raised this bratty kid bro this kid's bratty get him  to you never said anything negative towards him while he was saying all this stuff majority  of the stuff didn't make it on the tape I think he's he was going through a lot of other things  besides just being drunk and the thing is it it doesn't really matter what he was on what he  was going through the way he was acting it was unacceptable wait hold on I'm
eating my cookie  hold on imagine recording an underage drunk High autistic 19-year-old having a manic episode as  a result of being being bipolar and using it for blackmail is any of that true I mean is that true  I mean the kid obviously has a [ __ ] up life he had a fight with his mom he's got stuff going on  child stars often have a lot of trauma so my heart goes out to him for sure but does he a bipolar  was he drunken High autistic 19-year-old are all of those things true I mean if they'r
e true  they're true but also like ah you know this is the complicated part how do we hold people accountable  without making excuses but also being clear about people's nerd divergency or Autism or you know  a bipolar all these other stuff you know what I mean okay not confirmed if he's manic but  definitely maybe autistic question mark but you guys are saying nope at the same time hm interesting interesting okay okay okay you guys  are saying No this is this is not true okay what he was on wha
t he was going through the way he  was acting it was unacceptable 50 or 60% I may be wrong about the number but something like that of  all violence has alcohol in it so if that was the case all these people would be getting away with  it like y'all kept saying I'm sorry like we just met him going to be forgotten like the Dust In The  Sand when you're in Sahara and there's 100 million thousand billion sand particles are going to be  one of those and I'm going to be a statue erected in Gold yeah
yeah he went he went all into the uh  Egyptian king and the like he's real creative yeah did he did he ever did he ever tip you anything no  no that was another lie well I don't know why he said that and you know what at the end of the day  it doesn't even matter about the tip or anything like that don't say it if you're not going to do  it and don't say it at all I wasn't begging you guys you guys for a tip or anything like that man  it was an eventful night I don't know why a lot of people thi
nk that you were the one that was doing  all these things and making all this stuff up and you wanted to do all this I was like he was the  one that was trying yeah obviously so something's going on is it the alcohol well either way it's  also the attitude you know obviously we're not making excuses for people but I always like to  know why so my absolute curiosity about life is why things happen why when some people get drunk  do they appear sober and totally functional why when some people get
drunk do they not when some  people um you know Diamond says don't forget being autistic bipolar and ADHD doesn't make you an  [ __ ] that's you yes but also technically no so cultural differences I agree with you so  first I agree okay sometimes you're just an [ __ ] but also people's perception of you could  also be perceived as [ __ ] when you're just being yourself s which happens to be influenced by  autism or whatever you want to say so I agree with you being autistic doesn't make you an
[ __ ]  but sometimes people's perception of you feels like they're like oh she's so rude she didn't even  shake my hand well I don't like to be touched so or oh my God they're so rude they didn't even  like hug me hello today so just I want to add some Nuance cuz that's my job right that's what  I do as a content creator is like okay but like let's just remember this right but I agree that  being drunk also doesn't give you an allowance to be an [ __ ] but we often do allow it we often  do allo
w leniency for sleep deprivation which is shown to make you literally see people uglier  and meaner than they are right we've seen that people have a different relationship when their  chemistry is a little off-kilter you know we say things we don't mean dude with slinging slurs  for sure the question again guys my challenge to you is do we know the literal context so like  people you slurs differently around the world they're not objectively always what you would  call in your culture bad but t
hey are often bad in a general sense so you might say this is  bad he's using slurs and I would agree with you generally speaking so I would say that you  know when you're drunk you become like an uglier version of yourself right and so maybe we can talk  about how maybe you shouldn't get drunk anymore cuz when you're drunk you say things that I'm not  even sure you mean or or maybe you mean them and you're like a horrible person but I also believe  in Redemption so how can we redeem you from mo
ving on from this situation right so it's like how do  we have those conversations now he seems spoiled and he seems really [ __ ] up so where is that  from right um Wolfie says I think he was using slurs in a bad way yeah it seems to be the case  and I agree with you on that right I definitely agree so oh and he also called uh dream slurs  in a bad way uhoh that's not good and he also called the driver Neanderthal and he said he had  Down syndrome that's true that's true okay so in that case my
question would be like what do we do  with that person what do you think we should do as a society I usually focus on the individual but  what what should be the it's not like what should be the consequence of this right I don't like  getting the police involved personally I don't know if you guys are super pro cop but you know  getting a per like I'm not a big fan of it all the time you know so what do you think would be  the solution here he can't obviously be his bad behavior shouldn't be to
lerated so we definitely  don't want that we don't want it to tolerate the bad behavior so like what's a way like should  he get fired from his jobs maybe how do we feel about that you know what I mean overall I'm  glad Terell and dream seem to be having an okay attitude about it because that's frustrating  you know what I mean he asked if dream if he was Jewish oh Lord Oh Lord did he call the driver the  nword like was he should be banned from Uber ooh that could work maybe we could ban him fro
m from  Uber maybe something like that maybe it's like something where he can redeem himself but also he  needs a timeout he needs a timeout going to stop everything the most they posted like literally  just like two screen caps of texts from you and um everybody was saying they were fake it was one  of the messages where you said like there needs to be more people like you in the world or something  and and they're like when would somebody ever say that because they didn't experience you in tha
t  manner right those are my real words and I did feel that way so I'm letting you guys know right  now all those text messages that was me saying it dream did make how cute Terell with the shout out  let's go the situation better everybody coming at dream that's not how it went down oh Viola says  I think he was fired PS I Love the name Viola how cute okay okay okay mhm okay and definitely  therapy and no alcohol substances and him are not friends it was nothing like that and now you're  tellin
g me how you got hit and it showed me who you are the first impression of somebody is  the last impression and you were nothing but respectful since you got in the vehicle and you  tried to deescalate everything that was going on all the people in the back Nicholas if you are  listening really do some deep diving in yourself and figure out what the real issue was do a lot  of soul searching see what is the real issue that yes Terell so Terell is yes exactly what is the  real issue that's got you
so bothered my bro so that's what I'm saying don't make an excuse for  his behavior but I really want to know what the real reason is right like what's the real reason  do you just have that bad of a relationship with substances or do you have some sort of mental  health problem or were you hella like spoiled as a kid and now you think you like own the  world you know so I I'm with Terell on this I would love for him to Deep dive like why are you  really doing this for real for real because you
are intelligent because I can tell some of your  comebacks and what were you saying but the way you were acting was more of a cry for help whatever  you're going through you got to fight and you got to get some help don't fight other people fight  what you're going through at the end of the day I know we all make bad decisions and we have to  learn the lesson from it and this was just a bad decision that you made and just learn from it and  all yo Terrell's Uncle iro right now he's really spitt
ing the wisdom different YouTubers and all  the different people that were commenting about the situation I do understand the entertainment  part of it right and it just a lot of seen a lot of memes and everything but I was reading a lot  of comments he was saying this or he was saying that or it doesn't make sense all that stuff  doesn't mean anything if you were not there it's just speculation and if somebody older is trying  to help you guys out my advice is for you guys to listen that's that
's it that's all you have to  do but you don't have to be negative towards them and we have to stick together because there's  so many things that keep us apart right just like if you look at it it's the the dream and he  needs to eat the cupcake on this channel we talk about eating the cupcake someone hands you a  cupcake of wisdom eat it [ __ ] don't starve yourself in the desert because you have pride  eat the cupcake and the voice for for a gumball how about you and Nicholas have a sit down
with  me we talk all the issues and all the problems out and we can show people how bringing things  together from a negative to a positive and that was I don't know if Terell is a therapist but I  would recommend a therapist and I would recommend not doing it in public and I would recommend  actual attempts you can't solve it on a YouTube video you need to solve it in like real focused  therapy and effort see how that spreads it's in the universe amazing man well thank you so much I  really app
reciate you coming on I posted a longer version of this interview on my second Channel if  you'd like more context we talked for a long time now before I show you the most insane hair loss  inducing I have ever seen on Twitter that took place after I posted this video of him I need to  reiterate a couple facts one I just met Nicholas he was already drunk when I met him two the party  was not my party I did not provide alcohol to anyone three I did not know how old Nicholas  was and here's a vide
o of what Nicholas said after I found out his age and critiqued him for  drinking in front of the cops why are you a Nar pedophile four I was not the one recording  and I only posted the video because he was lying and saying unless there's video proof it  didn't happen so yeah now that that's clarified enjoy okay wait am I supposed to be [ __ ]  reading all these bro let's see who wins Gumble or dream dream when he finally  uses this black mail on Gumball H nerder virgin people in the LGBT commu
nity giving  Nicholas kantu the permission to call Dream slurs being a washed up loser than it  that exposes your friends online is way more unacceptable L dream who are these losers  with these L takes [Music] bro that was cute this lank let someone under the legal drinking  age drink and then recorded his video and held on to it for years in case he needed it to use  against Cantu if he ever turned on him yo 71,000 likes [Music] bro which room are you Dream House  Edition based on the Zodiac 1
5,000 [Music] likes my biggest question about dream is why  anyone that successful would still choose to live in a weird swampy place so they're  doxing him is what I'm saying what [Music] I'm okay death threats got it as you can see it  got insane tweets doxing me in my friends and family got tens of thousands of likes I have never  seen that in my life so I just want to talk very briefly about how serious doxing and swatting can  be it's a common thing for people to say that I don't think doxi
ng is serious in a clip that got  a lot of attention from a stream of mine a while ago oh oh dream I'm sorry I just had a memory  unlocked I remember a dream doxing story where dream took a picture in a kitchen tell me if this  is a good memory or do you guys am I getting the story wrong dream took a picture in a kitchen or  a house and he thought there's no way someone's going to find him but then they Google image  search and found it on Zillow I think it was dream cuz I remember seeing that a
s a streamer  myself who's had stalker problems and I was like oh I have to keep note of that cuz I didn't think  of like I don't think of how to stock somebody I'm not a freaking monster you know what I mean so I  had this I read this article about it and I was like oh I have to remember to be careful where  I take photos cuz people can like Zillow search me not that they would but like is this dream so  many dream memories are coming back from me guys I literally swear I'm like I don't even kn
ow who  dream is and I'm like oh dream dream dream like now I'm okay yeah this is I'm remembering the  story it's not funny how you forget that you even know and like now I'm remembering all these  stories oh that's so funny that story changed how I took photos and not that I think anyone is crazy  enough to stalk me in Europe because I've moved countries but you know people be crazy ago I said  that if you have seven followers on Twitter you shouldn't stress over being doxed I don't stand  by t
hat and I didn't mean to minimize doxing at all I had just said before that that if you dox  people you are not a part of my community that I don't support you and that it's disgusting it  can happen to anyone and it can be serious to anyone I was just trying to make the point that  it's less likely to happen to somebody that's smaller because people have less reasons to Target  them and that if they were targeted they had less reason to actually follow through on it I think  that's true I gener
