
We Were WRONG About The Traveler's Power! - Celestia's Origins (Part I) || Genshin [4.3]

Have you ever noticed that the opening cutscene isn't the only moment when we can see the traveler wield their mysterious golden power? But does that not mean that it cannot be the light element? And really, the implications may run much, much deeper than that... This is part I of my Celestia's Origins theory! Part II is coming soon! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SOCIALS: Twitter: Tiktok: Discord: #genshin #genshinimpact #genshintheory #genshinimpacttheory #genshinlore #genshinanalysis #genshin4.3 #yaemiko #kazuha #aether #childe #tartaglia #tartagliagenshinimpact #scaramouche #wanderer #kabukimono #lumine #primordialone #phanes #celestia #fatui #nahida #rukkadhevata #nabumalikara #goddessofflowers #deshret #genshinnicole #remus #crepus #teppei

Blue's Theories

1 month ago

were played like a chip kazoo this entire time this thing right here that's not the Light Element actually that's not an elemental power at all in fact this is what separates a traveler from their twin this is what makes them a descender and it is this power that will allow them to rewe fate itself it's reason now I know what you're thinking you are probably feeling skeptical after all the Light Element theory is one of the oldest and soundest theories in a lar Community it just makes sense the
elemental specialist one name card has been in game since 1.0 and it seems to be lacking five whole elements with light being most likely one of them on top of that we have light sigils in economia and the traveler claims that they are recovering their power by acquiring the 7 vitin elements which seems to imply that they had Mastery over them sometime in the the past and don't forget that cona used azoy pure Elemental energy likely a combination of The Seven Elements we know to power their Mach
inery its color is not only similar to the Traveler's power but the machines it feits are able to utilize attacks that are very similar to theirs as well so to say that the traveler wields A Light Element seems like a well educated guess but also an impossible one if the light element is a combination of all other seven then the Travelers should not be able to utilize it again until they reach Nea and receive power over cryo but they do they have done so over and over again the fight against oos
when they made the Jade chamber plummet from the sky check oh but that was just the's power you might argue fine how do you explain them being able to use it against a in the plane of euthamia then just the Visions doing their thing okay what about the fight against Shin Okami and no Nita did not yet used the wisdom of the people to help the traveler at that point despite them already being stuck in a dreamsome Sara and yet here they are Conjuring up that same golden energy and actually managin
g to make a dent in an artificial God because of it whether they are channeling it into the palm of their hand their entire body or just their sword the similarities are undeniable I didn't know what to make of this apparent inconsistency for the longest time how do you reconciliate them having access to this power so early in the story with the concept of the Light Element well you don't and you don't need to because there is actually another Cuts scene where they will this exact same power dur
ing their fight with narciss Andrus the holy blade shown with a golden energy of reason to dispel hen's delusions but it's not the sword itself that is powerful naris and cross said himself that the holy blade could be literally anything capable of holding reason including a gold old haired traveler after that battle having completed its purpose the sword lost its reason simply becoming the sword of naren crus however its description reads a sword was power faded when the story ended it will now
Embark Upon A New Journey with the power that remains within it which commemorates a certain great dream to say that its power has faded but remains within it is a huge contradiction but the thing is this blade has never been anything more than a simple vessel and I believe that it continues to be so the power that it still retains is The Travelers flowing through their weapon which is probably why the sword of Narcan cross actually responds to the Arc of its wheer it's like an extension of the
ir body if you will a vessel of one's power the only reason the holy blade was ever a sword is because it was thematically appropriate all liil dragons must be slain by a brave knight and all Brave Knights must wield a magnificent sword just like the description of the sword of the sension states but really when one is faced with such a final fate when up against a star devouring Darkness what weapon would be fitting for one to wield it can only be a sword if nothing else it shall bear the memor
y of those who face their ends without fear now the interesting thing about the sword of descension is that just like the name implies it does not belong to theat and it can only be wielded by a descender a after all only one who has challenged the world may wield such a sword which is referring to a descender will and its ability to rival an entire world this will is reason Narcan cross calls The Traveler the witness of all the recorder of all the designer of all this Echo jungle's words perfec
tly as he claims that the traveler is a witness because they can experience the history of tat without having their perspective distorted and muddled by any changes made by herol meanwhile then being called a designer of all means they have the power to create at the Godlike level I'd say and the descender will can create an entire world so yeah from this follows that the descender will their true power is reason it's not only that they can hold reason and be a vessel for it this is a power that
