
Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Wyrm Moon Rising

I had such a great time getting to run this game, and I'm incredibly proud of the concept, and the group of players I was fortunate enough to get to introduce to Werewolf, so hopefully you all enjoy this blast from the past as we journey back to 1969 with our Garou Strike Team! Check out Aetherius at or on twitch at; check out Mel at @melissajlusk over on twitter; check out Shaun at Don't forget to rate and review, like and comment, and follow us wherever you get your podcasts and on social media to stay up to date! Make sure to check out the Kickstarter for the new Babies and Broadswords: Bathfinder book that Dungeon Daddy Rick helped work on, you can find the link below: Also, give our friends @Crithitcreations and @Desired.Effect.Dice a follow on Instagram and make sure you use our code: HAMMPOD15 on their websites at and to get a 15% discount and to let 'em know who sent ya! Music: Penumbra, Spacial Harvest, Spiders Web, Rites, Ghospocalypse - 6 Crossing the Threshold, Ghospocalypse - 8 Epilog by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Hammer of the Gods

3 days ago

All right. Hello, everyone. Uh, for all my players, I was there first time watching the little intro there. So you are getting some genuine live reactions. We are here tonight to play some werewolf, the apocalypse, uh, specifically set in 1969, uh, trying to basically prevent Pentex from, uh, spreading Wyrm corruption to Luna, the moon spirit. And, uh, we've got a very nice team of, uh, Garou here, and I'm going to let them all introduce themselves, uh, as most of them are new to Hammer of the G
ods, so whoever wants to go first, if you want to tell us who you are, uh, where we can find you, if anywhere, and who you are playing. I'll go first. All right. My name is Sean. I am on Instagram is at TheUnrulyGM and tonight I'll be playing a Garou main. Rainbow. All right. And what kind of Garou is Rain? Um Um, that is not my Shindou. Um He is a Ragabash? Yep. And I forget, did you go to Silent Strider? Yes. Fantastic. Uh, and what can you tell us about Rain? Like, we kind of talked a little
bit about what he's like. Right. I can tell you, he loves working with other people. Because it makes it easier for him. He doesn't have to carry as much. But, you know, he does want the Pardon to succeed because if they succeed, it usually means he gets paid. When he gets paid, he becomes very happy. Um, he likes very lucrative jobs and makes them easy. So he's not against having more teammates because it just means less work that he has to do for the money. But yeah, always, always, always, uh
, swayed by the dollar. Absolutely. Totally understandable. All right. Uh, do you want to pick who's going to go next? Uh, let me see. You know what? Mel, smiling, looking ready to go. Uh, my name is Mel. Um, I am And that's enough. Um, I'm going to be playing, uh, Moonshine, who is a 19 year old, um, native Floridian who, uh, just, you know, just wants to take care of the planet. And, um, Accidentally rusts things out beyond the point of use and sometimes exits this plane for extended periods.
Yeah, and uh, we kind of talked about Moonshine is a bit of like a, an eco warrior. Yeah, he's like a little, little bit of like a Like a, like a, like a weather underground kind of eco terrorist kind of guy. I love it. Love it. Yeah. If you want to pick who's going to follow you. Yeah, absolutely. Oh, sorry. And I should say, uh, he's, uh, a red Talon. That's his tribe. Yep. Born under a crescent moon. Yeah. The red Talon Arun. That's right. Uh, Aetherius. Oh no, you're muted. Sorry, I muted my
self for the awesome intro thing. I wanted to be a professional, but I forgot to unmute it. Um, hello everybody. My name is Aetherius Bordeaux. You can find me around the internet as Vampire Himbo. It is true. I am America's Vampire Himbo now. It's been officiated. It is official. Um, yeah, you, uh, also I would say TikTok and Twitch is Vampire underscore Himbo because somebody beat me to the chase on those. Shit. Yeah, boo his those people. I accidentally tried to rate that person the other day
because I forgot the underscore, but you, yeah, you online. That has happened a couple of times and I would like, I need like an invoice or should I send an invoice to this person for all the extra people I'm sending their way? It's fine. I'm sure. And I'm sure they're lovely people. This is all jokes. Um, but yes, tonight I will be playing, uh, Winston Wiles. This is my first gay ruin, um, or ga ruin, so not even, as you can see, I'm new swimming in these waters. I mean, he could, he could be
a gay ruin. Yeah, he's a game room. Um, and I am playing, uh, from a tribe. The tribe is the glass walkers and then the auspice, which I believe is like the moon phase is, um, so I imagine Winston is an engineer who actually aspires, I would imagine to work at NASA. I imagine this would be kind of pinnacle of your professional, you know, Goals would be to, to work at an organization like that, especially at this time in American history. Um, and so he's just very excited to be here. Uh, and he d
oes have a spirit. He has like a homemade calculator watch that, um, and in it is a spirit that he can use. Um, he has like a spirit packed with it. It'll only come out if he presses eight zero zero eight on the calculator. If you know, you know. Um, so yeah, he's, uh, super excited and I, I like the idea of this spirit kind of sharing that the idea of this level of human technology reaching this point, I think would be fascinating to. The tech spirits of the world as well. And so I thought it'd
be fun to, to bring a little guy along. Absolutely. Mm hmm. All right. And cam last but not least. Yeah. Uh, hi, I'm cam. Um, I'm playing a guru, uh, named Augustine, uh, Arun, Arun, um, heart warden, um, Augustine is actually originally a wolf and figured out how to turn humans somehow. Um, uh, I've gotten very lost from being up in the wilds of, uh, Montana or wherever. Don't know how we're in Florida, but we are. Um, and has sort of gotten a job as a, uh, park ranger at, uh, the Everglades.
Might have just been, stole a uniform and started working one day. Who knows? No one's questioning it too much. Um, Yeah, that's what they're up to. Fantastic. And it's actually really funny. Uh, we're playing Vampire Tomorrow on this channel. Uh, and one of our kindred is also from Montana. So small world, you may have known and probably hated them. Let's leave them a note. What were you saying? Oh, me? Nothing. I just said, let's leave them a note. The, the, it's okay. Uh, they're, they're in
a very different time and place. So, uh, yeah. And I mean, if you're, if you're watching this channel, probably you already know who I am, but in case this is your first time, I'm Rick or dungeon daddy, Rick. Uh, which, you know, I always explain, even though I am non binary, I'm keeping it just because, you know, as, uh, Pedro Pascal said, daddy's a state of mind. So I don't, I just didn't want to change my logo. I'm just too lazy for that. Uh, and this is my channel. This is hammer of the gods
. We do all kinds of TTRPG stuff, really gay shit, and sometimes world of darkness. So we are joining our guru. Uh, where would you all have gathered? In order to kind of kick off this mission, I don't think they had Arby's in this, but I feel like an Arby's is like a very good, it's a good, I bet, I bet, because it looks like they've not updated since 1916. I bet they probably had Waffle House though. And it's Florida, so there's definitely a Waffle House. Yeah. Yeah. I was thinking about IHOP,
but Waffle House is way better. We meet at the Waffle House. My first thought was actually Denny's. Oh, okay. So yeah. There you go. Yeah. I mean, Waffle House is the, the, the worst of all of them, but also the best of all of them. Yes, that's right. Uh, yeah. So our four guru, do you all know each other? That is kind of the question that everybody's sort of had is, you know, how does this group know each other? Uh, and so my thought on this is you all have been gathered, like the heads of the
different Seps throughout the U S when they heard about Pentex being involved in NASA and this mission to the moon, Pentex is the biggest enemy of Gaia. Uh, that is essentially this massive corporation, even in 1969, that serves the Wyrm spirit, which is the essentially enemy, uh, at this point, because the Wyrm has been so corrupted, uh, it wants to destroy everything, especially Gaia. And so. Garou, as the warriors and chosen of Gaia, are here to protect her as best they can. So, Uh, do you a
ll know each other or is this your first time being assembled? I think Moonshine might've met Augustine at some point, because Augustine, you work in the parks, right? Yeah. Yeah. So I have a feeling. Yeah. I'd probably run into each other. That was small, smallish. I think Winson may not be local. I think that like Winson From one of the sets that like wanted to learn more about this and it makes sense Uh, send a big old nerd like went into Yeah, and I mean Go ahead sean. Sorry. Oh, no, I would
say rain wouldn't know anyone either. He Jeff knows that he's supposed to meet some people somewhere. Absolutely. Yeah. And, uh, a theory is, you know, I kind of mentioned to you before stream that in 1969, you know, with civil rights being a pretty recent thing, uh, and NASA being committed since their inception to diversity, uh, I mean, it would probably be an especially exciting place to be like a place where you can see people of All different races, religions, creeds, all gathered in this
one place for this really big mission and especially, you know, in the middle of the cold war, when, uh, you know, you gotta beat the commies, even though. Here in 2024, we're like, you know, commies are actually not that bad. Just Russia, maybe Russia is not so great. Yeah. I think that I imagine, um, all of that, in addition to the rockets, like just the, the base conceptualization of humanity, just reaching that far or touching that far, I think is both the, uh, The like more umbral or like m
etaphysical ramifications and manifestations of that alongside the, like just historic. Like normal kind of ramifications of that make this like a very, very big deal. So I, in my mind, you know, that scene in heist movies where they like lay out the blue arc, the blue paper, I think Winston's coming to the spreading. Yeah. I think probably, you know, even though Waffle House kind of has a reputation, uh, you might not break out the maps of Cape Canaveral necessarily. Especially not specifically
the, uh, Kennedy space center. Cause that might be a little suspicious, uh, as this is July, 1969, uh, July 16th is when Apollo 11 launched and, uh, the whole world was watching everyone everywhere. Was very, very focused on what was happening in the city at this point in time. So probably four people in a waffle house with a map of, Hey, look, this is where, uh, but you know what? Maybe it's not that suspicious actually. No, no, no. I can't think of a good, what are we going to say? Oh, we're
planning a surprise party. The guy can't think of, well, commemorative. Maybe it's just a collaborative map. There we go. I didn't think of that. Yeah. Yeah. Cause back then there was no technology. Looked at looking at maps and looking at atlases. That was regular business. Yeah. Maybe you're just trying to find parking. You're like, where in the world is the parking lot at the space center? Yeah. I think that makes sense. So maybe it's not that weird after all. Can I ask like out of character,
does anybody have any like property or, um, The like werewolf equivalent of a haven that we could like chill at or scheme at. Uh, I mean, Augustine has the Everglades, but that's a little way to go. You don't mind, you know, the alligators. You gotta, you gotta be friendly with the alligators, but. I mean, you got surfaces. That's a requirement pretty much. I may have an in with somebody at a local hotel cause I'm moving around a lot. There we go. There we could comfortably in, without worry, r
oll out our map and plan our stuff without looking like suspicious as hell, but, you know, as Sean said, you know, at this point in time, it's not like you all had cell phones or GPS that you could just pull up. So it could make a lot of sense for you to have this map and just be like, you know what, we're going to try and get the best spot possible. Uh, and the other, I guess, important detail here is. Would you all be going on launch day? Or would this be maybe a day or two before I think a da
y or two before, but yeah, yeah, because security and everything is going to be high on launch day. Yeah, launch is kind of cutting it close. It seems sure we may need to be here for launch day, but I think the idea of. Like getting there on launch day or like starting to, um, Winston is like a recon specialist. So I think the larger, the lead time they have between now and this, like the more information they're able to get like Batman, so what if, yeah, what if we have like a couple of like ro
oms at like a motor in or something? Because like, you know, Gainesville is not that close. Yeah, it's really not. It's really not. Yeah. And, uh, I just dropped in our discord chats, um, maps for you, uh, of the area. Uh, some, I mean, some of them are like maps of the current, uh, kind of layout. So it's not going to be exactly 100%. Uh, accurate to this date and time, but, uh, the central point is definitely the vehicle assembly building, which is pictured behind us here on this lovely layout
, uh, and that is where the. Different parts of the shuttle are assembled, brought together for it to be put on the launcher, uh, and then wheeled out to the actual launch pad. So, you know, So if we was going to like sabotage it, we would need to sabotage it over there. And you all would know you, you have been given specific instructions that if you cause the shuttle to malfunction in any kind of way, like delay the mission, anything like that, that would also be really bad because that will,
raise a lot of red flags. So you need to do this very subtly and secretly without being caught and without breaking the veil, which is very similar to the masquerade for kindred, which is the kind of idea that humans don't know. Garou exists that there are things out there that can change into other things. Can I ask for a context, just like politically in where we'll see apocalypse, like how does breaking the veil, how would you like compare that to breaking the masquerade? Is it like less of a
faux pas it seems? Less, uh, because I don't know. It seems like Kendrick don't really have anything equivalent to delirium that Garou have. Uh, because, realistically, shape changing or being a hulking, bestial creature is a little bit more scary than somebody who's just got some sharp teeth. If you're, if you're really thinking about it. Uh, so, realistically, uh, the way that delirium works is, People will panic, they'll flee, uh, and then they will try to rationalize it any way they can tha
t, you know, it was just a really big rabid dog or that they had a hallucination or, you know, they made it all up, who knows what, you know, all kinds of things. The issue, uh, that is less of an issue in 1969 because there aren't quite as many cameras and things like that. Uh, but the issue here would be because there are already going to be a lot of people camped out trying to get a good spot for this cameras and video cameras specifically. Uh, if they see you shifting or in say the Krinos fo
rm, cause the, the Lupus form would probably be fine. That probably wouldn't even be something people would question, you know, like, Hey, there's a dog. Uh, but the actual more mystical, scary forms, uh, if you were to be caught on camera, that's some solid proof. And uh, while Geru society is not quite as structured as Kindred society, there's not like a prince per se of a specific city. Uh, the Septs would still deal with that pretty harshly. So if someone were to say, you know, horribly botc
h this mission. Uh, chances are you're going to be, you're going to regret it. Um, there's a, there's a big thing with, uh, Garry's society where there is a ritual dagger made of silver, uh, which is something that people will often fight with in like ritualistic combat. You, you can imagine that, uh, something like that might be involved in order to essentially like defend your honor. Okay. It's a it's a little more brutal in some ways but also a little bit more chaotic see that Um for rights a
nd out of character gang team pack I did take right of the forgetful or forgetful record, which I think I want to use is like the last you know Um, like a hail Mary to erase like our faces from surveillance. I've also never used it, could not speak to its success or failure rates, like identify it as a thing or a possibility. That's great. Um, moonshine has rendered down. Which basically like instantly decays, right? But that's what we kind of just said, like it can kind of rust out, whatever. U
m, so that, you know, be really bad. Like, I think Moonshade is going to need like a lot of help from Winston to like, not touch the wrong thing. The thing that we kind of talked in session zero about is like, I had that mental image of Fern Gully with, you know, hexes where it just isn't enveloped by the plants. So, yeah, definitely Moonshine gives me big Ferngully vibes. Yeah. Definitely. Yeah, like this is what he's wearing like he has no There's no tactical like does he doesn't know what tha
t word means Absolutely, but you know what? It's the 60s. So it's not even that weird So I could say that I brought a tent so I could be a camper if we wanted like Our own campsite we can have a campsite for stakeouts I'm not opposed to that. That seems logical. Mm hmm. We can get a lot of information that way. Yeah. Yeah. Also, I just love camping. I feel like Me too. I feel like it's definitely canon that if Moonshine doesn't, you know, horribly, tragically die in this mission, that definitely
the next month, uh, August of 69, he's definitely going to Woodstock. Oh, that's, I definitely have that map in my backpack yet. That's fantastic. Um, really quickly, just like conceptually for me, once we, this is for a theorist. Once we Uh, are able to breach the building or we're able to get inside to the, uh, assemble the vehicle assembly building. The ultimate goal, the thing we need to bring the mission home is, Oh, sorry. I was like, I should have, let me phrase it as a question. What is
, uh, the ultimate. So that is something that you are not entirely clear on. Uh, you know, that they plan to spread this corruption. Uh, you know, that. Pentex has a lot of different ways that they do that. Uh, especially in 1969, uh, they would have, you know, there's a major subsidy of Pentex, uh, King breweries and distilleries, uh, which features heavily in our Detroit by Moonlight. Uh, that they spread this corruption by putting what's called a Bane, which is a spirit from the Umbra. It is
a Wyrm spirit. Uh, they put like a very diluted version into their alcohol in very random amounts. It's not like every single bottle because then people would just not. Get it? Like if people all started losing their minds and attacking everyone every time they drank a King beer or anything from that company, they wouldn't keep doing it. But if one in a hundred, one in a thousand does, people don't really question it quite so much. So they do things in very, very sneaky ways like that. Uh, also
things like they will infuse horror movies. So when you go to like rent a VHS, they can infuse people with a Bane through that. Yeah. It's very insidious. Uh, they do it through makeup. They do it through, uh, sanitation, just anything and everything. They are a huge corporation, uh, much like real life megacorporations that buy up. Everything they can, they have their fingers in everything possible. Uh, just a little bit of lore for everyone. Pentax actually started back in 1865 as an oil compa
ny. So they got super rich in that early oil industry. And, uh, that's just kind of been the downfall ever since. So, so knowing that, uh, you, you know, that there are a lot of possibilities. You know, that you could potentially. Uh, once you're there for, uh, lack of a better word, sniff it out. Okay. Um, where would be the campground if we're looking at the map? Well, it's not a campground so much as people were just camping out, like they would bring their campers and things and just be ther
e anywhere that they could. Okay. Just trying to get as close as possible. So, you know, you're not going to be able to get super close with a camper, but you know, in the vicinity, the ballpark, Gotcha. Gotcha. It's, I love a map. I don't know how you knew. Oh, okay. All right. So the bottom right corner of this, one of them has like all the shows the vehicle assembly building as well. Um, so actually, no, I picked a stupid character. I gave, I gave Moonshine my, my intelligence one star. Um, s
o are we trying to get on this spaceship is that we're trying to do? Are we trying to board it? Unfortunately, I don't think so. Okay. That was the case. It'd be a lot more excited about this. My understanding is that we're supposed to go in, we're supposed to identify Any anomalies, anything that shows the Pentex are trying to spread their corruption, uh, Take that out, presumably, and then do so with as little as effect on the actual mission itself is, is my take, but I am open to input from o
thers. Oh, no, they never tell me the directive because I just misunderstand it. I'm here to be helpful. I appreciate that. Winston. I'm going to have you give us the first role of the game. Give me intelligence and a cult, please. Okay, let's see. So my occult is a three and my intelligence is two and so I'm going to be rolling 5d 10 and then at this point I have no rage to rage. They're all starting at you Okay, so the two right most dice will be yeah, cuz you all you all need rage for a lot o
f your abilities So if you had no rage that is definitely a disadvantage, right? So the two dice on the right were both sevens Um, so the two rage dice and then the other dice were seven, nine, and two. Amazing. Uh, so only one of them was not a success. Uh, so four out of five successes. So, uh, Winston, you have heard stories, uh, Ragarbash aren't necessarily known for stories per se. Uh, it's more of the Galliards. They're kind of the bards of Geru, but you have heard stories of how wolves ha
ve gone to the moon in the past. Humans are not the first ones to go to the moon. They're just the most recent. So, you know, the worst case scenario, if you could not stop this before the launch, you have a backup plan. You know, I have heard stories. These are not verified. I haven't been able to find a shred of evidence to this point, but, um, I've heard it enough from, from enough gay room and still trying to get through. Um, to. In ones that I give enough, enough credit to lend this, maybe,
maybe some validity that there have been instances of Peru going up to the moon and they've done so and what it involves would be fascinating to unpack. But I think maybe worst case scenario, things don't go the way that we would like them to go. We can try and maybe. Um, you know, handle things on a lunar level and he's like trying to repress the excitement. He has hit that prospect on that and just present it as like an objective option. Rick. So as an umbral traveler, has moonshine gone to t
