
We Got Shot At! Part 2

Part 2: A recent day trip to have a winter campfire at Cedar Hollow Campground took an unexpected turn. While enjoying the campfire and discussing our YouTube channel plans, we found ourselves in the midst of gunfire from a nearby family recreationally shooting rifles, pistols, and shotguns. Despite efforts to alert them we were nearby, a bullet ricocheted and narrowly missed us, prompting a reflection on the potential dangers in outdoor recreational activities... especially when it comes to gun safety negligence. Our experience serves as a reminder to stay vigilant while enjoying outdoor activities. Always be aware of your surroundings and prioritize your safety and the safety of those around you. #GunSafety #GunfireIncident #TargetShooting #NearDeathExperience #RecreationalShooting #TargetPractice #AwarenessVideo

Aspen & Pines

8 days ago

Jase, we should have got out of there. Okay, go run.  We gotta catch these (Bleep). They almost killed us! I'm serious, like that was within a foot. It wasn't  within a foot, but it was within a few feet. Both of our heart rates are racing. Obviously these  people can't take a hint. They don't understand that like someone's up here. We've made a bunch  of noise people have been driving by and they're still shooting over us and so we jumped in  the car and zipped down to them and we pull up to wh
ere they at and we start yelling like  what on Earth are you guys doing? You realize we're up here, you guys are shooting and these bullets  are sailing over our heads. There was a turnoff here, a small hill here and a big campground  area on the other side. We drove in, but this first camping spot was not very private so  we decided to go just a little further. We went up around the next bend and found the  spot that we ultimately had the fire. These people came in, saw the first spot set up ca
mp.  We were already up here, they came in behind us.
