

✅DIRECTO TODOS LOS DIAS: VIDEO de MORDEX: KEITARO: CANAL SECUNDARIO: TIKTOK: Discord: Unete ✔ Twittter: Sígueme y no te pierdas nada ♥ Donaciones: Para traer mas y mejor contenido ✔ GENSHIN IMPACT ESPAÑOL Y SI HOYOVERSE NO SON LOS MALOS? SUSCRIBETE Y CAMPANITA ♥


3 days ago

Much of what they want to implement in Gin would have to go through Sonic's filter. If they are treating Gin badly, it is because they feel like it, not because they owe money. It doesn't add up. It doesn't add up. Ok. This is a short video, in fact, it explains a Interesting theory that maybe Ho is not that he treats Gin badly, it's that he has a debt with Sony. So let's see how he reacts and I'm going to tell you your opinion. Ok, we've had a talk with Keita, who is this person here that you'r
e watching a Twitter user who knows a lot about honkai and gensin Impact, especially about gensin and with rodik mat some colleagues and it seems that the other day Keitaro himself told me about the low rewards in gin Impact and there he revealed to me the real reason or what It could be the real reason why Gin doesn't have good rewards and maybe we have been throwing hate at him without really being to blame since he is the writer of the story. This is at least quite interesting, it is another
way of see the problem that we do not have evidence to know if this is the case or not, I am a little reticent about this, I believe it a little less. I would see that perhaps they had given some type of statement and the Chinese themselves, that is, because it is impossible for us to have this information and that the Chinese who are so so so on top of the company and what they do do not have this information would seem very strange to me the favoritism of hoyers for hon Kai okay this people th
e thing is that we were talking keita and I Maybe people have a perception that may not be 100% true on the issue of hoyers' favoritism for honkai because the image of hoyers is held by dawe and dawe is one of the people who is in charge of the history of honkai, true yes and the The next thing guys is that da way is the face of every hole da way, his specialty is honkai and capable, we do not take into account the work that kaai oyo does and it may not be his fault due to the issue of low rewar
ds and it may It could be a completely different case, the truth is that there is little information here. This information is taken from one of the documentaries about when they created Honka Impact, in which it is explained that the editor Kayu, who is now a producer of Impact gin, is not going to leave the game. for the mere fact that he was the one who invented the story of genin Impact in university times with da Way and the other David yank David yank university times eh Like the typical d
ream that you have as a very young boy and such And then he materializes it Eh, then he's commenting about how this guy Kai is like the person in charge of the Gaming project and he's always supposed to be, and so his personal project is honkai. That is to say, there is an emotional connection much further than the university project and that on top of that Literally, the esttella gam was written by this boy and the story was written by Way, who wrote the story during his university days. The fi
rst story was the and it was a story called the legends of saha, in which the protagonist was the that in the future honka would leave that esana klana and the story in the end they left it for ging and they separated it and how in the plan that all this guys wouldn't it be incredible to find even that sketch That first idea because supposedly it just said that there is a first idea of story called the stories of sah where the protagonist esana casana who goes to the world of honkai but just sai
d that the story that V would follow was the one that in the end was left in ghin with which What is like two stories but that really the story of honkai is derived from the story of genshin Or maybe the other way around let's see what they are going to put together they are going to make the ers and put together games they are going to do it for sure one day eh they are going to make the typical one with the Star rail they are going to go to the world of gin and they are going to visit tibat fo
r sure guys but hey it is not as easy as they say it is because he is the favorite son but there are many points involved that they went into quite heavy debt with Sony and other companies in China and but they went into debt because at the time of the honka pacno they were almost bankrupt and they had to close the European servers of the h gaen the gun girl Z Ah It's true they had that other game and they also closed that other game, it really had problems that way It is closed according to no
I know if it's closed or not, they talk about it here, yes, and the gaen, that is, there are those two games before And maybe there would be some other game there too before these full-on games. In other words, they are almost bankrupt and they wanted to ging and They spent around 300 million dollars just on the marketing of the game, it was all or one or the company was leaving. Exactly, and they had to ask Son Son for money because the Chinese bank already told them. It was incredible when Ela
came out that they didn't. It is that they have entered so much nor earned so much nor generated so much according to this story and what they are doing is typical, not all at once and it has to come out by force because we are up to our necks, it is not that then there is the news of daway first billionaire well first of all daway entered the list of billionaires before he was 40 so it doesn't add up to me you know how much they owe to Sony or the Chinese bank won't lend to them Wow they are g
oing to close two games and go bankrupt but the way in the Forbes list billionaire before the 40 guys the story is already weakening Although until the end It would also be good to know all the versions then the thing to do with Sony there has to be papers and so on because private companies can choose to hide that type of information but In China I would swear that the concept of a private company exists But Hoovers and many others are companies that have to have these types of accounts public
due to the issue of investors and even more so when they are so large But I am sure that if that is true there must be some document not only is the only proof is the aloy thing and the aloy thing is like Well yes there is a debt with Sony and that's why there was an aloy in gin it doesn't have much connection there could have been a collaboration also for a contract that of course gin exists in on PlayStation and see any other excuse that was minimally plausible, then of course the thing is tha