he moon? Ooh, that is a great question. Um, you know what? I'm going to have you give me the same role. Okay. Wait, can you tell, tell me what the two are again? Yeah, it is occult and intelligence. Occult and intelligence. Ah, yes. My most powerful stat, intelligence. All right. That's, uh, Ooh, two eights, a 10 and a five. Okay. Yeah. Uh, so two successes. Um, you have probably heard some similar stories. Uh, you know that it is not easy to get to, that is for sure. So it's not something that
you could confidently say, like, you've been to the earthly Umbra and all over it, but beyond that, it is a little bit tricky, uh, and you would probably need to ask for some help. Okay. But is it something where like you could use, you would use the Umbra to travel there? Like that's how, that's how people do it. Yeah, absolutely. Okay. But you do know that, uh, you can, you can travel through the Umbra say, you know, from a Waffle House, uh, or from a, from a Motel 6 or whatever, uh, to anothe
r location on the physical world. Kind of sidestepping all of the physical travel. Uh, sometimes it's going to be shorter. Sometimes it's going to be maybe not longer, but more treacherous, uh, in the umbra, but depending on where you're trying to come out, it can be a little bit tricky, uh, because if you're trying to come out, say in the middle of like NASA, there's a thing called the gauntlet, um, which is essentially the barrier that separates the physical world from the umbra. And it is thi
s kind of psychic, spiritual maelstrom that is a little bit difficult to pass through. Uh, that's why Geru can do it and not humans typically. Um, and so in places. Like a lab, uh, or the vehicle assembly building, just for, for example, uh, the gauntlet is much, much higher there. So it is very difficult to get through. Uh, it is not very connected with Gaia places like Cairns or more natural locations. The gauntlet is typically a lot lower. So once you're in there, or, you know, if you were tr
ying to get in through the Umbra, it's going to be a little bit tricky. It is not impossible. It's just going to be a little bit more difficult and same goes for the moon. Uh, you know, logically you should be able to travel there, uh, and then cross back over the only issue is it is still the moon. So if you do not have the right equipment. It's going to, it's going to end really badly for you. So it's possible, but you'll need to steal some stuff first. Or acquire, acquire, not steal. Strategi
cally borrow a few. Yeah. Um, great. Well, I think, and tell me if this is not quite right, but, um, I, Moonshine can tell people that basically like, I can help us if we want to get to like the outside of a building. That like, I can kind of get us, I can sort of like apparatus, not apparatus there, but I can move us through the Umbra to like, we can't go through the door necessarily, but like, I can definitely get us like there. Is that true? It depends on the, it depends on the location. Uh,
going from like a motel to say the Waffle House, just to keep, you know, the same kind of thing. A Waffle House wouldn't be quite as difficult. As like a science lab where you're doing things that are a little bit more advanced, a little bit more technological, uh, which would be more associated with the spirit of the weaver rather than like the wild, which is sort of, sort of allied with the Geru, uh, cause there's, there's the triumvirate, which is the weaver, the wild and the worm. Um, they'r
e kind of like the, the three that are right below Gaia in terms of level of power, spirit wise. Um, so that I mean, Waffle House would be doable, but yeah, but like vehicle assembly building also doable. Okay. A lot more difficult. So from, from like the Waffle House or your motel, um, I would say it would probably be like three successes in theory, uh, which wouldn't be very hard, uh, especially because I believe that Winston is pretty good, uh, with the occult. Um, Oh, but you didn't take rig
ht of the shadow passage, did you? I didn't, I took right of the forgetful record, but I can, um, through RP cheer you on. Well, so the nice thing is, is for every guru who has that right, You get two dice to add to your die pool, but for every Geru who is with you crossing over, whether they have it or not, you still get one. So, for everyone who's with you, you get at least one. Um, what is your, uh, I think it's your wisdom in a cult? Mm hmm. Uh, that is four. Okay, so that's not terrible. Uh
, I can tell you by yourself, it would be literally impossible. Mm hmm. Without, if you got two crits with your four, uh, you could possibly do it, but that's a very long odds. But with everyone else, uh, I believe Augustine took Rite of Shadow Passage as well. Yes, I did. Okay. So, from Augustine you get two die, so that takes you up to six. From the other two, another two. So you have a lot better odds. So I they improve if we physically get closer and like the amount of travel distance or doe
s that unfortunately, unfortunately that wouldn't do it. It's more about where you're physically going to. So, I mean, it is doable. It would just not be very easy. Uh, and the biggest risk, uh, would be getting stuck in the because after long enough. It is very deadly. And you would, you would definitely know that. Um, great. But the, the difficulty, cause I took Umbral Traveler, the difficulty to return is reduced by one. And you're the right master. So a little easier. A little bit. Exactly.
Uh, the benefits of taking that background. Yeah, no, thank you. Session zeros are important. Absolutely. Rick, I'm going to send you just cause I'm so creepy. Um, but the, as part of the umbral traveler, like basically moonshine can see ghosts. And so in 1967, the Apollo one tragedy did occur at NASA. And so I just, I just sent you the discord about it. Just to warn you about the ghosts that Moonshine may or may not see. Interesting. Yeah. I didn't even think about that, but I'm glad that you p
ointed that out. As you did people, I mean, it's Florida, so you probably see a fair number of dead people. Yeah. Not that unusual for you. Um, yeah, no, that's a fantastic point. So yeah, I think that, uh, I think that you all have at least a loose plan, sort of, at least for where you're going, how to get there though, is the real issue. And once we get there. Um, I, uh, out of character do have, uh, blissful ignorance, which means I think I can make myself invisible, but I think it's like the
first level of unseen passage where you can't move with it. I'd have to be standing like still. So, I mean, it isn't, is it going to make me solid stake? Probably not, but I do think hopefully it'll help us in this like self endeavor. Yeah. Like basically if you are pretty sure your cover got blown, you could just press up against the wall really hard and just, because it's granted by a chameleon spirit, you can embrace your inner chameleon and just become one with the wall, essentially. Hell y
eah, I'm into that. And that's a good, and you know what? Thank you so much. Cause my, I think my brain is running like all the new mechanics. I would not have even thought that creatively to like, just after being caught, just like, just stick to a wall to disappear, but of course, of course, of course, like I said, I love. Werewolf. I love introducing people to werewolf. This is my shit. I will say I can't put a gun in a tattoo vampire, the masquerade. Where's the tattoo gun mechanic. That's w
hat I want to know. Oh, it's because, you know, Kindred , their tattoos all fade every time they go to sleep. Yeah. It's a shame. So. I will say, uh, some of you do have some useful advantages here. Uh, some, uh, masks, some contacts, things like that, that could be helpful. Oh yeah. I do have my calculator spirit. That's true. That's true. What do you call your. Spirit companion, uh, their name is beep boop. Adorable. I actually just came up with, um, well, I didn't come up with it on the spot.
I just thought of the name. No, you came up. So there's like a, a beep boop in history elsewhere. The first, first of its name. So with those advantages, uh, I think that. It's reasonable to say that you could have some kind of cover story to possibly get a little bit further than the average, uh, civilian could get into NASA. It won't get you necessarily, like, into the actual assembly building because that would be pretty high level clearance, but at least to get further. Uh, I think that Win
ston for sure would volunteer. I absolutely have, uh, come prepared for this exact, this exact conclusion. If it is necessary for one of us to breach the building's parameters, I would like to volunteer. I can take, I will fall on that sword. For this team out of commitment to our new shared sense of like friendship and cohesion as a pack. So I just want to throw that out there. I am willing to, to do that for all of us. There's nothing suspicious about that. Sean, I will, I will mention, uh, on
e of your gifts, uh, the spider song could be potentially useful, uh, because you're able to essentially tap into. I mean, it's 1969. So everybody's using a landline. Uh, you can tap into phone lines and listen into conversation, fun things like that. Yes. I'm not even going to think about it. I'm going to offer it up to the party. So yes. Yeah, I can listen to a couple of phone calls. If you just, uh, let me know which phones to tap into. And I may or may be able to. That's super fucking cool.
I love the idea that that's just moonshine's reaction. Just so excited. Augustine. You got France, right? France in high places. It depends what you mean by high places, but the space center is in the middle of a national wildlife refuge. I might know some people. There's nothing higher than the space. Points were made, points were made. Well, I might be. Refuge. Yeah. Rain also has some, some contacts. Um, yes. I have, who would they be? So you don't necessarily know who they are, uh, but you k
now how to get in touch with them. I know how to get in touch with people. Like, you know, you know who to call to get in touch with the right people. I'm like, not only can I tap into phones, I can tap into relationships. So y'all need something, but in a more 1969 type slang, I'd, I'd feel like holla is, you know, fitting for 1969. It works. Uh, I think our plan is missing a few crucial details. Just the entry point point of entry. I do like the idea of the, the, the selfless sacrifice that I
was willing to make where and I pretend to be an S employee and we leverage some of our context that way. But I do think even say that successful once I am inside the facilities, I think sophisticating that area of the plan in particular seems like it would be a good idea. Yeah, what happens once you're inside? Exactly. Oh, so it'd be like, reconnaissance. You know what I could use is going to look lovingly, uh, his little homemade calculator watch. I could use Beep Boop. Yeah, maybe once we get
inside, uh, I'll use Beep Boop. Beep Boop can do a little bit of reconnaissance, make sure that everything is on the up and up and that it's kosher for us to move. Um, And then out of character can be, do any of that, right? Yeah. I mean, hypothetically, uh, depends on how well you roll, but yeah, that is possible. Okay. But I do have a lot of training in stealth and in, uh, these kinds of missions. I've had a lot of success in this area. So if we need help, or if anybody needs any help area ti
dbits on how to remain completely notable, notice list, noticeable, I'm trying to think of what the antithesis and noticeable is. If you want to be invisible, I'm your guy. Oh, yeah, I, I, I'll support supportive of that. And then maybe we can go at night time. All of us. Yeah. Yeah. Cover of night. Hmm. Um, let's see. So I took three dots and mask, but I don't think I can like give. Winston any of the benefits of, like, not existing as a person, as far as all records are concerned. Yeah, it's,
it's the records. And so, I mean, realistically, you can't give that to him, but Moonshine has the ability to pass things like an FBI screening, uh, you know, background checks. So maybe I train Moonshine on a bunch of nerdy NASA shit so that Together yeah. Yeah, I could come with you and and how about um, maybe we can call somebody Mr. Bo maybe we could call somebody and say oh such and such persons come and they're real important and you should just let in Whoever is coming along with them I w
ill not talk on this mission. I promise you, I'm just, I'm dying at Mr. Bow. Mr. Bow, do you think there's something we could talk to you about it? Well, uh, I think like I put in the call to cash in some favors. Yeah. So who is calling which contacts? Um, so I guess. I will call Wayne security. Okay. So we don't level. So, I mean, he can't get everything, but, you know, enough to at least get us through the front door. Absolutely. Yeah. Um, what I'm going to have you do is give me, hmm, give me
charisma plus persuasion. Oh, and if they can get us one of those, like Tom Cruise descend from the ceiling mission impossible, like set up, they could throw those in there. I don't even know what it's called, but yeah, one of those would be sick. You say charisma and persuasion. All right. And that's two, two dice. How many dots do you have in each? I have in, uh, charisma at one each actually. Okay, yeah, so it is two, and uh, just so you know, because you have two rage, they are both rage di
ce. So, uh, Sorry, just got dinner. All good. It was a good time, man. Um, alright, so I got two rolls. And actually, you said you took three dots? In contact? In contact? Okay, yeah, you know what? Go ahead and add those three because that would add to that. So you got five total. Thank you. Yeah. Two die whenever you've got two rage. Like when all of your dice are rage dice, you're, you're, you're playing with fire. So my rage were, uh, three and eight. Okay. And then I got, cause we rolled D1
0, right? And then I got, um, seven, five, nine for the others. Okay. So three successes. That's not bad. Um, yeah. So you're calling up security and, uh, someone answers, doesn't say who they are, uh, but they do. Let me ask this, uh, would you do this with everyone else present or would you like step out to a payphone or you have a little bit more privacy? Yeah, I go out, I would go out to a payphone. I go out to a payphone. Okay. So the voice that answers sounds like it's using some kind of l
ike voice modulator. To mask their voice. And they say, is this rainbow? Irrelevant. You're the missions ago, the infiltration. You're still planning on proceeding? We are. I'll make sure that you all can get in. What's the password? There is no password. Just checking. And, just for clarification, I'll make sure you all can get in, and that you can get out. Will it be difficult? The getting out? That depends on you. I heard you were a professional, so I am. I have faith in you. And there's a bo
nus in it, if none of them escape. Very well. I appreciate your help. I just hear click. And go back to everybody else. So I made a phone call. I talked to a person, not my particular person. This person said they would be able to get us all in. And all out. Um, we were in control of how difficult the exit may be. Ooh, do you mind if I spoke? Okay. It was a left handed cigarette. So you guys okay with that? So, you know, one of my thoughts is I took a substance addiction. So, I mean, that's my,
uh, one. So. Go ahead and indulge. In the 1969 parlance, smoking dope. Definitely does not mean weed anymore. No, it does not. No, it does not. Learned that very quickly being a social wizard. So. You guys all want to sneak in. Uh, well, Mr. Winston, you can still pretend to be a NASA worker if you wanted, even if we sneak in. Yeah, that, that sounds, he's like a little bit deflated, but it's still like, just happy to have been like, made the trip. He's so happy to be there. I mean, if, if, if t
he tactical opportunity presented itself where, and I could pretend and portray the identity of a NASA employee, then I will. Take advantage of such an opportunity should have presented though, but I'm fine I walk over to Winston, pat him on the back and say Out of curiosity, how is, how are all of our Geru dressed in their human forms? So I am dressed in 1969, just black slacks with almost a men in black type thing, but mine is the jacket. With a tie, black tie. Love it. Augustine is in their p
ark ranger uniform because it is the only clothes they have. So they may need another outfit. They might. I feel a montage of brewing. Oh boy. Didn't know I was going to be dropping one shot, but here we are. Um, Winston is in, he's got like gray snakeskin shoes. He's got gray slacks, he has a white kind of dress shirt. And he has a big yellow bowtie that's like all intricate in design and all the way up here and of course has like a complimentary colored pocket protector with like three very ne
at pins in it and of course the the watch the LZB boot. Amazing, uh, mohin wear this shirt and, um, , some ripped up jeans. Tie Ds in. Tie Ds in. Yeah. Yeah. I mean like be bottoms bell. Yeah. But like be bottoms with like the knees all fucked up and like, has like back length hair. So I think with the mask, um, with, with like all of, all of his dots in mask, probably his fake ID is a woman's fake Id. 'cause like. He weighs like 95 pounds. And so like, he just says, like, put his hair up in a b
un and like throw on a dress. And like, that that's easier than, yeah. I mean, you know, my image of moonshine, but I'm glad you described them. Even, even though hippies are very, uh, in at 1969 on a man is still a little bit unheard of, you know, outside of that. So, you know, it, it makes sense that most people would probably assume, especially if they don't look very closely at moonshine, that. He is a woman, so yeah, might as well play on that advantage. Yeah, I don't buy it. Um, yeah. I me
an, especially in like business clothes, it's just not, it's just not done. Yeah, absolutely. Uh, so are we doing anything to acquire other clothes for Augustine before you all, uh, try to go in? We do need that. But additionally, I think it would be really strategically sound for us to identify the way through which we'll exit, uh, NASA facility after we have successfully dealt with whatever it is, and I'd like to also reemphasize that we don't know. What that will be, but I do think one thing
that we do know is that there will be a necessity for an escape. So I think that'd be worth it'd be worth discussing a big, you know, you know what? We also need a danger A word a shout out when we hear it wherever you are Run, so i'm thinking pineapples Pineapples it is. It's always pineapple. What do we think team? Augustine, Moontime? Pineapples. Good. Yeah. Chat says start a howl. I don't know if Winston notices, but I'm occasionally, you know, I'm not like a super, I'm more of a talker. Jus
t a casual dresser, but I am checking out the fit. Winston is, it is no like, he probably has 17 copies of this exact outfit. With just like maybe like a different like bow tie for him. This is like the, the other, you know, glass walkers dress like this. And so he, this is just a. But yeah, and so it would, it would go above his head. He would probably think you were like suspicious of him. Yeah. Rain, rain, like the way that you described his outfit kind of, it's giving like Malcolm X, you kno
w, with that very, like, we're going to dress up kind of look and, uh, then Winston still dressed up, but it has a little bit more flair to it. Yeah. Well, I mean, not even so much dressing up. That's why I said men in black, cause it's just really basic. Just a basic trousers, basic pants, and I'm just like, oh man, colors. Who knew you could do that? What? So, where are you all going to acquire some other clothes? I think this predates the concept of the mall. I'm pretty sure, right? Yeah. Nah
, I mean the sixties or like a, like a Woolworths or something like that? Sears, I'm sure. Sears. Oh yeah. I I imagine Winston would not let Augustine use one of the Suits acs that he passed. Yeah, well, probably even like, there's like a less than small probability that you may spill something on this or. Do something that would alter the color of this garment. And so unfortunately, Augustine, um, but I do love your park ranger outfit. I think that it really compliments your hair and eyes. Than
k you. That wasn't why I chose it. It's just, it's just what we wear. Oh yeah, that's important. And you definitely would have seen like the other rangers, if you know, you ran into them on their day off. That they totally wear other clothes. It doesn't really It Fashion is not something that Augustine understands, or like, has any real concept of, I think. It's just kind of Theoretically understands, but Realistically Do you recognize the rangers when they're not in uniform? It's like seeing yo
ur teacher at the grocery store. Oh yeah, it's like paradigm shifting. You exist outside of school? What fresh hell? That's where the wolf senses come in handy and you can kind of, like, okay, I recognize you. Yeah, actually, that's a good point. Uh, you would probably be like, oh yeah, no, I know their smell. Like, you see them from a distance, you're like, who is that? You know what? And then, you know, the wind shifts, you're like, Oh yeah, no, that's Steve. Got it. Yeah. That's Jeff from acc
ounting. That's what I'm getting, notes of Jeff here. Uh, Augustine, I'll take you to the store so you can buy some clothes. I don't have any money. Oh, that's okay. Don't worry about it. I mean, realistically, you all could potentially steal. Yeah, we could. Yeah, I'm gonna like, uh, I'm gonna what's it called? Um, shadow passage into a store and shadow passage out. Oh, hell yeah. Oh, amazing. Oh, Winston is deaf hearing this. I would like to see this. I think the idea of you doing that into a
seer seems like. Very cool. Also, if I, if there's something that I wanted to get there, there are a couple of blenders and other items. So if we, I don't know if the Shadow Passage can necessarily navigate itself over to that realm of Seer as well, but I just want to throw that out there as just like an option for all of us to consider with, uh, equal benefits, all of us. Yeah, I guess we could just walk in, but it'll be faster if we go this way. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. So, I will, I will let you know,
uh, I, I will allow it if Winston goes with you, because your ability, Winston, uh, to put things into storage, essentially, would, would work here. Uh, it will slightly increase the difficulty, but only slightly, uh, enough that it would, it would balance out with Moonshine's, uh, decrease of one. So. I didn't even think of the crime opportunities when I took that skill. The idea that, like, you could just shoplift into your forearm and, like The issue with using Shadow Passage is that, uh, so
I gave everyone the right of dedication for free. Because Normally, if you go into the Umbra or if you shapeshift, uh, you know, we've all probably seen werewolf movies or the Hulk where clothes get ripped and destroyed. Uh, that would happen to all of you, whether it's the Umbra or shape shifting, you would come out naked on the other side. Normally with the right of dedication, you have a set of clothes. For, you know, Augustine, that's the set of clothes that they own. They just always have
