
What is That Sound! | Lethal Company w/ Hifi_Wolf 1UpMilo FinleyFisch

*Game* - Lethal Company *Date of Stream* - 02/24/2024 *Twitch Channel* - *Hifi_Wolf* - *1UpMilo* - * FinleyFisch* - *Main YouTube Channel* - *Artwork* *3D Model and Rigging by* - @RitoBandito | Twitter | *Theo and Vynn vTuber Artwork* - @1Up_Milo | *PNGTuber Rig and Artwork* - @Querrieoh | *Transition Screen* - iBolt07 | *Icons* - Fokscy | - NaL | - @jacato_ | - BlueBerryAroo | - Felinar | - Hifi_Wolf | *Music* StreamBeats | StreamBeats | License Agreement | Thank you for watching! #twitchvod #vod #furrystreamer #furries #furryvtuber #vtuber #vtubervod #twitchstreamer #theleemthatstreams #lemur


1 month ago

[Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] hello I didn't expect to see you come in so what are you doing here if you don't have a ticket to this show you're welcome anyway it doesn't matter my name is n and this Al the streams and we're going to play some lethal company with
some wonderful wonderful beans it's going to be a grand old time we got high five wolf we got oneup Milo we got Finley fish and we got Nova VT who probably will be joining us a little bit later but we'll be joining us nonetheless so we're going to get into it right away because I want to so let's get to the game fies yes hell yeah I me it's true no it is kiss boys what I saw you making out with the Bracken don't even I deny everything yeah you should that's the official name of this Lobby now de
ny everything oh God thank you Akira be safe getting home okay deny deny how's everyone good good great tired wonderful sleepy my M feels destroyed for some reason what's destroyed my mouth mouth what did you DOA from the popcorn yesterday Finley I don't have you on Steam [ __ ] yeah that that's what I was saying earlier I don't think I have any of y all on Steam oh perhaps we well prepared I kind of forgot about that man preparing is much we' we've been discussing this for uh how many weeks wee
ks three weeks three weeks three weeks weeks sure we'll call it three damn bro oh wow look at yeah see I got all that stuff oh we got stuff in here over where did this stuff uh this was supposed to be a new Lobby so I don't know well okay then uh where the [ __ ] all this came from well let's see we got more than one p how do you I forgot how to do that I'm Milo uh uh comma and period maybe no also you just crashed the game oh [ __ ] I can't move Good Start wait actually I can't move oh god um I
might have actually [ __ ] it up oh no did you break the game already can't move I can't move what have you done I don't know also let me know when y'all are ready to do proximity oh right yeah I guess I've already got you on oh yeah I should probably get that set up wait I can't I [ __ ] it up I can't move good job okay now I can move all right let me get to the game there we go oh I can hear you guys twice as well now that's always Goodell okay you're welcome damn thank you wait wait I want h
old on what color what color should I get yeah like I'm brown but I don't want like dooky Brown I just want like brown that such a thing oh hold up maybe wait I forgot to unmute the game hold on you dumbass Gamers hey how you doing it's real dummy hours damn what we got hold on let me see am [Laughter] I I've completely forgotten how to play I'm not going to lie hold up I can't I can't just I can't just Vibe with the Normie suit how do you change shoots um yeah it's you have to pick one and clic
k on it and it'll oh do that that did that work I don't know no so we got vexer the coyote schuma the lion Rez the arctic fox renza the Mong Goose wait why do I look Kurt the fun guy I don't remember looking like that dog the [ __ ] is the the duck how do you Bunny cast theor oh my God getting strong there we go I just want to be a color B I don't know what I'm doing uh wait let me just click a bunch of buttons all right what are you trying to do oh hey what did that do oh that's cool what are y
ou trying just push e e oh white sky blue red purle I can be green I can be blue yes you are you are very me anything you like okay oh yeah what color is my suit did I change mine no you're orange no you're pretty orange did that not work the hold a whole now you're a different color green I can be blue I can be yeah yep allad I agree all right are we let's see here there we go I'm glad we got a little Head Start that's kind of cool jump scare yeah oh you're in deep access file cigarette what do
es that mean h oh it's a log H all right h Huh H Nova did the same thing I did wait what happened to Nova Nova said they forgot what time it what what or thought it was at six oh no it happens it happens it happens I had to check the time three times today to make sure that I had it right I got it wrong every single time damn that's so [ __ ] funny I thought we said didn't we say two different time zones too I don't know I said I said 1: p.m. Pacific and then you said 400 p.m. Eastern BL yeah ti
me samps what we we have so much stuff where did we get all this stuff what oh man wow we got the [Music] [ __ ] we got a bell prepped ready to go okay hold on we're going to we need some flat where are we even I don't know all right I'm going to get us some cuz apparent like we have all this moving their peanut oh it's you it's me it's my peanut H I move my peanut on the ship for free for free for free free nice H H okay you to get the Villager noise on here I need to get that and he's even got
the damage [Music] noise need sound board my own voice give me a treat give me aat no wrong game wrong game I'm not playing tattletail they should make a they should they should honestly make a tattletail where it's multiplayer be so scary no oh yeah big time tattletail Survival game nah n is proud to support an ongoing donation drive right here my has not been capturing at all you want to support the stream in an awesome way and can afford it heard a single check out the link in chat at the le
mr reserve. org oh Manley's talking to himself binley's crazy yes match title otherwise find window same executable okay just failed this time cool did anybody else hear that wait what are you talking about this has been recording ooh now I'm confused what is this one I'm going do that one oh yeah there we go that's the OG suit that's not the OG suit I'm seeing the OG suit brother I have no idea if discord's working oh no I have to un stream on my laptop listen uh look orange me you're very then
again you got you got the wow basically orange basically basically orange okay I'll go what about if I go what about now orange basically orange but I using the thing I think TR doing it repeatedly that's what I had to do to get mine to work okay no apparently Discord has been recording just fine uh my audio mixer is just showing blank okay I don't know get trolled I guess was it is it a skill issue or yeah I'm I'm a a technical issue oh okay gotcha he's really busting it down Nova you're fine
it's okay we're we're here we're still here we're goofing off in the ship you're fine it's all good Nova think we have everything except for like looking forward your job h h Huh huh huh H okay huh okay you look like Freddy f as bear I do kind of interesting okay where did all this stuff come from I don't know is our having been there pulled it out of Finley's ass hey man I can I can poop up the storm I don't know about a whole ass 12 talk if you really want to know why I was late to the call li
ke spooky dookie I wasn't that spooky it's okay regular dookie it's just regular yeah best not spooky but um what's what's the Lesser version of Spooky uh frightening well maybe that's wor I don't know that yeah it's really hard to like jump scare the jump scare dookie that would be yeah that that would require some very bad cleanup problems afterwards I would imagine hello everybody holy [ __ ] my ear drums okay canny unearthly bizarre a bizarre bowel movement I really wow I really hope my mic
sounds better today I never had time to like properly sit down sounds fine to me yeah it sounds fine jib what oh I have never heard of that word what the french toast what the french toast that's not a real word I mean [Music] w w oh my gosh many incarnations of the Middle English word flipper gabbit meaning gossip or chatterer D whoa I really flippity with my jib your ass was gossiping with a toilet seat oh man been there um Liberty jibet was used in King Lear as the name of the devil as well t
he use never caught on no really is that where uh skibby toilet derived from no no it is not what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing hi hey how how are you waving like that I want to wave like that it's one of the the it's on the wheel what this oh I forgot about this oh do what no oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh yeah is that it let you do it oh oh oh Ross oh man important message yeah mine's important too oh oh oh O'Reiley o Ry and then we were shut down for copyright infringement did you
see that they got together and like performed it live at some wedding O'Reilly did yeah that the people who recorded the jingle they sounded terrible I bet they actually are but that's you know that they've done one thing ever so I guess that's fine oops what did I just do still dancing while holding this sign hold up I got to see this that feels like a meme we need to record this material some someone CLI this yeah someone clipped that that's thumbnail material right there [Music] pointed wait
you can sink I want oh [ __ ] the two different emote mods you like kissing boys don't you Squidward oh we got oh nice oh yeah I got the there it is yep damn N I know right [ __ ] getting down you're a little thicker than you were in the last collab damn it's the tail yeah it's the tail yeah we're missing we're missing the we're missing the long thick stiff G yeah the big like back penis that I have on that other model right yeah I was going to call it a Bag End reverse reverse penis there yeah
it's um yeah you want to explain how the uh the L accurate reverse penis works well no I don't that's like the reverse scale in a Dr yes whoa wait what's that you know the reverse scale dragon's weak spot oh it's similar to that it's similar to that for sure similar damn you got the huh oh huh huh huh huh huh huh oh well given given that we're rich I guess we can do whatever and it won't matter um like what what quote of we actually just have these items oh you know what you probably chose a no
actually why the hell are I don't know this was supposed to be a new Lobby yeah you like hacked into somebody else's Lobby is what you did on accident I think I don't know me [ __ ] works man I was just VI I remember doing this one cuz I got the coffee cup I remember this [ __ ] in the game holy [ __ ] oh no no no yeah this is this is this is a used file this is a used file so it is still the first qu but there's zero days left in the deadline so should we just get rid of all this stuff and act
