
Water Reveals The power of Our Thoughts, Words, Music! | Japanese Science Experiments

How do our thoughts, our words, and even the music we listen to, affect the water composition in our bodies? Dr. Masaru Emoto's research on water crystals brings a very important question to light. If you have an interest in miracles, the afterlife, and various other mysterious phenomena, we invite you to subscribe to our channel. #love #water #science #prayer 0:00: Intro 0:53: Praying toward water 2:06: How words impact water 3:40: How music impact water 4:47: Water and frequencies 5:13: How this relates to us 5:38: Hado 6:25: Our thoughts impact our health Attribution: Photos of water crystals courtesy of Office of Dr. Masaru Emoto and the Hado Institute. Quantum University for video showing music's affect on water Free Stock Footage by Britiannia Free Stock Footage by Pixabay Free Stock Footage by Pexels Music by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay

Metaphysical Matters

6 months ago

hey guys did you know that water can actually  respond to people's thoughts and emotions there's research done by a Japanese scientist Dr Masaro  Emoto a lot of Publications have reported on it and it involves a lot of his experiments where he  has done tests involving intention someone may be thinking a positive thought and direct it toward  water and then he'll use water also from the same Source the same water source and direct a negative  thought toward that water and then he freezes the wat
er it produces a water crystal but the water  crystal manifests differently in every single test subject in the one that has manifested as a result  of the positive thought it may be beautiful, symmetrical but the one that manifests as a  result of the negative thought it appears kind of distorted and just not pleasing to the eye he  did various tests he got people to pray toward the water he got people to pray toward water with  positive intentions look at this 500 people from across Japan they
sent their energies of love to  Tokyo's tap water supply and they're all doing this remotely they're not on site Dr. Emoto's team  has collected the water from Tokyo's tap water and before the prayer this is what the photograph  looks like it's distorted it looks like nothing in particular now after the prayer of 500 people's  input it looks like that now that looks beautiful that's very telling and look at the one next to  it on the left Fujiwara Dam in Japan A Buddhist monk has offered a pray
er and before the prayer  it looks like that looks like I don't know like a something that's just Fallen onto your windscreen  now look at this this is the result of the prayer even the color is different I don't know I can't  explain the color difference again but that looks beautiful that looks like a work of art and look  at some of these other ones like they're not all terrible before the prayer but you can't count  the six arms before it just looks like that this is the tap water from a pri
mary school somewhere  in Japan but after the prayer it significantly improves its structure and again it looks pretty  so these are all various experiments he's done these aren't Standalone experiments there there's  a lot he's done he also experimented with saying words out loud people say words toward the water  like I love you or something kind or he'd get people to say negative words like I hate you and  all these words produce different patterns in the Water Crystals once they are frozen w
ords this is  one of my favorite areas because it really tells us the kind of words we have they have an impact  look at all of these honesty for example just the word honesty produces that there's different  colors here and look at this one love of husband and wife let's take a closer look so this is  interesting because it's a little different from a lot of the other water crystals that I've  seen because this is one photograph but it shows two formations here love of husband and wife  that's
what this one is now let's have a look at somewhat look at this I can't do it versus I  can do it I can't do what it looks like oh we've got the three sides here but then it's just it's  incomplete what's going on I can't do it this this is very telling now look at the one next to it  I can do it this is consummate this is a perfect formation and it is starkly different from its  I can't do it neighbor here now let's keep going these are Buddhist mantras these are all very  intricate patterns th
e universe that looks kind of mysterious Mutual affection here look at that  this reminds me of the one above with the love of husband and wife Mutual affection comes up  with two structures here now that's fascinating so he experimented with mind intent prayer and  he also experimented with the spoken word now he also did experiments with music he played  classical compositions from Mozart Beethoven Tchaikovsky and so on and the patterns were all  very beautiful symmetrical again he also played
rock and roll and heavy metal toward him and the  results of the Water Crystals being exposed to that kind of music well it wasn't so beautiful  like the test done with classical music [Music] oh [Music] now I'm not saying listen to one type of  music and not the other I just find This research fascinating so I'm sharing what I find  it seems that certain frequencies and vibrations May elicit either Harmony or disharmony within  water I'd really like to do an episode on all the different emotio
ns and their vibrations I  recall that altruistic compassionate thoughts have a higher vibration that's all this kind  of territory now science has recognized that the human body is composed of upwards of 70  water or even more anyway the majority of the human body is water at least we can all agree  on that so if that is the case then Dr Emoto's experiments on water crystals are quite telling  and quite frankly fairly important our thoughts intentions our words positive and negative  can all af
fect water molecules now there's a Japanese word Dr Emoto refers to Hado in his  book the hidden messages in water Hado refers to vibrational energy or resonance I've also seen  it translated as wave or move it can be understood as a subtle energy that exists in the universe  kind intentions will bring about one kind of hado while unkind or selfish intentions bring about a  corresponding kind of hado Dr Emoto said how hado creates words words are the vibrations of nature  therefore beautiful wor
ds create beautiful nature ugly words create ugly nature this is the  root of the universe at least that's from his perspective as a researcher you  have to think about it from the human body's perspective this is all definitely  going to have an impact on the human body on people's health and so we hopefully everyone  does care about their body and wants to look after their body if what Dr Emoto's experiments indicate  is indeed the case then music and our interactions with people how we respon
d to things is really  going to have an impact on how we live and how we treat each other you'd hope so but I think  that's what education in this area could achieve someone if the findings of This research were  actually rolled out across Educational Systems real positive changes to our society to our  relationships to our very existence could come about I talked about intention being sent from  one person to another or to water but if you think about it from a personal perspective like your ow
n  thoughts ones that you don't even express to other people you just keep in your own head you think  you're in your own head and they don't really do much but in fact those thoughts are definitely  have any impact at least according to this research a greater or lesser impact on your body  on your health and that may become more evident over the long run and this is a topic that can  perhaps link to other areas like Chinese medicine for example they say anger affects the liver  different emoti
ons affect different organs that's Chinese medicine there are philosophers in history  like Confucius who said you are what you think the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius said your soul takes  on the color of your thoughts Mahatma Gandhi said a man is but the product of his thoughts what he  thinks he becomes you get the point our thoughts are everything your thoughts shape reality  thoughts are not merely a figment of your imagination and Dr Emoto's experiments bring this  subject into the scienti
fic Spotlight I definitely want to produce more content on other researchers  who've corroborated This research because Dr Emoto definitely was not the only one it's not just the  experiments that Dr Emoto did on water crystals that shows this phenomenon that our thoughts and  words have this impact on the water composition in our bodies but different systems of medicine  from history Chinese and ayurvedic medicine from India as well as philosophers the same issue is  looked at in strikingly sim
ilar ways from various individuals from very different backgrounds so  I think it points to a truth that our thoughts have a significant impact on our bodies and our  health so I guess that's what this video is about the quality of your thoughts matter what kind  of thoughts you allow to run through your head on a daily basis matters the words you choose  to articulate matter in a nutshell just be good







How Group Intention Achieves Incredible Results. Check These Science Experiments!