those clothes. Uh, for the rest of you, you've chosen an outfit that is kind of your standard. Uh, that you know, whenever you come out, you'll be dressed in that. No matter what you went in as. Can you turn that on and off at will? Like if Winston wanted to show up tits out, would he be able to do that? Um, I mean, in theory, yes, because you could shape shift and then like shift back and because it is free to go from human to lupus form, uh, you could just be a dog for a little bit, run around
and then shift back and be like, okay. I'm that's a good distraction. Like seeing a naked man apparate out of nowhere. I don't want to sit down and play the tactical advantage of that really throw the enemy on. I mean also, you know, the delirium would be a huge distraction as well. But Yeah. Yeah. I love this. Um, yeah. So I'm going to need a roll and just a second, cause I have completely blanked on what it is you need to roll. Unless you have that handy. Ooh. For shadow passage. Uh huh. Uh,
I also have shadow passage. Oh yeah. You know what? It probably would be good for, for Augustine to go so that like they can try on the clothes. Oh yeah. Yeah. Let's do that. Just, uh, just a group, uh, five finger discount. It's totally fine. I see no you gotta go as a team. You gotta need somebody to look out. That's true. Is that what, is that what Rain's there for? No, that's what I'm there for. Oh, I'm so sorry. Thought you were the wheel man. Oh, that's a good point. Can't be both. See, I
might be the backpack. I'm sorry. Oh, okay. It's Renown and Occult. That's what the nice pool is. So any, any renown, uh, which I think all of yours are one. So it really doesn't make a difference which one you pick. Yeah. Oh, wait. I thought one of them was two. Was it? Yeah. Let me just look real quick. Assign two dots to the one associated with your tribe and then one to the other two. All right. So that's five to start unless August. Wait, no, I'm, I'm driving. I'm driving the umbral bus. Is
that right? Yeah. Yeah, unless anybody else has better occult who also has shadow passage. I don't have shadow passage. I got three occult but no shadow passage. Yeah, Augustine, how, what's your Not better than that, nope. Okay. Alright. That's 5 for me, plus 2 for Augustine, plus 1 for Winston, plus 1 for Mr. Bo. So we've got a nice powder dice working here. That's nine. There we go. Touchdown. Oh boy. There's three ones in this tray. Oh no. No. Oh my god. There's one nine. I'm gonna go high
to low. You got a 9, 2 5s, a 4, a 2 3s, and 3 1s. Oh, that's rough because that is one success and a brutal failure. Um, yeah, what's our threshold for success? Is it 6? Uh, right now? Because you are going from the, the motel, uh, it is three that you gotta get. So, uh, the issue is not so much whether you did or didn't cross over, you do. Uh, you are going to take two Uh, I always forget which, uh, to aggravated willpower damage. So that is the more like, so there's, there's two types of damag
e in this. There's a superficial and aggravated. Aggravated is more serious. It's harder to recover from. So. You have hurt your willpower, which some of your abilities do require willpower, so keep that in mind. Oh, gosh, I'm sorry, everyone! Well, and it's just you. You're the one leading it, so you're the one who takes the willpower damage. Oh, great. Oh, good. I thought everybody did. That's fine. Moonshine thinks that, but, like, everybody else does. Just like that was weird. Yeah, we forgi
ve you question mark. So tell me moonshine. I'm leaving this up to you What does it look like whenever you do this right and you cross over into the umbra like what? happens to our party So it's kind of like when Dorothy goes into house, so everything gets brighter and all the plants look wrong. And, um, then it's like, there's probably like a lot of doors and that maybe they're like wobbling around and stuff, but generally I can tell which is the right one. So it might've been that like, Yes, i
t might've been, like, like I kind of like peeked into a couple doors and was like, Oh no, Oh no, not that one. Okay. Y'all here we go. Just like a couple of them, like hit you in the face, but they're not physical doors. No. Yeah. Just the things that I have now seen. You can't unsee it. Can't, can't unsee it. And so as the four of you cross over into the Umbra, uh, you have gone from this motel room to what appears to be. Yeah. A very swampy, it's black lit, uh, it looks like, you know, those
posters you've seen in like the back of smoke shops, that kind of thing. Like the day glow look, uh, things are kind of outlined with this neon color. Uh, just depending on what it is, you know, there's swampy, uh, plants, grasses that stick up out of this ankle deep water. Uh, and you can see things in the water. You're not quite sure, you know that they're spirits, but you're not quite sure what kind. Uh, all around you, you can see these massive mosquitoes and dragonflies with ridiculous numb
ers of wings and legs. And some of them look like they're weird combinations of things, like a dragonfly mixed with a centipede. Where it's extremely long, dozens and dozens of legs. Just undulating through the air. And so you have now successfully crossed into the umbra. The issue is, do you know how to get to Sears? Because in the Umbra, things don't work quite the same as they do on earth. Uh, Umbral travel is not like one for one. It's not like you're directly, you know, Oh, it's 20 feet tha
t way. So I'm going to go that way. Uh, so what I now need is survival, or if you're a cult's better, I'd let you use a cult. Uh, and intelligence, please. Oh man. I did not anticipate having a role intelligence so much. Um, so question for you, Rick, because like distance isn't really a thing, right? I can take them to the Sears in Gainesville. Cause I know where that one is. Yeah, you could, you could. That's what I'm going to do. Okay. I'm going to try. Yeah. Okay. Here we go. Okay. Okay. Nop
e. Wait. Okay. Uh, I got a nine and a seven and a four and a two, so two successes. So two successes, uh, it takes a while. Gainesville, again, is not very close. You're on foot, uh, because umbral travel again is not one for one. It doesn't take as long as it would going on foot from Cape Canaveral to Gainesville. Uh, the issue is that there are a lot of dangerous spirits potentially that might cross your path. Um, So somebody, whoever, I guess you know what, cam, you haven't really rolled a wh
ole lot. Uh, just give me a, a single D 10. Okay. There's a three. A three? Okay. Yeah. Um, yeah, you, you all see a lot of spirits that, uh, they seem to be stalking you. Uh, very hungry looking spirits, but you know, at least a couple of you are pretty experienced with Umbr travel. Uh, you recognize them to be Wild Spirits, which are ostensibly allied with the Geru. Uh, but they're still Spirits. They still are gonna do what they're gonna do. Uh, and the Wild is a Spirit of, like, creation. Um
, but that doesn't mean that it won't eat you, you know, if their spirits are hungry enough. Uh, but, you all are able to navigate well enough that it doesn't seem like they're super interested. Uh, you kind of are able to take the right paths and lose them as you navigate your way to Gainesville. Uh, to, uh The Seers, and I'm going to need another roll of Shadow Passage to cross back over. Okay. Oh, wait, but I can reduce the difficulty by one. Great. So that's nine dice again. Come on, guys. C
ome on. This is all my D10s. Okay. Two 10s. That's a crit, right? It is. So that, so the way crits work in this, it goes from two successes to four successes. So you have four already. Great. And then I have, uh, nine, seven, and then. A 1s. Oh, you have 2 1s? Oh, is that a crit fail? It is. They balance out? Yeah, so yeah, they will balance out in this case because you had that critical. Uh, so you still had two other successes. That's enough that, uh, you're going to take another point of will
power damage. How is Moonshine looking on willpower? I've got two. We still got to get inside of NASA. I'm like, oh no, but I'm still glad we came to see it. Obviously moment it'll be worth it. Yeah. Yeah. It already is. It's about the journey more than the Yeah. The decimation, right? boy. The realness is the friends we made along with. Yeah. Yeah. Tell that to Gaia when, or Luna in this case, 'cause uh, that's the target. Oh, I have a question for you, Rick, what does beep boop look like in th
e Umbra? Does he have like a different appearance or does he manifest differently now that we're in like his side of the fence? Yeah. So that is a great question. Uh, I think because we did talk about him kind of possessing a moth at times, uh, that when you cross over, uh, you all see that Winston where, you know, he's got this, uh, calculator watch, There is now a very large moth on his arm, like the size of a small dinner plate. Whenever it spreads out its wings. Uh, and I will let you decide
what kind of moth. Oh, I'm, I'm really going to expose myself. Am I complete? I try to shoot it off your arm. No worries. No worries. Gang, this is beep. Boop beep. Boop. This is gang. Um, and in terms of, uh, Um, I don't have the wherewithal to pull up a picture of a singular moth, so if anybody can think of just any variation of moth outside of moth, I'll take it. Uh, you know what? Let's, let's just call it a Luna moth, cause that's like a Luna moth! Kind of a, almost neon green anyway. So v
ery fitting with the vibes that I like to go for, for the Umbra. And in its wings, there's like two kind of intricate places where it's missing where there is no skin or any like wing material. It looks like two crescent moons. And we'll have them sparkle too, just cause why not add the flyuva. And because this is a, what's called a thinking engine spirit, If you look very closely, like Winston, you could, you could definitely spot this right away, but if anyone else looks closely at it, you can
see kind of almost like the movie, the matrix where you have the lines of cascading. Numbers and things, but it's all just ones and zeros that are like ever shifting on its body. I think I'm the one. Rain is Neo. Yeah, that's the most beautiful thing Moonshine's maybe ever seen. And I think that might be part of what we're doing. the difficulty here is just like, he can't focus. So he's taking this willpower damage because he's staring at this moth so hard. Beep Boop loves it. Beep Boop has tho
se two little, like, anime eye lines. Is Moonshine really in any way from the willpower damage that they've taken? So the, the way that this would reflect, uh, willpower is kind of like your mental energy, your emotional energy. So like, You're kind of at that point where pretty soon you're going to be, uh, like feeling a little bit overstimulated possibly by all of the people, uh, where you're like about to, you know, if you lose more, you're going to probably lose consciousness, um, the relata
bility of that. And so you just say, right. Yeah. Yeah. Right. You just described, you just described my father walking into a mall in 1998. Just like the energy just, whoo. Yeah. Yeah. Anyone who walks into Walmart ever. Hmm. Yeah. So we didn't successfully get into like Umbra Sears. What does the Sears look like in the Umbra too? So a lot of, a lot of, uh, especially newer buildings in the Umbra don't appear. So it is still very swampy at this point, but things that are a little bit more well
established, uh, or that have a very high, not necessarily spiritual residence in like a religious sense, uh, but that would have a lot of energy that might resonate across into the Umbra. So for example, like let's say the empire state building, right. It's a little bit old, has a lot of, a lot of energy associated with it. Uh, that would potentially appear in a slightly different form, but it would still have a representation in the end, right? Uh, but we'd be looking more at like the concrete
jungle kind of thing. So you would see plants and creatures that aren't normally there in New York city. Florida, it's, there's a lot of gators, for sure. It's like indistinguishable to Switchover in terms of like the animal life and fauna. Yeah, I mean, I have, I have zero memory of this because, uh, we lived in Florida until I was three. But, like, my parents have told me that, like, we lived really close to the airport. And, uh, people were having to go out on the runway to drag off alligato
rs so that plans could take off and land. So, you know, yeah, totally fine. Everything's fine. Got one in animal can friends. If it ain't a moth, I have like an okay chance is what I'm trying to say. Right. That's how I get in. I say that there's an alligator by the. Space shuttle and I collect the gator. Oh yeah. So maybe you didn't need to change your outfit after all. That has to be a job gator collector. I think you're right. Yeah. Oh my God. So obviously it's just Steve Irwin, but a guru. Y
es. An American. Yeah. I love this so much. So what, what would you be stealing from here? Sorry, uh, acquiring from the Sears. I know we were looking for clothes. Uh, was there anything else I'm definitely getting like, uh, Winston definitely has like either like a blender or like, and some gadget that like at the time it's like really, really like mundane to us, but in 1969 had a little bit more, it was a little bit more like novel and exciting. I can't think of an example, but I'm just going
to say he gets like a, what's considered then like state of the art toaster, uh, and he's going to put Yeah, yeah, he's gonna put it into his, uh, his tattoo. What kind of tattoo does he have? Um, it's just, uh, a kind of like, I, I'm wondering if he would have the sense of humor to get, like, a little bag tattooed on him. You know, like a little Oh, what are they called those? I don't know if there's a name for this, but there has to be, you know, on cartoons, like back in the day, like when so
mebody would like be on the move or was a nomad and didn't have a home. Oh, yeah, and with that, and whenever he like put something in that bag. Kind of opens up and he's going to drop the toaster in and he's offered this as a storage place to the the rest of the group within reason because I think I still feel the weight of the thing, right? Yeah, I think so. That makes sense. Just a quick character question out of curiosity. Has Winston ever played D& D? It would be relatively new at this poin
t. I think he would, if he hasn't, it's certainly something like on his radar. You know what? I think Winston right now is trying to evangelize and is trying to organize a group of guru back where he came from. He's like, like really, really trying to like impress on them. He's like using references from like the fantasy novels and series that he knows that they have read. And he's like, Really trying to individualize this, the pitch. So he's giving these gurus a hard pitch. He's resisting the u
rge. He's thinking like, I do want to ask these current people, but that feels like a post. Post mission kind of query. That's something I'll ask, you know, once we, but you know, say what the moon's slipping in those Lord of the Rings references when he can. Yeah. Amazing. I love that. Especially because the glass walkers in our Detroit game. Uh, they're totally playing WoW and like raiding dungeons in between missions. I am their granddaddy. I'm your precursor. Exactly. Winston just moved to D
etroit after this. Oh yeah. A hundred percent. I don't know how long Garou lived, but if Winston was a kindred, just be in Detroit. Indistinguishable from that. I love it. Uh, yeah, so what kind of clothes would you all be hoping Augustine pick out? Because I'm assuming that, uh, they wouldn't have much of an opinion. But maybe I'm wrong. This is all relative like nonsense to me. This is kind of random. Right. But I like picked out one combination of clothes and maybe that wouldn't work for you,
Augustine. Is you just buy the same outfit several times. Augustine, what do you look like? Are we, are we all, are we all speaking or are we waiting for Augustine? Um, I actually didn't think too much about what Augustine looks like. Um, yeah. Average height, kind of shaggy brown hair. Um, Yellow eyes, that one thing that doesn't completely change. They might look kind of brown in the right light, but they're, you know, they keep a little bit of the wolf there. Yeah, kind of yellowish eyes. Ye
ah, he definitely looks like he lives in a swamp. Yeah. So maybe we go scientist and not like government man. Just like, you know, cause scientists, it's okay if they don't cut their hair necessarily, you know, you would think that you would think that would be the case, but no, apparently there are a lot of opinions about how a professional with exaggerated air quotes. Would dress, but I empathize with Augustine here. I feel for you. So are we just dressing them up basically like a clone of Win
ston here? Yes. Yeah. I mean, that's gonna be his suggestion. He's like trying and true . So as, as Rain is watching this and seeing this go on, he takes the same outfit, himself as well, you know, kind of, he doesn't make it obvious to anyone else, right? So he's in that, but he's looking at himself kind of. And I'm also secretly looking for any families taking pictures to hop in there. Amazing. I love that so much. The ultimate spy. I think the three of us have to, like, at some point be like
all looking at moonshine. Yeah, Spider Man me. Yeah, right. Yeah. You all pointed at each other like, Yeah, so we have three bow ties at this point. And, uh, as is later established in real life, bow ties are cool. So, yeah. I know that you enjoy this, uh, the, the hippie get up here that you got going on. I don't know why Winston is now Midwestern all of a sudden, but I know that you like your clothes here. Uh, he's practicing for when he moves to Detroit. Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. But wha
t if you, I mean, all of us are dressed the same. I feel like a sense of real cohesion and. And the pack loyalty and unity through this, um, moonshine is going to like dig a fish around in a pocket and pull out a, um, like a, let's, let's go Michigan, uh, Michigan state ID. And it's going to be like, I'm not going to do the whole improv, but it's going to be like a whole person with like, His picture, but like the hair is like down, like it is a, it is a 21 year old woman's official state ID and
be like, Oh, don't worry. I got a backpack. I can look just like this. It's crazy. You can take a look at that. Like that's saying this is awesome. I just shrug. Yeah, but when you, when you pretend to be a secretary, nobody sees you, you're like, not even there just, just out of curiosity. Can we say that since it's a Michigan ID, that the address is in Gratiot and Kettering, which is where, where are Detroit? Sept is located. We need to write something into a wall, carve something, let's chan
ge the future again, moonshine was here. Yeah. Oh, definitely. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So, so you have a change of clothes then that you're prepared to, uh, Be the only one who's not in the bow tie gang. Yeah, I could not, I'm sorry. I think it looks so excellent on all of you, but it would make me so itchy. I would not be able to focus. Fair enough. I think we do need to get a little bit. Oh, you look fine, Augustine. I do have to insist upon photographs of the three of us, given that we are al
l wearing the identical. Outfit, and I want us to do like the 90s, like back to back. I love the idea that like, you know, we kind of talked to Ethereus about this being like potentially your all's first mission together, um, that, you know, eventually this is ideally like a, an elite strike team, that this is like the Geru version of SEAL Team 6. But because this is your first mission, you're all like, No, we gotta, we gotta take a selfie. All the things that you shouldn't do as a spy. A hundre
d percent. What if we just documented and had, like, physical evidence of our presence here? This is like a montage in a spy movie right before they get down to business. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Amazing. Yeah. So, uh, If you're all satisfied with your, uh, purchases, then, uh, I will have Moonshine give me another roll to cross back over and hopefully he can roll better. Oh, can I give Moonshine like the Rocky shoulder rub? I don't know if that movie even exists, but I'm going to use it as a ref
erence for us. I don't remember when it came out. I feel like it had to be after 1969, but I could be wrong. Let's see. I think it's late 70s. 76. Oh, 76. Can I buy, can I buy, um, I want to also purchase some bed sheets to take with me on the mission. Okay. Yeah. I can put those in my, my arm. I'm just like leaning a little bit with the collective weight and everything. Just like dragging this arm on the floor, just like making, you know, trying to look stable here. What is, what is Winston Str
engths like? Uh, Winston Strengths. Is a two, a respectable two, you know. Like, he's going to be tired eventually from carrying all this stuff around, but for now he's good. Yeah, I think the adrenaline of just like, being here, being on a mission, I like to think that he has had, not, I will say like the werewolf equivalent of like a clerical. Ish career up until this point, he's been pushing, uh, the gear root papers. And so this is his first real taste of the, the actual, like, you know, met
aphorical and literal moonlight. He's, he's here for both. Love it. I love it. I love it so much. All right. Here we go. Here we go. Oh man. That's two ones again. Oh no. No. Uh, so there's that. And then there's a 10, a nine, a six, and then five, two fours, a three and two ones. Okay. You're relying and you're consistent. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it'd be nice if you got that crit again. It wouldn't it? Yeah. Yeah, because you only had, uh, well, you had met, like, you had the three successes, right
? That was what I had established would be, you know, the kind of baseline to cross over at most places. So you succeeded with that, but because of the, uh, brutal failure, you are going to increase in rage, which is good in some ways. Uh, but also, you immediately shift into Hispo. Oops. So, you're not, you're not like full on, uh, warform or anything, but, you know, you, you start to wolf out a little bit. You got a little bit. You know, whatever that looks like for moonshine, a little bit hai
rier, a little bit, uh, more beast deal. Uh, wait, Hispo, Hispo is the dire wolf form, right? Or sorry, not Hispo, uh, Glabro. Sorry. Glabro. Okay. Um, got it. Okay. Um, that's fine. Do so, but I don't, do I hit, do I take another hit to my willpower? Is that okay? Uh, yeah, you will take one more, but I mean, you're, you're still there. I would like to point out, didn't we come to Florida a few days before the launch? Would it be possible for us to rest up moonshine at all before the mission? S
o here's the thing. Uh, number one, you got to still get back to Cape Canaveral. Uh, number two, who knows? Uh, none of you checked like what time or date it was, whenever you. Got there. Uh, so who knows how long you were in the Umbra? I do. I'm going to check my watch. I mean, would it, I guess some watches do have the date on there, right? Well, I mean, I think we would be, would we not be, well, no, cause we got back shit. Would it be, so would it be night when we got back or day? Actually.
