
We must revitalise our education system by restoring teaching of real marriage

REVITALISE EDUCATION BY RESTORING REAL MARRIAGE Dear marriage supporter, This week’s video compilation from 2023 highlights the challenges faced by real marriage values in education. The widespread nature of these issues underlines the urgency of addressing them. Listen to the dramatic scale of the problem here. Of significant concern is the alarming shift in educational content. Activists “want to take away … the ‘man-woman’ relationship as being a normal way of living … they want to break down the barriers between children and sexuality”, one expert revealed, pointing to a worrying departure from family values. The conversations affirm the importance of man-woman marriage. As one interviewee states, “By getting married and having stable families... we can fight back on this stuff”, highlighting marriage as a cornerstone for societal health. Despite challenges, the discussions end on an encouraging note, advocating for proactive education on the benefits of real marriage. This approach emphasises the power of informed advocacy in shaping a future that honours and respects marriage. C4M calls for the teaching of real marriage in school curricula, emphasising it as crucial for the best outcomes for children and the leading indicator of adult happiness. Please do share these videos with friends and family. If you would like to support us financially, you can do so using the button on our website at Dr Tony Rucinski


2 months ago

hey everyone welcome back to the Coalition for  marriage YouTube channel over the holiday period Christmas and just into the new year we've got  three compilation videos for you compilations of uh clips from people we've spoken to the many  people we spoken to throughout the previous uh year gone by we'll be looking at people who  have lost their positions because of their views around man woman marriage but have been Vindicated  we'll also have another video compilation looking at advice for go
vernments and for individuals how  we can promote and encourage man, woman marriage in society and in our culture once again today's  video is a bit of a tough one to listen to It's about what's going on in the education system  in our country and indeed around the world and while it's tough to listen to It's actually an  encouragement it encourages us to get involved in the education system it encourages us to  to find out what our kids are being taught and it encourages us to teach them what's
right  about real marriage and why it's really good for society and this is the great channel to come  and listen to those things and those arguments and find out all about the stuff that's going  on in research and everything else in society with that respect thank you very much for your  support please pass this on to friends and family who you think might be interested and let's look  forward to a wonderful uh New Year together let's now enjoy the clips you know in the in the in  the area of
SE education it's becoming you know overtly apparent that they're grooming children  particular I don't know if you've been following what's been going on in Wales I mean here as well  but but there's been some really horrible stories coming out of Wales you know children children  are being groomed for sex this is going on um I I a couple of years ago or was it more than that  there was a there's something at um in in King's College it was called the future it was in their  legal department it
was called the future of legal gender and it was all about trying to get rid of  um sex from the birth certificate and I remember attending um a um a meeting there where they were  talking all about their project and the principal investigator was asked the question about age  and she said yes we'd love to get rid of age um from birth certificates you know and um you  know this is this is this is what they're trying to do to absolutely completely blast any you know  frag fragment all aspects of
our Humanity I mean you know into as I think there's just a complete  denial of of human nature I I don't know who's driving this but but it's it's going on um and I  I I think I mean people need to be aware of it and and I think the thing is that that actually by  getting married and having stable families and having lots of children and all the rest of it  we we can fight back on this stuff um I think what's worrying is the control which the state  has through the education system I mean we'v
e seen with sex education how children in schools  are being exposed to all kinds of stuff and I think it's um it's becoming increasingly apparent  how easily schools can kind of um um I don't you know influence children into things into values  and beliefs which go absolutely against their own interests and and and anything their parents  would believe now in Wales we have no parental opt out from age three so it's really quite uh  it's it's really quite severe here so from the age of three chi
ldren will be taught about um  sexuality matters relationship matters and you know things that parents don't want their children  learning about queer Theory uh that intends to uh take away all the heterosexual Norms they want to  take away all those Norms in society to make room for all these different types of sexualities  and different types of genders that they seem to come up with and and this list is growing all  the time you know they keep adding different um varied sexualities and gender
