
Water the Mystery of Life | Environmental Awareness Documentary | Full Movie

This eye-opening documentary deals with the problem of water exploitation, contamination, and manipulation. It points to the realizations and discoveries that water memorizes and that it is conscious. Stars: Elvis Popovic Directed by Robert Bezbradica & Mladen Djakovic ** Subscribe to Stash Movies! - Honor the beauty of our planet and the importance of environmental care on Earth Day. Immerse yourself in tales that celebrate nature's wonders, advocate for sustainability, and inspire action towards a greener, more compassionate world. Join us in preserving the Earth's precious gifts with Stash Movies. True stories are oftentimes more outrageous than anything you see in a fictional film. Non-Fiction has the largest variety of tales, from small and personal, to global and impactful. Enjoy these true life tales that will educate, inspire, and entertain, all for free on Stash Movies. Watch hundreds of thousands of movies for free. Enjoy unlimited streaming with no credit cards, no subscription, and half the ads of regular TV. Stash Movies is building the world’s largest catalog of free movies and TV. There is something for everybody; from drama to romance, documentaries to classics, and niche favorites such as horror and classic westerns. ** All of the films on this channel are under legal license from various copyright holders and distributors through Filmhub. For copyright concerns or takedown requests, please contact your Filmhub Account Manager or visit and they will help you resolve your issue. ** If you are a filmmaker and want to include your film on this channel, visit ** Check out the IMDb page for more info on this film, #fullfreemovies #stashmovies #freeyoutubemovies #waterconservation #drought

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(suspenseful music) - [Narrator] Planet Earth, as we see it from space. Its bluish color comes from the huge expanse of water covering it, and we would not have made a mistake at all if instead of Earth, we called it the planet of water. Perhaps it is a more appropriate name, because 71% of the planet is covered by this seemingly so simple fluid. In fact, sometimes it seems as if there were nothing simpler than the water. Without smell, taste, or color, and in such an abundance around us, we do
not experience water as some sort of special phenomenon. On the contrary, we treat water wastefully and without respect. But are we really aware of the importance and peculiarities of water, and do we really know all about it? Who gave us the right to claim it, reselling it, managing its flow? Who gave us the right to waste it so recklessly, to privatize water sources, and make a profit out of something to which every man has an equal right by birth, just like the right to air. Is water really s
o simple? And do we ignore the fact that life actually originated in water? Water, the mystery of life. The simple water we drink is the greatest mystery and wonder of nature. None of the known substances is shrouded in so many veils of secrecy, strangenesses, and paradoxes as water. This relationship goes on from the first bathing of a newborn child to washing a deceased man before the funeral, which is a custom of many nations. The word water is one of first words that a child learns to pronou
nce, and in almost every language it's a short, usually disyllabic word. Water supports all functions of the body. It lubricates all the organs and tissues, regulates temperature, dissolves waste substances in the body, and flushes out toxins. Water is life. Water is a transport medium. Water is a remedy, water is used for recreation. Water is often a boundary between nations, cultures, and religions. One of the most important characteristics of water is its need to be clean. Water is constantly
moving, and has the ability to dissolve almost all the elements and compounds found in nature. Water is used for washing, cleaning, and we thoughtlessly take it for granted. It seems so usual to us that we simply fail to observe the miraculous properties of it. At first glance, water is a very simple chemical compound of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. But behind that formula lies a wonderful micro world, ruled by the laws of atomic and molecular physics. This miraculous micro wor
ld is ruled by the anomalies, and water has exactly 35 of them. - [Narrator] The ancient civilizations evolved by water and grandiose monuments were erected. Even the ancient Egyptians knew the art of water management and called it (speaking in foreign language). This method was used, not only to manage the surface and underground waters of the Nile for irrigation of agricultural areas, but also for the energizing of the entire country. This water was brought into the very pyramids where it was
used as a tool for obtaining hydrogen and energy. The ancient Greeks also knew the skills of water management, and many Greek myths are based on the conservation of water. Dogons, the people of the southern Sahara, who worship one particular religion related to the star Sirius, also have the skills of water management. They hold a view that water remembers, and have special pools where they keep some kind of ancestral knowledge. The sea is the starting point of the hydrologic cycle. That is of t
he permanent water cycle in nature. The water circulates its natural course. Basically, it is carried through the atmosphere, condenses, falls to Earth, is frozen, flows on the surface of the Earth creating streams and rivers and collects in lakes, infiltrates to underground an eventually, sooner or later, ends up in the sea again. In this whole process, it depends not only on the temperature, but even on the exposure to sunlight, exposure to moonlight, exposure to light energy. It is important
that it is always the way nature created it. - [Narrator] In addition to industry and modern agriculture, which consume vasts amount of water, man too behaves wastefully. Most people think of water as simply running from the tap. Rarely do we think about the path water must travel to reach us. Drinking and cooking, man consumes about three to six liters of water daily. All other water is used for personal and home hygiene. Just flushing toilets almost 1/3 of daily water consumption is sent into