ally think it's kind of silly how paranoid I am about it but you know you  have one stalker you have you know a fear of them all you know but like I get it I I totally I  understand but even regular people do get stocked like it's not just celebrities fun fun fact  anything often it's people who break up with their Partners their Partners stock them it's just  not something that I should have said or something I should have explained as it made it seem like I  was supporting doxing when I just w
asn't at all I have always said that doxing is extremely serious  is serious super serious serious and I don't think people even realize how serious it's not just  haha funny send a pizza to someone's house it's attempted identity theft for my family members  and Friends credit cards being signed up for in people's names fans or people who dislike you  showing up at your house or your family's house to try and break in trackers being put on your  family members cars people showing up at your lit
tle sister's job SWAT teams being called to  you in your family members houses bomb threats and the FBI having to make sure you're okay people  calling your 80-year-old Grandma pretending to be you and terrorizing her that's all stuff that  has happened to me my family and my friends they're not hypotheticals this isn't just that  you don't like dream it's not just me whose life you're putting at risk and who you're harassing  you're going after an 80-year-old woman who has done nothing to you i
t's not just me you're  hurting when you I do think there should be some sort of consequence for it um maybe not like  life ending because you know young kids do stupid things but also I do think like doxing needs to  have some serious repercussions or even more than that even like showing up to people's houses  I'm sorry do you remember Jenna Mar and Julian like I think those fans showing up to their houses  should have had consequences maybe not like again I don't want Federal like like [ __ ]
felonies on  people's records but I remember one of the parents oh bi allergies one of the parents was to Julian  was like hey you need to get your kid out of my house and julan was one of the guys was like hold  [Music] on oh good zo tight bro one of the parents was like but Julian we brought our kids all the  way here to meet you and Jenna and Julian's like I know but you can't bring your kids to my my  house to come meet me don't you think that's weird and maybe I'm misremembering the story 
but I just that stayed with me too where the parents were like but we brought our kids to meet  you and I'm like bro it's the literal parents as well contributing to this can you imagine being  a parent can you imagine being a literal parent in teaching your children to basically docks and  stalk people thank you for the blessings thank you for the blessings you know what I mean isn't that  crazy I think that was the biggest disappoint was like parents were taking their kids to Jenna  and Julia
n's home parents it wasn't just the kids alone parents teach their kids that this  is appropriate how inappropriate is this huh who make up lies or spread horrible things it's the 50  employees I have who also have families and lives it's all of my friends and anyone that's ever been  associated with me it's my family my grandparents and most importantly actual victims who have  gone through traumatic things and that's not even talking about the stuff that hasn't happened  to me but has happened
to other people pets and people being shot by police officers during  swatting people breaking in with a gun to kill a YouTuber they don't like it's incredibly serious  and it's not okay that wasn't even the end of the craziness though that was the beginning because  then during the midst of all the Nicholas drama someone tweeted out this accusing me of sexting  a 16/1 17-year-old girl named Jamie because I was currently the internet punching bag and it was  proof that the punching was justifia
ble it was spread very quickly without a lot of questions  being asked before I break it down I want to immediately say that this is not true I did not  groom anyone I did not groom Jamie and I would never be inappropriate with someone underaged  when they posted this allegation attached was a video that of course went viral it was a  video from another phone of a Snapchat being opened supposedly from dream that had moaning in  the background and a very sexual Caption This is the clip and its en
tirety wait I'm so sorry I'm so  into this Discord says if you guys no the Discord is 18 plus I have a feeling some of you in my  audience might be from dreams audience which is great but only 18 plus can join my patreon  thank you if you join patreon you get Discord and Discord says I had a friend who thought it was  rude that Jenna and Julian turned the kids away bubbles bro we all live in bubbles we all have  ideas of what we think is wrong or right but I just don't [ __ ] with that energy br
o don't take  people to other people's houses what don't take your kids to people's houses bro what a crazy  thing to teach your kids you know okay so let's go back to the video let's see I was informed  none of the videos in previous posted messages contain any form of cem and they have been sent  to me under an anonymous source I was given permission to post these okay what audio the audio  is muted the audio is UN idential unidentifiable moaning I'll tease the [ __ ]  out of you kiss your nec
k run my hands up your body you look so sexy right now they also attach screenshots of Discord DMS  between Anonymous people who were claimed to be two friends of dreams and said it was them  discussing me having sex at a minor in these screenshots they say that I was confronted about  it and that he never said me anything so why do I kind of doubt he sent your friend stuff he sent  me videos and pictures huh I confronted him and he admitted she saved it yep that's [ __ ]  I admitted it I've sho
wn you every piece of evidence they posted without changes and I've  mentioned everything that they've claimed now just to reiterate this is hold on I know it's  not true evidence they post without changes and I've mentioned everything okay cool story boo  but why are you sexting receiving new and sending news for 16 17y old girl in 2019 when you were 20  it says tit so nice what's your when their AG is in the bio okay okay they've claimed now just to  reiterate this is not true every piece of e
vidence is either out of context edited blatantly lied  about or presented in a very disingenuous way again I did not groom anyone I also was never  confronted about Grooming by any of my friends now of course when something like this is claimed  it's extremely serious so I'm going to break it down in detail okay so who is this accusation from  it's from an anonymous burner account made the day of the accusation which is interesting so we don't  know who they are yo did you see in chat just like
a few days ago bro was it yesterday someone showed  up with like multiple accounts and every time I banned them they made new accounts to harass me  genuinely like get [ __ ] therapy but even more than therapy like those people are never that's  what I'm saying like who has time to do that there's something going on my heart goes out to  you bro you must be suffering for real for real but these burner accounts people who make multiple  accounts all of these things EX exhausting bro there's I'm
telling you I think about every day  should I study the human brain maybe I should do this cuz this is fascinating but also I don't  want anything to do with them somebody else study it for me and tell me why do people do this but we  do know who the victim is Jamie right and how old did they say she was they said 16/17 okay so what  else do we know about Jamie they said she left the internet in 2020 so because they apparently can't  let me tell you who Jamie is I follow Jamie on Twitter which p
eople quickly pointed to as proof  as you can see Jamie is also followed by Sky verb and spify other YouTubers from the community I  met Jamie when I wasn't even a YouTuber I had just posted my first ever YouTube video less  than a month before oh fun fact I follow no one on social media except for Instagram I follow  my girls my gays and my the but like on T Twitter and stuff I don't follow anybody because I don't  have time to see your drama on my timeline but also like I want follow none of y
ou [ __ ]  Instagram is different I love all my girlies so that's different but like on Twitter and stuff  like no no no no no especially not rand's I better know you or your mom you know what I'm saying I  had less than 100 followers on Twitter the month that I met her I made a lot of friends around  this time because I wasn't a big Creator and I was part of a lot of online communities as a fan  she played on Bad Boy Halo's Minecraft server and was a fan of Sky I was trying to grow and make  co
nnections and I had pretty much just made my Twitter account so I made a lot of friends many  people from this time I'm still friends with to this day people claiming that me following her is  proof that I sexed underaged fans or groomed her at all is ridiculous these claims are completely  false they were right about her age she's 21 now so she would have been around 17 4 years ago  that's about the only correct thing they said this entire time like remember they said she quit Okay  so it was t
he Jame but is Jamie themselves making the accusation or somebody making the accusation  on behalf of Jamie that's where I'm a little lost can someone correct me the internet in 2020 as a  convenient way to excuse any questions about her well she didn't she liked a tweet from last month  actively tweeted all of 2022 and she changed her bio and Twitter account name when this happened  just wanting to be left alone that's interesting and Jamie prived her Twitter in 2022 and only  because of re fri
ends finding it she actually tweeted saying she only privated her account  because some of her IRL friends were finding it and she didn't want them to I wonder why they  lied about that maybe because the person who's claiming this doesn't know jimie doesn't know  anything about Jamie okay so somebody was doing it on Jim's behalf okay that's crazy that's  crazy to do it on that's crazy So Jamie did not make these accusations wow Jamie was used  to get a dream okay that's crazy what this is why I
don't like that I don't like that I don't  even like that Ethan recently did that and I love Ethan from h3h3 but he recently did that  too he said I know she's saying it's not essay but I'm going to call it essay and I was like bro  he's like I'm going to do it on her behalf I was like bro you can't just do these things that's  crazy Harley says say they didn't even talk to Jamie [ __ ] okay that's crazy that's crazy okay  Jamie doesn't know me doesn't know anything about me and is being malicio
us and making up whatever  they can to end my career let's talk about some other stuff they also said they posted the videos  with permission which of course makes the videos seem much more real well it's apparently me and  I didn't give them permission and it's apparently sent to Jamie and she didn't give who has this  much time to make a snap video of them moaning making a text oh my gosh them permission she quit  the internet she couldn't have they even critiqued moist critical for his video
saying how terrible  it was claiming that I admitted that the Snapchats were real which I never did in their original  tweet they notably wait but who Okay burner said that admitted that the Snapchats were real which  I never did in their original tweet they notably say when Hey Hey Hey Hey Taylor says you like  h3h3 Ethan how I like Ethan like every little bro in the internet I love okay Ethan is my messiest  little bro and I will give him a nugie anytime I see he's just leave my messy Ethan al
one okay he's  I like everybody though that's Britney that's my biggest fault in life I really do get along with  everybody can I I just think everyone's messy I just don't believe anyone when they say they're  not messy unless they live a very specifically healthy life Ethan is messy I expect messy people  to be messy and Ethan is one of the messiest you know she had her age in her bio which seems oddly  specific just to remove the few people that would say what if he didn't know her age when e
ven in  their own proof which is random Discord messages with so why do people hate dream I'm not getting  it yet like why do we hate dream you know what I mean and gr says isn't he older than you sh  they're all my little Bros bro I can take him and sneo and a bear in a fight at the same time  you know how it is guys you know how it is here I'll take them all in a fight and three bears okay  why does people why do people hate dream I'm not getting it like I'm not getting the the hate for  dream
yet I'm not really seeing it no context or who the messages even are in another part of their  screenshot Anonymous person number two says this but for some reason that's cropped out of their  tweets because they don't even know what the screenshots they're using as evidence say they  don't care about the truth they're just making things up as they go kiwi Farms is assessible  kiwi Farms used to have a whole page dedicated about me and my stalker and like it was the most  [ __ ] thing I've ever
seen in my life it was full of lies inconsistencies it was like the Kiwi Farms  is a Cess po of humans see I'm not again no Guilty By Association here but like man I really don't  trust kiwi Farms or anybody on it and because it's a claim against me people will just believe  it they can say Jamie left the internet no proof but I guess she did they say they got permission  to post these videos I guess they did they post a video of Snapchats ah cognitive says do people  hate dream or they just tr
ying to take him down to boost themselves that's a good question do  people hate dream or are they just bored or are they trying to like get famous off him you  know H neth star says this might be a classic taking down the giant maybe definitely definitely  happens to other celebrities yeah you're right say it's mine they never show the Snapchat profile  or any proof that it's my Snapchat but I guess you can't change your Snapchat name for free  to anything at any time as many times as you want