ually start fresh or do you want to just keep it no it's fine I mean we should just we'll just start after that just go from there do I need to hold your hand yes it just means we s the teleporter it's fine uh maybe morai is a mug actually about that canaran he's coffee he's the coffee maker we did have have uh the vrm mod last time but we're not using it this time around we wanted to try some different stuff that's fair that's fair we not everybody here has custom 3D models either yeah want to
be fair there's no yeah and also like that as much as I like that um the vrm1 I feel like it's kind of buggy it has some issues the good news is we can now use the uh dedicated flashlight radio slots now oh I just noticed that hell yeah watch we're going to go out we not going to be able to pick them up again I know right cuz that's what that was the issue though was I think it was the vrm model and that don't work well together probably they don't work together yeah they don't like each other I
feel like when we downloaded that mod though it was like right around the time that it first came out so they probably haven't really done a major update no yeah they I don't think they have uh hey Nan when are we going to get you on one of these posters oh you know it's out there somewhere oh [ __ ] wait [Music] what no I don't know we do love Fanboys and Firearms that's right was on that time what were you I'm we'll have to keep an eye out for that one oh I saw myo on the Hub once that sound
came back what is that sound I keep hearing a weird like sound there's the no I'm hearing something what are you talking about what are you talking about I go towards over here and I go towards the door and there's like this weird in chat somebody tell me you heard that on my stream someone heard that what are you talking about there was something there there's no know than I am there ain't [ __ ] all right Smoking Man Okay uh so are we just are we we're waiting on Nova and then we can get start
ed is that what's going on yeah okay I want to play bagel no B stop okay one day I will get my bagel collab no one day I'm still saying I'm still saying one one day we should do a uh uh getting over at race stream just get a bunch of people playing at the same time oh my God and then just like everyone should race and have I haven't even played the game yet and I'm scared too oh it's horrible it is horrible I I I I I I don't want you said no just I don't want you okay but we're going to do this
someday anyway we are apparently on Assurance right now this is definitely not a brand new Lobby I need it's Creed's fault I blame Creed Hey listen it's usually my fault shut up it's [Music] okay damn I'm about to go to Target think you're not doing a crowd control is there a crowd control mod for this there is what is there [ __ ] really another idea for a future stream probably not write that down actually we we'd have to redownload everything can you imagine how chaotic that would be though o
h oh it is Milo oh it is what since we got n in here should we tell him about the idea that we had which one one for the uh the um the uh the uh the movie the movie what movie the movie I'm curious you mean the one that we talked about on stream the other day we're all going we're going to Milo and I want to get like all the h together you included andley and Aira and and anyone else that we can anybody anybody else who wants to we have to fill roles yeah to fill roles but we're thinking like vt
uber Madagascar where we read the script okay not not pointing any fingers or anything but um there is a certain uh man who likes to move it move it in this collab today morce I can no longer move it move it yeah no never heard that one before I'm so sorry I told Milo that Milo was just like dude he's gonna [ __ ] hate you for telling him that well okay what's the how how are you making this just in like oh we're just going to probably script read it yeah okay yeah I'm doing that with um happeni
ng anytime soon yeah know I'm doing something like that with Night in the Woods down the road so that's right I remember you talk about that I got my my buddy who is a he's a he's a like that's what he does is like acting and voice acting and stuff so he's going to come help me do it it's going to be fun hell yeah yeah also when I say that he is a professional actor he is he was also a professional waiter but that goes hand inand so whoa you know generally G Ramsey kind of [ __ ] no just you kno
w if you're an actor generally you're also a waiter oh oh oh I get it I get it I get yeah sorry fell a dumb ass here so I'm confused it's just it's it's a joke that actors you know they always have second jobs cuz they they can't it's really hard to be an actor it is I the woods is awesome though it is a lot of fun I I was telling this to somebody I can't remember who I was telling this the other day but like I remember uh I finally saw like a trailer came up on YouTube for a game called Revenan
t Revenant Hill Revenant I think Revenant Hill and I guess that was going to be the follow-up game but it got cancelled oh I heard about that you got freaking cancelled yeah and I was like no cuz I I saw the trailer and I was like when the hell is this coming out I will play it immediately and then I looked it up and then it was like no actually we canceled it I'm like rip man yep I'm I'm I'm just standing here y'all are vibing vibing here I I got this hell yeah oh [ __ ] I'm ultra vibing for re
al great great asset to the team this is going to get me banned so right so if we want to we could probably head over to the company place and just drop stuff off we don't have to wait 100% cuz I think we have the they can join anytime now well uh what do they buy what's what's the percentage of the buying up today it's 100% the last day so yeah oh [ __ ] yeah yeah all right it's on the way but I'm pretty sure they can join cuz we have the uh mod for that late company yep late company okay as op
posed to Bad Company okay let's go bad company oh [ __ ] opposed to worst company oh damn through the door it's not opening oh wait you have to land the ship first have to land the ship I got it I got we're just going to do it's a Halo jump guys it's a Halo jump well we're going for the halo jump here guys jump okay got it wh oh [ __ ] no hello did you just die I live oh good wait where are you yeah where there we go jump jump jump where where the [ __ ] is there to jump where are you don't lose
the bot oh we're n we're good we're good okay little bit of a problem I'm so sorry my hands are where are you jab D these walls cannot contain me why would you jump I can't climb with this my okay huh oh yeah I got some flash lights a oh it's open watch out it's open it's open oh no I lost the giant thing that I was holding it's totally not because I had to put it down to climb up I think it's open wait oh there it goes okay that was close [ __ ] $112 Jesus okay what's over here uh if you need
a flashlight there's one there grab it and then we can take the rest of the ship so grabbing flashlights fool oh wait is there more or did you get them all 're they're all in here now you're fine okay I was going to come help thank you for Flash we have a teleporter let's see y all right okay I love that oh my God I love that what the teleporter the dedicated slot the dedicated slot I love Oh that's oh that's life changing and then like walkies are going to be the same so when we get those we co
uld do the same it's cool is this the last day yeah it is trying to be her trying to be H all right so I guess we can leave dog thank you K there we go I think we did it though Roar yeah we can't afford the eror dance unfortunately man it would have been nice yipp do we have to go somewhere else oh there goes yeah we did it time bonus hell yeah yay yay okay so now we have 3 days and no items that's okay why why is the days left to meet the profit qu you can criminal to root the autopilot to the
company building just it just it's saying report to the company building we already did that yeah we just did that we're fine don't worry about it we're good we can go anywhere we want where are we going uh Target Target okay on the way Target let's see they there is no action wmart here with the word so too bad the bir bird all right let's what's what's not what's not raining is the only place right now everything else is bad okay okay I got a job at balance all right there we go should we get
walkies uh unless you want a body system it we don't have any though I don't want to be your buddy cuz you freaking get lost you aband me I don't want to be your buddy okay listen you two huh huh huh huh okay there's going to be some walkie-talkies coming our way so we can do whatever we want we we are your eyes just scared the [ __ ] out of me yep there you go yes just jump okay post a note besides the terminal hold up CL enough CL enough did we did we lose somebody huh uh no they're all they'r
e oh they're up there Shadows I was like where' you go I said creeper maybe uh where's I forget where the thing yeah I forget where the thing drops in so oh the thing it's over here where's where's over where over there over here over here I see you now [Music] fin there it is wait where'd he go did he leave I think he just ran to the place but that's okay uh grab what you can I suppose okay do you all have one I'll put on the ship okay I'll put this one over there too fley I can't all right the
re we go Oh wrong side uh how the [ __ ] I'm not used to mouse and keyboard yeah it's been a little bit of a well no I played it for poppy play time I was using keyboard for that so I'm a little bit more used to it oh yeah what do you think chapter for though uh I like it I just think that the biggest issue with poppy playtime and MOB entertainment in general is that they they have some issues with game design that they just don't know how to like give you instructions on how to do anything or w
hat you're supposed to be doing at any given time so like it it can be frustrating at times but that's about it but other than that it was great from the people that I've seen playing it too I could kind of pick up on that as well it it seemed very what are you doing I don't know let's go talk about poppy play time let's go so stamina stamina should be a little bit better now cuz that's one of the mods we used is oh I'm I like that yeah it's a little slower fin we didn't Skip Leg there yeah good
although I noticed that the where are they they must have gone inside already I guess we could have looked on the ship but that's okay um yeah about that how do I a there we go okay Finley Finley is Finley dead probably Bley Finley do you die oh it Isley if you can hear me go up [ __ ] hell it is dork in here what was that oh God not yet oh it's a loot bug I freaked out at a loot bug yeah that [ __ ] scared the hell out of me hello little fell oh man I I saw um one of my mods has this mod the m