t the gensin right now is very much on standby Because a lot of the money that comes in goes to Sony No, that's not known, you can speculate either one of two or They still owe money or not money, but a percentage of them already have shares in the company or what they earn, whether they have an agreement or something, it is not known, it could be the debt with Sony, but above all, the evidence is not the case. Regarding Switch and Aloy, the evidence would be if there was some document, such a b
ig doubt, or some news, something, minimize your rights to the game as a guarantee, the thing is then that a large part of the in-game changes also have to go through Sony's supervision and taste, of course, this is really worth it, again, it is very interesting, if it is real, what we mentioned just said that much of what they want to implement in gin would have to go through Sony's filter and that Sony should also be the one who goes giving okay To the funny things that according to what they
comment on this theory, this for example does fit quite a bit. A little bit with what is happening is that there is a filter that is the Chinese government that is very restrictive as we already know and another filter as they say What is Maybe Sony's filter, don't copy me a Sonic game, copy Nintendo if you want, and that fits quite a bit because you can see that they seem to be exaggeratedly limited, that is, like for every thing they do they have 20,000 obstacles of this no this no this no thi
s no this no that is obvious Ali Because that means that the company can do whatever it wants with honkai and maybe with ging they have to eat their snot exactly and that would explain a lot of things you know there it is there it is there it is there It's there, that's why he has so much freedom with Honkai to treat people well, in quotes, and here they have to be super strict about money. That's if the theory can somehow be verified, especially the issue of the debt with Sony. It makes a lot o
f sense. Not everything is black and white. It doesn't make sense. Why is Kaai Haoyu being 100% to blame for everything that is happening in Gensing? It could be something much more internal than we don't know apart from the debt with Sony. It could be that there is something with Sony that we don't even know so I'll tell you guys I know that you want to take root and that the community in general wants to take root in this thing happens because of this and because of this because in those TR ye
ars we have had a lot of doubts I'm going to see what he ends up saying but remember that This was proven because Kai worked at honkai and honkai also had funas that he is skipping it too Well, a little to support that theory so that the video or the podcast Well, maybe they didn't remember and the podcast thread is coherent with everything What are they saying but now I'm commenting because the thing about funar Kai is not just because it's in ging, the thing about funar Kai comes quite a bit f
urther and honkai also had fun many times and of course when the thing about Kai haoyu comes out, what happened was that one that one viral thread we stick to that because it's the only thing we have no that's the thing the thing that worked for Kai is that basically we saw a history of the video games that Kai was in and the rewards and how happy the community was with those rewards the first year of honkai gaen this was Kai the rewards were one the first year or second year I'm not even the on
e who plays honkai inct please corroborate this the first years of honkai was also one the rewards until he left Kai and once he was left alone the way with hon Kai hon Kai the rewards and the honkai community is super happy then it was seen that Kai did not have much of a hand, practically he did not have much impact or hand or production in the Star rail and the rewards of the day a Star rail have been incredible because Kai has not worked there and now he has been working at gensin until he r
esigned as general director and he is still not as general director but as a producer surely and genin guy shelves of as long as this boy continues working There This It's not tir Kai, this is that one and what Mordex is talking about, which is the evidence, there is no evidence about the debt with Sony for now until we see it, maybe there is some Why did Akai actually die? It was fun in general. I didn't make a video about This is the culprit. There were many people who did, including Mordex Pu
tu and many others made a video. This is not a bad thing either. I mean, This is the bad guy from Genshin and they all explained why. So You can't forget and why is that sub there was an investigation and a community thread and as soon as it was gone everything started to improve the game is going badly Yes that's what we don't know is where to throw it Exactly it is Of course, if they had a plan to even release it on the Switch, it's like they didn't release it on the Switch. It already makes y
ou understand several things. It makes you understand that something is happening there. I'm really hooked, what do you think about all this, guys, do you think it can be plausible, do you think it can be true and that they are being the victim in the hole situation that in that theory Well, it would be like that and Well, we would also have to be empathetic and think we have gone too far with hoyers In other words, you have to look at all points of view if there is this whole situation that is
somewhat economically delicate and suddenly one way comes out Hala in Forbes millionaire before billionaire before 40 doesn't add up doesn't add up and even Tower came out on play I think If Sony had an agreement of that type with Genshin, they would have said that no gacha is coming out on Play and we exploit Genshin on Play so that it is exclusive Wuthering Waves is going to come out on PlayStation because if you say yes, then the story falls apart, you know, I'm explaining. Very simple for ev
eryone, the case with this is that whether or not the debt is mathematically paid off, even though they have a 5-year contract, they may not be able to come and say, take 200 million, leave me alone with my game. miñi miñi because there will be part of the contract in which it continues to benefit Sony if they pay it little by little or they have paid the debt or if they are paying it mathematically, surely it is solvent with what genshin has generated and in any case they would already have fre
edom to do with genshin what they wanted as honkai if they are treating ghin badly it is because they feel like it not because they owe money that is if you have a car that you have not yet paid for and it is more profitable for you to pay for it in chunks instead of paying for it suddenly so that it is definitely yours it is Worth it to mistreat the car crash it break it it will still cost you money the mechanic you have paid for it you have not paid for it because you already have the car it w
ill still cost you money the insurance is not Worth it to mistreat your car if you are not finished to pay it because it's still yours when you finish paying it, you understand. In other words, it doesn't make sense.