is intrinsic to them which is why we have seen them wield it over and over again despite them not having all seven elements still I don't think any of you will disagree that the traveler can wield reason or will be too opposed to the idea that will and reason might be one and the same what I'm trying to prove here though is that this golden Power has been reason all along because the Light Element and reason don't negate each other then being able to use it does not mean that they have been usi
ng it this entire time so to prove this let me ask you a question why did The Traveler only utilize the special golden attack of theirs when once the battle was pretty much decided and their twin had already been imprisoned and why didn't the twin use it the jewels in the outfits of the two were all shining with the original white colar at that point so if this golden energy was their original Power both of them should be able to use it even if this was the ace they kept up their sleeve this bat
tle really was not the time or place for them to be keeping their cards close to their chest they were trying to leave it's not like they would would see the sustainer again anyway but most importantly even though neither twin recognized the god upon hearing her title The Abyss twin should have known to go all out to escape I can even make excuses for the traveler they had probably just woken up in fact the beta version of the opening cut scene has a traveler waking up to the sight of their twin
already being impaled by the sustainer the genin Beta had no chill I tell you they were likely conf confused so I wouldn't fault them for being a little slow on the uptake at that moment but it was the abyss twin that never used the power to begin with and it makes no sense except that the twin isn't a descender if that attack was risen and if raisen is a des sender's will the twin wouldn't be able to utilize it it wouldn't be possible at all furthermore The Traveler who very much is a descende
r was not familiar with the concept until introduced it to them which means that this descender status is likely limited to the vet just another Quirk of this world unique rules CER once said that belief is a powerful will and Magic shapes reality to one's will they made it confusing on purpose but worry not let us use an analogy and in honor of the recent event let us use the musket analogy let's say that you are a musket you have the potential to cause some serious damage and you can even imag
ine that damage but on your own you are pretty much harmless in order to actually do anything you need ammunition your ammo is your power so this could be elemental power stemming from a vision for example but even your ammo can't do anything on its own because like Ken said it lacks any will whatsoever that will is your trigger so as a musket you possess magic your ammo and you also possess the desires and Ambitions your will you can use those desires to trigger your magic to shape reality shot
s fired we have seen Vision wielders bending the rules quite often creating new things where previously that was nothing deconstructing their entire body and turning it into their element only to regain their form without any struggle or even teleporting this is probably precisely why there are so few Vision wielders despite slash benefiting from having them because Elemental energy lacks a will and it's pretty stable on its own so they need individuals with strong Ambitions strong Wills to be a
ble to weaponize this energy I mean think of slimes they are made of Elemental energy but they can't do much other than exist they are an inactive form of Elemental energy because they lack a will a will is a desire an intention an ambition The Traveler didn't use that power before because they were like not aware that they possessed it since they had spent all of their time in devite up until that point being asleep presumably however seeing their sibling get trapped they experienced the intens
e desire to free them and so their will manifested as a powerful attack meant to do just that Kaza probably paralleled his exact moment when he blocked a shogun's attack it was a sudden desire to stop her and prevent another friend of his from dying the same tragic death that made made Electro Vision spark to life and once that desire was fulfilled the masterless vision returned to its dormant state by that same logic The Traveler isn't capable of utilizing reason at all times because they don't
always have the needed desire the needed ambition to use it which might be why y Miku claims that the reason they don't have a vision isn't because they can't have one but because they don't yet have the necessary ambition and now is a good time to ask why why is the traveler the cender and not the twin then in order to answer all of that let's talk about the reason and its counterpart delusion have you ever noticed that everyone seems to perceive tat in vastly different ways and why is truly B
onkers is that tavite appears to bend itself over backwards to ensure it affects them exactly how they expect to be affected the senders are not for instance the Tower of gal was absolutely massive and it only sank beneath the waves either during the whole prophecy ordeal or after it was resolved depending on when you play the world quest it's not some old forgotten ruin it was just smack dab in the middle of the landscape and yet the NPC has acted as though it never existed at all in fact the e