od with a mod where where yeah yeah one of my mods has this mod where um the little does the yippy sound yeah yeah I need I I couldn't find that one I really want that one so bad I'll I'll have him send it to me then okay all right I hear I hear Finley I think he's on the other side okay stop kissing the Bracken yeah he's something for me there's nowhere to go in here though uh well there go goes Finley I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying get him get him get him get him get hi
m get him did I get him did I get him was it what was it what was that is it I'll I'll bet Crocker his ass oh boy oh boy I can't tell if it's dead or not I'm guessing no maybe well we have we have a walkie for Finley but he just he left us yeah no Finley's Bley Finley left us behind hello are you okay he wait I hear you killed it where are you oh my God how did you do that stop sign holy [ __ ] hell yeah can we this [Music] guy no not killing them no no no we're not we're not listening to the vo
ices today oh the apparatus I have a whisk and I'm not afraid of oh oh there's a bunch of stuff in here all right I I need some hand coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming all right looking for stuff and things where is I cannot find anything is there anything over here no jesum are they where are they I have no idea I think they're up there somewhere okay what was that well that's not good hell yeah guys where are you I don't know where you are oh there you are where are you guys fi
nding the stuff I have not found anything who's over here oh the real question is where the [ __ ] did Finley go I don't know Finley is all over the oh there you are okay I another Thumper there's another one no it's like right here oh man something is block the way back I'm run what back [Music] hi no I have to remember the bracking around as well no what a yippy oh I didn't see also I think someone's dead someone might be dead but but how all right well I didn't see anything anywhere I dropped
some stuff down at the fire exit actually you want to just how much room do you have how much room you have I got plenty of room okay oh I just okay hold on grab those yep oh that's how I do that okay oh wait yeah that and then that okay I can take these back all right a Nova say she going make it that's the wrong side I'm just checking to see what's up how run into some technical difficulties uh okay that sucks okay let see they are alive they're just uh they're lost I think but they are alive
oh hell yeah oh hell yeah indeed how's it going spice now I'm dead okay well good um uh why did I I guess it is 600 already so it is already 6:00 p.m. so we got to be careful we go back out yeah hello hey there you are all right so are we good you guys want to leave or do you guys want to go back in it is 6:00 p.m. already so plant plant give me the plant plant that's a tree oh okay um up to you we have a lot of stuff here okay let's just let's just play Gucci we should be fine yeah yeah all go
od oh my flashlight is about to die wiggle you going up his ass only the cool kids join the conspiracy on Discord so I can see why you are not there just saying y we did it yippe yipp [ __ ] yeah hell yeah we did great nice ooh okay we got we got how much stuff I think it's cuz I killed the thumper oh true true we got you a walkie yeah we got you a walkie-talkie but I I I promptly ignored that the first time time that's okay you were already gone yeah I I heard the the the ship come down I was l
ike I'm not going back to that it's fine yipp it looks like we can go Assurance or experimentation for now we want we can go anywhere well I wouldn't go to offense or March cuz they were eclipsed right now so vow is March isn't that bad bad I think it's bad everywhere you go I mean it's you know fley releas said do it for the content man yeah I knew we could but all right we're going we're going to Assurance okay Eclipse tytan yeah let's go I could use some Assurance right now guys boy could use
some insurance you mean okay oh yeah true anybody want this stop sign for protection or are you guys good no leave sign is way too heavy yeah you're right it is really heavy damn ah yep I've been raided hello spooky and ra welcome to okay you just missed 11 hours of Final Fantasy 7 don't worry be more tomorrow why why is my flashlight dead still I I swear I charged it g issues I was just about to say it but I didn't want to be mean there it goes okay it worked all right what if I put my lethal
Company B next to yours I don't know we could find out I forgot how this planet works testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing okay uh I forgot where this place was you there we go and then how do I use it I forgot how to use it I don't remember it probably tells me right uh send voices Oh n everybody's I'm here wait is that working hello hello hello it's not working hello hello yes I'm here uh where we getting sloppy at fire exit or standard entrance whatever you want don
't you need the ladder for fire on this one not when you parkour it Milo with you fair enough wait it's hardcore parkour going on I'm confused I don't know where the [ __ ] to go where are you I see you guys all right bye I did I I did just see you guys down there but oh well I'm just going to go inside it is real loud in here yeah Milo said that all the doors were locked in the fire exit so we're going to go through the main oh okay well I'll meet you down there then want me to come back I am a
lready main entrance pretty sure it's over here Nan I'm coming back I love you are you playing as your character no I hear you somewhere I'm not we we decided not to because we were going to do more people and that thing tends to be a little buggy um so we were what was that oh my God wait what happened what oh is that you uh Milo did you [ __ ] eat [ __ ] over I'm running away from you I'm I can't get anywhere where am I wait am I stuck alive I am stuck in pumpkins now where are you I didn't ev
en see you wait come Crouch through here wait come back where are you right here oh okay here come here okay but yeah no we're not today the secret hideout is okay it is already 12:42 and I have not even been inside the building on I haven't either so it's okay all right let's go teapot Ooh Somebody hey cool yeah sounds like a party start let's hello oh I was inside you damn oh that's nice well you know don't sh what's that what's in there it's a gun go in there go in there go in there Bly farte
d oh okay sure okay let's go the other way then there's a gun in there uh pickle finally got some bottles in my pickle oh my goodness wait did I L na okay there we go what was that sound I heard it again what are you talking about it's like horror movie like thing it's looking Haier than 8s Greek adult film it probably is what was that why oh God someone took the thing ooh pickles it is a little bit hairier than that probably hairier uh I'll just start taking this stuff back to just go to the sh
ip and disable I guess we could I'm taking some stuff back I'll go check it out from there oh no I'm not there's a [ __ ] dog dogs are spawned repeat dogs are spawned is it stuck the dog is stuck in the pumpkin I repeat the dog is stuck in the pumpkin okay I'm not going to okay dumb [ __ ] don't don't tempt it how do I get out of [Music] [Music] here oh I always go to the other side never get that right they have decided to leave there anything left to the main entrance over there might be I'm n
ot sure honestly go back main entrance no we got okay we did get quite a bit yeah I guess we just Gucci then I'm just going to stay on top of the ship for in case things go south yeah we're doing okay oh I have a pickle pickle there we [Music] go what is that sound I keep hearing things what are you talking about you guys good there's like this weird do you hear this weird clicking sound anybody he hearing that oh Oh you mean this clicking sound oh that's you okay okay okay I'm is he hitting the
gritty up there I guess so did you guys get the dog did you see that it was stuck in a pumpkin was stuck in the pumpkins yeah are you hey how are you wonderful weather we're having uh I'm going to I'm you know I just started the ship you better get inside he's blinking on the ship is in the ship baby all right he's blinking on the penjamin nice as one does MH mhm well on the ship is in the ship does that work yep on the ship is in the ship oh my God good that's good yeah cheese and crackers yea
h hey we got another a we're doing so good we got one day left okay let's see what we got here let's see what we got let's see what we got hey hi oh moons okay socks worth of stuff here all right Moon Let's uh let's play Let's play it dangerously Eclipse no the the moon we're going to offense though big the Moon that's the Moon it is the moon you're right Moon Moon Moon all right so we already have enough to get past this next section so we're good but um oh hell yeah let's just take advantage o
f the last day we have to stockpile we are going to mhm we have to sell everything so we can buy more emotes we sell Milo we can sell Milo why me Milo unfort okay here we go I know it's rough oh yeah this is the one at this this one is this one this one I remember this one I don't know how I still to this day oh this is the one where we got lost yeah just follow the pipes but then I don't remember how to get into like fire exits on this one that's the one where I don't know this is this is one w
here you need the ladder or if you're while you're descending you can jump onto the pipe and get right I think we tried that at one point it didn't go well I don't know where Milo is where did Milo go [Music] mhm I'm right here [Music] hurry oh my flashlight might be dead you need me to go back with it or uh I'm I should go charge it I'm going to go back you guys just go on in I'll meet you over there wait for joink I heard that ship ship ship where's the ship am I lost already I could be lost I
don't know oh there it is it's right there I knew it was over in this direction somewhere there we goes two y'all I'm about to try to jump what about your testicles commit gamer move IO jump where what are you talking about don't wor about Pro Gamer move Pro Gamer move Milo live Milo died unfortunately not well I like Milo why is that unfortunate hello welcome back yes for the content for the content there somewhere by the way oh good for the tell them I'm on the way talking you know you could
just walked around right raen I'm here to [ __ ] your dad who me don't you don't you be screw a no bracken's dad just wait okay I'm waiting more land be advised there's a lot of land facility okay [ __ ] was that sound I don't know hear something Running Oh fighter it's a spider it's a spider oh good oh that's not a [Music] spider why me let it [Music] alone it might be gone [Music] everyone still alive over oh yeah I'm still alive I'm okay well that doesn't sound good okay all president account