So the issue here would be, uh, even if your watch had the date on there, because it would be. Relative to you. Yeah, so it would still register the same amount of time, like, no matter how long it had been, um, can we see if there's anyone around with the newspaper? So, when we're outside, do we notice that there has been a time difference or is it like the same time of day? And we would, would it be reasonable for us to assume it's the same day? I mean, if you're all going straight into the Se
ars, which was kind of the way it was described to me, then you probably wouldn't really notice if you're going straight from the interior of the motel to the interior of Sears. Is it open or closed? So is there, are there people walking around? Yeah, there's people walking around. So I think I would assume like how much time passed in the Umbra is how much time passed. Like, and I would look at my watch and that would confirm it. So I think I would nothing of it. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, our, our um
bral travelers would know that's a possibility. Okay. Yeah. I'm not, Oh yeah. I would just be like, all right, this is cool. Oh man. But also, you know, that like. Unless you spent it as. extended period of time there. Like you wouldn't have missed the launch yet. Yeah. I I'm not sure that Moonshine ever really realizes how much time passes. Just in general. Doesn't register like what days are necessarily. No, sometimes it's daytime, sometimes it's night. Team, I would like to suggest that we de
dicate some time to maybe a short analysis of our good friend Moonshine and their mental capacities and wherewithal at this time. They appear to be mentally exhausted and don't seem to care, like, a real strong self awareness about it, so I think on behalf of them, Maybe do we out of character? Do we have any with like objectively out of that? We don't know. The characters don't know. Do we have, how far are we out from the launch? If we got there, tried to get there a day or two before. Like, w
e don't even know what the current time is looking like. Yeah. I mean, I think, I think it's like maybe what? Five minutes. From when we started on the other side and we're, we're inside and people are walking around so we can't tell if it's, you know what I mean? Night or day. I mean, it would have been, I'd say a couple of hours at least travel in the Umbra. So you would know that there would be a little bit of time, but you know, not a ton, but yeah, like you said, there's no reason for you t
o think about like, Oh, this could have been longer than we thought. You know, again, like. Moonshine and Winston might know that that's a possibility, but, you know, Moonshine probably wouldn't think about it since days are kind of irrelevant. Winston might. Yeah, is there something that I could roll to look for any kind of tidbits of, like, information? I'm pretty sure Sears would actually have clocks on their walls at that time. They always had the, uh, face clocks. That's true. I mean, that
would give you the time, the physical time. They Uh, you know what? I will, I will let you roll Wisdom and Occult if you want to ask Beep Boop. Okay. Oh yeah, Beep Boop! Beep Boop! Your o'clock! This is but one of the many features that Beep Boop has. Um, so I'm going to be rolling four dice if it's Wisdom plus Occult and then the right two will be the Rage dice. Let's roll that. And how many, actually, how many dots did you have in your, uh, spirit pact? Uh, I could tell you four. Yeah. Add tha
t. Oh, okay. Perfect. So that would be, I mean, you took that background for a reason. So it's a very good point. I didn't think about how to crime with my other skills. Okay, hold on. So weirdly on this website that I am on, like rolling 8D10s is not an option, so I gotta go and I'll change it. I just, I just, yeah, Google with its dice rollers. I mean, you can just do a shit ton. Okay. I was using my D& D Beyond sheet, one of my character sheets. There you go. So, the right two are a ten and a
two. Okay. And then there's a four, a three, a seven, a two, a three, and a seven. Okay, so three successes? Mm hmm. I mean, out of eight's not amazing, but you know, three successes is good enough here. Uh, Beboop, uh, what do you ask specifically? I'm going to give him like some, some, some moth love. I'd like to think that he's, we have like a dog relationship. Can you just show me, tell me how long it's been since we, we left, how much time has passed? What time and day is it? So on this li
ttle moth's forehead, it looks just like the display on your calculator watch. Uh, it says current time and date. It says. July 16th, 8 45 AM. I will let you all know, uh, because not everybody knows out of character. Uh, Apollo 11 lifted off at approximately 9 32 AM, July 16th. Oh, wow. Oh God team, a considerable amount of time has passed. Oh geez. Oh geez. Is it going to start just like pacing? He's freaking out. Um, oh god. Is it time to get back? Wait, oh no, I'm not aware yet. Nobody's tol
d me, I'm still. I think, I think Winston freaking out would probably include some, some exposition of like, hey, uh, It's fucking 8. 45 right now! Yeah, we've got like, It's a pineapple situation. Oh, no, that's got like 47 minutes. Um, I hate to alarm everybody, but the launch is in less, less than an hour. How far, how far are we from the launch right now? Well, you're in Gainesville, which is, which is a different city altogether. I think we gotta go string to the moon, guys. Hmm. We bypasse
d the I mean, I'm not against that plan. I think I would need more information and specification as to the means through which we would get to the moon. But on its face, it sounds interesting. Tell us more. Like, what do I need to bring to the moon? Who tastes good up there? I don't I mean, at this point, I think, I think that, uh But if we go to the moon, we don't have, like, equipment to survive on the moon! So, about that I don't know much about, like, how oxygen and things work, because I'm
a wolf, but still! We may have lost Sean. Um, yeah, so, I will say, you all would know, uh, you do have a way to get into NASA. Uh, the Possibility of like, stealing space suit, maybe a little bit tricky. Uh, maybe something to, to figure out, but it's not impossible. Um, you could potentially do it because you have a way to get in. At first we have to get back to the right city, right? Okay. Okay. That is a slight issue, a small, tiny issue. Um, oh, oh yeah, I'm so sorry, I blew this, just go i
nto the store. Bloonshine, never apologize, you're an absolute king, this isn't about you. Um. I like to think that, uh, the light on beep, boop, and it's like calculator form is freaking out as well going on and off. Yeah. Okay. So I just, but I did roll to go back into the Umbra. That was okay. Um, but we are in my hometown, so. You had mentioned earlier that if we were going to try to use the Umbra to go to the moon, we would need some help. We sure would. Do I have, like, friends in town? Ab
solutely. Ah, there we go. Hey! Yay! So, I just, uh, just did a quick Google. Uh, so, Gainesville by B. Hickle. Is two and a half hours. It's 165 miles, uh, walking, according to Google maps, three days. If we change into wolves, how fast can we get there? Not a whole lot faster. I mean, at least on physical land, uh, the umbral travelers, uh, especially would know that there are ways to sometimes take shortcuts. They're risky, but it's a possibility. But you also know, uh, you are very, very cl
ose to unconsciousness as far as your willpower goes. You would know that you are fading fast, and, uh, you wouldn't die in the Umbra, like, immediately. From maxing out, uh, but so there's that, but you would be unconscious and then your allies would have to, number one, uh, get you to where you're going successfully. Number two, um, keep you from, from dying at that point. Like if you take any more willpower damage, you would die. Uh, and then they also have to cross over without the person wh
o has helped them cross every time thus far. Oh, yeah. Augustine? Yeah? Can you drive the bus now? I can try. Yeah. Thank you. Does Augustine know what a bus is? No. I don't think Augustine has seen buses. Because, because one thing that we did talk about, uh, for wolves, reaching maturity, they're, they're, you know, about a year or two old. Realistically, even though Augustine appears to be an adult human, uh, Uh, they're physically only maybe two. I think it took a while to get from Montana t
o, to Florida. So that's, you know, a little bit, a little bit. And I've seen buses along the way. Driving is a whole other concept. I can't understand a bus. More of a metaphorical bus. Yeah. Is there any way for when we, while we are still in Gainesville for Moonshine to leverage any like existing familial or friend or like PAC or CEP connections, would being home heal their soul? Like, how can we make them less? Hey, are there any, oh, sorry, my bad, go ahead. No, no worries. I ask, are there
any important people I could that are making phone calls around this time? The only issue is you all did cross into the Umbra. Now you right, because as you said, uh, you are in your hometown. The Umbra is a little bit kind of like people explain the Fay Wild and d and d to be where things are ever shifting. It's not always exactly the same. You can't always follow the exact same paths. But because this is your old stomping grounds, you would know more or less. How to get to places that you've
been before. Uh, you might even potentially be able to see, because if you are an experienced Dumbo traveler, it's not too much of a stretch to say other people in your sept. Might be as well. Uh, so you might be able to see, say, like, silvery footprints of familiar Geru. Um, okay, okay, yeah, I could maybe introduce you to some of my friends. Okay, could they help me, though? Do you, like I mean, you have some points and contacts as well, don't you? Or allies, one of the two? No? No, I chose a
dversary. Oh, that's right. So, we can visit by nemesis, but I don't know if that would be Maybe later. I don't know if we have time. Yeah, that's another after mission kind of thing. Yeah. Um, yeah, so I don't have any, like, in my, like, stats, I don't have anybody who I can call necessarily. What you could do, uh, is you could Get to one of their homes, uh, or, you know, probably somewhere someone in your sept would have a actual physical home because not all Garu live, uh, the way that human
s do not all of them, you know, live that suburban kind of like white picket fence, American dream thing. Some of them are a little bit more living out. Some of them are Augustine. Well, it's just a fair number of them, actually. And so I think you would at least have a couple of them who would have phones and then you could reach out to Augustine's contacts or Rainn's contacts, potentially. Oh yeah. Would y'all want to go, uh, visit one of my friend's houses with a telephone? Sure. Okay. Becaus
e this store is too bright. All right. So I already did my role, right? To get us into the Umbra. Great. And I'm looking for footprints. Absolutely. Uh, let's see. What did I say last time? I think it was intelligence and survival or a cult, whichever is better. Yeah. Um, great. So that's four dice. All right. That's an eight and a nine. So two successes. Oh, wait. Yeah. Eight and a nine. Uh, you are able to successfully find some silvery footprints. In fact, you find a stone in the Umbra, uh, w
hich you would know to be a moonstone. It has a paw print on it. And that is something that can connect to what's called a moon bridge, which is not a physical bridge, but it is a path. A safe path to a cairn. Moonshine. Are you all right? Is everything okay? Oh yeah. Look at this. And I show Luna. You show Luna? Yeah. Holding it up to the moon. Yeah, basically. I just. She makes me feel very grounded right now. Yeah. Um, I'm just like looking at you hold a rock. Like you, you can't physically s
ee the moon from where you are, but you know that she's up there. Yeah. Oh no, sorry. I mean, deep boop. I mean, Oh yeah. Beep boop is going to like fly around and like, it's going to be all over it actually, like analyzing it. Like what is it? Yeah. I'm still a little freaked out by beep boop's new form. Yeah. The, the matrix numbers is such a good visual of life. Yeah. Sorry. Not perfect sense. Yeah. I mean, a lot of times weaver spirits are more spidery. Uh, like the main thing, because, you
know, the weaver is like essentially a giant spider, um, because their, their main spirit that, uh, most often appears is called a pattern spider. And it's just like weaving threads throughout everything. Um, but I really like this, uh, the, the moth is a cool image as some other kind of weaver spirit. Um, but yeah, you are able to make your way. To what you would know to be your cairn. And so you are able to cross over very easily. I'm not even going to make you roll because this is a place tha
t the gauntlet is much thinner. And so you are able to cross over. What would. Moonshines can be, it would typically for most Garu, uh, unless like glasswalkers are a little bit more, uh, usually technologically minded than other Garu, uh, but it's usually some kind of like spiritually significant. Uh, usually more natural location. Um, I think you, I just want to say beforehand, part of the, uh, umbral traveler thing is I have web music, which means, uh, when pattern spider webs are present. I
can draw the attention of any single pattern spider. Very cool. So I don't know, but I think that that might be why Beep Boop is so fascinating because they don't usually look like that. But my cairn, I have so much trouble imagining anything except for like a basement with like blacklight posters. For so foggy, but it's like, I think probably what it more likely is, is like, like a, like a, like a, like a broken down farmhouse on like land that got like settled and abandoned. Cause you just can
't grow anything on it, right? Um, and so it's just like a very kind of like creaky, breezy, shitty house that's full of like bead curtains and patchouli. Miscreants. Miscreants. Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of that left hand cigarette smoke. Yes. Yeah. Um, and when you say like you can't grow anything there, it's more that like humans couldn't grow crops there. Yeah. The wildlife and the, the like native plants flourish. That's a great point. Yeah. Like it's not, it's not good. It's not subduable
land. Like it's doing something. Cannot be tamed. Yeah. Other than, you know, you have this house with blacklight posters and a basement. Yeah. Oh, I don't think there's a basement or we, we gave it back to nature. I think that basement is wet. Yeah. It used to have black and white posters, at one point in time. Yeah, no, sorry, I forgot about that. Um, yeah, the posters are just on the upper floors now. Um, okay, yeah, w welcome to my house! I did not think we was gonna come back here today! It
's very, uh, distinct looking. Do you have food? Do you have any food? Oh, are you hungry, Mr. Bowe? Yeah, I'm sure we got something. Uh, let's see. Um. I'm, I'm thinking of like college junk food from the nineties. Like, it's not, it's not ramen packets, but it's like, Oh, moon pies. Moon pies. It's moon pies. Yeah. Is this like, uh, are we within the confines of like reefer madness right now in 1969? Absolutely. Got it. I'm trying to visualize this in my head. Yeah. I mean, this is, this is th
e like height of, Weed is dope. And it's like a gateway drug. That's going to make you go straight to hell and commit murder. Um, I think moonshine usually when he comes home, he just starts like calling out, like assuming that like. Everyone wants to hear him when he comes home. That's like, cause it's like unclear who's ever going to be home. Right. Um, I brought some friends and I don't feel too good. Yeah. So you, you hear, you hear some voices calling from another room. They're like, What a
re you doing home? Yeah. I had a bad trip through the Umbra. I've been there, been there brother. Yeah, but this is Augustine and Mr. Bo and Winston. I'm Winston. And we're supposed to be in Cape Canaveral, but except I took us to Sears. And if we don't hurry, we're going to miss the space launch. And we. Uh need to be there. I don't know i'm trying to like Fill me in like politically like if this was vampire the masquerade like I would be It has a tent in discussing like clan business in front
of like a different client or in a different space, but this, okay. I mean, there, there are some tribes that are antagonistic, but I mean, you can definitely assume that, uh, moonshine is not a black spiral dancer or a get a Fenris or definitely not a stargazer, maybe literally a stargazer, but not of that tribe. Okay, so yeah, we have a very important things that each of us is supposed to be doing, uh, at the, at the launch, but I, I do want to prioritize moonshines healthier. He's, uh, he's t
aken a lot falling on a lot of swords for the team today. Yeah, but does it, everybody looks so nice. Do you have the jerky? Uh, I mean, yeah, we got a little bit left. Okay. I'm just going to go like really in, it's not rude for the people present, but just demolish some jerky in a way that's like unsettling. Like a wolf. Yeah. Yeah. Also, uh, just for, for, you know, reference politically, uh, 1969, January. Richard Nixon was inaugurated as president. So we're in Nixon years and nothing bad is
going to happen at all. Not once, not even once, no, not even, you know, five years from now. Not under president Nixon. He's so trustworthy. Yeah. I see moonshine eat, uh, eat the jerky. And as a guy where I like, I know what it is and I know why, but I still, like, it's still just like, disgusting, but it just weirds me out. Um, okay. So can, in terms of like what, how can, how can we get help here? Yeah. So this would be where we would reach out to contacts. So, yeah, I mean, we, we have use
d rain's contact, uh, rain, you would know you could potentially call again, uh, given the nature of your dealings, uh, it may be poorly received. If. Um, there are Potential capturees were not to be on site and possibly not going to come at all. So that may be something that would be problematic if you were to call and mention like, Hey, we're not in Cape Canaveral and we're like a couple hours away, actually, so it may not be the best to call them, just, just my, my thoughts. Anybody want to c