ntirety of the Ordo is so removed from the main quest line despite intertwining so deeply with it that as far as anyone is concerned it seems to never have existed but it's not just the end pieces that are affected our dear traveler also comments on the different phases of the moon of this Moon you know the one that is always full I I don't think they see the exact same thing we as players do and you know who else doesn't canila Mosin see things in a very peculiar Way by default but canilla bump
s it up a notch where the traveler saw only a dangerous ruin and a rift wolf canoil saw a flower field and a a puppy and sure enough she was able to waltz through the place as safely as if it were actually a flower field The Traveler wasn't quite so lucky still that didn't take place in the real world but Pimon lives in the real tat and is affected differently from everyone else all the time she's often theorized to be connected to or be EAD of because of her ability to stop time and keep moving
while everyone else freezes in place and her AB to skip time thing is she does no such thing if she were to pause time all the world around her would become Static but the wind never stops blowing instead I think Pimon simply flows through time much faster than anyone else the other characters appear Frozen in time because she's simply moving too fast in relation to them this would explain her separation anxiety during the last Lantern rides the traveler stepped outside the restaurant with ja f
or only a couple of minutes but once they returned Pon was absolutely frantic claiming that they had been away forever from her point of view they might as well have been Pimon never actually skips time either when you want to move time forward you still have to wait it out it simply goes by much much faster and during that time even Pimon freezes imagine that you are driving on the road and on the Lane right next to you there is another car traveling at your exact speed from your point of view
it would look like the car isn't moving because its distance relative to you remains unchanged I believe that Pon is actually infuencing times that the traveler will flow through it at her own speed hence why they both appear Frozen to as players it appears that everyone in tat is experiencing a slightly or not so slightly different reality depending on their beliefs and I know this sounds insane I thought I was insane for the longest time but after the recent F Seas event I know this is a very
deliberate Choice made by the writers in that event zura believed so firmly that her deceased son was sty that she could actually see him and hear him when she talked to the mechanical penguin she was sick with loneliness syndrome so it would be easy to dismiss it as a hallucination caused by the disease if it were not for the fact that the traveler could also see and hear the child ghosts exist in genin we have seen them PL of times everyone has seen them you don't need any special ability to p
erceive them but no one could see little L Co other than his mother and the traveler once they put on F's helmet F himself and Pimon didn't see anything and neither did a traveler before Dawning that helmet it was the helmet that allowed them to see what zurya saw and it's because F Truly Deeply believes that the imaginary worlds people see in their heads are are real somewhere and that his helmet functions as a sort of portal that allows him to enter his imaginary safe space he believed that so
much that he actually gave his helmet the power to perceive these imaginary worlds and that's because F may not be a descender but he has a will all of humanity has a will I believe that's exactly why King dasr and Nabu malikat beli that Humanity has the potential to become the King of Kings if only the gods were not standing in their way your average Joe may not have a will capable of defying an entire world but they still have their beliefs and that will be projected onto the world altering i
t to some extent it's literally mind over matter and it is because humans don't have full control over their willpower that they are slaves to the Flesh and the Order of this world the ssar of spiritual Evolution described by the Ordo with its four cycles hyperboria and atlantian rura and Crown ARA as as well as the unnamed second half of the fource cycle is about human spiritual Evolution and Breaking Free from the gods because if they could do that everyone would possess a will strong enough t
o rival an entire world this is the philosophy of the Ordo around wills and it is mostly inspired by leafus Levi a French esotericist who created his own theory of magic from Concepts that originally belonged to other esotericists according to him magic is not only very real but it is also capable of giving all those wielded superh humanlike capabilities this magic is composed of three main components astly will and Imagination Levi included the concept of astrit Because he believes in astrology
according to him the position of the stars during your birth affects your destiny wish in divat holds very true as constellations determine the fate of the person they belong to interestingly enough the concept of will though not limited to the Enders is heavily linked to them while we don't know how the other three descenders found their way to divat we do know that the traveler arrived as a shooting star alongside the Earth twin will like I've already stated is one's desire goal or ambition a
nd it is brought into being through imagination Levi believed that the human spirit is endless because God was the mind of men and because God was the creator anything the human mind could imagine could be made manifest in reality no need for any complex ritual or even prayers if you could believe it if you could will it it would happen the only condition is that you must not doubt otherwise the results will be uncertain other than that no exceptions if your belief or faith was powerful enough n
