
weekend reading vlog!! 🌈 #BasicallyReadathon & sapphic classics & horror movies [CC]

this is quite possibly THE most chaotic reading vlog i have uploaded, but sometimes life just happens like that! did you participate in Britt's readathon? how did you do? let's chat!! 🥰 britt: let's connect 💕 twitter: goodreads: bookstagram: ways you can help the black lives matter movement: thread with books by Black authors available on scribd: book recs for anti-racist resources: pls let's educate ourselves!!

Bookishly Michelle

3 years ago

Hello friends, my name is michelle and welcome to this vlog. So today is august 7th I think and we have about six hours to go before another round of basically readathon starts basically readathon was created by basically brit and it is essentially a 24-hour readathon where you try to finish a book that has been on your tbr for a long time. I Participated in the last round, which was I think in april Which is not lovely to think about because I feel like it was yesterday, but it was months and m
onths ago But i'm also going to participate this time because I did have a lot of fun the last time and yeah I just figured I could give you like a vlog intro when it's not dark outside And it's not midnight so we can actually have some nice Daylight coming in so I have a very specific plan for this readathon. I really want to read fingersmith this has been on my tbr for a long time for like Two years something like that fingersmith is What inspired the movie the headmaiden South korean queer fi
lm which you should all check out if you haven't yet. It's very beautiful. It's lovely. It's gorgeous And this is what inspired it. There's also I think a mini series I have a feeling there is but like essentially I don't remember the plot so I cannot tell you what it's about But this is what i'm planning on reading Starting midnight it is 540 something pages in this edition, so there's a lot of pages, but I have hope and like The reason i'm doing this because like I have a lot more Books that I
could choose but the reason i'm doing this because i'm gonna be actually buddy reading this with my girlfriend We are both gonna be participating and she has her own copy. This is her copy So we have both a copy. So we're both gonna be reading this together for the basically readathon. Um, I don't know how this will go but we're gonna be attempting this i'm gonna update you with midnight slash when I have read like At least a couple pages to let you know if I think this is all feasible But righ
t now I have a lot of hope I have a lot of energy i'm gonna have a red bull later so I should be able to stay up and It's gonna be a grendel time. Hopefully, I hope you enjoy this vlog Okay, hello, it is currently half past 1 a.m. I have read a little bit of fingersmith So i'm just gonna give you an update. I am right now about to go upstairs to bed and like read a little more but I know that I will be too sleepy to update you once i'm done reading So that's why i'm doing it now I have read one
chapter fingersmith both me and my girlfriend have read one chapter of fingersmith which means that i'm on a rental of 33 pages, but that's okay. Um, I did something that I possibly should not have done because now i'm very scared. I like tabbed every chapter So now we are looking at this And it's scary because it's a lot but also these chapters are long at the same time. So it's a lot of chapters But they're long. I'm really questioning my decision making here, but Okay, um what I can give you
so far from what I understand from this book and what i'm also now remembering from the movie Is that this is about a girl who kind of grew up in the borough? I think they call it and I think london and she's essentially just like a part of this crew that is essentially comprised of like thieves and gamblers and shit like that and like, you know Just like street rats if you know what I mean um and then one day she's offered a deal from like one of their group I guess to act as a maid to a girl t
hat he wants to marry because he could get a fortune if he then gets her to a mad house and Our main character is supposed to help him Woo her so he can marry her And do that thing. Um obviously that's a very wicked plan and i'm wondering how this character will grow because so far aside from like I really Enjoy sarah waters writing. I have her two of her other books, and I really enjoy her writing But for the first time at least in this book I don't remember any other books i'm noticing some sl
urs that i'm not exactly a fan of like the g-slur for remaining people and then also the s word for Like what even is the correct word it's too late for me and english is so difficult sometimes Uses the s word for like less intelligent people, I don't I cannot phrase myself right now because it's very late but we all know that's a slur you and it has used it in the 30 pages like three times and like the g slur like also three times, so Not a big fan of that but i'm wondering if she will like gro
w however do I think it's okay to use those slurs not necessarily so I don't know we shall see how this continues but It reads very smoothly even though it's historical fiction. It's still like the 19th century I don't know what it is. Did I always end up picking? Up historical fiction for his readathon because it's not like i've had good experiences with that last time. I picked up a historical fiction Didn't finish it, but maybe this round will be different, but you can tell by my energy level
s that like i'm ready to go. So I'm gonna wrap up this update here and i'm gonna update you tomorrow Hopefully I will have read a bunch more of this and if not a bunch more at least like a little bit more so I will update you then and hopefully I will have less tabs to look at hello Friends, I woke up way too late. I fell asleep way too early. I made it this far which means that I read one more chapter and i'm on page 63 So that means that I have about 500 pages left to read today and instead of
you know waking up and reading I just Went to go get lunch and play crash bandicoot for like a solid hour, but that's okay, right? That's okay um right now I think i'm going to Go outside and read for a bit but I'm going to talk you through what I would like to accomplish today Obviously in the perfect perfect world, I would finish this book I don't know if that's possible But I know that i'm going to try my best to achieve that so that needs to happen also, what I would love to do today is to
Start working on my instagram which means that I need to take some pictures or at least one picture I think I want to do like a meet the bookstagrammer as like the first post that i'm gonna be doing So I also want to do that today and if everything permits, I could also film like a read with me today But that's a very tentative probably not gonna happen thing. It's just like a maybe other than that I don't even know if I want to do anything else, but honestly that sounds like enough so i'm gonna
