
Weekend Wednesday

## Related Videos Q&A, Lockdown Edition: Cortex Animated 105: ## Crowdfunders Bob Kunz, John Buchan, Nevin Spoljaric, Donal Botkin, BN-12, Chris Chapin, Richard Jenkins, Phil Gardner, Martin, Steven Grimm, سليمان العقل, David F Watson, Colin Millions, Saki Comandao, Ben Schwab, Jason Lewandowski, Marco Arment, Shantanu Raj, rictic, emptymachine, George Lin, Henry Ng, Thunda Plum, Awoo, David Tyler, Fuesu, iulus, Jordan Earls, Joshua Jamison, Nick Fish, Nick Gibson, Tyler Bryant, Zach Whittle, Oliver Steele, Kermit Norlund, Kevin Costello, Derek Bonner, Derek Jackson, Mikko , Orbit_Junkie, Ron Bowes, Tómas Árni Jónasson, Bryan McLemore, Alex Simonides, Felix Weis, Melvin Sowah, Christopher Mutchler, Giulio Bontadini, Paul Alom, Ryan Tripicchio, Scot Melville, Bear, chrysilis, David Palomares, Emil, Erik Parasiuk, Esteban Santana Santana, Freddi Hørlyck, John Rogers, Leon, Peter Lomax, Rhys Parry, ShiroiYami, Tristan Watts-Willis, Veronica Peshterianu, Dag Viggo Lokøen, John Lee, Maxime Zielony, Julien Dubois, Elizabeth Keathley, Nicholas Welna ## Music David Rees:

CGP Grey

3 years ago

The way the work week works is the worst. Waking up on Monday, you've got five days in a row of work or school. It's too much. For, but by Wednesday, withered is your soul with two more days, nay three more days, until the weekend. But, alas. The weekend is also broken. Two is the wrong number of days off. Because the first day off is just a collapse from the overly long work week and the second day off is tainted by the looming Monday. The traditional weekend is, at best, 50% efficient. It take
s three days off just to feel like two days off. And two days off feels like one day off. But here is where it gets interesting. Because one day off isn't none-day-off. A day off never goes unappreciated. Which brings me to a new schedule for new living: Weekend Wednesday! Take the last three work days, slide them over one slot, and bring the spare weekend day forward to Wednesday. Now, when you wake up on Monday there's only two days to go until Weekend Wednesday, then just three more days 'til
Sunday. I've been working on this schedule, and boy do I love it! Here are the advantages. Productivity goes down without breaks. That's true on the scale of a day to the scale of a year (or a life) and it's certainly true on the scale of a week. Well-timed breaks equals a more effective you. A two day push, followed by a break then a three day push and rest feels amazing on both cycles. The days off are more relaxing and the days on more concentrated. If you're self-employed with control over
your schedule, or a student able to pick classes to keep days clear, I strongly suggest you give it a try. And if you're an employer your employee is enthusiastically sharing this video with, it's worth considering if everyone is on board. Now, of course, Weekend Wednesday won't work for the whole world and that's fine. Better even, because that creates an off-cycle advantage for those of us who are on it. Having a free day when everyone else is working makes so many things easier and faster and
crowd-less. As for the Saturday, you now have time to wrap up the work week without interruptions from the rest of the world, leaving Sunday as a true day of rest. So that's the glory of Weekend Wednesday! More frequent days off that feel 100%. More concentrated and shorter work sprints with a bonus off cycle advantage. If those sounds intriguing, why not give it a try and see if Weekend Wednesday works for you. [soft brooding electronic music fades slowly]
