
Welcome to ETHOS: Meet Your Responsible Tech Journey Companion [Full Version]

Meet the Tethix ETHOS seedling app and learn how we are planning to transform this humble seedling into a thriving tech ethics forest. Start exploring ETHOS at: *** 0:00 Quick tour 1:27 Roadmap 3:03 Get involved


5 days ago

Welcome to ETHOS. Take a seat underneath your ETHOS tree and take a moment to  reflect on your current intent. In a world demanding speed, ETHOS dares you to slow down. Just for a moment when you sit behind your desk  in the morning. What is your current intent? What are you working towards? Not  in the words of KPIs, quarterly targets, and other business jargon. Your own words. What  are you trying to nurture? And what people, places, practices, and ETHOS  elements are there to support you? I
n a world that is stripping you of autonomy, ETHOS makes space to imagine new possibilities.  What assumptions do you want to challenge? What conversations do you want to start?  What practices do you want to transform? In a world that is increasingly untethered, ETHOS grounds you in place. What online places do you inhabit? Where on planet Earth are you? How do these places shape you? In a world that emphasizes competition, ETHOS highlights collaboration. Instead of collecting followers, who d
o you choose to feature on  your profile? Who are your collaborators, who shapes your thoughts and  ideas? Who are your people? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines  ethos as “the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of  a person, group, or institution”. With ETHOS, Tethix is building an Ethical Tension and Health Operating System that will help you nurture your ethos and the ethos of your organisations. Currently, ETHOS is in seedling stage and  supports the
creation of your ETHOS profile and collection of ETHOS intents. It is  also an invitation to start nurturing your daily ETHOS practice through the  My ETHOS dashboard. A place where you can reflect on your current intent,  pin your people, places, practice, and ETHOS commitments, and get inspired by  intents stored in your exploration backpack. Soon, the actions you take in the ETHOS  app will start transforming your ETHOS experience in subtle ways, encouraging you  to develop all Elemental Ethi
cs skills: collaboration, research, practice, and reflection. In the next phase, you will be able to  connect ETHOS to tools you use every day, such as Slack, Jira or Figma, and  keep track of how your intents turn into actions. You'll be able to plant  seeds of good intentions in team ETHOS gardens. And nurture them by trying to  build more responsible tech together. Over time, ETHOS will help you bridge the  ethical intent to action gap through a playful, immersive experience that  trains your
moral imagination. The way we build tech will need to change as  the world changes amidst the polycrisis we're currently facing. In order to tackle this  massive challenge, we need to think, talk, feel and do tech ethics differently.  We hope to grow Tethix ETHOS into your responsible tech journey companion that helps  you embody ethics and transform your practice. Right now, ETHOS is still a delicate seedling,  trying to grow in a hostile ecosystem with little sunshine, so please tread with ca
re. We’re  still trying to figure out where to find the nutrients this little seedling desperately  needs to grow and thrive. So if you like this humble seedling despite its initial limitations  and would like to help, please get in touch and help us bring a bit of calm, mindfulness,  and better intents to the tech we build.