go get cracking and I hope to read at least a little bit before I get on with my other shenanigans, so We'll see how that goes Crossing my fingers for myself that I can read the whole thing today I think it's pretty clear that I haven't checked it in a while It's actually been over 30 hours like the basically readathon ended about 20 hours ago You know, sometimes it happens that you kind of just mentally check out I checked out last night So I didn't read a lot yesterday Actually, I mean it is
a pretty dense book remind me not to pick a historical fiction for a 24-hour read-a-thon next time But I think I read until like page 149 yesterday, which is like up to here, um I didn't really have anything to update you on because like it's a pretty slow going historical fiction thingy So essentially what I said after reading like 30 pages was still true at page 149 so I didn't really have anything to update you on and today I Sit down for a bit and read another 50 ish pages. I think yeah, i'm
on page like 205 right now, so i'm not even halfway through and I don't think I can finish it today But I figured I didn't have a lot of footage yesterday from yesterday because I like I said I checked out and after Various attempts at reading which I just kind of gave up and we watched The original evil death movie instead and had some vodka popsicles because sometimes you just gotta do that with your day. Um, Today, I don't know. I don't think we're gonna focus our entire evening on reading I
don't think i'm gonna want to do that I don't think anyone wants to do that right now and I just wanna have like a chill evening But I probably will read more. So I just figured you know, let's make this into a Crappy-ish weekend vlog, so you have a little bit more Content to watch in this mess Um, I don't know what my fringe is doing apologies about that but I am about 200 pages and like I said, and there's a twist that happens around the 180 page mark 170 something like that when we slip into
part two that I like didn't remember from the movie completely But then I kind of did this is like the fun experience that i'm having with this book because I saw the movie the handmaiden Like two years ago, the year was released. I don't remember what year that was two years ago give or take and I do not remember everything of it and usually it's like 10 pages with 10 pages to go that I suddenly remember what's about to Happen because I get like a weird memory from the movie And that's fine to
have like I don't remember what's gonna happen. And then I remember just before it happens So it's still like kind of a surprise and there's a twist that happens around the 180 page mark So like if you think that that's just like the basic plot And there's like some kind of mischief going on. That's not at all everything. There's so much more mischief and like the plot turns on itself and it's very fun, so Yeah Um right now i'm going to go have dinner do something chill probably And if and when
I read I will take you along with me and give you like my final thoughts or something We shall see what happens. But I hope you don't mind that this turn into a weekend vlog I really hope you don't mind because that's just how it's That's just how it has to be right now Hi Um what you just saw was like a fake transition that didn't actually happen yesterday Even though I did read yesterday. I just didn't film anything because mostly I just like Read in bed before sleep because i've been really
horrible with reading this weekend And this is a bad vlog but sometimes it just happens so i'm gonna give you one last update I'm, not this up just so you know, it's monday now in case it wasn't clear. It's monday right now This is how far I made it. I'm not quite halfway through i'm on page 231 which means that I have like Another 60-ish pages before I even get to the half mark 40ish I don't know Um, can I give you any more updates? Because like I said, this is a very slow burn book, so everyth
ing that I said 30 to 50 pages ago is still the same thing like Nothing new has been revealed it's just like the plot twist that we had at the end of part one is like being talked about and like We are Getting to see how it actually came about and how the plot was happened and how it has been in work from the very start so we see that develop like the whole plan being constructed and like Slowly come into realization, I guess and yeah, I am really enjoying this so far sarah waters is always slow
er for me to read which I also should have realized because I wouldn't call her the modern charles dickens. I would call her like a gayer daphne de maurier, maybe Maybe that's what I would call her It's like it's not like it's difficult to read or like the language is like too difficult or anything It's just that it's like her stories are very They're very slow burning. They pretty much just like crawl underneath your skin and like Let it simmer for 17 years before anything happens. So it's alwa
ys a longer process getting through one of her books I hope to finish this soon because I have other vlog plans that you will see later in the month But yeah, I know that this vlog was like super chaotic. I don't know what happened with it. I was like prior to the beginning of like the 24 hour readathon. I was like so ready for that readathon and I was so in the Mindset of like i'm gonna read a whole book in 24 hours and it's gonna be great i'm gonna have a full vlog And then it turned into a we
ekend vlog because I didn't even read on saturday that much and then I didn't read much on sunday either so Really? I could say that the vlog turned into a bit of a Fluke a flop. I don't know a fail my reading wasn't the best but At least there's some content from me and this is a sapphic historical romance. Classic that you might want to check out so I don't know figured I would keep it in anyway also as a movie update We also watched the remake of evil dead yesterday And that movie is a lot fo
r some reason. I have developed like a sweet spot for evil dead over this weekend. So I guess I would count it among like my favorite Horror series now, I don't even know I like the remake As well as the original they both have a very different touch to it They're both very different but the remake kind of manages to pay. Oh match to look like the first one Is that how you say that word? I don't know i've never said it out loud only have ever written it or read it, but There's that okay That's i
t for this vlog. I'm, so sorry. It's such a fucking mess um If you enjoyed it anyway Give it a like give it a thumbs up. I would really appreciate it subscribe if you want to see more content Give me a comment If you want to chat about anything, I would love that very much and check out all my social media It is all linked down below. Thank you ever so much for watching That's all from me for now and in true ellen ripley fashion i'm signing off



I AM SO PROUD OF YOU FOR THAT CLEAR RUN ON CRASH it's, so good. we all know how much i fail at it rehgieh but also it's still SUCH a good vlog okay, even if it's less reading. and honestly. so long as the book is good, who cares? It was and is MUCH fun reading with you <3 <3 <3 Looking forward to the next one ok <3


I actually saw this movie around last summer hah! It was so interesting!