ed for good I I'm I'm assuming they're still alive but I don't know oh good they found a new creature I'm pretty sure I'm looking directly at the Bracken or coil head not sure um high five high five Milo are you guys still there that's not a good sign uh I would advise you leave the facility ASAP cuz I may be stuck I'm already at the uh ship but the coil head is chasing me okay that's good okay I'm stuck I probably need EAC um okay hold on how do I do this that's not what I want put that down ac
tually yeah I definitely need to teleport out cuz there's a ooze coming at me as well so I'm not getting out of here alive okay oh it did it okay hold on it is not doing this the right where where well there's that okay hold on there beam up there you are as I say that the oo starts leaving uh I'm going to try and get someone's body body bag here and then uh yeah I I see dead people I've got that Creed die I don't know okay well I guess that's probably fine where's Milo okay I guess that's good
enough all right well we did what we could yeah this is f line I don't know if that Bracken got or not the Bracken but there was a thumper that was chasing us immediately so that didn't go well I have the coil head on me no good how did I I don't think I sustained a single injury how did I do that don't worry about it hey welcome back hi we got your body wor what happened thanks uh I got killed by to hit the jump yeah I can't jump I was I was getting chased by the thumper and I went to jump and
I just forgot jump so yeah the thumper the thumper just kind of the thumper was was like I tried to hide in the corner and it didn't see me cuz it was going after Milo so that was good for me but hey man whatever works you know to survive sometimes if you like a nut sometimes you don't uh okay well let's uh sell our stuff I guess oh yeah anything in here e DVD uh let me get a um uh pick okay and we selling it all we might as well that we can buy some more stuff you know oh got [Music] it so good
at this game we making eggs tonight nice boy is that it that's everything all right cool much is there is there no more room up here uh maybe not to do two rounds uh stand back apparatus collected what the hell what are you eating oh man is it Jeff Jeb Jeb Jeb get in here okay Jeb and I company it's dinner time oh there he comes is he cuz I don't I hear things but I don't oh there he goes my stomach okay you are true professional hell yeah you are Professionals in Australian why is it not letti
ng me put it down put itous why won't let me put it down off and back on again aim for the back wall it's easier okay there it goes is that everything je can I get one of them is that everything I think that's everything yeah we're good I think so I think so yeah okay an mudo nah he's just being boy see he was a hungy boy after all woo let's go hell yeah yeah wait why does it say my hands are full when they're not I don't know mine was saying that too yeah welcome back back home GL you made Aira
I smell you from here SMS like no I think you're the one lagging I don't have any dropped frames you just made me check my friend like oh God I want to talk about I no I just I looked at mine too and I was like uh oh good um okay so are we going to need anything uh uh um tuber Pringles apparently they're probably all gone by now I can tell no I love Pringles snacks you sound pretty ni not going to lie what yeah actually I'm I'm feeling like on olar right now actually that was good is that every
thing okay now that i' like now that i' like started to collab with more people stuff I'm noticing that everyone actually has like snacks it's like on hand it's like you know I really need to get with that no not not oh yeah oh bless are we are we short walkies or do we are we good on that we're short walkies what since since you're since you're nor Pringles I'll have some uh some chips as well if we're talking short walkies I mean I know you and Milo are a little on the um not so tall side so s
o we might have some short walkies I don't know why I don't know why that that tweet blew up the way it did I have no idea why I all I was just saying it was just the craziest thing I've never I I thought you were taller I'm not that tall but I always pinned you taller than me okay how tall are you I don't know why 5'11 oh yeah I know I'm shorter than you I'm 5 I'm five like seven fo one gang okay a it's okay you'reall the [Music] Milo I cannot see them at all okay there they are I think I got l
ike two or three but this is being real pain there are okay hold up [ __ ] check what I just walk in and that's what I hear so hold up hold up [ __ ] check okay is it there yeah you're good good j keep up the good work sailor all right thank you wait nope well and okay we got walkies we got everything in there we're good so hell yeah we're doing great yeah sure this is like the best I've ever done in this game well let's uh somebody pick a place let's go oh okay yeah I got you I got you um well
uh we got experimentation Assurance valow offense poison whatever you want could be okay I hope Nova's okay we got to go orbit [ __ ] yeah Nova I hope she's all right I think they were saying they were having some technical issues uh so yeah their thunderstor keeps crashing and their internet is going at a whopping 1.5 megabit per second that's not good really be you're toer in 6' one wild w okay see that's why you got to slow down that's why you got to slow down you slow down over there be like
chips and then then just like Oh you mean you can't take the whole tube and eat the whole thing at once what you can't take the whole tube of Pringles and just shove them in your [Music] go all right where are we at I don't know you picked I mean we can go to Titan wait we're still on the company wait we're at the he why did you pick to something I didn't [ __ ] do it I didn't do it you were on the computer it said I had to go to orbit first and then and then finish it's fine it doesn't count i
t doesn't count Goodness Me goodness me we dog put the damn Gaba goul in the air I we were supposed to be on a different planet already no no it doesn't count it doesn't count time's dilated okay okay good are we in the air yet no maybe yes we should be I will turn this ship around all right so it says now we're in uh the we're still at the company I don't know what's going on I got it oh you good Aira why you leave me alone I got sloppy here once let me eat my Pringles and peas I don't think we
can realistically say [Laughter] that there is no such thing as you eating those in peace there's no such cuz you're like you're like chewing them right you're like right at the microphone and putting the chip right there and going crunch oh do you want me to make it better for you no yeah there it is right there all right okay let's get these things going to get away from that chewing sound as where you going to the place later I'm going inside that's what she said what about snack time what a
bout it next time in lunch time in lunch what is that I keep hearing the horror gate music what is that what is happening okay I don't know I think I think your computer's broken it must be because I just hear that sound constantly wait what do you hear it's just like this horror sound like it's like not no not that I have a shovel I will use [Laughter] it everything's fun a game till I find a whoopy cushion again yeah right door hey an engine nice all right where's Finley I don't know flask fla
sk flask unfor where oh wait where the hell's Finley I don't know oh hi where is this blast oh it's right there I see it yeah you watching I see you you have not hit yeah I got it why not just do it come on okay there's an engine behind there oh lovely also locked okay well I didn't bring a key so for having a key I already had I had one key [Applause] but what are you talking about door's open oh you had a key losers okay stop it sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry all right well we got to find
our way back now so that's fun um oh what's over there hey I see Finley there you are are you guys going for it with an engine okay this is you that's why I put mine down not the engine that's really heavy do right let's thr these nuts what are we going to do about it these nuts these he's nuts okay yay anything over anything good over there uh I'll go find out okay whole lot of nothing it's a dead end lot all right let's just take I'm going to take some of the stuff outside if I can remember h
ow to get there turn right to go left yes exactly um this looks somewhat familiar yeah that's not right nope wait maybe is it this way I made it there it is I found it it's over here okay putting stuff down let's get back in there Akira what's going on take a right somewhere over there okay I'll do that next time all right inverse skill we did that we did that okay good is this really a dead end oh you ever huh what huh huh huh what huh huh who huh h Huh who that didn't sound good are you okay a
re you okay yeah yeah I just got that dog in me not on company time there's like nothing over here there's jack [ __ ] oh go go go go go go what's wrong what's wrong what's wrong I don't know I don't know I'd rather not find out though a I don't know what you guys were I think I think it was a spider oh okay well we got a lot of stuff so let's just start taking some stuff back I guess is that a ring oh it is the One Ring him did Finley die I don't know I'm going to go find out Finley I mean the
onion ring it is the onion ring you're right maybe we should go in through the fire exit too see oh yeah yeah we could do that um let me see if he's alive MH mhm give me the control on there it is okay Finly uhoh wait um oh I keep turning it off that's why okay there no he's still alive he's in there oh he's there he's there yeah he's still alive okay okay fire exit fire exit do it before it gets L let's go I had to charge it's dork in there okay bye wait wait wait wait I got to charge my stuff
I got to charge my stuff I forgot okay which one I dropped off as main should accomplish it is like 4 30 already isn't it like over here yeah like want to set the world on fire oh hi hey where are you uh downstairs oh okay well Let's uh we got to hurry cuz it's like 5 already so oh okay let's see what's in this uh wonderful place what was that oh man the Pringles man consumed him I know receiving signal receiving signal huh balls how did he do that I don't know he's living in 3024 man right do y
ou guys not know how to use the computer I don't I I'm too stupid for that Jan always does it I just let him do it I don't know how to use it I've never where the are it's real loud in there there's that sound again what sound what sound oh my God what is happening hey what is is that I don't know that was a big horn who got a horn oh sorry I farted um guys yeah where the hell did you go I'm I can still hear you so you got to be somewhat around here help help oh there you are help what was that
help help help help what's wrong help what's wrong don't go in here why not don't do it don't don't don't do it what's in there I object okay oh there's a spider in there yeah oh okay uh uh okay let's just you know what I think we're good yeah all right how do we get out of here where's the circles at this point the fire exit's over here yeah that helps over here this is the way over here I still don't know where that is mic check one two check okay where where'd you go I lost you guys right her