all anybody? Can anybody phone the spring? I don't think I know a single phone number. What were you saying, Cam? Camille Would it be possible, Fogstein called some of their contacts at the preserve to be like, can you delay the launch because of some environmental something, make up an environmental emergency to give us like an extra 10 minutes. That is one of the things you were specifically told cannot happen. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So, while technically you probably could, uh, it would be very pr
oblematic. It would be, like, serious punishment whenever you get back. This is all for a Sears run. I know! I'm sorry. No worries. We all look amazing. I never played this game before. I don't know if, uh, it's obvious. No, that's, it's not something that always happens. It's, uh, more like we're at two hours and I wanted to, you know, move things along and escalate a little bit and Great. Not that there's a time limit, but If I run out, how about this? If I shapeshift and run out to this, uh,
area. Do you think that I can draw some people away so that you guys can get in? The problem is that we're in another city right now. We got to get there. Yeah. Walking for a human would take three days. Now a wolf can go a lot faster. But, it would still take a significant amount of time. I agree with Moonshine about their idea of going to the moon. I think that's brilliant. But, also, I would raise what Augustine rose, which is, once we get there, uh, I don't think there's a lot of oxygen up t
here. So, is there anything that anybody think of that might make that slightly more inhabitable or less unpleasant for us while we're up there? No, no, I think our best bet is to try and get back to the website and do something from there. What is Whispered Passage? Hmm, great question. That's one of your gifts, right? I believe that's going to let you do some sneaky stuff, but let me double check because I don't remember off the top of my head. Maybe Augustine opens up a Umbra path back to whe
re we need to go and we all absolutely just book it once we're in the Umbra. Oh yeah, like I said, shortcuts are a possibility. That is definitely something that you could do. Let me just find this gift real quick. Oh, it's okay. I got it here. Oh, perfect. Everything seems to fall silent around the werewolf using this gift as their movements become completely silent and other noises. Yeah. Cat spirit. Okay. Thank you. Uh huh. It costs one willpower. So granted, it seems some kind of passage, bu
t it is not. So there is something you can potentially do here. Um, you could, uh, in order to regain your willpower, um, I believe it's your Hirano that you could voluntarily check a box and regain. Um, the only issue is, is, you know, that risks like falling to essentially depression where you kind of give up on Gaia. All together and just say like the apocalypse is gonna happen and I just fuck it. Don't care. Okay. And how would that work? Uh, so you would just check a box of, like I said, I
believe it's Oh! To restore all willpower damage. Mm hmm. Which represents them summoning up a merciless resolve to keep going. EVERYONE ELSE BE DAMNED! Um. Yeah, so it is, it is, you know, a thing you can do, it's not great, and I mean, one point in it is not the end of the world, uh, but, you know, you can only take so many points before You are going to then be an NPC. Oh boy. Uh, yeah, that's the way they describe it. That's fantastic. I think, you know, Moonshine it's, it's really not clear
to me, like how Moonshine got on this mission, but he did. And I don't think he's ever been like asked to do anything that was like serious and had consequences before. And like, is really learning the hard way, um, about that. So I think, yeah, we're going to take a. Take a box of how gloss and it's that jerky though. The jerk, like you're trying to take a bite of jerky and is like, all right, y'all, we got to get down to business. We got to get back to Cape Canaveral now. So who's ready to go
through the spooky lane again and go to space. Yeah. And theoretically, theoretically, uh, I mean, coming from your Karen, you did just use a moon bridge to get here. Those also speed up travel. Uh, if you can successfully, there wouldn't be necessarily a moon bridge. Uh, but if you can take some shortcuts, it is possible you could get there a lot faster. Then you got to the Sears. Great. Um, I'm gonna go, is there a map of Florida in this house? Probably, right? Probably. Yeah. Yeah. Just, jus
t to have established with no GPS. Like, yeah, probably. Okay. So I'm going to go, I'm going to walk over to whoever just gave me the jerky and just give them like, a like big fat kiss on the mouth and be like, can I go in your glove compartment and take out the map? Oh, no, it's it's right over there. It's on the table. Oh, okay. Look at us studying. Okay. Thank you Bye. Um, and hope like with like a finger on Cape Canaveral, um, I'm going to do shadow passage and get us back home. Okay. Yeah.
I'm not to NASA home to NASA. Right. I knew it. Okay. Great. Your new home. Augustine, I'm still driving the bus, baby. I got this. Is there anything I can do to help to like guide towards the wildlife refuge that the space center is in? Because I know it a little bit. Yeah, you know what? I'll allow that. Yeah. Okay. So go ahead and do your shadow passage because that's our first task. Great. Um, golly Moses. Okay. No ones we've got, uh, 10, Ooh, 10, nine, nine, nine, nine, eight. So six succes
ses. Damn. Okay. Yeah. I think with this shadow passage, uh, when you cross over, you recognize that there is A wolf trail, no paw prints, but you can tell that other wolves have been this way. Uh, and so I'm going to have. Either one of you, either Augustine or Moonshine, uh, can roll me the Intelligence Survival or Intelligence Occult. Um, and then whoever's rolling, you're gonna get two bonus die. Go for it, Augustine! So Intelligence Survival and two more, so that's seven die. Nice. Uh. I al
so put it in chat when they changed and pulled that switcheroo. I love, going this year was the best decision this party made. It's so funny because it's so like, it's so relatable, everybody's needed to go buy like a thing and it's wasted like four days. It's so funny. Yeah, I mean, we kind of, we made that a thing. We were pioneers. I mean, really, it was only like a day and a half, but you know, Yeah. It's ADHD. Every time. Oh, I love that. The idea of the umbra being neurodivergent. Yeah, ab
solutely. I love that. Okay. I got, uh, 10, 9, 2, 6, 7, 5, and a 3. Okay, uh, I don't know how that is. Everything six and above. I lost track. I was counting and then I lost track. Okay, so it's two sixes of seven and nine and a ten. Ooh, okay. Yeah, that's fantastic. Uh, yeah, you all are able to follow this wolf trail. All the way to this nature preserve, uh, you will still need to cross over. So I'm going to have that roll real quick. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. And we're in the Emerson. O
kay. So I got two ones, but otherwise it's one, two, three, four, five successes. Okay. Were they on your rage dice? No. Okay. That is the key difference. Uh, yeah. So you are able to cross over. Pretty easily. Uh, and because you rolled very well, Augustine, um, you see a familiar park ranger, not very far away from you. Uh, do you seemingly kind of knew how to navigate to them, even though you couldn't see them from the Umbra? And you know, that they're kind of odd. You're not sure what about
them is, uh, Off, but you don't think they're human fully. Do they have a knife? Oh, they're not Australian, but they do have a knife. Yes, absolutely. Do I have, I need to, I'm still in glabro. I need to change back to human form. I mean, yeah, probably, but you could have, you could have easily done that. Like, yeah. Um, To approach this Ranger and ask it first, I'm going to ask what time is it? Uh, you look at the time, it is nearly launch time. You have a few minutes and you know, at this po
int, there's probably not a whole lot you can do to actually physically right now, get to where you need to go and stop it because it's going to take some time to get there. Uh, the astronauts are already in the shuttle at this point. It, you can see. Being a few minutes away, there is smoke billowing from the, uh, the booster, you know, that it is attached to. You can see the countdown clock has minutes left. You can see that there are people thronging all around. There are, you know, people wi
th, uh, like news cameras and all sorts of, you know, just hubbub going on, uh, very, very nearby. There's not really a possibility you could get to that. There's really one option at this point. So we have to get spacesuits. Now I will say one nice thing for you all. Uh, it takes four days to get to the moon. Hell yeah. You got some time now. Okay. On a technicality. That's what I like to say. Look at me doing my research. Well, yeah, that's definitely, I got some larceny. I think I have three
in larceny. In foreign steal. You can't go in that, uh, umber no more. Well, you're gonna have to, to get to the moon . Mm-Hmm. . We'll save the, the umber tra or the travel for like our, our journey to the moon. 'cause we have been there a lot. But yeah, I will definitely, if we can get into the NASA building, it could definitely stealth and steal some, some shows. Yeah. And, uh, rain, I think that you were probably given, uh, information like in that call. of a contact, like once you go to che
ck in, uh, and so you were told to ask for James, James, and that's how you're going to get your passes essentially to get in. And realistically, the chances that they would have like noticed, Hey, these four assholes haven't shown up and like gotten these passes, they're, they're focused on the launch, right? They're not paying attention to, did they show up? Are we now going to do this thing? They're more waiting for like people to try to leave to catch them then. So realistically, you could p
robably still get in pretty easily. So, uh, Augustine, you know that this is Steve. Uh, we're just, we're going to go with it. I'm, I'm rolling with it. Like it, uh, And Steve just is like, Augustine, where'd you come from? Work. Why, why are you dressed like that? You're not in your uniform. I had a meeting. When did they start inviting you to meetings? Today. Oh, okay. Well, what a day to do it, I guess. Is there something I can help you with? You look like, uh, I don't know where the meeting
is. Oh, you gotta get to the meeting. Oh, this way. He knows where the meeting is. Okay. So being a contact, Steve may not know. I mean, I'll leave it up to you. Does Steve know that you're a Garu? Sorry. Could you repeat that? My cat unplugged the headphones. Oh, freaking cats. Uh, I'm going to leave it up to you. Does Steve know that you're a Garu? Um, yeah. Not all, not all humans will go into delirium, uh, and also potentially, like, after delirium they could be, like, reasoned with and expl
ained that, hey, this is a thing that exists. So it's possible that, you know, he may not have just lost his shit altogether. Kindred could just lick his wounds, fog his mind, just saying, throwing that out there. But also, but also, you have some suspicions that he's not human already. Maybe. You know that he's not Garou, but you have some suspicions that he's not quite human. Smells a little off. Yeah. Smells kind of swampy. Can I smell, Steve? Am I close enough? I mean, yeah, you can, you can
definitely smell. Um, I don't think anybody took the enhanced senses, which, you know, it's fine. Um, but yeah, what do you think? Does Steve know that you're a werewolf? Um, sure, why not? It'd be fun. Okay. Uh, Steve's just like, Okay, Augustine, we don't, we don't have to lie. You don't go to the meetings, remember? There was that one time they said no more meetings for Augustine. Yeah, I know. Now, you know you can trust me. Are, uh, are they, you know, These friends of yours, uh, are they
friendly friends? Yes. If you know what I mean. I'm going to sniff Steve. They're friends. Yeah. And we, we need to get inside. Okay. Yeah, no. Uh, I mean, love a guru. Yeah. Love to see it. Didn't know there were that many of you here, but yeah. Yeah. Um, I didn't know you had that many friends either, but Hey, good for you. Good for you getting out there. I mean, I think I could, I think I could get you through the crowd. Thank you. Now. What do you, what do you need to get in there for in the
first place? And it's, uh, not really our, uh, not really our job description to go into the space center or anything. We need to go around, uh, Reason. Yeah, what is a good reason? Uh, I mean, he knows that you're Geru. Mm hmm. So, reasonably, uh, he may know other stuff, potentially. Yeah. Would he be offended if you said this is just, this is Geru stuff. I don't feel comfortable discussing it with a non Geru. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, does Winston say that? Mm hmm. I'd like to think we're like, if
Winston did the, like, can we sidebar real quick? First of all, Steve smells very weird. I, I don't know what's going on there, but he's always smelled like that. Yeah. I don't know what that is. I feel like it'd be rude to ask him, but what do we think in Augustine, what do you, what do you think? I mean, I've trusted Steve. I think, I mean, Steve knows, you know, knows stuff, but knows I'm a guru. So I think Steve can help. I just don't know how much we want to tell. I'm going to look outside
of the huddle. And then look back. I mean, he seems fine to me. He's fine. I think he'll help us get inside. Mr. Bo is very important. And it's very important that he get inside. So, Steve was, uh, was definitely listening to the sidebar since there wasn't like a whole lot. I, I rolled just to see, you know, how well he was listening. Yeah, he, he, he definitely heard. And he's just like, okay, I'm sure, Augustine, you, you know, I'm not, you know, one of them. And he like, kind of, you know, P
oints his head towards all the people, the humans. I don't want to say it's obvious, but, you know. Okay, now, let me just preface this by saying, My people don't always get along with the Geru very well. Uh, I'm what you might call a Macaulay. Some might call us a werecroc. You know. I get along great with the crocodiles in the Everglades. Yeah, I think that's why we're such good friends. Well, acquaintances, but yeah. Yeah. Can we have an out of character, maybe Steve wear crocs on to Wait, no
, it's already been done. That's right where my mind went, though. Is it make Steve the croc that has to be removed from the tournament? Steve, can you help us out? No, you gotta take over the team, Steve. Yeah. The crocodile got into the space station so he needs to get him out. From one were thing to another. I mean, he did say that he could get you in. Alright. Yeah, no, absolutely. He's just like, okay. And you see that this human man, I'm gonna say that he's kind of a, you know, Slightly ov
erweight, middle aged dude, and, uh, you see that he goes from this park ranger who's closer, you know, maybe a little bit tightly fitting, um, to, you see he starts to shift and grow these scales and goes down on all fours, and this hulking, the biggest gator you have ever seen, just absolutely starts booking it right at the crowd, and you see people run, screaming, and panicking. Not delirium screaming and panicking because this is just a gator. This is just Florida, but they're freaking out S
o, you now have a clear shot to get into NASA. Let's do it. Just run it. Don't worry. I'm a park ranger. Steve. Oh my gosh. You couldn't catch your park ranger uniform on the whole time. I had a meeting. We didn't even need to go. You know what? The Sears trip. Was part of the structural integrity of this mission and then I will not hear anything. Otherwise, we needed that to your show. Yes. Yeah, it was important. It was that was the bond. The unbreakable bond that our pack now has. You all com
mitted. Yeah, you all committed one act of larceny and together. You're about to commit a bigger act. Probably like a felony larceny. Maybe grand larceny, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm only good at larceny, not felony. I don't know how I'm doing. I've got three in larceny, so I'm like let's let's fucking crime. Let's crime it up. Yeah, I think, I think stealing Like the whole spacesuit probably qualifies as a federal crime. I'm just guessing. I don't know that anybody's ever tried it. There's probably s
ome weird, I think you're right. There's probably some weird bylaw about that, like with it being something. Yeah. I worked for the government before in there. If you think that there is a weird policy for something, they're almost certainly somewhere in some subsection is I believe it. I believe it. Yeah. So, uh, you are able to get to the building, uh, to the actual space center itself. Uh, you Rain, ask for James, you're given some passes. Uh, they do say press on them. So you know that they
won't get you into the places that you need to go. So you'll have to do some stuff. You'll have to do some, uh, some fuckery to get there. Mm hmm. Sure does. And because right now the shuttle is launching like it was only a few minutes You had a few minutes of conversation. So you all are running up into this building while everyone else, other than the ones screaming and panicking and running, uh, everyone else is focused on, this is the mission to the moon, right? They're all watching that. No
t paying any attention to these four people running in and pretty much everybody inside seems to be just holding their breath, waiting to see what happens. And so like you're, you're able to get in, but everyone seems pretty preoccupied at this point. Thank you, Steve. Yeah. Let's hope that let's hope Steve doesn't get Florida because like being in Gator in Florida is like a very Dangerous, kind of precarious existence, I imagine. So, I hope Steve gets out of this. I think he'll be okay. He's be