the sewage system. And while the western world today literally throws water away, the African poor countries have barely, or less than the minimum water supply for their population. Every sixth man currently in the world has no access to clean drinking water. - [Narrator] However, the water crisis does not affect the developed countries, but primarily the poor ones who are already overdue, and their debts are offset through water. The industrialized countries exploit this situation and by variou
s insidious games try to get those resources for themselves. The World Trade Organization, WTO, by the force of its General Agreement on Trade and Services, GATS, has empowered the multinational corporations to buy and sell the right to water in whatever country they want. The agreement aims to erase the social role of the state and to have the water supply taken from the public to the private sector. We used to think of it as an implied self-understood practice, to receive water from the distri
bution system, from the water supply system, and that you could easily unscrew the taps and get water. However, what some decades ago seemed impossible to us, today is the reality. Tap water, packed in plastic packaging, has become a lucrative business. The multinational corporations found a way to a fast profit through the exploitation of water resources, primarily through the bottling of water. Bottled water is becoming one of the largest manufacturing sectors of the food industry. This indust
ry made profits of over $25 billion and its anticipated growth is over 30%. And even where the drinking water from the water supply meets all the requirements, there is still a growing demand for the bottled water. The bottled water itself is often no different than water that we get from nature. It is estimated that about 25% of the world's bottled water is ordinary tap water, and according to tests conducted by the American Council for the Protection of Natural Resources 25% of the bottled wat
er is not in accordance with prescribed standards on water quality. - [Narrator] One of the aims of this greed is to extract water excessively and to sell it using plastic packaging. In fact, this industry sells us water to which everyone should have the right by their very birth, all wrapped in brand packaging and sold 500 to 1,000 times more expensively than tap water. How does someone have the right to occupy the water source? And in addition, pump it uncontrollably, pollute with plastic pack
aging, and even earn a profit on it? Besides being a major environmental problem, water in plastic containers is directly harmful to human health. If water stays for a long time in a warm, bright place, then water dissolves the plastic and assumes the molecular structure of polymers. - [Narrator] Metaphorically speaking, the human body is a biological computer, and to enter into it there are three different codes, vibrational, electric, and chemical. All codes are interconnected. Thus chemicals
may affect the vibration of the body while the vibrational electric field can affect the chemical balance of the body. Disturbing the chemical equilibrium leads to changes in the electrical system of the body, which is reflected in negative thoughts and emotions. Since people are often mentally and emotionally unbalanced by food, medicine, and drugs, maintaining balance becomes essential for well-being. In addition, the human body, for some reason, does not have such a fast and efficient system
for detecting the lack of water in the body as it does when it comes to food. When you feel thirsty, the body sends us a message that we have for some time been profoundly dehydrated. This is the cause of many diseases. Thus, enormous time and money is spent on diagnosing various diseases, but the cause could not be simpler. We are thirsty. - [Narrator] It is often said that for daily functioning the body needs two liters of fluid, carbonated drinks and fruit juices cannot replace the daily need
for water. On the contrary, they will only harm the body. Children, often influenced by powerful corporate marketing, do not drink water, but from infancy resort to those drinks, not drinking water at all. They think of it as too common. In addition to soft drinks, on the market today is a whole range of aromatized waters, with strawberry, apple, or lemon flavors, which are offered as a substitute for water. These flavored waters contain 44 to 65 grams of sugar per liter and a half of water. Ve
ry sweet chocolate contains about 45 grams of sugar. A person who would drink two liters a day of these flavored liquids, within a month would take in up to six pounds of sugar. Such drinks cause a lot of damage to the body because the body consumes a large amount of energy to process them. - [Narrator] In the underground waters, which are the most common source of drinking water in cities, the residues of all chemical compounds are deposited. For the first time, experts talked about it publicly
at the Congress of American Pharmacists that took place in March 1999 in Los Angeles. They revealed that in the drinking water of many European and American cities they found the residues of hormones, anti-depressants, and drugs for high blood pressure. The resides of medicines can be found in underground water in quantities so large that it is possible to measure them with ordinary laboratory equipment. - [Narrator] Treating drinking water with chlorine and fluorine, with the aim of treating a
variety of bacteria, has become a usual practice in many countries. Fluorine prevents the creation of antibodies in the blood and confuses the immune system by encouraging it to attack its own body tissue and increases the tumor growth rate in people who are susceptible to cancer. In 1975, Dr. John Yiamouyiannis released the preliminary results of scientific research which showed that people living in areas where the water is treated with fluorine have a higher cancer mortality rate than those