La verdad todo esto me parece un gran "fuentes: creanme" xd


Incluso si es cierto que Sony mete el pie a la hora implementar cosas en Genshin, la realidad es que ya vamos tres años y medio. Tiempo de sobra para que todos los involucrados vieran lo lucrativo que es Genshin y que lo mejor sería mantener lo más contenta a la comunidad. Hoyoveres en ese tiempo pudo haber puesto más presión para mejorar las recompensas pero parece que no lo intentaron.


De que existe algo que no sabemos, existe ese algo, PERO aun con eso no hay manera de justificar del todo lo que estan haciendo con Genshin


esperaba que dieran alguna explicacion a porqué no solo no ha cambiado casi nada en 3 años sino que en cuanto a animaciones, ha decaído pq por muy chulas que estuvieran las escenas de Neuvillette en las ultimas misiones de arconte, se siguen sin poder comparar con la batalla de osial en la 1.x (no sé exactamente la versión) porque te pueden gustar más y está completamente bien, para gustos colores, pero en las escenas de neuvillette era prácticamente el solo contra el mar primigenio, con osial se sumaron los adeptus y ninguang con su pedazo de cámara de jade además que el traveler hacía cosas


Y aunque eso fuera real, que justifica las actitudes que esgan tomadno frente a su comunidad como por ejemplo los bots en las redes?


Leo el título del video Yo: A ver, como que no? >:v


Hoyoverse viendo el titulo: Insensatos alteraron el orden natural de las cosas.jpg


De lo de la leyenda de Saha, unos creadores (Mikaela, keitaro, hablemos de genshin, de los que recuerdo) hicieron un podcast llamado charla dendrosa donde lo explican a fondo, entre otras cosas


Phill si quieres otra opinión de esto, consulta con Just Micaela que también se a metido a leer cosas en chino del historial Honkai. Sobre los de los billonarios siendo grandes deudores tenes a Elom Musk 😅


Esto me suena a control de daños, hagamosnos las víctimas para tener la empatia de la gente y ya no nos funen En esta historia solo falto el hada madrina, el príncipe azul y la zapatilla de cristal Ah y que sople el vientesito en la rosa de Guadalupe


Llegando como siempre temprano con mi últi de Bennett recargada está muy increíble el vídeo


Pues con lo que ganan ya debíeron pagar esa deuda no hay pretextos, aquí lo que importa es el producto final


En conclusión... Hasta que no se salga el Kai, las recompensas serán una kk como una casa XD


Entonces cuando salga geshin impac 2 podria ser diferente ya que seria completamente de hoyoverse 🤔


Veo muchas inconsistencias en la historia de mordex primero genshin genera mucho dinero demasiado diria por lo que a menos que hoyoverse se crea gobierno latino/japones endeudandose mas y mas, por lo que la supuesta deuda con sony debio de pagarse incluso antes de la salida de sumeru y a lo mucho justificaría la exclusividad de genshin en play station y segundo el trato tan nefasto a la comunidad como las recompensas que para hoyoverse deberian ser un gasto muy bajo ya que no son algo fisico que se tenga que producir sino algo virtual que en una tarde de programacion queda terminado


Si esto fuera cierto y hoyoverse diera un comunicado dando la razón imagínate la funa en redes que tendría soni por jugadores de genshin impact


La miniatura es buenisima


Lo de que el dinero va a Sony, es una mentira que se desmonta fácil porque sony no deja deja de bajar en ganancias 🤷‍♀️


Bueno si de esto es verdad, entonces Hoyoverse tendria que haber explicado su situaciona los jugadoresbpara que los jugadores se dieran cuenta de que no resiven mejores recompensas por eso, pero si Hoyoverse no a dicho nada, es culpa de Hoyoverse, no de los jugadores por no saberlo, porque no es que filtren alguna cosa muy intima, que las empresas se endeuden es slgp normal y no es como mostrar una foto desnudo decirle a la comunidad que tienen una deuda, por ende si no lo han hecho es porque no tienen pruebas para demostrarlo, eso, o simolemente no quisieron hacerlo, lo cual no hara que la comunidad se arrepienta de haber funado a la empresa, porque si no quisieron detener la funa por esconder que tenian una deuda es por su culpa