othing would be impossible to you it's dream logic if you will a few months ago when Fontaine was released I made a theory about how I believe that they entirety of divat is a reference to through the Looking Glass and how all of it is one Giant's dream and so far it appears that I might actually be pretty close to the truth so think about the subz festiv with samsara and how Neu being the dream host had only two wish to have real patas on the stage in order for them to pop into existence dream
logic imagine it and you shall have it even if you believe something that is false in his book The Law of psychic phenomena Thompson Hudson wrote whether the object of your faith be real or false you will nevertheless obtain the same effects thus if I believe in St Peter's statue as I should have believed in St Peter himself I shall obtain the same effects that I should have obtained from St Peter but that is superstition Faith however produces Miracles and whether it is true or a false faith it
will always produce the same wonders which is interesting because the definition of delusion is a false belief or judgment about external reality and yet in genjin being delusional does grant you power and I'm not just talking about the fatou manifacture delusions though we will get there there cannot be more than one truth and yet everyone seems to experience divat differently whether that's their delusion or not it doesn't change the fact that things happen as they expect them to lco couldn't
actually be FY and yet he was because zurya truly believed that it was a false faith but an unwavering one nevertheless caterpillar also hinted that if you truly believed you were a God you would be capable of Godly acts of Creation in nisen ch's own words only the huus of someone that believes to be above the world can give rise to Miracles and yeah I'd say this is exactly how the fatou Illusions work they are powered by the remains of dead Gods to allow their Willers to acheve Feats that can
even surpass those of allergens and yet yet that power does not come for free using a delusion can drain your life force killing you or leaving you in extreme Agony but not in every case for instance tape managed to use this during a couple of months before this rapid aging caught up to him and tartal has had his delusion for perhaps years by now he's not shy to use it but it does not seem to be dealing with any negative side effects as of yet on the other hand creepers only used it once before
being left in such sorry state that his own son had to put him out of his misery so what's the difference here well crepas was a realist tee was hopeful Talia is clinically insane and absolutely delusional crea's lifelong dream was to be a night but he failed his trials he considered himself too weak to make it and resigned himself to his fate accepting that the gods had other plans for him when Ursa the Drake attacked him in the Luke crepus pulled out his delusion not because he believed he was
strong enough to defeat the dragon but because he loved his son and couldn't bear the thought of his life being cut short especially when he was just now accomplishing everything that had always been out of crea's grasp when he use his delusion he had no delusions of power and Glory he most likely expected to die so the delusion had nothing to feed off of other than his life force tape was something of a middle ground he had Big Dreams and Ambitions but he encountered trouble as soon as he got
transferred to the front lines and had to be rescued by The Traveler and even though he got more than just a taste of Victory every time he saw the traveler he was reminded of the gaping Chasm that separated their power levels remember doubt is the killer of faith and if you do not have absolute Faith the results of your imagination are less than certain as for child he would fist fight gods and Dragons alike any day of the week he truly wants to defeat the entire world and he believes that he c
an do it he has more than enough delusion in him to feed his delusion it pays to be delusional apparently but now you may be wondering where exactly does all of this leave reason and how does it explain why the twin isn't the descender reason is the ability to think to understand the world around you and form logical judgments it's the opposite of delusion reason cuts through delusion the holy blade is said to be able to cut through any will that comes from water and now life comes from the sea
which was how the traveler managed to break through the barrier that an raised to keep them and reality out of anaes the entirety of this little kingdom was the result of the delusions of the merged consciousness of Mary Anne and lyus the traveler was able to force their way in and snap Anne back to reality they forc her to see reason and they did so because according to them to indulge in delusion like this is dangerous as it does not leave room for the future and the leus Levi agrees yes you c
an manifest your delusion into reality but this magic is not without danger according to him and I quote the result may be Madness for those who are not established on the base of the Supreme absolute and infallible reason to him the usage of delusional magic is a deadly path so it isn't a surprise that it has such a negative connotation in GHIN as well the artifact sets flowers of Paradise Lost tells us that the second who came brought with them a tide of delusion which destroyed the land and s