so it must be dream no more evidence needed  they're telling the truth even with what little context and yo that's the weakest evidence ever  a screen shot of a username that you can change willy-nilly evidence they have they have to crop  things and lie to try and hide the fact that they know nothing but the burner seemed so confident  they couldn't be being malicious they even put in their bio that if dream reached out they would  personally give him their information so that he could sue them
because everything they were saying  was 100% true oh what they that's not in their bio anymore okay you guys are saying dream is like the  top Minecraft person so when you're at the top it makes sense that people would come for you okay  so they might just hate him because he's at the top or they might hate him because he's queer they  might hate him because he's whatever okay I could see that that's that's weird I wonder Clipper  says I have no idea who dream is but this is interesting yeah i
t is like that's I think that's  why it's fun it's because like I don't really know much about dream either but I'm learning so much  about just like this part of the internet like this bubble you know why they remove that they  did reveal who they got the original screenshots from so let's see what that person has to say and  why the burner was so cool no way ingred says fun fact kiwi Farm started out as C Wiki a form for  people who would harass Chris Chan what negative energy guys it's not go
od for your skin to be this  much of a hater don't hate people don't consume your life with people you hate don't it's not good  for your skin girls like okay like just furthest from Evil closest to Joy evil is a construct just  don't be don't oh my God you imagine dedicating your life to just being negative about people mm-  confident in their claims quote I don't know Jamie I've never known her I've never had a private or  a public interaction with her at all unquote wow seems like they have a
whole lot of information  so I reached out to them to try and find anything that I could find to find out what this was even  about because I've never been confronted by one of my friends for grooming and I've never groomed  anybody so I found out who was Anonymous in these messages and let's hear what they have to say oh  these screenshots are extremely out of context and use disingenuously to tell a story about  dream that isn't true at all I haven't spoken a dream in a very long time but to
my he has not  interacted with underage fans inappropriately or in any way that could be considered grooming  these DMS were posted by the burner without my permission and without ever contacting me  beforehand they were sent to the burner by a vulnerable person that was upset and being taken  advantage of while under the influence of alcohol I want to be anonymous and stay completely out  of this because all the terrible stuff I've seen happen to everyone mentioned on both sides is very  scary
this conversation was Private in my life and no one deserves to have their personal life dug  through because of anonymous people making false claims without knowledge or context about anything  they're saying this person was not involved at all did not consent to anything now if you're a little  confused I am too this is a burner account making up things their story makes no sense okay so let's  just summarize this this allegation is not from a victim it is from an anonymous Twitter account  th
at was made the same day as the allegation this Anonymous person claims that I groomed a girl  named jimie they did not ever contact Jamie they did not know jimie they got none of their  information from jimie they even incorrectly said that she quit the internet years ago when she's  still active I can't believe you guys fall for this though not you guys you guys are great but  I can't believe people fall for this if I saw a random burner account making a random message I  would just think they
were crazy why do people pay attention to these like things are they just  bored I honestly what do you think about that if there's a consequence for the people who make  the original claims that aren't true is there a qu consequence for people who just believe the  story without evidence cuz I kind of feel like we need to get our [ __ ] together as a community  like we need to be careful too about believing people without evidence like I know sometimes  it's difficult to get evidence obviously
but like damn y'all just running with random burner 22  accounts to this day they posted videos claiming to be from me to a minor they never showed proof  that it was from me or my Snapchat profile they never showed proof of who it was to they cropped  contexts from screenshots lied publicly and said I admitted the videos were from me they falsely  alluded to the fact that the victim gave them permission and ended up causing massive harassment  and Terror to jimie who they said was a victim of
mine the person in the screenshots claims that  I'm not a groomer that they're extremely out of context and that the burner doesn't even know what  was being discussed and that now their personal life is being dug into due to an anonymous burner  account on top of that no one even Taps to open the Snapchat there's no finger you can't open  snaps with a button but it doesn't even matter because you can see that no buttons were pressed  oh how did it open nobody touches the screen you can't open a
Snapchat without tapping the button  to open it so ignoring the fact that there's no proof it's even me how is this video even real how  did open the video doesn't even make sense people have also pointed out that frames are missing and  that the normal Snapchat animation doesn't play at all but despite all of that hardly anyone  asked any questions if you replied asking any questions you got called the groomer supporter  despite the fact that the proof was a video of a video of a video from sc
reenshots of DMS of  screenshots of DMS you have to go four people deep to find anyone that has ever talk to Jamie  I'm not even in any of these screenshots and the video of the video of the video has like 10  frames where you see the name dream most people spreading this did zero research wait wait  wait wait does that say what does that say dream doesn't that say dream what is that Stan  dream Lauren C who are all these people what is that does that say Stan dream frames where you  see the nam
e dream yes what is it doesn't that say dream what is this in reference to so strange  most people spreading this did zero research but wait they reported me they even reached out  to the Orange County Police my local police they put it in writing put their name shout out  orange oh this is Orange County Florida huh no I thought it was Orange County California never  mind on it and solidify that their claims are correct thank you for calling the Orange County  Sheriff's Office to continue in Eng
lish press one to continue in Spanish wait Taylor says Britney  remember how dreams said in a recent stream he said he was making a video to talk about grooming  well that same stream he went on H3 podcast really I don't think I watched that one I think I wait  didn't I see I think I heard about it because I don't catch every stream Ethan does obviously but  I think I think I remember seeing a headline about them when I remember thinking like oh I should  watch that oh my name is I I have a YouT
ube channel and I live stream and and stuff and um  long story short very recently someone anonymously posted a bunch of like fake stuff online saying  that I'm a um and of course it's from like a burner like Anonymous burner account can't really  you know whatever um but anyway in their post they call they they said that they called and talked  to the Orange County um Sheriff's Office about it and of course they said that to try and like  make me look guilty for being like a predator somehow bu
t I guess I I wanted to call and try  and see get more information I guess what's your name people yeah they're slandering you there's  nothing and this is the we have a very broad database nothing no interaction I did last name  first name first name last name nothing zero n so no there's no like report reports anything  nothing your name has nothing next to it there's not even so you would like to make a report and  you feel like someone is um harassing you all right but who is telling you tha
t stuff you may  need to file a complaint because that's harassment and that's called slander and you do have civil  rights so you can make a report if you want okay all right thank you so much right Merry Christmas  all right Merry Christmas Merry Christmas and not that taking legal action as an anonymous source  would prove anything but just to be clear I have searched far and wide sent Open Access requests  to police departments so you're not listed in my system at all and all police records
are public  in Florida where I live not a single person has filed anything against me anything even though  every claimant has what did I say what did I say everyone always talks a big game I'm going to sue  you I already filed a police report every already did things and they don't because they don't  have a case and even worse yet guys the stories I wish I could tell you oh they're so funny I'm  not they're not funny they're horrible it was a horrible stressful [ __ ] time but Jesus like just 
the stories I could tell you of like dealing with court and dealing with legal paperwork and the way  the EV oh my God the story is so funny like it's not funny it was very stressful but in hindsight  years later it's kind of funny like when you're in court and they're like What's your evidence  and the evidence people present bro there ain't no evidence you know like o claimed that they  have again not that it would prove anything if they did it would be disproved in court but  not a single pe
rson did I also don't have any civil cases brought against me meaning no one has  officially accused me of anything from anywhere despite again every single person claiming they  have this is public record but despite everything you've just heard before this in this video  when this tweet dropped people were celebrating in the replies celebrating in the replies of a  tweet that's supposed to be about a child being sexually abused that is not okay and just shows  that you actually don't care abou
t victims about this you just care about taking down dream which  is the same thing the burner account cares about they don't care about the truth they don't care  about what's real they care about saying whatever they can to ruin my career they don't care about  victims they don't care about Jamie and if you still don't believe me let's hear a statement  from Jamie herself who seemed terrified didn't want anything affecting her real life wasn't  a victim before but is now due to all the harassm
ent and people spreading sexual things  about her without her knowledge or consent my name is Jamie I want to make it very clear that I  was never groomed I definitely am not a victim of dream I don't know how or why people are using my  name and information without having ever asked me if any of it true Everything claiming to be about  me was posted without my consent leave me alone I want nothing to do with this I have been getting  harassed by people either saying I'm looking for attention or
digging through my life trying to  confirm things I want nothing to do with leave me alone you leave Jimmy alone Bros Jim's Twitter  account got locked for suspicious activity after she was blocking all of her friends so none of  them would see the things being said online about her he didn't quit the internet in 2020 like  the burner claimed but she probably will now she had to change all of her social media ads and  people were messaging friends of hers all because an anonymous person made a
claim on her behalf  without even knowing if it's true spreading sexual stories about her as a minor to millions of people  creating victims in the process hope it was worth it so I'm sorry Jamie I'm sorry that you were used  as bait I'm sorry that you have your life being dug through by people and I'm sorry to all victims  that have to see this that have more fear about coming forward because all this is terrible and  no one wins and I'm sorry to anyone else that got involved or dragged into it
sorry for those that  were taking advantage of I'm sorry for those that or lied to again no one wins it's incredibly hard  to navigate these situations there's no benefit to somebody putting their name and face out there to  defend me or clear up complete lies if even when someone's completely in the wrong they're still  praised as a hero because it's against dream as I was literally about to post this video another  burner thread by a different burner was made about Jamie 24 pages of evidence
that I groomed her and  the very first line of their what repeat different burner was made about Jamie claiming 24 pages of  evidence that I groomed her and the very first line of their document the Twitter account burner  22 recently provided a screenshot of a Twitter DM conversation between them and someone by the name  of Jamie this is massively incorrect a lie and never happened as you now know the burner account  was not any of the people in any of the messages never spoke with Jamie and th
e actual person  in these messages has made a statement in this video debunking this as well as jimie and this is  the first line of their 24 pages their proof was all to show that I knew jimie followed Jamie and  that Jamie was a minor all things that they didn't need to stalk her to do maybe let victims speak  instead of digging into their lives their proof digs so much further into J's life including by  stalking four-year-old Twitter accounts of hers using the way back machine so that even c
ontent  that she do no no no Taylor can we just end the internet well then what would I do I live here  look the internet is a beautiful place just not this part of the internet and content from her  private accounts are now being where would dream go dream and I live on the internet doed leave  her alone this tweet has 40,000 th000 likes in 10 hours as of me making this this is ridiculous  anyways I tweeted when I first saw this claim pointing a finger at someone that I thought  was behind the