s uh so they they  want to take away that uh you know the man woman the normal manwoman relationship as being a normal  way of living that's their intention what's even more worrying they want to break down the barriers  between children and sexuality so there's a lot of sinister undertones here there was a study  actually 87% of primary school children believe everything that their teacher tells them so where  they're bringing this education into the schools now and there's we do know of actual
books that  are telling children you're not NE you know the the the sex you are born in doesn't necessarily  mean that is the you know what you what you need to be they they are actively encouraging children  to um you know change their gender a very adult complex decision to make and something that a  child should never be encouraged to you know go down that let me give you the science on on um the  trans transgender I think which is what I think you're referring to um there is there are cases
  of legitimate cases of transgender um identity and here's here's what I want to emphasize the most  though they're extremely rare they're they're they're very very rare so there's a one in 10,000  chance of being born born in in with a transgender U male to female identity and that's the more  common one um the other side female to male is one in 30,000 so you'd have to look at a average  of about one in 20,000 so this the idea of having several uh kids in one high school that are that  are tr
ansgender uh legitimately transgender no that that doesn't that doesn't uh compute and  I totally agree with you that marriage should be taught as the optimal form other forms are  permissible but the marriage should be the optimal form that's taught that process happens extremely  rarely but it does happen and so you can have again you have male genitalia male body basically  and you can have a female you can feel like you're in a female you're a female in a male's body but  the point I want to
keep emphasizing over and over again is that it's extremely extremely rare and  I believe there are so many you know the social contagion of this is really really putting a ton  of um young people at risk especially if they go to through the you know the processes of uh the  gender the hormone blockers the you know um the surgeries I mean it's going to be way too late  down the road um for them to realize that they just they're going through stages as young people  like we've always seen young
people go through through adjustments and and different things that  um you know not feeling that they fit in and all that type of thing right I think so many of us  have been quite surprised and alarmed at what we've seen happening in the schools over the last  couple of years at least that's the way it's been in America I'm assuming you've seen similar things  where where you are and it seems to have for many parents come out of the blue and what what I kind  of do in the book is is show how t
his has all been rolled out and how it's been rolling out for the  past 20 years Bit by Bit by Bit And so and it's it's very intentional it's very sexual in nature  and that is all to undermine this establishment of of stable families so you ask the question why is  sexualization such a huge part of the anti-family agenda and at first it doesn't make a lot of  sense but if you look closely it makes perfect sense because sex is the thing that creates people  sex is the thing that creates babies c
reates new life and the way that life begins is pivotal  to the rest of that life um not that you know difficulties up can't be overcome but the data  shows you know overwhelmingly that children who are born to and raised by their married biological  parents statistically do better doesn't mean other people are doomed but those children Prosper all  across the board in every measurable way uh more than children in other living situations and so  if your goal is to usurp the power that Mothers an
d Fathers and Families inherently have you have  to break the family apart and so if you um tell so this goes back to the the original document that I  said that I found that was concerning to me about children's sexual rights let me give you a quote  from it so that you understand what I'm talking about so there's one quote in this document by  International plan parent Federation and it says sexuality and sexual pleasure are important parts  of Being Human for everyone no matter what age no ma
tter if you're married or not and no matter  if you want to have children or not and then it goes on to say that governments and leaders have  responsibility and duty to respect and fulfill all sexual rights for everyone so that's a quote  and that's very clear that their agenda is sex and sexual pleasure are human rights for everyone  at all ages this is their language so if you convince a child in their youth if you're able to  get to the mind of a child which most mothers and fathers would no
t allow this um they're barricades  to children being sexualized but if you if you get to the mind of a child early and convince them  that sex is not a great power to be mastered and used to form a family but rather it's just  something fun you do on the weekend with your friends it's just it's meaningless uh fun that  just feels good for the moment that you have a right to that you have a human right to express  well this brings about all kinds of Fallout in society which is what we're witness