en around for a while. I got patience for you. Yeah. I mean, thankfully he can always shift back, you know. He could just be a safe man at that point. Um. Like, I would think at this point, especially because this predates so many of, like, the modern security measures and structures that would render this kind of impossible in modern day. But I definitely think that Winston's first, like, instinct would be to try to attempt Some kind of other badge or to get to, like, is there like a security d
esk or office or something maybe with like low attendance or he would, his mind would go there, getting an actual key perhaps, or something of someone who works here. Yeah. I mean, there, there's plenty of security kind of floating around. You think that you could probably try to like lift that badge off their person. Yeah, I would do that. Yeah, um, give me Dex and Larceny. Dex and Larceny, that's six stacks. Not bad. Is anyone, uh, is anybody providing a distraction? Um, I can, I could try. Ok
ay, tell me what you're doing to distract. Um, I am going to Ryan. Maybe about, how far away can I get from him? Ah, I'm in. Decently far. You're all going to be in fairly good shape, I would imagine. I mean, you're, you're, you run around a lot as wolves. Just maybe about 30, 40 feet away from them. Like, uh, really feign some type of pain. He's killing full Sanford and Sons that you really go like, Jesus doesn't want this. Yeah. Oh, what is that arrested development to fake a heart attack? Lik
e go to, like, Oh man, yeah, I love it. Um, yeah, you know what? I will give you two bonus die to add to that. Nice. Okay, gang, here we go. We are rolling, uh, 8 to 10. Okay, so, I got, uh, the two, uh, rage dice are seven and a one, the other dice are seven, four, one, eight, seven, three. How many successes was that? Uh, one, two, three, four, is a four a success? No, a four is a failure, right? Yeah, it's six. Uh, four. Four successes. Okay. Yeah, four successes, uh, with Rain faking a heart
attack. You are able to take this lanyard, or I guess that's not a lanyard, like one of those little clippy things that, you know, you can pull the little cord and it snaps back, uh, that has a little badge on there, and, uh, I mean, very, very cutting edge technology. You can like swipe it. In the wall and it unlocks stuff. You don't even need a physical key. Super fancy. I mean the glass walker in you, I'm sure is thrilled. Yeah, it is. There is such a, like an internal tension that he's just
gotten so used to repressing at this point. He's not even thinking about it, but the idea of just like running through Nashville and like sound and music twirling. in the halls before like going and looking at different things. He is like, is taking all of his, all of his results, but he's very, very, uh, composed right now. Um, so I am going to hold up kind of wordlessly the, the badge that I got to the rest of the team. Oh, okay. Out of character team. What do we feel like is good for next st
ep? So I want to ask, like, as part of our like briefing or whatever, did we get it? Floor plans. Absolutely. Yeah. You would, you would have a pretty good idea of where you need to go from here. Okay. Yeah. That's what we rolled out earlier. Can we say when we were like rolling out the paper, that's what we were looking at. Yeah. Like there, there's the map of. Cape Canaveral, and then like three maps below that is like, here's the real shit. So I guess where would, like, which world would thes
e bases be in? Yeah, you have a pretty good idea of where they would be. So like, that part, now that you've got access, would be so difficult. Especially, because now, uh, everyone other than, I don't know, did Moonshine change whenever, You were at home. I was sweating over this. There's a chance that he changed when they were back at his house, but like, I don't think he thought about that. So we have three well dressed individuals and then we have moonshine. Oh, there's a, there's a slight,
slight disconnect here of like, One of you may not, one of these things is not like the others, you know, uh, you may stand out a little bit in those more secure areas. Yeah. Meanwhile, like everyone, the bow ties and everything, that's gonna just look like, oh, hey, we're a bunch of nerds at NASA. I feel like everything was so, like, everything cool now was so counterculture back then that I think that, like, you could pretty much protest anything fun at this and it would be believable. Like, d
own with card games! They're the devil's plaything! Yeah, pretty accurate. Um, yeah. Oh man, I wish I would have taken Steve's uniform or something. Um, what if, what is, is it less, more or less conspicuous if I'm just a literal dog? Hmm. I'm gonna say more. Because you don't have, like, you know, a vest to say you're a certain animal or anything. Yeah. Okay. Alright. Um. And I can't steal one of those off a dog. Winston, like, that's his one moral line, is he? Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad that he's go
t that line. That's a Now, if we were Kendred, oh yeah, everybody be dead. None of this would be an issue. If, um, murder all of NASA. Yeah. You know, it's a press pass. Guys, I gotta watch this. I gotta watch this vampire stream. It's a press pass. So like Moonshine could just be from like, uh, You know, a different kind of publication. Yes, love it. Like the precursor to high time. Yes. The world's first like stoner mag. I'm here for it. Yeah. Oh my God. You know what? I meant to say this, but
at Sears, I think Moonshine wanted to steal a pack of, um, disposable cameras. Absolutely. Um, and so like, I love the idea that this is like a zine before zines were cool. This is where it all came from. This is where it all started. Yeah. Uh, great. Okay. So we've decided that I'm believable. Yeah, the only issue. is the press being in those secure areas. But I think that with that security badge, maybe, you know, you could be like escorting them. I'm giving it a full tour. I'm like, and this
is this fucking thing over here, which is worth looking at. And then here's some, some other shit. All out. Yeah. He's doing a better job than that. You know what? Uh, you did roll pretty well on that larceny. Uh, I'm going to say that because everybody's pretty focused on the launch, you're able to grab like a security jacket to throw over. So you just, you got this thing, you know, it's a security on the front and like big letters on the back. Yeah. And I'm giving a nod to people that I can t
ell work here as if I know them and ignoring the like confused faces that they make, which is going to act like I belong here. Like I've been here every day. He, Winston is like, holy, we're trying not to finger guns. Anybody could think finger guns was a thing, but he's like, you know, Was it, you know, I mean, we're talking about a bunch of nerds at NASA. I'm sure finger guns were like a thing. What if it's just like horribly misinterpreted and they take it like an actual threat. You know, bec
ause like intelligent people tend to be more queer, uh, nine, like maybe they're like. This dude's bi as fuck, givin me finger guns, walkin around. Yeah, I don't know, like, the means of, or the secret meaning of finger guns. It's got, like, some secret hanky code like implications that I don't know about. Exactly, that's what I was thinkin That's what I was thinkin Like, you know, this is still at a time where, like, it's not okay socially to be gay and out. So like, yeah, yeah. One dude that j
ust has a drastically different response to, to Winston like fucking Gaia. One of them just like winks. And he, this was above his head. So he's going to like wink back and like keep walking. Winston's here getting dates and saving Gaia. He's an adorable companion. What were you gonna say, Augustine? Oh no, it was Mal, I think. Oh yeah, no, I was just gonna say, like, Moonshine is just watching this Happen and like, just so fucking impressed just like watching, like all like basically like watch
ing Winston just get checked out at NASA and like, I can die. Happy guru. Happy Gary. Sorry. It's definitely Gary now. Yeah. I mean, is, is Winston out? Winston has a soon to be ex wife, um, that like, he does not know about his like, lupine tendencies, um, and he's been encouraged, like, not to tell her about it, but to be honest with you, I think that he was probably, this is so deep for a backstory for this character, he's probably exploring this and his first change. He comes back after the
first change, super gay is how I'm going to write. He turns into a werewolf and then he just likes men on the other side of it. Is that's his process. That's his experience. And now he's just trying to adjust his life. Accordingly. It's, it's like, like an acid trip, but you've murdered people possibly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He really like unlocked some stuff in his brain. Yeah. You're like, you know what? No, I, I didn't even like her that much anyway. Yeah. This is a long time coming. Thank you, G
aia. Thanks, Gaia. Coming out with the help of Gaia. Oh man. I love this so much. So I want to, so Beep Boop is in my watch right now. I want to send Beep Boop into whatever approximation of like a security system. Is he built into the infrastructure here? Would it be possible to do that? All right. So I'm going to hit eight zero zero eight enter and have starts glowing and beep boop, and it's just like a very small version of his like umbra size. He's like a, a traditional size moth than this,
but he still has the anime eyes. Yeah. Um, and I mean, it is something that like most people wouldn't be able to see. You know, unless he's physically possessing a moth in the real world, which, you know, there may be one just flying around. Um, yeah, so go ahead and give me, let's do, let's do Wisdom Occult, Wisdom Occult. And then do I get the four from Beep Boop? Okay. It's five, it's eight dice again. Let's hope this does not blow up in my face. All right. We are going to roll. Okay, so, uh,
Rage is six and four, and then we have a four, a five, a seven, a one, a two, a five. So that's the one, two, three, four successes. So, Beep Boop is able to get into the security system, and what are you looking for? Uh, I want Vpoop to like, send me mental images of anything that it would deem a threat at this point, and I'm sure it's excited just to be in this like, network at NASA and there's a bunch of, so like, I would have had non verbally, psychically, like, the conversation, like, stay
on target. I know there's a lot of shiny things and you should just get this information first and then you can, you know, run wild potentially, but I need you to let me know, like, what should we be on the lookout for? Yeah. Uh, I think you get kind of like a psychic feedback of like, you know, the, the stereotypical like computer sounds, like the beeping noises that you hear in like old sci fi movies that only you can hear, you know, this is kind of in your head from beep boop. And then you c
an see that the spirit leaves and goes back into the watch. And, uh, yeah, you get these images and there's just like this lab where you can see people are doing something. It's a little bit fuzzy, but it looks like they're maybe doing something with like Petri dishes. And you can see that there are like little clumps of organic matter. And And you can see that sort of in the corner of the room, there are cages. That's not ideal. Um, I think that like Winston's eyes kind of turned the color of b
eep boop for a moment while they're like having this exchange and then the glow is going to stop. Oh, geez, guys. I think I may have found the catalyst for, for all of this. The taint that in out of characters, appendix. All right. The, the tank that the Pentax company is going to unleash on guy. I think I may know the room that it's coming from. I saw a bunch of Petri dishes and some really F'd up cages. Uh, beep boop showed me the way and like, I'm assuming this beep boop, like portray the inf
ormation on how to get there from where we are, like relative to where we're at. Yeah. Uh, I mean, I think that the display on your calculator, it kind of gives old, old school, uh, like whenever you had the text based RPGs, but it's like ASCII art of a map. Yeah. Okay. Interesting. I love it. Okay. So I am like using that as kind of a way to way find the like. This archaic calculator that's just giving me all this information. Um, if the team is all right with it, I posit that we head to the, t
his weird room that beep boop showed me. Yep. All right. You're able to make your way there pretty easily. I mean, with you and the security jacket, even if somebody stops to question and maybe it's somebody does. You're just, you show them your badge and just keep walking. I mean, they don't question it at that point. And so you are able to make your way and acquire some spacesuits. Now, sure it gives you don't know how to get to Luna. Oh, wait, are we going to check out the lab first? Or we ju
st go through the spaceships. Is that where you want to go? Well, could we presume reasonably the Pentax would be smart enough to have some variation of the thing that they're doing in the lab? If they want to affect the moon with it, it's probably on the space shuttle, I would imagine? Oh, it's definitely. Yeah, like, it's got to be already on the space shuttle. Even if they're still doing something here, like, it's going to be a little while before the next mission. It wouldn't hurt probably t
o disrupt it. But you also know that like, if they're doing this here, they've already got other labs and other places doing similar things that are going to be going after Gaia. Oh, and then just as an aside, I'm going to send beep boop into the space suits. I'm going to 8008 just so that we have some like base approximation of like what some of these functions are. I think he's going to have to extrapolate a lot because this is above what he's normally been in. Thankfully, I mean, the space su
its are pretty simplistic. It's just pressurized and it's got, you know, an oxygen tank. There's not a whole lot of like tech to it at this point because like those early space shuttles essentially had the equivalent of like a modern calculator for a computer. Oh, man, if we could have got on the thing, I probably could have flown it then if that's it could have directed it better. Yeah. So I think, uh, should we, we definitely shouldn't done the space shoots. Like. Publicly, I imagine. So we sh
ould probably find like a place to put on the space shoots and then attempt our, our lunar travel. How do folks feel about that? Yeah. Yeah. And like an empty cafeteria or maintenance room, just something that can like comfortably fit the four of us. And then just, yeah, there we go. Put on the, the space suits and sure. We all have to help each other to some extent because they're like, so weird and cumbersome. Okay. Uh, yeah. Oh my gosh. I can't believe we're really going to go to the moon. Be
fore, before you all put on these suits, are you going to the lab? If this wasn't a one shot, I would go to the lab. If this was like a campaign setting, I would definitely want to cut the head of the snake off. Even though, well, it was definitely not the head, but I mean, even though it is a one shot, like, you know, that for the world, there will be repercussions. It's like. For those of you who are more focused on like Gaia than a paycheck. The idea that Pentex has these things here that you
could smash before you go would probably be something you'd want to do. I'm all for smashing. So let's go break things. Augustine is like already booking it. Yeah. Probably would be. I mean, the Red Talons are not fans of technology. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe we should split the party. Have, have some, some thieves in some. Retribution. Can we go Could we go smash at the lab while they go get the spacesuits? Yeah, can we find like a rendezvous point? Yeah. Rendezvous. Where are we going to rend
ezvous? Choose a point in the map. Where do we all want to go? I guess what is essential To the lab. As far as we know, since we have a layout of the plans, I guess we would meet at whatever the central area is. Or do we want to meet somewhere closer to an exit? So do, hold on, I'm curious. Do we have the space suits or not? Yeah, so I mean, we had kind of established that we can, we can take this back a little bit. And if you want to have split the party before and do that, we can do that. And
say that two of you went to get the space suits. But because they are pretty cumbersome, carrying four between two people is going to be a little tricky. Okay. Should we just, like, stash them somewhere before we go to the lab so we can come back and get them? Because I don't think we want to smash up the lab while wearing the spacesuits. Honestly, the, like, anarchy of that. That is kind of funny. But, also the risk of damaging the suit. Yeah. Yeah, and the veil. I mean, so, I think it's pretty
reasonable to say that, uh, All of you would know, Pentex has at least an idea, an inkling, of the existence of the supernatural, because they know about Gaia. They know to corrupt. The spirit of Luna, like they know that there's more than just humans for sure. That's right. Their whole thing is that they don't have plausible deniability, right? Like they're very aware of the damage. Yeah. And like the, the high level, the executives are very much possessed by high level banes that are directly
from the Wyrm spirit. So like. Yeah. The board of directors, they're, they're not human anymore either. Mostly some of them are kindred. Some of them are guru. Some of them are kindred. Yeah. That's kind of sick. I'm not going to lie. That's a little bit of a slave for a vampire. That's part of why kindred and guru don't get along is from the guru standpoint. Kindred. Number one, they're not living. So they're not part of the natural cycle of things. But number two, they are more on the side of
like destruction and chaos, which is everything that the Wyrm embodies. So Kindred are more close to the Wyrm than anything. I was going to say, I've never heard the Camarilla discuss sustainability. I've never heard them like, not even once. They all drive Hummers. Mm hmm. Ugh, horrible, huh? I know, right? Well, I think I definitely have to go with the party that's gonna grab the spacesuit gang, right? Yeah. Okay, but it sounds like we should try to get all the we should stay together. Yeah.