who live in areas where water fluorization is not present. Fluoride has a direct impact on the chemical processes in the brain, namely the pituitary gland. It is believed that the pituitary gland provides a potential link of man with the spiritual aspect, higher levels of existence. Without it, he can see only the material aspects of himself and everything else, and so behaves accordingly. Thus fluoride is one of the substances that causes and maintains one's spiritual blindness. - [Narrator] Vi
ktor Schauberger was born in 1885 and he is often referred to as the great magician of water. He himself claimed that water had taught him the knowledge that he had. Schauberger was a forester, who spent his entire life among the streams and trees. However, modern science still does not have any comment on his discoveries. He realized that trout swim in the opposite direction of the water currents, and are capable of jumping waterfalls as high as 30 meters. He concluded that trout have that abil
ity in cold water where the temperature is about four degrees. Observing and copying nature led him to new knowledge which he implemented in his unusual machines. It is the very trout turbine. A device composed of spiral copper tubes with egg-shaped cross sections and through which water flows at a temperature of four degrees, which is one of the most famous Shauberger machines. - [Narrator] Shauberger realized that water behaves differently when illuminated by sunlight from water that flows thr
ough rocky areas, sheltered from the sun. Water in the dark is a living water that carries energy, whirling in a proper manner. - [Narrator] At the moment of conception, the fertilized egg contains 96% water. The average human body consists of about 70% water. In other words, the life we live is mostly lived in the form of water. The essence of the human being is water. Our life begins and ends with water. Water is not just a simple universal matrix, it is the medium in which all biochemical rea
ctions take place. It is the structural component which forms the shape form of the molecules of our body. Depending on which structure of water we take into our bodies, it is that structure the molecules of our bodies will acquire. - [Narrator] Recent studies prove that water has memory and the ability to convey information. Using his method of photographing crystals and the technique of freezing water in 1000th of a second, Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto came to the realization that water
receives and understands the information presented to it. The water sample is exposed to the information in the form of words, painting, or music, and then frozen at temperatures of minus 25 degrees Celsius. Emoto's tests of the natural water and tap water led to interesting discoveries. Tap water in his office in Tokyo did not form the crystals. A similar situation was also found in the rest of Asia and major European cities. Tap water in Venice, which is considered a global city, was only sli
ghtly better than water from other cities, but its forms didn't resemble crystals. Cities where tap water was good were Vancouver, Buenos Ares, and Manaus in Brazil. When taking water samples and photographing water Emoto assumed that the difference in creating the ice crystals cannot be solely attributed to the presence or absence of chlorine, but also to other information that the water receives. During the extraction of gold, a mysterious white powder that contains platinoids is formed. This
white matter reduces the yield of gold ore and is known as phantom gold. These heavy metals are not in a metal state. They are not ordinary atoms of Palladio, palladium, et cetera, the metals which are usually known as the heavy metals, but they are rather the distorted nuclei of atoms. It is matter that is all around us, but we are not aware of it. Physics has researched some of this and called it the nucleus of high spin. Water remembers because it has such an exotic substance. Water molecules
aggregate in groups. These groups are called clusters. Domain walls in water are built of these substances, almost platinoids. These atoms do not have an electron cloud, they are not diatomic, so they are not metal, but a special kind of degenerated matter which still remains to be known. Scientists assume that clusters memorize cells by which water records all that it sees, hears, and feels. To confirm the thesis that water has memory and the ability to transfer information, Emoto had put the
same water into two glasses and on the first one stuck the label thank you and on the other a fool, so that the water could read it. Then he froze the water, and the result was fascinating. Water in the bottle with the inscription thank you formed beautiful six pointed crystals while the one with the inscription of fool formed only fractions of the crystal. The results were replicated when water was exposed to the words do it and let's do it while water that was exposed to words SARS did not for
m any crystal. It is interesting that water forms similar crystalline structures no matter the language used for writing or pronouncing a word. This happens because water will understand the essence of the vibration or frequency rather than the form. The words gratitude and love are the fundamental principles of nature. The word that the water had been exposed to was not recognized just as a simple form, rather the water understood the meaning of that word. The question arises then, of how infor
mation we receive affects us, knowing that 70% of our body is composed of water. Words and thoughts have individual and unique vibrational frequencies that can affect the world around them. One example is a prayer. - [Narrator] Water memorizes any information it receives on its way from source to end point. Excepting some information, water gets new features while at the same time its composition remains the same. For this reason, the structure of water is much more important than its chemical c
omposition. Information is a phenomenon that does not relate to our physical world, but refers to the structural level which is beyond our physical world. However, it is in direct contact with our physical world. - [Narrator] If in the course of explaining these processes we follow the classical path of modern science, the explanation becomes very complicated. It is so complicated that for the experts working in this field of elementary particles or electromagnetic fields, it becomes difficult t