burner account I was messaged by multiple friends with proof linking them to the  account they were the only non-anonymous name on any of the screenshots have a massive dislike for  me and were actively replying to the allegation so my obvious assumption was that they are behind the  account this person used to be a friend of mine many years ago and we are no longer friends for  unrelated reasons they claimed sense that they're only whoa whoa wait I lost I was reading chat what  chia seeds Jamie
to the allegation so my obvious assumption was that they are behind the account  this person used to be a friend of mine many who who used to be a friend of his wait I lost I lost  my train of thought I'm so sorry dream dream is private the new allegation that I'll add in my new  video is well second allegation from this person the one that I thought was behind the bur it's  from a per oh he has a theory about who's behind the burner account okay bur account I was messaged  by multiple friends
with proof linking them to the account oh okay were the only non-anonymous name  on that kind of makes a lot of sense that it was somebody behind the scenes you know who's Nat Nat  is their name oh any of the screenshots have a massive dislike for me and were actively replying  to the allegation so my obvious assumption was that they are behind the account this person  used to be a friend of mine many years ago and we are no longer friends for unrelated reasons  they claimed sense that their onl
y involvement was that when they were drunk and having a manic  episode that they sent some screenshots of stuff P.S did you know manic episodes are very specific  and actually not very common and if you're having a manic episode you have to have like a correlated  mental illness from my understanding to have one like when I was a first diagnosed with borderline  I thought borderlines experienced Mania as related to bipolar and they do not I was just not sleeping  which was insomnia it wasn't Ma
nia so just like a heads up when people say like I'm having a manic  episode I almost never believe you unless you have a relationship with some sort of something that  would actually cause Mania cuz Mania is like very specific I'm not a therapy Channel and and I'm not  a therapist or psychologist so I could be wrong but every time I hear someone say I had Mania I  had Mania it's like um but did you but did you into a group chat with people that were asking  them questions they claimed that they
have no other involvement they said they don't know where  the videos are from that videos were never sent to her and that the screenshots and her DMS were  pictures and not actually videos she claims that she did not send the screenshots claiming that  I groomed anybody and that she had nothing to do with them being posted by the anonymous burner  account now if this is true which I can assume it is it's just another horrible thing the burner  account did taking advantage of a drunk person who
is not having a good time and using their past  with me to try and ah she is bipolar one oh okay okay okay if she is bipolar one then no judgment  get dirt on me is just ridiculous now I don't know who's behind the burner account because it's an  anonymous account and unfortunately they removed the thing from their bio that said they'd tell me  who they are so I could sue them but regardless my original tweets were worded poorly and people  read into them including her and thought that I was an
d by the way Mania doesn't make you a bad  person it's just a part of being mentally ill and lots of people I know with bipolar are perfectly  functional rational parts of society who happen to experience Mania they're not bad people okay  your mental illness does not make you a bad person claiming that the videos were real but that I sent  them to her the screen recordings in my screenshot were from after the allegations were made but I  don't know how I would mean that I only posted screenshot
s of her screen recording my I didn't  have time to gather more about this person that dates a Vlog is because I'm currently about to fly  but again it well in my video I hate the internet and how cruel everyone everything is right now no  one wins here no matter the result you should def follow me back and read every single interaction  between me and blank where girlfriends down I think you'd find it quite romantic chats to show  that she was actively collecting information but I see how if yo
u don't know the dates or really  anything then you could think that in my tweet saying I was making a video about this I called  the audio essentially unsubstantiated revenge porn with revenge porn in quotation marks while  of course denying that I groomed anyone people again took that as me admitting that the audio  was real even though I literally said also I'm so sorry I don't mean to be pedantic about like  words but a pedophile is a person attracted to prepubescent children so even if this
person was  17 he wouldn't be a pedophile I know the internet does not know the difference between those words  but if you're going to jump into a bubble that orchestrated that word I don't know if that word  means something different now in the world but it just like it's a specific thing and like again I  agree that people should be involved with people under whatever age of majority it is in your  country but keep in mind I'm in Europe where the age of consent is very low and I don't like  i
t but it is what it is and it's not my favorite thing which is why I think the law doesn't get to  decide what's moral you get to decide with moral because morals are personal if you want to strive  for the ethics of society to be different you can have that relationship please you know what I mean  but that's like just something I want to say out loud because I don't understand the grooming  allegations of it being like a 17-year-old because that's not how that works but also you  know just rem
ember that the world doesn't revolve around you and what you think is right and even  though I agree with you I don't want children and adults to be together in places around the world  including the United States including in places like Jersey the age of consent is a lot lower than  you would think so it's not great you know but I think we should keep that in mind you know what  I mean just just in case you were wondering say essentially unsubstantiated and put revenge porn  in quotation marks
it is incredibly violating to have audio spread to the masses saying that it's  you moaning that people think is you moaning whether it is you moaning or not it could be  anyone moaning it does not matter it's still violating this is sent to your little sister  saying it's you moaning it doesn't matter that it's not you moaning it's being said seriously  that it is this is in essence revenge porn this isn't even the only time I've had claimed sexual  stuff spread about me once people spread a v
ideo that was like deep faked or something okay first  of all oh know that username ju guu they show up on my feet a lot but I don't know who they are  why they keep [ __ ] showing up on my feet it's annoying cuz they I hate their tweets their tweets  suck dream sucked his own dick first of all if he did good for him and second of all whatever this  account anytime it shows up on my timeline it's I got to block them their tweets suck bro of me  sucking my own di it obviously wasn't me but so man
y people thought it was which even caused  some YouTubers to make videos like this you guys know I've never been the biggest fan of the  YouTuber dream but I have always had respect for him as a person that ends today dream sucked  his own dick you know I thought this was some sort of joke and then I saw the reply was a video  of dream sucking his erect P okay why interesting why does why does dream get targeted I'm still not  seeing the pattern I need to watch maybe I need to watch some haters
talk about dream why do they  pick on dream so much bro even Charlie picking on dream why do people pick on dream I don't get  it h and look I'mma I will call you out I don't give a [ __ ] if you are all dream viewers in my  chat I would call him out but I'm not seeing any red flags yet I'm still I've got a little bit left  of the video he better drop me with some red flags bro so I can talk [ __ ] about dream I can't even  find anything yet I I love Ethan I can name like 20 red flags about Etha
n I don't even know dream  but I'm like I'm not getting it what's the hateful I don't get it and why they being weirdly sexual  people are weird about him but of course while this was all going on on Twitter it just was okay  to lie about me and all the people posting fake screenshots and memes and taking things Ser good  evening whatever I would like to inform you that you now have until the next 24 hours to delete the  parody accounts that you've created stop tweeting anything dream related hu
h seriously from parody  accounts just proves how easy it is to fake this stuff so let's talk about fake allegations and  how horrible they are it's become a bit of a Trend in the online space or at least the gaming  space to fake grooming allegations there have been fake allegations against Bad Boy Halo which  the person ended up tweeting and admitting they were fake and saying that they're just kids that  made a mistake after he legally threatened them there have been fake allegations made aga
inst  sapnap that again they admitted were fake after I replied this time and called out something  that was wrong with their story they continued to lie and try and convince me though there have  been false allegations again I want to wait wait wait I want to read that I'm not even going to  let this one get traction blank or [ __ ] off with the fake grooming accusations is not cool or  funny I came up with the name sapnap in 2019 and before then it never even existed he never went  by sappy on
Discord called out something that was wrong with their story they continued to and then  I don't want to argue with you they say you are an idol to me gross the scen don't pedestal anyone  knock knock people off pedestals the screenshots aren't fake cuz I took them I know that my I know  that by heart I'm sorry if I caused problems but I want you to know that what happened really  did happen if you at least asked what happened lie and try and convince me though there have  been false allegation
s against Carl Rambo Wilbur probably every Minecraft gaming Creator you know  uhuh didn't I cover Wilbur is that the same one with the Shelby girl Wilbur seems toxic as [ __ ]  bro but also I'm not surprised right like it happens he needs therapy and needs to get a [ __ ]  together and he needs to decide what his morals are Shelby needs to get her [ __ ] together she's  almost 30 let's go girl but if that's the same Wilbur Wilbur needs to get their [ __ ] together  okay but also you know a lot o
f these people don't grow up with any kind of values or understanding  of why they do anything then they get pressured into their bubbles and blah blah blah blah blah  you know no me saying any name doesn't even matter not everyone gets traction and not everyone has  as much effort put into it but there have been hundreds there were a few notable ones against me  during the last month one was disproved because it was proved that the video was edited based on  a frame okay this was pre this was y
ears before okay okay okay another was disproved because  of a photo in the background was from Tumblr but there was one things similar between all  of them they all showed fake evidence they all showed fake edited Snapchats they all showed fake  edited pictures or videos and that is scary but sometimes they didn't even need evidence I mean  this is good though I think it's really good that he's doing this because I don't think it's going  to stop I do think it's important to keep receipts I thi
nk it's important to be well-intentioned I  do think it's important not to think the worst of everybody but I think that this is probably going  to be the norm and I think that we just need to be ready for it look celebrities get tablets  written about them people get false narratives written about them all the time and I think it is  the responsibility of future content creators and current ones just just keep it in mind it's not  going to be the first and last time you know and so just keep th
at in mind if you ever think like  should I make this a job all jobs could come with this you could get stocked by somebody who like  comes into your auto mechanic store like it's not that you know it's just the the internet kind of  promotes it or encourages it more I think so just keep that in mind but I'm I'm proud of dream for  having all of these receipts cuz I do think like this is just like a part of the job it is a part  of the job you know it sucks it's the worst part of the job the sta
lking and the harassment and  stuff but you know we all make uh sacrifices I guess for the dream job someone tweeted out that  I wasn't working on my video that I was actually out meeting a fan I met when they were 16 at  a bar and that I got stood up and laughed at by everyone and this just didn't even happen but  you don't even need any proof it was Thanksgiving and I was charging my car wow I like how every  photo had his face cut out grandparents house and I went to a non-alcoholic bar and p
layed pingpong  wait Mia says people hate dream because those ner Divergence making him easy to upset and he's used  to it and defend himself so Liars realize they can get K up from this that's a rip it is hard it is  hard being nerd Divergent and having those like extra the extra weight of everything for sure  that's interesting H and was never stood up by anybody they can just make up whatever they want  and rudely take Secret pictures of me and people will believe it this is crazy stalker Beh
avior  they even said that I was the most ass ping pong player in the place when I was undefeated they  even had to lie and slander my ping-pong record and then of course parody accounts are tweeting  images like this one faking me dming them and threatening them legally or lots of other stuff  and again this just shows how easy it is to fake stuff especially when you're a burner account  that has no accountability one of the people that made the fake allegations even tweeted  that I can't sue t