Either get the spacesuits and try to hide them. Stash them. Yeah, cause they're pretty big. So I guess, where do we stash them? I mean, the hypothetical broom closet you were going to change in, I think, would be a potential place to stash them. Great. Would it be good to just leave them where they are and come get them until we actually need them? That's a possibility too. Yeah, well the only thing is, that's, if we're extracting them. Okay, you're right, you're right. I'm just like, we're goi
ng to make a big mess in the lab. There's no way we're not going to make a big mess in the lab. So like, if we want to be fleeing to a theft, that seems risky to me. Versus fleeing to like a getaway stash on the way. Where we can just like get our suits on and switch planes. Could we do that from the closet or wherever? Could the path that we take on up to Luna, because that would be perfect. Like if we could rush to this closet, throw on our suits and then like. Zip on up there. That would be i
deal. But what are the preconditions? What do we need in order to set that up? Well, uh, I mean, like I said, you don't know the path there, so it's going to be tricky. It is possible. It's just going to be a little bit trickier. Also, as I had mentioned previously, entering the Umbra from inside of NASA is going to be a lot harder. It's not impossible, but it's going to be a lot harder. Do we switch it up? Augustine, how comfortable would you feel doing what Moonshine was doing earlier when the
y sacrificed their, uh, mental health and well being to help us travel? I think Moonshine is more skilled at it than I am, but I can, I can try. I think Moon, I think Moonshine is the better person to lead the charge. Yeah. Augustine a switch hitter, then perhaps break the glass in case of Augustine . Well, that was gonna be my next question is what if we did, um, jump out the window after we caused a big commotion and then, uh, put on the spacesuits run outside Oh yeah. Just to get outside of t
hat, all that middle, could we travel in the time between us jumping out and gravity taking us to the ground, if we could like jump through essentially like a portal to a gateway where the umber path to try to get to the moon that might Yeah. Absolutely. Make things a little bit easier. Yeah. I just, it, it would, it would still be tricky because I mean, the right does require some concentration, but you could do it on the run. Okay. And if we, I mean, if we miss, if we're like a little bit off,
that's probably not great jumping out of whatever the story we're on at this point. I mean, I imagine this is probably the ground floor. Like why would they, why would they have the spacesuits, you know, on like the 10th story or something? Oh, that's a good point. Yeah. I don't know. I that, that is something I didn't research is where they keep the spacesuits. . Okay. Yeah. That would get you on some lists probably. So it's probably a good, probably he didn't look down. I mean, I'm sure I'm a
lready on one for all the shit that I Google between. And world of darkness. . Mm-Hmm. . Because that, I just wanted to jump from a window into the moon was my thing. Yeah. Yeah. I think the moment that I Googled like corpse decomposition with no air because somebody put like a dead body in a bag of holding. I think that was like immediately, oh, I was a dead body in a bag of holding. It was you all along. It was me the whole time. Beautiful. Yeah. Um, no, I, I think you all have a pretty solid
plan of like stash the suits, smash the lab, put the suits on and then run. Yeah. I think it's probably going to go perfectly too. Yes, I am like wondering about the mechanics of firing a revolver on the moon. I feel like it would obviously be different, right? Yeah, I didn't think about where I'm hiding my rifle in my suit. Oh, you can put it in my arm if you want to. I have a tattoo with a gun already in here, so. Okay, so you have my rifle. Oh, okay. How many guns are in his arms? Yeah, right
now, uh, all of the, I've emptied the other contents. We have the clothes. Um, again, everything, everything, they, everybody shoplifted back. And so right now it is just the guns and the tattoo. Oh, that means everything's in Gainesville. Oh shit. God damn it. Okay. I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. But one of my roommates is definitely going to try your blender and there's nothing I could do, I might as well count that blended. I'm just gonna. I can steal another one. It's fine. It's being
used to make weed brownies right now. Uh huh. Nice. Oh, I can't wait to try that. So, you all make your way to the lab, and You can see this is, it looks like you probably cannot use your key card, uh, because you can see that there is some other kind of identification that these people have, uh, that doesn't specifically say Pentex. It has some other kind of name on there. Uh, you can't quite make it out from here, but it is a very like secure, heavy metal door, and you see about a dozen peopl
e. Inside look like scientists. They're all wearing like hazmat suits. Is it locked the door? Definitely. Okay. So I'm just going to lean casually next to it, uh, for a little bit and render that door down. Amazing. So, okay. It's one rage check. Do it. Um, what do I just happen then? But it seems just a single D10. Oh, okay. Great. Three. Oof, that is a fail. Sure is. So I started with two and I'm up to three? Is that the idea? Uh, it does not increase. So it actually decreases, which is bad be
cause you need rage to do like most things. Uh, if you have zero rage, you cannot shift forms. Well, that's what happened. Um, so, uh, and then it's resolve and honor. So that's five dice. Not my rage dice. Here we go. But hey, on the plus side, now you only have, well, you had three rage before, so now you have two. So you're, you're back to two rage. Back to to OH MY GOD! Not only are none of these dice above six or above, I rolled two ones. So, here's the good thing. Uh, because you are tryin
g to do something destructive, it is technically a failure, but it's also kind of a success in this case. That's kind of the way that this works. Uh, when you're trying to do something, like if you're trying to do a social test, uh, and you, you've got a brutal failure, you're probably going to like hurt someone, whether it's physically or with words. Uh, in this case, you're trying to render this door down, uh, gently, but you, you, that's not happening. Uh, I am going to say that you're going
to have to shift. Uh, into Clabro. But you rip this door off its hinges, this heavy metal door, rip it clean off. And you see these scientists all like turn and panic. Like you can see through their, their plastic or glass, whatever, uh, face plates, the fear on their eyes. Cause they just see this person holding this sturdy security door. I'm going to cover, I think, because I, I'm going to cover my face with it and just be like, Oh no, uh, let me just put this back and then I'll just like, try
to turn and just make space for everybody to run in as many scientists are in here that doesn't can, and we can turn into Glabro at will, right? You can, you can shift into any form whenever you just have to make rage checks. Okay. I think that I am going to like, launch into this room. How long is the transformation? Is it almost instantaneous? It's pretty quick. It's pretty quick. I mean, if this were like combat combat, then it would take you around, uh, depending especially on which form yo
u're shifting into. I mean, like here, because I assume you're planning on murdering all these people, probably Kranos is your best form. Okay. What if I use, wait, do I still have that? I have a stare down. Would that work on a group of people? Probably not. I mean, what, what are you trying to do with it? Um, like kind of, are we destroying out of character? Are we here to smash the lab or the labs inhabitants or both? I'm fine with all of them. I carry no allegiance to these. I mean, I will,
I will. Storyteller will tell you, uh, I mean, you all can pretty well guess. If you just smash the lab and leave these people, number one, they will have seen Geru. Doing some violence, so that is like people who could testify that, hey, there are shapeshifters, you know, who may not have known that already. Number two, smashing their work would not erase the knowledge from their minds of what they did and how they did it. So we gotta eat everybody and make them do it. Yeah. Yeah, we got to kil
l him with murder. It seems like Gotta murder these people day. Um, yeah, I I can't think of any skill here of my I mean outside of like turning in and like attacking I was gonna try to do like a blissful ignorance To see if I couldn't blend in before they turn that when they're fighting everybody I could like pop out And try to like, get the jump on them, but I don't think I have enough time for that. Yeah, and it probably wouldn't, it probably wouldn't make a difference. It doesn't look like a
ny of these people are armed. So, this is not even What's that? Gomu Gomu no Krinos. Yeah, I mean, honestly, like, Kronos is probably your best bet here. Yeah. I'm gonna go Krinos. And then, uh, V2. So is that two raids checked? What about Moonshine and Winston? Ooh, sorry. Ooh, all right. Where are my two? Winston, I think being like a little bit, uh, like reserved in this case, I think that like, there is some part of him that feels like some kind of subconscious guilt about just breaking thin
gs at NASA. The idea of it is like, it kind of hurts his nerd heart a little bit. But you know that this is Pentex. Right, right. So I kind of feel like you would go Glabro, but, um, Sorry, so once combat has finished, uh, the return to form, that process is just we turn it off? Or do we need to roll again? Okay. Yeah, we'll go Krinos. Shifting to human or lupus form is free. You want my, uh, race check? Yep, what'd you get? I got, uh, uh, two and a ten. All right. Okay, uh, so I got 8 of 4. Oka
y. Perfect. I think moonshine is going to stay as glad. Yeah, here we go. Um, so I am rolling for the Rage Strike to turn, which is just 1d10, right? Well, if you're going to Kranos, it's 2d10. 2d10? Okay. Uh, 8 and 3. Okay. So the three of you who are shifting. You're able to turn into your full war form, uh, shifting, you know, tearing through your clothes into this massive, ferocious Geru. Oh man, there goes my bow tie. Yeah. Yeah. You'll be back to your, your normal. Not very exciting close.
I'm going to be the identical outfit. Yeah. Uh, so are you just going in and smashing everything? Yes. Yeah. Okay. So these scientists are not armed. They were not expecting anyone to attack here. And because you are ferocious, Garou. You absolutely rip each and every one of them to ribbons. Destroy all of the equipment. There will be no Roles required. You can easily overpower them. One of you could have easily overpowered all of them. Moonshine is just watching as like the door back in the, t
his, the hinges, just trying to get it exactly right. And you can see like there were glass, you know, thick glass on the window. You can assume it's like bulletproof probably. And so you can see as like bodies are thrown against it and blood splatters. It's, you know, a scene from a slasher movie, but it's three werewolves and a dozen people. Well, we do, baby. And you said there were cages in this room as well. Inside are things that vaguely look like animals, but they're not natural. They are
things that were clearly grown in a lab. And they're twisted mockeries that like these, these were not real animals that were harmed. These were things that were made through science. So I feel like one of us has to kill these, those things probably. Yeah. Unfortunately. Augustine's ready. Augustine is offended, I think, by these things. Yeah, I mean, they're, they're unnatural creations that clearly are not, like, they're not happy to be there. Yeah. Not having a good time. Like, as soon as yo
u all, you know, Enter. I mean, they're, they're making horrible noises at you. Not that you can hear it over the screams and the murder, but you can see the reaction. Uh, and so Augustine, you're able to put them out of their misery and the most painless way possible. Uh, and now that this is a bloody mess, you all are able to shift back. I assume you shift back before you go and put on the space suits. I think we should run screaming as soon as we shift back. Right? We all run like we're like,
Oh, don't go that way. Just like running from it. I think. I love it. The guy in a security jacket is like, no, no. I mean, I will say when you shift back, although your clothes are there. Uh, you are covered in blood, like the three of you are just spattered all over in gore and blood. This is less than I do. It's all over. I just, I say we run and say there was an explosion or something. That's my, that's my hot take. Yeah, when we all somehow survived and watched our friends and colleagues b
e exploded on us. Rick, when is the launch? Like, is it? Oh, it, it was launching as you were all entering. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. We're going to meet them up there, pretty much. No, I just mean like, if when the launch is happening, presumably everyone just kind of stops to watch the launch. Exactly. That's kind of how you all were able to get back here so easily is like between the heart attack and the launch and everything else. Let's not forget the heart attack. Yeah. I mean, that's an import
ant factor. Okay. Yeah. So how far are we from our broom closet or not horribly? I mean, you're able to move pretty quickly. Like even you could, we could say that you all stayed in crying us if you wanted while you're, you're running, you know, all but one of you, uh, you don't have to, but we could say that I feel safer. Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, three werewolves and a guy. Run through NASA sounds like the setup line to the, the worst joke ever. Wait a minute. NASA has cam. Oh, I got the right of fo
rgetting or for, I might be able to fix that out there. Realistically, like in 1969, did they have cameras everywhere? And are they going to have like. All the hallways monitored and tapes for all that, like that, that would be a lot because they have to keep all that physical media. So probably not likely. We are good. So we can just go to the moon now. Could just go. Yes. So you all are able to, I mean, it takes a little bit of time to get these suits on, especially because none of you have do
ne this before. Uh, but you know, you can definitely tell whenever you've got everything latched cause it pressurizes. Um, and yeah, so you're running out like the front door or you're like going out a window. I'm running out. Oh. The front door, and I secretly think that I look the best in my space suit. It's a tie. It's a tie that does it. I wouldn't want to risk damaging the suit jumping out a window. That's true. That's very true. I mean, you could probably throw a chair. He wants to damage
NASA the absolute least there's some part of him that still holds on to this dream of like normal humanities, like young enough of a pup to be like, I just want to, we can't destroy my future, maybe employers. So, uh, he's going to book it out of the front. Yeah. Uh, so moonshine, y'all ready to go to space? The issue here is, uh, there are a lot of people. Yeah. Who will see four people disappear in spacesuits, but you can definitely do it. Who will believe them? You know what I mean? Yeah! How
many people is it? So. Uh, again, there are press because this is the launch. Now, admittedly, the press, they, they're probably packed up. They're, you know, focused on other stuff. So they're, they're not likely to catch that on camera, but there's hundreds if not thousands of people here. So that is a thing you can do. It's not the end of the world, I'll tell you that. It's not ideal. I mean, there isn't like a dumpster. Yeah. Which we could hide behind. Yes, there are photos we could all fi
t in. I need Whispered Passage. Well, so, so the thing is Whispered Passage would do great if you were trying to be quiet. Oh, it's the visual. We're trying to be running past the eyes. We're trying to be quiet to the eyes. Yeah. I mean, the, the issue would be running past the security. And like all the people seeing these, these spacesuits, I think really the thing you're going to need to do here is probably cross over from inside, even though it's not ideal, I think that's going to be your be
st bet. Okay. Yeah. Maybe we like get to the doorway and we're like, Oh shit. Oh fuck. There's all these people out here. So I just thought they would all go home. Happened. Why are they still here? Yeah, right. Yeah. It's nine 30 in the morning. Like time to go home. Call a day. Yeah. And buddy, go get lunch. . All right. There's a good waffle house like. Uh, if we don't end this at that Waffle House, I will riot. So let's get that, uh, right. A shadow passage role. Here we go. I'm trying to gi
ve us like a magical girl transformation. Yeah. Werewolves. Suddenly, like you realize that her, her like dedicated clothes is the dress. Yes. That's right. Cause magical girl, you know, by the power of moonshine. What's that one looking like? All right. That's four successes. No one's so three sevens in an eight. Okay. So, uh, of goodness and bad news. Good news is you cross over. Bad news is you're going to take three willpower damage. Because the gauntlet is very thick here. Very difficult to
cross through. Can I ask a question about, um, uh, umbral traveler? Sorry. I'm like just searching this PDF till it's paper thin. Okay. So with web music, um, Once per scene, when the webs are present, you may pluck those strands like musical strings and draw the attention of any single pattern spider present. Is that relevant to this game? Like I know that beep boop is a pattern spider, but well, they're, they're not, they're a thinking engine spirit. So different thing. Uh, yeah, sorry. I did
n't mean to be like, actually, no. Uh, yeah. So here's the thing when you cross over, uh, you know, we talked about, The Umbra and what things would look like on the other side, this is what looks to be an enormous Saturn five rocket. So the ship that you just saw take off is what you see on the other side, but this is covered in spider webs and you can see thousands of spiders of all different sizes crawling along it, weaving these webs. So yes, there are. a lot of things that are relevant here
to that particular ability. Um, okay, great. So we get, we get their attention. Um, can we talk to them or like? Yeah. So, I mean, you, you have traveled enough in the Umbra to know spirits don't always communicate with words, but they can sometimes, um, they have their, their own ways of communicating. Now, weaver spirits are typically less, uh, cooperative. With Garou, but it's not impossible to. What if we use Beep Boop as an emissary? It's like our diplomatic Exactly where I was going with
that. Exactly where I was going with that. Winston is going to have a giant smile on his face. And he goes, 8 0 0 8. And you see of rise out of the watch and because you're in the umbrella, he was already on your arm. Oh, that's right. But yeah, I mean, you still put it in and then like, can better communicate with him that way. To him, that's like an extra, it's like an extra long pet. The getting summoned after he's already out. It was like a little, little pet massage. Amazing. So yeah, uh, m
oonshine, you reach out. You see, I mean, there are hundreds. If not thousands of different webs to potentially grab and you just find a very thick web and it makes this rumbling bass note and this massive spider descends like Lord of the Rings Shelob kind of size and It just gets right up in your face, and it doesn't say anything, but beep boop. What are you doing with him? I'm going to, like, have a nonverbal kind of conversation with Beep Boop as I am, like, petting him. He's, like, listening
, uh, intently. He's a very expressive moth, Beep Boop. Um, and then, I, after having this conversation, which I basically told him to, to serve. As an emissary to like, use essentially like his spirit clout here to kind of like help us out. Um, and so I'm going to like instruct Beep Boop to fly over to Moonshine's shoulder and to just get like hopefully a psychic read for what, uh, she is trying to say or what she's trying to convey so that we can like leverage Moonshine's connection to the spi
der. Um, I'm hoping this will work. It's like sticking a cup up to a door is the way I'm going to do it. Yeah, and you can, you can see like, you can see that Moonshine, he is face to face with this spider, essentially. Uh, and Moonshine goes over and, you know, kind of knowing. Like, he knows how other spirits work. Uh, instead of going to Moonshine's shoulder, he just lands a little further up, like between the eight eyes of this spider. And you can see he kind of glows a little bit. And you c
an see that the spider kind of glows in response. It's very much like if you've ever seen, uh, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, where they communicate with like music and lights with these aliens. It's kind of like that, where you can hear like these musical tones and you can see these lights on these two insects and Beep Boop comes back to the watch. And you can see that it spells out. Have the path. What does it say? Have the path. Have the path. Okay. All right. Beep boop appears to have h
ad a good conversation with our, our great friend here and Winston's kind of awkwardly nod to the giant cosmic spider that Moonshine is talking to. Um, I think we may be good to go. Moonshine, do you know what he means? All Beep boop said was have the path. Do you, does that give you a green light? Moonshine, you, you, you don't have any special knowledge at this point. Uh, but Beep Boop kind of flies back over to you, and is just fluttering around in front of your face, and then you see that he
starts to fly off. So we have a guide. Beep Boop's in charge. Uh. Beep Boop's driving the bus. Yes! Mothman is driving now. Yeah, so, takes a while. Uh, at this point. I am going to say, you know, we did mention earlier that being trapped in the umbra for too long risks taking willpower damage. Uh, so what I am going to need is I need you all to give me willpower rolls, just your willpower. Okay. That's four. I'm back down to two willpower. Did the, sorry, the changing into the form before, did
that affect willpower? Because I think it said on here, spend one willpower per turn or frenzy. Oh, no, you all changed back because being in your Kratos form. Yeah. It would not go well for the spacesuits. Okay. But also, yeah, the, the willpower, because I mean. You weren't in it for very long. I've got a 9, a 3, a 7, and a 7, and the two 7s are the Rage Dice. Nice. Oh, this is bad. Oh no. Oh wait, are we rolling Rage Dice for this? Well, I mean, yeah, you will for, I mean, it'll both be Rage
Dice for you. So don't fuck it up. No, I got two successes. Okay. I got two ones. Are they on your Rage Dice though? No. Okay. On my Rage Dice, I got an eight and a two. Okay. So was it just one success? Um, yeah, two ones, a ten. So two successes. Yeah. So hopefully Sean's coming back cause I haven't seen anything, but I think so. No, he said he had to run. Oh, bummer. Yeah. I did not see that. Um, anyway. Yeah. So. All of you are able to resist losing willpower. Uh, it is feeling like it's dr
aining. It's not actually mechanically draining any willpower, but you're, you're feeling the exhaustion of this umbral travel because it does take what feels like several days to you. Uh, but you are able to reach a point where it looks like it just drops off into infinite space. And Beep Boop communicates through the, um, through the watch and tells you essentially that you need to concentrate. Like now, essentially that this is no longer an equivalent of the physical world. This is a more men
tal part of the Umbra. So this is crossing another. So, Moonshine, I need another spirit passage, er, shadow passage, roll please. Let's go! You've got this, Moonshine. The Okay. That's one, two, three, four successes. Do you rage dice matter right now? I mean, if you've got a fail, then yes, but. And one of the fails is on a rage. Don't know two fails on a rage day. Oh, you got like one in a two or two. No. Okay. Sorry. So on my rage dice where I rolled all four, but I only have two rage, so I'
m just, Um, I have a 10, an 8, and a s and two 6s. Okay. The 8 and the 6 are on Rage Dice. , six is actually a success. Yes. Okay. So I have a three and a five on Rage Dice. Okay. Gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah. Um, yeah, so that's fine. It's only the ones and twos that matter on Rage Dice. Oh, okay. So you are good. Uh, yeah, you are able to cross. It feels like this is another form of gauntlet going from like the physical to the more mental metaphysical realm. And you no longer have what looks like grou
nd beneath you. You are now floating through, uh, what appears to be like abstract thought and ideas. Uh, you see like clouds of emotion. And after a significant period of time, you do reach Luna. You see this enormous ball of glowing energy and inside of it, you see what You're Wolf, and you know that you have reached the moon. Now you have to cross back over. I think we have to take this in, right? Yeah. This was like, just like a moment of shared awe and silence as we look up at this. And she
appears to be sleeping. She doesn't seem to be paying any attention to any of you. Should we warn her? Should we try? Does anybody have experience talking to the character? Potentially celestial being? No. Uh, the one Hail Mary. That I can think of for trying to give, give, uh, Mr. Mrs. Like Moon Wolf, a, uh, uh, a message or a heads up is to attempt to send Beep Boop up there, just to like warn her to see if Beep Boop can warn her of like impending danger. And he's not expecting this to work,
but he is going to do this. Uh, asking Beep Boop, you just get a response, no way. Too scary. Not doing it. I'd like to think he has a little scare in anime eyes now. All right. It's okay, buddy. Yeah, this is like, like, if you were going to meet like the celebrity you most admired in the world and like you had to go talk to them and initiate that and you're not like at a con where they're expecting it, you're just like see them on the street or something. Yeah, beep boop is not an extrovert, t
hat's for sure. Yeah. Okay. So this is like, uh, meeting Beyonce if Beyonce was a God. So it's like meeting Beyonce. Right. Yeah. Let's just call it what it is. Yes. Good point. Good point. Okay. So, um, I will, I'm not going to press beep boop. I'm going to give him a pet. Like, you know, I'm going to let him know. I understand. I'm not going to force him. Okay. To do anything that he doesn't want to do and I give, uh, beep boop, a little affirmation, a little thanks for all the hard work that
he's been doing on this, on this journey. Absolutely. So let's go ahead and, uh, let's get rolled across over. Yeah, here we go. And again, I get one. Well, the difficulty is one less. Absolutely. All right, here we go. Ooh, baby. That is, uh, that is one, one on a Rage Dive, but we've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 successes. That is fantastic. So on the plus side, uh, because you all get your powers from Gaia, you know, yes, but also from Luna, uh, that is a lot of like where the, the shape shifting
comes from. It was going to be easier anyway, but yeah, you are able to come out at Tranquility Base, which is where Eagle One landed, which is where you see that our astronauts are descending the ladder. Oh boy. We made it to the moon, y'all! I think Winston is, like, silently crying. He's, like, looking at the earth from above and is just, like, weeping in tears of just sheer, like, wonder. This is, like, so beyond Like, we didn't have, I don't think, that much, like, photography, even, right?