pread plagues to counter this delusion the master of the heavens Heavenly principles sent down the Divine Nails we now know that these nails combat Forbidden Knowledge which is just a form of abysal energy energy so delusion must be associated with the abyss which honestly makes perfect sense we know that Elena's Consciousness existed in the abyss prior to his birth and that him and during both having been created by Ryan daughter and most likely both having abysal Origins had a very skute and d
elusional view of the world where they thought that they were making friends and having fun they were actually leaving only destruction and death in their wake perhaps the Mosin only see the world in the peculiar way they do because having been born from elenas they are also of abysal origin theb order also attempted to corrupt the volin's mind and make him delusional through Duran's corrupted blood but perhaps no one was quite as delusional as the conans Levi claims that using delusional magic
was the reason why Sorcerers always ended up being strangled by the Devils they turned to for power and while cona turned to the abyss and its delusional power were to defy the gods it eventually backfired but not before a certain summoning could occur according to the wanderer the underground nation was the first stop of the twin inat and that only happened because they were summoned by the heavens whatever that may mean the twins probably crashed into theat in different places which would expl
ain why the abys twin never bothered to wake the traveler up they likely didn't know where they were and if I had to guess I'd say the traveler probably landed in starfell Lake the same place where they awaken from their sustainer imposed imprisonment over 500 years later it might just have been their impact that formed the lake regardless the abyss twin has never been considered a descender by herel since the beginning of their Journey was recorded the traveler proposes two scenarios to explain
this number one their memories are wrong perhaps they never traveled other worlds together maybe they are not twins at all number two this world did something to the twin personally I'm leaning towards number two and so is Nicole and the reason is quite simple the abys twin can manipulate Abyssal energy which is associated with delusions delusions and reason are by definition incompatible with each other I believe that is why the threr cannot use portals and Rifts to get to the abyss unlike the
ir sibling because they are risen and just like a sword they cut right through the delusion by that same logic theis twin cannot use reason and is therefore not a descender but but that raises yet another question the only creatures herol seems to be unable to record are the senders and the only traits that seem to set them apart from everyone else are the fact that they hail from a different world and can hold reason simply being from a different world doesn't stop them from being recorded thou
gh so really the only real reason why herol can't see the traveler is reason that must mean that herol is incompatible with reason right because even though abysal energy is so destructive to a that rooked Vata had to sacrifice herself to purge it out of the tree it can still record individuals that wield this energy so reason has to be even more incompatible with it which puts me in mind of Nicole's very weird word choice when she first sted The Traveler after scar mush had raised himself from
herol she said history does not change easily but human hearts can believe leave your own eyes only that which you see is true what is unseen is but an illusion but then cat said people cannot perceive the truth because a body with a self sees the world filtered through the five senses and we just saw that that is true everyone seems to see deat differently and her soul is capable of physically altering the world The Travelers saw with their own eyes that the story the two researchers were writi
ng about Tak kabukim mono changed to not include him at all so how can they trust what they see but they are a witness after all the witness The Traveler doesn't simply see what is in front of them at any given moment oh no they also saw the change even when nobody else could even they believe that Nicole was referring to their memories because they hold reason they can see right through Illusions and delusions if you think about it all the cut scenes where they use reason were about dispelling
delusions OS was delusional because he actually believed he could rise to power Millennia after the end of the Aran War a had a completely delusional view of Eternity she was literally closing herself off from The Real World so she wouldn't have to face reality and Scaro fancied himself a God so if the traveler can see through the changes in Soul which seems to be so incompatible with reason that it cannot record all those wielded should that not mean that her soul her Souls changes and by exten
sion all of tat are delusions and since sashia either created her soul or seems to at least be able to carve fate into it what does this all mean for Heavenly principles what if they aren't Gods at all but that is a question for part to I'm sorry I hate doing this but there is just so much to go over that cramming it all up into one video would probably give everyone IND digestion so have the appetizers first I guess anyway what are your thoughts challenging such an old and sound theory is kind
of scary not going to lie let me know your thoughts in the comments and if you enjoyed Please Subscribe and share the video because it helps a ton that's all for today my name is blue and I'll see you again soon safe journey Travelers