hem that they're anonimous and on a VPN after they were caught people will  take a claim with keemstar you're such a loser true okay uh almost no evidence and run with  it and ruin people's lives hundreds of jobs families not even just when it's me it I'm  telling you these people are mentally unhinged I'm telling you look people fight all the time  there's miscommunication there's fights on the internet but I'm telling you if you're going  to this length there's something like you know there's
something going on only be a trend in  the Minecraft space right now but it won't be that way for long okay excc you're probably  oh no what did ex do watching this I want you to address this what do you have to say for  yourself can't stop thinking about you dud like it's bad yeah I know you don't want me to  bring up little nex's party again first of all shout out little NE little NS Little X little  NS but I need you I need your gag daddy check snap what's happening what's  happening is Felix
's xqc gay what's happening it's irrefutable proof  look here it is on a sec What's happen phone prove to me you didn't send me this video or you're a pervert forever  and everyone watching this will now know it or Poké man you've been  getting some hate for your cookie prices recently and I don't mean to  expose you but you did say this to me they're stupid cookies I repackaged and selling  them it's like 10 times the price but my fans are stupid as [ __ ] so they'll buy them anyway  they taste
pretty good at least time to get rich off these stupid little girls and simps  again bro it's okay I get it it's a joke it's a joke he's he's proving his point by editing  [ __ ] I get it okay that's [ __ ] funny okay and I think that's disgusting right this is fake  right this is like a joke like he's wait now I feel is this my nerd divergency okay this is a  joke he's making it up to prove a point right or is it now I don't know [ __ ] I'm gaslighting  myself it's a joke right he made it up t
o prove a point that he can fake things okay that's  the that's the point of this what do you have to say for yourself what more proof do you need I  also have the cookies she sent me and a sign note from her this is irrefutable okay okay okay for  a minute I started to trick myself and think oh no what if this is real now I'm very confused  okay no no no okay so I got it he's trying to show us that he can okay he almost tricked me by  tricking okay I almost got I got it evidence you get the poi
nt I made all those pieces of evidence  in 10 minutes which only oh okay he made them all in 10 minutes guys I start to get nervous free  programs what's stopping anyone from going and making a fresh account faking evidence and then  accusing a person they hate of something vile be careful what you believe and ask questions  believing real victims is important but not believing fake victims is very important to real  victims too as for my conclusion on this video I have a couple things to say fi
rst of all excuse  he played along that's cute okay good I like Felix okay cool I just want to recognize that I'm  probably in this position because of myself the people that made these claims undoubtedly had  unhealthy parasocial relationships with me and that's why it's gotten to this point I want to  and will do anything I can to denounce this my view on fans has shifted slowly over time jumping  massively when I face revealed and actually got to meet fans in person which made things much wai
t  what's RSD again I forget what the abbreviation is for cuz Cola says he's a people pleaser with  bad RSD that makes him a perfect Target for people to go after can I tell you people pleasing with  peace and love y'all are [ __ ] yourselves over I'm not much of a people pleaser at all and it's  like a part of like me protecting myself really but also like I I really try to be good to people  but I the way y'all people please yourselves into the gutter I stop doing that to yourselves like  you
it's a self- sabotage you need to protect yourself okay rejection sensitive dysphoria okay  that's fair that makes sense I know I know a lot of it has to do with okay that's fair just ooh the  way I see people Pleasers like let people run all over them girl much more real and massively change  my perspective I think it's incredibly unhealthy to be obsessive with someone and I also think  that it's clear to anyone that's stepping back and looking at these situations that people  obsessively hate
me and are making up lies about me which is also because of parasocial  parasocial Love turned to parasocial hate and I have no doubt that the anonymous people making  these fake allegations were once big fans of mine I grew up being a massive fan of football and I  had jerseys of my favorite players and was very passionate so I've always related to STS in that  way but my passion never turned to Obsession and I never truly realized how serious it can get even  sometimes when people were literal
ly telling me I think that part of why I'm in the position that  I'm in right now is because I started pulling away from my fans after my face reveal meeting fans  yeah even I had to do this this year like I did put a really strong boundary cuz my community is  growing which I just love so much I'm so honored but as my community grows I also have to be very  careful about who I give time to and I need to remind people like this is work and I come into  work and I take it really seriously and I w
ork on it like 12 hours a day and I just I love this job  but you know I I got to be careful about like how close people are I make myself pretty like I'm  EAS like you can contact me pretty easily but also like I this is really difficult especially  for like a nerd virgin or like a minority person and you come to the internet to find friends  and you come to the community to find a safe space and then you realize like people get very  parasocial and they start to feel like they know you really
well and then they start to feel  like they can speak for you and then you're like oh my God what's happening and it's like so  weird it's like the weirdest thing but also it's like the greatest space ever because it's like  a a a collection of all like people who have the same Hobbies as you and people who like to  think about the same things as you and but you know people when they're together drama is just  so natural you know so I really this is so real and I don't think it's a phenomenon li
ke people  really acknowledge until they say it out loud but it happens that at your school it happens when  you work at your job it's like you guys get close to like cooworker think about it like co-workers  not just online communities have this co-workers I used to run into this problem when I worked  at the deli I worked as like with other people it's like you come to work and you want to come to  work but also you want to get close to people but also it becomes like drama and also people sta
rt  talking about you or speaking for you and you're like oh my gosh what's happening and it becomes  like really kind of scary to almost come to work again because you feel like it's not as it's not a  space you can even like breathe cuz you feel like you're waiting for the next the next drama thing  to happen you know what I mean so genuinely like my plan as I get bigger cuz my channel is like  doing so well right now is as I get bigger I will probably like make sure everybody understands  bou
ndaries and consent we're very consent focused here so there's going to have to be a lot of that  it sucks cuz he's so big already so there's like and he's so young he's so young you know I've  learned learn so many ways the hard way but he's learning it in public with lots of viewers that's  the difference just in contrast I've been as you know he's learning this in a very loud way and  it's it's much harder to handle when you've got millions or thousands of people tweeting about  you it's a co
mpletely different experience in person made things much more real and I wasn't  so chronically online anymore because I actually had real life and things to do I think that the  fact that I'm a very relaxed person overall that has relaxed boundaries has encouraged that type  of behavior too so I'm just going to re clarify some of my boundaries one I don't support any  sexually explicit art of me or my friends it never bothered me personally that much cuz I  don't really care about anything but
it is just weird especially if you're a minor in drawing  anything like that that's gross I don't support anything inappropriate for minors at all art Tik  toks comments anything it's gross two serious shipping is bad I think that prying into people's  private relationships being deeply speculative or super cringe don't do it super cringe anything  like that is terrible I don't mind jokes I don't mind doing it for fun but anything serious really  crosses the line again I've always found it funny
being shipped with George because we're not  dating and we're friends but if you genuinely think that we are dating and it's part of  your personality or you obsess over it you need to get off the internet it's true a lot of  um there's a a a subcategory of girls and women and don't get me wrong if you do in the privacy  of your home it's one thing but even then who ship write fanfiction become obsessed and I think  that's pretty normal as a young person and then you grow out of it I was just t
elling my husband  about I was 15 and 16 and I read fanfiction with like this is so embarrassing no I'm not going  to tell you okay it's embarrassing but when I was like a teenager and then you grow out of  it and you like move on with your life because you're just like okay I just wanted the story  and it just happened you know what I mean but like I do think it's interesting when I see  like grown adults being like obsessed and I think that's a part of them coping and it's  a part of them like
maybe figuring out cuz a a lot of nerd diversion people also have  a lot of relationships with sort of like Teenage things and being a little bit young  in a way but I do think generally speaking shipping romanticizing fan fictioning all of  that stuff super cringe grow up but also no stop anyways it's stupid okay stop okay stupid  anyways let's put pay attention to dreams boundaries that is not healthy I'm sure make  more clarifications in the future but I just don't want anything weird don't
obsess over me  or my friends I deleted a video called stands on my second Channel that I made a while ago that I  don't necessarily view the same way now it doesn't mean that I don't appreciate you as a fan but  again just be normal be the passionate fan not the stalker obsessive fan I've already had people  with access to all of my accounts for a long time but I will be slightly changing how I use my  accounts now at the end of the day I do just want to make Minecraft content and have fun with
my  friends that's it that's all because of that I've been a bit of a detriment to myself by arguing  on Twitter or getting into Petty that I don't need to so because of that I'm just not going  to be using Twitter anymore I'm going to have someone run my Twitter and post tweets promoting  my content I'll still Tweet non-promotional stuff just with it being positive only and going through  multiple people and I don't want anyone that's a fan of mine to take anything super negative away  from th
is video or think about things in a really sad way I want to be positive and that's one of  my favorite things about having a community at all spreading positivity and love so try and be  positive say something nice today do something nice today I don't want to keep letting this Cloud  Loom over my head though so I'm just going to move on I don't plan on making any more statements  and I don't plan on talking about this anymore this is it I just want to focus on making the best  content that I c
an so that's what I'm going to do I have tons of Minecraft content that I've been  working on and I'm super excited to put it out there pretty crazy and I've been working on some  stuff for over a year now I don't want to throw the excitement away and again this was by far  the biggest reason for my inactivity so Minecraft dream will be coming back full force stepping  away from Twitter and just focusing on putting out awesome Minecraft videos like I used to do so yeah  I appreciate everyone tha
t watched this video all the way through I'm sure it was a roller coaster  there's tons of links and information as well in the description I also posted multiple videos on  my second Channel see you guys soon okay wait so tell me a few things so fill me in does he use  Twitter now cuz some of you are saying he does in the chat is he back on Twitter and also um I'm  not subscribed to dream I don't know like I said I've never really watched him but I oh this was  the last video he did three month
s ago oh I kind of want to see like what is a Minecraft video like  128 million views Minecraft speedrunner versus 3 hunter Grand okay that makes sense speedr running  videos make sense to me that it get so famous oh is this the Reveal video this is weird hello hi  world record holder line um may have heard of me may have not hi Dream Team house meet patches  how do I with the default like lime green okay and then was his voice his primary his  primary like that's what people were list
ening to what's happening did I break YouTube oh  what the following content may continue Su contain suicide and self harm topics what this  video me and my friend play a new game called Minecraft death Shuffle the game tells each of  us a different random way to die in Minecraft if we haven't found a way to die the way it told  us in five minutes we lose whoever survives the longest is the winner can we die Minecraft's most  random ways we're about to find out also only a small percentage of pe
ople that watch my videos  are actually subscribed so if you end up liking this video consider subscribing it's free and  you can always change your mind he has a nice voice he has a nice voice watch his what did you  guys say watch his what should I watch his what I just saw it and I lost it I lost it I don't know I  saw a message that said death Shuffle is that what I should watch like should I what is that that  is that a new one or an old one oh there oh no death Shuffle is the one I clicked