e did anybody remember to turn the radios on oh hi oh there it is okay all okay here we go one object to the valley have 90 left OMG oh [ __ ] n don't think I'm big ass spider in the way so I'd rather not come home okay I could be convinced I missed up now you're gone guys go there's a dog there's a dog there's a dog oh my god oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I don't know no you without me you're me I had to we was killing everyone was killing oh man what were you doing I was hiding from the dog holy [ __ ]
well we still survived kind of God damn I was just trying to get us out of there I knew that dog was there and I was like we got to get out of here took my stuff though you had stuff on you I don't oh oh I meant my flashlight in my walking okay yeah I lost that stuff so over [Music] here wow wait a minute okay well that was good um we survived we don't have enough so well we got enough we actually already have enough so we can keep going all right we don't have enough we don't have 400 $22 worth
of stuff it says we do it says ship has $428 on it maybe this total of all this stuff over here is 231 239 rather well then I guess we just we shouldn't suck on the next planet then okay all right don't be a skill issue yeah seriously all right I'm going dumbass just play better yeah just be good okay be better do better fix this do better where we headed uh we're at March your mom's house at March got him oh wait my stuff is right there cuz I died right there there's a whole bunch of for the f
ollow welcome on in that's nice look at that we got all of our original stuff on the ground down here so that's good I'm going to put this in the locker it's called March because you just March forward behind the pit who it's just called April cuz you April forward it okay what I'm make that make sense I'm just how did that even make sense sense in my mind we'll just say it does yeah uh don't forget to turn on your walkies oh yeah I don't have one testing testing tting testing testing testing te
sting testing testing testing testing testing testing testing I got it it worked good watch out for some bees oh God it's pushing me towards it I don't want to do that okay oh [ __ ] here we go again well h the bees are calling you they are trying to call me you're right no one knows a far it goes yeah what what the hell is this there's nothing here okay we went the wrong way then wait what the [ __ ] okay the back rooms was that sound oh it's you in the okay I was like all right what there's li
terally there's nowhere to go up here oh my [Music] God D where did Finley go I have no idea he I mean he's obviously flask yay just speed running this [ __ ] like damn huh I'm going to get lost I'm already lost yeah wow it's so steamy sorry I farted I cannot see a thing okay I don't know where we are okay I'm going hang tight hang tight hang tight stay right there stay I saw a valve back here that's fine e okay there is nothing here there's nothing here wait what mil oh ah okay not that one uh
sound off ball fers we're still here but we can't find anything you literally go forward around the hole to get the main entrance it's called March cuz you go forward you march forward oh we're back in here again where is this steam I me I could I can't see so I I would oh God how did you [ __ ] what okay I can't see that at all I don't know Milo are you alive or what use your words man I made it okay hold on I'm going to look for a valve over here hold on how did you do that I I look I am going
to run out of um battery here yeah I I turned off my I turned off my flashlight any luck with the valve I'm trying oh yep I got it okay great o there we go oh Milo sa the day well done Oh Land what's that noise I don't know on where Milo the Italian plumber [Laughter] [Applause] what hey look hey look oh God oh God oh God oh God I think there's a Bracken yeah there's a Bracken guys there's a Bracken in here Daddy yeah go say hello oh God run run there's a Bracken yeah I know that's what I just
said wait do you have do you have the uh do you have the portal mod for the guns what oh yeah my is it on cuz I think I heard a gun okay yeah then uh that was what it would sound like how do we get out of here yes okay the way we came that's a very difficult question I don't remember where he went from H um I love it when door goes nowhere you don't yeah I do where did you guys go oh there's a gun where in oh oh [ __ ] braen braen braen braen braen I believe think thatz to clap his cheeks for th
e where guys we get where did you go oh hello G oh there's there's the gun I heard that what was that sound was the gun it was the gun oh my flashlights out no no no no no my flashlights out so I am completely out as well okay we should probably get out of here so uh okay so we're all down here right and uh funny ha thing uh we don't have a flashlight oh that's the Bracken that's the Bracken not a single one of you have a flashlight well we did but it uh it died we got to go we got to get out of
here how do we get out of here yes anyway the Giants have started spw so uh wait where did you go where did you just go wait hold on I'm L I'm here I'm here I'm here don't worry I'm not Milo I'm just pick a direction are you alive cuz I don't see you moving anymore oh no so here's the funny thing um I'm [ __ ] lost yeah I have no idea where we're going and there's a Bracken in here with us yeah it's okay all right let's just go Um land mines are right there okay let's just go this way so wait w
ait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minut is I remember the land mines I do too I think it's this way M dead Okay this way no this is the wrong spice ah oh god oh hello look at him don't look at him go away okay he he's left if you look at him longer for longer than 4 seconds he'll get you but okay where do we go let's try up here nope nope I don't want to go in there I don't want to go in there cuz I don't know where this thing is oh wait Giants there Giants at the shi
p oh good I only have only have the big b I have nothing else okay Milo made it back what the [ __ ] man how did we get into here safy Returns the ship oh quit abandoning us man are you with me I'm still here I think it's this way come over here cuz that's where those things are we just need to go this way yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but I can't oh no oh [Music] no okay nope ah well let's go see how he's doing I'm dead I couldn't see I was trying to jump back but I couldn't see anything got it I co
uldn't see where I was going braing they were all fre I saw that freaking out on the inside was funny you guys should just go yeah oh wait we can vote we can vote just hold down right but right button all right yeah ypp oh y yep yep I see dead people did they both die clapping more cheeks hell yeah oh that's an affirmative airm oh that sounds bad whatever's going on out there see Bird that's the big giant tree tree monster yeah run all right well that didn't go well they be so pissed at me when
they spawn back in yeah we are yeah I I am actually he leaves me in every [ __ ] video game every video game he just leaves he finds the right way doesn't come back doesn't want to like you know hey I'm your friend I'll hold your hand and walk you through this no you [ __ ] abandon me every time every time dude I was you follow me you didn't listen sh no shut it you leave me every time actually I left you both but yeah you did actually I I noticed that mad he's just not as assertive as me no lis
ten listen listen love what you've done to the place we lost we couldn't see where we were going because our both of our flashlights were out and and there was no we could do so was mine yeah and then we couldn't find and then I couldn't find my way [ __ ] you I died on that jump cuz I couldn't see where I was going why is oh everything is different in here what happened different uh well you see uh we went to Hobby Lobby okay went to by the way you want to know what you were hearing what you we
re hearing no that's not it that is that is I'm hearing that now but I that was not it it no I'm talking about when you were inside and you were like what was that oh yeah no I keep hearing other things too okay so our problem is is everything except for Titan is something sounds like Aus the leap of faith was impressive though now must have been feeling like a ninja with that leap maybe next time they'll stick The Landing like rather I no he got he got snatched by the bracket I'm always here fo
r a rescue mission oh nice so our only I think the only okay so either we do March in the fog or we go to Assurance in the rain fog is coming fog is coming the fog is coming no I hate furance in Rain F you want rainy Assurance I'd be fine Rance fine okay I'm down very I'm a fish I can swim all right here we go well you facts it's a good thing he'll be fine rest of you can uh doggy battle there we go that you will that dog I me all right let's uh let's let's do better do we need more stuff or any
thing like that I don't have a walkie there is one in here yeah if you need it but there's only one left so if you need them then let's order like two or three I mean I think should take the one that's in there okay all right I'll take it all right let's go then if we're good why's my flashlight huh h h Huh huh why does it say waiting Paul what happened cuz it's waiting for crew oh damn I don't know why why does it say that is this waiting for waiting what is it waiting uh Christmas uh that does
n't seem right something seems wrong Milo you good oh no uhoh Milo is dead oh is that oh there it goes okay it sorted itself out we're good it was just being weird we don't know don't blame me well you were being quiet we could tell I was talking that whole time what are you talking about we could not hear you watch out there's bees right there open your ass oh God oh God oh no no no no no no no no no no run run run run run okay so uh quicksand is cool yeah quick sand is cool where quick sand is
fine no no no where's quick okay now I know I was wrong I messed up now you're gone that's probably the safest way to go so we'll do that me right now sound me there's spinley way over there I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck okayy Finland no I I almost missed I'm fine all right here we go got clussy fever yeah no monster is going to hear that come running towards us we went through the [Music] fire don't ask me why if there don't apply this game has Nicholas Cage it might this is locked the only wa
