
What is Video Blogging?

The Bulldog Internet Marketing Team is here to help with your video blogging needs. We use vlogging to increase website search engine optimization and overall internet reach. You can position yourself as an industry leader by sharing what you know on your website and social media accounts. We are an internet marketing and website development company, which is located in Toccoa, Georgia. Give us a call at (706) 431-8177, or visit us online at

Bulldog Internet Marketing

4 years ago

Hey everyone, it's Brittany with Bulldog Internet Marketing. This month our blog post is all about video blogging, or vlogging for short. What is vlogging? Vlogging is essentially what I'm doing right now, so instead of writing about a topic like I would in a normal blog post, I'm videoing myself talking about it. This is awesome for your business because it helps people to put a face with a name and it helps your community and your clientele recognize you as the business owner, or in Bulldogs
case, the spokesperson. Video should be kept between 3 and 5 minutes in length and focus on one topic each, this gives you the chance to show what you know while keeping the attention of your clients. Now, once you get done videoing your vlog, make sure that you transcribe it into your blog post. This will help you grab all of those keywords, which is going to help with your website search engine optimization (SEO). Well guys that's all I've got for today for vlogging. If you've got any question
s, shoot us an email at Thanks for viewing, I hope you enjoyed it and have a great day!