o explain these processes. Such complications arise because we try to explain certain categories with the help of the categories located on another structural level. So to talk about the phenomenon of information or thought, we must move on to another structural level. - [Narrator] Water contains information, the information from nature. And all the concoctions that are used in natural medicine are also information to inform the body, at some level. Water is the universal receptor and its qualit
y is improved or weakened based on information it receives. By accepting good information it positively influences the mind and body. In contrast, the acceptance of negative information leads to disease. If this hypothesis proves correct, many valid scientific theories could experience a substantial revision. - [Narrator] Negative thoughts and emotions, stress and anxiety, impair cellular energy vibration in different parts of the body, which ultimately leads to disease. - [Narrator] We are resp
onsible for what we think. Krishna Murti himself taught us that thought is the strongest energy in the universe, and that each one of us takes responsibility for his thoughts. If our thought is of the same category as information, then every man affects not just water but the outside world, too. All of us affect the environment in a way identical to the way the environment affects us because we are one unit. The question is how consciously and controllably we do it. How to understand the level o
f conscious impact of man on the environment and environmental impact on humans. - [Narrator] These two to three minutes are distributed over the entire day. They are fractions of seconds in which man fails to produce or create anything consciously, or to convey into the outside world. The vast majority of people are in the passive state and do not affect the environment, but the environment affects them. Thus we find in the Bible that man is given the gift of free will, and the ability to decid
e freely. But since the average person saves only two to three minutes a day for that, he or she therefor is not able to do it. Such people are good for society, but the question is whether all are eager to play a passive role. The rise of technology and the entertainment industry has led to the fact that people are now less aware of themselves. Today, there are techniques and methods that can increases a person's active state of consciousness up to 10 to 15 or 30 minutes a day. - [Narrator] The
collective consciousness that surrounds us comes in many forms. From the collective consciousness of the state and religion, to nation, family, et cetera. On the one hand, human personality can be observed narrowly as the product of family upbringing. But in broader terms, the human personality is the collective consciousness of parents, so many generations of parents that contain the information of ancestors. There are thousands and tens of thousands of people since the category of the collect
ive consciousness of the group is free of the categories of time and space. If we take into account the impact of structures which are called the collective consciousness, then the image of the world is completely changed and from that perspective even water is changed. Water can be seen as a passive phenomenon in our physical world. But there are opinions and even evidence that water can play an active role. All living beings emit electromagnetic fields and waves in the frequency of zero hertz
to 25 hertz. The frequency spectrum created during prayer is approximately the same in all religions and has a positive impact on the structure of water. The frequency of prayer of religions in all languages is eight hertz, which corresponds to the Earth's electromagnetic frequency. Earth's resonant frequency, her heart rhythm, or Schuman frequency, is 7.83 hertz. And every cell in every living organism is using it as the reference system. Since 1987, Earth's resonance is accelerating rapidly. I
n 1992 it was 11 hertz and now is more than 14 hertz, which results in the acceleration of time. The sun radiates an enormous amount of information through plasma, or energy information structure, that attacks the human brain, which has to process is all. The main part of the brain is water, and water is largely involved in creating patterns of information in the brain. Mankind gets the information when it is ripe for it, and the Earth supports it by its frequency or vibration. As a consequence,
the Earth directly affects the level of human consciousness. - [Narrator] Human history has experienced, and still experiences, conflicts due to water. So unfortunately, we can expect them in the future too. Water is a wonderful collector of information because it captures our psychological state. Imagine what could be the consequences of a process where water records the state of the people associated with the war for water. - [Narrator] Does water listen to the state of consciousness of the m
odern society? People have never behaved so arrogantly to others and themselves, too. The battle for profits which causes wars and irrational exploitation have an impact on us all. And the most vulnerable and receptive medium is water itself. Water, and all of human society, really need appreciation and awareness of the situation we are in. Technocracy and consumerism have turned us into sleepers, passively observing the world around us and in the sea of information daily provided to us by the m
edia. We do not notice things that are essential for our good. In each individual there is a powerful force, but only if that fact is actually understood can the collective consciousness be lifted to a higher level. Do not forget that water remembers and that we are water. So address it with respect, and water will pay it back to you in many ways. The same principle applies to interaction with all living beings and nature. Perhaps this is a new beginning. We have shown this film to water and the
result, you judge for yourselves. Everything is really up to you. (dramatic music) (gentle music) (dramatic music)