Of the earth leading up until this point? I don't know if we did or not, but I mean, we had some, because Before Apollo 11, there were other, uh, I think 10 or maybe 10 was the one, uh, where they actually orbited the moon, but that was just kind of, they call it the dress rehearsal. Um, so they had images, but yeah, this was like the first from the surface of the moon. And so being in these spacesuits, you do have very limited electronics, just communications, essentially. And so you can hear
Buzz Aldrin as he's descending, describing this, and you can hear, this is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Meanwhile, Garrett would have already been here before. So whatever, this is fine. We, we were here first. Three of us just suddenly appearing. It's not going to help with the moon landing conspiracy theories. Just, we are going to regret this. Like I've done this like 50 years, 60 years. What have we wrought? The nice thing here is. That there are cameras, yes, but they
're mostly focused on like the ladder and things like that. And, you know, they're going to have cameras that they have with them that they can record things with and on like the lunar Rover, but they wouldn't have cameras necessarily pointed at where you are. So you are in kind of a, essentially a blind spot, but it, they definitely 100 percent have a camera pointed right at the ladder. So going to have to do some forgetful record, you know. That kind of thing. Okay, I can do that. I was going
to say, can we send Beep Boop into the shuttle, into the spaceship to see and try to get an analysis on if Pintex did anything to the actual vessel itself? Um, and just any feedback, and again, I have a conversation, like, I know there's a lot of exciting things you're going to want to do a lot of stuff in Ujita, like, you know. Do the basics. And then within reason, if on the way back, there's something cool that you want to see, that's fine. But we, the priority is to get in, get the Intel we
need and get out. Yeah. Uh, he just flutters off towards the lander and you can hear like, normally it doesn't really make a lot of sounds, but it seems like maybe you've kind of unlocked a new part of him because he's so excited about all of this technology and so you can hear like these. Uh, electronic, almost musical tones, as he's just like, in there, and you, you get like brief flashes of the inside of the, the Lunar Lander in your head, and yeah, it's like he's humming to himself, basicall
y, a little song, then he just comes to you, like, The rest of them can't hear it, but you can. You can hear his little, his little nerd song as he's just freaking out. He's singing right now, T. I'd like to think that he is sending back images of things he thinks Winston, or he knows that Winston would think are cool. Oh yeah. Like, Hey, look at this. Yeah. And, uh, you do get like a flash of what looks like some of the stuff that they were doing in that lab. That it looks like maybe it was par
t of the, uh, the Rover, you know, that they take out, uh, and it was something that essentially they were going to use the tools that the astronauts are using to measure and like take samples in order to leave this corruption in a very subtle way that even the astronauts wouldn't know that they were taking part in. So we don't have to kill Buzz Aldrin. Right. Right. Thank you. It is crazy how much, like, just, I didn't even call it the veil of my subconscious, like the, like I've been beaten in
to submission with the masquerade that there is like a real, like, uh, like levity to the idea of exposing. Uh, yeah. It also helps a lot that this is 1969 so like, yes, there there's risks still, uh, but like next Friday, we're doing a werewolf wild west game. I mean, like people can talk, they could like try to take a picture, but I mean, how good is that picture going to be? You werewolf's charging at you, you got this little tiny camera. That's the origin of Bigfoot. Exactly. Speaking of ori
gin, you know, I'm going to save it. I have an idea for something I'm going to do towards the conclusion of this. It's really good. Amazing. So, I am going to, through the helmet, convey the information that I saw From beep boop to the rest of the team team, it appears it looks like they have, uh, maybe tinkered with some of the tools it's, it's genius, really the way that he sounds like legitimately impressed the way that they, they have this set up and the way that they, how subtle the impleme
ntation was, is sincerely impressed that any team. Realizes he's fawning and stuff. Uh, so we should probably deal with that. I think if we can get to those tools and, and, and kind of get all of this out before they start collecting samples and all that, I think we might be good. Um, out of character. I'm like, could I like xylophone feet sneak on over to the, cause I'm like, I can turn invisible if I'm standing still, so we could really squid games this, hopefully, so we're just sneaking, and
then if they turn around I can just stop, and then hopefully just hold the, you know, um, that is the only plan my brain has. Can think of now, but I am open to suggestions and other ideas. So this is, this is very much, uh, like me metagaming. So fun fact, uh, part of the footage of like them being on the moon actually in real life went missing. So I think we just explained where that happened. It sure did! Yeah, cause should I do the right of whatever to Forgetful record? Yeah, write a forgetf
ul record for this period of time through which we need to stealth and like take care of this Pintex stuff on the actual ship. Yeah, so typically the way it works is it's like an after the fact kind of thing. Yeah. I'm going to say that in this case, I will allow, uh, I am going to have you give me a, uh, what was it? Wisdom occult role just to see how well this works. Okay, that's going to be four and you know what, go ahead and add your, your beep boop dice, I'll give you some assistance on th
at. Nice. That'll be eight. Okay. So we have got a four and a five on the rage dice. We've got a 10, uh, seven are the two success. I got two successes. Okay. So I think that, uh, kind of explain some of the, the conspiracy theories about the moon landing, because as you know, you're kind of trying to magically essentially tinker with this. Uh, it does erase a section of the footage. Um, essentially like, it's like, okay, you've got this amount of time. So you've got like five minutes, we'll say
. And so that portion is going to be. Wiped. Uh, and then it, it seems to like mess with the way that the images look. And so, you know, people are gonna look at it later and be like, what's going on with the lighting here? The shadows are funky. Yeah. No, that was Winston. That was Winston . You did it. I did. I don't know how proud of it I am. You the do conspiracy theory unlock werewolves on the moon, werewolves on the moon. I am wondering, let me think. Um, how many astronauts are out of the
ship right now? Two. And would stare down work on the moon. That's what I'm thinking about doing is like just staring them down and scaring them and then having Augustine and moonshine go in and, and be boop, go into like handle, I will say like, you can see they are not looking at the ship at all. They are, I guess he would be preoccupied. I imagine your attention may, maybe elsewhere. In this case, I don't know if anybody watched the YouTube video that I sent earlier, but like literally there
's a time where one of the astronauts, I don't know which one sings like a song where he's like hippie, hoppy, whatever, like, as he's like jumping because the gravity is lower on the moon, like they're just having a ball. They're having a great time being a real American. It's our first time up here. You're embarrassing us. Come on. Exactly. This is why you can't take Americans anywhere. I do love the idea that like three other astronauts. That didn't come on the spaceship are also on the moon
right now. Two of us, I imagine are bleeding through. I do. We didn't shower before putting on this patient today. Some of the Gordon. Yeah, they're, they're so well sealed. Yeah. You're good. Okay. So you're not like bleeding blood out. Good. Are there, I just don't want mine to be pink. That's the whole reason. You know what? For that reason, I'll allow it. Yeah. Okay. Nice. Um, so what do we think of that plan folks? I will stare down Buzz Aldrin and this other asshole. While the two of you g
o inside, whatever that guy's name was, who history is so kindly remembered. I feel like such an asshole. It's okay. I, I definitely did some research on this and now I'm like, I don't remember who the hell it was either. But this absolute patriot, this absolute king. Wait, is it Neil Armstrong? No? It wasn't Neil Armstrong? Hold on. I'm looking. Anyway, continue, continue while I'm Sorry. Yeah, I think you might be right. Um, yeah, I'm thinking, uh, I try to, I'll use the stare down on then the
two of you need to go in. Um, could be boot highlight to them where Pintex has done has made these alterations or I wouldn't be able to like, hopefully I can land and show them what they need to like be taken care of. Oh, absolutely. A hundred percent. Yeah. He's more than happy to do that. And like, The two of you can't hear it, but like Winston can hear that he's like communicating, he's like telling you all these, like, he's just rambling off what all of this stuff is and what it does. I lik
e the speak to spell voice. I'd like to think, even though this is probably before that. It was like, wow, wow, wow. Uh, great. Um, do I need to make a check to intimidate and stare down? Um, it says one rage check. Yeah. Give me the rage check and we'll see how that goes. But, uh, no, because these are humans. It's, it's really not going to take a whole lot. And they're on the moon. They're going to like, they're going to flip the freak out traumatizing NASA nuts, um, see. Okay. So the, the rag
e check is just one D 10, right? Five. You do lose a point of rage. Oh, no. Did I drop for a second? I think so. My bad appear to be back. Apologies. Yeah. Um, you lose a point of rage because that it was a fail, but that's okay. You still have a point. Go down a little bit in rage. Oh yeah, no, it was, uh, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. They were the ones in the lunar module. So We knew. We knew both of those assholes. You knew those guys. Okay, I'm going down in rage. Yeah, so I am going to C
an I want to shift a little so bad, but I Oh, you absolutely can't. That it would rip the suit. Yeah, yeah, I just want to go up one. I'm just trying to turn the temp up a little bit. Oh yeah, it wouldn't do enough. Like, it might get a little bit tighter. Uh, you might be like, Oh shit, maybe my claws, they're not like full on claws at this point, but it's like your nails get sharper. Uh, and you're like, Oh shit, it might rip through, but you're good. You know, I feel like I'm fine is now that
I've like reflected on it and really sat with the facts surrounding it I feel like I'm okay being a human in my Hamid form upon reflection Also, I think like I don't need my claws to stare them scare them if I'm doing the eyes of the whatever right, right But I mean like if you if you're shifting the cloud row, you know, it would still kind of Give you that a little bit of claw that way, you know, it gives that claw damage, but really mechanically here It's not doing it. They can't see your cla
ws. They shouldn't see your claws. You gotta keep that sealed up. Yeah But but still like shifting especially the face You know, gives them a little bit more of that fear. And yeah, probably a little bit of, uh, almost like Kendrick whenever they get those glowing red eyes. Uh, you know, you get kind of similar effects here. One of those crossover abilities that both have in their own way. They're a little flavor. Yeah. Yeah. And the nice thing is, is like when these two astronauts piss themselv
es, they're already hooked up to like equipment and yeah. Cause I am like a stranger in a human, like astronaut suit space pink. Like spacesuit who they very much know was not one of the passengers on the, the very, the hyper specific vessel that they came up with that there were people on. Yeah, I'm going to approach them with like this kind of wild eyed fury. Like the eyes of a crazy, have you ever seen those like videos that were going popular during the pandemic of like the crazy Karens that
were just acting a fool? He's got like that unhinged look in his eyes as he's like absolutely leaping towards, uh, Aldrin and Armstrong and trying to like terrorize them in a way they will never forget. Now I really wish that you had taken Hare's Leap. For your native Gimli. Um, but it's the moon! But, I mean, with that, then you're just like, insanely leaping. You're like, oh shit, I might not come back. Oh, no, I'm good. I'm, I'm falling again. There's something very scary about something com
ing at you at like a very moderate pace. Where there shouldn't be anyone else and we're famously, no one can hear you scream time to test that theory you all have those communications devices, right? So I assume that they've already, like, I've already sent beep boop in with them. And I've gone through before. I like decided to go ham on Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong. I'm going to like press a button and that I'm going to take care of these two guys. You two should definitely go into the dammit
. And it was, um, it was Mr. Bow, who we tragically had to leave in the umbrella momentarily who had the cameras. I was going to say, Oh, no, he's he's no, he's definitely on. He's definitely on the moon with you. He's just okay. Perfect. Perfect. He's just, you know, the lookout again. He's, he's so good at it that we can't see him right now. Yeah. He did that. He did that thing where he just melted right into the scenery. Yeah. He is that thing too. Um, so yeah, I'm going to let, uh, Augustine
and Moonshine know that, and then I'm going to lunge at them. Uh, so I mean, they, they absolutely. I mean, there's not a whole lot of places for them to go, uh, but they, they turn and run, you know, as best they can just doing the little like lunar hop away. Uh, you're much faster than they are. So, you know, you could catch them if you wanted to, but you know, where's the fun in that? Like it's about the fear, sending a message. Right. So yeah. Can I get in their headsets? Absolutely. Switch
over the channel. Am I like capable of roaring? Can I like give a roar or a howl in Hamid? You can howl. Yeah, I'm gonna like howl so fucking loud into the headsets of Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, like deafening. I'm gonna summon it from my chest. Hear me out. Hear me out. Uh, you know, because I'm, I'm assuming they have a way to, you know, switch channels like other walkies and stuff do. Uh, what if On this other channel with your party. You're like, Hey, let's uh, let's do a howl. Let's A
nd then everyone else kind of echoes in, you know, like wolves do I'm going to switch back and be like, Hey, uh, turn to, to To channel 42069, that is naturally the channel that astronauts use. I've read about NASA in the sixties. I do not doubt it. Absolutely. Absolutely. It's a wild place. Oh yeah. We've got to, how we really got to put the, the fear of Luna. This is for you. And the four of you, you know, because Raina is still there, all start this howl and you hear a fifth howl. Yes. And so
the two of you who are going into the lander are able to acquire, uh, cause I assume you're going to want to take this back with you and not just like trash it here. Winston's like, please. Yes, please, please bring this back with you. Please don't break it. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, cause you never know with things like that, what might happen if you just break it and leave it there. Uh, be so mad at me. So you're able to acquire these corrupted things, uh, and make your way back. And realistically at t
his point, people knew how to get you here as able to get you back. I'm not going to make you all roll. Cause we went a little bit longer than planned on going, but. You all have successfully prevented the corruption this time of Luna. There are several more missions to the moon. So, you know, it's possible that future missions may not go so well. But this time, you have prevented the corruption of the Moon Spirit. So, congratulations. Let's go to fuckin Waffle House. Can we all be at Waffle Hou
se in our spacesuits? Yeah. Just like, take off our helmets. The waiter is just like, sick suits. Did you make those yourselves? I was gonna say yeah, and like bring us all the meat you have in this It's been a day I also want to um at some point, I don't know if it'll happen now or in the future I want to to part ways like in a heartbreaking way with beep boop who needs to go on and live Live their own life and Beep Boop for whatever reason is, is drawn to Point Pleasant and in West Virginia, f
or whatever reason. Yeah. Um, and that's the last that I heard of him is he went to Point Pleasant. I haven't heard about him since. Oh, it's funny. I mean, it's especially weird because like the whole Mothman thing happened in 66. So Beep Boop just like hangs out with Mothman. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he's like learning with I get the occasional like flash from he's not able to send a lot of stuff super long distance, but I like to think he can use the umbrella comes for the occasional visit and, y
ou know, lets me know how Mothman is doing all that good stuff. Yeah. You get the occasional like mental postcard. Big that it's definitely, it's definitely like. Scenery and it's got little text on there. Like it's a postcard. Oh, yeah. It's just like stills of horrified West Virginians running away. Yeah. And just like Mothman's amazing ass. Yeah. Mm hmm. Mothman is like with his cheese cannon. What an experience. This was so much fun. What a great like introduction to werewolf. Yeah. Thank yo
u. I'm glad you all enjoyed it. I apologize. It went a little bit longer than I would have thought. Because we went to Sears! For no reason! We went to Sears for no reason! And the moon. Honestly, I was easier getting to and from the moon than Sears, I feel like, for real. Getting into that Sears was more of a cosmic ordeal. Yeah. Truth. Truth. Uh, well, does anybody have anything that they want to plug before we head out? Oh, man, sure Uh, my name is ethereus bordeaux You can find me around the
internet at vampire himbo on instagram and threads and on twitch Tiktok and twitch it is late. Uh, you can find me at vampire underscore himbo You can also catch me on philly by night if you like the the world of darkness and this is your brand of strawberry jam I play a minister posing as a Toreador over there. It's a really, really fun story. So go check that out. Fantastic. Yeah. And, uh, I mean, this is my channel, so I think most people know me, but, uh, I will say tomorrow we are playing
vampire, the masquerade with a different crew, uh, who are also mostly newbies to it. So come check that out as they are going to be meeting Lilith, who I'm breaking a little bit from. Uh, official vampire cannon and, uh, it's not Cain who was the first vampire. It's Lilith because in, in the lore, she does, uh, teach him the disciplines whenever he becomes the first vampire. So to me, it makes sense that she's actually the real first vampire. I do want to say praise our savior set. I feel like
I have to balance out the messaging and, uh, here, that also praise sets light. It's. It's funny you say that because, uh, I, I got to make what's hopefully going to be my real first kindred, uh, and they are a sedite. So I'm super excited about that. Yeah. Let me know. Let me know. We can definitely talk minister. I did a whole podcast character without stories, plug star, um, about building a minister posing as a Toreador and what it was like to play. But like so much of that was establishing
what. What is the inner workings of a minister? What does that look like? What is that? I think and believe in, they believe some wild shit. So yeah, let me know. I love to talk about it. Yeah. And speaking of star, uh, because one of the things that I do is I'm a writer for even footing games and I write TTRPG stuff. Uh, we're actually doing an ad swap. Over on even funny games with Mel, uh, because we are doing a Kickstarter, our very first Kickstarter. Uh, so go check that out. Uh, the link h
as been in the chat and it'll be in the description whenever I post this. Uh, but yeah, we, we just finished writing babies and broadswords bath finder, the adorable, wholesome pirate game that we wrote. And it's, it's great. Uh, so go check that out. Awesome. Yeah, that's all I got but thank you all. It's been a blast. Yeah. Yeah. It was so fun playing with you guys.