on what else  is there anything I should watch I'm just trying to figure out who he is this video three of my  friends try and Hunt me down and stop me from beating Minecraft it literally is gaming videos  he's literally just making [ __ ] gaming videos I love that I mean I'm not a gamer uh Manhunt  okay manh Hunt's a good one how do I find his man wow okay well just okay Minecraft Hitman oh  wait wait wait wait I just saw it this video is an absolutely new and unique challenge should I watch 
the first ever the first ever I'm going to try and beat Minecraft before my friend kills me once if I  die the video is over and I lose my friend gets a compass to track me and can respawn infinitely  this was crazy intense can I beat Minecraft before my friend beats me we're about to find out  also only about 14% of the people who watched my videos this month are subscribed w oh really 30%  of you who watch are not subscribed so let's go so if you just realize that you're not subscribed or  tha
t yoube the last one is better the last one is better hold on is this the last this video five  of my friends this is two years ago 53 million views is that the one you want me to watch and  Hunt me down and stop me from beating Minecraft the five Hunter Series has over 145 million views  waa okay hold hold on hold on hold on most popular one is the best one with hold on isn't this the  one with George too the ending was epic the video is long we're not watching 35 minutes guys I just  want to w
atch like a few minutes ready and this could be the final matchup can they stop me from  beating the ender dragon or will I survive this is it Minecraft Manhunt also only a small percentage  of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you end up liking this video  consider subscribing that's a very as a YouTuber that's a very interesting analytic it's free  you can always change your mind enjoy the video oh why do I know that's George's keyboard sound you guys knew which way I w
as going to  run so far behind cuz I was just had my mic on my keyboard oh God it broke my Sprint oh I'm  close enough pass I can't boost you he's trying to get stop I got it I got it okay so what's the  goal are they going to what's the goal are they killing each other what's the rules they have  to kill him before he beats the game I messed up I messed up go go go go go the he's going  in the house i'ms I'm going to get tools for you that do not let him get that George stop punch  him punch hi
m punch him I'm trying I'm trying get him the he's got okay you guys are saying to watch  the last 10 minutes okay let's go let's go last 10 minutes they tried to kill how does they how do  they not kill him is he that good oh too far away he's peing he's peing oh my God ni oh my gosh he  pearled where he way follow me follow me it went left it went it went like front left yeah yeah  yeah front left I see him I see him I see him the the Pearl turned it turned right the ey turned  right I'm going
gra gra gra grab it oh my gosh where did it go what I [Music] got oh the it's  liter right above us it's l right above us how did he get that were standing yo I get killed just  like trying to live in Minecraft I had a Minecraft Surfer for like a second and I just I built my  house out of dirt and I died so I don't even know how he's surviving against his friends oh my  gosh this H is so annoy oh is he literally a pro oh I guess he would be I guess that's what he's  known for right that's crazy
destroying me I hear oh he's got a wired interview angry do oh I you I  hate you going to be mad at you hit me I'm killing this dog I'm murdering this dog damn oh damn  he's moving he threw another eye he threw another eye oh my gosh I [Music] fell gosh I have so much anxiety right now  I missed the water oh I missed my shot oh my goodness where is he I'm done where's  my pick here it is he's he's like going down I think he's going down okay oh sorry  is Stronghold here do we think right there
where where where wait where is he right here  right here down here on this like what is what block is this hold on I'm going to for it a  bit and then we'll at the wi oh my god get him take take the arrows they got there's no  way how does he live I him three times I hit him three times he's got to be low he's got to  be low oh my God okay oh I hit him four times L again okay what over here oh God George  careful RP George run George block get get get St I'll defend it get back get back I'm  co
ming I got him I got him I'll keep him back you know what's amazing is how this concept  is so good this is a great concept like this is like I I could be hooked on something like  this because it's like how the [ __ ] but you know what's crazy I think what's interesting  is that he and from a YouTuber perspective he couldn't have done this without his team same  with Mr Beast same with so many people like you really rely on an amazing team to go with  you I can see why it's been so hurtful to s
ee all the accusations in this community like with  George and with with uh clay with Clay is that his name so it must be hard um with everything  going on you know what I mean but but this is interesting like this is a good idea this is a  good concept ah how did I miss him oh my gosh got I don't have I got it I got it I got  run back run back I mean I used to watch rust videos all day like back in the day when  I played rust like I'm not much of a gamer at all but like the few games I do like
I used  to watch rust games and I would be obsessed like that was like my daily that was like my  daily thing that's it we got it all come here come here George I'm there's no way you cover  the entire thing with obsidian oh my God E I hate those creepy cwy guys go he's chasing  you stupid Dragon stand our ground here it doesn't matter he has to come up here R this  Crystal and he has to break this obsidian we're fine wait there he is there's no so wait  so he was chasing them but then now he's
trying to kill them while he they're trying to  kill him turn around are you serious look at him what happened someone pour me some water pour me  this is the part of Minecraft that got me exhausted like mining things and creating  things and having to get oh my God it was so exhausting trying to play Minecraft  how much of there's no way like how did you get that many what I am I did oh my  God he's going to fall I would fall the whole thing the whole thing is covered what  what when did you ha
ve the time did I go on a vacation at some point I forgot about  what when did you get all the obsidian what here down oh my goodness oh my goodness  he's shooting at me he's here oh my goodness how did that not he fights  back cuz he's good damn apparently how did I die what I water on my screen  are you I'm I'm coming back myself no protect the crystal I'm getting oh my  gosh get there knock him off knock him off 41 seconds that's ridiculous thank you yo the  dragon thank you thank you please
please please please let please please please oh my God please  please please please please please no you Muffin I I eat him get him George come on you got him  he's looking at you George oh no rip George rip George a the crystal oh Christ I'm falling I never  he get to me come on get to me where is he at oh I see him I can barely see the corner of his hit  box I'm not going to lie this kind of stuff is so funny to me I'm such a boy but like this stuff is  so funny to me where he's like he put h
imself in obsidian good luck am I stupid isn't he  hitting it with like isn't that a [ __ ] weapon or is that an okay weapon I don't get it  okay I get it's okay stop I have efficiency he doesn't I just like the idea that he's hiding  in like a cave and nobody knows like what the [ __ ] I think it's faster than his oh my  gosh just get ready to jump in there and stop him right there he's un shifting oh my  gosh oh go get ready G get ready oh no I'm going to SP hitting him oh [ __ ] bye bye wait 
that Crystal broke how they literally had him surrounded bro from the TNT I just wasted so  much time no what wait wait the dragon isn't even healing okay so he's going to have to beat  the dragon to beat the game right and then he beats the dragon and he beats the game so the  boys lose right guys he's literally right here get him I broke I broke his shield there's  three Enderman trying to murder me there's literally three Enderman trying to murder me  he's go go go oh my God I have to kill t
hese in I have to kill these in sorry okay okay we got  on the way this good guys I have obsidian I have obsidian oh oh my gosh oh my gosh this stupid Enderman did you get your stuff back yeah  nice I can't tell who I'm rooting for I keep going like oh I hope they kill  him and then I hope he wins oh my God this stupid H won't die pretend the dragon  pretend the dragon I'm saying we can kill him guys I have I'm behind you  I'm behind you this must be so fun what what oh my God he died I didn't e
xpect him to  die this must be so fun let like this is so cute that must have been that has to be fun bro that  must that okay like that must be so fun I can't believe he died that's a that's great that's great  I really thought he was gonna win bro that's cute I think that's adorable I like that I like group  activities I mean I think everyone kind of like dreams of like a friend group to like do stuff  like this with because it's kind of it's just fun oh damn though I thought he was going to 
win bro my heart just like when he died that was cute that was cute okay cool okay and then  you guys said something about wired interview uh dream that was cute okay I get it Good Vibes  Good Vibes um I love Colin and Samir I'll check that out wired interview okay this one hi I'm  dream whoa audio killing it bro oh dream looks so interestingly different every time I see him  does he even look like the same person every time bro hi I'm dream and this is the wired okay is  the audio as loud for y
ou can you do you see the difference between his audio and this audio damn  autocomplete interview I like to say that I'm 6'2 did dream put the mask back on kind of it  just depends I want to make sure that I still have the mask I love the mask it's great and  what it stands for is yeah he literally looks like a different person every time I see him this  is so interesting just I mean look at his face he has such an interesting aesthetic does he dye  his hair or is that it's color it's interesti
ng dream or you know I want to represent that part  of myself then I wear it so it's kind of a 50/50 so I guess yes but no what is dream S&P Minecraft  S&P stands for survival multiplayer and dream SMP was a server that I started with a bunch of  my friends and they just became a bigger and bigger thing with like role play and it was  almost like people would watch he does have a nice voice yeah I get it that voice steals  girlfriends he does have a good voice watch it kind of like an anime it w
as I'm trying to  think of what I would have imagined he'd like if I didn't see him villains and I was one  of them is dream SMP scripted yes yes dream S&P was scripted there was a lot of improv  and there was a lot of moments that happened and sometimes we would plan out like all right  well we don't know exactly what want to Happ we want these key points we have like I I I  guess I could yeah he's got a very [Music] like he's like a got a deeper he's got a to his  voice um he doesn't I don't k
now if he looks like his voice but to be fair I think he looks like  he'd have a higher pitched voice maybe like this person is going to die and we don't know exactly  how yet and then we just kind of go through and let things go as they do so yes it was scripted  for sure did dream go to college I at HD so I always struggled in school I was always like  from a pretty young age like I'm not going to college my parents would always be like well you  need to do something if you're not going to go
to college so I was like all right I'm going to get  certifications and try and learn so learned a code I got a bunch of like technical certifications  and so no I I didn't but I yeah Alex says his voice comes from the very bottom of his chest yeah  oh Discord said that's my hair color you can't get that color out of a bottle yeah it's very unique  it's a very unique hair color tried to make up for it in other ways is dream a Minecraft God yes I  am a Minecraft God you should not mess with me yo
u will lose where's dream Minecraft from I'm from  Orlando and dream Minecraft's from me trying to say dream on and Inspire yourself dream on okay  this is cute okay what's the other one you guys said to look up something about Vlog Meetup  something dream and how you spell George my dyslexia I'm dyslexic I can't spell George George  Vlog something which I feel like will only make sense I might dream in real life okay okay so I'm  just they're like little babies they're like a little baby baby h
e's like a little baby sitting  here waiting for dream this is a year old and he look how much younger George looks compared to  the George we just recently watch show s up when to go get him it's all happening right now that's  me just 2 minutes away from meeting my best friend clay or as you may know him as dream look how  little look how different he looks is this the video he looks so different in this video we first  met each other on the internet over seven years ago and today wa I've made
I have some internet  friends that I've known for like six seven years we haven't met but I love them anyways I'm finally  going to meet him in real life for the first time ever also I have never seen his face before what  what 7 years and he never saw his face joke but I'm going to be moving from England to Florida  to move in with him anyway what could possibly go wrong I've wanted to move in with him and my other  friend sapnap for literally years now but due to certain Global circumstances
we weren't really  allowed too I also had another huge problem I did not have a US Visa so I only had one option  I had to marry dream to get a green card no but seriously I had to start the man the old the  scripting in videos is so funny like he's he's got a like he's scripting he's like making funny  jokes it's like super cute I understand why like I I obviously not the kind of content I normally  watch but I can see why this was so nice I think it's interesting growing up with the different 