y out is locked does anybody bring a key by chance we're going to have to head your way anyway cuz the the rest of this place is locked all right I I am going to wait there's another isn't there like a I will break [Music] that I he a shovel no hey W who D run Milo talking the horn come this way come this way uh nope this in it saying it CH kiding it's this way [Music] okay huh oh my flashlights been on that whole time oh cool mine is [Music] too [Music] I will use this shovel I swear good look
like there's steam over here maybe oh man what is that do it I might do it do it do it give the little voice where's the Val the Val I'm going to try and turn this steam off okay I'm also in the steam it's on the other side I can't find can't either hold wait this looks like something that's not it it you found it oh yeah you did okay cool oh there you are how you doing good good good good oh my God it's going to kill you that's me [Laughter] [ __ ] did anybody try jumping over this not yet well
the door's open so oh okay uh Finley might be over there yeah he might be where' you guys go not a valve here unless I [ __ ] blind no there's that sound again the [ __ ] what sound what' you hear it was like horror mie music it was weird did it sound like no it did not you know what that sounds like you know what that sounds like sounds like that no no [Music] you better run man oh God I'm stuck I'm suck I'm suck suck suck suck I'm suck [Applause] okay oh god oh okay I'm fine should we go get
him [Music] [Music] I don't know if where they went but that's okay oh there they [Music] are oh I found stuff [Music] oh [Applause] oh there's stuff over here yeah there's a lot of stuff in here what is that a cash register yeah we found this must be where Finley went was terrible how you doing this must be where Finley went but I don't know where he is okay that would be what happened that's probably what happened very not good yeah that's probably what happened is proud to support an ongoing
donation drive right here on Twitch for the L conservation Foundation if you want to support the stream in an awesome way and can afford it check it out to learn more check out the link in chat at the reserve. you got to go this way to the broken part I can't see okay okay well that's not good oh God that didn't go well um oh it is late no no not like this not like this no no no Finley's never going to want to play with us again damn it at this point I don't want to know it's okay n we still lov
e here youing me that's what was chasing yeah that's what was getting us I'm Pro Gamer he doesn't have anything to hit it oh no well that's going to be a problem here we're we're all going to lose everything oh it hit me there okay we're running oh good it was just me that hurts that hurts a lot damn it hey oh man man there was an attempt hey man we still great happen are we though because I'm pretty sure we just lost everything yeah we just lost everything yeah we just lost everything all right
well and we're in days perfect timing perfect timing we got a shovel and some keys that's good what is that thing what is that thing uh I think that's part of the teleporter oh all right well let's uh fog the fog is coming the fog is coming no [Music] way well that didn't go well among us all right no it didn't but you know it was an effort no it wasn't well and we would have had it too if it wasn't for those damn one of those meddling kids yeah there we go not a stupid dog yep oh oh we can all
go here and just jump off together yeah here we go yippee for the [Music] company damn it Maro come on of [Laughter] course oh well there they go okay that's good how stop surviving how did you do that could made that oh my goodness could have would have should have how did you make that dude well I know I think they're screw okay there we go well that worked out well go how did you do that man we all died imately somehow you survived twice Pro Gamer mhm you good of an asset can't lose them yep
you guys hear the Minecraft music yeah I did a little bit yeah that's cool Minecraft triggered guess we just have to go somewhere Minecraft Noe we're dead all right well a [ __ ] oh no oh man oh no you need to see it I'm going for it later Lads yeah you know the sad thing is the sad thing is I think we were doing really well up until that point you know what I mean up into that point yeah we were doing great I believe uh someone said they only have 2 and 1 half hours to play oh I'm good to play
more yeah I'm still good yeah I still got like another hour at least okay okay all right then uh on Nova or uh Nova said they were still or they were having some technical issues yeah yeah when I read the group chat she said that she's probably not going to be able to make it because the internet's not working where she's at M damn that sucks which I knew like beforehand like from weeks prior that she's been having connectivity issues [Music] soy what's all this I want the where's the where's l
ike the where's the um how do you change pages on the thingy I don't know B and N oh oh b n okay so the good news is everything is open now so I'm stuck why there I don't know what did you do I want to be I want to Beil hello there all right hello I want to be oh I'm back to my CL I lost all of my customizations period that sucks all right let's see to First we're going to vow cool hell [Music] yeah all right here we go well uh we're going to get some flashlights when me land So Pro flashlight s
till free yep yes they are I did yes free double atanu I love the simsy three flashlights hopefully ooh that one's nice what that oh husky oh ooh that's nice spin I want like a emote like that but I don't know if it would work I need one I need like animated emotes someday that would be nice o there they go uh it is literally setting you on fire where animate your emotes for you what's that but if your emotes have any form of transparency to them they just like break yeah miserably okay so we ca
n store V uh this is Val all right I'm going to drop some of these off and then we can head on our way so B was oh this way Milo already go I don't know why do I have extra flashlight on me cuz we got like eight of them so all right let's go for the company for the company for the company I mean they did already kill us once but I guess that's okay um all right everybody go at the same don't jump on it that's the bad Bridge okay well don't you know guys Gamers don't die they respawn I don't know
about that all right let's do this oh my God it is already super dark in here bra it [Music] it kind of looking bricked up today though it's not you sweetie it's me huh okay sorry I was talking to the Bracken why is the power going all right someone took that thing already that's good I'm going to go this way okay hi how are you hey what's up hey how are you Hi how are you good hi hi a you looking so cute I'm feeling he's over there oh he is okay so wake up in the morning and I step outside I t
ake a deep breath and get real high and I stop scream to the top of my lungs what's going on and I said hey yeah yeah yeah yeah nothing over here it doesn't look like okay what's going on no nothing here okay oh man I can't believe there's already a freaking Bracken yeah already kind of looking he's looking pretty bricked up today yeah he's doing his thing all right bye wait where my stop sign go oh there it is [ __ ] uh I'm going bring this back shy boy yeah one what was that I think that thing
's about to break I'm going to go back to the ship and uh recharge my flashlight before I go back since they pulled the the power core already it's like ah no it's it's going to have penis in it so I can't stream it it's going to have what's going to have penis in it somebody's making a Bracken dating Sim oh my god he has two what also has two how do we know this uh um that's a pretty solid head Cannon I think okay uh-oh I think uh head can somebody's after oh they're in oh my God they're both o
h oh it might oh I think I think Finley might be dead well yeah I think somebody got he might be but there's something right on him um oh we don't have a teleporter anymore no we don't we lost that what's going on with Milo he's he's moving he's moving's moving what is Milo doing I know are they hiding uh oh no he's wait is that his POV yeah I think so CU if so then he's just just uh he's just doing like the you know the C Crouch thing okay bagging something I don't know what the that was weird
he just went I okay a Finley's dead Finley's dead a [ __ ] oh wait switch back to Milo po yeah he just got Finley's body okay oh oh oh there's something there oh oh [ __ ] oh yeah okay so they're out they're out now yeah they're out now we should probably just leave I'm glad I brought back what I did [ __ ] I know right I couldn't find any oh what broke key there just a key I couldn't find anything in there so hopefully they make it back without like yeah I don't know I mean there's still three
of us I could go in if you want me to grab more stuff but it is almost 4:00 and the tree dude's going to start coming out the tree dude is definitely going to come out soon oh [ __ ] something's chasing something's chasing something's chasing okay getting out yeah bye no thanks I'm full by what was what were you guys hiding from I wasn't hiding I was trying to get out Finley got caught by the Bracken uh that Bracken was right there the whole time damn he was yeah margin and charge I'm telling yo
u yeah that's mean all right well we did okay we got money so yeah we did okay yeah gave how are you jealous honestly yeah right right okay so let's go we met quota good oh never mind we're $2 short never mind not good hey guess what's the only thing that's open right now the same place uh Val yeah nice so we're not going anywhere all right okay wrong button [ __ ] yipp yipp yipp I hear I hear a beehive so be careful be careful be oh be careful be careful all here we go I didn't like the sound o
f that the same time hello out there okay i' love me at that end that is fun oh hi little guy I love you oh sh me he doesn't love me he he doesn't love you he doesn't love you wait go back go back go back hi hello I don't know what I'm just going to close this door all right oh no he's right there I lived nice body that wasn't quite a yippy moment not really no yeah I'm not seeing anything in here oh hell yeah what is that sound the [ __ ] oh is that your thing I'm sorry buddy oh that's you it's
me anything in here nothing in here really there's nothing anywhere there's nothing here there's that we just take him I don't have anything to hit him with so oh you got it [Laughter] all that's locked I have a key back at the ship though ooh okay where' you go hey look I think that's his horde though I'm pretty sure that's his a deadend anyway love that great wait where are we right now uh the back rooms yeah apparently there's literally nothing here there no there's nothing here oh my God I'
m going to go up here and see what's up here [ __ ] okay go go to the fire egit some stuff there oh hi hi yeah grabbed everything this side okay uh which way is back to the fire I found the fire exit but there was nothing there I put it all outside the fire exit okay oh it's spider spider spider spider back away we are now going the other way yes let's go the other way that's right away away okay I think all right oh hi I love you does he love you back though oh hi God he was like right there sc