ing now so  smashing heteronormativity you brought that up and I talk about that in the book and many many  sexed programs and other you know anti-bullying programs and other things that we see in school  and elsewhere are aimed at smashing the idea of heteronormativity well I think what we are  seeing at the moment and it's it's particularly concerning is the institutional capture of schools  in fact the entire education sector from schools right up into the Department of Education which on  it
s website promotes all sorts of resources from uh various organizations including Stone W and  the like they're really promoting a form of gender ideology and they're also promoting various kinds  of prescriptions with regards to sexual behavior and sexual lifestyle that are not actually good  uh for people not good for children not good for human flourishing so that's the kind of thing  we want to draw attention to at the moment and simply say this is really not something which  is in keeping w
ith precisely that safeguarding I mean 20 years ago the idea of having um drag  queen Story Hour for example in Nursery schools which is something I've come up against um that  would be seen as a clear example of a safeguarding issue now it's seen as something which can be  actively prescribed by local Authority education uh organizations that that really is quite  troubling quite disturbing um but I think the key thing here is that what we what we have is an  education sector which has been so
captured that we're seeing relationship sex education affected  by this wherein people are told well children are told well you know this can be your identity  over the years the contact I've had with Christian teachers has increasingly highlighted Ed worrisome  materials and indicated that the trajectory in relationships and sex education that's been picked  up recently um by MPS such as Mar and Kate is not sensationalized so we had anecdotal stories  of teachers being forced to deliver or forc
to deliver unscientific um unscientific materials um  a class trip of your 10 students to a pride March drag queen story times for four-year-olds being  held against their teachers wishes and indeed against um without their knowledge on the day that  they don't work um and I suppose we wanted to try and find out whether these were isolated incidents  because they were getting more numerous we decided to do a little bit of research of our own and  ask whether Christian perspectives on issues suc
h as marriage sex gender were truly allow a  genuine hearing alongside the other Progressive interpretations and we asked some questions about  um ideological materials or the materials that um their schools were using we asked about the nature  of those materials we asked about good practice we asked about um how the schools respond to um moral  objections when Christians raise concerns about um the resources they were being asked to use or  about the um the the third party providers that come
in and uh and deliver the the curriculum and  it was quite Illuminating really we learned three things um the first is that there is evidence  that the existence of the ideological bias in the curriculum actually disregards traditional  Christian views um the second is that Christian teachers are becoming increasingly marginalized  and are facing unnecessary dilemas professionally and the third and potentially the most concerning  is that sometimes Christian teachers are removed from teaching re
lationships and sex education  because of their faith I think I come with an interesting perspective because it was 2017 that  the same-sex marriage law passed in in Australia and then I leave Australia for 5 years I come  back and Australia is a very different place to to when I left it with the gender ideology sweeping  throughout the schools in most schools you do have kids that identifying as the other gender and many  that are actually transitioning now so we can see that when you undermine
gender at that legal level  gender being the qualifier for marriage and when you undermine that we see the consequences like  we're seeing today with the undermining of gender at every level and it really is disturbing and and  really tragic to see children are the ones that suffer as a result of this we have feminist groups  rising up to maintain that definition of what is woman because they're taking away what is sacred  in terms of how we identify ourselves and um and then we have men imposi
ng on these women's spaces  which I know it's happening all over the world as well so there's a real movement to protect women  and protect our spaces and protect our identity and the things that are unique about women and we  know from a Christian perspective that these were this is the way that God created us very unique  in who we are as male and as female and when you are married there's a beautiful complimentary  nature of that when men and women come together and this is uh the the most be
autiful foundation  in which to build family and and from building family then you build Society so we know that  there's there's an agenda even a very evil agenda behind removing gender from from marriage and from  relationship and even from our scientific biology has far-reaching consequences and much of these  consequences from the politicians and from those who may be well-meaning in terms of affirming the  the rights of those who might wish to identify as homosexual um not understanding the
unintended  consequences of what happens but now we're seeing it with kids wanting to transition to the other  gender medically and uh much of the community are against the the the the the surgery that these  uh young people go through to become the other gender