era of YouTube right like I've seen so many groups come and go are they correct me if I'm wrong you  know how the Vlog Squad was a thing are they like the Minecraft Vlog Squad that's probably a bad  comparison but is that like kind of similar long gruesome terrible hopefully no one in this  group as David do process of applying for a United States of America Visa but after many many  months I got denied but that didn't stop me I had a mission I must get a US Visa I researched day  and night and
I finally worked it out I just had to wait and wait I did I finally got my Visa so  dream promised me that as soon as I got my Visa he would show me his face which would make okay you  guys are saying not really they're not really like the Vlog Squad they're just streamers okay I guess  it's different I guess it's different too because the Vlog Squad was like always in person doing  stuff and they're like online streamers together M be one of the first people in the world to see  his face so I
called him hello are you meaning are you meaning me I'm serious you being completely  serious oh my God you sure you don't want to wait to see me in person I'm ready I've got I've got  my camera set up I'm all ready to go I guess I'm just I wasn't expecting this I'm I'm I'm going to  look in a mirror make sure trash okay face reveal oh my God I'm about to see what dream looks like  for the first time ever like literally whenever I tell people that I I haven't seen like friends  family they never
believe me they think I'm lying but it's literally the truth I haven't seen it I'm  not just saying this for the video today is the day I'm not even ready oh my gosh this  is like nervous I don't even want to look like I'm scar okay okay I'm just going to do it I was waiting so long hello I actually was not  I don't know what I was expecting you actually don't look as cool like I maybe people imagine  dream with dark hair and so when he comes out with lighter hair looks different I was expectin
g  oh my God this is so weird you seeing me for the first time real this is it doesn't feel real why  are you looking at me like that he keep he keeps going like this I don't know being on camera I  feel like this is my first FaceTime ever I was going to say like have you ever facetimed anyone  I'm your first FaceTime wait ever ever you said you didn't expect my hair to look like this what  did you expect my hair to look like I don't know my hair will be different whenever you see me a  person o
h my God I'm going to be the only person to see this haircut I'm going to screenshot it I'm  SC I'm screenshotting I'm screenshotting no no all right dream I'll see you in America hey look I can  do a phone transition ready say bye dream bye he said he was blonde that [ __ ] is not blonde he's  like what is it called he's like a blonde red head he's like a red blonde he it's a very unique color  is it more blonde okay I meet people all the time we're like I'm blonde I was like you're not blonde 
bro but like I kind of like I think that he's more blonde than not blonde yeah strawberry blonde is  he strawberry blonde guess says can you see why he had to clarify that they're not dating um I don't  know I think I come from a different world where like I'm very affectionate with my friends and all  of my friends and I feel very affectionate but I can see why people might think we're dating when  we're not so yeah I guess I could see why people thought they were dating phone transition so I 
was ready to pack up all of my bags and move to I mean I also come from a to totally different  bubble where like I used to have sex with my friends but like we weren't dating we just liked  each other and we got along but like and they're all really great friends like all of us have  like moved on and we're all like in different relationships and stuff but like we were never so  I don't know like I don't know is this too Normy is this bubble really Normy I'm not in the Normy  bubbles right lik
e I'm in the underground bubbles is this like is this a normie super Normie bubble  Minecraft it must be to have 30 million followers you got to be in the Normie bubble right before  I'm assuming if he like held hands with George like the internet would melt did I had to say  a very sad goodbye to all of my friends from England yeah I'm living to him oh wait who's  this don't we know his face who's this who is this is this wiber we know this face who is this  who is this is this this Wilbur guy
America oh what do you guys think about him do you guys  if Insight cuz I covered his story and I think he sounds really toxic to be fair so did Shelby  but to be fair I don't think like healthy people are in toxic relationships I think you have to  be a certain level of toxic to be in a toxic relationship but I also think he sounded like  mostly the bad part of the toxic relationship like he definitely had to work on his [ __ ]  do you guys like Wilbur or not cuz I don't know anything about the
m I just reviewed the video  and I feel like he seems I feel like none of these people have tools to be better at what they want  or communicating so what do we think about will bear like bad good don't like him like him just  needs like therapy what is it now that I said my goodbyes oh y'all hate him damn okay I was finally  off after years of waiting I was finally going to America I got to the airport like 4 hours early so  I had time for breakfast and also to check out we can't sit with him n
o we hate him Manchild oh God  okay okay has he got any better like does he like you know what I mean I think he's on a break to  get help okay interesting super toxic still that's a bummer yeah he seemed pretty toxic in the way  that Shelby explained their relationship for sure which again I believe in Redemption for toxicity  so no big deal but like obviously like you got to do better though right the plane plane it's flight  time flight time let's go I got one of those fancy plane tickets whe
re you can put a okay don't be  mad I'm going to skip a little bit to that all right take my bag now take both of them no who's  this play everyone there it is who's this who's this I'm on the wrong side yeah are you like an  idiot no I'm not an idiot we have it the other way around I had a surprise for you all this  time wait really yes what the you almost hit me in the face with that oh my God you made it to  Florida Florida okay I've only been in Florida once and honestly like my brother just
moved  there too which is pretty exciting actually so this is sa sapnap okay sapnap okay we have  to pay homage the best singer songwriter and producer I wear a mask with a smile for  hours at a [Music] time wait am I going to get demonetized right now everybody like this dream wait is this dream wait I've never  heard dream's music is this dream am I going to get demonetized wait is this sapnap who sings Wait should I cool someone oh this is  nice that's Dream song oh dream's pretty good okay
dream's pretty good [Applause] yeah yeah oh  is that Carl no who is that hello we did it I'm in Florida it's it's real who that it's not  real I'm in the ukit all right welcome home while we're in oh quacky Carl and quacky okay  I Know Carl cuz he's from Mr Beast right oh no it's quacky oh God it's Carl see I'm getting  different text message who's who so it's been like almost 3 years waiting for this moment  are you excited yeah nervous he's literally right in that house right there right in th
ere  you nervous a little bit are you ready yeah you want me to go and get him yeah go get him dream  yeah Clay he's here I brought him you excited I am very nervous nervous and excited I'm nervous  but I'm excited I'm doing excited hops it's a big day an exciting day it's nerve-wracking day  yeah it's exciting big day so they're um they're obviously like meeting dream they're not showing  his face that's really nice I love Carl from Mr Beast I love the whole Mr Beast team I love  Chris I love e
verybody I need a minute take your time this is big stuff he's going to be  living here forever are you going to go back out and then I'll yeah I'll just go back out  and then wait there with him I'll be I'm the cameraman for right now okay this doesn't even  feel real this is like this is weird he's coming this is like a wedding video it's very  sweet it's like it's good feelings right coming where's it coming from there's so  many dos I know there's so many you got to guess behind me or someth
ing you like  setting me up huh where he's behind you I don't know what to do is he coming from in  there I think so oh my God no way there he is oh my God it's so bright I can't even see  you're you're like a god with the son now I'm very confused oh my God wait wait wait did he not meet  him until after the face reveal so we're seeing the face so like this is dream oh they didn't  physically meet or see his face till the face reveal am I confused no way we did [Applause]  it I'm going to get d
emonetized bro this song Get okay I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming yeah  the dream team is together the the dream team is together we we we did it just us two it's he's  third real he's disgusting no one cares about him get out of here get back in him s s is a crucial  part okay we'll cut all this out all right what now this one wo okay he posted the video after  the face reveal okay okay I missed it I missed it I guess you got to go inside  you got to meet patches cuz Sun's patches oh my god le
t's go where is she where is  she she there there she is hello patches a cat the chat oh wow their first kiss  wow she loves me patches come on oh oh now she now she likes me oh she's  running it's a trick yes oh my God look she has a water fountain this is the most  pampered cat you'll ever see do you love me meow if you love me look look patches what is  wrong better not bro are you actually it you're disgusting it's my room we got why are  boys so gross why would you do that I love ma Ms thou
gh cute all set up for you George oh  my stuff is here look I a half drunk bottle of water that is awesome like a worker look at  my awesome bedroom um yeah this is it he dream join me in the bed well wow they really are queer  baiting aren't they what little homosexuals bro what little teases BR is George queer I forgot  I already asked this question didn't I [ __ ] is dnf is not real this is this is all right well I  guess I got to go get my bags in and time time to live in the dream house tea
m house the Dream  Team house plus Sam goodbye Gamers like And subscribe the Cur just broke think about is [Music]  you I'm leaving to America oh see all right cute guys cute lore okay well um  I came into this video thinking that I would have [ __ ] to talk about dream and I was ready  to run him through the coals uh don't believe everything you see on X or Twitter you know treat  people kindly and remember that hurt people hurt people and obviously the internet is full of  a lot of hurt people
that are willing to lie about other people I guess I didn't see any red  flags I'm glad you guys were here to film me on the stuff I didn't know I appreciate that if you  guys are a representation of Dreams Community you seem really nice but I just I don't know what to  do with this information you know given everything we saw about George and Katie given everything we  saw about wiar and Shelby given everything we saw it seems like there's a complicated uh there's  like a complicated thing tha
t happens in the Minecraft Community which I think is probably  Amplified by how young everybody is and how everybody is like kind of new to fame and money  and being young so you know I'm not going to say anyone's like the evilest person ever I'm going to  say it sounds like everyone has a lot of maturing to do which don't we all um yeah I didn't see any  red flags I think my heart goes out to anyone who has to deal with false accusations because I know  it's so difficult I've been through it m
yself and it's never easy and it's really important to have  receipts but more than that it's really important to know like why we do things why do we feel hurt  why did we hurt people why do we lie why do we feel hurt by lies and I think ultimately you know  I think everyone can always be better or different but you got to figure out why you want to be  better you know I don't like pressuring people to be better I think that's the wrong way to go  about it I think the internet wants to pressure
people into being quote good people and I think  that's the worst way to go about it I think you have to ask people why do you want to be good  in the first place and I don't think good is objective I think it's subjective and so then you  got to ask people what kind of good do you want to be cuz it's going to look different to everyone  around the planet not everybody is your culture not everybody is your you know your lifestyle not  everybody believes in the god you believe in and so we have
to accept the fact that people around  the world will have different beliefs the question is why do you believe what you believe and then  why do you expect people to believe it too I think that's the part that's so difficult for all of  us so okay I didn't see any red flags with dream seems nice enough I didn't see red flags with  with George seems nice enough um honestly I'm so rooting for Katie to come back from what she has  the way she has dealt with the things with George I hope Katie and
I thought that spoke so highly of  George's personality to not speak too badly about Katie if at all and I hope she comes back from it  I hope Shelby's doing better um I hope Wilbur's doing better he seems to be if anyone seems to be  struggling with toxicity it seems to be Wilbur and I don't know if he's still struggling with that  it sounds like he might be based off the chat but it sounded like out of all the stories I saw  from that bubble Wilbur seemed to have the worst evidence against him
and even that you know I  could be wrong on that right I'm not sure I'm not sure um with that said that's all for tonight  thank you for being here I do appreciate it and I will see you guys again tomorrow right  tomorrow's Friday I'll see you guys again tomorrow fall my Bell's I'm okay I'm just fine all [Music] iess so why my a mess please tell me I'm sick of thinking [Music] yeah now for  the truth and living life as a [Music] full