ared the [ __ ] out of me I heard Milo he really likes you though he likes me this little funky little guy yeah oh my God Jesus no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Applause] no [ __ ] oh no no guys damn [Music] it I don't like that sound those little [ __ ] are there I don't know there's a bunch of them over there how did that thing not get you I jumped over this this where where where where follow the sounds of the horn way okay okay do we need to go back over there and grab stuff oh is
there is there stuff it's literally outside the fireing yeah I'm heading over there got got got okay I got there all right oh whisk hell yeah let's go is there anything else over there was that it Betty's my Crockers no there's nothing else over here okay cool that was not a yippy moment now yeah yeah that thing was right on you yeah can't believe I jumped over that I know that thing should have gotten you and there was nothing we could do about it uncommon lethal company W for me yeah who found
a whoy cushion no mine mine now oh might on the way back just uh oh okay okay this so I think we're I think we've got I mean we definitely have like destroyed this um oh yeah we totally got everything there's there's no doubt about it he found a horn too God damn it where's the where's the other horn where's the other [Music] horn do it I [ __ ] dare you you know what you know what [ __ ] you know what ow ow good damn [Laughter] hey we did we did so good s tier my goodness Fu nailed it bam okay
let's we got one day left so let's see what we got let's get this in there all right looks like we can go pretty much we can okay we'll go to uh we'll go here oh my God I another pipe oh my battery all right let's go okay let's go what are you doing cofy mug why are you hiding huh what are you doing you were going to kill me no I wasn't yes you were I all I I don't even have any of those things all I had was the whoopy cushion itself yeah what [Music] things um sh Miss 11 hours of it gold over
now okay it's tomorrow all right I'm going to bring a key just in case and then uh we're good no all will I will go and grab the sign what am I gambling on how do I gamble in this game actually all right here we go last part of stream just annoying you youth ah server kept crashing that's rough buddy I was kind of hoping we'd finish before you did so we could all raid into you all right we're in here in it ooh there something right there's a gift box right here the FL let's see what we got here
let's see what we got open gift boom hey want to see something funny want to see something hilarious you want to see something absolutely beautiful why oh what was that guys what the hell why would you do that you guys good no he just blew himself up oh well skill issue yeah he left his add that to my cringe collection that was something that was definitely something I uh I'm going to go well I'm going to put this outside uh that was a thing that just happened for sure okay they took his body I
guess that's good well that's good he's okay good hasn't really been eating all right that is a thing that happened I got his flashlight so I guess I'll put this in here uh let me put that down why is that on all right I shouldn't okay whatever let me uh recharge mine there we go and off we are I'm going to try the main entrance this time I saw him he was down this hallway what is that where you're at oh there you are I was at the ship oh [Music] wait did this Loop yeah definitely did yeah [Musi
c] huh it's a fire exit did we get everything we must have but I don't know no no I refuseed there's a bug there there's a bug yeah on the Roof oh I see it oh God yeah okay the one that sucks your face till you die down there there's a slime which way oh down that way okay all right well we must have gotten most everything we try going in through the fire exit uh that we that's like pretty close to the front in this one for some reason what huh are we able to see way to check uh but yeah check w
hat hold on let me turn off my flashlight how many items are left in there scam uh scan oh yeah type scan nine objects outside the ship so there's still a lot out there apparently uh I mean how many items did we bring back already I don't know but it's still said there never figed out oh my flashlights on all right that's [Music] fine literally nothing listen only the cool kids join the conspiracy on Discord so I can see why you are not there just saying yeah that's a little better not as smooth
as I usually run it but it's okay I forgot to I forgot that I turned my model down to like 24 frames per second in the last stream because we were what were we playing it was you and me holy [ __ ] hi I was going to say he's in the ship I'm looking right at the camera are we ready are we ready to go yeah I couldn't find anything else and there was a slime right at the front anyway so well I already said that let's get you back in here gamer well it doesn't mean it can't move wow wow wow wow wow
thank you did we take off yeah we did was taking a long time's thatuh you hear that no what you hear that what what were you trying to do all right well we we did fine what was I trying to do besides just blow yourself up report to the Did It for the Vine I see mmin toout the autopilot to the company building ha funny coffee cup [Music] Cy we need to land the ship sweet sweet sweet Bean Juice hell [Music] yeah okay let's go careful a r where are we dropping ru oo woo indeed oo wooing on my stre
am free no what what the [ __ ] what why are the lights flickering what the [ __ ] hell's that noise what the hell is happening right now oh sh there's that thing again he's got the that's what that does okay I picked that up and I was like what does that do getat up eat e e we saw nothing all right we got some Moola yay killing it wait 735 [ __ ] we did really good yeah wow when we're not all dying we actually seem to be okay at this oh we're pretty great assets to the company yeah oh man it lo
oks like we could have sold more oh dang oh dang oh no [ __ ] no too bad we're in too bad we're already in the air well I'll just keep this for next time that sucked yeah I know I'll have to keep that for next time right me that [ __ ] stop sign we don't oh oh no oh no oh no [Music] [Music] oh you [ __ ] oh that looks did you wait did you kill Jason yeah you did you're the one who jumped I was selling [Music] something I can't believe that I can that's what you get for stealing my whooping cushi
on again oh I can't breathe holy [ __ ] hold up oh my God I cannot type okay where do you guys want what dos you good moons moons moons moons moons I think Milo's Frozen again uhoh moons moons when the moon hits the moon like a big that's the moon bro I you were literally Frozen man I'm not I need more lovely people thank you so much kyi coyote that thank you for the raid I appreciate that and welcome to you five lovely beans how are you doing today a b c d what you guys up to let's see what you
guys are up to H I J K L M N O P let's see welcome welcome everybody thank you so much for the raid I appreciate it let me give you that quick shout out oh look at that certainty you guys were last playing Pacific Drive I do not have anything to hit you with but I will in 5 minutes under five as you navigate the treacherous Realm of the chat mhm it's is [ __ ] here I'll tell you that Spiderman Spiderman indeed my cat your cat indeed well how was the stream I hope you guys had a great time welco
me we're playing little lethal company so if you want to put your feet up relax enjoy and uh hope you guys enjoyed your time I'm sure you did but thank you for stopping by it was good nice all right we're going to get some walkies and stuff so just keep an eye out for it I don't know where this thing shows up I don't know what's going on over there I hear it I hear it I got to run for it there we go Dam a shovel too yeah I got us everything cheese Katamari exactly I grab this grab there it is ok
ay got that crank up the music and do the walting or Shuffle I'll show you my dancing skills that are as smooth as my to get you h under the fur oh myute clown hours Goodness Me Away by did you guys take all the shovels there's extra shovel okay cool we're good let's do this I don't exactly remember where this place is but that's okay I'm just oh I know where we are okay hold on I just had a brain fart and was like where where the hell even am I right now please wait this isn't the one I think i
t is oh no I'm in the wrong spot okay uh well all right here we go let's just go up this way this isn't no this is I yeah this is the one okay I know where I am I'm just whatever oh it is dork dork in here oh wow okay oh there's steam already [Applause] this may not be the right place to go in right now that's okay I'll go down here be pleas I don't want none of that uh there we go I know it's over here somewhere holy [ __ ] what happened you okay hairbrush all right no okay did you get that fla
shbang did you all [Music] right you good Milo Milo yo okay [Music] I don't know what's going on there Milo you okay uh that's not a good sign Milo oh there you go the hell the hell the what the hell just happened that was weird that was a weird lag must be vacuuming out there if you're in here that was the weirdest thing I've ever seen that was so weird T you were in the same room as me just like running in place for like 5 minutes straight and then you just disappeared oh oh that's not good it
's not a that's sound that's not good that was a bad sound W worm oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] damn only trans n characters at a time hey want to see a magic streak where's this worm at outside nearly ate me oh okay i r okay so are we done or what are we up to well there's a worm outside so I don't know should go there n let's just leave we got a few more days should go no why should I go cuz you stole my whoopy cushion that's why well no you killed me with it that's what happened you don't recall wait I
didn't kill you yes you someone did you can't prove it you can't prove it I can prove it by going to the VOD and I will later nuh nice work all right we got two days we got two days two days two whole freaking days going the day that it's going to be day all right let's go let's we don't have a lot of choices here everything's bad um okay what's the least bad well is going to be today or here we go go why am I not there we go [Music] maybe May and after all a I'm so lost or [Music] maybe there'
s going to we're going to Institute a no Oasis on 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 76 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 charge up your Nerf HS yeah charge your stuff charge your stuff charge I Char up charging the really right now where are we anyway we're on U uh offense I what was that is that somebody ouch what's outch are you okay oh charging are really is that what you mean okay let's go inside let's see what we can do testing testing testing testing testing hello je