Currently locked in a fierce battle to the death with the captions! Captions and cards will be added shortly (if I survive). Please enjoy another delusional (HAH!) theory while I fight for my life! Edit: Captions and cards have been added! Reason is the one thing that came out of the Ordo quests that I'm most obsessed with and I'm convinced it will play a major role in the story going forward. But what are your thoughts? And what did you most enjoy from those world quests?


Before watching: "heh, suuure, what a silly idea" After watching: "light element? what light element?"


Khaenrians summoned the wrong twin and said to celestia: Nah, I'd win.


Awakening the Power of Reason might very well be Asmoday’s (The Sustainer) Plan: Teyvat would perish without the occasional arrival of Descenders, so her mission is to ensure the Continuity of Teyvat through intercepting other Descenders (like herself) and having them experience Teyvat long enough to care for its inhabitants to change the direction of their Fate, thus Sustaining Teyvat’s existence.


I NEVER EVEN NOTICED THEY USED THEIR POWER SO MANY TIMES you can even see their outfit colors change to a pale gold when they use their reason element


In HI3 we have the Authority of Reason. This power allows for matter manipulation on an atomic level to be able to create and understand objects. The Authority of Reason is explained to be nothing without humanity, since without the creative minds of people making things the power would have nothing to understand and recreate. Being able to understand different realities and dimensions that are beyond normal compression is also something those with this power are able to achieve. Considering one of the main characters in HI3 (Bronya) and one of the main characters in HSR (Welt) were Herrschers of Reason eho held this power, the idea that Hoyo would bring in another version of it for the main character of Genshin has a good chance of happening.


There's actually a weird line by Paimon when the traveler touches the hydro archon statue for the first time - something about seeing light on the traveler.


Reason?? And I was here thinking it's the final stage of kemia, "Citrinitas", the ultimate power Khaenriah seeked. The true power that exists beyond this world, the perfection Rhinedottre chases. The power that the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles had no choice but to seal away from the Traveller because if this power fell into the wrong hands, as they are said to be summoned by Khaenriah or if the Traveller is to chose the wrong side, that power would be able to change the world accordingly. It's not that the Sustainer wanted to do that she did, it's because it was a necessary evil to protect order. What's hilarious is, Khaenriah summon the Travellers using unknown methods because they wanted a power that could rival the will of the world, a descender. However they ended up with the twin that didn't possess that WILL and grew disappointed as they thought they should have been that power from beyond. All that happening while the one that possess the WILL was dreaming for 500+ years before waking up to the destruction of Khaenriah in the great cataclysm lol. That's ironic huh... Anyways, I'm just yapping at this point