Thank you to those in Dreams community that helped me figure out the details I was missing! Thanks for making my adventure into this bubble so lovely UCV4vOEEG8DXZyLSl5P9lLmg/WyjdZJXkHIfhx_APxpWB0AEUCV4vOEEG8DXZyLSl5P9lLmg/eu2eZbNDnsDp2w-lj5WQAg


It looks so exhausting having to remember every minute of every day in your life, just in case someone accuses you of something. I can't even remember what I ate this morning.


you are such a breath of fresh air to me as a dream fan who is in their late twenties and sticks mostly to tumblr where most of the older side of his fanbase is. i feel myself going insane seeing some of the twitter and tiktok takes by people who have only existed in this world for 10 minutes


the fact that there are STILL people who get on twitter and claim Dream was the one videoing in the Uber and act like he sat on this information for months as BLACKMAIL LIKE?? why would he even NEED to blackmail Nicholas


i’m so curious as to how he lost LIKE 400 POUNDS that was so cool of him


worst part abt the Charlie stuff is that he never responded, he fell for a fake account, slandered a man cus he couldn't be bothered to check an @, my opinion of Charlie went thru the floor after that, charlie has no balls


I don't know if you were informed about this at some other point, but dream is also a dv/abuse survivor himself. We know of at least one very emotionally (and probably physically based on what he has alluded to other times speaking about it. He's said that he has been a victim of dv on multiple occasions, "even legally", although--as far as I recall--he's never referenced physical abuse in that specific relationship directly) abusive relationship he was in around the very beginning of his career (He also said very recently that up to a time around 2021-2022 he had "very little experience with girls other than toxicity & abuse"). This ex has also made attempts to sabotage his career after they were no longer together. It's seems he may be getting more comfortable talking about it as time goes on, as he appears to reference it more often than when he was first forced to speak about it. But he's reiterated very often the few times speaking on it that he always felt he couldn't talk about it because he was a man, and he wouldn't be believed. I think this may give some context to certain things, or provide some insight. Like how much he emphasized real victims in his video, or why his initial reaction to his close friend being accused of abuse in the case of manatreed went how it did.


Feels like MC youtubers are surrounded by the worst kind of clout vultures.


It's nice to see your perspective on this as someone who gains nothing from liking or disliking him. It was getting to the point where there was so much hate online towards him that I was starting to wonder if he really was a bad guy and maybe I was just biased. All I wanna do is just watch funny minecraft videos I didn't sign up for all of this. Also just to let you know kind of what he is known for its minecraft manhunt on youtube, but outside of youtube he's known for being the villain on the Dreamsmp. I think a huge reason he has so many haters is because young fans have a hard time separating him from his dsmp character. Even before fake allegations he was getting old videos out of context brought back to make him look like a racist and just bad guy in general. Videos from when he was 14 and not famous at all. It's all stuff he has addressed and considering he grew up in a very conservative home in Florida I'm surprised there aren't even worse clips out there, the clips just show his ignorance of the world. So anytime something positive happens for him there will always be someone spreading old clips around again on Twitter. Now that public opinion has shifted so much, he can't post a tweet without 100s of hate comments calling him racist, ablelist, a pedophile, a groomer, a misogynist. Every time he mentions how videos should be back soon and they are recording and ready to make a comeback, new fake allegations come out and we have to wait again. It's exhausting as a fan. I just want minecraft Dream back.


Just started the video so someone may have answered you about this already but he edits his own videos! It's very impressive and I think the fact that he edits his own videos probably has contributed a lot to his success because of how good it is. I'm not sure if he ever has other people work on stuff or not but at least for the most part it's him.


Absolutely loved watching this live! :) Really appreciate how open-minded you were about Dream because the dream community does not see that often when hating him is so popular


Thanks for watching this, and thank you for being so welcoming! I tuned into the livestream, but I'm rewatching it. It's refreshing to hear such level headed opinions, and I've been thinking about some of the things you brought up that I haven't considered in this context.


i think it's also important to remember Dream got big when he was like 19, so yeah i think he has the right to be a little weird and cringe


If only more content creators were willing to inform themselves about Dream and not just follow hate trains for clout... great video!


Im loving how open you are, very detail oriented and well spoken. You're inspiring please keep going. Also im subbed now.


I think all these bigger youtubers just need to stop pandering and cowering to their audiences every whim.


2:33:31 Innocent until proven guilty doesn't seem to matter on the internet and I also seen the argument of "I would rather believe a potential liar than a potential abuser." They see it as a bad thing to doubt someone's claim rather than just blindly support it.


“How do they not kill him…is he that good??” Pls I love this


In my head Dream is mostly known for speedrunning minecraft, minecraft manhunts, beating the world record for speedrunning but turns out he cheated, and creating the DreamSMP, which is a minecraft server in which top youtubers would play minecraft in. The DreamSMP turned out into this big roleplaying story with full story arcs in which all biggest minecraft players played in. Dream would play the powerful villain. There's also this DNF (dreamnotfound) shipping on AO3. Basically girls ship Dream and George romantically together and DNF was one of the top ship on AO3. But people also write platonic fanfics relating to DreamSMP lore (the story in DreamSMP). DreamSMP recently closed down due to people not getting along. From my understanding there's a huge community around this among young people.


the question of why dream is so hated is interesting, because there's just... a lot of factors going into it. I'd argue it started with the speedrunning scandal, which turned a lot of the mcyt community against him. But, generally people outside of that bubble dont care about cheating in block game. What they do care about, however, is a video of dream saying the n word. And those same people, because they aren't actually in the community, don't see when its revealed that said video wasnt actually of dream, and that the person who posted it knew it wasnt dream the whole time. So now mcyt hates dream, and broader twitter users who dislike white people saying racial slurs hate dream. and it just spirals from there. actual shitty stuff (along the lines of racist jokes) thats been apologized for and never repeated post apology is held onto with an iron grip. some of it is just the hate that comes from being the biggest person in your space. he's reactive, especially back then, so it's easy to get a mediocre worded immediate response to a situation from him. he's very clockably neurodivergent and queer. a lot of it is that misinformation gets spread, and no one cares enough to fact check it because "oh its the racist creepy minecraft guy", and very few people who do know better want to spend their time correcting the misinfo because all it gets you is replies full of people calling you an apologist. but i'd argue, that's not why the hate continues, even if thats how it started. it continues because people who just think he's cringe realize he's an acceptable target to bully. that's it. his dox was trending on twitter for days, and people celebrated it. people will believe anything about him, regardless of the evidence. hell, look at other reaction videos to 'the truth' and count how many dudes emphasize that they still think dream is cringe. sorry for the wall of text, its a topic i find genuinely so fascinating, in a miserable sort of way! i really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the video, and it's always refreshing getting to hear from someone who just... very obviously has a life offline, and who has a steady moral framework through which they view the world.