thank you what's up you're welcome don't worry about it oo oh maybe wait what oh okay open the house it's one big there's a key oh key nice oh yeah th out flashlight we'll D you all the shovels on you yeah okay let's see if I'm skilled today no no B beat the [ __ ] out of there where what what's going on [Music] oh oh no what happened oh no oh oh there's so much stuff here is this door open I don't know something's in here something else is in here oh boy they're both dead I think they're both d
ead is that what that screaming was I'm pretty sure it was yeah there we [Music] go not really sure I'm I'm not sure if it was that bug that got him cuz I saw that bug but I don't think it would have gotten both of them like that I mean if it was angry enough maybe no it wasn't one of those it was one of those little crawly ones but cuz I think if like oh the the leech one yeah and that's why I don't think it there must have been something else in there because um if it got one of them it would
have run the other one person should have run away you would think but I don't know well yeah they're definitely both dead and we could try and go get their stuff or we can leave but or we get their bodies we're oh no I know where they were at yeah there's definitely something in the room with them though there's two things in there might be yeah I don't know well what you want to try and go get them we could try or you could try someone can try all right I'll go see what I can do okay I'll watc
h you on cams all right I have my I got my Walky if you see anything 10 4 this might not be a good idea but going to try and save some bodies if I can remember how to get to them that's the other thing oh god well that's good never mind you're going to tell me you didn't see nothing at the entrance Milo you there what do you mean while was by the entrance there was slime right at the entrance I almost died I can't see [ __ ] over [Music] here is he coming okay yeah there he is W uh there's a dog
there's definitely a dog out there oh my God I was trying to I was trying to get it to attack you [ __ ] why are you trying to get it to attack me we're all here Jesus you were trying you were trying to kill me over a clown horn what are you talking about I never actually killed you you wanted to though well yeah but I didn't do it okay but take why you just teleport us we don't have a teleporter we we don't have a you just buy a teleporter we should but we don't yeah we don't have enough money
to be fair you didn't kill Milo but Milo didn't kill you either you just tried to kill each other no I didn't try I just m there's difference if I don't try attempt it's attempt it's not the same thing it is I've been playing Ace Attorney don't [ __ ] test [Laughter] me all right how many days do we have left one all right go big or go home I guess hell yeah true story one time I was I was asleep and I I said that in sleep it was funny was that the same night that I went oh yeah in my sleep too
or not I I think the best part is I don't even know what I was dreaming about okay I remember you told told me I did yeah you did you want me to tell you no I'd rather you didn't cuz I don't remember what it was not stream safe then please don't say it wait hold on hold on hold on can you can you DM it to me on Discord real quick just DM it to me cuz I really don't [ __ ] remember did you send it all right let's do it oh that's right oh my God I forgot about that I can't believe I remembered th
at and you didn't I forgot all about that then again I also remember you elbowing me in the face that was an accident I was asleep yeah sure sure sure damn I thought it was February April funny funny funny fire it's funny oh gift box nice Kabam got it [Music] ooh may need a key hell yeah a key no I'm [Music] good oh I got full stuff fire exit by hello [Music] great okay so this we nothing up there anymore nothing in here I don't think [Music] anyway what was up here nothing literally nothing oka
y was this way is the tunnels okay ooh oh I can't carry it ah [ __ ] how much is this worth okay hold on how much are you worth you're being chased get the hell out of um no this one's worth more all right let's just go with this way everything good where do you go this way I guess nope that can't be right I don't know where to go adventure oh God God God God God God [ __ ] I'm going in circles I don't I'm following [Music] you I have no idea where it's supposed to be what was [Music] that okay
[Music] what what [ __ ] okay oh God oh God oh God I see you if you I don't know where am I I can't see I can't see a thing oh God oh God oh God no no no G is dead yeah I don't know where to go I'm so lost right now oh is that a door I don't know maybe oh god of course sure it could have been a spider I'm pretty sure nobody's listening to me on this radio but we're we're too busy running for our lives hello being chased hello you're being chased okay okay nope nope nope nope nope nope and damn i
t mil to die come on come on come on oh my God what is happening right now what is happening I don't know my how could you possibly survive that oh my god oh and a spider now too right oh my God how did you survive that how did you survive that long that's insane oh my God that was insane dude just like Yep they're dead oh I could not find my way out of there at all Milo where it is again I heard screaming come Milo come oh my God that's not what I oh come home is he dead too now Milo come for f
ree he's dead no God damn dude heyo heyo is he hiding or is he dead do we get anything this time yeah I guess I brought back some stuff congratulations he might be dead I couldn't find my freaking way out there I there I could not either it was impossible if he gets nabbed by a for like a tree guy if tree beard comes out of nowhere and eats him right surrounded could be a bird I guess feel like high school again if you guys want me to leave can you like let me know that you want me to leave oh y
eah fine I guess we could do that vote you leave okay yeah heard us again oh okay so now someone else is hearing things that sounds like I like that I know what it is it's the it's the old phone that I picked up from the inside of the last place oh it keeps it there's like screams on it or some [ __ ] gotcha that would do it yeah it's slightly possessed would a furry be the answer is uh depends on how depends on the furry percentage hello furry percentage what is an appropriate furry percentage
I guess like 90% it starts becoming animal meat ah okay even then I guess it'll it'll depend on the cut like even 50% again depending on uh depending on the cut we're discussing um whether F would be human meat or animal meat ah um uh that's so we got to go back to the company building right we do have to go back to the company y we should have enough to get through this so we should or maybe not I'm actually not 100% certain on that we do we do we do we do oh yeah we got plenty all right all ri
ght all right all right m m m the phone that's oh that's what's making the screaming by the way is that oh dude this thing was scaring the [ __ ] out of me I don't like [Applause] it yesterday I paid seven bucks for a [ __ ] for a [ __ ] cabbage all right that looks like everything really good this time around yeah everything uh wait wait wait wait okay we got to do two rounds cuz there's too much Jeb wants to dine on flesh first oh there he goes he got him all right big number ladies gentlemen
we got him love to see him now yummy that tasted like Pringles huh Jesus man what just [ __ ] let her rip dude take it yeah it okay hell yeah so we did good we did fine you know did pretty good yeah all right is that our uh last one or uh probably three hour check so yeah probably okay good place to three hour check hold on where am I at oh 7 hours nice Jesus that's excluding the stream I had earlier yeah that's like uh wait I stream 12 hours today then that's like uh what was that like when I t
ried to finish Red Dead Redemption and I thought oh this epilog how long could it be and then I just kept just play the whole EP log ends up being an 11 hour streamly [ __ ] oh damn dude that's insane dude what happens what reached yay yay well we ended on a good note that's important the important thing is we ended on a good note wait wait wait wait wait wait why do you still have that I heard that sound again sound what sound the one about Mur hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey no no no i
t's just a prank bro it's just a prank bro the one with murder in it wait hold hold up wait I got it I got it I got it watch this watch this Pro game a did you just close it out how dare you all right guys I think that's the end for today uh let me go here to our just chatting screen and uh let's go here and get that done we're going to do this we're going to get over here everything's good yes thanks everyone for stopping by today we had a good old time with some good old lethal company back to
the company it was a good time uh we're going to be back tomorrow I'm going to try and finish Spirit farer so we're going to try and finish Spirit farer cuz we had nothing else to do tomorrow I was going to play uh poppy playtime but we finished that earlier in the week so we're really good uh big thank you to Kori coyote for the raid I really appreciate it I appreciate you guys hanging out with me today that was a good old time uh if you guys are not following the guys that we were playing wit
h HiFi wolf what up Milo and Finley fish uh go give them a follow right now go do that and uh give them give them some love they they deserve it uh go check them out uh and I encourage you to be following but until then until next time I'm going to go uh send you guys over to King Panda 95 who's playing some Final Fantasy remake with an awesome twist so you're about to see how cool that is uh Finlay why what are you doing hold on what what are you doing we've been trying to say goodbye to you th
is whole time oh okay well goodbye hold on all right all right all right goodbye you just went into [ __ ] Pro streamer mode you were like all right guys that's the stream shout out to DJ no dick with a four yeah I'm on it I'm already I'm way past this guys I'm on ITN all right thank you thank you for joining us guys it was a good time and absolute Delight we should do it again we'll play some more we'll get Nova in next time hopefully things are going W now and then uh yeah so all right guys th
ank you for coming yes I will see you guys next time appreciate it bye thank you byee everybody bye okay all right now we're actually going to send you guys over to King Panda so enjoy guys have a good one enjoy King Panda's awesome you're going to love them go give them all the the love in the world and uh I'll see you guys next [Music] time goodbye [Music] [Music] goodbye [Music] [Music]