The golden power is the power of the faith, will, belief, desire and wish, or as your choice of words, "reason"... everything in the game which has golden aura or power is related to this kind of thing: - 5 stars characters and weapons - obtained by wishing - 5 stars artifacts - the characters are literally praying in the artifacts session - Irminsul branches - shine golden light when we pray for them in the domains - Those artifact Nahida used in the battle agains Shouki no Kami - literally the will of Rukkhdevatta - Khaenri'ah source of energy - literally their will to surpass the gods - Enkanomiya's light - the result of people's wish to survive and be free from the Vishaps - The god being like the Archons, the Sustainer, probably Phanes, Celestia, etc have the golden aura - their power come from the people's belief in them - Indemnitium - was Fontaine's main source of power, and used to came from people's belief in justice Traveler used golden power when fighting in the Jade Chamber, fighting against Ei, fighting against Shouki no Kami, and fighting against Barzissenkreuz: - In the Jade Chamber, his will was aligned with everyone to save Liyue - Against Ei, his will was aligned with everyone who has a vision in Inazuma - Against Shouki no Kami, his will was aligned with everyone in Sumeru (yes, Nahida was already in contact with people at that point, it's a Samsara, the time don't have a regular flow, everything already happened) - Agains Narzissenkreuz, his existence is literally Narzissenkreuz will, and his desire to change fate, redesign the reality and save Fontaine, also was aligned with Narzissenkreuz (which is a bunch of different beings condensed in a single one existence) In my point of view, what you call "reason" it's not incompatible with the Irminsul, the delusion is, because it corrupts the Irminsul, but the reason is more like an equivallent power and each one doesn't affect the other, like the Traveller's will don't affected the Sustainer when he attacked her.


Maybe being the element being reason also justifies why we can purify abyssal corruption as reason analyses the corruption and changes the core of the haphazard mutations that abyssal corruption brings


I was thinking TCG revealed it to be the Omni Element but who knows. Mihoyo loves misdirection as much as they love the reveal


damn the traveler becoming the herrscher of reason with this one ‼️‼️‼️


quite the facinating theory, one nitpicking tho: the traveler does go through abyss portals at one point. during the 1st interlude after the inazuma archon quest, when the order of the abyss use the machine to try purging the curse the traveler uses the abyss portals to go to the gimmics powering it.


Ohmg you've put into words what has been bouncing around my head ever since I finished the Narzissenkreuz quest and went through the whole sword of reason part. As someone who simps for all the Herrschers of Reason from honkai , the wording of that segment of the ordo quest set off so many alarm bells for me XDDD Willing things into existence is something very in the wheelhouse for the Herrscher of Reason's powerset. One of the most prominent and blatant displays of it happens when Welt Yang from Honkai Impact uses his power to manifest entire armies of tanks, ships, planes etc to fight off an enemy in one of the manga set before the game timelime. So uh yeah, not the light element ...but the golden light is definitely still in line with another element system hoyo loves to use: the Imaginary element ( which comes in set with Quantum...that is usually represented by shades of purple) Super cool vid, looking forward to Part 2 to shake around my two braincells once more


7:30 "There's a premise to every legend, and that's belief." - Yoimiya. I can explain this easily with a current crack I have. The "descender's paradox". tl;dr anyone can be a descender, whether they're born from Tevyat or they're extraterrestrial. Because the "Will" that is needed to "rival the world" HAS TO COME from Tevyat. (Since the world we are at is Tevyat.) Just like Yoimiya who came looking for a meteor shower (a big allegory towards descenders, since the travelers are shooting stars), and instead what she witnessed were stars coming out FROM Tevyat.


This aint an apetizer. You hyped up the dish, fed the backstory for it, gave us a NIBBLE. Then said, come back in a week when its finished 🤣


My personal take is that I believe the fate people have in teyvat is that of a delusional or imagination for the heavenly principles to control, and that there true fate is that of “reason” I also believe that the gods in teyvat are able to access some part of the power of reason since Nicole specifically says that God can have a slim chance of defying fate basically breaking of a delusional or imaginary outcome and says that prophecies are of the gods perspective but have hidden corners where the gods gaze does not fall what I think she’s talking about is that when gods view the future through prophecies there only able to see glimpses of the major outcomes of the future but what they don’t see is the of the “reason” behind it for example, Fontaine’s prophecy it talks about how Fontaine will be flooded in. The people will dissolve into the waters and only the Hydro archon will remain weeping on her throne now if we analyze by what we saw in 4.2 then folcalors didn’t really “defy” fate in all the events of the prophecy, ended up becoming true the people dissolving is simply something that happens when they drown in the waters it the slates that show the prophecy It doesn’t exactly show the people being dissolved into the waters like it’s saying only that they will be washed away and in 4.2 neuvillette was able to wash away the sins of the people through the rain and the hydro archon did end up weeping on her throne since furina is folcalors without the divinity which means that when she became an archon, that was the moment she ascended to Godhood perhaps this is the reason why folcalors had to separate her divinity from her body and spirit, because the divinity of each archon is intertwined with the throne of the archon seat they have been placed in Would I also find interesting as how nahida says the prophecy was “carved” into irminsul long ago meaning that that prophecy wasn’t Fontaines original fate it was a punishment added later because of egerias “sin” what I also find interesting as how i think egeria may have found the prophecy slates in this old ruins when she was trying to find a way to say Fontaine and when she saw them she may have a recognized folcalors in that image and knew that she was the one who could stop the prophecy, not her so basically when I’m trying to say it is the glimpses of the future that a god can’t see are in fact the “reason” these events happened in the first place perhaps “reason” is the ultimate ideal of fate itself for there’s always a reason certain events happen due to someone doing something that leads to that catastrophe or you doing something that leads to someone else’s downfall that is what “reason” is and is the very reason why the ab disorder are not going to be able to defy against Celestias rulership or fate in general, by using the abyss because they are too clouded in their own delusions on what they want to happen rather than the actual reality of the matter the matter this could also be another reason why gods have consolations that depict themselves in their current form no matter what form they take since ventis original form was that of a wind spirit, so wouldn’t it be fitting if his constellation was a wind spirit instead of his current appearance this supports my theory on how gods have a higher authority over their own fate. It’s because they have a different different kind of common sense then humanity does even skirk says that “ beings who are higher than humanity often have a different kind of common sense” that common sense being of a type of “reason” and the archon that’s most associated with this is venti He’s the archon most associated with time and fate itself and the fact he was created by the god of Time supports this theory even more plus he even says that “i was nothing but a tiny wind spirit, spreading seeds of hope for better future” or something like that leads me to believe that venti in some capacity can change peoples fates or at the very least make a better outcome of there future this also Coraline to his ideal of being the god of freedom, because a lot of the lore in Genshin is that of people wanting to go against their own fate but venting seems unbothered he doesn’t care how his story ends as long as he gets the freedom he want because in order to be truly free, fate is simply accepted itself, because no matter what you do that outcome will happen Whether you like it or not so why care if that outcome does happen the main reason and why so many people feel chained by faith is the fact that they’re not willing to embrace and except the fate that they were destined for Thinking about themselves, rather than how it can benefit other people so to be truly free from fate is to accept it, and once you accept fate, you’ll finally be free of the burden of destiny you can do whatever you want and be whoever you want and your ending will still come out the same


hey love the video, definitely need to watch it again. I don't know if i understand it to the fullest but i am a big fan of revisiting old theories with new information. Delusions are really overlooked in my opinion they have crazy implications that are rarely talked about at least to my knowledge. Keep up the great work! I am really excited to where this leads in part 2.


Seems like hoyo like to border science. Feels like a quantum system that’s basically nothing but probability (imaginary) until measured (reason). Great description of Paimon’s time abilities as well. That makes a lot of sense


Can't wait to watch this one once I get home